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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.


Druvius comments on May 15, 2020:
Because Washington in general and the GOP in particular and Trump especially live in their own fantasy world.
Druvius comments on May 11, 2020:
The Democrats don't need to do a damn thing to hurt Trump, he's doing just fine on his own. No, malignant narcissism, nothing slight about it at all.
And the other way around:
Druvius comments on May 10, 2020:
It's all good.
Michael Moore's Planet of the Humans is a film all atheists should see.
Druvius comments on May 7, 2020:
Yeah, not wasting my time watching a movie that so egregiously gets the facts wrong:
I know I live in a liberal bubble, and I suspect a lot of us here do.
Druvius comments on May 6, 2020:
My theory is 10% of people are good no matter what, 10% are bad, and the rest will go whatever way the wind blows.
Dumb, and Dumber, All Wrapped in One: []
Druvius comments on May 4, 2020:
The true horror is that he was elected.
Pulitzer winner Chris Hedges: These "are the good times — compared to what's coming next" | ...
Druvius comments on May 1, 2020:
Can't argue with the man, been thinking along the same lines myself. It's gonna get ugly, when the Soviet Union collapsed most citizens were already proficient at being self sufficient and bartering. Most Americans are spoilt children compared to them, it's gonna get ugly.
Does anyone here think that a civil war in america isn't inevitable ot this point?
Druvius comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Depends on what one means by a civil war. The only thing we can safely predict about the future now ... it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Is Balkanization a possibility for the USA? Possibly. Inevitable? In the long run, sure. In the near future, no.
One of the few Christians I will hear out - and every word I agree with here. []
Druvius comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Pretty much.
North Korea vs South Korea one on one civil war... who wins?
Druvius comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Neither? I can't think of any scenario that would yield a clear cut winner. The north is one of the most heavily defended pieces of real estate on the planet, they have been fortifying it for 70 plus years and they have nuclear weapons to boot. There's no realistic way it could be conquered without terrible casualties. And the North's army isn't capable of invading the south, their troops would be massacred by the South's air force if they left their fortified positions. The best thing would be to reintegrate the North back into the world community, and nature would take its course. South Korea was a military dictatorship too, that's what happened to it. The US needs enemies to justify its empire though, so doubt it will happen any time soon.
FDA tells hand sanitizer producers to make it unpalatable after surge in poison control calls ...
Druvius comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Gotta remember that Fox and Rush are still wildly downplaying the dangers, known and unknown, Covid-19 presents. I think encouraging your viewers to knowingly risk their and their friend and family's lives is a poor long term business strategy, but who knows.
Druvius comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Trump NEVER admits he erred, sharpiegate showed that beyond any doubt. He made a minor and completely understandable mistake, and utterly refused to acknowledge it. Sadly this pandemic series of ongoing mistakes is going to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. Jesus wept.
I have heard of people toilet training their cat, now I know how they did it.
Druvius comments on Apr 26, 2020:
My orange guy self taught. Nothing like stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night ... and have to wait for the cat to finish.
An interesting look at the Cato Institute's ideas about North Korea and who the possible successor...
Druvius comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Yes, integrating North Korea into the world economy is far more likely to bring down the Kim regime than isolation. But the US doesn't want to end the Kim regime, designated evil enemies are required to justify our mind numbing worldwide military spending. So however realistic the article's ideas are, I don't see Washington's moribund strategy ending until we go the way of the Soviet Empire.
Trump Plans to Limit Daily Coronavirus Briefings
Druvius comments on Apr 25, 2020:
"Trump plans" is an oxymoron. ;)
GOP Lawmaker Who Promotes ‘Biblical Law’ Caught Planning Violent Attacks | Michael Stone
Druvius comments on Apr 23, 2020:
The scariest thing is that this POS was elected.
Random question/thought: Anyone been in/near a convenient store, see a very attractive person.
Druvius comments on Apr 22, 2020:
They could be buying it for a friend, so, no.
Louisiana Pastor 'Challenges' Christians To Donate Their Entire Stimulus Payments To Churches - ...
Druvius comments on Apr 21, 2020:
He's been arrested for assaulting a protestor. he's a real piece of work.
Anyone up with how the commodity stock market works?
Druvius comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Since 1980 when they made it legal for corporations to manipulate stock prices by buying back their own stock, the stock market is basically just a big rigged casino for the rich.
If you're spending the night at a friend's house, hear them loudly "getting it on" in their room at ...
Druvius comments on Apr 17, 2020:
The sound of people having a great time and celebrating their love in their own home is "rude and disrespectful?" If that's how you feel, why did you accept their hospitality?
For those who FB and belive the pandemic is real.
Druvius comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Anyone comparing Covid-19 to the flu is seriously out of touch with reality.
My thought for this morning.
Druvius comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Unfortunately decades of Rush Limbaugh and his ilk have made it the new normal: "If you disagree with me, you're an idiot." Sigh. And not just coming from the right either.
COVID 19 Who wants to live for ever?
Druvius comments on Apr 12, 2020:
On first pass Covid-19 appears to be much worse than the typical cold or flu, we have no vaccines and limited defenses against it, and even our individual immune systems haven't seen anything quite like it. We are still learning scary new things about it: the idea we should just let it "run its course" is literally advocating surrender. Who cares if granny dies, right, she was old? Way too many young and healthy people are dying as well, and then people dying because the health care system is overwhelmed, I have a friend whose cancer surgery has been "postponed until further notice." The whole point of civilization is to fight for our lives in common defense, not throw granny to the wolves when times get tough. Buck up man.
So happy Easter, y'all.
Druvius comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Or as I call it, Happy Easter Chocolate on Sale Eve!
For months he had been her devoted admirer.
Druvius comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Sick but insightful. My ex-wife worshipped the ground I walked on and admired my every idea. After 5 years of that I was coming up with some amazingly stupid ideas. The marriage ended badly.
Do you think if someone, who has committed a heinous crime, should be given a chance for forgiveness...
Druvius comments on Apr 11, 2020:
It would depend on the person and the crime, in theory why not? I would also value what the victim's family's thought. I mean, is it even the same person anymore? I don't really believe in moral absolutes, that's why we have judges, every situation is different.
Druvius comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Thank you for all the thoughtful comments, a writer does like to be appreciated. Sharing the article on Wordpress is also appreciated, thanks again. :)
COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States | Live Science
Druvius comments on Apr 11, 2020:
It's been sickening to watch this unfold, it was going to be ugly, but the shear breathtaking incompetence and magical thinking on Trump's part is making it so much worse than it could have been.
Donald Trump Signs Order Encouraging U.S. To Mine The Moon For Minerals
Druvius comments on Apr 9, 2020:
The Moon appears to have Helium-3 in abundance, which might be very useful for fusion power. We also need to be able to mine water on the Moon at some point, just for use as water, hydrogen, and oxygen for Moon bases and such. Not a crazy idea, other nations like China and India are looking into it. Timing is a bit odd, one would think Trump might have other priorities now.
Rumour has it that with the lockdown in parts of the USA it is becoming harder for gunmen to find ...
Druvius comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Fun times. :)
Is this Pandemic a Form of Chinese Biological warfare ?
Druvius comments on Apr 4, 2020:
No. Multiple layers of special pleading are required to support that conclusion. At this point Occam's Razor clearly makes Covid-19 a natural event.
Antarctica's Denman Glacier is sinking into the world's deepest canyon | Live Science
Druvius comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Yeah, reality bats last.
Is the US right in confiscating masks made in China at the 3M factory or should the buyer who paid ...
Druvius comments on Apr 4, 2020:
The USA imports enormous amounts of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals from other countries. So fucking them over in this regard might not be the greatest idea, nu?
This is how crazy it sounds
Druvius comments on Apr 4, 2020:
SMBC is spot on sometimes:
In this very international group, and globalized world of ours, what are the comfort foods you go to...
Druvius comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Hamburgers, tacos, soup. Living the good life.
Timeline: How Donald Trump responded to the coronavirus pandemic The timeline says it ...
Druvius comments on Apr 2, 2020:
And his followers are going to pay a bitter price:
This is what 30 years of fox news, rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Michael Savage and ...
Druvius comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Exactly my thought, glad no one was hurt.
Engineer tried to crash train into USNS Mercy in Los Angeles: Feds
Druvius comments on Apr 2, 2020:
The conspiracy mongers got the first guy to snap, he won't be the last. :(
April Fool's Day😬
Druvius comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Pretty much.
Coronavirus: Trump says impeachment distracted him from coronavirus
Druvius comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Up there with "The dog ate my homework."
Study about differing countries preparedness for a pandemic done last year.
Druvius comments on Mar 31, 2020:
You look at what industry is funding the think tank and you have your answer. I remember some years back Rush claiming some "study" showed that if CA went to health care for all, it would cost more than the entire state's budget! Right, every other developed country on the planet provides cradle to grave health care, but the richest state in the richest country the world has ever known couldn't possibly afford it?
Missouri governor Mike Parsons R.
Druvius comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I assume you being facetious, that's the sort of ignorance that made the US the world's worst hit Covid-19 country with no end in sight. The time to shut down a pandemic is when the numbers are low, if half hearted measures are implemented it will explode. Covid-19 is very contagious, those figures will rise exponentially without strong measures.
Druvius comments on Mar 30, 2020:
No any question that Trump convinced a huge percentage of his base this was no big deal until way too late. And even now he still hasn't realized this is a national emergency and unless drastic steps are taken it's going to be a national catastrophe. possibly the worst one ever. Jesus wept.
Druvius comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Yes, even in normal times a leader's base is quite loyal, especially when we're talking a personality cult like the Donald's. Also remember his base gets their news from news services who are still singing his praises. Historically things have to get really disastrous before a popular leader's base starts to melt away. Sadly we may yet get there. :(
They ARE quite the hunter/killer/carnivore: Maybe that's one reason I really like them: 😎🍷
Druvius comments on Mar 29, 2020:
The ultimate ambush predator, one of evolutions greatest success stories.
How much responsibility does President Trump deserve for the severity of the pandemic and why?
Druvius comments on Mar 29, 2020:
For the piss poor response, all of it. It's his effing job. For the piss poor preparation for it, the lion's share, but every administration back to Nixon at least has poisoned the idea of the common good and sold the American people out to the capitalist vampires that turned our country's health care system into a corporate profit driving machine at the expense of a public health system.
You Can Now Ride a Submarine to the Deepest Point on Earth While billionaires vie for the stars, ...
Druvius comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I'll kick in to send someone there, assuming it's one way. ;)
Guilty as charged...
Druvius comments on Mar 28, 2020:
LOL, thanks, needed a good laugh.
How true is this write-up which been doing the rounds on social media?
Druvius comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Um, this is ridiculous? Paranoid? Silly? Not even sure where to start, it's the US and it's allies who are trying to rule the world for starters, China has never really exhibited the Imperial Disease. There's no reason the believe Covid-19 was anything other than a natural occurrence, and China has a strong and effective central government which responded to the outbreak rationally and decisively, because the American government is mired in corruption, science denialism, and incompetence isn't evidence of Chinese perfidy.
Trump wants troops at the Canadian border. Jeebus, what next. []
Druvius comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Jesus. Nixon was the last one to pull that, Pierre Trudeau responded in kind. Now his son gets to deal with Trump. Interesting times.
Credit and blame.
Druvius comments on Mar 26, 2020:
He's the Benny Hinn of politics. :(
The USA is fast tracking COVID-19 according to this chart.
Druvius comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Sadly very very predictable. And we're STILL not taking the measures needed to contain it. Trump and company actually do live in a fantasy world where is will all go away or Americans will be fine with millions dead.
My favorite crisis video. 😻😻😻 Got Tornado? []
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Fascinating on multiple levels.
So, I don't get this.
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Further proof he lives in a fantasy world.
Trump Cabinet Bible Study Leader Faults Gay People, Environmentalists For Virus
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
"Satan does his finest work in the name of Our Lord."
An interesting article that worries me as a European looking at the US []
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
It's gonna be a bloodbath here in the states, we are uniquely unprepared for this among developed countries.
Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
A lot of rich, famous, and powerful people are going to get it. He's just the beginning.
Glenn Beck says the oldies should go to work because the economy is more important than their lives.
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
I think all the sociopthic monsters like him should scream their message loud and clear. It will make identifying and rounding them up easier when the tribunals start. Assuming there even are tribunals.
Guy on here "Just a warning, I frequently will bash the modern western woman and feminist stupidity.
Druvius comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Nice when the rectal-cranial inversion sufferers self identify, does make life easier. :)
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres calls for a global ceasefire in light of COVID-19...
Druvius comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Wow, I was just thinking this might be time for such myself an hour or two. Maybe I saw a headline and it didn't register consciously though. Great idea though!
The USA is going up the listings FAST Two days ago it was below Spain, now it is well above, and on...
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2020:
We are uniquely unprepared for this among developed countries. It's gonna get ugly.
Oldest human ancestor found. ;) []
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Humans are just highly evolved (as in highly modified from the original) segmented worms. Our lower jaw was a set of ribs once. I find that vastly more amazing than any creation myth I've ever heard.
Deaths from COVID-19 by country after 10 deaths. []
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2020:
The US especially is uniquely unprepared for Covid-19 among developed nations.
The USA, UK, and Australia - why the governments' response is weak, late and half-hearted - "They ...
Druvius comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Reagan's legacy is going to kill tens of thousands of Americans, if not millions. Jesus wept.
Harvey Weinstein tests positive for coronavirus.
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Fucking A. Yeah, who cares if he gets it. But, more evidence Covid-19 is everywhere, no one is safe.
And another weak historical reference to Jesus bites the dust: []
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2020:
The whole "Was there a real Jesus?" is actually an interesting question, mostly because there is so little evidence that it makes the debate fairly simple. People do get worked up over it though. The neat thing is we live in a Golden Age of archeology, and there's every chance more contemporary evidence will be unearthed. and new technology will re-examine old evidence, like this case.
Druvius comments on Mar 22, 2020:
At least.
Kristoff's analysis with best and worst cases - very well done and good clarification. []
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2020:
"For most people it’s like the common cold.” Not sure this is true at all, or ignores that fact that for a significant minority, hospitalization is required. Hoping for the best, but not looking good at this point. This seems to be just another "well, a miracle might happen" article.
Goldman Sachs now says US GDP will shrink 24% next quarter amid the coronavirus pandemic - which ...
Druvius comments on Mar 20, 2020:
At this point, anyone who doesn't think a global calamity is upon us, is a fool or a lunatic.
Bill Gates says that countries that do a good job of containment will be open for business in 6 to ...
Druvius comments on Mar 19, 2020:
Sooooo ... 6 to 10 months for the US?
When you deal with stolen antiquities, you have to expect that they may be forgeries.
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2020:
National Geo had its own moment of embarrassment:
Not saying I know who I'm going to vote for yet, but if it's Biden versus Trump.
Druvius comments on Mar 18, 2020:
There's nothing particularly radical about Sanders, it's just the powers that be have changed the common perception over the past few decades to view anything not in lockstep with corporate America's growing ownership of everything as being a scary radical idea. Biden vs Trump ... firing squad or hanging. Some choice, 2016 all over again.
Steven Novella on being anti-intellectual during a pandemic. []
Druvius comments on Mar 17, 2020:
Science-deniers are so tiresome. That they get elected to high office is disturbing on multiple levels.
Spain nationalizes all private hospitals, enters lockdown - Business Insider
Druvius comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Watching America under Trump reacting to Covid-19 is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Hypnotic and horrible.
Good pictures
Druvius comments on Mar 16, 2020:
The debate about evolution ended around 1870, that some people are still in denial doesn't make it a debate. :)
What were your impressions on tonight's debate?
Druvius comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Bernie was preaching to the choir, Biden came across better. The format was horribly skewed in a Biden/neocon way though.
Not too long ago I heard a guy say, “I’m an Atheist now but I but I still fear going to Hell.
Druvius comments on Mar 15, 2020:
"I survived a plane crash, but I'm still afraid of heights." We have heads and hearts, some of our fears are irrational but perfectly understandable. As long as it isn't impacting his life in a negative way, whatevs.
Call me speechless.
Druvius comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Yeah, a huge percentage of my small town neighbors aren't taking it seriously, or worse. The right's decades of of fostering mistrust in science and demonizing government has left America hideously vulnerable to a pandemic.
Smart cat! .
Druvius comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Honestly, as someone who has read a lot on animal cognition, pretty sure this can't be real. I don't think the cat brain can process information like that. I could be wrong, I'll have to poke around and see what studies along those lines have been done.
Text message from my marijuana dispensary: "Tired of driving around looking for toilet paper and...
Druvius comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It's important to keep one's priorities straight in troubled times. ;)
March 13, 2020: With empty shelves, cancelled events, closing schools, rising infection, high ...
Druvius comments on Mar 14, 2020:
You're not impressed by the crack team of grocers he assembled to fight Covid-19?
When Trump came into office the US was already a great nation.
Druvius comments on Mar 12, 2020:
You're not wrong.
I intern at one of the very few rehabilitation places in the nation that takes registered sex ...
Druvius comments on Mar 12, 2020:
As I understand it, ones that have been doing it awhile and are habituated to the behavior pretty much are a lost cause. Ones who were caught early, and want to be treated, can be.
What's the difference between the Coronavirus and the Flu?
Druvius comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Much more dangerous than the flu, people claiming it is just a new flu are in denial. It's likely going to kill millions before it runs its course, the best we can do is slow it's spread so medical facilities aren't overwhelmed.
Watching Orangeshitferbrains in the Oval Office eating his words about the virus being a ...
Druvius comments on Mar 12, 2020:
He did not look well at all, I agree. The stress of dealing with a real actual crisis may be getting to him, he didn't sign on for that.
Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus in Australia | World news | The ...
Druvius comments on Mar 12, 2020:
"Closing the barn door after the cows are gone" is Trump's strong suit. ;) And yeah, wondered when we would see the first celebrity deaths, won't be long now I guess. Sad times.
Vladimir Putin got one step closer to being Russian president for life - Vox
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Yes, Trump yammers about. Trump wouldn't last a week as a dictator, his yammering is just more evidence of just how ignorant and immature he is. A dictator requires the absolute support of the military, the praetorian guard, etc. Trump is a con artist with a knack for self promotion who got elected POTUS by a fluke of history. He's surrounded himself with sycophants and yes men, not a good strategy for a dictator.
Vladimir Putin got one step closer to being Russian president for life - Vox
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I'll make a more nuanced reply to this in awhile, got to watch Trump's Covid-19 address now. I suspect I will be underwhelmed by his leadership.
Vladimir Putin got one step closer to being Russian president for life - Vox
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Yes, but Putin has popularity ratings Trump can only dream of. He is, literally, the world's most popular politician. So no, no comparison to Trump.
Many in the science communities believe the Coronavirus is a mutation (it evolved).
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2020:
God sent it, and they aren't afraid to say so:
The Biden Train Wreck That's On Its Way The US pro Biden corporate media and the Democratic Party...
Druvius comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Well, Italy has one of the world's finest health care systems ... and they couldn't contain Covid-19. So yes, it's going to happen here.
Coronavirus: Northern Italy quarantines 16 million people []
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Nope, all of Italy now. And Italy has one of the world's finest health care systems, light years beyond the patchwork corporate profit mongering system the US suffers under. This is our future. :(
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
All these political rallies are a great way to spread Covid-19, I wonder when that elephant in the room is going to be acknowledged?
Curious about the double standard of racism in the US.
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
No, because it's not possible to be racist against white people. Racism is more than just prejudice, it's having virtually every institution in society treating POC as 2nd class citizens. Here's a fellow directly addressing your issue, enjoy:
Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Yes, any hopes that this might inspire Trump to exercise actual leadership in the face of a national emergency are long dashed.
How are these god pumping people dealing with the current virus?
Druvius comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Italy has one of the world's finest health care systems, and Iran's is very near the top of the undeveloped world's, ranking higher than America's in some respects. What does religion have to do with it?
Christian Film “20 Minutes” Falsely Suggests Atheists Find God When Facing Death | Hemant ...
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Or maybe a lot of atheists think on their deathbed "Better one of them should die than one of us" ... and call for a priest. ;)
Hope springs eternal.
Druvius comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Humans yes, our current civilization, unlikely. It seems to be going down the same paths numerous other failed civilizations have gone. Some 5,000 or more civilizations have failed in history, maybe it's just not a very good idea. Or humans just suck at it.
Most Of Canada’s New Cases Of COVID-19 Are Linked To The U.S.
Druvius comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Shoulda built a wall. ;)


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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