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Dating after 50
EricJones comments on Jul 17, 2018:
As I've said at work many times-I'm too old for the young ones and too young for the old ones.
Do you ever miss the religious life?
EricJones comments on Jul 17, 2018:
And all the repression that comes with it? All the fear that everything you do is a sin? That god is always watching you? Hell no.
Spain’s New Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, is an Atheist – Friendly Atheist
EricJones comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Spain is still a heavily catholic country, so the church must be piiiiissed in spades.
Does anyone else avoid Palm Oil?
EricJones comments on Jul 17, 2018:
No. Just olive and vegetable.
In interesting read:[] Trump suffers from delusion of grandeur!!!!
EricJones comments on Jul 16, 2018:
This is news? It's about as stale as 10 year old bread. We're the ones suffering from his delusions.
Asking for courage... tomorrow I have two appointments that may be life-changing. Or maybe not.
EricJones comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Turning yourself into a train wreck with worry won't change anything. So long as your heart still beats there is hope. Be positive, an upbeat attitude can carry you a long way. Good Luck.
This is the next semi-long term project facing me.
EricJones comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I love the idea with the pots. And maybe a small seating area and build the rest of the garden around them.
My lettuce experiment....( thanks too hot, dry weather!) How can a lettuce plant bolt?
EricJones comments on Jul 15, 2018:
When my lettuce got like that it got bitter. But I think it would be interesting to see what happens to the plant. You could get seeds for next year. And your garden looks really nice.
Sometimes it sucks to be an introvert! I have lived in Denver for almost 3 years now and I have been...
EricJones comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I know the feeling, you're not alone with this problem. I've had it about as long as you have, and you're right- it's no fun. I wish the Westworld robots were real, at least they would offer us some hope. And nice guys don't finish last- they just have a lousy love life.
Question of the day: What are you craving?
EricJones comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Does a blonde count? :)
Elvis is alive:
EricJones comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Elvis is living with Jimmy Hoffa in a 3rd floor walk-up in Toledo Ohio.
I love the Wayon brothers but who the fuck gave Marlon his own show!
EricJones comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Some high up network suit that thought it would be a good way to make a bunch of money for the network and get himself a fat bonus.
There’s been some hanky-panky cross-pollination going on behind my back.....
EricJones comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Frisky little buggers :)
Gavin Rossdale's ever so brief comeback, nipped in the bud...
EricJones comments on Jul 13, 2018:
The merry punsters ride again.
Trump's Spiritual Adviser: Sure, Jesus Was A Refugee, But He Didn't Do Anything Illegal | HuffPost
EricJones comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Jesus wasn't a refugee, he was a street preacher who went from town to town. But he tried to rouse the rabble and get the romans thrown out of Israel. That was illegal, and that is what got him strung up.
Vlad the Impaler: The Real Life Dracula []
EricJones comments on Jul 10, 2018:
He would have made a great catholic inquisitor.
New member here, adding my two cents worth I.e. my little flower garden, shown here.
EricJones comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Just want to say how much I enjoy this group.
EricJones comments on Jul 10, 2018:
yep, always the outsider, didn't fit in anywhere. That's why I've never been to a class reunion-you didn't want to bother with me all through school, so I'm not going to bother with you now.
What are some causes of introvertism?
EricJones comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Being an introvert isn't something that is forced upon you. Being picked last at games (me too) didn't cause it, although it didn't help either. You weren't the outgoing member of the "in" group or the kid that not everybody knew everything about so you were left on the outside looking in. You were you and not like them and they couldn't understand that. The army (thanks for your service) helped because of the structure-everybody's in the same boat. But for the most part it's just the way your wired, and if the rest of the world doesn't like it-screw 'em.
Im not on a lot but hey everyone how has your summer been going so far
EricJones comments on Jul 9, 2018:
It's been going too #!*&^%$ fast!!! Can't wait to retire so I can actually enjoy it.
Herro, I'm new this.
EricJones comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Start taking some classes at a local community college. Go for general ed first but take some extra math and science classes, aiming for a science degree. Just watch your field of work, you don't want a job that could be replaced by a machine, be the one that makes the machine.
I keep trying to run nine miles, to break my record of eight mile.
EricJones comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I'm going to assume you're running at least 5 days a week, if not you should be-6 would be better. vary your distances-2 miles then 5 miles then 3 miles then 6 miles then 2 miles then your long run, then a day off-just some walking. Don't jump from 8 to 9 miles, do 8.5 miles for a while, get used to the distance for a while, then move up a little at a time. And go a little slower for the long run, your energy will last longer. The miles during the week will build your base, which from the sounds of it you need. Do your carb load the night before, doing it the day of is useless, just some fruit or light carbs about 5-6 hours before long run, you want an empty stomach. And keep hydrated, and stretch a lot. BTW-when I was your age I was doing 70-90 miles a week, so if you have any questions please ask, I'll be glad to help.
Lions eat 'rhino poachers' on South African game reserve - BBC News
EricJones comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I wonder if the poachers were christian? Then it would be just like ancient Rome-the christians vs the lions.
Anyone else bothered by being asked out of the blue, by a significant other or a date, "What are you...
EricJones comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Somebody at work asked me that question and I answered "Do nymphomaniacs get repetitive motion injuries?". And nobody has asked me that question since.
Last post for to day I promise. My red dragon fruits iare finally sprouting
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2018:
We gardners are a bit of an inpatient lot when we're waiting for seeds to sprout, aren't we. I know I am. And when the sprouts break the surface it's like a great weight has been lifted.
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2018:
If you look at the ads on TV and in print sex is only for the young. The exception being ads for Viagra and Cialis. And they imply older men are all dysfunctional. All of this is a bunch of bunk.Studies have shown that older people who have sex (once a week or more) have less depression and are happier in their relationship.
What would a world without violence be like?
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Void of religion. Name one conflict on this planet not being fought in the name of god.
Here’s another poll. Where does everyone stand on organic gardening?
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2018:
I get in there and weed and go after the bigger bugs by hand. I have a huge compost heap-about 8x8 feet and about 2.5 feet high. My dogs help me with it-they're always digging in it. Saves me having to turn it. I will use some chemical fertilizer when I have to, but thats kinda rare, I usually make my own. College chem 121 wasn't a total waste:) I try to use natural pesticides when I can. BT is usually my go to.
Here's the thing: Time is never patient; As it has no reason to be.
EricJones comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Time is the great equalizer. It doesn't care about you, me, or anybody else. It flows like a never ending river, ever forward, oblivious to what is happening all around it.
Baby lizards or a water park. Pick one.
EricJones comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Depends on the weather. If it's really hot the water park might be packed solid.
Love knows what is essential. Some people fear that when beauty fades, so does love.
EricJones comments on Jul 3, 2018:
If love fades as beauty fades then it was never love to start with.
Do you think a good person is someone who never gets angry?
EricJones comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Keeping it in is not good. It's all in how you let it out. Putting your fist into somebody's face is not a good way to deal with it. going away and yelling at the wall is a better option. I make IV solutions in a hospital pharmacy and every once in a while I screw up and I swear worse than a sailor( and quite loudly) and the iv bag travels at a very high speed into the wall, and I have been called a good and caring person many times by many people. So whoever told you that is just plain wrong.
Today I put whole cloves of roasted garlic into the bread I baked. We call it devil bread.
EricJones comments on Jul 2, 2018:
That's why they make breath mints, so we can eat this stuff until it comes out our ears. Yum.
Hello fellow introverts..
EricJones comments on Jun 30, 2018:
What impact is the internet having on our culture?
EricJones comments on Jun 30, 2018:
It has made the world vastly smaller. We can video chat with anybody anywhere on the planet at any time. The flow of information-or misinformation-is at your fingertips at anytime. You can meet and marry anybody from any part of the world. You can get anything and have it shipped to your house without setting foot outside. Books and newspapers are giving way to digital models. An ex got her B.A. and masters in library science on line.The library she ran she turned into a community/senior center with books But wherever you have good, you will have bad. I don't call it the misinformation superhighway for nothing. Nut cases will put garbage on the web and have friends put up false praise for things that are total lies to sell their product that is a total fraud. Just con artists selling snake oil to take your money. The sky is the limit and the hole is very deep. The trick is telling the two apart. Then there's entertainment. I can listen to any radio station anywhere around the world. All I have to do is tell my voice interface (where was that 5 years ago?- nonexistent) to play such and such radio station and I'm listening to a station from Europe as clear as can be. TV and movies-anytime, anywhere. You have a good wi-fi and your off to the races.
Sigh i just want a boy friend who is handsome, foreign, well off, not interested in sex too much, ...
EricJones comments on Jun 28, 2018:
I know the feeling. I've been asking santa for a bimbo for years. I'm still waiting. I think he's keeping her for himself :)
Burn Barrel and Molotov Cocktail I was weedwhacking the jungle that is on the north side of the ...
EricJones comments on Jun 26, 2018:
cut a hole in the side bottom of the barrel and put your starter in first, then pile on the waste. Then use some kind of long grill lighter through the hole and then run.
I was talking to a fellow introvert about how both of us tend to attract people who like to talk ...
EricJones comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Count me in. My ex-girlfriend and her mother are that way. They talk all day and don't say anything. They're the type of people who will look for the quiet ones and take full advantage for as long as they can.
Not sure where else to post this but figured you guys would understand.
EricJones comments on Jun 26, 2018:
If it's still alive, trim some small branches off of it, soak them for a few days, and replant them in some pots and hopefully they'll take. Don't give up too easily, this is a fight worth fighting.
Just applied for a foreman position at a large nursery nearby.
EricJones comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Get some hydrocortisone 1% ointment and use that on the rash. You should be able to get it in any pharmacy or big box store with a pharmacy dept.
I saw this really interesting flower today. What is it?
EricJones comments on Jun 25, 2018:
It might be blue star sea holly. I googled the image and they look the same.
I had to block someone from the group.
EricJones comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Gardens are a respite from the insane world around us, a place of joy and peace. Thank you for keeping it that way.
I have just been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and have been advised to cut down on carbohydrates.
EricJones comments on Jun 21, 2018:
You have to balance your meals between carbs, proteins and fats. Talk to a registered dietician and do an internet search for diabetic recipes. Something you might try is One cup brown rice and 1/2 cup lentils in a microwavable bowl. Add 2 1/2 cups water, some spices-whatever sounds good,( play a bit and see what works for you) and microwave on high 5 minutes, then reduce to 50% power for about 25 minutes. The lentils should help the carb/protein balance. Add a little olive oil for the fat. But run this past a dietician to get the right amounts to balance the dish. It's going to be a little rough for a while, but you'll be ok. Good luck.
FFS! Both arms, both legs.... News flash: There is a new patch of Poison Ivy in the garden.
EricJones comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Hydrocortisone 1% ointment. A little dab on each blister should do the trick. And quickly. It's over the counter so you should be able to get it at any grocery store or wal-mart. Good luck.
I went to a good friend's vegan birthday party last night.
EricJones comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Now you've got me drooling all over my keyboard.
At the end of this month .
EricJones comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Have a small party on the back porch now, then save every dime you can so when you retire you can live without a care.
The perfect doormat for introverts!
EricJones comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I want to put that on my porch when the mailman brings the bills.
The mother lode!!! I'll just set here with my bucket until the raspberries are ready.
EricJones comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Looks like my back yard. I usually fill a 5 quart ice cream bucket and about half of it actually makes it to the house (burp).
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. True? False? Why?
EricJones comments on Jun 16, 2018:
True. Proof #1-One of my dogs pees on my freshly scrubbed carpet, I'm going to yell. Proof #2 - One of my dogs (when they were about a month old) would bite my bare toes, I would scream. The harder the bite, the louder the scream. Newton was a fun guy-except for the alchemy he dabbled in. Nobody's perfect.
Does Christianity still need Jesus?
EricJones comments on Jun 16, 2018:
If Jesus goes away you end up with a mash up of Buddhism, far eastern and some Egyptian philosophies.
Good job everyone! We did it! ?
EricJones comments on Jun 16, 2018:
It seems that the truth will always win out over fairy tales and superstition.
Pulled squash to take to a friend.
EricJones comments on Jun 8, 2018:
A little squash plant goes a loooong way. I used to make zucchini bread mini muffins and freeze them in bags of about 15-20 and in the off season pull a bag and pop a few here and there. Better than cookies.
Do you have pets that love veggies?
EricJones comments on Jun 2, 2018:
My late lab-shepherd loved string beans. Every year when I would pick the beans in my garden she would sit outside the fence and bark until I gave her a bean. She got about 1/10 of what I picked. Now when I get a carrot out of the fridge my shih tzus all gather around so I have to get 2 out now, one to cut up for them and one for me. I give my birds a bowl of veggies every day and what they don't eat the dogs get.
What do you think about the social determinants of health?
EricJones comments on May 28, 2018:
The health care system in this country is so messed up and upside down I'm amazed at how we manage to not have more people die every day. I've been a hospital pharmacy tech almost 40 years and I keep seeing patients who- with a little preventative care- wouldn't be in my hospital. Prevention is the key. Fresh air, exercise, and a healthy diet. Affordable access to a family doctor for everybody, no matter where you live or how much you earn, is necessary, not a luxury. Screw the minorities and the poor is just plain wrong. Insurance companies that answer to wall street and ceo's huge paychecks are also wrong The high cost of drugs is wrong. Medicine for the wealthy is wrong. We as a society have to change.
I'm studying to take the pharmacy technician test. Anyone have any advice or tips/hints?
EricJones comments on May 24, 2018:
Have your math down cold. Both IV and retail. Know how to pick apart a reading problem and toss the garbage. Find what the problem wants-number of tablets or mls of liquid- and find the things that apply to that answer. Know the metric system-kg, gm, mg, mcg, and how to move between them- 1 gm=1000 mg, 1 mg=1000 mcg, pounds to kg-divide pounds by 2.2, etc. I've been a hospital pharm tech for a very long time and lead IV tech, IV instructor and pharmacy math instructor for about 20 years. Know what info that by law has to be on a retail label. Know the schedule drugs and the general laws around them. Good luck. PS-If you have the option, get into a hospital pharmacy and push yourself and put your knowledge to good use.
Do you find the catholic church hides and protects the priests that have been accused of ...
EricJones comments on May 22, 2018:
The catholic church is rotten to the core. They pass the plate 3-4 times per service, tell you you're not putting enough money into the plate, then refuse to tell you where the money goes or open the books. They rape little boys and nuns . Pregnant nuns are forced to get abortions and the church pays for them. Many priests have child porn on their computers. It's an open secret that priests are raping anything that moves. And the church has placed devout puppets in high places in society to block and make disappear any complaints against priests They have stacked the deck in their favor to hide the truth.
Which do you do...?
EricJones comments on May 19, 2018:
Both. It depends where my shoes are when I'm putting on my socks. Although a lot of the time I don't wear socks. Just blew a hole in that poll didn't I.
Which one of these explains our universe better; Religion or Science? And Why?
EricJones comments on May 19, 2018:
Science. It actually makes sense. Religion is just so out of touch with reality. The only answer religion ever has is god did it.
I haven't posted in awhile, but am so proud of all the progress we've made on getting the workshop ...
EricJones comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Wow, that is NICE.
Ted Cruz: Americans Have No Right To Masturbate
EricJones comments on Apr 23, 2018:
He should keep his nose the hell out of my pants and everybody elses too. He's just the catholic church trying to gain total control over everyone and everything. All the catholic church wants is total world domination. Make prostitution legal (it is in the bible) and easy access to birth control and he won't he to worry about people masturbating near as much. Medically speaking masturbation is actually healthy, espically for men. For men, the more time the pipes are cleaned the healthier the prostate later in life. Which raises the next question-why don't priests have all kinds of prostate problems?
Which infamous leader does Trump remind you of?
EricJones comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Tammy Faye only wore about 25 pounds of makeup. Trump has a spray on tan ("a gallon a day keeps me orange all day") and the worlds worst (and most obvious) comb over.
EricJones comments on Apr 23, 2018:
It's both. Poke around a while and you'll find what you're looking for.
Breaking News!! Russian Has The Best Prostitutes In The World!
EricJones comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Did trump and putin spend their nights proving it?
So in order to get a job, I colored my hair tonight. I think I look younger?
EricJones comments on Apr 18, 2018:
It's not the world, it's the country. Other parts of the world age means wisdom and is respected. In this coumtry age means go play bingo and senility, and isolation.
How do you deal with the death of a son? Last thursday I lost my son (Age 32)
EricJones comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Sorry to hear about your loss. You will hurt for a long time. Some days will be better than others, others will be brutal to get through. You now have a hole in your life that will never go away. You will adjust to it being there, but it will always be there. Always remember the good times and the laughter. Good luck.
Fighting in the middle East will continue as long as the religions hate each other because of the ...
EricJones comments on Apr 15, 2018:
As long as there is religion there will be war and hate. The christians hate the muslims, the muslims hate the christians, and everybody hates the jews. All three religions share the same origions and the same god and yet they say only their god is the only true god.
Being single
EricJones comments on Apr 11, 2018:
It has it's ups and downs. There are some things that are ok to do by yourself, but other things you just don't want to do alone.
"Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived".
EricJones comments on Apr 8, 2018:
He was right. It's a shame nobody reads it the way it was written.
What do you look forward to getting out of bed for every morning?
EricJones comments on Apr 8, 2018:
The dogs and cats not already on my bed landing on me and wanting attention. Then 30 pushups to get me started.
New here and very curious how everyone crossed the line so to speak to your current level of belief ...
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Welcome to the real world. Spread your wings and be free of the fear (religion) of your past.
Some years ago a friend who is married to an Episcopalian minister asked me if I was a church goer.
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
I've known a lot of people who would say they can't do anything on sunday because it's the lords day and it must be kept holy. If you wanted to find them on this holy day, you would find them at the local bar shooting pool, playing poker and drinking. They really kept the day holy.
I stopped believing in God after the Bible study shooting, where was god when those innocent lives ...
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Don't forget the crusades, inquisitions, conquest of the americas. How many Native Americans died from european diseases before they could be forced to become catholic. And don't forget the latest school shooting that took place on ash wednesday. How many of those children died begging for god to protect them?
“Christianity did not become a major religion by the quality of its truth, but by the quantity of ...
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
My god is the only true god and if you don't join my religion you have to die because my peaceful, loving, and most merciful god demands that I kill you.
Does anyone else sit in with a book on Saturday night or am I dull as fuck?
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Not at all. I usually use the time to finish the long newspaper articles I couldn't finish during the week. The down time away from the stress and cracy pace of modern life is good for your health. So I say get yourself a lovely beverage, find some nice backround music, sit in a nice comfy chair and tell the world where to stuff it. Enjoy.
Tell me something moving or profound that you heard, saw, or read about non-belief.
EricJones comments on Apr 7, 2018:
On the burning of the ancient Library of Alexandra-" Fanitical Christians, Fanitical Musulms, what difference does it make-religion at work." James Burke-Connections
Hello fellow gardeners, I promised my youngest son he could help in the garden this year.
EricJones comments on Apr 6, 2018:
If your pots are deep enough, carrots. Also leaf lettuce, bush beans-they can be planted about 5" apart. A cherry tomato if you have a tall pole to tie it to. What veggies does he like? Almost anything can be grown in a pot if there is enough room for a good root system.
I am curious what others think: If life were discovered on another world (planet, moon, comet, ...
EricJones comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Don't forget these dummies will believe just about anything the clergy (gods direct voice to the masses) say. And according to the bible on the third or fourth day (I forget the exact day) god made the universe and everything in it. So to keep the blindly obidient cash cows forking over their money, the clergy will twist the story like a pretzel to make it gods doing.
Do you practice Yoga?
EricJones comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yes. I use mostly power yoga. I find as I get older it helps me with flexability, balance, posture, strength and keeps me feeling younger.
Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
EricJones comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Life is full of sadness, you should remember the good times, so party on. Think New Orleans jazz funeral, some of the good ones can carry on all night. The Irish are also known to have some real wild funerals. Just remember, have yours before you go so you don't miss all the fun.There's nothing worse than a party in your honor and you're in a vase in the middle of the table.
Any really good April Fools jokes in your history?
EricJones comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Many years ago I was a hospital wide courier and one unit clerk (we were old friends) used to pick on me telling me I never brought her any flowers, just paper work. So one april first I found some dead daffodills, stems only-the flowers had fallen off, and put them into a styrofoam cup. I walked up to her desk in the nurses station-it was full of nurses, doctors, and PAs- and plunked the cup in front of her and said "Here's your flowers". It brought the house down. We laughed about it for years.
To healthcare workers: I have degenerative disc disease plus arthritis already in my neck.
EricJones comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Something I use is Rodney Yee Yoga for back care. I found it on amazon years ago and it helps me. I have 2 discs out in the base of my spine (L4-L5-S1). Don't worry you don't get into all kinds of crazy positions, just basic stretching and strengthening for the spine.
Do you offset a sedentary lifestyle filled with PCs, TVs, and other technological indulgences?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I have 7 shih tzus and everybody walks everyday.On a good day I go about 5 miles, on a bad day I go about 10 miles. Plus my job has me standing for 8+ hours a day. Plus all the chores around the house (I'm single). I'd kill to sit down for more than 5 minutes.
Could be this new generation is going to destroy the NRA! I think we have a wonderful group of youth...
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
These kids grew up after the first mass school shooting. They have always had that fear as a part of their lives. They finally accepted the fact that the adults aren't going to do anything. A sleeping giant has been awakened and it is pissed.These kids aren't going to stop until they change the world.
Anybody here also childfree?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Yes, my kids have fur and feathers-much easier to work with. Although children don't usually chew your things :)
Anyone enjoy doing their own automotive\household\misc. repairs?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I enjoy the satisfaction and sense of pride in my accomplishment. I love to solve problems. But I also know when I'm going to be in over my head and turn to the pros.
When dating, how long do you wait to tell someone you have a disability?
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I would be right up front about it, it could save the possibility of pain later. Honesty builds trust.
Should public nudity be legal?
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I work with a guy who is my height-5'7" and is way over 300 lbs and it's not muscle-so I really think that clothing optional is not an option here. Although I think that the right clothing can make the after dinner date dessert way more interesting and fun.
Colonialism, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow, discrimination, two nukes on civilians, interfering with ...
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
According to the old testament God approves of slavery (the slave laws are written out in detail) and he committed genocide, was misogynistic (discrimination) interferred with other religions (the jews are his chosen people), mass murder (more than once) etc. If a penis touches an anus it's Gods judgement on little boys-after all it's Gods hand picked messengers (priests) doing it.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I could grow in pots for extended periods of time?
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Depending on the size of your pots, Peas can be planted tightly and with a small pole for support for the middle plants the rest will grow into and support each other. A cherry tomato will give you a large yield for a small area. leaf lettuce, carrots, radishes. Green beans can be planted about 4-5 inches apart and grow nicely. Any vine plant can be grown on a trellis or a pole with a rough surface for the vine to attach to. I've done a potato plant in a large pot and got a great yield. Just remember depth for good roots and good drainage. Good luck
Attended March for our Lives Washington DC, Emma Gonzalez was a moving moment.
EricJones comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Don't tell Trump, he thinks there were far more than that when he took the oath. Maybe he should compare the real photos of both events and see the truth. These kids are going to change this country. A sleeping giant has been awakened and will prove to be an unstopable force for change. And I say to them "Go for it and don't ever stop. When this cause has been won, find another and move this country into the future. Be a beacon for the youth of the world to follow."
God hates porn?
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
He jumped a virgin when she was sleeping (isn't that rape?) and his son hung out with hookers, so I don't think he's too worried about it. If he created everything, then he must have created porn.
When did you first doubt religion?
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
When I was old enough to start asking questions that nobody could give a straight answer to. It's the will of god didn't cut it for me.
Just got bombarded by three born again Christians.
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
They never read the old testament. The god of the old testament is full of hate, blood lust, misogyny, genocide, mass murder and is anything but peaceful and loving. These people seem to forget that. I usually ask them to use sources other than the bible to prove that jesus ever existed. For all he was supposed to have done, why didn't anybody document anything he did until long after he was dead. This usually sends them away.
A serious event occurs that wipes out the power grid.
EricJones comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Happened to me during march 2nd blizzard. There was enough light during the day through the windows and at night used candles and flashlights with rechargable batteries that I keep fully charged I was lucky I was only down 14 hours. I work in a hospital and we are expecting a baby boom in early november.


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celtic classic 2019
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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