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Friday Challenge
EricJones comments on Mar 22, 2024:
Wayyyy out there.
I am not going to listen to anyone, I am supporting
EricJones comments on Mar 22, 2024:
Equal rights.
We're almost there...
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Would be the best thing that could happen. trump wants to stop all aid to Ukraine because Zelenskyy wouldn't try to dig up dirt on Biden to help throw the election.
He really is the stupidest one, isn’t he?
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2024:
Because they know he's a bad credit risk and half billion loss would put them out of business. All the trumps know about business is take out huge bank loans and then declare bankruptcy.
You can study animal anatomy, but you have to learn how to spell on your own DOCK.
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2024:
Springtime in oz is really bad for allergies this year.
Finally finished...
EricJones comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Just don't forget a handful of corkscrews.
When you start to age this is too true
EricJones comments on Mar 28, 2024:
If you're old enough it becomes word used in place of the one you can't remember.
Trump said once he looked like Elvis
EricJones comments on Mar 29, 2024:
Old fat elvis i assume. But there's not enough hair from his comb-over to do that. Must be a halloween wig.
Hard pass Auntie Griselda….
EricJones comments on Mar 29, 2024:
The name alone is a very red flag.
Salesman resume
EricJones comments on Mar 30, 2024:
He's selling something he's never read, Like the bits about covet, adultery, lying, and probably a few other things.
We all know that!
EricJones comments on Mar 30, 2024:
My question is this-how the hell did trump get into Wharton to begin with. Last time I checked they're a little picky who they let in. Unless they raised the bar after he got there.
A little wishful thinking to start your day
EricJones comments on Mar 31, 2024:
Isn't that what happened to scrooge when the third ghost visited him?
Ted Cruz and his wife
EricJones comments on Mar 31, 2024:
He's married to marjorie green??
Aaahhh...the good old days!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 1, 2024:
The bench front seat did make things a lot easier. How the times have changed.
MAGA Crowd Deranged By Satirical Trump Bible So, as we've all heard, Donald Trump has started ...
EricJones comments on Apr 1, 2024:
And the hole gets deeper.
The complimentary centerfold! Hahahahaha!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 2, 2024:
So that's what Mary really looks like!!!!!!!!
Hey, Santa Anna! Pick two! nyuck nyuck
EricJones comments on Apr 4, 2024:
I think the real estate guy and the metaphors guy know each other.
Talk about an ego.... This is hanging on the wall of his home in Bedminster...
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Maybe once he delivers the triplets in his belly and his hair grows back so he doesn't need the comb over anymore. That moron has no bottom
Medieval redaction. Some things never change.
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Is that the new trump tower?
He has done it many times
EricJones comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Is that why they call him "lightning"??
“The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value”………….
EricJones comments on Apr 10, 2024:
When I retired, the night shift gave me a retirement card with a gift card. I placed the gift on the table and began reading the card. One lady kept saying to me "there's a gift card there worth $50, did you see the card?" I said yes but what's important is the retirement card and what everybody wrote to me. Mr Warner is right-it's not the value but the heart behind it.
I call it short and sweet
EricJones comments on Apr 10, 2024:
My late girlfriend would have agreed with that.
People say I'm very quiet
EricJones comments on Apr 12, 2024:
I get out of bed and stretch a bit and that helps to get some of the kinky out.
Yup. Typical cat affection
EricJones comments on Apr 15, 2024:
Yep- On top of you and facing the wrong way, been there.
EricJones comments on Apr 15, 2024:
She must have signed the prenup from hell to put up with his shit. I also wonder when's the last time she's had an std check.
He hates this photo. You know what to do.
EricJones comments on Apr 16, 2024:
Is that donny boy? Is that the truss that's holding his gut in?
Have you noticed? Hint: 'NYC'
EricJones comments on Apr 17, 2024:
How would they find a jury of his peers? Are there that many morbidly obese narcissistic sociopaths in new york?
Court drama with Diaper Don….
EricJones comments on Apr 17, 2024:
That's the list of women that trump cheated on his wives that we know of, how many were there that we don't know of. And now the billion dollar question-how many of those women have had trump sponsored abortions?
What a busy day!!!! Ready for tomorrow!
EricJones comments on Apr 18, 2024:
That bidet was installed wrong-it's supposed to point up, not down
Happy 4/20 day!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 20, 2024:
I have a black walnut tree in my yard and I save the nuts and put some out on my deck every few days so I can look out my kitchen window and watch the squirrels playing with their nuts.
Well, it looks like my cat "Smokey" has been sleeping on the job again - because when I went to grab...
EricJones comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Are they running around wearing an ascot and smoking a pipe?
This is just so funny, because it is the Australians trying, almost too hard, to be more Australian ...
EricJones comments on Apr 23, 2024:
That's too cool, I can see why it's had so many views.
Found a Southern patriot
EricJones comments on Apr 23, 2024:
When he explodes he's gonna take anybody within 10 feet with him.
Maggot Gross drop....
EricJones comments on Apr 24, 2024:
That moron spends all her time screaming about the southern border. Maybe she should worry about russian troop ships in new york harbor instead.
Rejected courtroom sketches...
EricJones comments on Apr 24, 2024:
Instead of money in the jar, they should try putting his ass in the hole for 24 hours/violation. And don't forget the vaseline.
You cannot unsee it
EricJones comments on Apr 25, 2024:
Getting fluffy or rover stuffed and mounted is bad enough, but I think this is going a wee bit too far.
Failed salesman of all time
EricJones comments on Apr 27, 2024:
Hell, he's a failed business man ( 3 or 4 bankruptcies), failed husband (3 wives and countless affairs), failed liar (caught: business records/hush money payments, inflating property values, number of people at his inauguration, and on and on). So failed bible salesman isn't even a footnote on his resume.
Gotta remember to turn it back to normal.
EricJones comments on Apr 27, 2024:
Well, it is a beauty contest and not an intelligence contest.
Exactly 💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
EricJones comments on Apr 27, 2024:
With a response like that I don't think I wanna know.
LOVE this!!!! ❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂
EricJones comments on Apr 27, 2024:
Can't say he didn't warn the HR person.
If only we were able to see the look on our faces.
EricJones comments on Apr 27, 2024:
My kitties don't usually look at me like that, they just walk away.
Redneck Roadster 😂😂😂🙄🙄
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
A redneck minivan built for redneck soccer moms.
Heed this warning before it's too late
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
They're trying, and making good progress too.
Bob 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
If that were Westworld, that wouldn't work.
294 points to level 8!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Because they did the same thing when they were little-I did.
I have to agree!!! 😂😂😂
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
The desert is littered with those.
I gotta go, having my son come over for dinner!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
So that's where caviar comes from.
We were always lied to! 🙄😂🙄😂🙄😂🙄😂
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
I wonder if those things rusted from the inside out.
Michell made it level 8
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
She's about to get a shower, and from what I've heard baseball players say, that stuff burns when it gets in the eyes.
54 points to level 8!!!
EricJones comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Damn short honeymoon.
National Elections are going on in India.
EricJones comments on Apr 29, 2024:
If that's the reward I get for voting, I'm gonna take that roll of "I voted" stickers and plaster them all over me.
Good morning everybody
EricJones comments on Apr 29, 2024:
It's John Belushi from animal house.
The meal is next
EricJones comments on Apr 29, 2024:
Taking pictures of her food to put on-line?
Women are more inspired by religion
EricJones comments on Apr 30, 2024:
I guess this doesn't apply to priests and other high ranking male members of christianity
Thought of the day...
EricJones comments on Apr 30, 2024:
If you're driving an econobox it should be ok-not enough room to properly swing the ax.
Go figure...
EricJones comments on Apr 30, 2024:
Groan, although points for a good effort.
Let's rename some animals
EricJones comments on Apr 30, 2024:
My dogs put their front paws on my legs and stand there, my cats stratch at me or just meow at me a lot, my birds usually have a bowl of seed and pellets at all times and get a bowl of fresh fruits and veggies everyday.
Boomers'' moms.
EricJones comments on May 2, 2024:
I think mom's being a bad example. Is groot about to unload a ball of sap?
EricJones comments on May 2, 2024:
trump's hawking depends now too??? What's next-gas masks?
Will fight for Trump but not in the army
EricJones comments on May 4, 2024:
Just more proof that the education system in this country is in really bad. Anybody that had a basic civics class on how our government works would know that super asshole belongs in a supermax, not being worshiped like some deity
I hope it happens soon!
EricJones comments on May 4, 2024:
That ain't trump-box is too small to hold his fat ass
The trump trial continues, may he rot in jail.
EricJones comments on May 5, 2024:
trump wanted a hope hickey, instead hope gave him a kick in the balls.
On a Klingon ship, this would call for an assassination.
EricJones comments on May 7, 2024:
I'm the only human in my house, so I don't use a glass, I just drink straight out of the bottle.
RFK Jr and the worm…
EricJones comments on May 10, 2024:
That noise you hear is his father and the rest of the Kennedy clan spinning in their graves.
Cohen under cross examination, should be fun
EricJones comments on May 13, 2024:
I see Melania's had some work done....
I can't seem to win
EricJones comments on May 14, 2024:
Satan han morals and ethics.
Just to be clear here...
EricJones comments on May 14, 2024:
They both go chomp-chomp when you get too close.
Don't hate me because I create beauty...
EricJones comments on May 14, 2024:
That's the conversation my late girlfriend and I would have. She used to call me speedy and it wasn't because I was a fast distance runner.
Sounds like a good idea to me....
EricJones comments on May 14, 2024:
That's gonna be a whoooole lot of people.
The cheering section....
EricJones comments on May 16, 2024:
I didn't think beavis and butt-head would stoop so low as too be seen with trump
And this crystal will help with that rheumatism.
EricJones comments on May 16, 2024:
The only paino player who will wear out her shoes before her fingers. The amulet will keep the philosophers going for decades. In addition to "farewell to arms" they could also display "the legend of sleepy hollow" with the headless horseman (or in this case horsewoman). There are some really good ones here.
You find this on the floor in church ...
EricJones comments on May 17, 2024:
That's the only reason to go to church-palm some money out of the collection plate when it goes around. I used to work with a lady who was catholic-almost never went to church, and when she did go that's what she would do each time the plate went around. And it would go around 3 or 4 times a service.
Now you, you watch me not care..
EricJones comments on May 21, 2024:
Prince charmings chances with snow white are gonna be zero if he uses that alarm clock.
Hmm, maybe that means I can be the scallion of scalawags?
EricJones comments on May 23, 2024:
There are some falling rock signs around where I live and about 40 years ago somebody put a bumper sticker from a local rock station on the bottom of the signs.
Sure tastes good...
EricJones comments on May 25, 2024:
Serve it next to a bar--bell
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task tend to ...
EricJones comments on May 26, 2024:
And these idiots are the ones who yell the loudest because they know everything despite the fact that their logic circuits are totally fried, if they ever existed at all.
Poor spellers??
EricJones comments on May 26, 2024:
Between auto-correct and the looming AI field, we may never be able to communicate electronically again
There is always one
EricJones comments on May 27, 2024:
She could save herself a lot of work if she just dropped the cigarette.
New York opens new library....
EricJones comments on May 30, 2024:
The only way that tub of lard is gonna get any exercise into his life.
The last man I talked with on Fitness Singles. A sexist, lazy user.
EricJones comments on Jun 1, 2024:
Your profile put it all out there on the table. Anybody who read it top to bottom should know what you want and where they stand in relation to that. Any guy who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid and needs to be taught humility amongst other things. Not having someone to share the joys of life sometimes is no fun, but having someone in your life who makes you miserable is far worse. You make the best with what you have and if you bump into him on the trail one day, all the better. And love what you did with Paul Simon's lyrics, that was great.
The new Monopoly game seems fun…
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2024:
Don't give him any ideas, he'll try to sell that game to line his pockets with. It's not beneath him to do it.
You can tell early on... experts say
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2024:
The recruiters are getting to them really early these days.
All it’s good for…
EricJones comments on Jun 3, 2024:
In many older buildings in Europe-especially public ones- that's what you have-a hole in the floor and you better have good aim. Most have been replaced with modern toilets, but there are still a few here and there.
EricJones comments on Jun 4, 2024:
I think a rough translation is americans are fat.
Portrait of a hatemonger.
EricJones comments on Jun 9, 2024:
There was an interview on npr last week with one of the behind the scenes people from the apprentice and it was really bad. trump treated women and blacks as scum and called them every vile name he could. He would fire them just because of their gender or skin color and it was all cut out to keep the show on the air.
I messed that up...
EricJones comments on Jun 11, 2024:
Huston, we have a problem.
DA: Anything to add, Chuckles? Chuckles, pulling out bulb horn: HONK HONK
EricJones comments on Jun 13, 2024:
So I see trumps delivering the 6:00 news now.
Somehow I’m just not hungry anymore…
EricJones comments on Jun 18, 2024:
I'd steer away from the po-po platter.
A good question.
EricJones comments on Jun 20, 2024:
Just put a cross on the drag building and hang a sign that says "drag queens for jesus" and everything will be fine.
Look how he mixes the reds with the blacks for spice! And that guy is a bird flu carrier if I ever ...
EricJones comments on Jun 23, 2024:
That's one good thing about sex after 50 something-putting std's aside-nobody's getting pregnant.
Had to take a couple of mental health days but feeling better!!!
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2024:
I'd stay away from the tylenol hard seltzer. Between the tylenol and the alcohol, your liver is gonna be toast. I should go to the kitty rave, maybe some of mine are there.
Happy Fourth of July, no these are not related
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2024:
I have a few kitties on my porch now who look like that one.They were romping in the back yard and a storm hit and began to rain and they got caught in it.
I'm with you, mate. 😎
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2024:
I'm using my hedge trimmers really hard in my late girlfriends yard (about 2 hours a session-her yard was really overgrown) and when I'm done give the blades a spray. Use it all over the place.
Short Monday for me!!! 😊😊😊
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2024:
Tucson is an suv-it doesn't have a trunk, and if it's giving off an odor-it ain't perfect anymore.
We are almost there! No wait!
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2024:
I love the MC Escher slinky.
The RNC met today, it looks like they have no morals, they nominated an adjudicated rapist, ...
EricJones comments on Jul 16, 2024:
I keep having a scary thought-the old phrase "nice guys finish last".
And then there is that statue decoration angle...
EricJones comments on Jul 16, 2024:
That's why I keep my bed sheets tucked in.
Happy HOT Wednesday afternoon!!! 🌞🌞🌞🥵🥵🥵🥵
EricJones comments on Jul 18, 2024:
Bill Clinton's sax playing gotten so bad that he has to dress up like a gorilla to get somebody to listen to him? When someone is trying to find themselves they usually do it alone. The entourage kinda defeats the purpose.
Yep, not interested!
EricJones comments on Jul 21, 2024:
She might feel better if she stopped dating alpha males.
Went hiking and 4-wheeling in the mountains today, hope you all had a great day too!
EricJones comments on Jul 22, 2024:
mom closes her eyes and the count down to the the loudest, most shrill shreeks you have ever heard has begun.


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celtic classic 2019
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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