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If you're not married, would you marry again?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I can hardly imagine it. Even if I went back with my ex I feel we would have a better chance without re-marrying. People can be committed without the paper, the church, and the vows. You also have to watch other people. They revel in making your marriage harder. If it appears that you have no problems they will assist you in bringing a few out for you.
How do you feel about spiritual music?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I hate it. Religious music is like believers doing rock and roll. Phoney as hell. On the other hand I can have a drink and laugh my ass off listening to John R. Butler. Find him on You Tube if nowhere else. "God Will Fuck You Up" is funny as hell.
Just finished this book! Great read! Only problem is it will never be read by its intended audience.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I'm a big Sam Harris fan. Gonna have to read that book.
Why is depression so complicated?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Many will ask what you have to be depressed about. Maybe it's all the things you wanted to work and they did not work. This can even include a marriage, but I'm aware that alll things change even if we do not want them to change. I find it hard to deal with change in general but I'm also aware that this is what life is all about.
What is your opinion of Mr. Rogers and the fact that he was a Presbyterian minister?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Mr. Rogers was a very good presbyter. It wasn't his religion that he was pushing.
Is anyone in favor of bringing back exile as a legitimate sentence for certain crimes?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
The problems with exile include the fact that many of the countries they would be exiled to have no say so in the matter. If they did we would all be sending our crooks to other countries.
Just watched Get Out last night. Anyone care to discuss??
DenoPenno comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I have this movie on my main computer but so far I've not watched it. I hear it is very good.
POF - Plenty of Fish. Anyone familiar with it or use it? What are your thoughts on pof?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I was on POF but they keep ditching me so I stay away from them now. Maybe they didn't think I was sincere. It's hard to say.
How to Ditch the News Feed Algorithm and Take Back Facebook
DenoPenno comments on Mar 10, 2018:
That sounds like good advice. I feel that many of the feeds in FB are actaully from other sites and if you comment it can be see also on the sites that posted it first. Anyone know if this is correct?
Do You Pay It Forward?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I like to think that I live comfortably with little money because of small things I have done in regards to other people. For this to be totally true it would appear to have to involve some sort of supernaturalism. Maybe it is actually something else that we do not see. For example, I know people that seem to go out of their way to make things harder for themselves. I'm sure they would not see this, but I do.
Do you believe in an after life or does consciousness end when you die
DenoPenno comments on Mar 10, 2018:
When you die you are dead. Just as dead as any animal you see that is dead. For some reason man does not understand his dream state so others make up stories about where they have traveled when the body has went nowhere. They call it "near death." Being near dead is not the same as being really dead.
I just saw the Shape of Water.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I watched The Shape of Water and really enjoyed it. Sally Hawkins was wonderful and I see that Hollywood did not forget the creature from a black lagoon. However, I also liked "Three Billboards" and it desreved every award it recieved as did the players in it.
The Jehovah Witnesses came by my house yesterday.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 9, 2018:
The JW's don't bother me but they do come by. My family does not like them even though my grandfather was one. This is how they know me to begin with, but most of my family was Pentecostal. The main reason the known church world does not like JW's is their belief that "dead is dead." The JW's do not believe in a soul. The main church world has to have soul belief to avoid the fear of death. Then there is Paradise on earth and the 144,000. As an atheist I do not believe in a soul or consciousness after death. I also believe that all gods are imaginary.
I am in a really torn position right now, myself.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 9, 2018:
It's hard to say. I have an FB friend who is younger than me, very religious, and she really likes nice things. We get along great but only talk on the phone. She knows I am atheist. We have not actually met. In order for us to get along as a couple I would need much more money, OR to win the lottery. LOL Then we are creatures of habit. I am comfortable with this woman but the situation reminds me so much of how it was with my wife of 12 years. I hold back because I would be setting myself up for the same thing again. Maybe the same failure. Keep in mind that there is no time limit with grief. Do not let anyone rush you into another relationship in any way. If in doubt just tell these men you need more time. If they are not for you they will fall by the wayside.
What's up!
DenoPenno comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Hi Lydia. I'm another ex-Christian and now that I have been enlightened I can never go back. Gods are imaginary. As for yourself, do not let people confuse you or hold you down. Your impressive savings sounds good. You can do or be almost anything that you want to. If you set goals just go for it in a serious way and you can do it.
How irrational is society's pretense that many things like masturbation, menstruation and coitus ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Sex in any form in America is over done. Movies and TV always show a quick standup routine where a male stabs his penis at a woman as if it was a weapon. This nonsense complete with sound and done so frantically. Then after a 10 count they emerge from their hidden spot going merrily on their way. The sex scene was simply thrown in for no apparent reason. Then at the same time we are all secretly told taboos of masturbation, menstruation, and so forth. It's no wonder that many men in the media have lost their jobs recently. It appears that they had tried to live out the quicky sex scenes I've described above and many got caught. To bad we do not have real sex education in America.
Is there such a thing as an Atheist Minister?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
It might. Jerry DeWitt has that title in Louisiana and has an atheist church there. I like Jerry but not the church idea. I believe that an "atheist church" would make a theist say atheism is a religion after all, but to each his own.
Do you think there is such a thing as consciousness?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
We have consciousness but our minds are selective. Consciousness is what we like to think of as being awake and aware. It changes. Today I cannot remember how to get to my friends house like I did in 1970. Everything in the area has changed. I do remember "being there" but not how to get there. If I had went to his house all the time I might remember, but I did not do that. My conscious remembrence has been changed. This happens again with all my friends and places I have been, what I remember and how I remember it now as I pull it from my past. I am conscious of events but they have changed. Sometimes something is added. Other times it is missing. Truth is elusive. But we do have consciousness. otherwise you would not know about this site or what time your favorite TV show comes on.
Has anyone ever been to a godless wedding or funeral?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
A man I went to school with had a dad I was close to and the dad died. Over the years he became a non-believer and we had that in common. His "funeral" was a wake at a community center. Strangely, 4 or 5 preachers were there. They knew him and tried to make this gathering religious. The deceased had played country music and some of his younger friends were there also trying to play religious songs. One of them told me "he would want me to play this." For a while I thought we were at a revival. It was the damnedest thing I had ever seen. The deceased had been cremated and was buried next to his wife in the cemetery later.
What is your average monthly budget/expenditures for food? Be it grocery and/or prepared foods.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I don't really count but I eat lots of the same things and I know when to replace them. Shopping is done from a list. My "budget" is just something that I know, but I eat and drink what I like. At Aldi recently I pissed off the checkout. He told me everything is on his phone and he doesn't need a receipt like I do because of that. I begged to differ. He might see what he spent instantly but I use my home computer and online banking to know EXACTLY how much money I have at all times. I know this once a day. What pissed him off was that I told him he doesn't know that for himself. All he sees is what he spent. I work from 3 accounts and hold myself to a mandatory daily balance in one of them. My banking is like a pea underneath one of 3 shells and to make things work I often have to borrow money from myself. It all depends on which of the 3 shells that pea is under at the time. It's a lovely game.
Who are your athiest/agnostic heros?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Hitchens, Sagan, Carlin, Dawkins, Dillahunty, Harris. Many more also. I have to always add Jerry DeWitt. He's the first graduate of the clergy progect and I found his videos on You Tube when I wasn't sure yet on the god issue. In just a short time I said "this man is me" and I knew I was atheist. It was only then that I knew what to call my lack of belief. Dan Barker gets more than an honable mention here. I like all these guys and more.
A few years back, I was a scam baiter: if someone was trying to scam me through email, I'd write ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Romance scammers try to con me all the time. I'm not a "texting fan" so they don't get very far. If I cannot talk to you in real time on a phone it means you are not real. I do not have "hangouts" that I go to, etc. Years ago when it was all done with letters I was drawn into something that proved to be a setup in the end. I had agged it on by playing along. Only at the last did I find out it was a scam to buy a graveside plot and actually involved Scientologists. I was furious!
Did someone break your heart badly that you're afraid to trust anyone else as far as love?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I have been totally shattered. It happened in 2014 and I knew it was going to happen. What I have learned since then is about myself as well as her and why it happened. We are still friends. I am still shattered. I will never be the same again. Often we end up learning we are not who we thought we were. Maybe just an image. Just a watcher in time.
Are you a cat person or a dog person and why
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I just clicked a choice so I could comment. I'm an animal lover and I've had both cats and dogs. I've had them both at the same time. I love animals and they love me. Animals are even attracted to me at the zoo. Currently I have no animals as I live alone. This would not be fair to the animals when I am gone. It could also be messy. My daughter has dogs and cats and I get along great with them. Two or three of them know who I am. I think they honestly know I am the father of their owner. It's not unreasonable to think that animals might know this. The ones that know it are the ones she sleeps with. I think they know this by smell.
Do any of your family members have silly superstitions?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
My neighbors have had both a mother and a brother die inside their house. Not long ago Peggy was going to have repair work done in her bedroom and told me she didn't know where she would sleep. I told her to sleep in Jimmie's room. He's the brother that died there. She says she just couldn't do that as it was his room. I asked her if she thought her brother would ever hurt her. "Of course not," she said. Then I replied that she could sleep in his room after all. She just started a slow, wide grin as though her problem was solved.
Life on other planets: if life on other planets is found--especially if that life is more advanced ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Just imagine poor Jesus as an alein on the cross and he asks "how many times do I have to do this?" I didn't make it up. There is a cartoon like this. Seriously, is there life on other planets? Undoubtedly so.
What's your opinion on Marx' theory of alienation
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I'm not that familiar with the Marx Brothers. Oh, you meant Karl Marx. I suppose that if you worked for a car factory and didn't make enough money to buy a car, you could be robbed of your humanity and be aleinated because you could not buy one. Does that make sense? IDK?
Does anybody else hate the over use of the word super.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I agree. What really gets me is "totally." I'm totally upset by the word totally. I totally am.
What do you do for a living?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I deliver auto parts for a large national company. That means mostly I drive, but I do meet the public at every stop and sometimes in the store. I love driving and I love ths job. Maybe it's because years ago I did in home appliance repair which also had a lot of driving and meeting of the public.
Evolution of the mind
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I agree and feel that you are exactly correct. We do evolve mentally with time and I'm able to see and remember some of my mistakes and even remarks from years past. I can see when I am wrong and I see recent "mental think" of 5 years ago or even less. I'm amazed at this because it often means I do not agree with myself in recent past. Sometimes it makes me ask mentally if I was an idiot. In my lifetime most of my beliefs have done a 360. I hope all for the better.
I was offered a BIBLE !
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Thanks but no thanks. In truth I have a small book shelf with every kind of bible on it that you can think of. It has some study books and courses also. I know what is inside it but I just don't buybull anymore.
Who are your people?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
When younger I hung around with hellraisers a lot. These days my drinking has slowed down and so have I. I love animals and love to talk and discuss. I'm also very introverted these days. I work with the public all week, then come home to be happy in my place and behind closed doors. Sometimes a movie out, but mostly not. I always have something to do. This morning I fixed a wall mount coat rack that had been too short for 12 years. Now the coats don't fall in the floor anymore.
Do you find yourself automatically drawn to other nonbelievers?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I am drawn to non-believers until they prove themselves stupid beyond belief. That's when I start shying away. Of course, you have to talk to someone a while before it comes out fully about their god belief. If you do not believe in the biblical god but you do believe in Ajax from Knorr in anothewr galaxy somewhere, then you are not for me. We will have a distant friendship.
Do You Know What Time You Were Born?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
It's on my original birth certificate. Doing this now from memory I think I was born on Sunday at 12.06 AM. If so that would make my middle name "Odour" in Luo language which is someone born at midnight. OK, I'm not African nor am I Luo. We will leave that mystery for Obama who had a USA Kansas mother and an African Luo father.
Atheists, whats the best definition of atheism? Which fits you?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Atheism means you do not believe in gods. It's really that simple. I came out of theism because there is no evidence of gods. I can't stop there, however. Gods are supernatural and I also find that there is no evidence of ANYTHING supernatural. Yes, we have all had experiences but it just means we did not understand what had happened. Time to look at that differently because if you do not then you will start making things up again. Once that happens you are right back into religion or something that could become one.
Have you ever pissed off your neighbors from being too loud?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Lately, no, but in the last 12 years, yes. These days I tend to be more quiet and I drink less most of the time.
If we are all supposedly created in God's image, wouldn't that mean God is everyone, every race, ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 7, 2018:
This would seem logical to anyone except a Bronze Age sheep and goat herder. This is the mentality that modern religious belief comes from and is also the reason they fail so hard in trying to defend it.
Is he just not into me?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Maybe he isn't sure what he wants and is just afraid to speak his mind on that issue. If this is the case then you have not lost anything. Don't take it personally. The problem with most of us is that we take too many things personally.
Widowed? Any experience?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I'm sorry for your loss. At one point in my life I was a widower. The bottom line is that this grief and experience is different with every individual. Therefore, take as much time as you have to in order to cope and adjust. Some people also do not understand that it is sometimes necessary to talk about the deceased person even if it seems extreme to others. I once knew a lady who lost her husband and she was in therapy over his passing. She told me the therapist once said she should shake her fist at him in spite and declare "if you had taken better care of yourself you might still be alive today." I told her that didn't set right with me. She said it didn't set right with her either and that was her last visit. "Good for you," I said. The therapist wanted her to get better but you cannot do this by berating the departed.
Fear of Hell
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I'm a relatively new atheist, but I must have been thinking about all this in the back of my mind for some time. I can honestly say I have no fear of hell. If I do have any fear of hell it seems to be on the same level as a fear of being bitten by the Easter Bunny.
Duck Dynasty Dad: The Bible is Enough to “Stop Human Beings from Murdering” – Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Duck Dynasty is another Reality TV show. Before the family came up with a top selling duck call they looked like normal people. Reality TV came along and re-made them into Daniel Boone types and they became famous. Some of them from time to time have taken to talking about god and the bible. Big mistake.
I hear various people talk about the concept of unconditional love.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
God does not love you unconditionally. If he did he would not send you to hell. Avoid the sermon here where the believer says you send yourself to hell. Pah leese! Actually I do not believe in unconditional love. I find love to be more like a commitment. More like a decision. Passion and lust fade away but true love is commited love. Even so, it has conditions.
Do you own any exercise equipment or props?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Currently I workout 3 days a week but mostly it's limited to upper body and some waist twisting movements. I used to workout as a bodybuilder years ago but things have changed and I have also. I got away from weights and went with an early model Bowflex. I invent my own movements with this and also use a Total Gym as a rowing machine, again inventing my movements. Much needed are more for my waist and legs. I get lazy. These days I'm an old man who is a 250 lb. gorilla.
Is the Dunning Kruger effect real?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Maybe it should be called the Archie Bunker effect. I have a former mother-in-law who really liked that show and said that Archie was funny but he was also exactly correct.
Preferences in dating
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
You have the freedom to date anybody of any persuasion or any race. It's your choice. In my area we have what I call "racists unawares." I don't mean people who would not date another race simply as a preference. I mean religiously ingrained white supremacists. Most know what they like but they are not sure why. Also, my area was thick with the KKK in the 60's and 70's. I hear they are still around but the old ones have now died off. We actually have a few blacks and latinos now. A Chinaman even had a recyle place around here unttil 2016.
Are you a gamer?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
No, not at all. When my ex and I were first married she couldn't find the games on my PC. I told her that was because I never used them. She had to unpack that to use them for a first time.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Big waste of time for nothing. I have a friend who wants me to check all his unknown phone calls. He puts this on me coz he knows I can do it. He also thinks all of his unknown calls have something to do witha girl he is fascinated with. Some things are just ignorant. We all get unknown phone calls.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
You might as well threaten me with the Easter Bunny.
Conservative Christians Kill Bill Banning Child Marriage In Kentucky
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Of course. They all envy Roy Moore.
I will try my best to keep this brief but I must vent.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
A dread of "what might happen after death." It comes form childhood indoctrination and repeated reinforcing during your active religious years. How would anyone know what happens after death? They simply make it up. If you die there is no way to know anything else. There is no electric power at the light bulb once the switch is turned off. Fear of death is the greatest motivator for religions. You must get over this in order to get on with a healthy life. This takes some people a longer time than others. I do not remember what was before I was born. I'm also not likely to "know" anything after death. Once this is fully understood you can go on about living your life without fear. Good luck.
Population Control
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
With the anger and other mixed feelings Trump is causing to surface we will not have to worry about population control for too long. Do more children make a country more powerful? Usually if they live to grow up in a good economy. Ah, the blending of ethnicities. That's a good one. Some ignorant preachers still claim that god wanted the races to remain separate. Their god was too stupid to imagine ships and airplanes. People are people. If you drift towards racism or white supremacy others can spot it quickly. I have brushed shoulders with all of them in my time, and I have also been interracially married. I'm not a "show dog" and white is not a race. It's a color. I've never known any person that was "white."
Who is good enough ( my Sunday morning rant)
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I have been with older and younger women. One woman was 18 years my senior. Some not that much older. Currently I tend to be attracted to women half my age. This isn't carved in stone. My ex is 37 and I have an "online girlfriend" who is 54 but looks 28. Am I going to be living with my significant other in the future sometime? Who knows? It's hard to say.
What do you consider a "long term" relationship?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
In my lifetime so far long term seems to be about 12 years. I have never been with anyone longer than that. Once it ended by death after 12 years, and this last time was by divorce after 12 years. I have had other relationships that were less time.
Who farts first?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
In most of my relationships the farter runs off to the bathroom and nobody know the difference or if anything happened at all. To believe it otherwise you would have to assume that nobody farts.
Are snakes with apples always up to no good?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Evangelicals get upset when you call the snake a snake. Since it had legs (later to be lost) they call it a "serpent." (Some people even call a snake a serpent.)Then they get into this rant about how a serpent is NOT a snake and they go on talking about this as though it was an actual event. Well, it has to be an actual event because if it was not there would be no reason for salvation from anything at all and no reason for Jesus. No reason for this Jesus to be killed except that all this nonsense when put together explains it in a dramatic way. Blood, guts, and remission. Set this aside and you have a man with an earthly genealogy whom a few thought might be the long prophesied leader and earthly Messiah. Sorry. If that was so, then you killed him.
Are you fulfilled?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I feel exactly the same way this poster does. Even so, I know we cannot have everything. An ideal situation for me would be that time machines are real and I had tons of money, therefore being able to go anywhere and do what I want. What I am only vaguely aware of are the many things that seem to work for me every week. It's like I think of something and suddenly it is happening. Not that I have a magical power in any way, but maybe I'm learning how to think. I'm secretly learning what is important to me, and if you keep this in the back of your mind enough it might be seen soon as a reality. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to apply to money.
I went antiquing today! Yay!
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Cool. I don't care much for antiques but I do resale shops and yard sales often. The strange thing is that when I need an item and have a certain thing in mind, I normally find it soon afterwards. There are many within 30 miles of where I live and if you have a date for this you can also go out to lunch afterwards. I prefer buffet style. Come see me, ladies, and we will do this and then go eat.
Is anyone doing anything cool for St. Patrick's Day?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Nothing cool here that day. I don't even care if I have green beer or not.
Co Dependancy?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
You are asking some very hard questions. I love my ex to death but have not seen her in over a year. We text sometimes briefly because we decided to remain friends. Her appetite for nice things can cause money problems. She is half my age and I sent her back to Kenya 3 times during our 12 years together. The last time was just over a year ago with some of the settlement money she got when I did the divorce. She is a nice person but we all have to understand that we do not think alike. We go in different directions. I have to ask myself what I would do if we were still together and she maxed out her cards again, (she's working on it) and what would I do if some of her family in Kenya died? I bit off more than I could chew. I simply cannot afford her and I miss the long term relationship, but our parting is for the best. I miss her, yes, but I have better peace of mind today. If we got back together it would be this same old thing again and that is what I wanted to avoid in the first place. Not that we were a mistake. It's just that we did not work out as a team. I hope that some of my personal feelings here help you and that maybe you see more on your own.
When traveling what are your thoughts on visiting religious sites?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
At least the sites are historical. In Germany they have dead saints embalmed inside some of the old churches. I saw this while stationed in Nurnberg. I'm sure other sites worldwide are of similar interest. As for it being "religious bullcrap" this would fit anything to do with god belief. Seeing something that you may never see again would be my point in visitng them at all.
Blessed to share God’s creation.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Isn't it a wonderful world that Casper has made? May his sheet never rot further and the holes in it heal up. Right now Casper is the Holy Ghost. Avoid those who say similar things during your hike and enjoy yourself.
Do you believe in karma? reincarnation??
DenoPenno comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Karma in its most simple form is "doing." That's all it means is doing. The saying of "what goes around comes around" is not demonstrable but is a part of cosmic momentum if given enough time. What happens to karma that you create? Does it tie in with the physical body and will it help you come back after death? Apply the same questions to a sculpture or painting that you did. Reincarnation is an unvalid belief that has about as much evidence as a god belief. God belief is supernatural by explanation. Where is the logic? Where is the evidence? To believe in reincarnation is about as good as believing in Slenderman. These beliefs continue because no one can face their own non existence.
When I listen to Wish You Were Here, by Pink Floyd, I catch myself getting lost in thought to the ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
If you like and listen to music all songs are this way. The truth is, songs mean different things to different people. That is what attracts us to them. Try finding a songwriter sometime as he explains what he meant when he wrote the song. Most of us would be amazed.
"Free at last.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
That alone is a very good freedom to have. It took me a very long time personally.
Why is it so important to break someone else's faith?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I do not have to break your faith. I was once a person of faith but have come to see the fallacy in that. People of faith are taught by their religion to make converts. This means they nag me to death constantly in ways of bringing up their god again. Maybe I am just "angry at him" they say. Yes, it is true. I'm as angry at god as I am at the Easter Bunny. The believer has a different logic than you do. To them their bible is logical. The very idea is a big laugh. They think we take "logic lessons" or courses. It's pretty simple to me actually. They have no problems with the resurrection as a thing that god allowed ONCE. Why can I not believe this also? There is no evidence and it isn't logical. By the time we get to questions like what would I accept as evidence it is so plain they had their minds made up in advance. A resurrection that god allowed ONCE. Look around you and read other scriptures. The world is full of accounts of ressurection. It's all myth.
What does it mean when someone says 'I don't want a commitment'?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
What it means is I want to screw you NSA and we can be friends, but when this cools off I want to move along and we will both go our separate ways. In other words, I wanna milk the cow without actually buying the cow. Gimme free milk and it's all OK as long as we think the same. Women either want the same thing at this point, or they go with it coz they all think deep inside "I can change him." Changing him usually does not work.
Flat earthers, truthers, birthers, holocaust deniers, moon landing deniers?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Most of this is insanity of one form or another. Strange things on You Tube. Some true and some not. Some doctored and some not. Here's one that gets me. UFO's are real and here is the picture to prove it. This grainy, unclear, "it might be" photo. Sorry folks. We live in a digital age and this means you should have clear and concise pictures. Stop showing me this nonsense.
My spirit animal is probably something that runs into screen doors.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
If a spirit animal was possible mine is likely a gorilla. Maybe not a gorilla of today but some form of gorilla type in the past.
Whould you date a woman UFC fighter?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
It would not bother me except for the knocks and bruises she might have all over her after she fights. As for women beating you up if that is your fear of a female UFC fighter, I knew a young woman named Sally that could always beat my ass. A great amount of my time in life has went to weight training and working out. I have very large arms and weigh over 250 lbs. I was once very good at arm wrestling. It still didn't matter. Sally was a buzz saw and she could beat my ass. Hmmm. Maybe I should have married Sally.
When looking for a significant other, there are lots of easy to detect deal-breakers like smoking, ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I avoid extreme jealousy of any kind. People who want to make things up as being "true" when a logical timeframe makes the supposed issue absurd. Is this sort of argument gaslighting? I'm not sure. Years ago a GF came over and after our greeting she was upset that I continued to watch the news. It was on when she came through the door. Im not god's gift. Neither are you. It goes without saying that I'm not fond of smoking. I don't smoke in my house. If you do then we are both smoking, so you have to smoke outside.
Man shot himself outside White House, Secret Service says - CNNPolitics
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Well, that was close anyway. If they keep on trying sooner or later they might get inside. It doesn't matter. Trump will still be golfing.
One liners and pickup lines?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Mine are not working. "You know I'm pretty good at muff diving." That just doesn't seem to attract them much these days. Maybe I need to update my language.
What would you define as critical human rights?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
We have very few "rights" and they are always changing. Usually this is for the better as time goes forward, but not always so. We should have a right to a decent POTUS also, but that man has no idea what the word "decent" even means. Oops! I got sidetraked.
Fear, is it a motivator in your life?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I am starting to develope a fear of Orangatans and men with orange hair. This is very strange to me because I am an animal lover.
Do you complain a lot? Has anyone ever told you that you complain too much?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Actually, I do. I complain about those who complain a lot. I hate drama but I talk about all those who have too much drama. I suppose all of this is my drama.
I'm an atheist but I still say bless you after someone sneezes.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I think we should also say "bless you" if someone farts. It's only fair.
Unexplained Religious Experiences
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I'm also ex-Pentecostal. My explanation for it all is simple. Back when you believed it this was real to you. Now that you no longer believe it is not real to you. This does not make the experience go away. What it does raise is the question of how can "ho si con didli eyi" in any way be a language of any type that is used for edifying or spreading a gospel? It simply cannot be. It is make believe put upon you by your religion. While in the religion you were lost. Only now you are found. Of course, you are found by yourself and not found by a make believe god. All gods are imaginary. Anything coming out of holy books is imaginary. Be happy and enjoy your life.
Fun fact for the day ! The Guillotine was still in use in France, when the first Star Wars film was ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 3, 2018:
If that is true it can possibly be said that worldwide the guillotine has never completely dissapepared from use. I'm saying this simply because Evangelicals point to the book of revelation and claim "in the end times they will bring back use of the guillotine."
Suggestions accepted
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I can agree with your every word. Along came tRump and all the rules went out the window. The man was no good at Reality TV. Now the White House and all of America is Reality TV. The entire world must be laughing at us. I'm ashamed and embarrassed. Racists and white supremacists have come out of the woodwork after 8 years of Obama, and all because they seem to be allowed by this Orange Clown. I'm stressed, bothered, and seriously worried. It's like suddenly I wake up in a world that has went insane and it threatens to take me with it. Help! The current battle is for each party to convince you that they are actually the other party. While this is being done the NRA and gun manufacturers want to redefine the 2nd Amendment. The second thing going on here is to finally give America the Jesus that it always wanted. Why not? Everybody else already has theirs. The powers that be are trying to do these 2 things while they steal us blind. Even Trump says "everybody will be happy." Well, NOT ME! None of this is "my salvation." I'm an activist but starting to believe that the best advice I can give is to turn off the news, don't watch TV, and don't give a damn about nothing. On an individual level that move may save our health. We need it coz they are also trying to take our healthcare.
What is everyone’s guilty TV binge pleasure?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I've never got into that one but have watched all of Lost." I follow "The Flash", "Supergirl," "The Walking Dead." Anything about forensics, and most of what's on ID Discovery. Most series that are top rated if I can get them. BTW, don't call any of this a "guilty pleasure." I have no guilt. I came up with TV when it was in its infancy and TV, movies, and music have always been a big thing in my life. I once had a GF that was OK until I turned on the TV at which point she would declare "if you don't have anything to do you could" - and she would suggest something. Don't tell me that. I do not own a "Nothing To Do Machine." Instead I have a television.
Something that happened the other day as I am leaving the grocery store I have to share.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I have a good sense of both smell and hearing. Some people in checkout lines have bad smells and you know by being there that they do not bathe properly or often. Disgusting.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
The fear of being hunted is out of evolusionary remnants from many years ago. The fact that we did react to it is why we are alive today. This is your "survival instinct" at work and you see it in a dream.
Different path?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I agree. I would have chosen a different profession. As it is, I have learned that the entire world is crazy, then I look back in time and can see how incerdibly stupid I have been. It's mind boggling. Is there a "do over?" Is this idea secretly why theists believe?
Is true love hapens in a distance relationship?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
If you are falling "in love" beware that you are not falling in love with words upon a screen. The trend today is to text and this is only words upon a screen. I can't do that. You can be so easily fooled. I have to hear a voice.
Twice now on this site I have encountered a post that was posed as a question, but it became ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I often get carried away in answering something and I give examples out of my own experiences in my answers. It makes me an open book to almost everyone. Either block the bad ones or contact an admin.
What are some double standards that bother you?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I try to avoid people with double standards. It's hard to do. I work with white supremacists (not everyone) and just found out yesterday that a man I know favors the KKK. I know all these people but have to watch my tongue So many think that because I am white I should "be proud that I am white." What does that mean? Racial prejudice. I have none, but I am an activist. I was married 12 years to a woman from Kenya.
What would it take to get rid of the electoral college?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
One person, one vote, no exception. This would eliminate the "Crosscheck" voting machine used by the GOP this last time to make sure that Smith and Jones in Georgia did not also vote in Wisconsin. The idea was absurd but used only on Dem votes. The results were accepted by the electoral college.Look for more nonsense with this in the future. It's illegal. One person, one vote, no exception is the only way.
Death without God
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I try not to respond to them. I do not elaborate on what they have said to me. Some at a cemetary know the body is lowered into the ground and immediately tell you the dead person is in heaven now. If wind rustles the trees the wind is immediately that same dead person. Then we have that awful line "they are in a better place now." WTF? I'm living in an insane world.
Are you more calculating or spontaneous?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I am borrowing here, but I calculate spontaneously. My stepdad says it is my biggest downfall. However you look at it I'm a good cop although not employed in that field. I'm currently into a local rape in my area that all happened because of drug activity and the cops cannot tell you that much already because they are still investigating it. I also did a secret investigation into my own grandson's murder. Many things were hidden there perhaps because he was a drug dealer. In turn he was betrayed by friends. Law enforcement never did anything about it and helped perpetuate a lie to shut it all down. Why? The killer was their own man playing both sides as a narc. To this day (2 years later) the killer walks free and claims he did not want to kill him. The big question is "then why did he?" The best answer is drugs and confusion. Regardless of early theistic training I can claim that my inner calculating mind brought me to logic in such a way that I "woke up" and stopped following Christianity. Are there any claims of deity that are valid in this world? Not that I have found. Did anyone fly to heaven on a winged horse? Do cats fly?
Has anyone read the, "Left Behind" books?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
The whole idea of "left behind" is absurd to me. Evangelical churches came up with this and I am ex-Pentecostal. Well, there you are. Out of a little bit of nothing they invent an entire happening that "comes from the bible" and is based on very little scripture. In fact, there is great confusion here on whether you are "being raptured" (a dubious doctrine indeed) or being spirited off to a great war that might have happened for real in 70 AD. It's also interesting to note that a lot of scripture writing happened about that same time also. People were trying to have meaning in their lives and understand just what was happening. Today we have given this a "futuristic" approach and imagined that god would "remove the poor Christians from upcoming suffering" before the end of the world. It's something that god never did before but people like the idea because they are now "special" and besides, nobody likes to be "left behind." It also sells lots of different books on the absurd subject.
Nicknames: Do you have one? What is it? Who gave it to you and why?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I'm using one right now. It's African shing out of Kenya.
How often do you like it?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Twice a week or so is great. I have nothing to prove or no reason to lie.
Are you in favour of a revolution?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 27, 2018:
he only thing wrong with our current system is that the Kock brothers (and others) buy our politicians and stack the deck against democracy. If we could eliminate this big money factor we could get rid of the greed that controls Congress. I'm not for outright revolution, but one way of doing this would be Democratic Socialism. All you need do is look at the countries in which this is working. Greed is doing our current system in.
Do you think the religious really believe?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I think you are correct. I found in Pentecostalism people who had to be a center of attention. The religion gave them this as they spoke on tongues and rolled on the floor. Did they really believe what they were taught? Probably not. They had theater and drama. They were taught a way of life. Every now and then they could "sin" and act up. Why not? They could always ask for forgiveness and be a center of attention again. Then if that denomination does not believe something that you do, you can always go on to the next one.
I always had doubts about the story of Lot.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Maybe, but this is all sort of like wondering why pixies are playing in your shoes and wanting to know what they might do next.
Im drunk and I lost my job Friday. Good thing I have 3 interviews this week.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Good luck, rebel. I was once like you and always said "I was looking for a job before I found this one" After a time you do realize that a good job is harder to find with age, and therefore also worth keeping. In other words, sometimes we do have to put up with the normal amount of crap.
I'm struggling and looking for advice.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I do sympathize. I'm divorced and 71, living alone and doing much like I did in younger life. I have a very cheap mortgage and do not want to move. (Maybe if the woman was super Friends tell me you have to take chances, etc, and to me it does not mean giving up what little I have to take that chance. If you took a chance and lost all you had it is doubtful you would ever get that back. What would you do then? My ex wanted more than we had and she now has a mortgage 3 times that of mine. She's also half my age and broke. She just can't figure out where my money comes from. Most of us have limited money and the secret of mine is in this writing. I might invite another woman into my life but I will not give up what little I have because of ignorance. Call me stubborn or whatever you like. I like to be in control of my life and not "gamble" it away in some chance of betterment. You make your own luck in life.
This week I tried to motivate a coworker.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Most radical right religions would be in a panic without a minute of their Jesus. They do not know how you live without him. Just as many would be in for a TV show re-make now called "Johnny Socco and his Giant Flying Jesus." That ought to keep the kiddies happy.
Why is Ivanka allowed to represent the US in anything?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I know a good hair stylist in St. Louis who is pretty good and I think she would be the perfect person to have talks with Kim Jung Un. I'm also sure he would want to listen to her. Let's bring her into the picture. It couldn't hurt.
What do you fear most about death?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I do not fear death. I fear all the unfinished business that death causes and the possibility of pain involved in death.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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