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What are people listening to these days?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I like rap the least but I listen to everything. It can be over 100 years old, classical, C&W, rock, old 1950's songs - you name it. At my age I remember when radio stations played songs of every genre. Later the stations would specialize in one type of music.
I find myself using the expression, “Thank God!” in a pretty regular manner.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I don't try to make the struggle with this. At my age I'm likely not to win it. God expressions are in our lives and a part of us even if we have no god. In my youth they told us not to swear and we quickly invented "mad dog backwards" and other such stuff. Find a friend to help you and start swearing in Spanish or something. Going out of your way to learn these things could be fun.
Helping kids think about death without an afterlife. []
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
In my opinion the first thing to do in helping kids deal with death without thoughts of an afterlife is to stop teaching them about an afterlife. Once we have come that far perhaps we can start seeing the value of human life again. Religion teaches just the opposite.
Did anyone watch the season premier of Roseanne last night?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I watched it and thought it was hilarious. I hope they can manage this so that it's more than just one season. If all invoked work with this it might be a hit all over again.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Meaning and purpose are brought to you by what you do and what you like to do. Nothing or nobody can give you purpose. It's the same with meaning.
Defying Theories, This Ghostly Galaxy Has Almost No Dark Matter
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I think we have a long way to go in understanding dark matter. Take the scientific term of the "nothing" that our universe was supposed to have come from. Nothing does not mean "nothing." There is something there but we cannot detect it enough to know just what it is. That's why we call it nothing. It's complicated.
I struggle with focus.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I've noticed in the last few years that leaving myself notes helps. I write them as I think of things and leave them where I can find them in advance. I leaver some on my car passenger seat often. Examples are going to the store, getting gasoline, bank visit, etc. Try this, get plenty of rest, and talk freely with a doctor about your problem.
Robots need civil rights, too - The Boston Globe
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Extensive rights and citizenship was given to the robot Sophia by the Saudi government. I know these practices cause many to be upset and even bring in talk from Revelation about end times and "the beast" but none of that is what this is about. Sophia is an investment and she is much different than an expensive car or mansion home, etc. She is always learning and will be doing so from now on. If she was lost of destroyed it will be hard to put a value on her. In this respect she is like a human. If you can see where I'm going with this you can see why civil rights and even citizenship are important to anything AI. The real importance would be in humans who are behind AI getting compensated properly if anything happened to the robot. Yes, it will get very complicated.
Stop me, before I shop again! Hi, my name is Cat and I'm addicted to thrift store shopping.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I like various thrift shops and resales. It's nice to get a good bargain. It's extra nice to have a spar of something in case one breaks. I tend to have things from these shops that are better in my opinion because they were a bit older. I like veggie choppers and all that stuff, pots and pans, dishes, etc. Of course, if it comes to electronics I'm all digital today so resale doesn't have much for me there.
How prevalent is pseudo-medicine?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
All the time. One reason you do not see Kevin Truedau on infomercials right now is because he is in prison. He was warned by the government that what he was selling is BS and they told him to quit. He didn't so he is doing time. Anti-vaxxers are another group who is full of it. I have seen diseases wiped out in my lifetime by vaccination. I have seen this without side effects.
What is the deal with the Church of Latter Day Saints?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
White is the universal symbol of purity. This is why the traditional wedding dress is white. It's why pics of angels are white, etc. Pics of a god in heaven are white.
Archaeologists discover 81 ancient settlements in the Amazon - The Washington Post
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Some people do not need us, the destroyers of their world. They were not in any hurry to let us know they were there.
I gotta know.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I don't do this when I am with women. I want to say it's an animal reaction with me but I don't see animals doing it.
Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
How would I know she was going to have sex on the first date? I have to know that she will before I can answer your question.
That wacky Einstein....
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
God showed his ass to Moses once. I guess it meant he mooned him. Both Moses and god were imaginary.
Sometimes life just hurts......
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
On my anniversary my ex and I did simple texts. She tells me "happy divorced anniversary." Some memories hurt but liife must go on.
What the hell?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Auto correct and shades of T-9 texting.
Weekend plans
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Most weekends I hideout behind closed doors in my outdated electronic universe. I'm digital and do all that I like but I do not have the latest devices. (How would you keep up?) Last weekend I watched the big march on DC from a private channel and even made a few comments too. I have entertainment and TV from all over. If I have a significant other present we can bar-b-que and do the togetherness thing. If fair weather friends call me my attitude is like "go away Charlie. I'm not home again until Monday morning." My movie would be called "Doctor Jekyll Hides."
Full disclosure... I posted this meme when it was Barack Obama in the photo.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I've always heard "your daddy is not your daddy but your daddy don't know." In that case the person doing the telling is not too likely to know much either.
How much of a roll does jealousy play in your past or present relationships?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Jealousy is a monster and I don't have it. My ex did but she was not rational about it. My examples are that a couple knows where the other one is most of the time. Each of you know who you are coming home to. A person gone an hour or more doesn't mean anything. My wife and I could spend half a day in a store. For the most part, people do not do the rush and quick fuck that you see in the movies. What would they be getting out of that? Half the time it doesn't even have anything to do with the movie and less to do with real life. I once had a girlfriend that was upset that I'm not jealous. Her and a friend of mine got together just to change that and make me jealous. They planned out a sceme on the phone. I found out and told them both to stop. My words were "this is a game that I do not play." In that case the girlfriend actually wanted me to be jealous. Insecurity proves nothing.
Have you dated someone YEARS younger or older?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I've been around the block 4 times and there were 2 women who were the "loves of my life." The first one was 18 years older than me. I'm not sure how that happened but we were together until she died. It's easy for me to say that the second woman was my Kenyan bride and our marriage lasted 12 years. We are friends yet today and she is 38 and I am 71. Age doesn't seem to be a problem for me.
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I did a similar thing when I married a Kenyan woman in 2005. Our marriage lasted 12 years and we are freinds yet today. I once knew a man who had married a Russian woman. She was very pretty but shallow. She liked to shop a lot and they had a baby which the man raised. The wife didn't appear to care much at all for the child. It was like the man had trapped himself but he was doing the right thing and was responsible.
Do you talk to yourself?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Of course. There's no problem unless you start carrying on a conversation with yourself and maybe use other voices. I live alone and the way I talk to myself is similar to thinking out loud. Sometimes you see TV detectives do it.
Do you have a dating pattern?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I like intelligent women who can carry on a good conversation. I've never liked bimbos at all, and I tend to like younger women these days but have had both. 38 to 55 is a good age range for me, but I've seen a lot of great women 65 plus. I have a FB girlfriend who is 54 and we talk 4 hours on the phone sometimes but I doubt anything serious will become of it. You never know.
Which is the more disturbing, Russian politics or Islamic fundamentalism
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Disturbing in what way? I mean in regards to what?
Just watched the 60 Minutes interview w/ Stormy Daniels. Thoughts?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
At this point the interview makes Trump and his lawyers look like the morons they really are. I've said it before and I heard it last night on TV at bedtime, the non-disclosure agreement is a joke. You cannot have this sort of agreement with fake names and no signatures and expect it to be valid. Trump is always better off just keeping his mouth shut but that's something he cannot do. Stormy's attorney is pretty sharp.
High School Bullying
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I hung out with 2 others in high school and we were not the "in crowd." From time to time someone would try to bully us or bully me. Usually I just knocked the shit out of them! That's true. I was never a wimp and they were asking for it by bullying. Of course, I warned them before doing anything.
Do you daydream?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I daydream constantly. I know reality but deep inside I am a real Walter Mitty.
About you?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
We are all immigrants. I'm a mixture for sure and cannot trace anyone on my real father's side because I never knew him and never met him. These days if I fill out a form that has "race" on it I'm tempted to check "other" rather than "white" or caucasion. That's because I have never met a white person. Most are different shades of blended pink or something unless they are tanned.
Chance meetings with members of former church
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
The last church I went to ended up having internal problems involving their form of government and what they would allow the pastor to do. My now ex and I had started going there in 2005, later stopped attending, and ran onto some of the church members in Walmart one day. They seemed intent on telling me all that had happened and asked me if I knew what the pastor had done. I told them I had no idea, and even if they told me stories in great detail I would not really know much when they were done. They got my drift quickly. I refused to talk about the pastor because he had helped the wife and I on occasion and we were not even church members when the allegations surfaced. From time to time we did see some of these church members again while in town without them trying to get me involved in church business.
Are you attracted to people who are just comfortable being themselves from the start?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I'm just me. That's the way it is. I'm not sure if it helps me in dating but it helps me as a person, and helps me in dealing with others. If you are black I don't "talk your language" and do your handshake. Again, I'm just me. I'm this way with all people of every race and color. Once in Texas I took a new friend of mine with me as I went to see a family of black people I knew. He embarrassed me and them. As we left the hostess of the house told me at the door "you know you are welcome here any time but don't ever bring that son of a bitch back here again." It was good advice as my ignorant white friend had already went on towards the car. Just be yourself. It's the best advice I can give.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Morality is something we have because of the structures of our various societies. We find that society is different in times past and different even now in other parts of the world. Morality is subjective and therefore subject to this change. It has nothing to do at all with holy writings of something passed on by a god. These writings are static and rigid. What they have told society is not what we see operating when we investigate morality.
Hi All! I am finally on a track to get my first ever tattoo.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
My suggestion is don't do it. I'm not a fan of tattoos and do not have any myself. However, my own 2 daughters have many of them. I remember when my youngest daughter got a giant unicorn tattooed on her left shoulder. She came in going through endless talk about how I'm gonna lecture her forever now cox she knows I don't like them and she got this tattoo, etc., etc. I looked at her a moment and said there is no lecture. I know what I told you. Now that you have this thing remember that it is you who have to live with it the rest of your life.
When did you know?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Before age 12 my religious experience was only stories in books and people talking god and the bible. By the age 18 I was in church full time and wanting to be a Pentecostal minister. I turned from this in my 20's and had many years of pain and guilt because of it, but I still did studies. You find that you start making up things on your own about god and god belief, what is and is not acceptable, and so forth. A few years ago I found I had went full circle and it's all imaginary. It's all made up. Today I am guilt free and have never felt more relief in my life. Today I know there is not a god wanting you to do anything. Of course, my parents had felt lost and they brought me into this because they didn't know what god wanted them to do. I've had issues with my parents most of my life but never any with this imaginary god because he is not real.
So April Fools Day is coming up, and I'm sure reasonable people such as yourselves all know this.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I haven't done April Fool's stuff in many years. A good one for this year would be to tell your friends that Jesus had returned, then say April Fool's. Why not?
Have you dated someone YEARS younger or older?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The love of my life was 18 years older than me. She is dead now. Next up is my ex of 12 years who is 38. I am 71 so I have been around the block.
So what do you do when is time for a group prayer at work or dinner table?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Use it as a minute of silence and do not bow your head fully. Look around to see who is also doing the same and you might find yourself a new friend.
Walmart's Anti-Union Training Video Is Another Reason Why No One Should Shop There
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I hate Walmart but I shop there out of necessity. I also use Aldi and other stores with it just being a matteer of convienience to me. YES, I do shop by price mostly. If you don't watch your money then you will not have any.
The future of our country
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
In our most recent election for POTUS the Kock brothers and their GOP friends have used a machine for electronic gerrymandering which is called "Crosscheck." A product of Kasnsas City area somewhere, the machine checks to make sure that Smith and Jones from Arkansas also did not vote in Wisconsin. The idea is to keep down illegal voting and the results were also used by the Electoral College. Needless to say the device was only applied to Democratic votes. This should be illegal. We need to make sure they do not use it next time.
Sitting here, in the middle of Kansas, listening as a bunch of adult Christians rally, screaming ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
If this keeps up the future will be people like us who hide, live in the catacombs, and scrawl images of a rotten fish at others so that we might be identified as one of them.
Are pro-gun people abusive?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Whoever wrote this list appears to know Donald Trump very well.
Truth about Trump Toadies.....
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Just this morning an ignorant friend of mine told me he thinks Trump has done more for America in a short time than any other president. The problem is he doesn't fact check. He also doesn't read much and simply goes with what he hears. I do admit Trump is doing things. There's no proof any of it is about greatness. Not even for idiots like Trump.
Attended March for our Lives Washington DC, Emma Gonzalez was a moving moment.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I watched videos of the event. Commented about 3 times. Warning people to beware of distractors and stay on track. It's simply a matter of whether safety of our children is more important than would be assault weapons. I'm proud of our young people here. They are our future and soon to be our voting future. I find it strange that some think they were all "paid crisis actors." The ones that think that must have went to Trump University.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was 21. Jesus that was a long time ago. I feel ancient.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
And what is the present? It depends a lot on your age now as to how you see life, what you believe and do in life. This would make "the present" a bit different for everyone. The idea of "present" is different for a child and a grown up. Each one has different things in their world.
50 & Up
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
A lot of this is true because of a slower metabolism at that time. Stallone says he eats what he wants but just has to eat less of it. As for me, I've got liver disease and a gut problem. The liver disease bothers my skin, and I see my doctors but also treat myself with herbs and vitamins. This last time around my blood readings even impressed the doctors. I take more naps but I'm very healthy for the shape I am in. Big belly, yes, but I am a 250 lb. gorilla with strong shoulders and big arms.
Not one prayer was said.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I just knew that once I came out atheist I would not have "devine favor" any longer. Is that superstition or what? Everything seems to go my way just like it was a script. I see this happen almost every week, including paperwork I am doing for my demented step father. How does this happen? Persistence, attitude, focus. You can have this working for you and not even know it. I knew it when I had 2 other people tell it back to me and that they could see it. Others just think I'm a stubborn old man.
If you don't believe in gods, can you believe in ghosts?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
In my world anything supernatural takes in gods and spirits. This means I cannot except ghosts either. But if you read the scriptures you find spirit animals and horses in them, and people of the time also believed in ghosts. Strange to me that modern Christians both except and deny this at the same time. Am I saying we have not had "experiences" that are ghostly or supernatural as human beings? Of course not. We have all had experiences. The problem is in not knowing how to properly interpret them. This is why we have ghosts and spirits.
Why are we hated for hating xmas?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I have the same problems. I tell others it might be different if I had a child at home. Anything to shut them up. The problem is that believers think December 25th is Jesus' birthday and that Christians go through this for that reason. This and Easter are both pagan holidays. In fact, Easter (Passover) changes on every calendar in the world, doing so every year, so Christians do not even know when their savior died. They argue this but it is the truth. The Gospels do not even agree on the time of crucifixion. So much for Christian myths. As for Scrooge the population at large calls you this if you do not like to spend money at Christmas. If this is what they believe they had no idea what Scrooge was all about in the first place. They need to read the book.
Have you ever had a frenemy?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I certainly have. People are just jealous by nature. It was frenemies that started nonsense between me and my ex wife and some of them do their best to get me to hate her to this day. People just cannot leave people alone. I absolutely do not like drama. I hate drama. Yet, I deal with and talk about drama every day. Why is there drama? People are jealous and they just cannot leave people alone.
How biased is your news source? You probably won’t agree with this chart - MarketWatch
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I get news from all over the world and use aps to do so. I can agree with your last sentence about your sources. As for those who constantly cry "fake news" today you can see that Donnie got his job done. He doesn't like criticism or to be challenged so he wanted to control your news sources. The bottom line is where does that moron get his news? Certainly you can't believe that the entire world is against him. I know. It's all one worldwide conspiracy against Donald Trump.
Message to the objective realist: I know people who think the world is 6000 years old, and they ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Everyone does believe they are objective and rational but it just isn't so. Some believers think that atheists take logic courses. They think they are objective and rational in their thinking but many of them believe a man on a winged horse flew to heaven.Others believe that a man died for 3 days and then came alive again.
I am somewhere left of Marx and Leinien in my politics.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I was raised on Marx and Lennon. Groucho Marx and John Lennon. They made me laugh and they made me think.
Greatest Story Ever Told???
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
How about The Greatest Story Never Told? I call it this because the NT appears to be 4 main writings of Jesus in which he is a bit different each time. The writers are not eye witnesses and the writings come long after the time of Jesus. Other than the fact that the Jews might have killed their own Messiah, what story exactly is being told here? Jesus was put to death so you do not have to die, but you die anyway? Then they make up some more lies off of this nonsense. It just goes on and on. Whatever happened to Jeffrey Hunter anyway?
March For Life? (Stop Gun Violence)
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I support the movement and I'm an activist of sorts. Not participating but I am fully aware that it is the squeaking wheel that gets the grease. Distractors, trolls, and bots want to argue that we should ban sticks, knives, etc. as well. So far our school children have not been killled by these other things. Ban assault weapons or any weapon that can be used in that manner.We willl get around to the sticks and knives when they starty using them instead.
A serious event occurs that wipes out the power grid.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
With no power grid you will have no cell phone and this event will likely be worldwide. Unless you quickly set up to live off ther grid you will have nothing but darkness and chaos. Comunication as we know it is gone. Suddenly we are living in 1800 again.
Christian Ex-Witch: The Illuminati Controls Our Minds via Flu Shots on Easter – Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Don't worry. The frequencies used are higher than the human ear can hear, so what is the problem?
What's a thing that you love?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Good conversation is great. So is cuddling. I had one wife that I cuddled with and I slept with my nose in her hair. It was a peaceful feeling and a good smell. Of course, you can't be glued together that way so in the hours that go by you do toss and turn.
Have you ever done a good deed and someone assumed it's because you're Christian?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Her good deeds do come with that promise of heaven even though she will not admit it. This is why believers are doing good deeds. Their god will look kindly upon them for it.
Christians argue that the founding fathers had Christ in mind while designing the constitution etc.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I'm still trying to figure out just which mean old King it was that would not let our early settlers practice their religion. That's how they tell the story, so they came to America and started our Christian Nation. WRONG! Believers keep wanting to re-write history.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Do you eat meat? If so you are on steroids. Do you take meds of any kind? If so you are likely on steroids.
Do you as an atheist feel more intelligent than believers?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Being more logical does seem to make you more intelligent. Even so, we all have our little quirks. We tend to exaggerate at some point or another. I recently took an online test where they said if you pass this you have an IQ of at least 134. I scored 97 out of 100 questions and they were all about history in our recent past within 200 years. What did this have to do with IQ? I thought it was just a need to know and paying attention.
Hello my girlfrined is bully me into becoming an evangelical christian like herself,I have been a ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
It doesn't look good. You cannot change or give in just because she cries and doesn't want you to go to hell. I compare religious nonsense today to trying to understand something that the Easter Bunny is trying to tell you. I give it the same authority and validity. BTW, Easter this year is on April Fool's Day.
Do you spend time debating your views on religion with the religious?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Sometimes, but I refuse to debate and most often do not go into any more detail with them than you see me do on this site. To believe or not to believe is not something that you "win."
When on Facebook and I read "pray" for this that or whatever my answer is: "Faith means not wanting...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Even when I was a theist it was hard to believe that others were actually praying for you. I think it is more lip service than anything. One example is sacks of mail in a church and they simply pray over the sacks claiming god knows what the letters say inside. Then we always have those politicians who are "praying for us." They don't even know us, so what is this all about?
The subtext of texting....
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Texting sucks. I hate it. You can be scammed more easily in texting than in any real time phone convo. Here is why I hate texting: Whatcha doin? Nuten Wanna get a pizza IDK Isn't Suzie cute Yeah Would she date me IDK Wanna hang Maybe Short messages are OK but texting bullshit just goes on and on and on. I have yet to figure out a purpose for it and think most people should buy a pet.
Lol, 'proving' magic is real! Now tell me doesn't this always work?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
It sounds like computer speak to me.
A Georgia Mom Crashed Her Car Into a Concrete Pole to Show Her Kids God Exists – Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I hate all religion because it is all the same. We are taught to believe in imaginary beings and told what this/these beings want. The idea of this is ridiculous.
Cis, hetero men: how to have women fighting over you: 1.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I'm not much of a dancer but I think I agree with you on all 3 points. My ex loved my foot massages too. I think I might just run an ad saying I can do foot massages. :)
How do you deal with Backstabbers in the workplace?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I confronted one recently with my boss as a witness because I told the boss what I was going to do before hand. The man threatened me, told me he was going to kick my ass, told others present why he was going to kick my ass, told the boss why I really had it coming, danced around and then denied everything that he had said about me. The boss told us all to get back to work and I no longer have troubles out of this man today.
Does meaning matter
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
You and those around you are what gives your life meaning. It is that simple.
Is "God" a bunch of Aliens?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
God is indeed an alien but I did not give up on a biblical alien in order to start believing in a sc fi version of a space alien. That is cherry picking. Do I believe there is other life in the universe like us? Of course. There would have to be out of sheer possibility.
Will you be changing your FB account?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Many things are coming out now that are remotely related to Dolt45, the election, how everything is managed and used, who may or may not have profited, etc. to the point of where I am sick of it. Of course they all use your information. Of course they all have your information. Google even said that if you click on their stuff then you agree with them. NOT. What this boils down to is the algorythm and it's use. I disagree with it and do not see this the way they do. That will not stop anybody. I don't want to be used in click bait, suckered into anything, or discover that I am being sold carrots because 5 years ago I posted that I like carrots. The situation used to be that they led us like a horse to water. There has been some trouble in getting us to drink. Today they want to show us the water and hold our heads down in it. That don't work with me but I won't be changing or deleting my Facebook account. In the meantime we will see and expect many lawsuits about the use of our personal information until they finally get this issue adjusted on both sides.
Board Games
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Monopoly is still good but I haven't played it in over 5 years. I'm not much for board games, cards, games in general or on an app or a computer. I'm usually doing something else. Every now and then I find somebody smiling and jabbing their thumbs at their phone in an excited way and I ask them what they are doing. "I'm playing a game" they say. Imagine that in a sci fi movie.
Do you believe Atheism is a religion?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
The simple premise of atheism is that atheists do not believe in gods, period. There is no way to call this a religion. On a personal level I cannot stop my atheism there because god belief is supernatural and I do not believe in anything supernatural. This is because I am an atheist who came out of theism. Sacred scriptures have something in them supernatural and a creator god is usually a spirit of some sort. If I deny existence of a creator god and still believe in ghosts I see this as an "apple and oranges" compromise. It means that I am "cherry picking" in my beliefs. Many might say that they have "had experiences" in their lifetime. We all have. This is where religions come from. Before we claim that "earth is a farm and we are the crop" we had best look at facts and possible explanations for events. Back to ideas of atheism as a religion, it becomes such when we start adding to it and scheduling services and meetings for it. This would lead to dogma which would lead to viewpoint and controversy, and in the end we would have denominations. I avoid atheism as a religion.
Farm animals?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I love animals. Currently I do not have any. It would not be fair to the animal. I have never had a desire to race them.
Most people have a best friend, that person that knows them better than anyone else.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I've had 2 best friends in my lifetime. We are all still friends but not "best friends." One of these men drifted from the "best" ideas when he wanted to become a music star. He had a limited success but his friendship drift was so he could be a friend to everybody. Not just a few or just one. He played backup in 2 C&W bands. My second best friend has remained "religious" his entire life. He doesn't understand my atheism and falling away. Often he puts a little bit of "god" into our conversations. On world events and politics he wants to look at everything through the eyes of the book of Revelation. This gets involved sort of like The Easter Bunny planning something with Casper the Friendly Ghost. If you throw in bigfoot, UFO's, etc. and what Revelation said about them you get the whole story here. Often I feel like "stop the world and let me get off."
What are the best TV series/shows you ever watched or are currently watching?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I like many shows. The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Person of Interest, Lost, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Anything ID Discovery or forensic, Westworld, and more. Into older TV shows I love Have Gun, Will Travel and Wanted Dead or Alive. I've always been a western TV buff and sci fi fan of many types.
I was admitted to the hospital recently.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
They always want that religious affiliation. I tell them I have none and religion is not important to me. I'm sure it upsets them. If the doctor doesn't help you they want to send in god. Or, even if the doctor has years or training they want to pray that "god will guide" him. This is almost as bad as that old cartoon where the man is flat on his back in bed and the doctor is giving instructions to the nurse. She has a strange look on her face as the doc says "nurse, he's not responding to the medication so why don't you try jacking him off."
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
This has been happening to me ever since the last election. I wake up often and it's hard to sleep, I do not feel safe at all. Some of it is because that bastard wakes up often and he tweets. He always tweets disturbing nonsense. Dammit. Will someone shut him up or at least take his tweeter away?
Something interesting.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Some of this is as simple as ads on sites. You might find ads on Atheist Nexus for example, but the site itself is not religious. Other times it really is sneaky sites that want to throw their false 6000 year old "god science" on you. Since the Internet will be the death of god in the end, we have those online now making unheard of claims for their deity and coming up with new "science" proving the word of god.
The Shape of Water .....Overrated Oscar Winner?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I loved it. Sally Hawkins was great and at least Hollywood found other work for the creature from the black lagoon. Outside of eating cats he could actually heal people.
Just got bombarded by three born again Christians.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I like your words here and the way you handled it. I suppose god's gift to the world was a suicide mission. At best Jesus had a bad weekend. What was god to do? He could have just changed a rule that he made himself but that was too simple. He had to be born as one of us, being his own son no less, and there had to be shedding of blood. This way, if you believe, you won't die, but first you have to die anyway even if he died for you. Oh, hell, it gets so complicated. At least it gave us a reason for Jesus dying. This happened to me once this last summer. It was 2 Baptist men and I told them to just sacrifice a goat for me. (That's a Daniel Dennett quote.) One of the men informed me that doesn't work anymore. LOL
Do you feel as lonely as I do?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
There are times I am the most lonliest man in the world. I'm an introvert and do not need groups or friends around close all the time. I feel at times as though I have no real friends but I cannot let it get to me. The difference between us is that I am 71 now and I have been in LTR's 4 times in my life. At 27 you have a long way to go and lots of time yet to find someone. Do not despare. There is time. Be honest with yourself and with others and it will happen.
Psychic Dreams?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I no longer believe in anything supernatural but like all of us, I have had experiences. It's all a matter of how we interpret these as to what has happened. Here's a story from a friend of mine about his nephew who died from a brain tumor. My friend (now deceased himself as well) said he just could not deal with the death of Wesley. I knew both men well and knew they were close. My friend says then one night Wesley appeared in his bedroom and came close to the foot of the bed. Wesley said he was perfectly fine where he was and there was no need to worry about him. Wesley said he really was OK. My friend said he stopped worrying after this and he never saw Wesley again. My take on it all is that he needed to see Wesley and be told this, and that is also why it happened.
Ah the ocean,so peaceful. Until something touches your leg.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I avoid the ocean. Don't like sharks or stingrays in the sand. You wonder why sharks attack people and you are in their territory. They think you are food.
Fuck snow.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I hate snow. People say that I had to like it as a kid, and they know that I played in the snow then. Yes, that is why I hate snow. I remember being outside in the snow until I thought my feet were going to freeze off. I don't call that fun. It's madness.
So has anyone else read OT Ezekial?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
There is no evidence for anything except speculation.
Losing Faith in Humanity
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I am not sure that I have much faith in humanity. We are all false information and "monkey see - monkey do."
I have finally watched Black Panther, I have failed to see the hype it received, the whole movie to ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I watched it and enjoyed it. The movie cannot be deceptive if it is based on Marvel comics. In that realm there is always kingdoms that never existed. My big fear was that virtual reality would ruin the film in some way. Actually these scenes helped the film emensely. There are 4 or 5 people to really like in this movie, and Michael B. Jordan was so good that he could have had the lead role. Could the film have been better? Yes, but it also could have been worse. I loved it but my ex (who is black) did not like it much at all.
Crucifixion So the kids and I were talking about religion in the car and crucifixion in ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Smart kids. As for religious symbols imagine for a moment that believers walk around with small electric chairs around their necks on a chain. That's for the Jesus of a later timeframe. Then we could also have the injection gurney on that chain, or just a hangman's noose. The faithful will cry and swear that you are mocking their Jesus. Yes, I am mocking. The complex and drawn out version Of Jesus and his crucifixion would have been a simple case of stoning to death if they had of followed Jewish law.
The Historicity of Jesus?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
There could have been an actual Jesus of history from the time frame involved (or before) but he is not seen in the Gospels. These writings were not eye witness accounts and seem to be talking about a complex and contradictory person. This is why Jesus seems at times to be a madman wanting death for some, then later a champion of the oppressed and downtrodden. The faithful believe that they actually have the "words of Jesus" in their scriptures in red writing. The reality is that today we would not have any such words. Is it any wonder that modern Evangelicals seem to have so many different versions of Jesus?
Did you ever find your calling? Or, are you still looking?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I don't think I have ever found my calling. I'm not sure exactly what a "calling" is but I know many of us are looking for it. What I have found instead is something that I cannot put a name on. I can look backwards in my own life and see why I did something at the time that I did it. I only know this today and would not have known it then. I know it today because I am honest with myself and I make no excuses because I am only revealing what I find to myself and not to others. Much of this is not pleasant. It also reveals actions at a basic level. Down deep we are all influenced by feelings and sayings that are almost tribal. We can learn from this but to do so we must be honest with ourselves. Drop the mask of the myth of self and underneath you find a totally different self and the principals that the self operates on.
The last male northern white rhino has died! ?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I regret seeing any species go extinct. We should do our best to prevent this. Go online and search for video of extinct animals if you like. Some were filmed before we lost them forever. Many think of a rhino as a bad animal. They have a wonderful sense of smell and bad eye sight. Put this together with a desire to protect themselves and you have the rhino pegged. Yes, he will killl you, but only because he is protecting himself and his kind.
When I told my mother I as an Atheist she just laughed and said she had known a long time.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
You are lucky. I've went from precher to atheist and it confused my daughters but they were confused anyway. My stepfather once told me "you are going to split hell wide open" as if this place called hell was something that you dive into. I still have a former religious friend who always finds time to "preach" to me in our conversations. If we talk politics he warns me of what the bible says. Sometimes I answer him back that the bible says nothing all about our politics. Sorry. It just doesn't.
What is the bible to you?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
The bible is a collection of stories by different authors from different times and it tells many different stories. Some versions of it have 66 books and others have more. There are no original writngs today of any of the versions. Everything is a copy to the extent that today we have no evidence exactly of what was copied. The Old Testament is used extensively to "prove" prophesy in the New Testament but the writings are contrived to prove a purpose. There are no eye witness accounts of anything at all, Jesus and all about him included. On close inspection much of the New Testament was written long after the time of Jesus. It's therefore not surprising that you find writings that appear to refer to 70 AD and the Jewish war of that time. The earliest date for Revelation being written is 96 AD. In the first 300 years after the time of Jesus this all came together in accepted ways of what people were going to believe and allow in their collection of all the stories. Constantine had a lot to do with this but so did Marcion and others. The biggest irony of the New Testament is that Saul of Tarsus (as Paul) was the real founder of the faith and he never even met Jesus. Many did not trust him then but today the entire bible (biblios) is looked at as the enerrent word of god. The big book comes about in truth as something closer to Frankenstein's monster, but you cannot tell the faithful that.
Marijuana for recreational or medicinal? Dont be shy?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
In my lifetime I have used marijuana but I no longer do so. I support legalization because I think it is absurd that we arrest people for using and smoking something that grows wild out in fields. You can have laws that apply to excess usage, but not laws that prevent use of something growing naturally.
Describe your love life in one word.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Why Men Send Dick Pics
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Endowment is good to have but men just don't know how women think. This is true. Imagine a couple outdoors under the stars and they have just had sex. Smoking and looking at the sky one asks the other "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" This situation is just impossible. It pisses me off that someone might even post it as a cartoon. There is no way they are thinking the same thing, just no way, period. Maybe men should wonder why women do not send vagina pictures. I've never known one that did.
What do you think about this saying "there is someone for everyone?" Is it true or BS?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 21, 2018:
There is someone for everyone if you truly are looking for someone. To say there is only one person for everyone is BS. If this last one seems to be you, then you are making that happen. If you are not with "the one" any longer it is simply up to you as whether you want another or not.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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