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I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Count_Viceroy comments on Jun 10, 2019:
I feel bad for those people. They're solving there own problems. The ones they ask for help through prayer. They find solutions. But instead of giving themselves credit, they thank god. They cheat themselves.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Good things happen God Bad things happen you suck!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
redbai comments on Jun 10, 2019:
To me a personal relationship with God is a reason not to have to define the relationship and the only working definition anyone can have If it was anything else, there would be a way for others to share it and there's no indication that is possible.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Very true!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
wordywalt comments on Jun 10, 2019:
A personal relationship with God is simply a fantasy -- like Jimmy Stewart's relationship with the fantasy bunny "Harvey." It enables true believers to feel personal support and security that is simply false.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Then they end up here!
HOW GOD ALMOST KILLED ME: A true story. - YouTube
St-Sinner comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Religion does not ask you to commit suicide. It gives you ideas. It is up to you as a grown up to sort out what is right and wrong and choose your path forward. Almost all of us came from religion in childhood but chose to leave the bad behind and be freethinkers. It is the slavery of mind, not ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@AnneWimsey Isn't it odd that there is no one passage in the Bible that speaks out against it?
HOW GOD ALMOST KILLED ME: A true story. - YouTube
Sandman07 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Very glad to hear you were able to reason yourself out of that nightmare.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
The Bible was very helpful with that!
HOW GOD ALMOST KILLED ME: A true story. - YouTube
palex comments on Jun 10, 2019:
I am terribly sorry to hear what you went through. This is one of my biggest objections also… simply the presentation of the narrative on any level. Although you were on one end of the spectrum in terms of how things affected you, the indoctrination at any level can result in deleterious ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I am very anti-theist (against theism), what a surprise.
HOW GOD ALMOST KILLED ME: A true story. - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Your story rings true...I wasted my early years trying to equal up to this perfect god’s expectations...thank heavens we are free at last...FREE of any manmade god! All gods are manmade!!
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Free at last. Free at last, thank God almighty...Never mind....
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 10, 2019:
ROFLMAO...this is sarcasm, right?
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
No it is not. I will soon be postimg my video. It will discuss how this very subject led to a suicide attempt at 14 years old. Not funny at all.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Why ?. It seems that more than a few people on this site although calling themselves atheists are obsessed by religion
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Moravian That is cool! I have annoyed BionicDance more than once asking her what it is like to have never to believed in a god. And even more so when I ask why she cares? She just says don't push your religious garbage on me! That is her motivation to be a YouTube Legend! My words....
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
SeeCanU comments on Jun 9, 2019:
i've never had a relationship with an imaginary thing. when i was a kid i remember other kids (maybe one or two) that had an imaginary friend. i never got it. BUT i have been thinking about how a religious person may not want to be with an atheist because it may jeopardize their personal ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@genessa I actually thought that God was real. Then I grew out of it.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Julie808 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
A false safety net? The illusion of safety and protection, which isn't real, and could cause real danger if one thinks that belief in God/Jesus is the only hope, since it prevents one from trying to solve problems on their own? When I was a child I was told that God was "omniscient" and I was so...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
God ALWAYS got the credit for the good stuff that I saw people doing, I was always chastised when things did not go well for not believing enough, having sin in my life, or any other excuse that they could come up with. I call it child abuse.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Why ?. It seems that more than a few people on this site although calling themselves atheists are obsessed by religion
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I was indoctrinated as a young earth creationist, fundamentalist as a child and that had devastating affects on my life. I now try to help others escape from religion. It is these types of questions that Christians often ask. I seek to give them better answers than they get from their churches. And yes I am obsessed with religion as people often fail to see how poisonous it is. If I don't know their religion better than they do I can not communicate with them or help them.
David1955 comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Yes, the site is America-centric and Christianity-centric, but it reflects the current membership. I would very much like it to be even more global in the future and standing up to religions generally. I wonder how many out there are afraid to criticize Islam like they do Xianity for fear of ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Frankly, I am still a bit cautious when even mentioning Islam. I usually only mention it in the context of the Abrahamic religions. It is very sad.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
indirect76 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I don’t know.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
That is a great answer. I often run into Christians that ALWAYS have to have an answer. They simply can not accept that they do not know and thus will not accept honesty from others.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Seeker3CO comments on Jun 9, 2019:
There can be NO personal relationship with God/Jesus. They are fictional characters. Not people. All "personal" relationships with fictional people are illusory. I can speak on and on about my personal relationship with Aragorn, but would anyone listen to my nonsense? They should not. Because it is ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
What I am seeking is a way to communicate your thoughts to Christians in a way that they might think about it, and understand.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
SeeCanU comments on Jun 9, 2019:
i've never had a relationship with an imaginary thing. when i was a kid i remember other kids (maybe one or two) that had an imaginary friend. i never got it. BUT i have been thinking about how a religious person may not want to be with an atheist because it may jeopardize their personal ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@SeeCanU Thank you! I just try to be real and empathetic. Though i do love a bit of satire!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jun 9, 2019:
No such relationship, pure imagination, & wishful thinking.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Lilac-Jade Noooooo! Just look at some of the comments! They are actually funny! Your always the best!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Kafirah comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Delusional thinking bordering on psychosis. Basically it's when someone has bullshitted themselves into being able to release dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin through very specific stimuli in such quantities that produce a distinct chemical high that is percieved as a "spiritual experience", much ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Yep, thats basically it in a nut shell.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
linxminx comments on Jun 9, 2019:
It's the adult version of a child's imaginary friend. Psychology suggests that children have imaginary friends as a self-soothing mechanism and/or because they are lonely. As adults, it is assumed that we mature into self-confidence and self-assuredness in ourselves, but maybe that isn't ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Well said and well thought out!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Very interesting question! I was raised in the church. This was a popular topic - having a personal relationship with God or Jesus, and feeling the holy spirit. I tried, boy how I tried. It was fully expected of me as a PK. However, NEVER did I ever once feel like there was a god or his son or his ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Stilltrying1964 Iv'e noticed that just as many bad things happen to Bible thumpers, only its god "testing" them. Really God does not know? If its for the sake of learning could an all powerful god not teach in a positive way? They demean their won God.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
avron comments on Jun 10, 2019:
What could be better than an imaginary character who sees to your surviving cancer when you’re powerless to help yourself, but don’t tell your doctor.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Wow, such a profound statement. I hope you remain cancer free!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
onthefire comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I've never had a relationship with any God or religion because I wasn't raised to. By the time I was forced by my grade school to go to church, I already had serious doubts about all religion.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I am happy it went that way for you.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
SeeCanU comments on Jun 9, 2019:
i've never had a relationship with an imaginary thing. when i was a kid i remember other kids (maybe one or two) that had an imaginary friend. i never got it. BUT i have been thinking about how a religious person may not want to be with an atheist because it may jeopardize their personal ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
That is disturbing, My X-wife treated her God like a God and me like Satan. Her pretend relationship was more important.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
jlynn37 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I don't think it is possible to have any kind of relationship with something that is invisible and imaginary, personal or otherwise.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I agree, the problem here is that people actively, consciously delude themselves into BELIEVING that they can have a relationship with something that does not exist.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Chris0615 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Like many have said, I find it hard to believe that an imaginary thing is "personal". That said, I could see some residual good coming out of a belief like that. I could see someone gain in confidence or belief in self because some imaginary friend spurs you on. Unfortunately, from my perspective, ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
I don't know why this cracks me up but a "personal" imaginary friend?
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Athena comments on Jun 9, 2019:
A personal relationship with God is like having an imaginary friend whom you expect to do all the stuff in your life, you don't want to do, or can't do yourself.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
And you actually expect said imaginary friend to actually do things for you!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
genessa comments on Jun 9, 2019:
you're asking atheists this? a personal relationship with god is like... wait, it's hard to type with this strait-jacket on. g
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
Well said!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jun 9, 2019:
No such relationship, pure imagination, & wishful thinking.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@Lilac-Jade Hey! Look I have hecklers that say I'm a troll, Don't know what site I'm on or just trying to get famous on my YouTube channel! Heck I was scared to talk when I first met you on the other site years ago. How far I have come!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Very interesting question! I was raised in the church. This was a popular topic - having a personal relationship with God or Jesus, and feeling the holy spirit. I tried, boy how I tried. It was fully expected of me as a PK. However, NEVER did I ever once feel like there was a god or his son or his ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
First I'm very sorry for your loss. That must still hurt very bad. Second, That is a very stylish t-shirt there! Third, I was involved in a young earth creationist, fundamentalist, cult. Called The First United Methodist Church. Normally they are considered moderate but these guys indoctrinated me to be an extremest, Inerrant, wacko! Luckily, I grew out of It. Much of the idea of my video centers around how everyone in church talked about their personal relationship with god and how Jesus told them this and that. It was expected from everyone. I did not know what they were talking about.When I asked they basically told me I was flawed, in sin, or not believing enough. I as a child, would stay up all night just trying to believe enough for Jesus to love me. IT WAS CHILD ABUSE!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
LiterateHiker comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Religion is a like a **virus**. Religion hijacks the mind like a virus hijacks the body. Both a virus and religion's goal is to reproduce itself. Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion."
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 10, 2019:
@QuidamOutrepont Very true, This is why the Bible tells us to kill unborn children and babies, yet Christianity is anti-abortion. They simply want more baby Christians.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
zeuser comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Umm, you know this is a site literally named, right?
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
Thats why my fellow apostates can anwer this question and help me to answer questions that Christians have. You know I have a profile you could have looked at complete with bio and link to my YouTube channel right?
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
RavenCT comments on Jun 9, 2019:
It's pretending really hard that your moral compass is someone else. And that 'someone else' can grant personal favors* if *you do certain things "Just right". But you never do things 'just right' because the game is rigged. *Apparently*. lol So happy to be Atheist!
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
You can't win when your imaginary friend won't let you!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
powder comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Santa is the closest. "He knows if your good or bad, watches you when you sleep and offers rewards if you believe" It is a slave/ master relationship with one party holding all cards. A toxic relationship.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
Whats worse is its a toxic IMAGINARY relationship.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Huskygirl4ever comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I was actually asked by the oldest daughter to have a personal relationship with Jesus back in November of 2017 and I honestly laughed because to me it would be like talking to a brick wall asking it for help when you need it
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
The difference is you can hold a brick as i often say.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jun 9, 2019:
No such relationship, pure imagination, & wishful thinking.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
Hosh never expected to hear that from the likesnof you! Ha! Ha!
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
LiterateHiker comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Religion is a like a **virus**. Religion hijacks the mind like a virus hijacks the body. Both a virus and religion's goal is to reproduce itself. Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion."
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
A much more conprehensive book is called "The God Virus."
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
RussRAB comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Please explain how someone has a personal relationship with a nonmaterial object or being they cannot see or touch, and that they only "hear" within their mind. I believe I may have a more personal relationship with the chair I sit in since I can see it, can touch it, and can hear it when I sit down...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
Thank you, i will check it out. The personal relationship with nothing IS in fact ridiculous, the key is making it obvious to those who believe it as i did as a child indoctrinated into fundamentalism.
I am playing around with a subject for an upcoming video.
St-Sinner comments on Jun 9, 2019:
The less time you spend with this subject, the better your life and life of others will be. God is not useful for anything.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jun 9, 2019:
I have the internal need to help others escape it. So it is very important that I am aboe to approach subjects like this in a way that helps the to think rather than "just believe."
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
Dave75 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I would say yes but the religious tend to get confused as to where their rights end. If they would give up their ideas about governing according to "god's word" then an answer would be much simpler.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 5, 2019:
Seperation of state and church means that the state only enforces their religion.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Religions HAVE had freedoms for as long there have been religions, but NEVER has there a Freedom from Religion right permitted in ANY Society or Culture.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Now seems like a good time to start
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
wordywalt comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I believe that in our constitutional democracy, freedom of religion MUST include freedom from religion.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
I would like to see that happen officially.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I think everybody ought to Mind Their Own Business at all times, unless preventing physical/verbal abuse.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Ought can be a nice thing, it is the religious that behead for their oughts.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom from religion. g
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
I know it should, but does it legally,? Where is that written on any legal document? If such a document does exist why has it failed?
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I stay out of things like that. I will not debate or argue.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
While I contemplate how you are the best I will in the mean time stir the pot!
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
48thRonin comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I say no because there’s a very sharp contrast between them. The freedom of religion primarily states that one religion cannot be the only religion. Which was primarily a protection from the Roman Catholic Church then later on the Church of England. But don’t forget that these very same ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Since we can not get everyone to dump religion right now, do you have any ideas for our best approach for freedom from religion without impeding on the theist rights to be wrong?
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
Benthoven comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Yes... an ABSOLUTE yes... By standing up for the rights of others, we protect ourselves as well. That doesn't mean stand back while religions try to suppress the rights of others, it means defending the rights of all... the religious and non-religious alike. We're all covered under the same ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
I agree with you completely. You understood the context of my question. I do now realize there is much more to be explored by others comments.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
LenHazell53 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Yes if you defend the right for people to believe as they please without prejudice then that must necessarily include people who choose rationalism, humanism and even atheism. There is however a difference between freedom of religion and freedom to be religious if that practice comes in to conflict...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Exactly I have thought much about that myself. An Aztec sacrifice cult came to my mind.
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
ArthurK comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Humm. An interesting question. If you are asking the general question, "should there be freedom to believe in any religion or none without government interference", then the answer would be yes. But we know that our government does promote religion in various ways. If your question is "does ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
Ot is funny that if a post master puts up a Christian flag at a post office Christian's come in droves to defend freedom of religion. If that same post master put up a Muslim flag they would come in droves to demand it be taken down, all the while screaming "freedom of religion!"
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
powder comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Religion confuses rights and rites. People/ other life has rights (if there is such a thing) Religions have rites Religious rites are not rights. The right people should have is freedom of belief. So the religious rite of indoctrination of children conflicts with the right to freedom of belief ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 4, 2019:
I was not speaking as an institution, but as an individual choice. This being said I will save and use what you have written as a reference, if you dont mind I might make it the subject of a video!
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
greyeyed123 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I've noticed in my life and as an English teacher that a compelling story tends to be believed more than a messy reality (especially a reality that makes for an uninteresting story). My high school students will often blurt out, "Is this a true story?", especially when the story gets the most ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
I often tell people that the little boy that cried wolf is a true story, that is one should not lie. It is NOT however a factual account of concordant events. That is how the Bible should be understood also.
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
Amisja comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Where have you been? Its ages since I've seen you post (not a stalker btw ;) )
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@Amisja Thank You! I'm am glad to see that someone was concerned! It is really helpful in this time.
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
Imatheistically comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Mark Twain said it best, " It's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that bother me. It's the parts that I DO understand that bother me!"
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
Mark had a great understanding of what is not understood!
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
Paul4747 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
It's hard to understand unless your disbelief is suspended about, let's say, up at ceiling level. Also, put your critical thinking on hold and take your brain off the hook; if reality wants you, it will call back.
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
Christians are taught not to answer the call!
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
KKGator comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I always tell them that reading and understanding the bible is what helped to solidify my atheism. Then I demonstrate that I know their bible, and it's history, better than they do. They usually go away pretty angry. :)
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
At the end of my Videos in my outro I state that I was compelled by the bible to no longer believe IN the Bible. They usually just get quiet when I have to educate them about their misunderstandings about the Bible.
My response when I'm told I can't understand the Bible.
Amisja comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Where have you been? Its ages since I've seen you post (not a stalker btw ;) )
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
Divorce has taken much of my time, I'm still looking for a place to live. I have been lucky to have friends make a few videos for my YouTube channel. I am also trying to start a local hangout at a bar or something. I have my hands in too many cookie jars!
First of all welcome all new members! Holykoolaid is now a member of our group! He has a great ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I tryed to pos his channel but the link would not work for me so here is one of his videos!Just don't drink the Koolaide!
DavidLaDeau replies on Feb 3, 2019:
@LimitedLight Yes he Is, He does not come here often though.
God came to Earth as Jesus?
DavidLaDeau comments on Jan 25, 2019:
When religion is taken out of religious context, and then put into logical context its absurdity becomes obvious.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 27, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 I have spent my life trying to understand it.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Not a chance.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 17, 2019:
Howdy! One of my favorite peeps!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Yes, I would. I know such a person right now and she lives in Jersey. We have never met and each agree that we would marry the other. She says she cannot live in my state. My money would not even buy an apartment in her state. She likes Jersey and New York. I see lack of money as the problem and not...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@DenoPenno I always look forward to hearing from you!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
jsbach comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I have a slightly different situation. I met and worked with a girl in college (she was a year younger than me). She was living on campus and I was a commuter. We became good friends and we both liked each other very much and even invited me to come to visit her at home when the semester ended (she...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Might have tracked down an "old friend" that way after 25 years...We shall see how it goes.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
Myah comments on Jan 15, 2019:
If you want kids and don’t want them to have all the baggage associated with religion holding them back there is no way you could marry someone who was religious. This is a values question in the end
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Heck I'm old 48 and our kids are grown up!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
AmyLF comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Well... belief is a personal thing. I know I don't like being criticized or ridiculed for where I stand on organized religions especially so I do my best not to do the same. I'm of the mind that sharing a life doesn't necessarily mean one has to do every single thing with the significant other. ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
This is very true, I however have a YouTube Channel and am very active in a number of groups. I have to balance shoving what I do in her face also, by just doing what I do as a hobby.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Can you respect their intelligence? Tough going if not......
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Respect intelligence, Hell that is the only thing I am attracted to. Some intelligent people for what ever reason hang on to the myth.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
Green_eyes comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I had a long, happy and fulfilling marriage until my husband rediscovered the church. He changed very quickly and we weren’t good enough anymore. I left as I won’t ever let myself or my sons be ever be made to feel less than. I won’t make that mistake again.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes That is very true. I have never wanted to own a woman, they just don't interest me if they are submissive, Give me a fiery, outspoken, pain in the ass anytime! They are what challenges my mind!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
josh_karpf comments on Jan 15, 2019:
If there are no kids, I'd like to think that a difference in religion/philosophy would be easier to manage than a difference in diet. My ex was atheist but, weirdly, loved religiously dependent Jewish ritual/culture more than anyone in her believer-yet-nonobservant family. Since we were going to ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
That's quite the story!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Hell No! I've shared why in a comment to Green_eyes, and @linxminx explained, to a tee, how the relationship will likely evolve, which was exactly what happened to me, twice. However, I'll add that neither one of the husbands were very religious at the time we got married but later changed their ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Sorry to hear that.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Yes, I would. I know such a person right now and she lives in Jersey. We have never met and each agree that we would marry the other. She says she cannot live in my state. My money would not even buy an apartment in her state. She likes Jersey and New York. I see lack of money as the problem and not...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
It is always good to hear form you my friend.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
HeraTera comments on Jan 15, 2019:
If they were the love of my life and we'd known each other all our lives, I imagine we could find a way to work out differences of opinion regarding religion or politics or any other thing. It would not be the ideal situation, but I think I would try it. I prefer not to think of myself as closed ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
"the love of my life" is actually something that I believe is thrown around much too often. Much like "soul mates." But love can stand the test of time.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
linxminx comments on Jan 15, 2019:
You see, it's like this...what would really happen. I'm an athiest, he's religious, but is the love of my life, and he says I'm the love of his life. All is good and hunky-dory for about 8-9 months, then the romance fades away from the relationship, and then you're left with the realities of ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
That is actually the most likely way it would play out....
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
genessa comments on Jan 15, 2019:
that just wouldn't happen. i wouldn't fall in love with someone who was very religious. that person would seem way too alien to me. g
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
I understand. When one has loved someone all their life before religion became a factor it is different.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
lerlo comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Absolutely...assuming they agreed to disagree on religion. Compromises can be made. You know her inside and out and you should know from dating that it's a pretty rare find... The only issue is do they need support for their religious beliefs? Can the practice their religion without affecting ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@lerlo I use the Bible to speak with fundamentalist. Fundamentalist do not listen to reason or logic. The Bible is the only thing they will listen to. So I simply use the Bible. That is what my Youtube channel is all about. I am CompelledUnbeliever because I was Compelled BY the Bible to no longer BELIEVE in the Bible.
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
Spooner comments on Jan 15, 2019:
That is tough. I answered "don't know" but I'm leaning towards "definitely". Of course, it all depends upon their religion, how religious they were, etc. If they were American fundamentalist, I don't think I could deal with it! If they were just "spiritual", or reform Jew, or Buddhist, I could ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
How about a Mexican/ American Catholic? That fails to go to mass, but puts god stuff on every other Facebook post?
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
lerlo comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Absolutely...assuming they agreed to disagree on religion. Compromises can be made. You know her inside and out and you should know from dating that it's a pretty rare find... The only issue is do they need support for their religious beliefs? Can the practice their religion without affecting ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@lerlo Actually I go to church on occasion, It always fills me with awe that I did and believed what they do. But I learn more in the two hours it takes for the service by studying Bible scholarship than they learn in six months!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
lerlo comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Absolutely...assuming they agreed to disagree on religion. Compromises can be made. You know her inside and out and you should know from dating that it's a pretty rare find... The only issue is do they need support for their religious beliefs? Can the practice their religion without affecting ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@lerlo Well said. I am very serious about helping people that were in fundamentalist cults as I was. I have a Youtube channel dedicated to it. It would be much like being an unbeliever married to a preacher. It has happened and has worked as long as the atheist keeps their mouth shut in church!
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
lerlo comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Absolutely...assuming they agreed to disagree on religion. Compromises can be made. You know her inside and out and you should know from dating that it's a pretty rare find... The only issue is do they need support for their religious beliefs? Can the practice their religion without affecting ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
Or can you be an activist without affecting them or their families disagreement with your position....
If you could have the love of your life, someone you have known and loved all your life, that ...
dreamsinflux comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Shoot. That's a tough question.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
Yep. Life often give us the toughest!
We must be ever vigilant to halt nonsense like this ! WHY can't they keep it in their damn churches ...
KKGator comments on Jan 14, 2019:
She needs to be removed from office for violating the Constitution.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 15, 2019:
There has NEVER been any consideration to remove, censure, or even call into question those politicians that push a religious agenda in the United States that I know of.
Shouldn't we be more eager to get there?
DavidLaDeau comments on Jan 11, 2019:
The only way we could have evolved is if we feared and avoided death long enough to reproduce. Fear of death is what keeps us living, religion helps many of us to deal with that fear, it does not reduce it.
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@KKGator i love your outlook on it, it is probably why you are here.
Secular humanism?
Matias comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Many atheists now sailing under the flag of „humanism“ do not realize that "humanism" is only the continuation of Christianity by other means. Since Feuerbach and Freud we know that the gods are merely projections of the human mind, and that we worship ourselves in the image of "gods". ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Thank You for the information.
Gay people should not join Catholic clergy, Pope Francis says | World news | The Guardian
DavidLaDeau comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Why did he not say that pedophiles should not join the clergy?
DavidLaDeau replies on Dec 13, 2018:
@Blakadow If you look I was responding to @David1955 When I commented "Wow! Could not have said it better!" If there has ever been just one Catholic that was not a pedophile you are wrong and owe Catholics an apology for your blanket statement.
Gay people should not join Catholic clergy, Pope Francis says | World news | The Guardian
DavidLaDeau comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Why did he not say that pedophiles should not join the clergy?
DavidLaDeau replies on Dec 8, 2018:
@Blakadow That is simply untrue, and a harmful thing to say.
Gay people should not join Catholic clergy, Pope Francis says | World news | The Guardian
DavidLaDeau comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Why did he not say that pedophiles should not join the clergy?
DavidLaDeau replies on Dec 7, 2018:
@David1955 Wow! Could not have said it better!
What would you do if you're on your death bed, and an evangelist comes around to preach the gospel ...
Hominid comments on Dec 6, 2018:
I may be generalizing, but most of the chaplains that frequent hospitals believe that once saved, always saved. I'd tell him I prayed the sinner's prayer back in 1983, so "Fuck Off".
DavidLaDeau replies on Dec 6, 2018:
Oh the nice guy approach...
Gay people should not join Catholic clergy, Pope Francis says | World news | The Guardian
DavidLaDeau comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Why did he not say that pedophiles should not join the clergy?
DavidLaDeau replies on Dec 5, 2018:
@David1955 I've seen a few accounts that up to half of Catholic clergy are actually gay. But let's put this to the side for now. The Pope proffer that we are all sinners and all sins deserve death, blah ,blah , blah. In this case he is suggesting that some sins are worse than others so much that people can not be an active part of leadership in the Church. That is rather profound. If all sins fall short of the glory of God and lead to death how could one sin be any worse than the other? It is all nonsense.
Sodium Column...? - BionicDance []
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Nov 29, 2018:
The only thing I could think about while listening to her was that she might have a great voice for voice overs for animation or cartoons.
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 30, 2018:
I remember her saying that she has done a little voice work.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Pete66 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
He put an entire group of people at risk and if he was carrying any pathogens to which they have no resistance the effects may still be catastrophic. I have absolutely no sympathy for this idiot or for his family who indoctrinated him into thinking that this was somehow a good idea!
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 27, 2018:
@OpposingOpposum Can you demnostrate how you know this to be true? I could be, but usually Chistians approach these type of things from a position of servitude. How do we determine it was a desire for glory only and not to serve his non-existant God? What ever the failings were if it were not for religion he would have never gone to spread his religion.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2018:
So a guy thinks that he does not have to steer his car because god will save him. He then crashes into a tree. So what! one less idiot. We would be thankful that no one else was hurt. That guy was the same only worse. The overwhelming vanity of it all is what pisses me off. Its bad enough when they ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 27, 2018:
@OpposingOpposum Again you still miss the point. I would not call them "bad People" only indicate their bad behavior. They are good people with good reason to be angry as I am, Sometimes anger produces inappropiate responses.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Hebert54 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
The ‘preacher ‘ decided that his faith was more important than the law and obviously common sense. You must admit , his arrogance led to his demise . Do you not think that religious terrorists are the same as this bloke .? After all , evidently , they believe they have some divine mandate too....
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 27, 2018:
@Hebert54 Well said!
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Hebert54 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
The ‘preacher ‘ decided that his faith was more important than the law and obviously common sense. You must admit , his arrogance led to his demise . Do you not think that religious terrorists are the same as this bloke .? After all , evidently , they believe they have some divine mandate too....
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 25, 2018:
@Hebert54 No I was a true believer. This kind of action usually does not stem from pride but Servitude to a God that does not exist. Servitude is the opposite of arrogance. Was he still wrong? Yes. His mind was infected with the cancer of religion. We do not hate the people with cancer, we hate the cancer that infects them. Religion was his cancer and caused him to endanger the lives of others. Very sad.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
JacarC comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Atheist responses? If this did not involve a religiously brainwashed imbecile, we ALL would be laughing at the stupidity of the idiot. A Darwin award is due. The asshats that convinced him that this was a good idea should all have the same experience. They encouraged his suicide. They should ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 25, 2018:
@Jacar It looks like we are on the same page more than it appeared. I am glad you did watch the video I am sorry I thought you did not. I have gotten many negative comments that came from people who simply commented on the title, it is very common. I am also sad that Mao, Stalin, and Hitler were obviously in some way mentally ill and for all of their victims. They were all humans. I do not like or approve of horrable actions. I am sorry that people for what ever reason commited bad actions. In this case religion poisioned Johns brain.
Atheism is a myth.
David1955 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
The usual littany of false assumptions and claims against atheism. Boring! Here's some advice friend: fight "the Romans" instead of fellow nonbelievers. I don't believe in fairies. I'm an a-fairies-ist, because there is no evidence. But according to you, not believing in fairies is a myth too. ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 25, 2018:
David Iove your mind and how you articulate it!
I was raised as a Fundamental Baptist.
SaucyCheryl comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I am so glad you got out while you were so young. I finally got out at 50 and it is glorious. I and my seven children and 4 grandchildren are all living free and happy. So proud of you for breaking free!
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 25, 2018:
@SaucyCheryl What eludes me is that I am moral and yet feel no guilt. I am actually more concerned about doing the right thing to others as there is no sky daddy to "just forgive" me. I can do anything I want yet choose to be more careful than ever. FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMM!
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Hebert54 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
The ‘preacher ‘ decided that his faith was more important than the law and obviously common sense. You must admit , his arrogance led to his demise . Do you not think that religious terrorists are the same as this bloke .? After all , evidently , they believe they have some divine mandate too....
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@Hebert54 I did look up the word and that is why it does not apply.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
JacarC comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Atheist responses? If this did not involve a religiously brainwashed imbecile, we ALL would be laughing at the stupidity of the idiot. A Darwin award is due. The asshats that convinced him that this was a good idea should all have the same experience. They encouraged his suicide. They should ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
Speak for yourself and please watch the video.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Hebert54 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
The ‘preacher ‘ decided that his faith was more important than the law and obviously common sense. You must admit , his arrogance led to his demise . Do you not think that religious terrorists are the same as this bloke .? After all , evidently , they believe they have some divine mandate too....
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@Hebert54 I don't know that it was arrogance. He was doing what he thought his magic sky daddy wanted him to do, that is servitude not arrogance.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Dave75 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I think anger about this fool’s actions would be expected from atheists. With all the religious talk about “restoring rule of law” one would suppose this man would respect laws. Outsiders being forbidden on this island protects the outsiders and the natives. If he introduced a pathogen which ...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@Dave75 Thank you, He was stupid, he did ignore other humans, he did bad things. It was indeed religion that poisoned his mind. It is sad. HAve a good one!
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
powder comments on Nov 23, 2018:
It is not that atheists hate xtians, it's religion they dismiss. I am sure many atheists here have sympathy for that woman in Pakistan, which BTW not too many agitations from xtianity in general about that one as their real god, $$$$$$, may be threatened.
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@powder i do not bang my head against even a pillow or I would have no skull left from the repeated action.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
powder comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Just out of interest, do you also have the same concern when atheist's respond to a suicide bomber by saying "one less wanker in the world"? It's the same thing.
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 24, 2018:
@powder Yep it is sad, very sad.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
escapetypist comments on Nov 23, 2018:
How annoying must you be for a sane well-adjusted person to put an arrow in you?
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 23, 2018:
@OpposingOpposum Do you know that he was not so deluded by religion that he did not htink they would all be safe due to his magical god?
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Gareth comments on Nov 23, 2018:
I feel sympathy for Chau in the same way I feel sympathy for the 9-11 hijackers or anyone else whose narcissistic delusions trump all other values in their disordered minds. I don't wish anyone dead but when I hear of a fatal high-speed traffic accident between two cars I always hope that it was the...
DavidLaDeau replies on Nov 23, 2018:
@Gareth It is a cop out to be sad that he attempted to do something horrable? It is a cop out to be sad that he did have to be stopped. It is a cop out to hate the religion that causes people to do terrable things in the name of religion. No I don't think so. I am angry at him also. I am angry that he was infected with religion in the first place, Thank You Sir.


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