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as with all the Fed largesse: the rich get richer & the poor get poorer.
abyers1970 comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Both sides are bad. I consider politicians to be like professional wrestlers. They put on a show in front of the crowd beating the hell out of one another for show them afterward they go grab a beer together and laugh at the poor suckers whose money they took
DenoPenno replies on Dec 24, 2020:
This view has changed a lot in the last 4 years.
Alec Baldwin Calls For Donald Trump To Be Physically Disciplined
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Contemplated today about what type of humiliation that tumor trump ought to receive. I'm hoping for a stupendous comeuppance that will make millions cheer, laugh gleefully, dance in streets, sing songs of mockery -- the celebrations televised worldwide, and then may he be forgotten for the ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 23, 2020:
I like that name "Tumor Trump." :)
The Death Knell for Trumpism is Sounding [dailykos.]
TheoryNumber3 comments on Dec 21, 2020:
That all makes sense, except that according to this article, Trump plans to build his own media network to compete with Fox News, and I fear that he still has enough loyal aficionados to make it a reality. ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 21, 2020:
I can't see Trump building a a news network to compete with Fox News. He would be arguing with the advertisers all the time.
Help! I am going insane.
LiterateHiker comments on Dec 21, 2020:
Stop watching TV if you don't want to see advertising. Or use the mute button.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 21, 2020:
The advertising I don't want to see is the Medicare ads they said would stop December 7th. They lied.
Can America Leave this Abusive Relationship?
dave1459 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Yes, things are just now getting violent. They weren't violent 40 years or so ago when a guy climbed a tower in Texas and started shooting people or when children were being shot in school 30 years ago in Arkansas or a few years ago when Sandy Hook happened or when a mad man shot lots of people un ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 19, 2020:
You can blame Trump when those who back him manufacture and go after this sort of behavior as being the daily norm and they do all that they can to make it so.
I got a letter today from PSRS/PEERS which is an educational retirement system based in Jefferson ...
Larimar comments on Dec 19, 2020:'s just more reassuring to me that I will be moving away from MO in the future
DenoPenno replies on Dec 19, 2020:
What I am writing about is an educational retirement system. This one happens to be in Missouri but it could be a similar system in any state. You would think that once their money is verified it would go back into the system to help everyone once a person has passed on. My stepfather's money should have went this route once he died. I find it more than bizarre that they now send me a letter claiming my mother who died in 2006 could now get dad's money. It makes me wonder if they even have a financial officer. If their is an open stock option for this company I would certainly avoid it.
When something good happens: "Praise Jesus!" When something bad happens: "God has a plan for you!" ...
nicestuff comments on Dec 19, 2020:
DenoPenno replies on Dec 19, 2020:
The god idea works out pretty well when you pray to a milk jug.
Jill Biden reacts to slander about her doctorate
ChestRockfield comments on Dec 18, 2020:
We talk about how Melania is complicit in horrible crimes and cover ups and we're terrible sexist male chauvinist assholes (I believe is what I was called), and then the Republicans turn around and shit all over a woman with a doctorate (because she's not a medical doctor) instead of championing an ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 18, 2020:
Jeff, I think I can second that opinion.
Now I am recovering from COVID-19.
genessa comments on Dec 18, 2020:
oh man i am sorry to hear you have it and glad to hear you're recovering. no one talks about the confusion but i have a friend who is in his 70s (just had a birthday in fact) who had it and his MAIN symptoms were extreme foot pain and confusion! to this day he doesn't clearly remember the day he ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 18, 2020:
According to my Total Access testing people my quarantine time was up yesterday and I should be released for work. This is now up to corporate who seems to be dragging their feet.
Supreme Court Rejects Religious School’s Challenge to Kentucky Virus Order | The governor had ...
rainmanjr comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Well goodie for them.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@rainmanjr Governments do have a right to close down group gatherings. Taking that away in case of pandemic only adds to chaos.
Not making that mistake
Wisterious comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I have talked with men that wash their hands BEFORE peeing. Sounds like a good idear to me!
DenoPenno replies on Dec 16, 2020:
It is a good practice. :)
If there were an atheist church (for lack of a better word) where the speaker holds up a bible and ...
Mofo1953 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Hypotethical over hypothetical equals more hypothetical bs.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 16, 2020:
I would not even waste my time.
I was raised feeling that my existence is a burden to others.
Moravian comments on Dec 16, 2020:
They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats....
DenoPenno replies on Dec 16, 2020:
I look back on my now dead parents and find that they needed some sort of godly guidance from invisible beings in order to put our lives together and give us meaning. This was because everything happened for a reason and the invisible man had all the answers. By the time I was a teenager I was going to be the world's greatest minister and my parents were so proud. It was a real hoot. Imagine the years it takes to see yourself through that one.
I’m done with my religion, and COVID solidified that : atheism
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 7, 2020:
The biggest hypocrisy is supporting BLM communists superspreaders while condemning churches, or supporting big businesses like Walmart while forcing small businesses to close. Y'all are blind to your own hypocrisy.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 7, 2020:
I have a little trouble following along here. Communist superpreaders and BLM at that. Maybe I will get it some day.
Megachurch pastor dies of COVID-19 after church reopens - Los Angeles Times
nicknotes comments on Dec 4, 2020:
More proof the Jesus story is a fable
DenoPenno replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Maybe he drank poison? No?
Religion explained.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Very well put. BTW, somewhere I have a "get out of hell free" card. :)
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Wisterious I'll look for the meme and try to post it here for you.
Trump to Congress: Repeal Section 230 or I’ll veto military funding Section 230 gives broad ...
FearlessFly comments on Dec 3, 2020:
If 230 gets repealed, it's all but a certainty that all of Trump's social media accounts will be suspended so that the companies aren't liable for anything that he says.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
Trump is all about getting himself some more money.
For Covid hospital patients, how much does a day in the hospital cost, and to whom does the hospital...
yvilletom comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Covid hospital stays seem very expensive.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
I would imagine the patient gets the bills and that it is designed to be expensive. If you have Medicare they probably are padding that stay with all they can add under the pretense that you will pay it coz you could have died and there is nothing you would not do for your precious health. Modern insurance is all screwed up.
Have you lost friends or family due to the division in America?
Apunzelle comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Well that’s just weird. My goodness. Very sad. PS - Why mention her breast implants? Is that relevant to something? PPS - I did cut off one friendship. I learned a lot of things about who she wa s from her Facebook posts ... anti-abortion, pro-Trump, OK with separating families at the ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
I'm defending Kathleen's use of the breast implants. Both male and female pay attention to breasts. What she did here is draw attention to the differences in appearance because she is telling a story and giving a contrast. She is educating us. I do the same thing in setting up my answers. I talk too much, yes, but I put together my story to educate you in my answer to things. I could just report that I lost 2 friends. It would have no meaning. In the end I educate you to my view yes, or I educate you to my view no. Sometimes we get it in the future maybe.
I was trying to figure out who actually wrote the books of the bible and everyone thinks its these ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 2, 2020:
In our time today there is very little of anything left to actually hint at original authorship. We have pieces and fragments and everything is a copy of a copy of a copy. You cannot tell the religious this however. They think the gospels were written by those who's names are on them. They ask why ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Fernapple Yes, but they talketh so funnyeth in those daze. :)
Trump shot himself in the foot, and trumpsters don't know shit.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Now the Trump pinata is breaking.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@TheGreatShadow Biden has to be a sworn in active president to even get a pinata.
Southern Baptist Leaders: Critical Race Theory is “Incompatible” With Our Faith | Beth ...
PBuck0145 comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Critical Race Theory is incompatible with reason and sanity.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 2, 2020:
When ideas like this go on long enough those in power start experimenting on everyone else.
McConnell shoots down bipartisan $900 billion coronavirus stimulus plan as stalemate drags on
barjoe comments on Dec 2, 2020:
He wants the economy to crash so he can blame democrats and use it on the off year elections. He doesn't care how many people suffer.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 2, 2020:
I think you are right. Also, now that Trump is gone the GOP will pretend to start worrying about spending again. Hypocrites!
I hope Trump pardons himself instead of stepping down and having Pence do it.
Redneckliberal comments on Dec 2, 2020:
DenoPenno replies on Dec 2, 2020:
Pence would be upset that Trump blew it. After all, lapdog Pence was supposed to be next.
Back to the package store today to buy some good German beer, I told the young clerk that it ...
MonikaBard comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I m German and I asked my Grandma once , how that could have happened. She said that they where all poor and Hitler came and created all kinds of jobs and everybody was doing better. And that they didnt know about the starting holocaust. I still love my Grandma, and she passed away. And Im in ...
DenoPenno replies on Dec 1, 2020:
I am not judging the German people by my post. I got along well with them in Germany in 1965 to 1967 when I left the US Army. My post is a set up that I did with this young clerk to show him that Hitler was a lot like Trump. His reaction of "whoa! it is what it is" was expected. I wanted to show him that Hitler almost happened here as Trump. His kind use that expression to support Trump. I'm aware that Hitler created jobs and everyone was doing better. Donald Trump does not have the brain to do this. He wants to be a dictator but he is all about himself. He has no empathy to help people.
Cuomo signs bill limiting Trump pardon power
Theresa_N comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I wouldn't be surprised if he emulated Hitler in his demise.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 1, 2020:
Let us hope so. Then we would be done with him.
What’s round and nasty? A vicious circle.
LenHazell53 comments on Dec 1, 2020:
What’s round and nasty? Various unspeakable parts of the outgoing president?
DenoPenno replies on Dec 1, 2020:
You worded it too politely.
This faker deserves to lose the special election. []
LenHazell53 comments on Dec 1, 2020:
When Lincoln said " you cannot fool all the people all the time.” it was not supposed to be a challenge.
DenoPenno replies on Dec 1, 2020:
Trump compared himself to Lincoln and now Lincoln has spoken in America even though he is long dead. Don't know about the UK though. Let her loose and we can ditch that Mitch.
Worst Bible Passages
gsiamne comments on Nov 30, 2020:
The Book of Job and Yahweh and Satin having a competition at the expense of a man's emotions. So, yes, Job lost his children.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 30, 2020:
Did he get back new children or the same ones he had before?
Always wondered.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Good point but the believers still call it "the food chain."
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Joanne They also ignore the fact that lions have a hard time eating straw with sharp pointed teeth. lol
"Canadian border unlikely to reopen every time soon." [twincities.]
Julie808 comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Mainland USA is still spiking. My island just lifted our quarantine for incoming travelers on October 15th, but it didn't take long for the incoming positive case count to start to get too high for the safety of our residents. We are going back to the 14 day quarantine for all incoming travelers ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2020:
My workplace has a 14 day quarantine but it went into just 4 days for me. I admitted that I was likely in the presence of a coronavirus person at a funeral but the truth is you can be exposed just by going to the grocery store. Nobody knows the health of those under the mask or those that will not wear them.
Right-Wing Host: Mr.
Hages comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Andrew Klavan is nuts.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2020:
Most likely.
Supreme Court Denies Crazy Pastor’s Lawsuit Against LA Gov.
redhog comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Fucker needs to be in prison
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2020:
Before he goes he can send me a portion of those stimulus checks.
Bill Maher summed up his show season by comparing cults.
gsiamne comments on Nov 28, 2020:
That is great. I also liked that he talked about Christianity being a death cult.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 29, 2020:
This is because Christianity is a death cult. A blood religion that ended with Jesus being dead, then it twists things around until you are also dead. At that time the gullible claim you have "made it home" and will be there forever.
Trump Flips Out at Reporter in Thanksgiving Tantrum: “Don't Talk To Me That Way!” | Vanity Fair
BirdMan1 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
"You are the president of the U.S.? Could have fooled me. Oh, THAT was the fraudulent election, remember?"
DenoPenno replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez I agree with you so much on this. :)
I’ve met a few atheists over the years that believe ghosts are real.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I have this problem also. How can I believe in anything supernatural if gods are beings with no evidence of their existence? If you believe in ghosts, aliens, bigfoot, etc. your belief system is simply a pick and choose with no logic or evidence playing any part of it.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Joanne I agree with you fully on this. :)
I have neuropathy in my feet.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I know there are meds to help with neuropathy, this is something you need to discuss in depth with your doctor. I talk with seniors all day about their health and medications, I do health interviews for an insurance company selling Medicare Supplement Insurance. I have learned so much about senior ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 28, 2020:
You have the best answer and she (my doc) will listen and do this or I will change my PCP.
I have neuropathy in my feet.
MaryJane comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Sounds like you are seeing a neurologist. I would suggest seeing an endocrinologist or a diabetes specialist. Even your PCP would give you better care than that.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 28, 2020:
I am seeing my PCP and it came up once as to my liver needing to be biopsied. It was another issue and I refused. Certain idiots now claim that I could not take the neuropothy meds if I drank and this is a lie. Also, how would anyone know if you drank or not? Some righteous souls even get into whether you deserve the meds or not. All of them are avoiding the question and I know a man with my problem and he drinks and has meds for his neuropothy also. All I get is distraction and diversion on what would otherwise be a simple question.
Solving the fitted sheet problem once and for all. "SQUIRREL!!" []
St-Sinner comments on Nov 27, 2020:
An ok deal! The President said don't use TikTok.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 27, 2020:
He's pissed that they made false bookings at one of his hate rallies and he ended up with a small crowd.
I just found the first academic job that I am barred from applying for due to my lack of faith in ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I would call it un-constitutional but they will get away with it. Just go to another university.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@Alienbeing It is. It may also turn out being true. We live in idiotic times.
Covid-19: US Supreme Court backs religious groups over New York caps []
xenoview comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I say let them gather a get covid. The bad part is they give it to others.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Very true. I was recently at a funeral that proved to be a masking nightmare.
A stoners take on life the universe and everything my forty second attempt to explain my self.
ChestRockfield comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I don't know if I know what matrix you're taking about. At first I thought you were taking about the theory that we're almost assuredly living in a simulation. The first time I heard it I didn't give it much thought and didn't really agree or disagree with it; it seemed like a corollary of the ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp I do know one thing. Time travel is possible and we are all on time machine Earth heading forward in time right now. I think this is the only direction we get though. :)
Einstein gave us the answer to gravity, warped space/time.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
And yet quite a few of Einsteins theories/hypotheses have been shown of late to be somewhat faulty.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
Science is always moving on and moving ahead. I'm talking science here that has a good working model and not simply scientific theory.
Just a thought here, Should we not spare a moment for this Imaginary God of Abraham who once was ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Jehovah was a tribal god. This is why he said not to have any gods before him and also why he was violent and murderous. In NT times there was no bible as we know it today. In fact, no bible at all until the third century. This fact has modern believers today simply making up crap right out of the ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@dahermit You are exactly correct here according to the scriptures. When I tell people this they call me a JW. The truth is that modern believers want to be "instantly" somewhere and they use Paul claiming the wonders he saw not knowing "whether he was in or out of his body" to back up dead believers being in heaven when they die.
Televangelist: Criticism of Trump is Satan’s Plan to Block the Return of Jesus | Beth Stoneburner ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Jesus isn't coming back, I sent him to buy smokes, if he hasn't come back yet, he's not coming back. Besides the infallible book said he'd be back in the same generation he was talking to at the time so what are they expecting exactly?
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
It still could happen. All you need is for some apostles to be alive today and over 2000 years old.
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
Charlene comments on Nov 24, 2020:
It called Mail-in Ballots..which is Voting..which is how our democratic Republic works..
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
It's also best to understand that Trump and other politicos all vote by absentee or mail in ballots. People who are citizens and live overseas vote this way also. Trump told his followers not to vote this way and he got his ass kicked because of it. We have a pandemic and mail in ballots are perfectly legal.
Supreme Court Declines to Take Up Satanists’ Faith-Based Abortion Case | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Dems need to win the 2 seats in GA. Won't be easy as the right wing has started already with disinformation on polls and the need to "defend" the conservative majority.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
This is exactly what is going on there now in yet another recount. We are fighting to defeat the efforts by getting rid of 2 GOP senators and Trumpy is wanting recounts so that Mitch Bitch will remain speaker and defeat anything Biden does. It is a close race and all about Mitch losing power. More can be done if he does.
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
BD66 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
What about the olive leaf? Noah waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark. 11And behold, the dove returned to him in the evening with a freshly plucked olive leaf in her beak. So Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth.12And Noah waited seven more days and ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 24, 2020:
The ancients knew very little about fresh water or salt water. It shows in the writings.
So Trump is now trying to take credit for pumping billions of tax payers money into operation ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Dolly Parton gave a million towards the finding of a COVID-19 vaccine.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 22, 2020:
@Austin-Cambridge Before Porter Wagoner died he had lost all his song rights. Dolly Parton paid a million at that time to buy them back for him. I always wanted to go see Porter but it did not work out that way. He was from Missouri.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
Gareth comments on Nov 22, 2020:
I think it's a bit tenuous to blame the First World War on Christianity.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 22, 2020:
Instead let's blame it on stupidity. If we are not careful between now and January 20th another such stupid thing could happen.
And a little chain secures the head to the guillotine so you can chop it off again and again...😉
QuidamOutrepont comments on Nov 21, 2020:
If Jesus was impaled, christians would not make cross signs, they would put their fingers up their asses.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 21, 2020:
Actually there are original language translations that claim the so called cross was a "torture stake." Many reject this cause they say it is a JW view, but former Pentecostal preacher Dan Barker says it is true. Now all we have to do is imagine how Catholics would make this sign, and ask would there ever have been a movie called "The Sign of the Torture Stake." This shows how important the cross was to Christianity.
Is it true that you get a new Ferrari when you reach level ?
DenoPenno comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Maybe not. I can't seem to even get to level 9 and I appear to have a different feed than everyone else.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 21, 2020:
@Leelu You may be exactly correct on this. Thanks.
FL School Board, Fearing Satanists, Nixes Christian Invocations at Meetings | Hemant Mehta | ...
Dorkyndaft comments on Nov 20, 2020:
My mom's ex-husband was a Southern Baptist preacher. Needless to say, he and I didn't agree on much. We did agree, however, that religion should be kept separate from the public school classroom except as part of historical context. They don't want other religions taught, so constitutionally non ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 20, 2020:
Correct but some push for Christianity to be taught in public schools. If it ever is the legal teams will have to make sure all religions are taught, so this would shorten them down to a basic mention and that means the Christians did not win after all.
France's Macron issues 'Republican values' ultimatum to Muslim leaders - BBC : atheism
Diogenes comments on Nov 20, 2020:
In Canada we have Sikhs wearing their hats/turbans in Parliament. No one else can do that. Agnostics can not go in with a peaked cap with an A on the front of it. No First Nations reps can wear their various head gear in. It is insulting that these clowns have no respect for the country they are ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 20, 2020:
Agnostics cannot go in with a peaked cap with an A on the front of it because Agnosticism is not a religion.
Voter-fraud charges filed in PA -- against registered Republican – HotAir
Frctnal comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I've seen 3 articles about actual fraud that happened this all three cases the fraudster was a Republican
DenoPenno replies on Nov 19, 2020:
@Frctnal It didn't help him none. :)
Voter-fraud charges filed in PA -- against registered Republican – HotAir
Frctnal comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I've seen 3 articles about actual fraud that happened this all three cases the fraudster was a Republican
DenoPenno replies on Nov 19, 2020:
You mean like Eric Trump claiming fraudulently that over 80 Trump votes were discarded and burned. :)
'Soros' review: A George Soros documentary looks at the life and activism of the right's favorite ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I've heard about George Soros for a very long time now. He is blamed for everything and there is little evidence. The right still blames Soros today but he is 90 years old. This tells me a lot more than it tells them. LOL
DenoPenno replies on Nov 19, 2020:
@Hages Maybe so. I have no proof that Soros organised and did anything. He was like the perfect scape goat
An overview of his career ... []
RoyMillar comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Once his loans are called and his assets will take a big dip in value causing the rest to be called ,quite likely forcing bankrupcy or foreclosure
DenoPenno replies on Nov 19, 2020:
I look for this to happen. I'm not sure America will loan him any more money.
I wish this were hyperbole
JimG comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I wonder how many more times he'll have to win, but I can't wait for the official one on December 14.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 18, 2020:
Confirmation state by state should come between December 7th and 14th. The closer it is to that final date the more Trump and friends think they might have something to howl about. This means more people with papers that you cannot see but the pages appear printed. Also Trump lawyers with evidence "in a sealed envelope" to take to a court somewhere. So far nobody is buying it.
COVID Silver Lining: I canceled Thanksgiving day get together with my conservative, evangelical ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 16, 2020:
The way the virus is going in Missouri my Thanksgiving might be buy a small ham (if I can get one) and just stay home. Previously I was going to go to a dinner at one of my daughter's places but there is no indication that there will be a dinner. A third option would have been to find a woman in my ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
@Jolanta If you were here I would gladly take you to dinner.
Since the Trump Administration has rounded the curve on coronavirus and declared victory and moved ...
barjoe comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Declares victory over the virus and declares victory in the election. His followers believe this. They're living in fantasyland.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
@barjoe There is no proof that once having had the virus will make a person immune. No proof at all that Johnson or Trump have immunity right now.
I have a dear friend I've known for years.
Gareth comments on Nov 16, 2020:
When you press creationists on what their god created the universe out of - it's "nothing".
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
Yes, but only a god can do that. Besides, look at all these trees. :)
Researchers Have Once Again Found a Negative Correlation Between Religion and IQ | Hemant Mehta | ...
Jolanta comments on Nov 16, 2020:
IQ is not that important if you don't know how to tie your shoe laces or balance a check book.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
I know several people who can tie their shoes but are unable to balance a check book. They simply write even dollar amounts for all items. It works for them but I balance mine with a calculator and do it daily due to online banking. These others I mention are mostly religious but what it means is that they are just not good with check books. Maybe the wife or ex wife did all that for them before.
COVID Silver Lining: I canceled Thanksgiving day get together with my conservative, evangelical ...
silverotter11 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
NOTHING! I live in a low income 55 and older complex that ALSO allows people with disabilities and most of the residents that have moved in in the last 4 years ALL think they are special and don't need to follow the rules. Like no smoking in your apartment, quiet time hours, etc. I digress. ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
If you were a member of the GOP political mindset everything would be normal. They have declared victory over COVID-19 and have moved on. The problem is that the virus will not concede. :)
Since the Trump Administration has rounded the curve on coronavirus and declared victory and moved ...
barjoe comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Declares victory over the virus and declares victory in the election. His followers believe this. They're living in fantasyland.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 16, 2020:
I believe that the Trump followers are in step with every word I have written above, and I wrote it this way for a reason. They either believe it OR they simply ignore everything about the virus altogether. If you follow the news we see that COVID-19 cases are going up and increasing everywhere and that Boris Johnson in UK has now got the virus for the second time. My area of Missouri also has many new cases now.
I find it telling that if you claims God speaks to you, it is literally a sign of schizophrenia : ...
summatyme comments on Nov 11, 2020:
In most cases it's just a delusion. Believers will interpret positive, negative and coincidental incidents as non-verbal communication from god. I've rarely encountered theists who've claimed to actually hear god. And even if they do, in most cases it's an obvious effort to deceive (looking at those...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 15, 2020:
I agree with you on those voices because I hear them too. They come from a mix of REM sleep and every other thing going on with you personally, or what you have heard and watched, then collected and played by your mind at the time. Not everyone hears them but it happens because your mind is never fully asleep.
Sorry, I'm not in a very good mood...
scurry comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Can someone please explain the 1st pic (top left). Thank you in advance.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 15, 2020:
@altschmerz OK. I'm not sure how happy the boys are but I bet the men loved it. :)
So my oldest told my wife that he doesn't want anything to do with us for a while.
Willow_Wisp comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I'm on the side of your oldest. My dad was really judgmental, always making it clear just how disappointed he was in me every time we made contact. So I avoided him until the last few days of his life when I found out he was dying of cancer in 2002. He apologized for things that didn't matter and ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 15, 2020:
I understand you, WW. My step father once accused me of tripping my sister when she bruised her lip and was bleeding. She was his only child and her and I were playing, but I did not trip anyone. She tripped and simply fell. Dad never believed it.
After Sunday night’s bombshell phone call, Åžahin and Türeci, BioNTech’s chief medical officer,...
TheDoubter comments on Nov 14, 2020:
he won't admit a loss. too big a hit on his ego
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
According to Mary Trump, his niece, Trump will not be present for a peaceful transition of power nor will he run again in 2024. She says the possibility of him losing twice is too much for his ego to handle.
Sorry, I'm not in a very good mood...
scurry comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Can someone please explain the 1st pic (top left). Thank you in advance.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
I was going to ask the same thing.
This is a good article of what is proving to be some long term effects of COVID-19.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I cannot read it all coz it wants me to subscribe.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@Duchess_Nyx Thanks. I'm on here with Firefox on a desktop computer. Some of my programs might actually be blocking this.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I didn't vote. What am I questioning?If it is the idea of whether to believe in gods or not, I go by logic and evidence. God belief has proven itself to have zero evidence. In case I am classified as "an angry atheist" I fully agree. My weapon of choice is a keyboard.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@barjoe I know but my not voting was in reference to her post. I voted for the election and not for Stump. :)
So I just phoned my mom to share my two-cents about the Maga March in Washington DC.
jlynn37 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I agree with her completely. At this point, I am only interested in the final outcome which we probably won't know until Jan. 20. Until the election is completely over, decided and implemented, everything said is just speculation, hyperbole, dis-information, propaganda, really nothing to concern ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
This particular thing is Stop The Steal and goes back to 2016 and has a Roger Stone connection. Trump even said that he was going to stop by the DC protest today.
Via Twitter.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 13, 2020:
He lost. This would be a good reason to not be winning. Murdoch and others see and know that Donald Trump lost.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Thanks for the info, Patricia. :)
How much do you expect "payback" to influence Democrat policy?
Triphid comments on Nov 7, 2020:
The ONLY 'payback' that I'd dearly like to see happen is that Biden denies tRump a Presidential Pardon.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 14, 2020:
Trump should not be pardoned for any reason. Deny that pardon and let him face what he knew could be coming when he did things against the law. Deny a Trump pardon no matter how much Rudy whines about one.
Via Twitter.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 13, 2020:
He lost. This would be a good reason to not be winning. Murdoch and others see and know that Donald Trump lost.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Hi Patricia. Now I remember you too. Did A/N shut down? I heard they did.
The content of this video suggests that the biblical claims where God rewards followers and punishes...
anglophone comments on Nov 13, 2020:
In my experience, religidiots are way too dumb to understand statistics. The only truth religidiots understand is the lies of theism.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@yvilletom I agree Tom. :)
Remember how Bill Barr just kind of disappeared prior to the election?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I thought he was recovering from COVID somewhere 🤔😷
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@Freedompath The stranger thing is that the healthcare they have and enjoy so much is the same healthcare they want to deny the rest of us. GOP supporters have talking heads claiming how many trillion dollars this will cost us. Of course, no studies have been done.
Oh, boy.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I favor heat using water heater type devices that puts hot water in radiators with a fan forced delivery system. It may or may not be cheaper and it might depend on where you live. No steam heat. With that said, I have electric heat in my mobile home and I also have Eden pure heaters I can use. ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@Beowulfsfriend I bought the kind that were controlled with a thermostat and then used them with a ceiling fan. They worked great but a kilowatt is still a kilowatt. :)
BC Supreme Court Blocks Teen’s Access To Trans Medical Treatment At Mom’s Will | Val Wilde | ...
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Does an individual gain right over their body at 18 there? What an awful situation. When I got ill in outback Australia they wanted me to go to my parents’ in England. Not only are my parents rarely supportive, they are selfish, unreliable and sometimes downright abusive. I was in my 30s at the ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 12, 2020:
I understand you here. Both my parents are dead now. Birth mom and stepfather. I never knew my real dad. Mom always told me that I never lived with my grandparents and I never went to school in their area. When she died I found my school pictures. Since my cousins went to that school also you would think that was a dead giveaway. Parents do not always do or know best.
Is the Pope Catholic?
jlynn37 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Don't single out L. Ron Hubbard as all religious cults use religion to fleece the stupid and gullible of their possessions and wield power without scrutiny.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 12, 2020:
Hubbard was an alcoholic science fiction writer. It shows badly when you examine Scientology.
Justin may have something here to help many of us understand what is going on right now.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 11, 2020:
I like the dude, but his opinion is just an opinion. What I observe and read about is what guides me, not some youtube dude who films from his basement.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 12, 2020:
@Mofo1953 You know what they say about opinions.
Let's talk about Biden outsmarting Trump's transition trap.... - YouTube
Redheadedgammy comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Sure hope he’s right about all this mess that trump and repubs are creating.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 12, 2020:
Justin King (Beau) is ex-military, former special ops and has done prison time for military ventures. Many respect him and his stand on things, and today he is a journalist and also does this You Tube bit, "Beau of the Fifth Column."
11/11/2020 War is hell. VETERANS DAY 2020: []
barjoe comments on Nov 12, 2020:
It was my birthday. I'll say it wasn't a bad day but the least celebratory birthday of my life.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 12, 2020:
Happy Birdlegs to you. (Did I say that right?) Like and idiot I forgot that it was Veterans Day until I saw all the flags and noticed the mail did not run. :)
Justin may have something here to help many of us understand what is going on right now.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 11, 2020:
I like the dude, but his opinion is just an opinion. What I observe and read about is what guides me, not some youtube dude who films from his basement.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
Justin King is more than that. He's ex-military, worked in special ops, and has also done prison time for some of his ventures. He turned journalist these days and does these videos along with other work.
Justin may have something here to help many of us understand what is going on right now.
Freedompath comments on Nov 11, 2020:
What you wanted us to read, did not record!
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
Try that link.
Enough of politics.
jlynn37 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Politics in 'merca is pretty much controlled by religion, at least the GOP, so when you bash one, you bash the other, but I am in somewhat agreement.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@anglophone I know people who write checks on an exact dollar amount rather than write in the cents portion of the cost. $12.29 will become $13.00. They give ridiculous reasons for this but it means they cannot do math and do not know simple math. These are the types of people who think Trump won on November 3rd.
Two million-year-old skull of human cousin found by Australian team in South African cave ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 10, 2020:
They will not accept evidence because they do not understand and do not want to understand. Even though their bible has a dating system made by Catholics they believe the actual time listed that everything was created. That's how we get a 6000 year old Earth. They also argue repeatedly that man did ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@Rossy92 Yes, this is the best approach. I have no problems in not believing because of the idiocy in how the bible came into being. This includes time differences in the individual books, order of the books when made into one big book, and the many, many contradictions. The bible and the other so- called "sacred writings" all prove that man has made it all up. No gods have spoken or inspired anything at all.
Will the President’s Lawsuits Overturn the Election?
Freedompath comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Trump is going out...but he has no other skill than to be as vengeful as must as he can muster...his one perfected skill! What he is doing his evil upon the people who make up this whole Country! Even his supporters are being taken down a dark path for his amusement...a very sick kind!...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@Freedompath Trump is pushing ahead now (11-11-2020) with budget planning that would not normally come til February. Pompeo claims we are going into a new transition of Donald Trump, then flip flops on that a bit. Pentagon upsets are happening. Trump's GOP claimed that some votes were fraudulent and had a video with a postal worker making this claim. That worker has now recanted explaining that some ballots had went into a grace period and were not fraudulent at all. Lies abound and it is very plain that Trump will not concede. Bottom line at this point is can Trump regain the backing of the media. We all know he hates media but without them reporting boldly that he is telling the truth he has no chance of pulling this off without an outright hostile takeover.
Enough of politics.
jlynn37 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Politics in 'merca is pretty much controlled by religion, at least the GOP, so when you bash one, you bash the other, but I am in somewhat agreement.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@jlynn37 I follow politics daily and sometimes just smile. Lots of false claims now where others simply need to learn how to do math. As for politics and religion they are greatly connected.
For 30 years i believed what the bible said about homosexuality and that people that practiced it ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 9, 2020:
A part of you that feels guilty for not condemning her. How can you do that and what would it prove? There is no god to "make you a certain way." Bisexual is not homosexual although they are related. What many people miss is that pleasure zones in the human body are much the same for male and ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@abyers1970 I studied to be a Pentecostal minister. That was years ago. Today I have no throw backs to it in sexuality or fears of hell fire. I do not have bad religious dreams, etc. A few years ago I was surprised when I found a man I knew in social media with the same background as mine had suddenly decided he believed in god again.
Dave Daubenmire: Many Women “Abort the Baby for Satanic Rituals” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Freedompath comments on Nov 9, 2020:
One of my daughters (a trump supporter), believes abortion is used as birth control! Neither me or my granddaughter can make a dent in that belief!
DenoPenno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@Freedompath I hear you fully. My daughters have turned religious during all the BS of the last 4 years. People must feel that they have to be able to explain things, connect the dots and know things, and therefore feel good about themselves. It makes no sense to me. I have a religious friend of many years who claims he does not know what I mean by "connect the dots." I'm not sure he understands what I say about people seeing patterns in the sky, therefore Jesus in the sky. Sometimes we have to just accept this and go on.
Amazing post borrowed from Facebook.
PadraicM comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Unfortunately, I read this and see the base refrain of "evangelicals in the US are, in general, hypocrites." This hits me with all the urgency of other headlines like: Does the pope shit in the woods? Is a bear Catholic? Or you know, something like that. ;)
DenoPenno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
Anyone recall that Jesus once said not to eat with Shriners or Republicans? I hope I've got that quote right. I was once a Republican.
Dave Daubenmire: Many Women “Abort the Baby for Satanic Rituals” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Freedompath comments on Nov 9, 2020:
One of my daughters (a trump supporter), believes abortion is used as birth control! Neither me or my granddaughter can make a dent in that belief!
DenoPenno replies on Nov 9, 2020:
It means your daughter does not know math. Why would a woman pass up a $35 monthly prescription for a $750 plus abortion? The birth control pills are only $420 a year. A Trumper friend of mine says "nobody knows how many abortions some of these women have had." That's right bozo, and neither do you. This is not public knowledge. This problem gets fixed when you keep religion out of politics.
Supreme Court Won’t Hear Case Involving “So Help Me God” in Citizenship Oath | Hemant Mehta | ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Absolutely correct decision. > "or she could take a modified version of the oath that didn’t include the religious phrase at all." This is an absolutely valid option which she didn't take because... > "and the second took a separate-but-equal approach to the oath." ...which is exactly ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 9, 2020:
I cannot recall how it was worded in the oath that my ex wife took and I was there at the time.
We R - Creature Creators - in - Time & Space - Eternal Beings - Divinely being - a Person - thru ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Maybe it is because I am older now but I have a hard time understanding this. Sorry.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 The nature of life is that we are all here today and gone tomorrow.
[] If Jesus had an I Phone. I think this has ruffled a few Christian feathers
DenoPenno comments on Nov 8, 2020:
The words are to the point but I don't think most Christians would even be aware of the song.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@ThisIsPatrick Original hit was by Brewer and Shipley, one of which works in canoeing and rafting down the Meramec river with headquarters in Steelville, Missouri. Bear Bass is one of the biggest there with Ozark Outdoors.
As COVID-19 rages on it even changes how we have to baptize a child these days.
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I laughed out loud. What a funny solution! Don't shoot the baby's eyes.
DenoPenno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
I stole this from someone in Meet Me. That's where I found it and I thought it was hilarious.
Biden Wins! Congrats to the Democrats for electing Biden and Harris! It's been a rocky and ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Relieved that Trump is going, but sad that liberals will undoubtedly repeat their behavior during the Obama years of going to sleep about America's wars in the Middle East, accepting talk over action on climate change, and not caring about the class war of the 1% against the rest of us. Biden and ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 7, 2020:
I disagree with some of what you said Tom, but we need to do away with bipartisan hatred and both major parties need to be restructured. That is a start and if not done this will all happen again.
Biden Wins! Congrats to the Democrats for electing Biden and Harris! It's been a rocky and ...
KKGator comments on Nov 7, 2020:
I would like to point out that it wasn't just democrats who voted for Biden. There were MANY Independents (like me) and republicans who voted for Biden/Harris, as well. Many, many Americans were moved to vote for someone who most likely was not their first choice. They did it because they knew ...
DenoPenno replies on Nov 7, 2020:
I feel exactly as you do KK, and I think in the end that Trump may even leave America to avoid pending charges against him. I do know that Deutsche Bank wants to be done with Trump and that his repayments start in 2 years. I think Trump is running out of options and most people know this. He will end up broke and desperate.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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