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"I know words. I have the best words."
DharmaBum50 comments on Jan 12, 2019:
And some of them are hunky-keen!
What do you think would happen if the American People surrounded the White House and tRump was ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jan 7, 2019:
The words "pitchforks" and "heads on pikes" come to mind....
Sneaky 45 is doing this to Veterans. []
DharmaBum50 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Oh yeah, support the troops!
Obamas fault, Again?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Yeah, I suppose it's Obama's fault that it looks like this, too....
This MEME deserves an award!
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Yes, absolutely!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! X1000 The best whining YET! []
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 19, 2018:
This should be fun. He digs the hole deeper and deeper.
Will this be tRumps legacy for humanity? Mad Men take the world with them. Just ask Hitler
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 19, 2018:
The AmuriKKKan version of "Ozymandias." Ozymandias --Percy Bysshe Shelley I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
What the Statue of Liberty Should Look Like
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Like a slightly cross-eyed goddess of war with a bird shitting on her head?
lil donnie can't tell the difference between news and satire, poor baby!!![]
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Like the grade school bully, he can dish it out well enough, but he can't take it.
Zinke is out! []
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I think I'll have a drink to honor his service.
He got butt hurt.
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Yeah, who's the "snowflake" now?
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Hope she ends up kicking as much ass as she says she's going to!
Give me my wall or I’ll start crying []
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 12, 2018:
I enjoyed watching the graph of the market tumbling as he ranted--especially since I divested, as a vote of no confidence, on January 21st, 2017.
Get your guns ready! ;)
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Thanks for the reminder--I've been meaning to go out and get me a few for this very reason.
The Three Stooges
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Except the real Three Stooges were funny and not messing around with our social safety net. LOL
I have been remiss in not updating you on the third long-distance visit.
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It was my pleasure. Can't wait until you're here.
Ahhh vodka!!
DharmaBum50 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Time for a Bloody Mary (with Smirnoff)!
Possibly the worst real picture of Trump yet?
DharmaBum50 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Goddamn, first thing I look at this morning almost makes me hurl my breakfast. Thanks, buddy! +o(
Annual Christmas horror shit show is on at the white house []
DharmaBum50 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
It's like the Beverly Hillbillies are squatting in the White House. I mean, if you think the apartment in the picture below is an example of elegance and class, then it's not a big leap to the monstrosities in the picture above.
consequences of climate change
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The look on my face at that news would be similar. But I'm not a Supreme Court judge. LOL
Manchin is the only democrat to vote for Kavanaugh and Murkowski the only republican to vote against...
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I don't know why that mofo can't be intellectually honest and just switch parties. He is the very definition of a Democrat in Name Only.
Emergency Alert!
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Straight from the Ministry of Truth.
So I got this on my phone
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Yet another advantage of not owning a smartphone....
This just popped up on my phone.
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Yet another advantage of not owning a smartphone....
Michelle O.
DharmaBum50 comments on Oct 3, 2018:
No, sorry, I have to disagree. All of the names mentioned here--Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren--are the same tired old Democratic (or Democratic Socialist) faces we've seen for years. Republicans already have game plans for each one of them based on their sometimes considerable baggage. What the Democratic Party needs for 2020 is a fresh new face and fresh new ideas. Meanwhile, perhaps this year's midterm elections will produce some of those, but only if Democrats and left-leaning people get the fuck off their asses and go out and vote.
These Six Senators Have Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination In Their Hands - Lets Call Them
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
Not an encouraging sign if Joe Manchin is on the list. I don't know why he doesn't just switch parties.
This ought to be one hell of an album
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
What a perfect lounge lizard singer! LOL
Occupant In Office
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 14, 2018:
The proportions are spot on!
Just imagine!
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Stealing this!
I know you've all been wondering about this.
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Where's the "puking" emoticon?
Lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant! POSOLE! A pork and hominy soup with tortilla chips, lime ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I LOVE posole! There are recipes and a three-part video on on how to make it.
Baby snowflakes.
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 6, 2018:
I've never bought Nikes, but I might start.
Vicente Fox 2020. []
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Hell, I'd vote for him--if only for the campaign ditty and his non-tRumpness. LOL
The man that wouldn't defend his wife's or father's honor is bringing trump to Texas.
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
That face is just so fucking punchable.
Drumpf warned of violence in the streets if he is impeached.
DharmaBum50 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
The 15-pack of Founders All-Day IPA I drank the night he was "elected" would be nothing compared to what I'd drink the day of his impeachment. Totally different mood, though! (party) (B) (B) (B)
Can someone explain golfing to me?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 29, 2018:
When I was in college, I got to be pretty good at golf. And then all of a sudden, I hit a bad streak that lasted for a while. I got scores worse than the first time I ever played. I finally snapped when I missed a putt less than a foot long, and I wrapped every club I had around a tree next to that hole and threw them all into the woods. I have never regretted that fit of anger. So I don't reckon I can clue you in. LOL
We Are Not Sore Losers. We Are Resisting Fuhrer Trump's Tyranny
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 27, 2018:
The Atlantic has a good piece up about how this whole thing will wrap up. []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Brilliant article!
Pence calls for permanent presence on moon... I have a few suggestions for permanent residents.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Yeah, permanent residents--on its dark side, so they're out of sight, out of mind.
Those who remember an early interwebs meme, "I haz cheeseburger" will appreciate this one, laugh out...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 23, 2018:
I want one!
This evening I have a meeting with friend, (a French club) we share in turn each other's homes.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I got to like squid when I was living in Korea, so this looks mighty tasty.
It would be funnier if it was fiction.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I'm surprised The Onion is still in business.
Hahaha!!!! Ok so I finally took the leap & put my humble self on Bumble.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I'm a Luddite, had to look that one up. Is "swipe" a new term for "hit on"? At any rate, good luck with that!
Little Dude!
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
What kind of dog is that?
Day two of the CSD.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
That tea looks a lot like beer--which is what I'd need to get through the brussels sprouts.... LOL
Start the roundup.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I'm ready!
For those of us who live in the thick of it.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2018:
What with the rattlesnake handling, speaking in tongues, and irritating dress code, the Pentecostals get my vote.
Well, that's never going to happen
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2018:
That's kinda like the sign in bars that says "free beer tomorrow."
Rudy Giuliani claims "the truth isn't the truth" on Meet The Press.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
That's one possible explanation. Another is that it's the same fascist assault on reality that I alluded to in my response to another post. Once again, Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" (1951) is relevant here:
Some really good ones in here... Enjoy!
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I especially liked the steaming pile of shit one. The NRA-themed one would be more effective minus the misspelling.
Sorry if one is a repeat, so many memes, so little time...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I especially like the one with the different "mints." In fact, I've used my mixology skills to fashion a cocktail in Twitler's honor called an ImPeachMint, a picture of which is given below. It's right tasty.
I went out and canvassed today for the Democratic party and handed out literature on Ohio's "blue" ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Good on ya!
Always Leave Office On Time
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I'm self-employed and a terrible boss.
What a way to start the mornming: I set a pot of potatoes to boil and forgot about them until the ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I never do *anything* before coffee. That said, I once almost burned the house down after having had several cups. Turned on the wrong burner, and there was a plastic cutting board sitting on it. By the time I noticed and extinguished it (I think I'd gone into the office to visit this very site while the burner heated LOL), the flames were several feet high. So I guess that's proof even coffee doesn't cure spaciness.
Margarita Cupcakes Recipe []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I might make an exception for these....
Is it Twitler or is it parody?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Maybe that's his intent--to undermine the foundations of reality so thoroughly that we don't know whether it's an Onion story or just another day in tRumpLand. Meanwhile, the thieves make off with our social safety net and freedoms....
I like to go out for breakfast when SEAFOOD OMELETs with dungeness crab, maine lobster, rock shrimp,...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Looks delicious--and expensive. But is that a Bloody Mary I see in the background...?
Take your parade and shove it.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2018:
"I want a parade like the one in France." Hey, come on, I think that's a great idea!
Hi everone. I'm from West Tennessee. Not many of us around these parts.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Welcome, neighbor.
Space Farce!
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2018:
And speaking of people who aren't real captains...or leaders... LOL
If Trump's IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Be careful, he tends to like being "watered...."
Have you seen this POS survey put out by the "president"?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I interpreted "other" to mean "fucking awful, worst president ever."
Highly thought of in Germany as well!
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I'm kinda hoping somebody sees the marketing potential in a balloon sized version. Like in the meme below. I'd buy a bunch.
Trump Moron of the Day
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
If only....
15 Hilarious Nicknames Donald Trump Has Been Called. What's your favorite?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
It's a toss-up between Spanky McBone-Spurs and Cheeto Pendejo.
What if Mamas do let their babies grow up to be Cowboys?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
What if everybody knew what it was like to be the bad man, to be the sad man? ("Behind Blue Eyes," The Who)
Hi All, I was raised in Kentucky, part of that "lovely bible belt.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I moved to Kentucky from North Carolina, kinda from the religious frying pan into the fire, so I totally understand. Welcome.
Hello! New to this group, I live in southern Indiana and definitely feel the squeeze of the belt! ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Welcome from Berea, KY!
Why Do Republicans Like Voting Vs. Their Interests?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Gubmint trashin' my dental and vision sucks, but....
This guy... Stinks.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Yes, especially if left out for--at this writing--1 year, 169 days, and about nineteen and a half hours. Maybe time to toss it?
Scott Pruitt, EPA Secretary finally resigns. Hallelulah
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Just when you thought trump and the fascist republicans could not do much more to Citizens of this ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Dude, I'm appropriating your zinger of a meme for my FB page. (H)
This is a man who definitely knows what Trump's ass tastes like.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Adios, motherfucker!
Scott Pruitt, EPA Secretary finally resigns. Hallelulah
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
It's Happy Hour!
And sub basements as well.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
I don't know about that. Every time I think he's hit rock bottom, he manages to go lower the very next day. I fear "the bottomless pit" is the better analogy--well expressed in Ministry's "Twilight Zone": "I remember waking up on November 9, 2016 And feeling a little bit nauseous It felt like descending into a bottomless pit on a high speed rail Careening head first into the unknown"
Let's read the Declaration of Independence today, since many Trumpets didn't recognize it.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
This part is particularly relevant now: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Meet Bob and Sally
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
That's about where I'm at. I've lost a few tRump-supporting friends pretty much for the reasons given above. That said, I've lost a few Hillary supporters as well....
Hatred of The Other is Deeply Embedded in American Hisory
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Remember all that talk not all that long ago about a "post-racial" America? It was an absurd notion back then for the history pictured above, and it's an even more absurd notion now as we continue to watch the racist reaction to the Obama presidency. Racism R Us.
Trumpsters And The Bible
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 3, 2018:
That verse doesn't appear in the Bible edition they consult, pictured below.
Turn vice into virtue...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Gonna steal that meme for my Facebook page. (H)
Are we ready for the 4th?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I'll grill some chicken and then kick back with a 15-pack of Founders All-Day IPA and listen to the faint, far-off rustling sounds of the Founding Fathers rolling in their graves.
Butterfly photos I took when the lilacs were blooming.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Lovely pictures! How did you bribe them to keep their wings open?
Name This Boy Band
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Not coming up with one right off the bat. Circle Jerks is already taken, as is The Inmates (which might perhaps be overly optimistic on my part). Boyz 2 Subhumanz?
Dragons are our friends
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
OMG, I've been to Komodo Island, and that's the *last* thing I'd do with one of them.
Today I told a Trumpster at the Family Reunification Rally in Portsmouth,NH that he was a Nazi
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I almost got in a fight with one at the Richmond Beer House last night.
Under 5% of Americans travel overseas - fact or myth?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
At different times of my life, I have lived in Germany, the Middle East, and different parts of Asia. And BTW, while living in Japan, I traveled to Australia and New Zealand. But I know most Americans don't share my Wanderlust, whether it be because of lack of curiosity or the low-wage economy that is the norm here.
If you didn't notice today is a full moon.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Super-hot weather here because of climate change but nobody in the government acknowledging climate change; another mass shooting by a white guy; more amazing idiocy out of the White House. Other than that, nothing weird--another day in 'MuriKKKa.
There are great tweeters out there...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
The first is the better of the two in terms of pointing out hypocrisy. Still, if I should run into a [t]Rump supporter tomorrow night while I'm out drinking, it would be interesting to pursue the line of argument in the second one and see where it leads. I'll have my camera handy....
More white christian terror... now at a newspaper. :( guns... yeah we so need more guns...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
All part of the fascist takeover. First the questioning of what is true--or a source of truth--with constant accusations of "fake news," and then the outright murder of those sources of truth, whether it be by the brownshirts themselves, or supposed "lone wolves" like this guy.
Is this now the equivalent to Allahu akbar
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 28, 2018:
That sure showed those librul snowflakes. The restaurant is booked solid for the next month.
Let's Jail This Family
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Corruption R Us.
Red Hen -Real American Heroes-LGBTQ Staff Didn't Want to Serve Sarah Sanders
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Yeah, give Sister Sarah a taste of what it's like to be LGBT and marginalized. Not that she'll get the lesson....
Meal of the Season: Asparagusfeet in Hamslippers
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Interesting presentation. If only I didn't hate asparagus. LOL
You can buy strange items easily.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
The easiness of the former being tied directly to the easiness of the latter. We've become a frikkin banana republic.
Ahead of the Curve: “America Second” -
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 23, 2018:
It's the logical result of our national penchant for short-term thinking--they're investing, and we're making sure our CEOs are leading the lives they think they're entitled to. Besides which, we've settled for much less in other areas--we're Number 37 in health care quality, for example--though we can't blame tRump for that.
Huckabee at the Red Hen []
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Sorry, you can't have it both ways. If a business owner can refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding, s/he can also refuse to serve a lying Nazi sack of shit. No shirt, no shoes, no scruples, no service!
Can't tell you how glad I am to find this group.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
We're all kinda preachin' to the choir in this group, but if it keeps us sane as the country descends into a bottomless pit of corruption and fascism, why the hell not?
A step in the right direction! This is ChoCho, Jared’s (my brother) rescue from Houston, she is ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
People suck. I wish you continued progress in getting her past the fear.
Would You Move to Another State?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Moving to another state won't get me away from Cinnamon Hitler. Canada wouldn't be far enough away from him; besides which, I hate the cold. I've toyed, however, with a South American country if that POS is still in the White House in 2020--like Ecuador, Chile, or Uruguay.
Retirement!!!??? Reality check!
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Congratulations on retirement, and I hope you manage to resist the casinos. I have a number of vices, but gambling isn't one of them. My luck at any kind of game--whether it be backgammon or poker or the stock market--sucks, so I just don't go there. Full retirement looms in early February, 2020, but since I'm self-employed, we'll see if I actually do call it quits then. I say that because my current "semi-retirement" often looks a whole lot like working full-time. LOL


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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