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Trump humiliated as protests he called for fail to materialize - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 16, 2023:
One thing is certain. If Trump does not die and is also not elected in 2024 he will be there again to claim the election was stolen from him. Face it. He has a big ego and also big bills that need payments now.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 16, 2023:
@snytiger6 The strange thing is that a lot of his followers think he can pardon himself and this includes a few attorneys. What the hell has happened to our education system?
PSA: Help These Conservatives Heartbroken By Trump's Indictment | The Daily Show - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 15, 2023:
Yes, I get it but not everybody does. I work with a man who almost cries as he tells us all that Trump is an easy target and people are just doing this because they can. In Trump's defense he starts naming other elected people who probably should be investigated.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 15, 2023:
@snytiger6 I think he tries to keep the attention on himself and this defect is part of his personality.
Body cameras.
summatyme comments on Mar 4, 2023:
I've entertained the thought of getting one of these. I'm sure you can imagine the situations I've encountered while solo-traveling. In times I've called police for help with being harassed, the response was that maybe I "need directions to somewhere else", as in go to a different state. So my ...
DenoPenno replies on Jun 14, 2023:
Late in replying to you on this one, another thing about pulling up or out a phone is that you can be shot. Some think my remarks are extreme on this but I read things and if stopped I always explain to the police every move that I am making. This makes a body cam a better idea.
Trump sees ‘no case’ in which he’d drop out of 2024 race: ‘None whatsoever’ | The Hill
DenoPenno comments on Jun 13, 2023:
Of course Trump will not "drop out." We all know this because he refused to leave in the first place and said he was forced out. King Trump wants more than 2 terms. He wants to be in office until he dies. The unfortunate thing is we have idiots who agree with him.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 14, 2023:
@snytiger6 To pardon one's self is as close to dictator as you can get. I'm not sure this can be done legally in our system.
Future of religion? Hundreds attend Church service conducted by ChatGPT - Trending News
DenoPenno comments on Jun 13, 2023:
Anyone remember Twilight Zone episodes along this line or Star Trek where the deity ends up being a machine? We are fast moving in that direction. In the last 6 years I have learned that we humans can actually be that stupid.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 14, 2023:
@snytiger6 AI is not sentient and any system of ethics would have to be programmed into it along with an ability to learn. This would be needed but some would argue that AI has no soul. Neither do you. You may be a living soul but you do not have or possess a soul.
How Holy Is Donald Trump? | The Daily Show - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 12, 2023:
This depends on what type of ammunition was used.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 13, 2023:
@snytiger6 OK. How holely is Donald Trump? So far, not so much.
SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied ...
pamagain comments on Jun 6, 2023:
Not that I was there...or even old enough to understand what happened....but I wish every American would read eyewitness accounts of the events there. It was absolute HELL.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 7, 2023:
I'm sure it was hell. I would not have wanted to have been there. I doubt that the many brave people who lost their lives wanted to be there either but they preserved our freedom.
I love to live freely and happily. There's no God anywhere, don't believe this anymore
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2023:
Don't believe there is no god anywhere ?. Does that mean you think there is a god somewhere ?.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 6, 2023:
God might be in another county or in somebody else's belief system. People want to get you to drop the fake god and believe in the real god.
Does anyone have trouble logging in?
Dougl35534 comments on Jun 3, 2023:
Submitted to support. Their cert expired. Certain browsers will prevent you from accessing sites that have expired certs.
DenoPenno replies on Jun 4, 2023:
True, and certificates are not needed for every server site. This site is https so I made an exception in my Firefox browser. This can be done in other browsers too.
Does anyone have trouble logging in?
William_Mary comments on Jun 3, 2023:
According to my antivirus program, it appears the site owner hasn't updated the certificate which expired yesterday. Suggesting the site may have the potential to be exposed to our information being stolen. I highly suggest you have your devices well protected until the issue is solved!
DenoPenno replies on Jun 3, 2023:
I have no info on here to steal in the first place as I am always incognito. My cure was to make this site a permanent exception to the certificate rule. I can do this because I have other programs protecting my data and my banking data is not stored on my PC and I have no gypto crypro. This certificate problem has now involved all 3 of my desktop computers. William, I do not fully trust my antivirus program because it keeps eating my Vyper VPN as a non trusted program. I have to work around that issue also. This may be because my antivirus also has a VPN that they want you to buy. Vyper (Golden Frog) serves me well and I pay for it monthly at a lesser rate than the AV offers.
OK, I had to look uo Xanax: Can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 1, 2023:
Xanax does not sound fun at all. 😐
DenoPenno replies on Jun 1, 2023:
Xanax may kill you but only if you are famous. If you are famous someone will start saying you were murdered with this drug. I would just drink a six pack of Boston Lager and be relaxed. Think I'll get another one today.
What ever happened to it's a free world?
DenoPenno comments on May 31, 2023:
Yes, it is true, governments are trying to kill you. How would they get any of your money if this was so? Some claim they are killing off old folks so they would not have to pay them social security, but that money comes from an insurance program. Nobody gets it when you die. OK, maybe this is ...
DenoPenno replies on May 31, 2023:
@Castlepaloma One thing is for sure. Governments want you to pay more taxes.
Word comments on May 29, 2023:
I know exactly what it's like dealing with so called superiors in position of "authority " trying to tell me what to do as a subordinate deputy sheriff. My Federal cases are about Texas state Judge and sheriff trying to tell me to go along with their plan to murder a man because of his race....
DenoPenno replies on May 30, 2023:
@Castlepaloma In the little town community where I live my now ex and I were going into a store and a pickup drove by with a man standing up in the back of it. He yelled out "get a rope" as they drove by. My ex did not catch it because she is from Kenya and not from here. I make a practice of having few friends anyway and have almost none in this area.
A Made for TV Police Video. Nashville shooting hoax fake bodycam footage []
BDair comments on Mar 28, 2023:
100% Proof The Nashville School Shooting Was Fake And Staged
DenoPenno replies on May 30, 2023:
But i cliked and no content was found.
The Church dismissed sex abuse allegations against a priest. Now there are six more victims.
mischl comments on May 29, 2023:
How many people have learned that celibacy is unnatural. Making priests go without sex will always end up with some of them unable to abstain. It's nature. Duh.
DenoPenno replies on May 30, 2023:
@Buck I can't molest or rape anyone because the end result either has me living somewhere else that I do not like, or you end up living with someone else when you would rather not.
Earlier this week I had to go into the hospital for an overnight stay for an invasive procedure that...
Aaron70 comments on May 29, 2023:
I won’t date a religious person. If you marry her you get to have her religious friends around too…..👀
DenoPenno replies on May 29, 2023:
@Buck That makes both of us. Frankly I'm not ready to leave women alone in my house when I am gone. A missing bank check might not show up immediately and my letters, papers, and e-mails are not to be shared.
I hate this racist con artist
rainmanjr comments on May 27, 2023:
I think most of us do but we'll have to live with that. At this stage he's become an American focal point and legend. So far as those things go he's been wildly successful. In meditation we learn to let go of our thoughts as if they're made of nothing and that's how I treat him. 45 will never own me...
DenoPenno replies on May 28, 2023:
@rainmanjr Gold plated rooms. That is more wasteful than his gold shitter. BTW, I hear his airplane is grounded.
It is all bullshit.
zeuser comments on May 28, 2023:
Your vagina drops, eh? I was thinking something like Visine for the hoohah, Vagine for example, before I figured out what you meant. A whimsical way to refer to your next generation, and it did make me chuckle, probably as much as your v drops did. As for non-Baptists all burning in hell, well, I'll...
DenoPenno replies on May 28, 2023:
@BufftonBeotch So, you are going to take office or testify in court and you have to have a hand on a book and ask god to help you. Apparently you can't testify without god. The big questions are which god, and why is this happening. Did it ever happen in the Buybull?
I hate this racist con artist
rainmanjr comments on May 27, 2023:
I think most of us do but we'll have to live with that. At this stage he's become an American focal point and legend. So far as those things go he's been wildly successful. In meditation we learn to let go of our thoughts as if they're made of nothing and that's how I treat him. 45 will never own me...
DenoPenno replies on May 28, 2023:
Rather that being wildly successful I find that he has more failed businesses than you can imagine and he bluffs and cons his way into anything with the gullible believing that he likes and thinks just like they do.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on May 27, 2023:
By the way, the definition of "activist" is "a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change." You were not being an activist: you were demeaning a peasant because of your unhappiness over the actions of the ruling class. If you don't like the rule, contact Walmart and tell them.
DenoPenno replies on May 28, 2023:
That may be a good idea but I was not demeaning a peasant. No evidence that the door person felt miserable, but one such Walmart friend of mine did and she left them and went to Lowe's.
Pastor charged with four counts of child cruelty announces bid for Louisiana House John Raymond, a ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2023:
With MAGA, cruelty is the whole point. That's what separating immigrant families at the border, putting kids in cages was all about. That's what the "right" of any angry loser to own an AR-15 is all about. That's what forcing a 10-year-old girl to have her rapist's baby is all about, and what the ...
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
@BufftonBeotch These children are now lost in a slave mode somewhere in our system and some that may also include being sex slaves.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
Druvius comments on May 27, 2023:
First of all, not an original story, so claiming you did this is lame as eff. Yes, you don't legally have to show a receipt. And then the store can legally detain you and call the police. So other than making some minimum wage workers already miserable job more miserable, what did you accomplish?
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
@Gwendolyn2018 I made her feel like shit? All I did was tell the truth with no exit holdup for anyone and the lady is much younger than I am. There was not enough attention to this thing to cause her any stress from higher ups.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on May 27, 2023:
Oh, yeah, way to go. I guarantee that the door person felt absolutely miserable per your actions. Meanwhile, Walmart got your money and the people who make the rules are not affected at all. It was unkind to harass the door person for doing what she is paid to do. She is following policy. ...
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
OK, but my pharmacy is there and I shop at many local stores to get the greatest bargains. Even Walmart people admit to doing this. I do not see a dilemma. I am also much older than the person at the exit door.
Henry Kissinger at 100: Still a War Criminal – Mother Jones
rainmanjr comments on May 27, 2023:
I wonder if Nixon ever said "Get down on your knees for me, Henry, and Kiss this?" If not he missed a great opportunity.
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
@BufftonBeotch She is telling the real truth here.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
FvckY0u comments on May 27, 2023:
If you really believed and knew you were in the right the solution is simple. You say "no" and keep walking. They ask you to show the receipt, right? Ask being the important word here. Not demand or they throw you in jail. You don't know how to say "no" without causing a big scene? Drama ...
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
I'm not sure why you think I caused a scene. I told her "no"and had no audience.
“Why should I care about posterity? What has it ever done for me ?…………. Groucho Marx.
DenoPenno comments on May 27, 2023:
I miss Groucho and sometimes I still watch You Bet Your Life.
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
@Diogenes Try watching shows on Tubi. It is completely free and available on PC and most devices. It is also commercial free. In Canada you would have to use a VPN for this. Also search for apps that are like Tubi and see what you come up with.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
Druvius comments on May 27, 2023:
First of all, not an original story, so claiming you did this is lame as eff. Yes, you don't legally have to show a receipt. And then the store can legally detain you and call the police. So other than making some minimum wage workers already miserable job more miserable, what did you accomplish?
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
Did I say that I was the first to do this? No, I did not. Why do you feel that the store can legally detain me and call the police. Call them for what? To arrest a man with a receipt or to lecture me on why they can legally do this. Why would you feel that I made her job more miserable or that she is even a minimum wage worker?
Was reminded of this little gem earlier today. []
Marionville comments on May 27, 2023:
I don’t remember ever hearing this before..
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
New to me.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
FvckY0u comments on May 26, 2023:
So you were right. What did that get you? Satisfaction? Life is about being right?n You spent more time than necessary there and held other people up but, damnit, you were right. Others might have been sheeple then again they may have just wanted peace and showing a receipt got them some. If ...
DenoPenno replies on May 27, 2023:
You have to start somewhere. I'm not changing the world by going right to the top, and telling the local store manager what I did and why I did it will not make a difference with Walmart nationally either. The hope is that in time more people will start doing this and stores will avoid the practice. Imagine a world where police do show up and they take the side of the store over you and people think this is normal. Where is the trial for theft that really is the normal? Walmart and others are wanting Corporate Big Brotherhood.
Darren tries his hardest to cause a scene in Target over a children’s “Pride” t-shirt | 3redyk...
Barnie2years comments on May 26, 2023:
Asshole! Another of the bad things of Smartphones. They allow jerks like this to go viral for annoying people.
DenoPenno replies on May 26, 2023:
@barjoe I would have told him that too and then added that I do support the proper gander as well as the proper goose. Maybe throw in something about people with too much pride and tell him he is one of them. :) I agree with Anne coz this guy would be unemployable.
As an activist I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
Storm1752 comments on May 26, 2023:
It wouldn't have killed you to give her the 10 seconds it would've taken. What did you prove?
DenoPenno replies on May 26, 2023:
What was proven here is that this receipt check thing is not a law and you do not have to comply. Walmart is not the only store doing this you know, and it's going to catch on and become a big thing. When it does the cops will be on the side of the store just over a stupid receipt. The person at the door doing the receipt checking can see the checkout line that I just left. If they think that I am a thief then it follows that the checker must also be in on it. Did we conspire or are we secretly living together? Walmart in particular is of the opinion that the person in front of you with a Food Stamp card probably got it illegally. Self checkout is a joke and easy to cheat on. A quick stop at the exit door with a glance at the receipt and then your cart does not verify anything. A proper check would take longer than you spent getting through the checkout line. I don't think we are sheep, cattle, or thieves. These practices are the biggest disrespect of your person that I have ever seen. All a big joke.
Mother arrested in death of stillborn baby: DA | WDHN -
BufftonBeotch comments on May 26, 2023:
Every miscarriage will be a homicide investigation soon. Women are despised in America.
DenoPenno replies on May 26, 2023:
I don't think women are despised but they cannot be allowed to have control over their own bodies. If they did that mean old Christian man might not be here. The serious question is why are we doing autopsies on a stillborn baby?
Here is an example of American healthcare at work.
AnneWimsey comments on May 24, 2023:
i find your attitude sad......I have had those in-home visits every year ever since i have been eligible....not only do they pay me to come here but usually give a nice gift (set of wood & marble coasters this last time). Money is money, why would i give a damn if a nice young man or woman shows up...
DenoPenno replies on May 25, 2023:
@AnneWimsey In the case I refer to it was a doctor who came. Usually they are a nurse but I did have a real doctor here once. She had a practice in Fenton but it must have been slow. She signed up to do this. As for the "tendency to fall" this came from a story I was telling and it was reported wrongly to my primary doctor. Her and I both got a giggle out of it later. I'm sorry to hear that your mom broke her hip. This is always a very serious situation and it hard to recover from. My stepdad broke his hip and never recovered. In my workplace I have 2 people who have had hip replacements. I think their situations were from the hip just wearing out. I certainly would not want to go through this. I'm sure you think I am set in my ways but there is more to my post that is not commented on. My neighbor for one and then my oldest daughter and her cancer. Both of these are about making of money rather than real healthcare.
Could "spooky action at a distance " give explination for things like psychic information tranfer ...
vocaloldfart comments on May 25, 2023:
I have no idea if esp and psychic phenomena are of any natural, divine or any other origin. To me it is like a computer circuit board... I have no idea how and why they work, but that does not stop me using my computers. we all have psychic abilities to some degree. I have countless psychic ...
DenoPenno replies on May 25, 2023:
Psychic abilities has been investigated again and again right along with esp. The best I can say is that many of us have heightened abilities and some of us think that we are psychic. It took me a year to figure out that one woman who is constantly in our office is the sister of the assistant manager. I found that out just last week by listening to what they each said to the other.
Is this popular support or simply the sheeple "baas" of an indoctrinated people subjected to the ...
DenoPenno comments on May 25, 2023:
I hear you but I have no favorable view of Putin in any way. Putin is putrid and very wrong on all points. American media is lazy and biased yes, but why would we favor Putin? If I am a "sheeple" I am also aware that armaments are sold openly to both sides here. It was also that way in our big war ...
DenoPenno replies on May 25, 2023:
@Castlepaloma I think both you and the Bear are missing the point. Putin's illness has nothing to do with being put in a hospital. Rumors are anything from terminal cancer to Parkinson's. While that could also fit Biden, no one is saying if it is true. The big mystery is why are people from other countries rooting for Putin and wanting to damn American government? To keep up maybe we should start damning Canadian government and other foreign leaders. America once had Donald but we Dumped him. :) If Putin took us over tomorrow being "on his side" would not help you.
Here is an example of American healthcare at work.
AnneWimsey comments on May 24, 2023:
i find your attitude sad......I have had those in-home visits every year ever since i have been eligible....not only do they pay me to come here but usually give a nice gift (set of wood & marble coasters this last time). Money is money, why would i give a damn if a nice young man or woman shows up...
DenoPenno replies on May 25, 2023:
Everyone to their own opinion. In my in-home visits they got my height off by an inch more or less every year. I was told repeatedly what to eat or drink and one practitioner reported to my doctor that I "was prone to falls." The drawing of hands on a clock would baffle millennials but the real purpose of it is to see if you are mentally OK or starting to get Oldtimers disease. I do not appreciate any of that, especially because I work professionally for a large corporation. In one such home visit I had a doctor who scolded me saying I could not drink a certain Mexican soda I had stocked because I am a type 2 diabetic. Surprise! I also drink German beer, eat lots of foods high in potassium, and I drink milk and eat peanut butter. If my lifestyle causes heart attacks, so does living itself. Why is my attitude sad? My next door neighbor must be equally as sad. It's true that I cannot tell when I am full and eat too often and my main doctor thinks I might have been better off if I had never have stopped lifting weights. What I find sad here is the attitude of the medical profession whose main objective is making money from everyone young and old. Then they pass it on to you that this is all about your own precious health. In the case of my older daughter they left a cancer the size of a grain of rice in her breast for a year while they treated her with chemo and radiation. It should have been removed and then the radiation and chemo. Now the claim is that the cancer "escaped" and she is forever stage 4 metastatic and even ended up with a brain tumor because of this. OK today, but at what cost. This was all about making money more than it was about her. Medicine is a money making practice today more than it ever was. My neighbor needs an operation but she smokes and they say all traces of nicotine has to be absent from her body for 160 days or no operation. Life and death happens to all of us but modern medicine seems to be run by the same group that wants to deny women's healthcare after Roe v. Wade was struck down. All of that is what is really sad.
Texas Abortion Ban: Woman Claims She Was Forced to Birth Stillborn Son – Rolling Stone
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 24, 2023:
Those religious zealot Republicans down in the Lone Star State have no concept of how potentially important abortion services are to any woman who gets pregnant. Miscarriages are very common, and could happen to anyone. How a politician can think they know better than a woman and her doctor is ...
DenoPenno replies on May 24, 2023:
It gets worse when some of them want a full funeral for that miscarried baby. How dumb. OK, give the mother the tax deduction at the end of the year because her child died.
Texas Abortion Ban: Woman Claims She Was Forced to Birth Stillborn Son – Rolling Stone
GrooshStar comments on May 24, 2023:
Welcome to the republican way of life.
DenoPenno replies on May 24, 2023:
Run the risk and you might get another voter in the long run. It's a gamble on whether a mother might die or not and once the baby is born it is on its own, but that new voter prospect is the real gem. Also, religion has nothing to do with this belief they have. This is the GOP way and it all needs to be changed.
Vaccines cause autism Nearly all the world's autism experts know it.
DenoPenno comments on May 24, 2023:
This is BS. You must be a friend and supporter of McCarthy. Keep in mind that I do not support big Pharma in any way and my upcoming doctor visit is only because the state requires it to continue with blood pressure meds, etc. Either I comply with this or just die because of high blood pressure. ...
DenoPenno replies on May 24, 2023:
@BDair I am aware of the many herbs and other treatments for high blood pressure as well as other ailments. Basically I take my meds and eat and drink whatever I want to. I tell my doctors that and it helps them understand me. Doctoring is a game that is played with the public. In 1980 I was told that my blood pressure was that of a teenager. To make sure everyone is on meds today they have greatly lowered the accepted pressure readings. Such is the world of medicine.
For me it was when I decided not to fight for my rights to have a relationship with my 16yr old ...
DenoPenno comments on May 23, 2023:
For a long time my kids lived with their mom and stepdad who hated me. The hate was actively agitated to great lengths. It's a long story but both of my daughters finally ended up living with me in Texas. Hang in there coz things will work out.
DenoPenno replies on May 24, 2023:
@Betty Parents use their children as a weapon and it only hurts the children.
This is the toxic core of liberalism and the root cause of many of our current problems: the quasi ...
DenoPenno comments on May 17, 2023:
The "inalienable right" is that all of us should have equal opportunity and healthcare regardless of our race, skin color, and origin but we know this is not so. It should be corrected but those in power will not allow this. Why do you think this is the core of toxic liberalism? You sound like a ...
DenoPenno replies on May 24, 2023:
@Alienbeing Illegal border crossing. Trumpers that I work with thought I should be shot for going to Kenya without a visa. We live in a sad world today.
WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY from Jeff Childers Yesterday, the Supreme Court sent a ...
DenoPenno comments on May 20, 2023:
Gorsuch is a bit late. The Pandemic is officially over. However, I have to go see my doctor for a routine visit Friday and her office is in a hospital building. I highly recommend wearing a mask because you are likely to catch something in a hospital building.
DenoPenno replies on May 21, 2023:
@BDair Isn't that just being silly?
Anyone remember the lead paint hassle?
richiegtt comments on May 21, 2023:
It reminds me of the scam involving asbestos home siding that so many houses had in the 1950s they say is dangerous and charge a fortune to remove .it’s not at all dangerous because it’s mixed with a type of cement to make it rigid.It was a good product
DenoPenno replies on May 21, 2023:
Reportedly children would chew at the lead paint because it was sweet. How you would know this without having at least chewed it once is beyond me. My stepdad became a professional painter and denied me a wonderful old wood table for fear that my young girls would chew the paint. This was many years before my table pic above, but dad destroyed and burned that table. My neighbor was going to let the trash service dispose of the table I have now. Now if we want to talk about paint, my opinion is that paint was never the same once the lead was removed. Lead is poison but so is fluoride. Lead was also removed from gasoline.
Florida parents sue to block enforcement of state’s gender-affirming care restrictions | The Hill
DenoPenno comments on May 20, 2023:
For those that fear it there should be legal age restrictions on anything transgender. A 6 year old does not know he is transgender. Even so, it appears the state does not have all of it's ducks in a row yet.
DenoPenno replies on May 21, 2023:
@snytiger6 The trend is to tell you that kids know very early. They also pretend because they are children. Adults still pretend but in a different way. LOL What I'm saying is that we should not start any sex change procedures on these young kids. If they are really transgender it will come out as reality when they are older. This is what all the left/right hassle about it is right now. Certain misinformed people actually believe we are wanting to cut Tommy's penis off and start making him into a girl at age 6. It's not happening.
Found this on the atheists' link in Twitter...hope you appreciate it!
DenoPenno comments on May 20, 2023:
Christians think they have a biblical duty to convert the entire world.
DenoPenno replies on May 21, 2023:
@Thibaud70 Maybe you are confused. Being a Progressive in America relates to a political view and not a religious one.
Turns out "Veterans Kicked Out for Migrants" story was a HOAX. []
Garban comments on May 20, 2023:
More evidence of Fox’s commitment to the highest journalistic standards.🙄
DenoPenno replies on May 20, 2023:
@TheoryNumber3 It's all about money. The more nonsense you stir up the more followers you might have and this is followed by corporations who want to sell you something, or sell you on something. Lies for money pays. Alex Jones comes to mind on this also.
GOP is really living up to their values.
Garban comments on May 20, 2023:
That’s just scratching the surface of their dysfunction. Crusades against drugs, woke, pronouns, and books is pissing in the wind. 🙄
DenoPenno replies on May 20, 2023:
Pronouns is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard of in my entire lifetime. You identify as non-binary so suddenly you have different personal pronouns. This is as ignorant as having a giraffe service animal and insisting he go with you on TWA.
Anyone want to edit Wikipedia?
BufftonBeotch comments on May 20, 2023:
Amway is both a pyramid scheme with a mostly useless product and an organization rife with fundamentalist fanaticism.
DenoPenno replies on May 20, 2023:
M parents got into Amway mostly so they could get good deals on the products. They even had an Amway vacuum cleaner. Bob Hope was once into Amway. Now they are all dead and I have the vacuum cleaner.
Kindness comes in many forms.
Storm1752 comments on May 19, 2023:
Great point. Btw, a "medium" on YT claimed if Hitler had been stopped, a Jew who died in the gas chambers would've discovered anti-gravity, thus removing the main obstacle to unlimited intrastellar travel.. For what it's worth.
DenoPenno replies on May 19, 2023:
I know. The son I always wanted was not a good swimmer and was left behind. He was later expelled entirely during a monthly cleaning cycle. Poor boy.
This is the toxic core of liberalism and the root cause of many of our current problems: the quasi ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on May 17, 2023:
In reality, there are no "rights." The idea of rights, inalienable or not, is a human construct which does not exist outside of humanity. However, I have never known a liberal or read a philosophy about liberalism who/which insisted that the pursuit of individual happiness superseded the common ...
DenoPenno replies on May 18, 2023:
I deliver parts to one such conservative who is into his "gun rights" so much that he names his children after guns. One in kindergarten is named Ruger. If I did this one of my kids might be called Snubnose. :)
If you drive east out of Wilcox PA (population 350) to to top of a mountain ridge, you might be ...
zeuser comments on May 15, 2023:
The symbol is a monogram for Jesus, a contraction for how you spell it in Greek but with a Latin alphabet.
DenoPenno replies on May 15, 2023:
Zeuser is correct and this is common in Catholic Churches. in fact, there is a Holy Cross Church in the town of Cuba, Missouri where I work. They have a cemetery with the same name.
Agnosticism appears to be rarely discussed, even on a website devoted to it.
Petter comments on May 15, 2023:
Your last sentence says it all. "Lord and Saviour" are biased, unsubstantiated claims which promote the myth. It is similar to the statement "The truths of the bible". Both are supposed to be accepted without quibbles.
DenoPenno replies on May 15, 2023:
@Polemicist There are different genders and therefore different gender identities. I cannot argue with you on what you want to be called.
[] He Told Followers to Starve to Meet Jesus. Why Did So Many Do It?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 15, 2023:
How was Paul Mackenzie able to convince his followers in the "Good News International Church" to starve themselves to death? How was Jim Jones able to convince hundreds "Jonestown" acolytes to check out by drinking a cyanide cocktail? How was David Koresh able to convince the "Branch ...
DenoPenno replies on May 15, 2023:
I find a lot of this greatly disturbing. Especially your last paragraph. Then my mind recalls just a short time ago when I heard a man say he is "the greatest president we have ever had." That's pretty far down the rabbit hole.
I will not be defeated by a new computer with unlabeled icons!
LiterateHiker comments on May 13, 2023:
@silverotter11, @Mitch07102, @Fernapple, @Julie808, @WayneDalton, @FrostyJim, @Flyingsaucesir, @BOBdammit, @Robert_2001, @BufftonBeotch, @NoMagicCookie, @HippieChick58, @RichCC, @ADKSparky, @DenoPenno, @Jlynn37, @anglophone, @HankSherman, @yvilletom, @Gwendolyn2018 I decided I don't want to pay ...
DenoPenno replies on May 13, 2023:
You might try a reputable store in your are that sells used computers.. I bought one this way once ad it worked for 10 years til the main board went bad. My 2 current HP models are refurbs going on 10 years now. Blaotware has been removed from a refurb. Good luck.
Yesterday I renewed my drivers license.
snytiger6 comments on May 12, 2023:
I myself opted for a regular state ID. Although I was thinking that I may just get a U.S. Passport (renewal) and just use my passport as my "real ID" and not bother renewing my State ID in the future. After all a U.S. Passport doesn't cost much more than the "real IDs", and it allows me to travel ...
DenoPenno replies on May 13, 2023:
A lot of what you are saying here is spot on. Real ID is a device for voting control and mostly it is used to prevent black and brown people from voting. Common sense would say that finger printing would be the digital answer here and that would end the question of identity. It works for the FBI. It works on passports. In Missouri they want to say you need Real ID to be able to fly out of state or to other countries. Most of us know that a passport has the greater authority here, so I'm waiting for the lawsuits this Real ID idea will bring in the near future. OMG! Jose has crossed our Southern border and has taken over your identity. That idea is a total crock but in my area of Missouri local GOP activists continue to believe that busloads of illegals are showing up to vote regularly. This is insanity. It is an idea that could never be allowed and would never work.
Staffers in Congress are sick and tired—they want a union! - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on May 12, 2023:
I support unionization but I am not sure elected officials should have a union. This would cause more problems than it is worth.
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
@rainmanjr Exactly.
You can't be born in the wrong body
Fernapple comments on May 12, 2023:
The "born in the wrong body" statement, is a metaphorical expression of the idea that the body, desired by the mind, does not match the physical body. Since it is only metaphorically intended, taking it literally, is a wonderful example of a straw-man fallacy.
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
@Thibaud70 I think I know exactly what "trans" means and a very young girl might be a tomboy but she is too young to think she really is a boy and in a wrong body. If I am wrong then why is trans a thing now in this day and time? The sexes did not suddenly change or wake up, etc. We have always had these people but they do not know at age 7 or 8. At that age they do not have the wisdom to transition from one sex to another as this is a complicated thing. I blame social media for a lot of this nonsense.
Highway to hell, road to perdition, trail of tears, bridge to nowhere...
DenoPenno comments on May 12, 2023:
He wants to do this all over again and if he is re-elected he plans to take revenge.
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
@Flyingsaucesir This may be so and it would fall in with how a country can be taken over from the inside. The problem is that many who can work and make big money do not care less if this happens. It's going to be an "I got mine so the hell with you" type world.
'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why' By Kieren ...
MizJ comments on May 11, 2023:
The stress and isolation/loneliness due to Covid is a likely factor.
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
@MizJ Social Security is funded by an insurance program and Medicaid and Medicare come out of this also. Some call this a ponzi scheme but it comes from taxes removed from your income just for this purpose. The Feds dole out the money but it does not come out of government funding. It never has. They now say it will be solvent until at least 2034 or later. Again, all of this is NOT government money. FDR started the whole thing and the right tries harder and harder to remove it. My stepdad was also ex military but he had a pension coming from working at a high school and the government had nothing to do with that pension. Nothing at all.
'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why' By Kieren ...
MizJ comments on May 11, 2023:
The stress and isolation/loneliness due to Covid is a likely factor.
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
@MizJ Most pensions and healthcare do not come from government but from private organizations. Mine comes from an insurance program called Social Security. They gain nothing if I die.
Yesterday I renewed my drivers license.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 11, 2023:
I feel your pain. Iowa is almost as redneck and politically red as MO, but even here, I doubt they license renewal station would put me thru that much bullshit. But I appreciate your share and will heed it when my turn comes in a year and a half. I will bring one of my electric bills with me, just ...
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
According to the DMV here in Missouri recent utility bills that show dates and a letter heading are valid proof of who you are. OK, I thought that a valid Real ID license would be an ultimate proof too, but they say no. I suppose the great fear is that Jose crossed our border and stole your Real ID and identity. I say these things openly even at the DMV. Just being around me and talking with me would prove that if this was true I must be the perfect Manchurian Candidate.
Yesterday I renewed my drivers license.
SeaGreenEyez comments on May 11, 2023:
When I saw they've extended this ridiculous plan until 2025, I put all my stuff away and renewed my regular license, as is. It's due again in a year, I can renew it online. Literally they don't even change the picture. You can be 100 years old and still look 50. So that tells me, this whole Real ...
DenoPenno replies on May 12, 2023:
I have a passport but it is expired. Not to worry. I can take a new pic and have it renewed easily at about $120 and it has nothing to do with Missouri. It is nice to have and lasts 10 years. I'm ex-military with 3 years active duty and my original passport came in quickly from New Orleans. I imagine that same paper trail is still there. A passport is top of the line for valid ID regardless of what your DMV says.
'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why' By Kieren ...
MizJ comments on May 11, 2023:
The stress and isolation/loneliness due to Covid is a likely factor.
DenoPenno replies on May 11, 2023:
Rest assured that nobody is killing them to get their money. Powers that be need you alive to get your money and they develop new ways daily on how to do that.
Yesterday I renewed my drivers license.
Redheadedgammy comments on May 11, 2023:
Now think how hard it is for the poor or homeless person to get an ID or drivers license. They are making things like this as hard and frustrating as possible, so more and more people will just give up and say "fuck it" I don't need it. Another great way to keep people from voting as well.
DenoPenno replies on May 11, 2023:
This is all very true and so many tell me they just need a regular license. They are not going to fly and there is no reason to have a special license. Real ID is a voter ID, so suddenly you are not going to vote and not fly either and you remain too ignorant to see what they have taken away from you.
I was going to ignore the CNN town hall featuring one orange convicted sex assault criminal tonight,...
Appleriver comments on May 10, 2023:
I can’t watch him. Looking at him makes me nauseated and hearing his voice is like nails scratching a chalkboard.
DenoPenno replies on May 11, 2023:
He has that effect on me also.
A pseudo-patriotic celebration for Utah public schools also promotes Christianity
yvilletom comments on May 8, 2023:
Xianity’s leaders in America are getting scared. They know they are losing believers and dollars, and they are talking to politicians. Those politicians are also scared. Lets take more of xianity’s believers.
DenoPenno replies on May 9, 2023:
I think that is what is happening.
Speaking to the truth. []
DenoPenno comments on May 7, 2023:
All RFK Jr. is going to do is siphon of some Biden votes and make the GOP candidate more likely to win. Is this hard to figure out?
DenoPenno replies on May 8, 2023:
@BDair Some people seem to have extremely warped minds. You would expect some of these ideas to come from a popular movie of some sort. As usual all we have is one side trying to prove that the other side cannot govern. people go to great lengths with that idea.
Joe Briben was the headline I believe.
DenoPenno comments on May 7, 2023:
The Clinton Foundation protected Clinton money but also did things like fighting AIDS in Africa. Most foundations do this sort of thing and to get an endorsement from them you might have to donate. Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme' also had a foundation. It helps with taxes and protects their money....
DenoPenno replies on May 7, 2023:
@puff Yeah, Steve and Eydie were great money launderers. :)
Complains about unemployment
CourtJester comments on May 7, 2023:
It’s always easy to point out the democrats.
DenoPenno replies on May 7, 2023:
Why does that image have to be a Democrat? In fact, it has nothing to do with politics. The image shows a person who does not understand that his physical appearance is seen as an image of the corporation that hires him. The only way out of this is to work from home or work for a gang some way.
Texas shooting: Eight killed by gunman in Allen mall: [bbc.
Betty comments on May 7, 2023:
Maybe MAGA means retuning to the Wild West.
DenoPenno replies on May 7, 2023:
For many we have returned to the wild West. If I am stopped in a license check I explain my every move to the officer wanting to see my license. They think it is funny. Knowing what goes on, I am trying to stay alive.
Faced With Jail for Defending Kremlin Opponents, Russian Lawyers Are Leaving - WSJ
Jolanta comments on May 5, 2023:
And in Israel Nethayahu wants to weaken the judiciary. Don’t forget that the US intends to prosecute Julian Assange for telling the truth.
DenoPenno replies on May 6, 2023:
@Jolanta OMG! I have heard enough about Hillary and her e-mails. Most of that nonsense was over a server she used and not the e-mail content itself. On top of that Colin Powell used to use the same server. The claims are all politics of Trump and friends.
Joseph Henrich has shown in his book "The WEIRDest people in the world" that our Western ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2023:
I have long felt that our American focus on hyper individualism has been corrosive to our society and also a main roadblock to us ever making any social progress on reforming our economic system from being too capitalistic. And as a result, we have had increasingly bare-knuckles capitalism ever ...
DenoPenno replies on May 5, 2023:
@TomMcGiverin True, and many forget that during WW2 armaments and munitions were sold equally to both sides with no restrictions. This is why I find it strange today that people have fits saying the U.S. is going to start something with Russia by supplying weapons to the Ukraine. In the name of profits both sides in a conflict will end up with weapons any way you look at it.
Trump fatigue kicks in early: Polling shows growing GOP "exhaustion" ahead of 2024
OldGoat43 comments on May 4, 2023:
The MAGA Morons are faithful and slow witted. They've donated their hard earned money to the Dasterd Donnie even though they know it's all a scam and he pockets it all.
DenoPenno replies on May 4, 2023:
This is the main reason they are having trouble distancing themselves from him. It appears hard to admit that you have been taken in by a conman.
Joseph Henrich has shown in his book "The WEIRDest people in the world" that our Western ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2023:
I have long felt that our American focus on hyper individualism has been corrosive to our society and also a main roadblock to us ever making any social progress on reforming our economic system from being too capitalistic. And as a result, we have had increasingly bare-knuckles capitalism ever ...
DenoPenno replies on May 4, 2023:
Capitalism used to be "the American way." Now it is only the corporate way and corporate capitalism is not our friend.
Sooooo,,,, she thinks the punishment for exposing yourself to a minor should be a misdemeanor ...
Whitecloud23 comments on May 3, 2023:
I'm a left-winger and it's not my mindset, nor the mindset of anyone I know.
DenoPenno replies on May 3, 2023:
I'm a Progressive and none of this is floating around in my mind. Without this post on it right now I would not have even thought of it. Political sides of right and left have nothing to do with whether you expose yourself to children or not. Wake up!
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
Alienbeing comments on May 1, 2023:
I haven't noticed that. Additionally since Hollywood is not exactly a proponent of "family life" I am not sure there are too many examples of past family structure being presented. Are you watching older movies?
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I watch anything out there old or new and recently watched "Ghosted." which is new and streaming on AppleTV. I might do a review on that before long. Before bed last night I was watching a game show in Canada. I was still home but the show was on CTV.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
snytiger6 comments on May 1, 2023:
The type of show(s) you described, seem to pretty much match every show I remember watching as a kid back in the 1960's. So, it isn't really new. I have not been watching TV for the last few years, so I can't really say if the inclusion of LGBT+ characters is still happening or not. If such ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I had a boss in Texas who was into acting and tried to get me into it also. He was often in scenes in the background watering animals or something while the main dialog between others goes on. Each gig would be something you go to and it would be 4 hours wait and you may find they cut your scene out so you were there for nothing. In those days MadHatter was a good agency and your portfolio would have your picture, what you like and are into, etc. Movie scenes with bike riders and truck drivers was very common and still is. You see these guys driving on the highway and do not know who they are, but they are actors also. I thought about it for a while but decided not to do it. I did meet a man who was in Urban Cowboy as a dancer. All he did was dance with a woman and I met him on a home repair call. He showed me photos and his paycheck stub, then pointed outside and said that was how he bought his big Harley. Acting is still a big hurry up and wait.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
silverotter11 comments on May 1, 2023:
I think my whole romantic ideology formed with those doo wop songs from the 50s and early 60s. Mel Carter - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me , Tommy Edwards - It's All in the Game, etc. First 8th grade dance but Lesley Gores's You Don't Own me sure made an impact. Having kids was never high on my to ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I learned all about sex from a book a woman I knew had. The mag was called "Sexology" and she got it monthly then passed the books on to me. My stepdad found it out, took the magazine away from me and burned it, calling it pornography.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
Jolanta comments on Apr 30, 2023:
Wow, you been married 4 times. What did you learn from those marriages?
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
My biggest take on 4 times married is that 2 of them were a mistake. Also, 2 of the women already had children so getting them pregnant was not a reason for the marriage. My favorites are my current Kenyan ex and one in Texas who died. The Texas wife had kids and I was like a stepdad. I often think the idea of 4 came out of my formative years and ignorant mistakes when my parents got into religion. We were all confused.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
Garban comments on Apr 30, 2023:
Are you watching the Hallmark channel?
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
Very seldom for Hallmark or Lifetime. I watch TV series in English from all over the world and I am able to see what is playing now at the local theater on my big screen in my own living room. If the Indian or Russian gamblers have control of the movie I simply wait a while to see it later after they have gone.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 30, 2023:
Here's my two cents. First, TV and movies aren't really an accurate reflection of reality. They're escapism... made to be fun, exciting, dramatic, and/or amusing. It's like how the majority of people in TV and movies are good-looking and rarely seem to have any financial problems and nearly any ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I get it but I am not having Hollywood shape anything for me. I read about a film or series and decide to watch it or not. I like all types of films but do not care about some because I do not like the actors. I choose many and do not know the actors and often have a pleasant surprise. The lead in a film or series can be male or female. I'm also currently into a UK series called Silent Witness in which the lead is a female autopsy doctor.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2023:
Question: is porn anything like actually making love or even like having real sex? so why do you assume these movies reflect real life in any way, or are attempting to influence real life? movie/TV watchers love feel-good endings, so that's what they are given. the facts are, 50% of all ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I'm not talking about porn. I hate porn and the movies I mention are trying to reflect their version of real life on us. The ones that make these shows appear to believe they are giving us the content that we wanted but it does not fly with me.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
Pralina1 comments on Apr 30, 2023:
I like your thoughts . ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ The idea of having kids was on the table for me for about 2 yrs . Very early on the game I realized that I am lazy . Also I had opinions , and still do , about what the right parenthood should be . Oh I have opinions alright . My ways ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
Thanks for that. Your body, your choice, and never let stupid people put anything on you. I never met or married anyone with ideas of giving them lots of babies.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
KKGator comments on Apr 30, 2023:
As long as I can remember, I've heard the term "we're pregnant" used by both men and women. It has always made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It's everywhere. Years ago, when I was in my late 20s, a friend's father told me that since I was an educated woman, I had an "obligation"...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
I get this totally. As far as I know I only have 2 children. Kids are nice but I am relieved when they go home after a visit. My house has no running, no hide and seek, no ball playing or other such things that all belong outside. Once at my daughter's place one of her adopted kids climbed into the washing machine and cried for help because the lid locked. In trying to get her out, I threatened to put her in the spin cycle. :) True story.
Some people that read my posts will get it that I binge watch a lot of TV series and movies.
barjoe comments on May 1, 2023:
I binge watched both seasons of the new Perry Mason. Nothing like the Raymond Burr version. This Perry is a far cry from Burr's Dudley Doright. In this one DA Hamilton Berger is gay, Della Street is a lesbian and Paul Drake is black. Unlike the 60s TV version, this Perry Mason's favorite saying: ...
DenoPenno replies on May 1, 2023:
The strange thing here is that Raymond Burr was gay but he never played Perry that way. I haven't see the new show yet. Currently into binge watching Deputy with Stephen Dorff. I love this show but feel it missed in 2020 for political reasons. He simply refused to round of illegals and the homeless and was more into real crime.
Imagine that...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 29, 2023:
The Pandemic had everyone indoors except for a few. My stimulus money went straight to the bank and stayed there. Others used theirs to buy things. Corporations and the government were afraid nobody would buy things. Stores changed their policies and many items sold out quickly. Some still do even ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 29, 2023:
@AnneWimsey I don't lighten up easily. At work the other day an old man came up and put his arm on my back saying he was afraid I was having too much fun. I busted out laughing because everyone else was jumping through hoops to please. Yep, too much corporate fun.
[] Has US really given up the unwinnable war in Ukraine?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 28, 2023:
I think it is all about the sale of weapons rather than whether the war is winnable. Arms dealers are there to make a profit and governments will tell us anything to make sure that they do. Many of us forget that in WW2 weapons were sold to everyone all at the same time. This is Capitalism for you.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 28, 2023:
@Castlepaloma Vaccines are a gateway to keeping you alive because the greedy want more and more of your money.
This is completely crazy.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 28, 2023:
It is a very old vaudeville/music hall act. The "woman's" legs are his arms, the "man's" legs are his leg and the hips of the couple are his buttocks. Vetran comedian Bernie Clifton used to do this, along with other puppet based physical comedy illusion, such as the Piggy back Nun, the racing emu,...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 28, 2023:
@TheoryNumber3 I found the entire performance to be amazing. He has great talent.
Who is allowed to be proud?
The-Krzyz comments on Apr 28, 2023:
These guys too, apparently. Hell, they got a flag to prove it.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 28, 2023:
Yep, those boys sure are proud. :)
Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station This special report ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 26, 2023:
Lots of people cannot think for themselves. Rachel Maddow cites facts that can be viewed independently for anyone who wants to check them. As for RT it is the Russian CNN counterpart and used to be balanced.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 28, 2023:
@William_Mary OK. I'm not into any of the distractions and I already watch news broadcasts from all over the world. I have no favorite news stations. Lots of people tell me they watch programs that I do but they are lying. Most of them have never even traveled outside of their own state let alone knowing how to receive and watch International news programs. If these International programs still have me pegged as someone who is stuck on one news source then we are all lost in a world of disinformation. However, your Empire Files video is spot on and very informative. I will be looking for more of those on You Tube.
We Europeans know that the US are a world of its own, and that it is kind of weird.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 25, 2023:
The typical American liberal does not fight for more regulations, more bureaucracy, and higher taxes in my opinion. You make this mistake because of the Libertarian Party view. A Libertarian can believe damned near anything. Trump was backed by the Kock brothers and others who were Libertarians. ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 28, 2023:
@Alienbeing They said they were and yes, one is now dead.
Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station This special report ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 26, 2023:
Lots of people cannot think for themselves. Rachel Maddow cites facts that can be viewed independently for anyone who wants to check them. As for RT it is the Russian CNN counterpart and used to be balanced.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 27, 2023:
@William_Mary OK. Maybe I should watch Fox News and Russia Today. Does that make sense or am I rude?
Fox News and Dominion reached a record settlement. Tucker has been fired.
BDair comments on Apr 26, 2023:
How did Dominion demonstrate damages to the tune of millions of dollars?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 26, 2023:
Nothing was demonstrated. A decision was made before trial because everyone knew that Dominion voting machines were not and could not switch votes from Trump to Biden. That idea is ridiculous. Now the lawsuit door is open for Smartmatic and others to follow. Murdoch will end up not being able to insure Fox for anything before this is over. The big crime, the big lie, was to give people what they wanted to see and hear. In this respect Fox News did produce. On one of my deliveries Tuesday I saw Fox News on and the big headline was that Hunter Biden is being brought up on a paternity lawsuit. I'm thinking Hillary's e-mails might have the answer for all of this.
How the beliefs of an exorcism-obsessed Australian church led to a deadly crash
DenoPenno comments on Apr 25, 2023:
Religion believes that everything is demons if you are Evangelical. I was taught this at one time. Recently I mentioned a person who was said to be LGBTQ and the religious person I was talking to told me flatly that her church believed you could "pray that away." Apparently a lot of folks believe ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 26, 2023:
@snytiger6 My grandparents were Baptist and converted to JW. No meetings here with them but one of my uncles was very active but my mom and others strayed away and became Pentecostal. This is how I became Pentecostal but today I am done. Religion is a lie used to explain what none of us know. Our lives are now and not after you die.
Netflix: Do you want to watch a 10-hour movie?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 25, 2023:
They do this and call it a mini-series.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 26, 2023:
@FrayedBear Nothing if you are still into that. I have a CD player and a Blu-ray player but most of my binge watching is done on a jailbroke Firestick or similar device. I watch what I want and I watch it free.
I work from Cuba, Mo.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2023:
got plenty of time to worry about a fanciful picture of a mythical character, have ya? How about My Little Pony, does that bother you?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 23, 2023:
I'm not worried about anything, Anne. The fact that the picture bothers me at all is that so many people believe the image represents their reality. It is also a system I was once a part of. If anyone thinks My Little Pony is real they usually grow up. Christians seem not to.
I work from Cuba, Mo.
Organist1 comments on Apr 22, 2023:
We are pretty sure that if he existed at all, he would have had Middle Eastern features and skin tone...not Asian or Caucasian.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 22, 2023:
The reason I mention Asian and Oriental in my post is because I have seen this exact same picture used on some of their sites. It is even on an Indian site.
Charlie's screwed.
The-Krzyz comments on Apr 22, 2023:
Like her better than that other guy who came out of the cave. He babbled on and on about his kingdom, while she actually ruled one.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 22, 2023:
If Rome hears you babbling about a kingdom you are automatically a threat to Rome.
Good advice
DenoPenno comments on Apr 20, 2023:
I see them all the time. I once had a friend who was very good at hitting them with a car and he would remark "there's supper tonight." He was good at hitting them and fixing them too. :)
DenoPenno replies on Apr 22, 2023:
@vocaloldfart In the case I mentioned the road kill was done in order to kill the squirrel rather than shoot him. I was in the car with the man a couple of times when he did this and said 'there's supper."
Minneapolis will let Muslims amplify calls to prayer at all hours. It's a mistake.
snytiger6 comments on Apr 21, 2023:
I believe the "call to prayer" hearkens back to when clocks were not so readily available, and when people were mostly illiterate and did not know how to tell time. I think a much better solution would be for a phone app that alerts users of prayer time(s). If there is not an app available, then ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 21, 2023:
Damned right it is a mistake. it is also a religious adverisement coz we all know that modern Muslims have watches and know the time for prayer. Especially in America.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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