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Are you an atheist, but believe in aliens (as in extraterrestrials)?
DavidLaDeau comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I don't understand the "but" in the sentence. An unfounded belief in a mythical God is one subject. The idea that we exist and the universe is as far as we know is infinite, therefore it is almost statistically certain that intelligent life exist somewhere else, is a different subject. This being...
David1955 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
@DavidLaDeau Oh yes, alien observation or existence is one thing, but alien abduction, well that's a whole other psychological mind field.
What canceled T.V, shows you wish you knew the future of?
Rideauxb comments on Jan 10, 2018:
House of Cards. Not cancelled but changed.
David1955 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
Yes, RIP for HOCs now I think. I know the brouhaha about K Spacey, but they will find he was the glue in that show. No disrespect meant to his costar.
Are you an atheist, but believe in aliens (as in extraterrestrials)?
DavidLaDeau comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I don't understand the "but" in the sentence. An unfounded belief in a mythical God is one subject. The idea that we exist and the universe is as far as we know is infinite, therefore it is almost statistically certain that intelligent life exist somewhere else, is a different subject. This being...
David1955 replies on Jan 10, 2018:
I agree about the probing reference. But the idea that they might be observing us, studying us, doesn't seem far fetched. After all, if we had the means that's what we would do, I think. Watch less developed planets. If that's true, then I suspect they've already decided that we are not going to "make it" and are watching to see which means of destruction we choose. It's only speculation.
What's your take on demonic possession and the churches ritual for expelling demons?
IntellectualRN comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Atheists are immune to possession. Almost makes one think it's bullshit....
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Whenever I see a comment of yours I like it. Must be on the same wavelength.
Should we consider our Admin as a kind of 'God"?
Admin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
We are just custodians to the members of the site. Civil servants.
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
Civil servants! That's a British expression. Interesting. You know, I was only pulling your leg, Admin.
Trump defends his sanity amid questions about his mental state - CNNPolitics
VirginCotton comments on Jan 7, 2018:
@ksmartines total CNN hype and hope and they are losing the fight! What Mueller has done is open a BIG can of Democrat Worms that could finally put the entire Obama cabinet in prison! What irony....... Trump just needs to sit tight and wait for the implosion...
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
It is really is true that Trumpism has more to do with a cult than politics. He drains the swamp with a flood of billionaires. No we believe in him. He gives huge tax cuts to the rich. No, we believe in him. He wants to change your health system to hurt millions of everyday people. No, we believe in him. He has the most questionable ties with your enemy and ruthless power, Russia. No, we believe in him. He is setting the scene for huge cuts to your welfare systems. No, we believe in him. He never ceases to look for and find ways to further enrich the rich, further impoverish the poor, and hit the already battling middle class. No, we believe in him. There's not an aspect of good governance, free speech, and democratic process, that he wouldn't trample all over to have Putin-like autocratic power. No, we still believe in him. When you've got "faith" what else do you need? Trump base supporters are part of a cult, sad to say. A secular cult, to be sure, but cult nonetheless. As a non American I remain hopeful that American is better than this and will recover. @ksmartines. @VirginCotton
How do you feel about the term New Atheism? Do you identify with the term of not?
Triphid comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Atheism has been around longer than humans and those whom humans evolved from have had delusions of gods/goddesses, etc. There really is NO 'New' Atheism since nothing about it is really 'new' except for the fact that in most Western Civilised Cultures Atheists can now speak out freely and openly ...
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
You are right. What is new is the more confronting attitude of atheists, by comparison with the 20th Century.
Should you be fully able to defend your atheism/ agnosticism ?
David1955 comments on Jan 9, 2018:
I'll tell you what I think. From my experience religionists, in the face of confident, thoughtful atheists, retreat and withdraw as fast as their theological legs can carry them. There are exceptions. But espousing religionists are a bit like a virus: they look for weakness and exploit it. They will...
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
@MichaelSpinler No sir, I definitely do not fall into the category of apathetic atheist. Obviously you don't either. Being more direct with religionists is part of atheist movement now, and they don't like it too much. Better get used to it.
Does the level system reward quantity rather than quality in posting?
Admin comments on Jan 9, 2018:
The system gives more points to better posts both directly and indirectly as other members interact with them. We still have some ideas to improve it. Yours?
David1955 replies on Jan 9, 2018:
That's good to know.
The single most important thing you need to know about Trump.
josmi6699 comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Yes he is, and it is quite obvious and it always had been, long before he stood for president. Which raises the question: what are the people who vote for a sociopath like him to become the most powerful human being on earth with access to the biggest aresenal of weapons of mass murder? His ...
David1955 replies on Jan 8, 2018:
I think people who voted for him fall into two categories: Republican diehards, who would support anyone if they thought they would win for that party. Nothing can be done for these people. Secondly, everyday people who voted out of frustration with your parties, political system and power structure. The Clintons exemplified this in your DP. These folk should be understood and attracted to a progressive candidate. That's what Mr Sanders was doing, but they scuttled him.
Who here was never religious?
David1955 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I actually have a term I use and it is Natural Born Atheist. I use it to describe myself. Doesn't matter what religion you were exposed to when young you just don't believe it. I read others here say that too, Typically, it seems, as a kid it might go on around you but you don't connect to it. You ...
David1955 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@mymysticcrow I see. So, on that basis, therefore, you must affirm that it is insane not to be agnostic about dragons, leprechauns and fairies because of the non existence of definitive evidence that they do not exist. Correct?
Would Christianity be as popular if Jesus were portrayed more accurately?
markdevenish comments on Jan 7, 2018:
what, you mean like he never existed at all ?
David1955 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
@Duke Yes, in Bladerunner movies, thankfully.
Would Christianity be as popular if Jesus were portrayed more accurately?
markdevenish comments on Jan 7, 2018:
what, you mean like he never existed at all ?
David1955 replies on Jan 7, 2018:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but....yeah, there's not a scrap of historical primary source, a validated historical site or artefact.
Who here was never religious?
David1955 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I actually have a term I use and it is Natural Born Atheist. I use it to describe myself. Doesn't matter what religion you were exposed to when young you just don't believe it. I read others here say that too, Typically, it seems, as a kid it might go on around you but you don't connect to it. You ...
David1955 replies on Jan 6, 2018:
@mymysticcrow So an assertion has to be disproven (not proven) before you reject entirely. God cannot be be proven not to exist, because otherwise that would be a supposition of fact without evidence.Therefore, I must assume that you are agnostic about fairies, dragons, leprechauns, and so on, on that basis. Unless it is proven with evidence that they don't exist, your view must be that you cannot say they don't exist. To say otherwise is a mistake. Right?
Who here was never religious?
David1955 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I actually have a term I use and it is Natural Born Atheist. I use it to describe myself. Doesn't matter what religion you were exposed to when young you just don't believe it. I read others here say that too, Typically, it seems, as a kid it might go on around you but you don't connect to it. You ...
David1955 replies on Jan 6, 2018:
@KKGator Agree with you about some having a propensity to succumb, as you put it. I would very much like to agree with your point that no one would believe if they weren't taught, but I just can't at this stage, based on my view of people over the years. Something I am still reflecting on.
Who here was never religious?
David1955 comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I actually have a term I use and it is Natural Born Atheist. I use it to describe myself. Doesn't matter what religion you were exposed to when young you just don't believe it. I read others here say that too, Typically, it seems, as a kid it might go on around you but you don't connect to it. You ...
David1955 replies on Jan 6, 2018:
@KKGator I would like to say I think that's true that are all born atheists, but I can't help but think some people are natural born religious believers. Even if not born into religions, they just have to have a religion. I hate to say that but that's how some people seem to be. Nature/nurture, don't know, still thinking about that one.
Are people really this dumb?
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Probably-my ex still thinks Obama was a Muslim-He's not religious so I don't think he cares what trump is. He watches fox-faux news only.
David1955 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 Goodness. My first thought was how did you ever get together, but that's none of my business. Well you did say ex. As an Australian I am not a little shocked that so many people in the US watch that appalling Fox channel. I am also ashamed that the vile Rupert Murdoch who spawned it originally came from Australia. A virus we exported to you, sadly.
I see multiple folks posting about how they've been abused, sometimes more than once in a day, for ...
Kimba comments on Jan 5, 2018:
We had an openly Atheist Prime Minister here in Australia and 30.1% of Australians claimed "No religion" in the 2016 census beating every other religion. Most of the people here that are religious still know better than to try and shove it down someone else's throat. We are a very live and let live ...
David1955 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
@Kimba Oh yes, Gillard, I forgot about that. Don't you just love Turnbull going to church because it looks a good thing to do? The man is so passionate about things he doesn't really know if he truly believes them or not. Rich folks saying they go to church because it sets a good example for the ordinary people, while having no real belief in it at all, really gets me. smile001.gif
You might find this hard going.
SCOTT63 comments on Jan 5, 2018:
You missed C'thulu and the flying spaghetti monster.....
David1955 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
@SCOTT63 FSM I know, but C'thulu?
Are you "out" to all in your life in terms of your atheism, agnosticism?
MsOliver comments on Jan 5, 2018:
I am "out" to very few people, because I teach English in a public school in the Bible belt, where being openly atheist would most definitely get me blacklisted as a teacher and if that were to happen, there would be one less person for the non-brainwashed students to turn to when they need support ...
David1955 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
@MsOliver I re-read your post and noted you said you are in a public school, not religious. So religionists have influence over public schools, bringing in evangelists etc. That's beyond shocking.At least here the division between public and private/religious schools is quite clear. Someone there should take that to your Supreme Court as a fundamental issue of separation of church and state. Surely the religionists would not win. Or is it that the law is already clear that state authorities just ignore it.?
Are you "out" to all in your life in terms of your atheism, agnosticism?
MsOliver comments on Jan 5, 2018:
I am "out" to very few people, because I teach English in a public school in the Bible belt, where being openly atheist would most definitely get me blacklisted as a teacher and if that were to happen, there would be one less person for the non-brainwashed students to turn to when they need support ...
David1955 replies on Jan 5, 2018:
I am absolutely aware that many people are in localities or jobs or situations where being open about their non religious views incur discrimination and negative results, and I think in this day and age it's appalling. Fortunately I am not in that situation. It must be difficult for you.
If you could anyone, alive or departed, and why?
Sisyphe comments on Jan 3, 2018:
If you could what whatever...
David1955 replies on Jan 4, 2018:
Damn. The verb got lost....Could BE....of course. Darn.
Since you all have been non believers, has it ever crossed your mind "what if im wrong"?
David1955 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Sir, pls watch this
David1955 replies on Jan 4, 2018:
@Bam85 You are welcome. I think we are friends now! :-)
Well, I was glad Clinton lost, and cautiously optimistic that Trump wouldn't be too much of a ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
They've been talking about the book all day on MSNBC all day. Steve Bannon turns on trump. He accuses him and his family of treason, obstructing justice, and money laundering. Its all going to come out in the next few days when the book "Fire and Fury" is released. He's going down.
David1955 replies on Jan 4, 2018:
Birds of a crazy feather.. @sassygirl3869 'He's going down..." May we hold you to that? :- )
"Total paranoia is just total awareness". Charles Manson
David1955 comments on Jan 3, 2018:
@Bam85 Well I guess that's just fine, after all he didn't murder anyone in your family. If he had, maybe you'd find his mind less interesting. I just hope they don't give his body to anyone who can make a shrine of it. I can already imagine gullible people attracted to a dead Manson anti hero.
David1955 replies on Jan 3, 2018:
@Bam85 Sir, I am a life long Sharon Tate fan, and I have read every book about the subject of the Manson murders, every biography written about the man, every documentary about the man, and articles and reports of every type about the man and the subject. I have read the most detailed analysis of his psychology and mind. But what I and others here are trying to tell you, sir, is that quoting this man in this forum as some kind of insightful reference is not appropriate. And that is all I have say on this matter.
I was raised on hippie music.
David1955 comments on Jan 2, 2018:
I don't wish to offend you, but I have to say something. I grew up on that era music. Still listen to it daily. (Love Flower Power radio online). When a teenager I thought The Cat was the coolest guy on the planet. Everything I could never be. Time passed. Then he became Yosef Islam. Didn't hold ...
David1955 replies on Jan 3, 2018:
I thought your post was about Cat Stevens, and I made some relevant points about him. I stand by them. Actually, you are right about my beginning "I don't wish to offend you.." I withdraw it. It's not my problem if you are offended by some comments about Yosef Islam. That is what he calls himself. I am hardly the first person to comment on him. He has even come under the attention of US security services for his travels and comments. I appreciate and value the notion of peaceful coexistence extremely well, thank you. This notion and adult debate are not inconsistent.
"Total paranoia is just total awareness". Charles Manson
ReadyforaChange comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Dude seriously? The guy was a psychotic asshole who masterminded the violent murder of several innocent people. This is just wrong.
David1955 replies on Jan 3, 2018:
Thank you for expressing my feelings exactly.
I believe in the power of faith.
tsjames comments on Jan 2, 2018:
I think that you are conflating self-confidence and positive self-talk with 'faith'.
David1955 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
Hello, First I need to let folks know that I am a seminary student at a post-modern ...
AMGT comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Welcome to the group, Brad. Couple of questions.. How do you define the “consciousness level that Jesus taught” and how do you know your interpretation is accurate? How did you check? Enjoy your time here.
David1955 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
@UnityBrad "That is how I know my views on Christianity are correct..." I love the way you religious guys say things like that. (oh, wait, you're a seminarian but you aren't religious, you told us) For 1600 years they've been wrong, but you've got it right. Ok. Reading your posts it's hard to pin you down to anything definitive, really. You're sort of where Christianity meets New Age. But lurking behind your posts, it seems to me, is a Converter. Good luck with that here.
How does your mind deal with the concept of “nothing.
TheMiddleWay comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Maybe work the problem in reverse: before you were born, you didn't exist and you were nothing... how does your mind deal with that?
David1955 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
Me too. It's as good an answer as any.
What makes you break out your soapbox?
Atheopagan comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Frankly, when people like Dawkins and Dennett roundly dismiss ALL religion--and not just religion that expects you to believe in gods and the supernatural--it makes me want to get up on my box and preach. Rituals and observances help bring a sense of purpose and meaning and place in the world to ...
David1955 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
@Atheopagan Ok, but I really don't think that Dawkins and co. would have a problem with what you believe in. When they criticise religions they are talking the monotheistic and mysticism based religions mainly. So I wouldn't take these criticisms personally just because you consider your Atheopaganism a religion.
The admistration has twice denied a reply I made on the website.
spiderwolfmoon comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I don't understand why some people think liberal is a bad word. People say it as if it's insulting lol.
David1955 replies on Jan 2, 2018:
I am not American but I hate to hear this word used an an insult.
Why are some atheists angry?
gearl comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Dawkins may be assertive in condemning religion but every time I have watched him he has been very courteous to the religious. One of his best videos is where he reads letters from the religious written to him in the vilest language possible and makes lite of it. It appears that you are saying to ...
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Thanks for saying that. Quite right. Dawkins gives measure for measure, but it's the arguments he attacks, not people. I've watched him in the world, not in formal debates, talking to everyday people (for want of a better word) and he's unfailingly polite, if they are not used to a camera, even if they are talking twaddle. But in formal debates, with credentialed people spinning garbage, he calls them out on point, and rightly so.
What makes you break out your soapbox?
Atheopagan comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Frankly, when people like Dawkins and Dennett roundly dismiss ALL religion--and not just religion that expects you to believe in gods and the supernatural--it makes me want to get up on my box and preach. Rituals and observances help bring a sense of purpose and meaning and place in the world to ...
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
The logic here seems to be that some religions are not mysticism, supernaturalism and magic. That would not be my assessment. Scratch them all, and you will find M, S, and M. You might dismiss my view as in line with Dawkins,, but I don't share this view of many New Age types who promote a kind of spiritualism that is somehow better than the mainstream religions.
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
JWDiaz comments on Jan 1, 2018:
About number 7: Why would any atheist want to talk about religion?
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
I thought that's what we were doing here. Did I miss something? Where am I?
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
BackToReality comments on Jan 1, 2018:
In addition to the ones you mentioned, here is the airtight argument my mom keeps giving me: "But what if you're wrong?"
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
I suggest you play Richard Dawkins' famous answer to your Mom. As Carly Simon might sing, "Nobody does it better..." ????
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
carlyhorton comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I hate the "everything happens for a reason" bullshit. I've had some really crappy stuff happen in my life, and just because I'm OK now doesn't mean that all the crap HAD to happen. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I could go back in time and change a couple of key turning-point decisions, my life...
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
@GoldenDoll @IndySent. Well we must remember that God believes in free will, and can't interfere, except when he does. We pray to him for his mercy and guidance, but we mustn't forget that we have free will, so we can't expect God to solve our problems, but when he does, or we think that he does, we must praise him, and not ask why some prayers are answered and others not. Nor should we forget that everything wonderful in the world is due to God and everything bad is not due to him....because, yes, you have it, we have free will. ... And so goes religious logic, and I use the term loosely. Praying to God is like a cosmic lottery; you probably won't win, but, oh well, you just might. Children of rich white families, like the Bush family in the US, are winners; terminally ill children in cancer wards apparently are not. The reality of the bleakness of the universe we live in, I can understand. We can strive to make it better. But an absurd God of religion, whose erratic favours we must pray for, I cannot.
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
carlyhorton comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I hate the "everything happens for a reason" bullshit. I've had some really crappy stuff happen in my life, and just because I'm OK now doesn't mean that all the crap HAD to happen. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if I could go back in time and change a couple of key turning-point decisions, my life...
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
It's all part of God's plan they like to say. So, God's plan is to have terrible things happen to undeserving people. (Should have added that to my list). Lovely. Can we have a universe without a God, please? Oh wait, we've already got one.
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
carlyhorton comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Years ago, I overheard a coworker talking about a soldier who was almost killed in battle from a bullet to the chest. "If the bullet had just been a half inch to the left, it would have killed him! God was looking out for him!" So I asked "soooooo, god steered the bullet just a bit? And what ...
David1955 replies on Jan 1, 2018:
Good for you. Believers hate being confronted by questions like that. The logic disrupts the delusional part of the mind.
Why are some atheists angry?
David1955 comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Don't confuse anger with an assertive, confident and questioning attitude to religious practices and beliefs. I don't accept your characterisation of Richard Dawkins. All movements need change agents, those who lead the charge, take on orthodoxy and take the blows because of that. The media ...
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
@Teresa Your right. Dawkins goes beyond boundaries that atheists didn't go in the past, like religion in schools, and bringing up children as a Catholic child, or Protestant Child, or whatever, and he's right to do so, and they, religionists, don't like it. Too bad. A great many, like me, agree with him.
Christmas again and I just don't get it.
AgnosticBear comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I like Christmas. We successfully converted Christmas to secular from Christianity long ago. It's about family, friends, the day off, gifts for the kids and we play make believe with the kids about Santa, Rudolph, and elves. For the majority of people Christmas has no religious connotations. If you ...
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
@DonCoryon . Well I don't disagree of course. It's just that at Xmas Jesus story is mentioned but it floats by with the merry season. At Easter they still lay it on thick, with crucifixes and resurrection and blood and sacrifice, including aimed at children, and it frankly offends me in many ways.
I've been here a few days, actually level 4..., whatever that means...?
Wafflestomp comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I have trouble with the word conservatism. What exactly do they want to conserve? This should be its own post maybe.
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
@Wafflestomp Good question. We could say that the left are the real conservatives these days. They, and I include myself, want to conserve the planet, conserve social cohesion, conserve reasonable economic opportunity and fairness, conserve political decency and social justice, just to name some. So called conservatives want to sacrifice everything in the name economic growth; economic fairness and social cohesion be damned. Gross inequality? Who cares. Wedge divisive politics? Sure, if it wins the elections. Conservatives are the real radicals in the western world today. As long as the rich get richer nothing else matters. The Left wants to conserve economic and social fairness. The political spectrum has been upturned, and the language used to describe it is out of date.
Christmas again and I just don't get it.
AgnosticBear comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I like Christmas. We successfully converted Christmas to secular from Christianity long ago. It's about family, friends, the day off, gifts for the kids and we play make believe with the kids about Santa, Rudolph, and elves. For the majority of people Christmas has no religious connotations. If you ...
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
It's a fair point that practically speaking Xmas has little religious meaning for a great many, apart from the lip service of it. It's the symbolism of Easter I really dislike because of ghastly sacrifice connotation of it all.
I've been here a few days, actually level 4..., whatever that means...?
Admin comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I took one of these online questionnaire and found that I'm a "Centrist". Shocking. The word "Conservative" (as well as "Liberal") are easy to vilify as both sides have debatable opinions on specific issues. Better to ask if there are people who have a opinion on a specific issue. While there are...
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
Just wanted to make point that word "liberal" to mean left wing or similar is an American usage. The community is obviously multinational. Liberal means different things in different places. In my country Liberal (upper case) means conservative. In the UK I think Liberal more middle of the road politics. Anyway, casing and country matter with this word. Anyway, I guess we all understand the US meaning. Hearing Republicans bark about how they hate "liberals" is clear.
I've been here a few days, actually level 4..., whatever that means...?
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I am a flaming liberal but believe in a swiftly-administered death penalty.........would that make me partially conservative?
David1955 replies on Dec 31, 2017:
I could say that's hypocritical, but I wouldn't dare. My politics are very progressive but I wished they had executed Charles Manson rather than let him become an evil anti hero, so how could I possibly judge you?
Are you 100% certain that there is no god?
David1955 comments on Dec 30, 2017:
Look I thought about that question too. It is problematic. Actually, it's a redundant question. Atheists don't have to indicate how certain we are that there is no God. It's up to theists to prove that there is one. What I am 100% certain of is that there is no evidence to prove a God. In the same ...
David1955 replies on Dec 30, 2017:
@DangerDave I read your reply a couple of times but still couldn't get your point. The point I made was one often made by atheists that belief in any unproven assertion requires evidence. Your beef seems to be with what you call "fundamentalist atheists" - a subjective term I don't recognise. Nor am I aware of "apathetic agnostics". Anyway, I'll leave it at that.
If you could anyone, alive or departed, and why?
Waco2017 comments on Dec 29, 2017:
Wow, imagine you're the Bunny for a moment.
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
I'm aware that I am walking into the bear pit on this one. But I'll imagine. I'll imagine I'm an independent woman, and I make a choice to work as a bunny, and I like it, and I want to do it, and nobody is forcing me, and I am being well paid, and there are strict rules so I can't be mistreated. Actually I don't have to imagine because I have heard bunnies say this in articles and interviews. I'm actually very well informed on the history of Playboy and Hef, as it is very interesting. The role Playboy played in promoting women's issues in the 60s and 70s is well documented, as well as other progressive issues. Women's equality can never be that all women will always approve of all choices that women make, but that women have the right to make them, and be free from discrimination. Thanks.
Was Jesus made Christian when John the Baptist baptised him?
David1955 comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Curiously, some atheist writers have pointed out that, taking this story at face value, if true then John was a higher figure than Jesus because he, John, baptised Jesus. How could a man be "higher" than the Son Of God? Of course I consider the whole story of Jesus to be crock of..anyway.
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
@WTSharpe There is reference in Roman historian Tacitus, in notes, to events suggesting the crucifixion of Jesus, but again it is strongly suspected it was a later addition. You are right, there are no generally accepted and validated accounts in non biblical sources about the life and death of Jesus, or even the early so-called Jesus cult. And this, the so called greatest story ever told, during such a important period of Roman history, the Julian-Claudian emperors, of which there are a surprisingly high number of primary sources, both histories and documents, and yet nothing about these apparently amazing events. Not one. As more than one Christian has said to me, "It doesn't matter who the real Jesus was, and everything we say about Jesus is true." My mouth just drops.
Is God addicting?
VictoriaNotes comments on Dec 29, 2017:
Neuropharmacological studies show dopaminergic activation as the leading neurochemical feature associated with religious activity. It's the most potent "dope" on the planet. But people who are hyper-religious likely have a mental disorder. *"Hyperreligiosity is a major feature of mania, ...
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
@VictoriaNotes Yes, the hyper religious you have something else again; obsessive compulsive. Absolutely.
Is God addicting?
Gatovicolo comments on Dec 29, 2017:
For the weak minded, yes.
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
I'm wary of thinking that religion is weak mindedness. I've known people who were intellectually very smart, and rigorous but about everything except their religion. It's remarkable. It's a petitioned thing in their brain, I think. Neuroscience had shown this. It's very curious for me. It's a delusion. We can all do it on some things. Ever fallen madly in love and look back a short time later and think "What was I thinking?" It's like that. So I think about the process of it, rather than a people judgement. I'm still thinking about this subject.
Is God addicting?
ksmartines comments on Dec 29, 2017:
Actually, the chemicals in the brain, dopamine and serotonin, are what causes addiction. Dopamine and Serotonin are released in a pattern brought on by outside stimulation of pleasure. So, if a person is experiencing an extreme feeling enough times, they can become addicted to anything- even the ...
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
@ksmartines Yes, in fact I agree totally, as neuroscience (not that I'm an expert) has shown this. Sam Harris has noted this in his own research in this field. Addictive chemicals come from all heightened activity, I understand, essentially pleasure, and we are all susceptible to them, not always addictively though, and it's not so much "even the concept of God" but especially religions and religious activities. Religions play to this with religious theatre and pomp and circumstance to add to the allure, concealment of the fact that at heart all they have are bogus claims and unproven assumptions. The most obvious examples are evangelists who (as a business model) build up the feel-good chemicals in people at their events, then when they are 'high' hit them in the credit card. "Jesus is waiting for you when you call.....(with your card).". But the high doesn't last. They drop out. All religions do this; some just do it more soft well;
Was Jesus made Christian when John the Baptist baptised him?
David1955 comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Curiously, some atheist writers have pointed out that, taking this story at face value, if true then John was a higher figure than Jesus because he, John, baptised Jesus. How could a man be "higher" than the Son Of God? Of course I consider the whole story of Jesus to be crock of..anyway.
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
@atheist Yes, what evidence indeed? Good question. Certainly no contemporaneous sources that I'm aware of. To me its like arguing over who was worse - The Joker or The Riddler at Gotham.
Was Jesus made Christian when John the Baptist baptised him?
David1955 comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Curiously, some atheist writers have pointed out that, taking this story at face value, if true then John was a higher figure than Jesus because he, John, baptised Jesus. How could a man be "higher" than the Son Of God? Of course I consider the whole story of Jesus to be crock of..anyway.
David1955 replies on Dec 29, 2017:
@WTSharpe Yes, I have read also read this speculation that Jesus was a disciple of John's and this had to be subsequently downplayed. Whether one considers this history or mythology, or a combination of the two, it is interesting. Dr. Richard Carrier (Mythicist) has emphasized early Christians' indifference to historical fact. Whether one agree with his mythicist view of Jesus or not, I think this point is beyond dispute.
If you were given the chance, would you want to be famous?
Mightyjustice comments on Dec 28, 2017:
It depends on why you're famous. Charlie Manson is famous. I think it be fun to be famous for doing things that I enjoy doing.
David1955 replies on Dec 28, 2017:
Let's distinguish between famous and infamous. The late appalling Manson was definitely the latter.
Jesus was a Liberal
FrankKrankenkat comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Jesus was not a Christian he was an Anarchist and if he was alive today, he would once again be a threat to the 1% and their cool is that! I wanna be like that Jesus guy! except for the part where you get nailed to the cross.
David1955 replies on Dec 28, 2017:
As much as I am in tune with your thinking, I caution against falling for the Che Guevara Jesus that some like to believe in. It's one of the many Jesuses around, as I alluded to in my comment above. If the churches would become progressive rather than regressive and help fight for a better world, rather than flogging an imagined perfect afterlife (pay now, die later) then that would be something. But no, its all moralistic teachings and God is against everything new.
Even if we assume god is real, it doesn't change anything but in fact shows how obnoxious his ...
JiunnWong comments on Dec 28, 2017:
people assume god must be good or righteous, but there is no reason why god is in fact evil
David1955 replies on Dec 28, 2017:
Totally right, Sir. A loving God? Not in the world I see. I see indifference at best. Any loving in this world comes from us.
Imagine how ahead in our time we would be if religion(s) would not have burned books and people at ...
DragonFZ comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I was extremely pissed off when I found out, it was the Christians that burned the Library of Alexandria.
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
They actually tried for a long time to blame it ( Alexandria Library) on the Romans. In that enjoyably awful movie Cleopatra (1963) they flogged that myth, with Rex (Big Julius C) Harrison expressing regret about burning the library. I mean, really?
Why are some atheists angry?
lerlo comments on Dec 27, 2017:
If some atheists are angry, and some angry people are Christians does that mean that some atheists are Christians?
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
No, it means some angry people are atheists, and some angry people are religionists, but they are not the same people. 'Tis logical, Captain.
What is the worst argument that religionists use against atheists that gets your back up?
KarolinaMakuch comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I think the most infuriating one is: ‘If you don’t believe in God then how are you moral? What stops you from stealing and killing people?‘.
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
Absolutely. That would high on my list too. I remember Hitchens at a debate one time expressing his outrage that religions, with their terrible track record, have any credibility with respect to setting a moral compass.
Why are some atheists angry?
David1955 comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Don't confuse anger with an assertive, confident and questioning attitude to religious practices and beliefs. I don't accept your characterisation of Richard Dawkins. All movements need change agents, those who lead the charge, take on orthodoxy and take the blows because of that. The media ...
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
I don't see anger here, but strong opinions and views amongst (mostly) similarly minded people who share a 21st Century more robust attitude towards religion, in contrast to the often deferential 20th Century attitude towards religions which did nothing to ameliorate the rise of religious based terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and gross abuses by churches and their hierarchy.
Why are some atheists angry?
David1955 comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Don't confuse anger with an assertive, confident and questioning attitude to religious practices and beliefs. I don't accept your characterisation of Richard Dawkins. All movements need change agents, those who lead the charge, take on orthodoxy and take the blows because of that. The media ...
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
Let's not assume that anger is always a bad thing. There are things in the world we should be angry about. Aspects of religion should make us angry. Ask someone who was sexually abused in a religion whether they are angry about it. They have every right to be.
If you had to describe yourself in 3 fictional characters, what would they be??
GeekLeen comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Theon Greyjoy, because I try but keep messing up, Ed Mercer, because even though people don't have "faith" in me I'm a good leader (and funny), The Doctor (Doctor Who) because I want everybody to be ok and I'm cool but I have no problem in being bad if someone deserves it.
David1955 replies on Dec 27, 2017:
Well, you seem to be doing fine. When I read, " have no problem in being bad if someone deserves it" I thought, OK, tough when need be. I can identify with that.
I have just joined this group.
David1955 comments on Dec 25, 2017:
"I find it interesting that people who display such a high level of "spiritual enlightenment", reject what they are so good at.....Many of your posts sound much like Modern Mysticism at its highest level." Where do you get them? Do you make these up yourself? I'm sorry, and I've tried to be ...
David1955 replies on Dec 26, 2017:
Oh Brad.. Brad Brad Brad... It didn't take you long, did it. That's right, it's not you its me. I just don't understand your God, or your version of some sort of non being God, or whatever it is. I've been hearing that from religionists since I was a kid. And I've never fallen for it. You are a bit of a mess, and I don't mean that nastily. What are you doing hanging around here? You belong in that spectrum that ranges from loop fruit religions (sorry but yours sounds closer to that) to mainstream religions that continue to get in the way of human progress and human equality. Your struggle is with religionists not non believers like us. We've transcended that stuff; don't you get that from the contributions? A pox on all your silly religions and made up gods, however you define them. We want a free, just, fair, equitable and reason-based world. And religions are just on the wrong side of that, the wrong side of history. Putting on my Dr Phil hat I suspect you are here because you don't really believe religion now. But you can't let it go. You want to be a non religionist, but you think saying you are a Christian sounds good. (Not to me. I know the history of this religion and it appalls me). You like feeling 'spiritual' and how can you be that if you are an atheist? So you press your nose against our window, look in, and, damn, these atheists are actually thoughtful intelligent folk...if only they would believe my wishy washy new age God-as-a-process religion and I would feel vindicated. Yeah right. Here it is Brad: You are on your way to becoming a non believer, atheist, agnostic, choose your term. That's why you are hanging around here. It's just a matter of time. And yes you have our blessing. And yes you can be a non believer, and a contemplater of the big issues of life (just read the posts here), call it spiritual if you like. At some point you just have to be what you are. Seriously reflect on the internal dynamic going on within you. We'll be here to accept you.
If you had to describe yourself in 3 fictional characters, what would they be??
GeekLeen comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Theon Greyjoy, because I try but keep messing up, Ed Mercer, because even though people don't have "faith" in me I'm a good leader (and funny), The Doctor (Doctor Who) because I want everybody to be ok and I'm cool but I have no problem in being bad if someone deserves it.
David1955 replies on Dec 26, 2017:
You're very interesting, psychologically, you know that? Based on your posts. All sorts of layers there...Theon Greyjoy... Didn't they cut off his.... well, never mind.
Hello, First I need to let folks know that I am a seminary student at a post-modern ...
David1955 comments on Dec 24, 2017:
"agnostics and atheists have a higher potential to reach the consciousness level that Jesus taught.." Really Sir, do you expect us to buy that? I'm sorry, and it isn't my call, but there are lot of places in cyberspace where believers and non believers go at it, but I would rather see this forum for...
David1955 replies on Dec 25, 2017:
Honestly, I don't wish to flame you, but you should relinquish the word Christian. There's no point using this term in your case. Really I don't know what to call you. You are like a flat earther who says I don't have to believe that the world is actually flat to be a post flat eather. You should embrace the views expressed here by non believers, openly and honestly. Best wishes to you Sir for the coming year.
My Christmas humor!! Merry agnostic/atheist Christmas!!!
pfreddie62 comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Merry Yuletide, I don't celebrate the mass of christ because I don't believe in god.
David1955 replies on Dec 25, 2017:
I've always liked the words Pagan and Heathen. Also blasphemer and heretic. And I've always liked a good Pagan root, but you'd have to be an Australian to get that last joke.
POPE FRANCIS HAS said that it is better to live your life as an atheist rather than be a Catholic...
David1955 comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Not often I agree with Pope Frank -- Old Papal Eyes - but, as Stephen Fry once said to the late Robin Williams when the latter was raving, "Your Right. Your completely mad, but your right." Frank is right, but mad. Right that if your gonna be a damn Catholic, then following their damn Bronze Age ...
David1955 replies on Dec 22, 2017:
Its a sight joke to say the Bronze age, though others have said it too. We are taking about the 3-4th Century when the church was founded. Chariots, flat earth, slaves, sun round the earth, gladiators and so on. Take issue with the age you call that, but thats when the theology was developed and from then on. Do people follow medicine, legal practice and social thinking from the 4th Century AD? No, but theology from that time is just fine with some.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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