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I'm going through my home and throwing stuff away.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I still have my large collection of religious books and bibles in case I need to look something up that might come up in discussion. This is simply so I can be accurate in what I am telling a believer because this stuff is no longer floating around in my head. I don't want it to be in my head but I ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@FvckY0u I studied to be a Pentecostal minster once. That's what most of my books are about. I also have a few that points out there is just no good evidence for gods of any kind.
Pesticides are not only killing the birds but humans now & probably in the future.
Alienbeing comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Who still uses Agent Orange?
DenoPenno replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@FrayedBear I'm not sure we used it to affect civilians. At the time of Agent Orange our military would spray in on themselves in training on how to use it. This was to show that it was "completely safe" but later we learned that it was not.
Pesticides killing birds?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Pesticides kill birds and they might even kill you. That's why I recently order an insect zapper.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@Mooolah I'm gonna zap the holy shit out of sink gnats.
Kanye has expressed admiration for Nazism, but Nazism would not have admiration for Kanye.
rainmanjr comments on Dec 4, 2022:
Yes, and Ye has determined that there's more money, or more *consistent* money, in sales to the MAGAT crowd than outside it. Maybe even easier money and that's appealing to him. Just another Con playing a game of numbers.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 4, 2022:
Either you are correct or he is totally off his meds right now.
Pesticides are not only killing the birds but humans now & probably in the future.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Agent Orange killed people that I knew. Not immediately but it was the cause of their death later.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@Alienbeing This same thing happened to a couple of people that I knew also.
Zelensky proposes banning religious groups ‘affiliated’ with Moscow.
puff comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Turning into a right Nazi is our Mr. Zelensky. First they came for opposition parties, and I did nothing as I was not one of them Then they came for media outlets, and I did nothing Then they came for Russian speakers, and I did nothing Then they came for specific religious groups........ ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2022:
Oh, certainly. It all started in 2014 and you can have Jewish Nazis. Putin finally figured that out in 2022.
House committee receives Donald Trump's federal tax returns from IRS - CNNPolitics
RobertNappi2 comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Not enough time to do anything about it!!!
DenoPenno replies on Nov 30, 2022:
Maybe not but he is being exposed. It is a slow process.
We start with the attack on Xmas Carols and Season's Greetings, then we strike at the Nativity ...
BD66 comments on Nov 30, 2022:
We went out for lunch this Sunday, and the restaurant had Christmas music playing non-stop. I said to my son "This Christmas music gets more annoying every year". He agreed with me.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 30, 2022:
I certainly agree and I complain that my workplace is playing it. If I am driving and listening to the radio I change the station when a Christmas song comes on.
Yet another encounter on Match, with a closet conservative and Trumper.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Nov 28, 2022:
There is still a subset of people, especially cons, who think they have the ability to change people and mold them into what they want.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2022:
The cons never give up. In fact, you have to send them money for them to be able to see you. I had one once who picked a house a mile from me as her location. I was to get gift cards for her kiddies, then once she has that money I simply go to that house and knock on the door. It is strange how many people think you might have actually did this when you tell the story. I am "un-conable" and I cannot be catfished.
Currently showing on free to air public TV in Australia & supposedly based on a true story from ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 27, 2022:
I am able to watch this but thankfully it is not my kind of movie.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 27, 2022:
@FrayedBear I'm thankful because the film appears to be too goddamned religious for me to give a damn.
Don’t throw it away, yet.
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2022:
If a shrimp tastes off AT ALL, spit it out. Same for any sushi or otherwise uncooked sea food.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 26, 2022:
I never eat un-cooked food of any kind. Not even veggies.
How to Respond When Someone Says “All Lives Matter”
Garban comments on Nov 26, 2022:
IMO when someone says “ Black Lives Matter” some people hear “White Lives Don’t Matter”. They immediately go into defensive mode rather than honestly listening and attempting to empathize.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 26, 2022:
True. I'm also amazed that it is white people who always tell us all about Black Lives Matter.
Celia Deane-Drummond - New Visions of the Divine?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Male deity, female deity, transgender deity, it makes no difference. None of them are real.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 26, 2022:
I agree totally. Thank you so very much.
The biggest problem with Christianity in my opinion is that all the Christians think they know the ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 25, 2022:
Xtians need to rewrite the Hebrew Scriptures, aka The Old Testament, more strenuously as it says: Ecclesiastes 3:20-21 20 All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth....
DenoPenno replies on Nov 25, 2022:
I agree wholeheartedly because you do not have a spirit -- you are the spirit. Ezekiel 18:20 explains it pretty well.
In Mexico, Aztec dig sets new records as royal mystery deepens
FvckY0u comments on Nov 24, 2022:
I would love to hear a follow up to this story.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 25, 2022:
So would I.
Quick question; What happened to the app?
FearlessFly comments on Nov 23, 2022:
No need for an "app". Members can login from ANY browser :
DenoPenno replies on Nov 23, 2022:
@CourtJester Liberals sitting at a computer in their parents basement. I have 3 computers, no basement, and both my parents are dead. I also work for a living.
November 22, 1963.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 22, 2022:
A little bit of thought on that day and the Kennedy murder. The route of the motorcade was changed at last minute and they left the Stemmons Freeway to end up driving up Elm St. past the book depository. Why was this done and who had the power to do it? Could Oswald have killed JFK without this ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 22, 2022:
@Sierra4 Thanks for the reply. I will check into this and possibly correct my thinking. My mind is cluttered with 20 years of books on the murder so I took in a lot of things because it made me sick.
Funny stuff []
DenoPenno comments on Nov 20, 2022:
At least I still have my Social Security. Trump said that when he was re-elected that was the first thing he was going to go to work on. Rick Scott wants to eliminate it altogether. Everyone knows this bullshit won't work. Even the haters never refuse it or turn it down once they become eligible.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 21, 2022:
@CourtJester OK doctor. Go study some more and find someone else to berate and rub your views in. Should have been and you should have are not words or phrases that fix anything. We cannot change the past. I'm done here.
Funny stuff []
DenoPenno comments on Nov 20, 2022:
At least I still have my Social Security. Trump said that when he was re-elected that was the first thing he was going to go to work on. Rick Scott wants to eliminate it altogether. Everyone knows this bullshit won't work. Even the haters never refuse it or turn it down once they become eligible.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 20, 2022:
@CourtJester Really? I thought it was an insurance program. I doubt you would turn it away. When your job doesn't pay you shit how are you going to invest properly?
Monologue: The Chrismas Surprise | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
MyTVC15 comments on Nov 20, 2022:
All I want for Christmas is Trump indicted.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 20, 2022:
Or any other bad thing that might happen to him.
I'm glad we didn't shutter this group when we were tempted to.
Theresa_N comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I'm glad this group wasn't shuttered too, but look forward to the day when it can be.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 19, 2022:
@19dacar52 I have already seen anti-DeSantis ads and you know they came from Trump and not the Dems. One such add claims that he talks to his wife too much and gets advice from her. It's totally stupid but Trump wants to keep his Trumpers.
Early Announcement: We celebrate my heart attack and consequent quadruple bypass surgery in exactly...
Jolanta comments on Nov 17, 2022:
What is Fentanyl?
DenoPenno replies on Nov 17, 2022:
It's a drug that will kill you. Normally mixed with other drugs for a bigger high it has played a part in deaths of Prince and Tom Petty along with other musicians.
Jack the 'Baboon' Signalman - True Story Jack was a properly employed first-class signalman in Cape...
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 14, 2022:
Doesn't surprise me. There are probably lots of jobs that could be done by a trained monkey. And I have worked with some people who probably had no more or maybe less brains and sense than a monkey..
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2022:
Many jobs can be done by a trained monkey or baboon. One was in the White House for 4 years.
Another big lie from the Bible
NostraDumbass comments on Nov 13, 2022:
So the serpent was really a……trouser snake?
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2022:
Strangely a lot of Evangelicals believe this and will tell you they know the real truth of the forbidden fruit. This make sex the original sin.
Gov. Kevin Stitt: I 'claim Oklahoma' for the Christian God
DenoPenno comments on Nov 13, 2022:
Totally ridiculous.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2022:
@anglophone The other gods are fake gods and you only know that when your group believes in the one true god. This should be enough for the thinking person but people do not think when they have to have all the answers.
Behind-The-Scenes Stories From 'Schindler's List' Spielberg Took No Salary For Making The Movie ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 10, 2022:
I have read so much about this film and for that reason understand a lot of what it was about. Admittedly I have never seen this movie but some day will sit down to watch it. The irony and horror here is that some in the last 6 years want to deny the holocaust all together. This is the ultimate ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2022:
@Ryo1 In my system all I have to do is enter the name and the film pops up for free. I cannot tell you how on this platform because I am technically a pirate.
DeSantis Ad Implies He Was Chosen By God | Twitter Bans Users For Impersonating Elon Musk - YouTube
phoenixone1 comments on Nov 8, 2022:
If there was a DOG and he chose that POS...he isn't a very good judge of character...and/or he is a POS him/her self.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 9, 2022:
There is a dog. I just do not happen to own one right now.
I realize many don't like Dawkins, but one can learn some Portuguese Spanish... []
DenoPenno comments on Nov 8, 2022:
So, what is wrong with Dawkins? He's truthful and funny.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 8, 2022:
@skado True believers think they are too.
Back in 2019 I posted some negative Elon Muskisms and I got so much bad feedback my post was ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Found this for you.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 7, 2022:
We would all be better off if he would STF up.
Yesterday I found need to go to a laundrymat.
Zoohome comments on Nov 7, 2022:
I think its the digital world. My son will only play outside when i step in the say enough of screen time. Yesterday was an example. Hebwould had riden a bike if wasn't for not having company, he likes to be with others, thats his nature. Sure, the world is afraid, but not just that. Kids are ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 7, 2022:
Working from home is an off shoot of the pandemic that corporations did not count on, I think. I would work from home if I could but I can't deliver auto parts that way.
Yesterday I found need to go to a laundrymat.
273kelvin comments on Nov 6, 2022:
Nothing highlights this more than hitchhiking. The fact is that it has never been safer to hitchhike than today. You can photograph the licence plate and driver then send it to a 3rd party. Similarly, the driver can ask for ID and do the same. Yet you seldom see a hitchhiker (at least in the UK) ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 7, 2022:
The really unsafe part is to let anyone photograph your ID. Before long they are you and have what you have. You have to fight that in court and it might include things they bought as you and later refused to pay for, or a loan they took out. Ignorant assed authorities want you to pay for this. I always thought that the fake you would not have enough residence time to be considered as you. After all, you can't be in two places at once. Presto! Lifelock (and others) are born.
Yesterday I found need to go to a laundrymat.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Nov 6, 2022:
My conclusion is people don't want to get shot by the police, a spree shooter, a drive-by shooter, a mass shooter, far-right terrorist, a mental break from reality shooter, etc., etc., etc. I think COVID has very little to do with what's happening. Maybe where you are. I live amongst the ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 6, 2022:
We have some here too that believe that way. I work with them and everyone supported Trump. No one thought Covid was anything or even real but many of us got it anyway. I like my new boss but she told me once that Megan Markle was born in St. Louis, Mo. Not according to my Internet. Most are indeed batshit crazy.
Yesterday I found need to go to a laundrymat.
Tejas comments on Nov 6, 2022:
If you live in a decent sized neighborhood you'll still lots of people walking around, mostly homeless people though. The land skape is different now from what it used to be even when I was a kid. Kids can't explore around much anymore without riding through the streets. There are still parks but ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 6, 2022:
I'm in mid Missouri in a community of about 1200 people. No visible homeless people here, nor are they to be found in towns close by. Did someone kill them off or did the dope play out? One thing that got rid of the homeless is people burning their abandoned properties for the insurance money and claim the homeless did it making meth. Along this same route is to evict the homeless from cheap historical hotels and do a complete makeover of that historical building. Now it is no longer historical and those near homeless cannot afford it. Where did they go?
WestWorld has been cancelled. :( No reason to keep HBO now.
David1955 comments on Nov 5, 2022:
It was too smart for its own good, and meandered into The Matrix and Bladerunner, in my view, so I'm not surprised.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 5, 2022:
Yes it did, and the theme it was playing ran out. Where do you go from there?
Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
DenoPenno comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Seems familiar and they really have no idea what they are demanding. If your government does not want the best of everything for everybody you have a shitty government. Not long ago some asshat tried to point out to me that this is not so. Another even told me that if immigration was done my way ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 4, 2022:
@puff I do see some of this. BTW, Pence had no power to not accept the votes. He is there to verify the decision only. Many totally forget this. As for those you are "lumping" with Trump, I do not worry about Nancy or Hillary. One is not president and the other never will be. We will all be better off when Trump is 6 feet under and for "who is at fault" it depends heavily on the situation. Trump has no "pure logic" and is a grifter and a conman. If the Pentagon controls everything keep in mind that my view of a Patriot is someone who has served in our military, not a narcissist on a clown car with his friends. As a Progressive I want what is best for us all and I'm not for USA style politics explaining everything in the world because frankly, it does not.
Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
DenoPenno comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Seems familiar and they really have no idea what they are demanding. If your government does not want the best of everything for everybody you have a shitty government. Not long ago some asshat tried to point out to me that this is not so. Another even told me that if immigration was done my way ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 4, 2022:
@puff When it comes to conspiracy stuff I find way too many would have to be involved for it all to be true the way many think. I do, however, totally agree with your last 2 sentences here. People on both sides appear to be too much afraid of Donald Trump to do what needs to be done.
Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
DenoPenno comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Seems familiar and they really have no idea what they are demanding. If your government does not want the best of everything for everybody you have a shitty government. Not long ago some asshat tried to point out to me that this is not so. Another even told me that if immigration was done my way ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 3, 2022:
@puff OK, we've got it, Puff. The DNC caused all of the problems related to the January 6th Capital insurrection and all the Republicans know this. Is someone batshit crazy or what?
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Twitter and check marks.... []
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2022:
i still don't get the check verification thing. I can't get on Facebook anymore...the "impersonation" thing? Who would want to impersonate me? Good questions, Beau.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 3, 2022:
When people impersonate you in any way 2 things happen. 1. When they pretend to be you they can get away with saying many different things. 2. When they pretend to be you they are very close to assuming your actual identity. If any of this goes unchecked for a period of time you may find yourself owing money in other states and the one getting away with this is paying nothing because they say you are the real scammer. They then have the house and car that you are made to pay for.
A strange delivery yesterday.
Julie808 comments on Nov 2, 2022:
Well, I'd say that fellow's website and media streams are likely teaching him how to hate folks who express their personalities differently than they would like, with the goal of creating divisiveness rather than inclusiveness. I would ask the fellow what gives him more pleasure and happiness, ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 2, 2022:
Exactly Julie. My take on everything today is live and let live. My mother used to tell me that was not defined enough. She is dead now but she was wrong.
A strange delivery yesterday.
KateOahu comments on Nov 2, 2022:
I would avoid these people.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 2, 2022:
I cannot avoid these people. I have delivered auto parts to them for over 7 years. When I see them it is because I am doing my job.
A strange delivery yesterday.
Organist1 comments on Nov 2, 2022:
It amazes me how some people can just start talking to strangers about this crap, expecting that they hold exactly the same views. It shows you how limited their worlds are.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 2, 2022:
I agree except that in this case I deliver to this business all the time. We have to beware of things we say coz we might get reported. If I was reported I would claim that I was only replying to the words that they had said to me.
'TrumpIsDead' is trending on Twitter after a verified user apparently decided to test moderation of ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Nov 2, 2022:
My thoughts are why lock out the Twitter people who monitor content? Could it be that Musk wants all the lies and bullshit to grow just before the election?
DenoPenno replies on Nov 2, 2022:
I believe you have hit this all right on the head. That is exactly what Musk wants. I find it something to be afraid of. Musk will find it something that will make him more money.
[] Yeah . Can’t wait for that garbage in 20 something days 🙄.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 1, 2022:
OMG! We stole the land. From who? Not these people that were living here already.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 1, 2022:
@Pralina1 Sometimes I call my humor satirical. :)
[] I will like to vomit now pls , may I have the bucket pls ? 🤢🤢
silverotter11 comments on Nov 1, 2022:
He's spot on. Can't even figure where to start on a rant about don lardo, just give me the barf bucket.🤮🤮🤮
DenoPenno replies on Nov 1, 2022:
Agolf Twitler.
I never imagined my country would act like this. []
DenoPenno comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Fox News is playing this down so as to not make it political but how else would you view a man coming into your house with a hammer in his hand and asking "where is Nancy?" Seeing that she is gone he attacks her husband with the hammer. Most likely he was not a Democrat. Shame on you Fox News.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 31, 2022:
@Lorajay Many strange rumors going on right now about this including one from Elon Musk. He took down his post, then put it back up again. Most say the entire story was misleading and they make up bullshit about it like Musk did. Fox simply claimed they had no motive for any of this. If you present the motive it does not look good for the GOP. Now the attacker confesses the whole thing and tells what he was going to do and what he came there for. Charges against him could hold up to 40 years plus in jail time if convicted. Yes, he says, he was looking for Nancy. Looks like "something just is not right about this story" just flew out the window.
I have also been a long time expat who returned home.
K9Kohle789 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
I like your description of USA as it is now. We are constantly being watched and photographed; if not from "traffic" cameras look no further than the person standing next to you because they are photographing EVERYONE, which goes into the cloud which is available for download by anyone. We truly ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 30, 2022:
I think I agree with you on this, Lonnie. We are going forward into a sorry state of beliefs and affairs.
Wang Wenbin: "The US 2022 Nuclear Posture Review smacks heavily of Cold War & zero-sum mentality.
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 29, 2022:
US has been the only ones who have used nuclear weapons against Japan and even greater against Iraq. What a super waste!
DenoPenno replies on Oct 30, 2022:
@FrayedBear Who do you suggest we give up our weapons to? Not other nations and Vlad is the most scary leader right now.
I never imagined my country would act like this. []
DenoPenno comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Fox News is playing this down so as to not make it political but how else would you view a man coming into your house with a hammer in his hand and asking "where is Nancy?" Seeing that she is gone he attacks her husband with the hammer. Most likely he was not a Democrat. Shame on you Fox News.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 29, 2022:
@CourtJester Both men with hammers did sound suspicious to me but this guy seems like some kinda nut job. In his underwear, huh. Now let's look at the suspicious set up where Nancy tells her husband that he can take these hammer blows for political reasons. He won't be killed or anything but he will go to the hospital. Are we thinking that something like this went on here? Nancy can own the GOP close to election time and get sympathy for her DUI hubby. Is this something like we are thinking might have happened? Just asking.
Forum - "Gender Neutral Language" by Karen Lynn Humanist Association of Toronto [meetup.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Gender neutral language. How do we refer to he/she/it? He sheit. OK, getting closer. You can call me a lesbian because it's part of what I do. Happy now?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 28, 2022:
@LovinLarge So none of this is related in any way to things like J. Edgar Hoover reportedly dressing up as a female and wanting to be called Mary?
Forum - "Gender Neutral Language" by Karen Lynn Humanist Association of Toronto [meetup.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Gender neutral language. How do we refer to he/she/it? He sheit. OK, getting closer. You can call me a lesbian because it's part of what I do. Happy now?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 28, 2022:
@godfree2 I don't get the terminology or see a purpose for it. What is wrong with you?
At long last the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, succinctly expresses what is thought by many ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Now Spayedbear overtly pushes Russian propaganda copyrighted by Sputnik and written by two Russian Putin ass kissers, with total disregard of the truth, Russia's invasion of a sovereign country using bullshit excuses of combating nazism and fascism, and continues to unmask himself as the Russian ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 28, 2022:
These are my sentiments exactly.
Last Saturday as I came home from a visit I decided to stop by the junk man's place just to see what...
yvilletom comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Congrats. Uh, what are crispers?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 27, 2022:
@Garban Two drawers at the bottom of a refrigerator that are covered with a big plastic bottom. Small kids will break them for you if you do not watch the kids closely.
Last Saturday as I came home from a visit I decided to stop by the junk man's place just to see what...
KateOahu comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Actually I’m a lot more excited about you finding the refrigerator parts than I would be about car parts. Good on you! What does the junk man do about people dropping stuff off? Did he charge you anything?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 27, 2022:
I know the junk man but he is closed permanently now. People just drop stuff off anyway and his daughter tries to make some money by hauling it all off. This takes machinery and tractor trailer trucks. The city gets on everyone's ass if the place gets messy. My price for the stuff was free.
I'm going to discuss being dead for a moment.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 27, 2022:
When you are dead you are dead. Your life is done. Everybody bends over backwards to try and prove an afterlife but it simply cannot be done. Being dead must somehow be sort of like it was before you were born. Let me explain it differently. The dead know nothing and they cannot hurt you. Gangsters ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 27, 2022:
@FvckY0u This is true but I am not a fan of the "what if" type discussions.
Interesting how a post about belief can trigger some folks. Isn't this
DenoPenno comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Yes, we all have beliefs. As a former theist who once studied for the Pentecostal ministry I am finding that most beliefs are pure bullshit with no evidence, but you are entitled to your beliefs.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 27, 2022:
@anglophone I'm matter of fact here. I have no evidence and neither does anyone else. Science maybe. Religion no.
Just so some Americans can read that not everyone agrees with them.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I did not read it. I am not concerned with how many people do not agree with Americans. In fact, my only concern with and for Americans is that I was born here and that I also live here.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 25, 2022:
@FrayedBear I can't tell you what the rest of the world should ignore. I have no control over anyone's foreign policy and I'm not concerned with it enough to try and write or call Biden. I would feel the same way if Trump was still in. I'm certainly not going to be involved in other countries idea of foreign policy.
I would not call it love and it never made it to a relationship but here is my Saturday afternoon ...
Julie808 comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Wow, that's one for the strange dates file! Sounds like she is on the dating site in order to get some generous men to feel sorry for her and toss her some money. I bet the neighbors have a few tales to tell! Glad you got out of there fast and decided to visit with your daughters with that extra ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 24, 2022:
It is almost impossible to scam me. I come off as meek and mind to almost everyone. Some people take this as stupidity. I read situations and people like reading a book. Many people avoid direct answers to questions or side step things for a reason. She turned out to be one of them. Imagine for a moment that we had met on Facebook and not on Meet Me. The outcome could have been the same.
I would not call it love and it never made it to a relationship but here is my Saturday afternoon ...
barjoe comments on Oct 23, 2022:
Was she missing any teeth?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 24, 2022:
You could see by her teeth that it was starting. Once that happens there is no repair. In her Facebook posts that went back a few years she looked good.
I would not call it love and it never made it to a relationship but here is my Saturday afternoon ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 23, 2022:
WTF man, you live in rural MO, which is a lot like rural Iowa, only worse. Lots of hicks, rednecks, and white trash. I feel your pain, even tho I live in a suburb that's part of the largest city in Iowa. While my area isn't rural, like yours, most of the available women on the dating sites still are...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
I can identify with your every word. Of course, one of my problems is that I do not want to go anywhere. When not working I am usually home binge watching shows. I've traveled enough and damned near partied enough.
I would not call it love and it never made it to a relationship but here is my Saturday afternoon ...
puff comments on Oct 23, 2022:
Love the line "I drove away thinking Kathleen's dates were not even this bad". Classic. Better luck next time.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
Yes, I live in Missouri and have witnessed my share of meth and pill popping rashes, etc. I've seen this in my own family and I know all of the lies. These people will do anything for dope and when they cut off the catalytic converter on their cars claiming they had to have money for food, that food is the dope that they take. The woman that I met had allowed this to ruin her life.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Surely people are not stupid enough to continue to vote for the crazy democraps after the disaster that has occurred since they took over.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
@Trajan61 Oh, my! That all kicked in the minute that Trump left unless you believe that Trump never left. What would you think Trump could do now about any of it? Maybe hold another rally, I suppose.
Canada's ban on all handgun sales begins: Here's what the ban does
rainmanjr comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Splendid. It should be informative (though Canada doesn’t have a constitutional Right issue) 🇨🇦
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
In America our Constitutional right on guns has went so far as to produce religious groups that have "guns for Jesus."
Trajan61 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Surely people are not stupid enough to continue to vote for the crazy democraps after the disaster that has occurred since they took over.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
OK, what disaster was that?
Has anyone talked to someone who was dead for a few minutes and when they came back had anything to ...
Diaco comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Well, that's Good, means you're Brain've had no issue during those emergency codes! :) Pls. check this article : [What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about the Brain](
DenoPenno replies on Oct 23, 2022:
Everyone needs to remember that near death is not really like being dead. The brain gets confused and starts making things up. You do not go anywhere.
My favorite - more religion cussing
xenoview comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Religion uses guilt of sin and the fear of hell to control people.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 22, 2022:
Yes, but god only does this stuff because he loves you. :)
Last Saturday I got a new credit card from Aetna.
BitFlipper comments on Oct 20, 2022:
I don't trust any of those motherfuckers!
DenoPenno replies on Oct 21, 2022:
To me none of it is trust. It is all about "free money." Somewhere along the way my Medicaid paid for this. On TV just today I saw 5 new people running the "don't miss out" ads wanting you to change providers and I even got one phone call. I told the guy I was not switching companies and I hung up. The way they do this is actually shameful.
On FB, my cousin (once removed) just posted, "JESUS IS KING!" That's just great, but as yet, the ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Neither did I. OK, Jesus is King of what? King of the Jews. His ancestry goes back into the time of King David and some others that simply are not traceable in a history timetable.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 20, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 The big question is "saved from what?"
Last Saturday I got a new credit card from Aetna.
Organist1 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
It could just be an incentive to stay with Aetna. There's a lot of competition out there. However, be very careful and read all the fine print.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 20, 2022:
I'm sure it's an incentive. No question. But suspicious? No way. This is a card like going to Walmart and buying a gift card and load it with $300. At $1,200 a year extra I still would not owe any money and I pay no end of year taxes. What I have paid during the year comes back to me. Since i am still working I also keep my 2 main credit cards active just enough to maintain a very high score.
Diane Archer on the Medicare Advantage Racket
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 19, 2022:
I have had several Advantage plans since i turned 65, my total knee replacement (2 on the same knee within 4 months) cost <$100 Total, including the bouts of rehab therapy & the nursing home stays after the surgeries.. My total shoulder replacement cost under $90 (extra bloodwork both times due to ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 20, 2022:
I take generics and have many of the same benefits you do. In case of an expensive super high med I might have to give in and drop my VA card on them. I think those prescriptions are still $15 each.
Diane Archer on the Medicare Advantage Racket
Barnie2years comments on Oct 19, 2022:
I have had Medicare Advantage since I turned 65. First AARP United Healthcare and for the past three years Keystone Blue Shield. Every year my cost goes down, my benefits go up, co-pays get smaller. And compared to what I was paying the two years before once I retired (35% of the cost for my company...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 20, 2022:
I have different insurance but my experience with Medicare Advantage has been the same as yours.
They're so quick to accuse us of being offended by their religion
LuxBear comments on Oct 18, 2022:
If the story of the earth starts with the bible, if Noah truly built a Ark and gave all animals free passage to the ark, why was dinosaurs not part of those animals? Today, scientists are bringing several evidence of dinosaur fossil but such evidence never existed in the bible. Somebody help me ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 19, 2022:
The story of the earth does not start with your bible and Noah had some trouble catching all of those animals to put on his Ark.
Bill Maher was on last night.
rogerbenham comments on Oct 12, 2022:
What confuses me about his shows are why so many people laugh. Yes, occasionally he says something downright silly, but most of the time he is voicing great truths. Occasionally I'll smile but most of the time I'm wishing the audience would keep quiet.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 16, 2022:
Bill Maher is a comic. He is also a political activist.
So it now becomes very clear as to who & what has been driving US promulgation & financing of the ...
puff comments on Oct 11, 2022:
Giving billions in military support but one area which would help Ukraine enormously has been ignored. It is within the power of countries to forgive Ukraine's debt, as they did with banks in 2008 and have done with other countries historically. But Ukraine still pays millions every month, money ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 16, 2022:
@FrayedBear Is anyone forgetting that in WW2 banking families supported all sides of the conflict. That's right. The reasons are that to the bankers making of money is the goal.
So when is the USA invading Latvia to protect refugees from Latvian inhumanity?
Alienbeing comments on Oct 14, 2022:
You are confused. It is Russia that invades it's neighbors.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 16, 2022:
@FrayedBear At it again. Lies coming out of your maps.
Prosecutors ask jury to recommend death sentence for Parkland shooter.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 15, 2022:
I will be point blank with this. It doesn't matter what his mother was and I refuse to feel sorry for him if his childhood was bad. They should fry that sucker! Fry him until he is done and crispy.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 15, 2022:
@laidback1 Really? His green light to kill anyone had nothing to do with me and you know that he does not know me in any way. I'm the reason he did it? Come on now. You have no logic. Where do you get the idea that I think I have a right to take a life? Your words here are in no way what I said. I do know that if you fry that sucker he will never kill anyone again and it saves a lot of taxpayer money.
OK, the group COVID CULT continues to post mostly nonsense by only one man and you are unable to ...
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 14, 2022:
Could he have blocked you? I just tried and was able to access the group and comment on a post. Did you guys “have words?” BTW: I haven’t blocked anyone, but automatically skip over posts by certain people, including that guy because he’s a one-note symphony, always writing basically ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 14, 2022:
All I have ever done is try to point out how stupid his bullshit is. :)
I’ve just been thinking about all the known religions I can think of and have come to the ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 13, 2022:
i never wake up and worry about stuff like that. Dreams may come out of my past somewhere but I also do not have heaven and hell dreams.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 14, 2022:
@rogerbenham Near death has nothing to do with death. They are not the same thing. The dead do not come back. If you think they do let's try this again after rigor has set in. Sorry. Still dead.
Freya or Frigg is also the source of the name for Friday but let's just pretend that the Dead God on...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Monday: day of the moon Tuesday: Tyr's day, Norse god of war Wednesday: Woden's day, aka "Odin." Thursday/Friday: given above Saturday, Saturn's day Sunday: day of the sun, not "son" as Xtians would have people believe. We won't go into the names of the months, all named after ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 14, 2022:
I find it amazing that so many do not know the days of the week as Gwen is pointing out. When I tell people these things they just look at me real strange. If only the idiots would look things up and see for themselves.
Has let you down as a dating app? Take heart, there are other options.
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Just about as practical as trying to date on Agnostic. I have yet to meet a single member in person from here. Probably doesn't help that my state has likely one of the lowest number of members of any state in the US. Probably also better suited for Luddites like me who refuse to get a smartphone ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 13, 2022:
Tom, you do things about like I do. My phone is not smart and I do sites from a computer. I'm also not wanting to meet someone, sell all that I have and go to another state to be with them. No catfish here and it's just not going to happen. However, my ex did call me from Dallas Tuesday night and we talked 4 hours. Now we are both up on everything and she is going to Fed Ex me a pair of New Balance shoes.
Questioning the Historicity of Christ There are several authors who debate that Christ was not an...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 7, 2022:
It seems likely to me that Jesus Christ and Christianity was made up by the Roman Empire. So it makes me wonder why would the Romans do that? Why would they give up their polytheism, Jupiter and his bunch of gods and switch to monotheism?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 11, 2022:
Perhaps the Romans were trying to confuse and control the Jews by taunting them for killing their own Messiah. Keep in mind that the original plan called for a supreme Jewish ruler and not a dead 3 days, risen, and now residing in the sky type person. This last idea is how people of today explain the death of Jesus and it started some 300 plus years after his supposed time of living.
This happens a lot of times but not intentional lol!!
DenoPenno comments on Oct 9, 2022:
This happens to me all the time but it is the nature of my job that causes it.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 11, 2022:
@liv_actual I deliver auto parts for a large corporation so many people know me by name and I might not know their name. In some cases it is people I knew in other jobs in times past that remember me today because they are buying auto parts and see me all the time -- either in the store or on a delivery.
The beliefs of and how children will grow up to look at others and accept differences is taught at ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 8, 2022:
I think you are 100 percent correct on this. Part of our problems come about because others do not want to learn or drop their bias. I remember when I was as ignorant and stubborn as any MAGA out there today and my belief system on everything was extreme right. I was horrible and too stupid to know ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 8, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 The Army made a big change in me on racism. It was still there but being in the Army forced me to examine it. I was hardly ever around black people until then. In 2004 I went to Kenya and married my now ex-wife. She was my "forever love" and as usual I was good for my traditional 12 years.
Student no longer attending Trinity High School following racist social media post ([wmur.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
It's odd and out of character for the members of the younger generation to exhibit such blatant racism. These kids must have been raised in a very backward environment.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 8, 2022:
When kids get into this sort of racism it is either by choice because their crowd thinks it is cool to do so, OR the kids have some ignorant parents at home.
Michael Shermer: Why people believe weird things | TED Talk
DenoPenno comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I like Shermer. Why people think that 666 (the number of man, or the number of a man) is the number of the Devil is beyond me. Book of Revelation barely made it into the Christian bible. Even so, a Mormon girl once asked me "how do you think it is all going to play out?" Yes, she was talking about ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 7, 2022:
@rainmanjr I studied to be a Pentecostal minister and everything is just so much bullshit.
I knew it would come to this by 2024 election time. Trump is a grifter and a conman.
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Tell me why this shit show of a country, and species, doesn't deserve Trump?
DenoPenno replies on Oct 6, 2022:
None of us deserve Trump. Not even Trajan. :)
I knew it would come to this by 2024 election time. Trump is a grifter and a conman.
Trajan61 comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Hopefully we will remove a bunch of Democraps from office in the midterms and things will get better. Hell Trump was far better than that senile crook we have in the White House right now!
DenoPenno replies on Oct 6, 2022:
No, Trump was the senile crook in the White House. He also cannot be a winner if he whines that something was stolen from him.
I knew it would come to this by 2024 election time. Trump is a grifter and a conman.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Congress can't stop him (far as I know). This is DOJ's job.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 6, 2022:
I think the DOJ is working towards that end right now. It's a matter of timing and Care2 with calls to Congress may be a part of that timing. Meanwhile, Trump just keeps falling into more stuff bigtime.
I do not find this funny I will say straight up.
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 5, 2022:
I don't find it funny either, I find it embarrassing and pathetic. The only people I have found who seem to strongly feel Biden does not have dementia, are Dem Party loyalists and other defenders of the economic status quo, such as the corporate media, who hate Bernie and his ideas for reforming the...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 6, 2022:
Biden and dementia. Let's not forget Trump and Putin. Not exactly young men here.
I do not find this funny I will say straight up.
Diaco comments on Oct 5, 2022:
I don't know if you're Super Naive and Dumb like this! or a Traitor( if you're an American )! IDK, maybe a Putin Ass kisser! If so, Be Sorry for yourSelf!... if you're Not one of these... Pls. it's Not a Good time for these Childish games... Don't be Other countries useful Idiots and Hand ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 6, 2022:
@Diaco And if Biden was wearing his pants backwards someone needs to explain why his pants pockets were NOT backwards. They should watch more closely.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
BitFlipper comments on Oct 4, 2022:
I love garage sales, yard sales, anything like that. One day I bought 2 flat-screen TVs at 2 separate yard sales, each for $10. I always look for cast iron cookware, non-stainless-steel knives, grinders, kitchen things. Stools, small tables, wall mounted shelves,...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 4, 2022:
I look for things like that and electronic things I can use. Way too many people do not know what they are getting rid of. They simply have too much stuff.
Happy October, all! Yes, I love Halloween season, but am even MORE excited that — after a ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Not going. I am a recluse these days.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 2, 2022:
@The-Krzyz I work with the public 5 days a week and have done this over 7 years now. The pandemic made me aware that I am too much into myself than to be looking for others. I'm happy playing with my toys. However, I'm thinking I have found a new gal online today . :)
Happy 98th Birthday to our 39th President.
racocn8 comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Greatest? Maybe if you consider the bar to be so low by the others. Hard to compare. He didn't have enough of a record to stop Reagan from making him a one-term president. I can't recall any accomplishments other than the stagflation, wearing a sweater. The Iran Hostage rescue was a major ...
DenoPenno replies on Oct 2, 2022:
Jimmy Carter arranged the hostage rescue but it failed due to a sandstorm and 8 servicemen died. The publicity caused the release of the hostages but Reagan had that slowed up to where the American people thought it was Reagan who freed our hostages. I was a Reagan Republican at the time.
Russian forces retreat from strategic city in Ukraine
barjoe comments on Oct 2, 2022:
Russia retreated and pulled out of Lyman while Putin was "annexing" Donetsk Region to be Russia. Lyman is a city in Donetsk. What a liar and a coward he is!
DenoPenno replies on Oct 2, 2022:
@rainmanjr This is one way Putin would think he was saving face with the entire situation. He then can say his operation was a success.
Jesusfuckingchrist, rap is stupid.
Scott321 comments on Oct 2, 2022:
In what way? Sounds like a sweeping overgeneralization.
DenoPenno replies on Oct 2, 2022:
In case my post was too strong here is another form of music. Tonight your picture fell off the wall and the light went out in the hall. Then the knob fell off the door. Did I forget that I want my dog back and I was born while mama was in prison.
The sabotage of Nordstream - An international Whodunnit by US lead Terrorists?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 29, 2022:
I keep seeing this nonsense and distraction constantly and it shows me that somebody is all ate up. Even with their sneeze and runny nose. Many things are frayed here but they are not bare.
DenoPenno replies on Sep 30, 2022:
@FrayedBear Weasel words? LOL Tis not I that has to explain himself.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
Zealandia comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Some good bargains there. I just bought some shoes for a job interview from a charity shop for US $2.30 today. That was a good score. Just needs a quick polish.
DenoPenno replies on Sep 30, 2022:
I got a wonderful pair of Dr. Comfort at a resale store. Almost new. Most likely the original owner is dead but I'm not. Beware online shopping for these high dollar shoes coz the "sell you" people will mix in lots of other johnny come lately brands.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
ml58n2 comments on Sep 29, 2022:
I go to thrift shops, swap meets and garage sales too when I have some extra money, you can find some good deals, I did dumpster diving when I was a teenage found all kinds of good stuff.
DenoPenno replies on Sep 29, 2022:
The extent of my dumpster diving is kinda like this. I might have a perfectly good oil filled electric heater with one bad roller or leg. This does not get thrown away. I look for the parts I need if others have thrown things away. Later I might give the heater away or take it to a relative.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
liv_actual comments on Sep 29, 2022:
I love that getting things you need at lower cost and still serving same purpose inrespect of the price
DenoPenno replies on Sep 29, 2022:
It's all sort of like Neiman Markup in reverse.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
Lorajay comments on Sep 29, 2022:
I dressed five grandbabies up until they were three or four. I think everything I bought looked just like new and usually cost less than a dollar. Every one of my kids and grandkids who went out on their own had their kitchens furnished from garage sales. I don't go often anymore because I don't ...
DenoPenno replies on Sep 29, 2022:
My youngest daughter got compliments at her work for the way she was dressed one time. I admit she looks real good. She said to the person "don't let me fool you. I buy from resale stores coz I have teenage kids."
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
Jolanta comments on Sep 28, 2022:
Love a yard sale. Here in Australia we call them garage sales.
DenoPenno replies on Sep 29, 2022:
Sometimes we call them that here too, Jolanta. Sometimes the sale is actually inside a big garage as well.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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