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I'm following live updates on the conflicting abortion pill rulings here:- [bbc.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
Conflicting and all about power and control. Throw in false religious claims and hope your political party can gain more support in the long run. I imagine that "abortion pills" could be mailed secretly just like any other med and no one would know who got them.
Have a great day. Spring is in the air!
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
I'm about ready for Spring.
Some folks don’t have anything better to do but hate folks who are different from them?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
I sometimes wonder if some haters wake up in the morning and ask themselves who are they going to hate today. Haters are like Karens. I admit that a lot of people are different than us. That is because they are not us. We should learn to live with this. LBGTQ are just other people.
Damn, apparently not true
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
I might consider this if she would help keep me warm. I'm best at 80 degrees.
I don't understand it
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
It is either threatening or you start thinking they might know something that you do not.
Jesus carrying a cross to good friday []
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
I would like to try their beer if only just once.
A Global Conundrum Ironically, the conundrum of humanity's dependence on foreign oil is an ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2023:
The problems of electric cars will be worked out including the expensive batteries and disposal of them. What everyone misses is how to generate that electricity to charge the cars. It will not be done by wind or water power and I do support both of those. Are they going to burn coal to generate electricity? What problem is solved here?
Please remember Jesus this Easter
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
In a time when there were many contenders for Messiah he lied and said his kingdom was not an earthy kingdom. The biblical genealogy proved that his bloodline said he was to be an earthly king. This made his claims a threat to Rome. He got executed. Others will have a different version of this but most of us know that you cannot die for someone else. Death is a personal thing and Jesus did not grant you eternal life by dying for you. In the end you have to die also. I wish for the death angel to passover me this Friday even though I have no lamb's blood to mark my door post. If you have young children I hope everyone has a Happy Easter. It represents the yearly start of fertility and new life.
Catholic church in Maryland slammed after sex abuse report
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
I believe they will continue to protect them regardless.
(This is an addendum to another post about liberalism): It is misleading and wrong to treat ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Being liberal and being a Libertarian are two different things. Words mean different things also to different people in different parts of the world. In America a Libertarian might believe almost anything and lean more to the right with fewer laws or no laws. A liberal on the other hand might be politically Progressive like I am, but many do not go that far. I believe in having what is good for everyone and all of us being treated the same. An American Libertarian might call this Communism but it is not.
Filipinos nailed to crosses despite church objection -- ABC News
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
They do this every year it seems. Maybe they want to die for Jesus. Does this show their love of him?
Nearly half of Gen Z, born after 1996, has no religious affiliation whatsoever
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
People of this generation you speak of are busy textng each other while in the same room. The only thing they have that is organized is their phone.
MSNBC - One thing clear in hush-money case: Trump is unfit for office []
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Trump is counting on the fact that you cannot indict a sitting president and hopes he is back in office by the time this all really comes down. Drastic money measures have been taken towards this goal.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Tiffany Haddish Reacts to Trump's Arrest | Virtue Signal ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
It should be known that pics of Biden and Harris overjoyed at Trump's indictment are totally false. The pictures are real but came from other occasions. Haters are using them now to generate more Democratic hate.
Claire Forlani
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
She is welcome to Netflix and Chill with me.
You never see them doing this shit to white folks….😞 []
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
This is true. They do not do this to white folks but this happened in Texas. That sort of explains it.
Texas Lawmakers Push for 10 Commandments in Every Classroom | Time
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Why did anyone ever think the Ten Commandments were about law? They have to do mostly with a jealous tribal god and what he wants. People are leery of churches today and bringing in the Christian Nationalist beliefs will not fix that. To me, it only makes it worse. In discussions about this I find so many that claim people came to America to find freedom of worship. This idea is totally false. They beat us over the head with ideas of a Christian nation. My view is that to make this stand they would have to drastically change Internet posts from all over the world and have the most gullible believers of their nonsense. They hope it will work. Just look at the many Trumpers. We all know that he wants the same things that we do. A man told me recently that he was the answer to our rising national debt. LOL
One of the central tenets of liberalism, first proposed by John Stuart Mill, is the so-called harm ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2023:
That which is the common good for one may not be the common good for another. We see this change in situations and even ourselves as time passes by. Many of us are not aware of the changes.
Bullets and children. And what to do about it. YLE 04/06/2023
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Americans have been brainwashed about ideas on guns. I quit watching a movie recently because the father was trying to teach a 9 year old how to shoot a deer ad how to sharpen a large hunting knife. It is no wonder kids find the guns and take them to school. Kids see what adults do with guns and where they put guns, etc. it's time to wake up!
Religious jurors punish defendants who don't swear to God to tell the truth New research suggests ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Saying this again, they want you to "swear to god" because you might feel that if you lie, god will get you for it. The idea is for this thought to be on your conscience.
THE PROCESS: Indictment ✔️ Arrest ✔️ Booking ✔️ Fingerprinting ✔️ Mug shots (?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Looks just like the old geaser.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Are trans people being attacked? They might be if media allows political parties to voice views about them that stirs up hate. Keep in mind that this hatred is there to cause people sheeple to align with their political party. The stir up is about power and we all fall for it. Do I know trans people? Yes, but we do not share much in common. They live their lives and I live mine.
Church Sex Predators Told Victims Abuse Was 'God's Will The 463-page investigation released ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Religion does not realize that they are losing members because nobody believes their BS about "god's will."
Religious jurors punish defendants who don't swear to God to tell the truth
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Abolish the oath please. It is designed to scare believers into thinking god will do something to them if they lie. That is ALL it was ever about. Just religious nonsense.
Texas bills would force classrooms to display the Ten Commandments (KJV edition)
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
This idea is complete idiocy.
Is "Woke" and LGBT outrage culture dying,like the Hippies?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
I was woke before everyone started misusing the term.
Never seen a more self destructive man.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
The fact that he remained as silent as he did while being in court is a ploy to cause others to think the election was stolen from him and that is why he was being charged. It gives morons the false hope that Trump should be in office and he will do something about our nations problems. Past history of this man shows that Trump is only for Trump.
Ultimately, any allocation or distribution (of goods or money or other resources) is always done by ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Modern native Americans most likely do not think this way but I once read that Indians thought the white man was stupid because he thought you could own the land. A friend of mine told me repeatedly that I need to pay my place off. Why?? I could pay it off tomorrow but what have I gained?
Definitely not remembering where I put my keys, that’s for sure…
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Then we have tell tale things like me forgetting my phone number this morning so I had to look it up. Boy, that was a close one.
Truths about Religion
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Why would you be so ultimately concerned with whether you are a good man or not? Only religion can make a person think this way.
Religion, especially when mixed with politics, is the cause of death and suffering.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2023:
Mostly because Arabs and Jews have the same holy sites and Israel has all the land. There is no known way to fix this situation. In the town I work in the local grocery store claims they will not be open Easter Sunday. Yes, that bunny died for us and we now can drink his blood and eat his flesh. People refuse to see religion for what it is. Arafat reportedly once said that to win their war would depend on who had the biggest imaginary friend.
Community colleges face low enrollment, dismal completion rates | PBS NewsHour
DenoPenno comments on Apr 4, 2023:
Education should be free. If you want to educate me so I can make money for you then why should I pay for it?
Crop irrigation has changed, according to a new study |
DenoPenno comments on Apr 4, 2023:
Another thing to consider here is that our earth has as much water as it ever did but water is being sent to large areas that need it and other areas suffer. We cannot "rob Peter to pay Paul" because this will not work in the end. This is all about money. The haves and the have nots.
Atheists sue WV prison officials for forcing some inmates to profess Christianity
DenoPenno comments on Apr 4, 2023:
What they are doing here is wrong but known atheists are not very likely to get parole. This is why so many people "find Jesus" in prison. It did not work with my son in law so well. Once he got out he hated god because god killed his mother and sister with cancer. I told him once that it is hard for me to hate the invisible man.
Texas judge orders banned books returned to library shelves | The Hill
DenoPenno comments on Apr 4, 2023:
Thank you Judge Pitman. I may not ever read any of these books but others might want to.
What type of personality of amimal are you and put in order of importance?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 4, 2023:
I'm a human animal.
Solitary Confinement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Apr 3, 2023:
I work 2 full days a week with the public, then come home to be in solitary confinement. Of course, I'm alone doing my thing in a 2 bedroom mobile home complete with 3 computers and 3 TV's. I hide and enjoy my self imposed confinement but I am free to go shopping for food if want to.
HOW the hell is this not a Sex Crime against a Child?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 3, 2023:
I agree it is a problem. The real serious problem is that now they want kids to know all about drag queens from first hand experience by seeing shows. This seems to be forced and is wrong. Tell the kids about drag queens at a certain age and show movie and video clips to explain. We are not talking trans here. We are talking Mrs. Doubtfire. Whatever your take on this a lap dance by a drag queen should NOT be happening.
So I woke up to this face looking at me…he was either just cleaning himself or showing me how he ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 3, 2023:
Maybe it's how he feels about you. :)
Laugh 😂, Puke 🤮 or Cry 😭 - it depends on the indoctrination that you have had.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 3, 2023:
I did not vote but normally I avoid this type of event. In 2004 I did go to a couple of them in Kenya.
It's amazing how they change their stories when their guy actually gets charged.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I think they do this because none of it was ever about governing. Persuaded to think and believe that DJT likes the same things they do it is all a big distraction from real facts.
I'm not watching the mainstream News, it's a psychological weapon used by corporations to divide & ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
News in the manner you are talking about is there to reinforce your political stand. Yes, mostly about American politics. If you watch it and start hating people you have drank the koolaid.
I hope people who want to support Ukraine understand the best way to do that is cancel their debt.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I have no debt. Only utility bills and food costs, etc. I could pay my place off tomorrow but if I died soon afterwards what would be the point?
A timely reminder on how to prepare & cook prawns & shrimps.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
Lots of good info here. In Texas I dated a woman who fried them in a skillet and it was a quick process. The shrimp remained pink and tasted great.
It's all about the blood money.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
This comes from the myth that the 2nd Amendment allows people to have any weapon they want because they might need them some day to "take back the government." It's the old "god and guns" argument. I stopped watching a movie recently when the father was teaching a 9 year old boy all about guns.
Yeah, I just don't get it.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
This is because most of the biblical characters were myth. Very few of them had anything to do with a person named Jesus, and St. Paul wrote two thirds of the NT and never even met him. Genesis was supposedly written by Moses when god decided to reveal to him our very beginnings. God is love but he spent a lot of time trying to drown mankind with claims that people were "exceedingly wicked" in those dayz. God also wanted to re-populate the world through incest.
I'll bet this is a real thing.....
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
So many people believed that birth certificate myth. The truth is that you cannot get a copy of someone's birth certificate if you do not have permission or a need to know. I cannot get a copy of Donald Trump's birth certificate, for example. Same goes for George W. Bush. I do have a copy of Obama's birth certificate simply because he released it to the public. The far right still persists in this myth. I wanna know if Donald Drumpf was born in this country.
[] And let’s not forget , “ go Jesus go “👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
This pastor has to be one of the dumbest people ever. It is truly frightening if he believes his words about Trump.
Messaging on the frazzle again?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I have that happen from time to time. Thought it was my Wi-Fi but now I think it is this site.
2nd April 1513…🇪🇸 Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain as the first ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
Did Juan find the "Fountain of Yute"? :)
2nd April 1978…🇺🇸 Television Premiere: TV Show “Dallas” starring Larry Hagman and ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I watched that show back in the day. I think there is a modern re-make but I am not interested in it.
Did you ever wonder what your heart rate should be?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 1, 2023:
I take blood pressure meds but I have never wondered about this. If I had heart problems I might wonder.
How would you start a world crisis bomb Fire?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 1, 2023:
WTF is this all about? I think it is about what is real and what is not. I'm also not sure of "another side" that I am going to.
MAGA is already sponsoring a commercial attacking DeSantis.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2023:
Imagine that.
The Covenant School tragedy shows how more prayers will never stop gun violence
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2023:
Now we know the shooter as Audrey Hale and as this unravels it gets more confusing, packed with stirring ideas of what it might have been and how it all happened. Audrey lived with her parents at 28 years old and they say they had no idea what she was going to do that day. Some say that Hale was more like a child and did not identify as trans. Her parents say she was "under treatment" for a condition. My last day of work right after the shooting I made a delivery to a religious receptionist who informed me that the shooter was trans and her church believes this can be "prayed out of them." I disagreed and she told me she was not going to get into a religious discussion with me. That was when I agreed with her and informed her I had studied for the ministry but my information comes from science and DNA and not the bible, so there will be no discussion. Her next remark is like "oh, those poor children." My response was in telling her that 6 people were killed, not just 3 children. I also informed her that this Presbyterian Church would continue with its same practices later, so why kill anyone. Maybe she should have been killing the parents instead. The receptionist agreed with me and I replied that she should not have been killing anyone, then I left the building. Now authorities claim that Hale had plans of killing her parents later. How do they know this? It appears to me as guess work at best.
Russian Troops Given Holy Candles Not Battle Gear to Protect Them in Ukraine
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2023:
Well, why not? Constantine's mother gave him some nails from the one true cross so he could have them on his horse in battle and be protected. WTF? How many nails were there?
Senate votes to end COVID-19 National Emergency by Nathaniel Weixel The Senate on Wednesday passed...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2023:
End that national emergency but let me keep my lower payments to the ISP for my Internet. I'm a low income tax payer. Let's also get rid of the student loans. You want me to work for you then educate me free.
Tucker Carlson Claims ‘Trans Movement Is Targeting Christians’
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2023:
If people start talking this nonsense with me I tell them trans people have been around ever since we have had people. When you hear that "they" are targeting something or someone a smart person should ask themselves why this issue is coming up right now. Maybe it's because someone wants to control you politically.
Donald trump indicted‼️‼️
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
The goal of this type of indictment is to end up with the Donald not being allowed to hold high public office in America again. At the very least this should throw him off for the 2024 if they play it right.
In unraveling the dark history of modern faith healing scams, I stumbled across a nearly forgotten ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
I had never heard of this SOB before but it was people like him that influenced my family who later influenced me directly. The irony of this is outstanding. Just the other day I saw an emergency ambulance with "in god we trust" painted under its 2 back doors. Are we getting you to the church on time?
I like this lady, addressing the EU parliament. []
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
It happened because our leaders are all controlled by corporate greed. This is worldwide.
NC House Republican files bill to amend abortion ban
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
No abortion is done in a manner that might involve the unborn child surviving. This man is not very smart.
Do you remember when the Ayatollah in Iran called the USA "The Great Satan"?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
I have known from an early age that America meddled in the affairs of other countries and sometimes to the extent of backing assassinations. Many governments do this to one degree or another. Is the American experiment a failure? It depends on who you think is really running the show. Corporations are the real powers behind almost everything. Corporations want power and they want your money. They do everything to get and maintain this power. Nothing is all about you. Corporations have new ways of making you fit right into their mold. You become a part of their machine if you want to get ahead in the modern world and many people don't see this so quickly. I believe we have people committing suicide at young ages today as a way out of this because they felt there was nowhere else to go. I remember a time that your boss would never call you at home. For my part in this world today I work 2 days a week, then I come home and hide. Like Greta Garbo I want to be left alone. To the working public I am an extrovert but the reality is that I am a reclusive introvert who prefers personal solitude. I am more happy with my own company than with trying to entertain you. I always have something to do.
I've made no secret of how I believe many people have been misled to think that "organic" is ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2023:
My take on organic means it might have been grown in the soil. LOL Seriously though, I know people who would only eat "organic." Someone told me that the fruit gnats I find in banana peels are not there if you eat "organic" bananas. That's pure bull. I currently eat my banana then tie the peel up in a plastic delivery bag before throwing it away to settle that problem. Yes, organic is not healthier either.
Overheard at GOP fundraiser: "Egalitarian multiculturalism? Where's the fun in that?"
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
The unfortunate thing is that the meme says the truth about Christian Nationalists and the current GOP.
According to the rules of English, the first person singular is I.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Sounds right.
I was always told that health care in Canada was paid for but hard to get for lack of doctors.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
My take on this spin is that health care is basically free in Canada if you are Canadian. They pay for it through taxes.The man in this story was not Canadian. Then it gets into a thing explaining that you are responsible for your health care. OK, is someone changing the subject here. Most of us know this unless we have a program of some sort. At my age my own health care is through Medicare which I pay for monthly. Even so, people are lying and fighting to get their share of my $164 per month. I guess that means there is lots of money in health care. Now let's get into the rumor that it is so hard to get treatment in Canada on their system. This is not true either. Back to me in America, I can call my doctor for an appointment today and maybe I will get to see her in a week and a half. Would I have to pay for the emergency room? You betcha, but Aetna has me on an HMO that limits the amount I would pay. Aetna has taken over my Medicare way back. This is why I do not listen to right wing media on health care. If I was the age of this man in the video I would be paying for service almost anywhere in the world. This is because healthcare is a business for profit. It does not come totally free anywhere.
Idaho Bill Would Restrict Interstate Travel For Abortion | HuffPost Latest News
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Hypocritical Republicans would put you in jail (some want life in prison) for denying another human to be born but once the birth happens the child is own its own. This is all about control and the possibility of having another future GOP voter. There is no way they can maintain this as being a religious move.
I Bit My Coworker...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
I see a few women I would like to bite almost every day. I love my boss coz she is the best but I really don't want to bite a co-worker. :)
Christian Nationalists use that book to justify their so-called morality.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2023:
While I would love to agree with you I have to say that no books should be banned or burned. You cannot ban the wrong books. My take of book banning is that it is a control issue. The Christian Nationalists fall right in with this and hope everyone will see it their way. I simply cannot. Is the bible a bad book? It should be in libraries in a fictional location along with other books about Thor, Zeus, etc.
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Trump Attacks Stormy Daniels at Rally, Kanye Likes Jewish People Again & ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I call it Whacko in Waco. :)
I just returned from being in Thailand 2 months last week.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I lost my baggage in Kenya and one man at the airport told me exactly where it was. The attendant there said she knew my bags were not there but I could check anyway. I checked and the man was right. Mistakes are made. My trouble started because a delay in Chicago changed everything.
I am going off script here to bring attention a non-actor: Carl Laemmle (1867-1939) the co-founder ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I will have to watch the documentary. He was a brilliant man.
Spring in the Cascade foothills brings a riot of colorful windflowers.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Very beautiful pictures Kathleen. If you are not doing it already I'm sure you could make money taking and selling pictures.
Fires & floods in california: school shootings even 5 more people dead as i write; train and ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
One post is enough on this. No duplo por favor.
"1200 People Were Asked Why They Left Christianity.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I really don't care much. Knowing how our modern day bible came to be is enough for me. I don't need religion and I do not want religious politicians. They should stop talking about gods.
Fires & floods in california: school shootings even 5 more people dead as i write; train and ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Maybe it's the pocky lips. :)
WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY from Jeff Childers An explosive new preprint study quietly published on ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I have no clue. What I do know is that in West Africa an oral polio vaccine was given and a few kids turned up with polio. Please notice this was oral and not a needle type vaccination.
Very true…
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
You got it. Recently I saw Aron Ra on a post where he claimed his parents hate Democrats. He said to his mom something like - "Come on now. You can't believe that Tom Hanks is raping and killing children and drinking their blood." Supposedly his mom answered with "you can't prove that he is not."
Bill Maher took some time on his show, Real-Time, to push back against criticism aimed at comedian ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
My view is that if you do not like trans people or girly men just avoid them and go on with your life. These people are also real and you and not the only person in the world. Nobody has to do things your way or be just like you.
I’m going to go with emotionally immature.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2023:
In June I will be 77 and I still piddle around with stuff like I did when I was a kid. The difference today is that small things bother me. Nothing is perfect but Sunday I fixed and re-painted a couple of bad spots on a wire type shower caddy. I already had the paint for something else before. :)
If you are hell-bent on taking guns out of the hands of citizens, then you should also be hell-bent ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Cops laugh at me in any roadside check for a drivers license. I normally tell them I am reaching for my left rear pocket to get my wallet which has my license. They think it is funny. I don't. People have been killed reaching for a back pocket. I do not carry a gun but for those who do and the cop asks you to show it to him, or give it to him, try responding politely by telling him where it is and he can retrieve it. This might save your life.
America's analysis of criminality is pretty fucking bent.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
That describes it pretty well, but now Zuck has to pay millions and has a new plan to charge users of Facebook and claims he is protecting user privacy. This will start in Asia, he says, then continue into the rest of us. My take on it is that to get his money back he will still allow free users but you will have to pay to use other FB features. He will still be selling your information because this is how he built the platform to start with. Now they are Meta but this is only a parent corporation name after acquiring other media.
The Atheist Experience - Everything Commanded In Scripture Is Ethical []
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Since when did faith become evidence? This man wants to use his bible for evidence. Circular reasoning at best. Which god does this guy believe in? Would it be a different god if he lived in a different part of the world?
Utah becomes first state to sign law limiting kids' social media use
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Now kids in Utah will have to be afraid of the Social Media Police. I bet they are shaking in fear as I type. Are they expanding the budget for this?
Pope Francis expands sex abuse law, reaffirms adults can be victims []
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Thanks, Frankie. Anyone can be a victim.
Posted by an atheist group
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Donald Trump most likely uses this as his motto. I know a lot of parents do. Especially older parents from my generation.
There seems to be a pattern here, can you spot it?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Conservatives have very little interest in government and claim to be in favor of less government. Their main act is to make sure the top 1% keep the wealth and they cause many distractions along the way to convince you that they really are for you. Do not be fooled. They are not. They have no heathcare or insurance plans. They claim pro-life but once you are born you are on your own. I'm wondering how this would work with healthcare or insurance plans. Their answer is that very early in life someone should start you a 401K.
Now this is interesting.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
They mean the same thing to me and most of us know that January 6th was not simply people visiting. Videos of the event show the truth of it and death does not usually come from a visit. Ignorant people actually believed Donald Trump enough to where they thought their mobs would start a revolt that would allow Trump to keep the presidency.
6 years from leaving church.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Many people feel this way and the brainwashing sticks with you a while. Believers cherry pick what they believe out of the bible and many of us just knew the adults had to be right to believe in a god. I'm maybe 20 years an atheist these days but I am also 76 years old. I have anger over believing and even at the idea of studying to be a minister, but I had to know things. We need to face the fact that there are some things we do not or cannot know and that there is no evidence of gods.
That recent signing of the AUKUS deal in the States.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Some people think Donald Trump is of sound mind. I disagree. Sorry, I just had to throw that in there.
So trump is blowing his dog whistle again, calling for violence.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
The torture that Trump needs is to never be allowed to hold high office again in America. That should do it and it is possible to achieve.
The Atheist Experience - God Could Exist? []
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
Which god is it that Fritz wants to exist? I'll make you a bet that he has picked one and all the others are false. If he is not fully convinced he will still sway towards that one god.
If you can't handle the truth go elsewhere.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
What lab leak? If you manufacture something that kills people you cannot get their money. All you can get is money from those wanting the vaccine. Many of all ages get the vaccine free anyway.
Top Trump aides ordered to testify as judge rejects claims of executive privilege
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
Not in office currently so executive privilege does not apply. Sorry Trump. No, wait. It is you who are sorry. Very sorry.
What to expect from Trump’s rally in Waco | PBS NewsHour
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
It is way past time to Dump Trump. I actually started watching news again once he stopped being on it daily with stupid little bullshit.
Talking about Freewill in Christianity
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
The Evangelical concept of free will came about because god wants you to serve him of your own free will. This is a choice that you make. It is very important that god is not forcing you to serve him. In the confusion about free will, I admit that I believe in it. The rapist has the free will to rape you, or not. The murderer has the free will to kill you, or not. Driving home and having my supper in mind I know exactly what I am going to fix. Then I get home and fix something else.
Jordan Peterson really believed a Chinese fetish video was real. shorts jordanpeterson - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
Very strange but I want to know where I can buy the machine.
After watching this video you will have no doubt that Covid19 was nothing more than deliberate US ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2023:
I've said this before many times but nobody gets it. The current scheme of things is to get your money by any means possible and to get as much money as they can. Powers that be cannot get your money if you are dead. People die every day but killing you only creates money for the undertaker.
Getting creative with those boring old puzzle sets.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2023:
This would make a person with a good memory a champion at working puzzles.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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