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Anyone watch the James Comey interview?
Redcupcoffee comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I appreciated his reasoning for his reasoning for what he did with Hillary’s emails fiasco, I get it now, I sure was angry for a long time, now I understand. I also agree with his assessment that Trump is morally unfit to be President. I liked the way he put that too. I believe him when he ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 16, 2018:
When he did the last minute Hillary e-mails fiasco again I took it that he knew Trump would win and was trying to preserve his job as FBI director. The remark would throw votes in Trump's direction.
"Back in 2015, Steve McConkey, the president of the Christian sports ministry 4 WINDS, was whining ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 15, 2018:
If Steve believes this somebody should tell him to stop all and go into preaching. He should also be reminded that there is no prayer in public schools. If you want prayer go to a private school.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 16, 2018:
@jlynn37 I recall times in my years of public school that we were encouraged to have one minute of silent prayer if we wanted to. After that it was school business as usual. I can easily imagine school prayer in which Bobby is asking god to not allow Tommy to do well on the school test today coz he doesn't like Tommy. What other nonsense would they pray about?
Age difference dating
KKGator comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Doubtful. Even with heteros. It's a very rare occasion when an extreme age difference (10 years +) works for any significant length of time.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@OnaM So, I marry a younger African woman and it is suddenly incest. Thanks for telling me. I might seek out a therapist soon then.
Do you get visits from missionaries often?
BucketlistBob comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Lol... I would leave them confused and in tears...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
I ran off 2 female Baptists last summer. I told them there is no evidence for there god and they told me to just look at the trees. LMAO.
The US is bombing Syria now along with EU allies as retaliatory punishment for alleged chemical ...
Reignmond comments on Apr 14, 2018:
The craziness of bombing a poison gas facility near a population, because exposing people to poison gas is bad, makes me think our leaders are the insanely stupid. Do they think that poison gas magically disappears when bombed? We are responsible for the harm we cause. We desperately needs smarter ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@Donna_I It makes perfect sense to me. How sure are we of the poison gas?
Age difference dating
KKGator comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Doubtful. Even with heteros. It's a very rare occasion when an extreme age difference (10 years +) works for any significant length of time.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
My ex is 38 and I'm now 71. We were married 12 years and it worked in til she moved out which was together about 10 years.
Gonna get personal.
WizardBill comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Best of luck! I’m from the same small homophobic town (they’re all the same)! Hope it turns out well for you. Two of my Hs classmates are gay. We (group of friends) knew before they did (or at least admitted it). It probably will be difficult but you’ll be better off.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
Wow! And you are from Superman's home town too.
Crisis pending
DenoPenno comments on Apr 15, 2018:
The time arrived for real in the elections of 2016. The powers that be wanted change and not business as usual. They saw 8 years of a black president as being an oportune time. Poor proud to be white Americans could help in this change. Convince everyone that the news media is false and have others ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@Marine OK. Thank you. I hear that Mr. Obama is working with Netflix to produce some content and I would not be surprised if he covers this as well.
Do you self-identify as a nerd?
Bverret2012 comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I’m a book nerd. A Sherlock nerd. A kid at heart need who loves all silly things. Cat lady nerd. NERD ALL AROUND!
DenoPenno replies on Apr 15, 2018:
You look like a good nerd. I mean that in the nicest way.
'The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' Sues Publisher, Accuses Father of Taking All Profits From the ...
misstuffy comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Apparently having now read the article to the link the young man does not care about the profits, dear old dad is dead and he wants his name completely disassociated with the book. I think the Horse has left the barn in that one but I am not surprised they lied and the other Christians latched onto ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 14, 2018:
I think believers do this "proof" number on you because they just can't see a young child lying and it doesn't occur to them that the father made it up. It's kind of like an NDE but the person never really went anywhere.
What's your favorite charity?
skepteekule comments on Apr 13, 2018:
St. Judes childrens hospital (cancer)..,everytime a relig nutjob starts in wth the 'loving god; B/S".. I ask him if hes walked around the floors I have...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 14, 2018:
Thank you. I feel the same way you do and would give that same speech to believers. Danny Thomas started St. Jude and it was a wonderful way of "giving back." May they be around for a very long time.
When Syria invites you in for an investigation and you instead send in bombs.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 14, 2018:
When your presidency is in trouble just start a war. That might be why Bolton is on board, but this is different. You tweet and announce what you are going to do. Before it is done everybody knows just where the strikes are going to be. Does this make supporters happy or just make it look good? ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 14, 2018:
@William_Mary I don't know about Jill Stein but a moron is what we have now. Morons Are Governing America MAGA. Recently the chief moron is doing a lot of it by himself.
Congress has approved 700 billion for defense and only about 1 billion for the wall - It seems the ...
Rienndo comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I think that by signing this bill, our saviour president officially gave up. He realised just how corrupt both parties are, how disgustingly deep the swamp is, and he said, "that's it for me. I'm done. It just isn't worth it." Poor man. Just wanted to do what's best for our country, and he knows now...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 14, 2018:
Sorry. Trump is no saviour. He also is no Christ.
When Syria invites you in for an investigation and you instead send in bombs.
Freethought comments on Apr 14, 2018:
And most are blaming Drumpf but this has been going on for years he's no different than the rest.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 14, 2018:
I blame Drumpf for breathing. Eisenhower he ain't. The banner "I like Ike" is taking on new meaning in the days of Drumpf. At least for me.
How do you get tasks accomplished?
Christiep77 comments on Apr 13, 2018:
I just do stuff
DenoPenno replies on Apr 13, 2018:
I do stuff too but these days I'm slower at it. I've been trying to dust for a week.
Your Influence
memorylikeasieve comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I haven't any influence. I've never been able to impact another person's thinking. Also, check myself for what? Fleas?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 12, 2018:
Maybe you just haven't been aware of it.
Do you prefer to be corrected if you're wrong?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Certainly, unless I take it that what you are doing is trying to lead me into debate. We live in 2018. Most of us anyway. I don't care what Kepler thought of science and religion, I'm not into Aristotle, Socrates, or classical anything. I simple use logic and demand evidence. Up to date modern ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 11, 2018:
@Fulishsage The info came from Newsweek. Before reading it I thought that Phones, TV, Internet, and everything went by satellite. I was wrong.
Anyone else go on to this or any other social media outlet and just feel really old?
BillF comments on Apr 10, 2018:
When you notice "those youngsters" and their forty, then you know your old!
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
What gets me is an Internet add that says if you are 30 years old you gotta try this game. Why would a 30 year old be playing computer games?
Anybody else watch The Atheist Experience on YouTube?
Wildgreens comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I love Tracie and Matt. I enjoy it all.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
Me too.
Anybody else watch The Atheist Experience on YouTube?
Donotbelieve comments on Apr 10, 2018:
No. Should I? Is it informative?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
Very informative program. I love it.
Forest for the trees
carlyhorton comments on Apr 2, 2018:
There's a question that floats around some surveys that asks something along the lines of this (but not exactly, I can't remember it): Do you consider yourself a member of: 1. your community 2. your town/city 3. your country 4. planet Earth It was something like that. The point of ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
That helped me too when I was in the military. I'm also a member of #4 planet earth. The rest don't interest me much. My only interest in my country right now is to hope that we do not lose it.
Why are Christians being marginalized in America?
Highway-Starr comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I howl with laughter at the Sarah Palins of the world who lament the imagined War On Christmas, saying that Christ needs to be put back in Christmas. With today's phony 'believers' she's getting the cart before the horse. They need to put Christ back in the Christians first.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
I understand your words but Christ was never in Christmas. It's a shame to the believers to have put him there.
Anyone else go on to this or any other social media outlet and just feel really old?
Anemynous comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Well your in luck. As far as I can tell, the median age on here is like 55. Also, yeah... you're getting older. I've noticed tht I'm pretty much constantly annoyed when things keep changing and I have to learn a system all over again, when the old one worked just fine. I think that's a sign... ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
In Mexico avocado is on the hamburger at McDonald's.
Anyone else go on to this or any other social media outlet and just feel really old?
NothinnXpreVails comments on Apr 10, 2018:
As you age, you see how you were a baby 10 years ago. Doesn’t matter how old you are.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
I'm looking back now at things I fixed or repaired 10 years ago or less and wondering why I did it that exact way.
Anyone else go on to this or any other social media outlet and just feel really old?
ArgosFriend comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I'm that way with cell phones. I have an old flip, and refuse to get a smart one. I have never texted anyone, and won't. If I ever have the need, I will get one, but I just don't need it. I just don't need to be connected or plugged-in 24/7. You'll laugh at this -- I still have a landline.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
So do I and I'm not laughing. People do not get it that I still have that landline but I have 2 desktop computers running on them.
Since you all have been non believers, has it ever crossed your mind "what if im wrong"?
PNWBaker comments on Jan 4, 2018:
If I’m wrong I believe I am living a good enough life that I could be forgiven for not believing
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
Why would goodness have anything to do with it?
Maga=my attorney got arrested
Emmagoldman comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Try not to make any judgements until you have heard all the facts.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 10, 2018:
@Allison76 One problem here is that Trump tells the story that they broke into his attorney's office and took some things, and that this is not American and now there is no more client/attorney priviledge, etc. Dummy up, Klown. This is not Watergate and nobody broke into anything. I'm sure they had the proper papers and warrants. It's just that they showed up unannounced. Trump also claimed the Democrats did this and last I checked Mueller is a Republican.
Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2018:
A simple way for me to view this question is to ask if scientists believe in Genesis. Most will not but a few will claim that they do. If a scientist does not believe in the book of Genesis then god and Jesus as the religious world knows them have been swept right out the door.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I'm not going back in time. I'm not buying all that the survey says because believers may be the ones who did the survey. I'm sure college and high school "scientists" are included. I cannot buy a god belief just because my biology teacher says he believes. Lastly and most important. I DO NOT DEBATE. It proves nothing.
Hicks66 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I've seen a handful of variations. Not Korean though. They don't seem to be hung up on what he looks like.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@Hicks66 Daniel 7:9 and later Revelation 1:14. All of it is prophesy. Some of the writings were before his time and some much after. There are no eyewitness accounts. None at all.
Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2018:
A simple way for me to view this question is to ask if scientists believe in Genesis. Most will not but a few will claim that they do. If a scientist does not believe in the book of Genesis then god and Jesus as the religious world knows them have been swept right out the door.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I never said differently. Apparently you do not understand what I am writing. Your words say the same as mine except I'm saying a scientist would not be this dumb. Science has no dealings with tribal and regional gods. The god you believe in depends on what area you grew up in, but science is not concerned with this. Scientists do not believe. Example. An Astrophysicist does not believe in gods.
The Psychology Of Fake News : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2018:
When Trump came along claiming "fake news" the people I work with (mostly Trump supporters) did not get it when I mentioned that he had no handle on fake news. They simply said that Trump was only pointing it out and that there had always been "fake news." Nobody wanted to address ideas of where ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@Condor5 Correct, and did Nugent really say this. Very likely. Will Trump or anyone in his administration call Nugent down for it? Not likely. These people are dumb as rocks. They cannot see that Jones and Infowars (along with others) are pandering to a crowd to sell a product. Brietbart does the same thing.
Hicks66 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I've seen a handful of variations. Not Korean though. They don't seem to be hung up on what he looks like.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
I disagree with you only in so much as what the bible said about Jesus' looks. That verse about ebony and hair like lamb's wool comes out of the OT. This means it cannot be applied to Jesus in any way because he has not been born yet. Believers do this same thing when they compare Daniel, Isiah, and Revelation. They are making up a story because they think their bible is one continuous and compatible history. It certainly is not.
Would it be beneficial to separate out the philosophies of religions from the supernatural aspects?
Spinliesel comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Hello, aren't they all supernatural?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
Right you are.
A poem about our demented insane fearless sewer hog 45.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2018:
The unfortunate thing is that impeachment may not get rid of him.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@CGDEvermond I could start being more happy if somebody would just take his tweeter away. His lies are terrible and his damned tweeting makes me hate the bastard.
Fits the orange one, and his followers, to a T!
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Yes, it fits them perfectly. It sounds like "Trumpthink" as well. Recently I told a co-worker that if Jesus had of died in a more modern time the cross that followers wear around their necks would be an electric chair. His face got very solumn and he said "I don't make fun of nobodies religion." ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@Kojaksmom Youi celebrate his death because of the great joy you have as it gives you eternal life. At the same time you are so sad that your dear savior had to go through this. Duh! It makes Christians some of the most confused people you will ever meet.
Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions
DenoPenno comments on Apr 8, 2018:
A simple way for me to view this question is to ask if scientists believe in Genesis. Most will not but a few will claim that they do. If a scientist does not believe in the book of Genesis then god and Jesus as the religious world knows them have been swept right out the door.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay Is there a claim that these other gods created everything? If not there are no worries. If the other gods did create all that is we then appear to have regional and tribal gods. How could you believe in them? No scientist believes in a regional tribal god. It just is not logical. I contend that the Christian god is also a regional tribal god and that without the book of Genesis to explain "sin" there is no reason for Jesus whatsoever. It makes the bible just a collection of flawed stories. Christianity survives because of a talking snake and belief in one helps many to explain the death of Jesus. He had a lot of blood. His blood saved the entire world :)
Come november?
Freedompath comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Blue will be the color for fall! Most rashional people will go for is the color of the BIG ocean and the BIG sky! It will really be BIG!
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
Bigly, bigly.
Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions
atheist comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Interesting but it doesn't change anything! Religion is still BS!
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay Religion will always be bullshit. God and the bible are never changing. Science is ever changing. God is greatly outdated.
"Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived".
ReBrew2115 comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Truth! Now if only more would see it.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 8, 2018:
I have read and studied the buybull from cover to cover and I no longer buy that bull.
I really like this come back.
Or-Humanist comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Exactly right, there is only one true religion. Yours. (lol).
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
There is only one true god. Hey, is there only one true Scotsman?
The other day I was watching ABC 30 TV in my area and something Trumpian was said that was totally ...
bingst comments on Apr 7, 2018:
How about a link to a reputable source instead of a graphic?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
@Akfishlady This might be a comedy show but a lot of it hits home with me and what I saw on ABC 30 recently. The segments being shown on terrorism, etc. were real. Some of it makes no sense. An example would be Trump wants you to question the FBI and the CIA and claims that they are biased and they are also being investigated. Really? Investigated by whom? Trumpery Investigations Imaginated. The man is demented.
One of the funniest things in my Facebook feed today.
BanjoTango comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Yeah, everyone really hates George Bush :-)
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
George W. Bush is starting to look petty good again. He doesn't like Trump either.
One of the funniest things in my Facebook feed today.
JackPedigo comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I know it's childish but I really enjoy crossing out the 'president' crap in articles. I have noticed he is referred to as president once at the beginning of an article but from then on just tRump.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
tRump is a conman. He will always be a conman. He will always be a rump.
Say What?
Davesnothere comments on Apr 6, 2018:
This looks to me like DHS trying to deal with the ACTUAL fake news, you know those sites which actually create false stories, and the FALSE stories the Russkies made and spread on social media and were repeated by media? How exactly do you track such stories unless your keeping track of the ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
@Davesnothere We are in the age of Goebells because an oligarchy now has control of America. It threatens our Democracy. Finding out their true plans is frustrating but you can bet it will cost every one of us some money.
Say What?
Davesnothere comments on Apr 6, 2018:
This looks to me like DHS trying to deal with the ACTUAL fake news, you know those sites which actually create false stories, and the FALSE stories the Russkies made and spread on social media and were repeated by media? How exactly do you track such stories unless your keeping track of the ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
@Angelface Trump now has the help of Sinclair Media Group to add his take of things into their daily news programs. I was watching ABC 30 in my area recently when something was aired that is not true at all. It was just words of Trump and what he wants you to believe. Later I found this TV station to be a part of Sinclair Media.
Russian submarines are lurking near the communications cables that link the US to the rest of the ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It seems to me like a 1950's problem. It's about as real as Trump calling out the National Guard to protect our border with Mexico so that illegal immigrants do not over run us. The Orange one thinks this is a current crisis. I think I should take another nap. BTW communications cables are not ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
@Angelface I AM WRONG. 99% of all still goes through a transatlantic cable system. I found this info in Newsweek.
Does anyone else ever miss going to church sometimes?
larsoned comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Let me think... Do I miss watching grown men and women speaking made up languages and flopping around on the ground oddly reminiscient of scenes from "The Exorcist". No!
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
I been there. The problem with all of this is they thought it was perfectly normal.
Russian submarines are lurking near the communications cables that link the US to the rest of the ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It seems to me like a 1950's problem. It's about as real as Trump calling out the National Guard to protect our border with Mexico so that illegal immigrants do not over run us. The Orange one thinks this is a current crisis. I think I should take another nap. BTW communications cables are not ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
@Angelface My remark on it being a 1950's problem was a simple reference to our digital age. Everything is digital it goes through the sky. As far as I know nothing goes through a transatlantic cable any longer.
What is your, "don't get me started on . . ." topic?
Ohub comments on Feb 24, 2018:
When an old classmate from the south starts on “protecting our southern heritage” followed a sentence or two later by “the civil war was really about states rights”
DenoPenno replies on Apr 7, 2018:
The civil war was not very civil and it was about whether you can own people or not.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Adam7 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Personally I joined this because I wanted to be as much of that angry atheist as possible without friends and family calling me out on it outside of Facebook. I mean, do whatever you want, but it is called Agnostic for a reason
DenoPenno replies on Apr 6, 2018:
In Atheist Nexus we report them and they get booted out pretty quickly. They start slowly and then want to preach to us there.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Brunostic comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Why would they want to even ?
DenoPenno replies on Apr 6, 2018:
Mostly because they think "you are angry with god" and they want to save you.
Have you been asked to rescue someone?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 6, 2018:
There are a few bad ones out there that are totally nuts. A friend of mine from Jersey said online the other day that you do not want to end up with a "hobosexual." That's somebody who will gladly move in with you just to have a place to live. Maybe Gary is doing a number on you with this ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 6, 2018:
BTW, you cannot rescue people. It might seem for a while that you did rescue them and it is working, but this is just not true. In the end it will be more than you want to deal with.
True or False: How we think is determined by the mind, not how things really are.
JimG comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I don't think this is false or entirely true. I hate to seem indecisive, but I believe you've presented a false dichotomy. In my opinion, how we think is determined very loosely by the mind and influenced by our experience, education, and reality.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 4, 2018:
I was going to give my opinion but I'll go with yours after reading it. I agree with you. I'm able at this stage of my life to see back into what I might have thought before. My thoughts and opinions have changed and might keep on changing as time goes by. This is proof for me that how things really are is not constant.
Have you ever: drank too much & made a fool of yourself?
sloryd comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Yeah,so often that I quit drinking for 30 yrs.Recently started having an occasional beer when I go out.Sure did miss the taste of a good beer.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 3, 2018:
There is no good beer any longer. It's all made for profit with a marketing strategy and the ingredients are cut to a minimum.
And yet he still lives.....
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Trump is bad enough. I'm wishing him the worst any day now. Think back a bit and you might remember that Robertson ran for president also. I thank the Easter Bunny that he didn't win.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 3, 2018:
@Condor5 At the White House egg roll I was hoping to see something else roll instead. No such luck.
The subtext of texting....
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I agree with you 100%. A text is words on a screen. It might be a bot or anything. You cannot be intimate with a text. I need to hear your voice to know you are real. Then, if you do not text me to death, we can have a text off and on during the day. Some people are so addicted to texting that ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 2, 2018:
OK, now you have replied to this one twice. Are you happy?
The Antidote
AdorkableMe comments on Apr 2, 2018:
It's super hard for me to be mad or sad if there are babies laughing hysterically, baby goats in pajamas or seeing pictures of Tuna. So it's a quick youtube or instagram break. Ps. If you are wondering who Tuna is search Tuna melts my heart on FB or Instagram. :-)
DenoPenno replies on Apr 2, 2018:
There is nothing like the laughter of a baby unless it happens out of the blue at 3 AM.
How do u handle holidays?
warren914 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I don't participate. If I'm somewhere that they begin prayer I don't knod, hold hands, or close my eyes. If possible I'll leave the room.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
Try being in the room and looking around at everyone else as someone does the praying. If you find another person looking around also you might have found a friend.
Jesus rethinks
DenoPenno comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I can easily believe that Jesus would be reconsidering his return. He can't come to America or he will be deported. In the bible it said he was recieved up into the clouds untill he was out of sight. Imagine that for a moment as if he was a helium balloon. If this is how he went away then he hasn't ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
@Coffeo Yes, then he could travel at warp speed.
For my birthday, I had a coworker give me a bible and a couple of books on Jesus.
resserts comments on Apr 1, 2018:
A coworker gave me for Christmas "God's Not Dead" on DVD. She *does* know my position, and we've discussed it enough that she must realize I didn't come to my viewpoint lightly or without serious consideration of the available arguments for and against religion and the various metaphysical claims. ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
In your case maybe your coworker thinks you "became angry at god" because your father is dead and that's why you became atheist just like the man in the movie. That's how theists think.
Do you celebrate Easter?
KKGator comments on Apr 1, 2018:
So far today, I have not had to participate in any of the day's "festivities". Talked to my aunt though. She was fixin' to head to the cemetery to visit the graves of dead relatives. I love her to death, but shake my head at that nonsense.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
@KKGator At an ex wife's grave in Texas the wind chimes will sound in the trees and my stepkids might say "that's mamma." I quit going. It's the wind.
Do you celebrate Easter?
KKGator comments on Apr 1, 2018:
So far today, I have not had to participate in any of the day's "festivities". Talked to my aunt though. She was fixin' to head to the cemetery to visit the graves of dead relatives. I love her to death, but shake my head at that nonsense.
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
I don't even visit the graves of my mother or my sister. What would be the point? Maybe look at the headstones and agree that they are still dead.
I tend to be extremely insular on just about everything simply because I don't want to have to deal ...
Cast1es comments on Apr 1, 2018:
When I see political or religious posts on Facebook , I check out the source of my friend's post , and block the source . For instance , Jeff reposts a not so funny joke from First Baptist Church . I click on the little string of dots at the top right of his post , select , " block , First Baptist ...
DenoPenno replies on Apr 1, 2018:
@KKGator What? You block the First Blabtist Church.
What is it do you think that makes you resistant to organized religions! Is it the structure?
DiceDiceBaby comments on Mar 31, 2018:
None of the above. They are just plain not true. I don't believe in the Easter Bunny either.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
@jacpod The Easter Bunny can't die. Over 2000 years ago somebody slit his throat and threw him in the grave with Jesus.
What is it do you think that makes you resistant to organized religions! Is it the structure?
AustinSkepticus comments on Mar 31, 2018:
My thoughts: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."-Carl Sagan "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." -Christopher Hitchens (Also known as Hitchens Razor).
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
@kng01 This is exactly how so many believers look at it. "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it."
Why Ohio??
DenoPenno comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Come to Missouri. I like your pic and profile and I think I have room for you. Yeah, I'm an older man but I'm appreciative. You would have to get a local job but in a years time both of us would have plenty of money. We would be best friends.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
@ashortbeauty Maybe I'll work on that but I could tell you plenty on a phone if you ever want to chat. We could tell a lot about each other that way.
Do you like eggs?
JVee comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I like scrambled best, or an omelette.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
You sound like my kind of lady.
If I had it all to do again, I doubt very much I would meet my husband.
Tony80223 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I loved both of the women I married. My first divorced me and I divorced my second. I’m still good friends with both and love them both very much, but we all change. Right?
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
Two divorced me and one died. I divorced my ex of 12 years and we are yet friends today. She is a nice person but I bit off more than I could chew.
If I had it all to do again, I doubt very much I would meet my husband.
PickledRick comments on Mar 31, 2018:
My first marriage lasted almost 5 years. Same story, parents constantly interfering our marriage, we'd be at their house 4-5 times a weak. Go on vacation with them, out to dinner, etc. Always telling us, particularly me, how to handle finances, what clothes to buy, even how to grocery shop.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 31, 2018:
My parents were controlling in those ways also and always told me and my wife what to do. It's no wonder that I had 4 major relationships in my lifetime. My parents never liked any of my women from the beginning. I moved a lot to avoid my parents.
Do you celebrate "Easter"?
Cassandra comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I have kids. Kids like buckets of candy and coloring eggs. Everyone gets a couple days off school/work. We go visit my parents. Jesus never comes up. (No pun intended)
DenoPenno replies on Mar 30, 2018:
I don't think Jesus is going to come up but they claim he did over 2000 years ago along with a cemetery of zombies. Strange that we don't hear much about the zombies anymore.
You died, I lived, god is good!
DenoPenno comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I see your headline as something that we all say to god. That is, if you believe in a god. "You died so I could live, god is good." This is the "great love" that god has for you even if he doesn't heal those sick children of cancer. To believe it makes you special.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 30, 2018:
@Barnie2years No, I'm an atheist who was once a believer. My remark is catering to some nonsense that believers think is true. I don't believe it for one minute.
You died, I lived, god is good!
JimG comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's the epitome of arrogance and self delusion in my opinion. What's the attitude here is it that god has a purpose for me that mine of those other people could fulfill, or is it that god wanted to send a message to me by killing a bunch of other people. It may be a way to deal with survivor guilt,...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 30, 2018:
It would have been much harder for the steel beams of the building to have been left in the shape of an electric chair. This way god only deals with simple things.
12 years later and they still won't leave Britney Alone...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Emma Gonzalez is not attacking anyone's truck. This is a fake photo shopped image that makes a meme for a butt hurt gun owner that thinks the idea of the march is to take guns away. Wake up and try reading for a change.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@EricTrommater Sorry, Eric. I took it for real mostly because I wouldn't know Britney Spears if I saw her. Looks like I can't identify Emma Gonzalez either. LOL I need new glasses.
How are you gonna spend Easter Sunday?
Palindromeman comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I'm thinking of going to see the film The Death of Stalin, which has just opened in Canberra. Hilarious, because I saw it twice last year in London. If you like The Thick of It, or In the Loop, definitely worth a see. Oh, and yay for the resurrected Christ and all that.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 29, 2018:
Stalin was poisoned. A type of rat poison in his wine.
Do liberals tend to be more tolerant, open, and thoughtful or are they often just as intolerant, ...
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I've been on both sides in my lifetime and became liberal for certain about the time I became atheist. Funny thing is, I read most of what you are saying and I thought immediately of the modern GOP. They are the ones I see without valid arguments. Mention Trumpty Dumpty and they change the subject ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@Hugh The real crisis actor is Dana Loesch who does videos and such for the NRA.
Robots need civil rights, too - The Boston Globe
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Extensive rights and citizenship was given to the robot Sophia by the Saudi government. I know these practices cause many to be upset and even bring in talk from Revelation about end times and "the beast" but none of that is what this is about. Sophia is an investment and she is much different than ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@btroje AI is right around the corner in being able to inhabit an animated robot that can move and work as we do. Maybe they are trying to get us ready for that. Instead I'm running onto idiots that want to talk bible, 666, and end times. Using this superstition some are harping that we have to destroy the robots. It takes all kinds.
Robots need civil rights, too - The Boston Globe
DenoPenno comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Extensive rights and citizenship was given to the robot Sophia by the Saudi government. I know these practices cause many to be upset and even bring in talk from Revelation about end times and "the beast" but none of that is what this is about. Sophia is an investment and she is much different than ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@btroje I'm sure some attorneys will be working on that one too.
Robots need civil rights, too - The Boston Globe
Nottheonlyone comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I really hope this doesn't become an issue in my lifetime.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 28, 2018:
It's all very likely to become a big issue in the next 20 years.
Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 27, 2018:
How would I know she was going to have sex on the first date? I have to know that she will before I can answer your question.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@BlueWave Yes, unless I absolutely hated the sex.
How prevalent is pseudo-medicine?
farmboy2017 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Does Chiopractic count?
DenoPenno replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@AmiSue My interest in it would be to get my neck or back popped back into place and get rid of pain in that area. Pain pills don't do crap.
What is the deal with the Church of Latter Day Saints?
jperlow comments on Mar 27, 2018:
They are basically harmless.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 27, 2018:
This wasn't so in the late 70's. For a while they had some sects killing each other. They were called renegades. You'll have to Google it.
I gotta know.
Woodron comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I saw a guy spit on a tree on Saturday, it kind of made me nauseous.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Did the tree provoke him or something?
Just watched the 60 Minutes interview w/ Stormy Daniels. Thoughts?
Condor5 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was musing that it would be so ultimately ironic if the campaign contribution angle was what did in the "fucking moron" (Rex Tillerson's words, not mine).
DenoPenno replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I always thought it true but funny that Rex called him that.
About you?
Jawad comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I'm proud to be white, my wife is proud to be black, my kids are proud to be the mix of both. Beautiful !!
DenoPenno replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I like your reply although generally I never claim to be "proud to be white." The fact that I am white is just how I turned out. I could have been any color or race, and maybe that's why I get along with everybody.
When did you know?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Before age 12 my religious experience was only stories in books and people talking god and the bible. By the age 18 I was in church full time and wanting to be a Pentecostal minister. I turned from this in my 20's and had many years of pain and guilt because of it, but I still did studies. You find ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@Fab I think the reasons you are giving are why so many remain believers and never come out atheist. It gives them a support base and local meetings they can go to often.
Hi All! I am finally on a track to get my first ever tattoo.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 25, 2018:
My suggestion is don't do it. I'm not a fan of tattoos and do not have any myself. However, my own 2 daughters have many of them. I remember when my youngest daughter got a giant unicorn tattooed on her left shoulder. She came in going through endless talk about how I'm gonna lecture her forever now...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@Blizzard Coming to terms with her decision was easy. Anything I would have said or done would have to be after the fact. It is what it is.
My 12-yo daughter revealed to me yesterday that she’s gay. Should I...
ashortbeauty comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I wish that my family would have accepted me at age 10 when I knew I was bisexual. Instead they did indeed try to pray and exorcise the demons out of me. It was pure hell being held down by 4 full grown men as the entire church gathered around and yelled at the so called demons inside of me. I, to ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
@ashortbeauty Sorry you went through that. Years ago I was in those same sort of churches. It had to have been a bad experience.
March For Life? (Stop Gun Violence)
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I support the movement and I'm an activist of sorts. Not participating but I am fully aware that it is the squeaking wheel that gets the grease. Distractors, trolls, and bots want to argue that we should ban sticks, knives, etc. as well. So far our school children have not been killled by these ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
@Potsandpans I'm not willing to bet or debate, and I'm not going in for changing the subject. You win. We will simply blame the gun for the shooting.
Not one prayer was said.
birdingnut comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Like it says in quantum physics, nothing happens that isn't imagined first. You wanted it, and the universe provided it, since you weren't offering resistance to the idea. Physics indicates that we are participating in creating our own universes/reality. “I regard consciousness as fundamental ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
@icolan Odds are terrible but if you do not play you will never win. This week I played $4 worth. Some weeks just $1 worth. I have actually known businessmen who would play up to $500 worth weekly. We all won about the same regardless.
Not one prayer was said.
birdingnut comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Like it says in quantum physics, nothing happens that isn't imagined first. You wanted it, and the universe provided it, since you weren't offering resistance to the idea. Physics indicates that we are participating in creating our own universes/reality. “I regard consciousness as fundamental ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
Many biblical believers think that Gematria is the language mathematically of the bible and the book of Revelation. They put special meaning into 666. What I want to know is that if this is true why have I NOT won the lottery yet?
How biased is your news source? You probably won’t agree with this chart - MarketWatch
birdingnut comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I like British SkyNews, Singapore News, and Aljazeera here in Thailand, and online I like AP news, Google News, BBC news, NPR, Newsweek, Reuters, Popular Science, etc.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
I like those too, and I can pretty much agree with the chart.
March For Life? (Stop Gun Violence)
DenoPenno comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I support the movement and I'm an activist of sorts. Not participating but I am fully aware that it is the squeaking wheel that gets the grease. Distractors, trolls, and bots want to argue that we should ban sticks, knives, etc. as well. So far our school children have not been killled by these ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 25, 2018:
@Potsandpans Well, here we go with posts of how many different ways people might be harmed and killed. It has nothing to do with the recent school shootings, Nothing to do with the NRA, and isn't going to stop the problem of our children being killed in their classrooms. With this being said, please tell me why you want to debate this? Am I supposed to tell you it is OK to kill our children? Maybe instead you want me to say it's OK for you to own your damned rifle. IDK, but no debate here. Protest is a statement and not a debate.
Message to the objective realist: I know people who think the world is 6000 years old, and they ...
gater comments on Mar 24, 2018:
My brother has a Phd and thinks the earth is 6000 years old, because some Bible scolars say that. My argument - if you need accurate information about any topic - ask an expert in the field. Dont ask a Bible scolar the age of the earth - ask an archaeologist.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Bible scholars knew their answers in advance and that depended a lot on which bible college you went to. Again, this is an example of why there are different denominations of believers in the Abrahamic faiths.
I have a T-shirt that says "Science doesn't care what you believe," and the word science is spelled ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Not at all. What's obnoxious (and hilarious) are bible-belters wearing t-shirts like this:
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes Yes, you are right. Jebus makes it easier and bearable.
I have a T-shirt that says "Science doesn't care what you believe," and the word science is spelled ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Not at all. What's obnoxious (and hilarious) are bible-belters wearing t-shirts like this:
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
If that is what his life is about why don't he just arrange for someone to kill him so he can be with Jesus earlier than planned.
Christian Ex-Witch: The Illuminati Controls Our Minds via Flu Shots on Easter – Friendly Atheist
AcuteObstinance comments on Mar 21, 2018:
When the anti-vaxx movement goes full stupid. My mother believed in stuff like this. Couldn't get away from her fast enough.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Anti-vaxx is total ignorance. Many diseases have been cured in my lifetime and polio is just one of them.
Christians argue that the founding fathers had Christ in mind while designing the constitution etc.
Proslice56 comments on Mar 24, 2018:
The Founding Fathers were at best, Deists. There is a reason you do not find the mention of Christ in the Declaration of Independence or The Constitution. They wanted to eliminate a state sponsored religion. Freedom from religion is just as important as freedom of religion. The Japanese got it ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Apparently it is hard to tell the New Apostolic Reformation this, but you have it right.
No gods for me thanks.
Freeman999 comments on Mar 22, 2018:
No gods for me thanks.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
@EdwinMcCravy I do not argue and I do not debate. I'm using words to identify what I'm talking about. You win. It makes sense. And I'm done. :)
How do you explain atheism to people that don't quite understand it
Donotbelieve comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I could use some pointers on this, so I'm following this post.
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Scurry pretty well nailed it here.
A Georgia Mom Crashed Her Car Into a Concrete Pole to Show Her Kids God Exists – Friendly Atheist
SweetHarp comments on Mar 24, 2018:
"Warren told her children to buckle up their seat belts just before she accelerated into the pole." Sooo...... it wasn't really faith in *god* - it was faith in the seatbelts! If she REALLY believed god would protect them, why buckle up??? People are so stupid. I really think you should have an IQ ...
DenoPenno replies on Mar 24, 2018:
I agree 100%


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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