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I joined Agnostic.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 18, 2018:
i think you have found the right place. There is random stuff and deep.
Six months on the site.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 18, 2018:
Well I have met you. Going well I'D say.
Are atheists too passive?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 17, 2018:
Rosa Parks was not passive. She stood up even for this Caucasian as We as atheist, the lgbt community and more live in a better world because of her and many others of the Equal Rights movement. She was making a stand for African Americans at the time but look how much we have all benefited! She is my Hero! Do we need to march into churches or protest in front of them? Maybe not. I will not stand for my son being sent to the principals office for telling his teacher he was an atheist after she TOLD him he was a Christian. This happened in a public school. We at least need to make our voices known. We need to normalize atheism and let the Fundamental wackos, like I was that we are normal good people. I have been becoming more active on the internet and have even started my own YouTube channel. Every one does not have to do that but we all have special talents and methods. It could be simply talking to friends. The thing is if it is thought hat we are a super small minority then we can be ignored, marginalized, or discriminated against. In some countries one can be killed for being an atheist. So i do think it is important to engage Christians any all other religions.
Welcome @EricTrommater. glad you joined.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 16, 2018:
When my kids were growing up, we would play a game at the dinner table called “Highs and Lows,” ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 16, 2018:
Lows I'm having to learn a new job and it is diffucult. Highs I came home and logged onto the internet and found out i'm making connections with the athiest youTube community!
@Rugglesby welcome sir. good to see you here.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 16, 2018:
Ruggs glad your here!
Are there a lot of fake profiles & catfish on this site like there are on all of the other dating ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 16, 2018:
Catfish? Please enlighten me?
Right on! @MyLiege welcome to kindling.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 16, 2018:
Yes! @twshield has gotten on the train. welcome sir.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
Hey guys, thanks for the invite to the group.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
You bring good points home I like the close up myself in the first. It feels more personal. In the second It feels like I'm watching a professor as it is far away! Ask others if they get the same feeling????? I also kinda like the Jacket it makes you look smarter! Now I'm going to look like a hippy maybe i should rethink MY image?
Right on @skado! welcome.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
Welcome You will be an initate for one year then you will have privlages to eat with the actual members after you have recited our 400 page creed and been baptised in the pure water of reason. Then you can eventually serve as our scribe once you are approved and may move out of the cellar after another year at which you may wear the robes of a true brother....opps thats ancient gnostic beliefs...Sorry welcome aboard!
The "Birth" Of Jesus.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
This is the worst meme i have yet to see. Jesus existed for at least 350 years prior to theCouncil of Nicea at least as myth. This seems to suggest he was made up right then in 381 C.E.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Why or why not?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
I think Tim Minchin says it better than I could.
I am part Indigenous, and I study my indigenous ancestry A LOT.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
All religions change with time and exposure to other cultures. Look at the "Ghost Dance" such a thing never would have never had been thought of before, the term is not even Native American. I am proud of my Native American heritage. ( I am told I have some Native American blood. I do not know, Even if I do not It is my heritage as an American, no disrespect intended but actually the opposite!) So in this case you must throw out your Historical observations and what you know for what is presently. Most people do not care about what was but what IS. This is also true for Christians or any other religion. In this case I would simply put up with it and be part of your people. I would not say this to anyone but Native Americans and will admit that this it the Fallacy of Special Pleading, but Native Americans are not harming people with their beliefs and the belief system is part of the culture. Hope this pale skin has given you something to think about, I am also an avid historian and have a problem with letting go of that myself. Good luck!
Making the Drug Unneccessary
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
Social Justice is a good Idea and will help. Religion is very complex and will take a combination of approaches to make a difference. I think education is one of them.
Yipidee! @Crimson67 is in the house.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 15, 2018:
Do you think agnostics lack confidence in general by not making a decision? :)
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
Not at all. If God is described as unknowable and undetectable, Then I can not claim to "know" what I by definition can not know. Theist often do claim to know in this case what they can not know. By this definition agnosticism is simply honest.
I'm certainly in no way religious, but I ghost hunt, occasionally with some pretty impressive ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
I would like to understand better how you do not believe in an after life and ghost hunt.
Welcome @Blindbird... glad you signed up!
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
The Atheists Struggling to Find Therapists in the Bible Belt []
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
While The Secular Therapy Project is mentioned in the article I thought I would provide the link.
Was sexism started in the Talmud, Bible and Qu'ran?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
See my new video on youtube.Gender roles: Why is the Bible sexist
Are there any Gnostic Atheist out there besides me?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
I am certain that God does not exist form all my understanding and experience.m I am athiset. If God is unknowable, I can not claim to "know" What I by definition can not know. I am agnostic.
I made another video, let me know what criticisms you have.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
Join my new Group YouTube Creators here on I created the group just for his reason! I am CompelledUnbeliever on YouTube. I Liked and subscribed!
Is religion perfect but humans sinners and abusers
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
Religion is a human Ideal. What is the saying about "there are not perfect people only perfect intentions" Religion often does have good intentions, It does have to go through the filter of flawed people making it up and then the filter of flawed people carrying it out. Any Ideal can be perfect, any human is and will remain human no matter how perfect they try become, This is why religion is of no great help.
I'm spiritual
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
I'm also very "Spiritual" I like (popcorn Whatever that means).
Does God exist?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 14, 2018:
Neither can God be rationalized into existence, This art is called apologetics.
HOW to talk with the faithful; Street Epistemology.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 13, 2018:
Street Epistemology is I think the best approach. Thank you for this post!
At which level would you be willing to date someone?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 11, 2018:
i have been married to a woman who believes she should believe for 20 years, that has been hard enough.
Lack of open minded religious people
DavidLaDeau comments on May 11, 2018:
I feel empathy towards them. I was one of them and know what they think and how they feel. It is a very messed up place to be. So it is easy for me to put up with them. No they are not tolerant of other peoples beliefs that is what they are brainwashed to do. I do my best to show them I am a good person and know more about their beliefs that they do. This gives them pause and occasionally they actually listen. So what do I tell them that they would bother to listen? I simply share questions that I had as a fundamentalist and how I resolved them. By making it personal, I am not attacking their beliefs(though they may identify with what I am saying very personally) or their religion. I simply tell them questions I had. It works well for me and is non-confrontational.
Is apatheism similar to agnosticism?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 11, 2018:
It is a big difference to me. Not knowing is one thing, not caring is another. As a former fundamentalist I do care about how I was indoctrinated at a young age, how it affected my mental health and how religion affects others. I understand the position of not caring, but religion had a devastating effect on my life. I wish to help those who were also indoctrinated into cults, so they do not have to go what I went through.
Apologies for sticking my nose in, folks, but I really had to sort out that apostrophe in "ember's"!...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 9, 2018:
My mother at 83 is still in the grammer police!
Chat room is open, @amisja
DavidLaDeau comments on May 9, 2018:
Would you ever donate to a Youtuber?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
There are YouTubers that have great content and can be very educational. If you wish to contribute to them simply hit the like button, comment, subscribe, and watch the videos. Some do sponsor specific projects. Others ask to be sponsored through patrion. Either way if you like what they do support them. If you don't, don't.
Reluctantly, I am joining the group.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
An don't tell me none of dat relunctant stuff! You done clicked submit!
Reluctantly, I am joining the group.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
Should the Boy Scouts be both for boy and girls?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
In th 90s a few of my friends in high school were in boys scouts. They were called explorer scouts. The high school girls were welcome to camping trips etc. From what I understand the explorer scouts did indeed do much exploration on those camp outs!
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
How did you get those private pictures of my x wife?
My Father is a God Fearing Southern Baptist that fell in love with Ken Ham's ark encounter.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
Its took thousands of people, experts to build the ark and it would never float. A boat of that size made of wood could not be sea worthy. I'm sure you love your father and he is a good man. Most theist are in fact good people who want to do good. I think everyone has good intentions but that does not make the goals of those intentions good or factual. It is for that reason that I, a former fundamentalist, am now an active atheist. When I was young running around with the dinosaurs, I also belived in the creation storyso I empathize with both of you. Just keep loving him and understand as you appear to, that he is doing what he thinks is right. This is a good place to vent!
Last evening I took part in a thread here in the Senate regarding what I will call the shiny 7s, and...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
December 23 2017 am I in?
Agnostics in the Bible?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
Was Thomas from Missouri? You seem a little over the top! I find that somehow appealing. The point of this whole story is that Thomas actually needed evidence. The author uses this to put on the lips of Jesus the Praising of those who do not have evidence and believe without reason.
A man and a woman who do not like the same films will eventually divorce.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
A man and a woman who do not like each other will eventually divorce, often, no matter what their religion says
Well It Is In The Bible!!
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
Saul, "I'll give you some good tips in return for your daughter."
I don't like my mother's siblings cause they are greedy for money and they don't deserve to be ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 8, 2018:
Family can be one of the most important things in life. You may not see that now. In 30 years you may not see the things now that appear to be important as important. Sometimes we have family that is bad for us. You have to be very careful about the choices you make now. Just the words of an old man.
There is a question which am sure has been round and round on here.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
This site will fall apart if theist are welcome in all areas. I do not think it would be a good idea to destroy what this site has become. This being said if it was at all considered there should be a area of restricted access say only one room that they would have access to, so that if we choose to see their post or have discussions with them we could. But their post should not even make it on our discussion board. There is a reason I am here to escape from religion. my two cents worth. I do speak with theist every day and enjoy the interaction, this is my safe place.
Just wanted to say hi. New here and it looks fun :)
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
Howdy, Glad to have you!
Don't you just love it when a Christian tells you that you should believe in God because just in ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
We have gotten into Pascal's Wager and free will on this one. I think people should believe in my butt hair. My butt hair has a better heaven and a much worse Hell, so If you had to make a choice it would be better to believe in my butt hair. The other important factor is I can prove my Butt hair actually exist. Pascal's Wager debunked. If god does know all then he knows our decisions before we ever make them. If this is so we can never do anything that god does not already know we are going to do. Thus we can only have one path in life that we will ever take. So we can't ever actually make any choices. Free will Debunked. Next......
To Bother Or Not To Bother: Finding Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type – HealthyWay
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
I'm afraid to take one of those test, I'm afraid I'll score an IGNO RANT, or a STUP ID.
The Self-Delusion of Religion, Bionic Dance []
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
This fellow seems to be trying to convince himself more than anyone else. He doesn't seem to believe himself either, strange.
Did Jesus exist?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 7, 2018:
The most convincing argument as Richard Carrier outlines is that whenever records should mention Jesus in that time frame the entire section is missing. It leads one to believe that Christians were embarrassed that he was not mentioned so they simply removed that part of the record.
I work with two creationists. I've never even met one before this place
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
I was a creationist. They likely believe what they believe is true and have "scientific facts" to prove it. They do not likely consider that their science is bias as it comes directly from the church and is not accepted by actual scientist of a solid reputation. They likely believe they "know" more than you do on the subject.
Freethinking Atheist
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
No. Free thinking is assessing the possibilities and coming to the determination of what is real. One must consider all possibilities before one can make the determination of what is and is not plausible or fact. If one rejects information before one considers its merit they are not a free thinker.
I know some ppl who did this.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
God is great even when belief in him hurts people.
If asked, do you feel comfortable telling people, that you don’t know that well, that you are an ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
If asked i spill the beans without shame. Never had a problem with it.
For anyone who has a super religious family, how did you break it to them that you’re not a ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
I'm an atheist, I do not believe there is a God. It really was that simple. I was lucky and had a few that said I disagree and still do but they still love me.
I'm a bookseller, so this is probably the best way for me to get involved in the community.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
The God Virus. Dr. Darrel Ray. I believe it to be the most underrated book in all of atheism. It is a sociological look at religion and how it affects our thinking.
About right.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 6, 2018:
I see no flaw in this reasoning.
I wanna hug it.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 5, 2018:
My daughter loves the smell of books. She will put her nose in them, take a deep smell and look at me and say "You want to smell my book crack?"
The problem with evolution and Christianity.
DavidLaDeau comments on May 5, 2018:
As a former fundamentalist I can tell you this is why fundamentalist are so threatened by science. They feel threatened by atheist and agnostics as we do not accept mythology as real. You have hit on a core issue in the debate but more importantly the cause of the debate.
I am currently debating a “know it all” Christian who does not understand there is very little ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 5, 2018:
Hope this makes it easy. Bionic Dance on YouTube hits on this all the time. Agnostic is a knowledge statement- I do not know if there is a God. Atheist is a Belief statement- I do not believe there is a God. I am 100% certain with all my knowledge and experience that there is no God I am an Atheist. If the definition of God is something that I can not perceive or comprehend then by definition I can not claim to know what I by definition can not know so I am Agnostic.
The Bible teaches Blind Faith - The Blinder The Better Many Christians bristle at the suggestion...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 4, 2018:
Just added your channel to my own YouTube featured channels list, I also liked and well I had already subscribed! For those interested in seeing more of his stuff...look up Freethinkers' Books on YouTube.
Do Some Atheists Seem Superior?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 4, 2018:
I am only concerned with teaching those who wish to learn. It is they that are prepared to listen and consider and adjust their world view based on new information. If one does not wish to learn they can not learn. I am willing to learn from anyone willing to teach.
And for those who speculated about the connection between Christianity and "mathing"
DavidLaDeau comments on May 3, 2018:
I'm a former fundamentalist no matter what anyone says I know all about it due to my superior fundamentalist education. It is now time to educate you ALL! 1+1=God(aka 3) but this is mathing and against God's will instead we must believe....Don't mess with a former fundamentalist we have answers....(don't ask for correct ones SINNER).
"Everything you know about the Bible is wrong" []
DavidLaDeau comments on May 3, 2018:
Everything about this article is apologist. I have read many papers and books written by scholars. They can be very difficult reads. I could not for the life of me figure out where this was going. I then recognized the marks of apologetics attempting to appear scholarly. Apologist specialize in throwing out information and then twisting it to confuse those receiving the information simply to make themselves look smart and establish themselves as authorities. This was ment to appear scientific and assert that the Bible is a historical document while craftily ignoring science. The title is however correct in most cases.
Why do humans have an unhealthy obsession with wars and sacrifice?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 3, 2018: This particular case very much upset me and drove me to study the subject for several months. I wanted to know why people would do such a thing. After reading many books on the subject and more on psychology and sociology I came to the conclusion that it comes down to altruism. In order to survive as a species we had to have altruistic behaviors like most other animals. This altruistic instinct causes use to do bad things for perceived "good causes" and also causes us to reject self seeking behaviors and sound judgment. It makes us almost thoughtlessly want to risk our lives to save a child from getting hit by a car. Why do humans have an unhealthy obsession with wars and sacrifice? It is because we are human.
Does luck determine everything? []
DavidLaDeau comments on May 3, 2018:
We as humans want to assign agency to everything Gods and "Luck." If things work out well we can give credit to God or Luck equally.* Luckily*, the idea of luck, does not have the same concepts associated with religion or deities.
By Gray’s theory I’m a God hater. I’m okay with that. What about you? []
DavidLaDeau comments on May 3, 2018:
I can see it now we will never hear the end of it from Christians qwuoting this guy. He is going to be an apologist hero. I have not met any atheist that conflate or replace politics or science with not believing in a God. This is the type of trash that apologist love. He has a fancy title so he is therefore an authority and is right no matter what. This man is going to be a detriment to theist and atheist.
What are your thoughts on the Satanic Temple?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 2, 2018:
They are pretty much a political organization that are purposely extremist. They use shock value in order to assert the rights of atheist, agnostics, and religion in general to put everyone on an equal playing field. They should not be confused with The Church of Satan or Satanist that actually do (or at least pretend) to worship Satan. I have mixed feelings on this group, I love what they do though actually.
Does anyone have advice for a person that's been an atheist less than 3 months?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 2, 2018:
Simply ask yourself how you know what you know what you know. Is it based on fact or on what you want to believe or have been taught to believe.
I have seen a couple of posts about secular songs that helped you deconstruct/deconvert that have ...
DavidLaDeau comments on May 2, 2018:
Loosing my Religion R.E.M.
How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 2, 2018:
Thank you for making me feel as old as I am....I honestly don't remember. BTW Happy birthday!!!!
Why do people believe in ghosts?
DavidLaDeau comments on May 1, 2018: I just remembered i had this on facebook. It proves ghost are real!
@Blindbird, you'll appreciate this.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Gosh I think I would have tried something really crazy like"Hi!"
Hi everyone, I'm new here and was wondering if any of you listen to the podcast "The Skeptics Guide ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Could you post a link?
Hello! My name is stupid and I thought I would share :) I thought she was absolutely beautiful ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I think your name is Smart. You did what you could to have a great time and face your introverted nature, While I am at home hidden in my house typing this message to you. You may call me stupid now.
What do you do when you know someone is lying about something?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I say "I'm a pineapple" and walk away. They think I'm weird and have no idea what I'm talking about but if they want to make ridiculous claims so can I.
Anyone else exhausted by unwarranted and unmitigated superiority of those who claim religion in all ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
No doesn't bother me at all. Of course I have not watched t.v. in about two years, or bothered to read a news paper. I Don't have the time or desire to keep up with fads nor the interest in what the media wants me to think.
Of course I do not believe in god (s).
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I'll remain an agnostic athiest because I have no choice.
Die for your beliefs?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Yep in this case they don't really care if you actually believe or not. One can not be forced to believe what they know not to be true. They in this case only want you to pretend to believe what you do not believe. So to live I would simply put on a good show.
Comparisons of religion and Fascism: 1.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Well my religion may have every component of fascism but it does not matter. Its completely different because its done that way for "love."
As an atheist/agnostic, what would you do if the Dark Ages were to come back?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Unfortunately, I would very likely do what most of the people did. Pretend to believe, give my money to the church and act as Christiany as possible in order to survive. The church controlled almost everything including education which is why it is called the dark ages. They destroyed anything that was not directly related to Godly wriings so there was no science or engineering. It was a horrible time in history.
Empty Temples
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
The problem we will soon run into is that the terrible state of churches will be declared as "acts of God" or "historical sites" in order to force the very taxpayers that are ignoring them to pay for them anyway.
What the heck kinda fish?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
In colorado we call them suckers. i don't know what they are though. They are edable but said not to taste good. They can be found in most of the waterways of colorado. They are bottom feeders and their mouths are oriented down.
When arguing with a faither (a deeply religious person), against the precepts of their religion, ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I don't know but I will tell you this. I bounce my best arguments off my close family. They are extremely religious and no matter what I say they usually have to have the last word of something like I didn't come from a monkey even though I have spent the last ten minutes explaining that we are apes and come from a common descendant of other species. If I can present an argument that they can accept I consider it bullet proof!!!!
How does one go about finding the balance of being properly critical of faith and it's faults while ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
This is something I struggle with all the time, I am an impulsive smart ass when people refuse to reason. I have to suppress my instincts and continue to be nice to them so that even if we don't agree on one instance they might be willing to listen the next time. I try to lead the conversation onto a point that we can both agree on and then leave it there. I am never respectful of anyones delusions. I do try to maintain balance and and be respectful towards the person, which is often difficult to do. It does not matter how rude they are I try to remain dignified. If they want to make themselves into an ass it is usually because they know they are loosing the argument and want to bait you into saying something rude so they can ignore the topic and tell everyone how rude you are. In this case I just say "This conversation is not going anywhere lets talk about something else." Another tactic I use is to be personal. I say something like "When I was a Christian ____________ made me question if the Bible was real." In this case, I am not attacking them or their beliefs. I am simply sharing my personal struggle with God with them. This is playing on sympathy, I will admit, but Its a great way to get a point across. Perhaps they have asked themselves the same question or now will later.
Got high gold at my dance competition.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
That's great, it takes a lot of hard work to achieve such an accomplishment!
Why do people believe in ghosts?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Ghosts are real they made real cartoons about Casper and he talked to people all the time!
The earliest known god.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
At 3:34 sec she says that she can't say it is a deity. This relic is just too old to know for sure, It could be a deity, but we just have no real data to make that assertion. I think it certainly could be as scientist and historians we just can't jump to conclusions, we can only make hypothesis. I could not find an original source that sited who did the actual carbon dating.
Religious exodus post discovery of anti-aging?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 30, 2018:
This claim has been made and there is some truth to it. In this case people will still have to face death eventually so I do not know that the fear of death would lessen. The fear of Hell and loosing ones community does seem to also be a huge factor that may actually be a bigger fear than actual death.
Anyone besides me have questions about the shroud of Turin, or the question of the Stigmata?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 29, 2018:
The words miracle and magic share the same meaning, That is something that takes place outside the laws of physics. If something is outside the laws of physics it by definition is not real. As humans we naturally are inclined to assign agency to any thing we do not understand. It is also known as the "god of the gaps fallacy. "I don't know,therefore God." The shroud of Turin and Stigmata have in no way been proven by science to have any validity concerning the claims of believers. Their mystery is really just hype propagated by believers. Let's say that science for some reason seemed the validate the claims but we still did not know their origins. Would it actually mean that they were supernatural? By definition the answer would be no. If it exist or has been created outside of natural means by magic it by is not real. So what are we left with? We simply don;t know. It is perfectly fine to say I don't know. I don;t know the origins or the universe but I'm not going to pretend to know what I do not know and attribute it to a magic god in the sky.
Appropriating from scripture.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 29, 2018:
This is a quote from John 8:32 "The truth shall set you free". That was very true, it did,* from* religion.
What do you think about the Coexist bumper stickers?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I thought of getting one for about two seconds the other day. Religions never will coexist, more importantly, none of the will tolerate atheist. I prefer my toxic bumper sticker.
The same day @Phxbillcee became the first member to become level 9.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Memes are not really my thing, but congrats Eric. I'm happy you have found your thing!
What clicked for you when you realized religion was bullshit?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
That I had wasted most of my life living for quite literally nothing. This is why I am so active today. I can bare to see others do it when they can be free from living in self-delusion.
What's the one thing you misplace the most?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
My brain. I did find some rocks and they do seem to do a better job anyway.
To me, Sin is a religious construct and is ultimately meaningless.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Why did you have to make me preach??? To have a better understanding of the Bible one must understand that the words Sin and Evil have the same meanings. Sin/Evil 1) The humanist meaning- That which causes harm 2) The Godly meaning- What ever pisses off God. This can be arbitrary, and can change passage to passage. It may mean one or both. The important thing to see here is that the Bible is so inconsistent that you are completely correct. The meanings do loose credibility all together.
Islam is a male centered sex positive religion.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
This is typical of the Abrahamic religions. When woman are spoken of they are spoken of only in the context of property rights. There is no regard for them as humans or persons.
This site looks interesting so far.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Welcome! I'm unfortunately getting a divorce after 20 years. I just moved to a town of about 4,000. As I am an atheist activist I have resigned myself to just accept that I am simply "off the market."
I'm loving this: ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 25, 2018:
There will still be Christians that claim its perecution!
Tho I just used it in a comment, we should have this posted in photos, so...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 25, 2018:
It is really a great group.
Religious pressure
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 25, 2018:
"I've read the bible too much to believe it actually true" if i wish to be gentle or simply "I'm an atheist," seems to work well for me. It may depend on the part of the country your in.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • Joined Dec 23rd, 2017
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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