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So lost my computer and my password.
Fernapple comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Bad luck. Though they do say that there is little danger in writing them down. Since the people who raid your house, are not likely to be in contact with the people who steel information.
Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Ok why don't you?
Crack myself up.
Fernapple comments on Mar 16, 2023:
And put covers over the holes you dig.
Catch up quick: Long COVID by Katelyn Jetelina YLE
Fernapple comments on Mar 15, 2023:
I have really enjoyed her posts on YouTube over the last few years, that is very sad to hear. It also shows that you don't have to be old with existing health problems to be hit hard.
March Sadness. If there is one thing I hate more than pro basketball, it's college basketball.
Fernapple comments on Mar 15, 2023:
I like a lot of sports, that is why I never watch it. Sport is something you do, not watch, pro-sport is to real sport, what pornography is to sex, its pros turning tricks for the fake enjoyment of couch potatoes.
Here's where we start that...
Fernapple comments on Mar 15, 2023:
That's what people don't understand about introverts.
Iguazu falls, Argentinian side. Hot and sticky.
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
And obviously in the Southern Hemisphere.
As we all know, the equinox is March 21/22nd.
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Because the light bends, and so the sun is visible for longer than it would be if we took sunset to be horizontal. I think.
Today is international π day.
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Fun yes, but someone, I hope it is not you, has far FAR too much time on their hands. lol
Can ethics be based on science ?
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
It is a common to the point of banality, for Christian apologists to state that. "You can not derive morality from science and reason." But of course you can quite easily, as my quote below makes plain. What the apologists are actually saying of course is, that you can not derive Christian ethics and morals, from science and reason, which is quite possibly true. But in doing that they are of course confusing the subjective elements of their own peculiar ethics, with ethics, some of which can be objectively derived, as a whole. Or perhaps just as Christians often do, assuming that Christianity is a synonym for good, and all that is not Christian is bad. And it is highly unlikely that you could derive Christian ethics from science and reason, because why indeed would any sane and or reasonable person, want such a set of truly horrible ethics. With their anti-environmental, end of times, next world, position, their promotion of guilt, misogyny, anti-trade, anti-investment and their empirical racism etc. etc. In short, it is wrong to confuse Christian with moral or ethical. My quote which I think that you have had before. "Do I want to be happy, safe, content and enjoy human dignity ? A. Yes. Am I more likely to be those things, if I live in a world where happy, safe, dignified and content, is the general rule for most people ? A. Yes. Then is it worth my while to make some investment in everyone else ? Of course." Plus the thought that even if we are happy and prosperous now, Anyone may one day be at the bottom of the social pile. And therefore it is better for all, as insurance, if the bottom of the pile is not too bad a place to be. A third reason, is simple animal instinct. We are social animals, and therefore things, including others, matter to us. Indeed all the moral systems in the world would not exist unless they were driven by some animal instinct and emotion, since reason alone with nothing to drive it, or aim for, produces nothing. Nobody started cooking because scientific evidence, or religious belief, made them think it made food healthier, or even showed them why they should value health at all. Nor would anybody have invented morality without some motivation, and if that does not come from god or some supernatural origin, then it must be hard wired into us, even though the outputs of that hard wiring may vary greatly between cultures." There are probably hundreds more ways to develop morals and ethics by science and reason alone, but those three will do for now.
Why Poverty Persists in America A Pulitzer Prize-winning sociologist offers a new explanation ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
I know little of America, but it sounds highly likely to me. Certainly globally it does seem that the countries who introduce high minimum wages, are rewarded with massive economic boosts.
“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.
Fernapple comments on Mar 14, 2023:
I would think that a fair, if slightly simple minded, quote, if if came from anyone except the man who was perhaps arguably the least ethical human of all time. I suppose though that however unethical you are, there is always someone who seems to represent pure evil even more completely. So I suppose, this is a little like Jack the Ripper saying. "Yes but just look at Genghis Khan."
Daylight Saving Time! New Bill Could Stop The Clocks From Changing
Fernapple comments on Mar 13, 2023:
Or just enjoy the movie. LOL
[] Seven signs your a natural born artist.
Fernapple comments on Mar 12, 2023:
Yes, but the cynic in me says. Who is going to answer no, to any of those questions ?
Is there such a thing as "toxic masculinity"?
Fernapple comments on Mar 12, 2023:
Based on the simple fact that almost anything can be toxic in excess, or in the wrong circumstances. Of course. Though I suspect, a lot of so called masculinity, especially the toxic sort, is not masculinity at all, but merely immaturity trying to pose as masculinity. Healthy masculinity therefore would be the opposite of that, and would not show the self centered habits and narcissism, which you associate with youth.
I have a papaya tree which is prolific at bearing fruit.
Fernapple comments on Mar 12, 2023:
I do not think that there are ways to sex seedling plants, at least not without expensive equipment. Perhaps you could grow male and female clones from cuttings.
Your Science is Bought and Paid For []
Fernapple comments on Mar 11, 2023:
It just misses one important point. Which is that. The only reason she now knows that doctors and scientists, were mistaken, or deceptive, about things like the link between smoking and cancer, is because other scientists and doctors discovered it and exposed them. If you distrust all science, then you are guilty of throwing out the baby with the bath water, science is not perfect, nothing in the human world is, but it is your best source of good information. It does revise, which is the all important difference with religion, and it is possible to discover who has paid it of when they do take money. And if you did follow her philosophy, then you would still be smoking forty a day without filter tips.
Spreading the Gospel
Fernapple comments on Mar 11, 2023:
Although perhaps it should be. "Lady and savior." Godzilla, at least the original one, was female.
Depends on one's point of view, I suppose.
Fernapple comments on Mar 11, 2023:
"Life begins after you are dead. " Christianity.
What we’re seeing at Fox.
Fernapple comments on Mar 10, 2023:
"Those who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind."
My nine year old grandson wanted a magic door in outer space quilt with a spaceship.
Fernapple comments on Mar 10, 2023:
He may want to fly the spaceship through the door. He may be smarter than you think.
First the Southern US, now the British isles, having extreme cold weather and snow.
Fernapple comments on Mar 8, 2023:
Yep it is cold here, especially on the east coast where I live.
Surely some have heard of Havana Syndrome. any thoughts.
Fernapple comments on Mar 8, 2023:
I remember that when they first started experimenting with radar, back before WW2, they used to find cooked seagulls dead on the ground. The early prototypes had a very high energy level, and the seagulls liked the fact that it made them feel warm at night, so they came in ever closer, until they got heat stroke, and then it was too late to escape.
Why is a taxpayer-funded tourism group in Kentucky promoting Creationism?
Fernapple comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Promotion of tourism is promotion, making the best of what you have. It would be better to ask atheists/sceptics not to go along to laugh, because even if you go to laugh, K. H. still gets the dollar in his pocket. And he probably gets more dollars from atheists that believers.
There are two things people can't hide.
Fernapple comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Being old and having a bad back.
To my surprise, I found a United Arab Emirates coin in snowmelt.
Fernapple comments on Mar 7, 2023:
Sadly the photo seems to be missing.
Was Jesus Christ REALLY Emperor Titus?
Fernapple comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Anybody who thinks they know with any degree of certainty, what the origins of the new testament truly are, given both the vast gulf of time, and the complete lack of confirming records, is deluding themselves. I have heard a dozen theories, and all of them made sense and fitted the available evidence well. Certainly the idea that the Roman conquerors played a part in inventing an alternate history for the Jewish world, is a very convincing one, and to some degree almost certainly true. But details and certainties such as the Flavians being synonyms for Christ, are pure imagination. That people like Josephus and that very dubious person Paul, may have been working secretly to promote pro Roman ideas, is it is true very hard to doubt, but just what their plan was, or even if they had a single clear plan, is lost forever. It is certainly a work of fiction, or at best reportage far removed from the events described. That the writing makes bad mistakes, not only with the historical events on the margins of the story, and the time line, but even messes up the physical geography of the Holy Land, proves that, they were not first hand accounts, and probably that the authors had never even been to the country in question.
They have lots of new phones and apps now and you need to change, the woman told me.
Fernapple comments on Mar 5, 2023:
I only just gave up on my Blackberry, because the battery was done for. I got a new phone mainly for emergencies, which lives in the glove compartment of my van, and is hardly ever turned on, but I still miss the Blackberry. Like you I use refurbished computers all the time, why can't people understand therefore, that they will get me quicker if they send an email rather than a text to the cell phone ? Plus works well on the computers, none of the problems most people seem to keep having.
You've probably heard this before.
Fernapple comments on Mar 5, 2023:
How much do our lives revolve around weather forecasts?
Fernapple comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Would be difficult to know how and when to use expensive chemicals in the garden. Sorry I am not organic.
Wow, how true! 11 Things That Make Introverts Happy []
Fernapple comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Yep, I will buy into those.
”Life is tragic simply because the Earth turns and the sun inexorably rises and sets, and one day,...
Fernapple comments on Mar 4, 2023:
Yet for the most part the fear of death, only exists because the theist religions feed the narcissism, which makes people think that immortality is the only way to attain the inflated expectations they are programmed with by that same religion. Fear of death does not seem to exist in many cultures. I remember the anthropologist who asked a tribal group who were unaffected by theism if they feared death. "No." In fact the very idea seemed strange to them. "What then do you fear?" He asked. "Lions."
“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women.
Fernapple comments on Mar 4, 2023:
I have heard that most of his money was lost when he died. Since he was so miserly, he opened a new bank account, under a false name, in nearly every small town he visited, and hid his money in them. And nobody can now find them.
Who of you would self-identify as nihilist?
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
I would yes. Or at least a "happy nihilist" or "post nihilist" . In so far as I have found that ironically, the abandonment of all belief in meaning, is the best route to meaning. If you would like enlargement, here goes, I have put this up here before, but I think before your time. Here for what they are worth, ( Not much.) are my views, which all end in a joke, very like Absurdism which I would perhaps call Appreciateism. When we realize that there are no big, god given, purposes in life, demanding our obedience. And the many completely contradictory purposes, offered by the many different religions, prove that to be so. Then we can easily see, that wanting any big purpose at all, is merely a vanity and narcissism. The failings which are the weakness that all religions feed off. For if you build up the vanities of people, then they will, obey you, pay you, and praise you, for as long as you keep flattering and confirming those vanities, over and over again. Yet atheists often say in reply to the theist's question. “What is the purpose of life, if there is no god ?” That, by being none religious, we are free to choose our own purposes. Though admittedly they must by definition be small personal ones, for a transcendent purpose is just another god, meaning that in the deepest sense, atheism, agnosticism and deism are inevitably, by their nature, mainly philosophies of humility. Yet here for fun is the irony. Suppose for one second, hypothetically, for arguments sake, that there is a creator, an intelligence behind the universe, though one who has not revealed any purpose to us yet, perhaps a deist creator at most. Then what can we discern, if anything, is most likely to be pleasing to it, if pleasing it has any value at all ? Well after the usual if doubtful, givens, such as, be kind, the only thing I think that seems likely, is that we should appreciate its creation as much as possible, down to the smallest detail. Valuing and treasuring all that we are given. And what are we doing when we create our own small purposes, whether, we climb mountains, garden, paint pictures, entertain our pets, make a coffee for a friend or help in a charity shop, if not appreciating that creation, or nature, down to the smallest detail, and valuing it enough to care for it ? Practical environmentalism. Perhaps therefore being an atheist could after all, be the most pleasing of all things to the hypothetical creator. Now forget the hypothetical creator, since it has now done its job, and what are you left with ? That the small things are the biggest things there are, because they demand the greatest appreciation of you, and it is when you turn your back on the idea of great purpose that you come nearest to your greatest purpose. And when you forget ...
Never heard it put that way
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Some of us have special ears, called leaves, which do exactly that. So he could manage the technology. LOL
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
How nice that you linked to an article, which directly contradicts one of your main philosophical views. I quote. "The science of the biological world, for example, is much more than a topic of intellectual curiosity – for some atheists, it provides meaning and comfort in much the same way that belief in God can for theists. "
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Rationality and reason in individuals is not the point, the point is, whether the belief system itself is rational and reasonable. Good people may believe some bad things for the wrong reasons, and bad people some good things for the right reasons. Life is complex, and we all get some things wrong, or just mixed up, but that does not make it right to promote and defend unreasoning, and nor does it justify unreason, that is just being anti progress, anti growth, anti learning and relativist.
Does anyone still have access to a copy of that nasty article Admin wrote about the liberals on this...
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
No, I don't even remember that sorry. But would like to see it, if you find it, please send me a link.
Yeah yeah.
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
You live in a very weird country.
Holy shit! It looks like I am finally over this disaster.
Fernapple comments on Mar 3, 2023:
Glad you are on an up cycle. And very glad you kept positive, even Social Security Checks arrive in the end, I am waiting for my first pension payment.
I'll get to eight with a little help from my friends😉
Fernapple comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Here you go.
"History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon," Napoleon Bonaparte.
Fernapple comments on Mar 2, 2023:
Yes. I have no doubt that Putin thinks that too.
Priest Says Hell Is Fake And Religion Is About Control! - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Mar 2, 2023:
He's almost, almost here with us. But then so are a lot of priests, who are known to have a low level of belief compared to the people sat in the pews, but who mainly chose to be dishonest.
Stole this from somewhere.
Fernapple comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Here you go.
Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage that ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Very like the Gish Gallop, which relies on the fact that it takes far longer to refute a false statement, than it does to make it. Quote Wikipedia " The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments. In essence, it is prioritizing quantity of one's arguments at the expense of quality of said arguments. The term was coined in 1994 by anthropologist Eugenie Scott, who named it after American creationist Duane Gish and argued that Gish used the technique frequently when challenging the scientific fact of evolution. It is similar to another debating method called spreading, in which one person speaks extremely fast in an attempt to cause their opponent to fail to respond to all the arguments that have been raised. During a Gish gallop, a debater confronts an opponent with a rapid series of many specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies in a short space of time, which makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of a formal debate. Each point raised by the Gish galloper takes considerably more time to refute or fact-check than it did to state in the first place, which is known online as Brandolini's law. The technique wastes an opponent's time and may cast doubt on the opponent's debating ability for an audience unfamiliar with the technique, especially if no independent fact-checking is involved or if the audience has limited knowledge of the topics."
I got in the pool today! Just so I could say I did it in Feb!! Cold AF!
Fernapple comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Well you can keep using the story next year, so no need to do it again.
There is a church about a mile down the road from me.
Fernapple comments on Mar 1, 2023:
In the UK most churches are open all day, except the J. Ws. which are locked and fenced.
“There is something terrible about reality, and I don’t know what it is.
Fernapple comments on Mar 1, 2023:
There is also a lot that is terrible about unreality, but one of the two you can avoid.
What do y'all think about the strange things going on in the world like the wealther, time speeding ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 28, 2023:
Time can and does speed up, and slow down, all over the place all of the time, that is just called "normal". While in another sense, our local time, is just a function of how we measure it, so that if its speed changed, so would the speed of our clocks, and therefore we would not be aware of it. Yet another case of the Bible getting nearly everything wrong.
Well I never! Stunning images as northern lights glow across UK More images here: []
Fernapple comments on Feb 28, 2023:
Sadly it was dense cloud with me last night. I did see Venus and Jupiter the other night though, and they are said to be at their closest in the next few days.
(Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Attack Crimea) He has to be talking through his hat.
Fernapple comments on Feb 28, 2023:
Do you really think that Zelensky would tell everyone his plans in advance. He may not be the best commander in history, but even he would not be that stupid. Deliberate disinformation.
What are you afraid of?
Fernapple comments on Feb 27, 2023:
All emotions, even the negative ones, like fear, hate, hunger, and pain etc. have a good purpose. Even though all emotions, even the positive ones like, love, compassion and honesty, can be distorted through the lens of human culture, to be harmful.
Having been caught with their predictive pants down last week (10+" snow rather than 2), amid the ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 27, 2023:
They seem to be very good at forecasting. "I forecast, we need to cover our asses this week. " Perfect.
When I became convinced that the universe is natural, that all the ghosts and gods are myths, there ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 26, 2023:
They really put things well in those days, did they not.
"Telling somebody off for 15 minutes and not giving them an opportunity to respond is an abuse of ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Depends what they did.
“The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I think that you can take it back one step further, and say. "Do I want to be happy, safe, and content ?" A. "Yes." "Am I more likely to be those things, if I live in a world where happy, safe and content, is the general rule for most people ?" A. "Yes" " Then is it worth my while to make some investment in everyone else ?" Provide your own answer.
I have a religious friend.
Fernapple comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Well of course the horse may be at the other end of the cart, he may want to. "dismiss all the scientific knowledge gained throughout history." And the bible is simply his way to do so.
If the story was real, why can't true "christians" see it this way?
Fernapple comments on Feb 26, 2023:
True in one sense. But you have to remember the reason for which religion is popular, and the main thing which people want it for. Which is that it is the only human institution, that does not include any method of questioning, it is the only resort you have to justify anything which you can not prove by evidence, appeal to majority opinion, natural justice or reason. still makes no sense to me?
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Perfect logic. Especially if you have to sell me as a product to the foolish.
“No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
I will go with that, except perhaps greed.
We've all heard that Hitler wanted to be an artist.
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Churchill however is not technically perfect, but then he never claimed to be anything but a part time for fun dabbler. Granddad's paintings yes, but would you rather hang a happy granddad painting, or a serious study in technical gloom ?
THIS LETTER WAS PUBLISHED WHEN OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT An open letter to white evangelicals: We’re ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
The more the crazies take over, the more the moderates and semi-sane leave, which leaves the crazies even more in control, which drives away even more moderates, making the churches more crazy, and so on. Sadly every church ends as a small protest group collecting weapons in a cellar.
I see ospreys dive for fish in the lake all the time.
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Well done, great shots.
If you get rain regularly, this is a great idea.
Fernapple comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Wonderful, what we all should be doing.
I think it is unreal, when I try to speak to anyone at work or in a professional environment (when ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 24, 2023:
It never happened to me. One of my great good fortunes, is to live in a country where religion is only considered to be respectable as a below surface part of life. And public mentioning of it is actually looked on as bad manners.
India's building infrastructure to combat their smog.
Fernapple comments on Feb 24, 2023:
In some ways of course, if you are generating your electricity from fossil fuels, as India does a lot. All electric vehicles do is to move the smog somewhere else, but in some places where you are really desperate and your city is killing thousands, then even that is a gain.
“Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself”………….
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Sometimes. And sometimes we are not afraid enough.
remember that the things you take for granted, you do, because they were meant to be.
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Fortunately, I do not take much for granted. Not even life. So I can fairly well claim to be free of meaning as well.
How a Covert Firm Spreads Lies and Chaos Around the World - DER SPIEGEL
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Well of course, Team Jorge could also be greatly overstating the extent of their success. In fact given the nature of their games, it would really be surprising if they did not also use massive disinformation, to sell their own product.
This book changed my life, not in a flash of revelation but in a quiet thoughtful way.
Fernapple comments on Feb 23, 2023:
I think that every book changes you a little. But it is complex, sometimes even good books change you for the worse, and bad books improve you.
Just like pirates!!
Fernapple comments on Feb 22, 2023:
For best you need both. A map can tell you where you went afterwards, and what you pass on the way.
Thinking it out…
Fernapple comments on Feb 22, 2023:
I want one of those mugs.
Landed in Milan, Italy yesterday and made my way to Mantua.
Fernapple comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Is it not always great, just to wander a strange historic city alone with a camera.
Has this site's Messenger facility stopped working?
Fernapple comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Worked for me yesterday ?
Question: When I click on the category "Politics" to find any posts, there are none.
Fernapple comments on Feb 20, 2023:
No I do not think that politics, is in any way restricted. Perhaps it is just a bug, there are a few on this site now and again. I would try a second time.
Magnificent New Species of Treefrog Discovered in Ecuador: []
Fernapple comments on Feb 20, 2023:
And it looks like Gollum. On a good day.
41/2 yrs later , here we are , snail made it to level 9.
Fernapple comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Laughed at your jokes, smiled at your joys, felt your pains, absorbed your wisdom, and still want more. A life shared is a life lived more than once.
The problem is neither faith nor atheism; it's the desire to have power and control over others.
Fernapple comments on Feb 19, 2023:
Yes but religion is unique in that, its ability to provide justification for things that are hard to justify by logic, reason, or appeal to honest good judgment, is its main use, and the main appeal of it. In other words, it is not an institution which needs to be corrupted, or diverted from its main purpose, in order to facilitate the, "selfish human desire to exert power", but is rather the institution which exists mainly for that purpose. Since it is the only human thought system which inherently makes no provision for questioning, and indeed does not value questioning. While I would also contend that Stalin, Mao, and don't forget Pol Pot were not strictly or mainly atheists, but were mainly Marxists, which is quite arguably another form of religion. Since it begins with several unsupported presuppositions, ( beliefs ) such as, class war is inevitable, the victory of the working class is inevitable, history is predictable etc. .
To the FedEx driver who likes to put my packages to the right side of my door so I have to come out ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2023:
Better than right in line with the door, just stepped on one in the dark last night. Fortunately it was a book so that it took my weight without coming to any harm, but the packaging made a sickening crunching sound, which in the dark seemed to say. " You have just put your fat oafish foot, and huge weight, on something rare, expensive and irreplaceable."
"I want to see that your breasts aren't hanging in your pockets," he said.
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2023:
The bottom line on, on-line dating, is that, men are easy. Most men are so highly motivated to mate, and relate to women, that they will readily roll over and play dead, and turn any trick for any woman who asks. While women network well, so that information and introductions to any good available males, spreads fast. Therefore any man worth anything is quite quickly snapped up by any females, in the local social circle, long before they think about dating, or even less on-line dating. If a man sits on the shelf so long that he feels the need to look on line, you may be sure that there is a good reason why the fifty plus single females in his large social circle rejected him. The proof of which is that dating sites generally get four times as many women as men on their lists. Sorry if that is sexist, but it is a reality.
Is There a Global Resurgence of Religion?
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2023:
So it is nice to know that R. Inglehart favours the things which drive high birth rates, and religion, like poverty, low womens rights and poor education, and that he thinks overpopulation is a benefit. Me thinks, that his misogyny and racism are showing a bit.
My 3rd Darwin Award nominee for this year already!!! It’s gonna be a good year!!! ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2023:
Start training yourself to believe fairy stories, and you will soon find it easy to believe all sorts of rubbish. Next. "Pastor throws himself of cliff, to see if the devil well help him fly."
In the St.
Fernapple comments on Feb 18, 2023:
And any rises in excess deaths since the end of the pandemic, are not caused by people coming out more and taking more risks of every sort, and the small number of on going cases, but must obviously be caused by the vaccine. Funny what you can find in stats.
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2023:
So you have got your little ducks to swim in a line. Well done.
Who runs Health & Happiness?
Fernapple comments on Feb 17, 2023:
Just block the said member, if you like, then you will only see the posts from other people.
..."and please don't call me Shirley."
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2023:
I have seen him before, back in the days of the Cold War. You always knew that guy was a "wrong un".
Working on happiness Of course, it’s a challenge for even the most happy-go-lucky person to ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2023:
The way to find happiness, is to stop looking for it. Happiness comes to those who work for something else worth doing.
As long as humans insist on acting like animals, one could understand how an AI might forget to feed...
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2023:
Feeding yourself is acting like animals. The problem long term, will be that as we become more dependent on technology, so we will lose our animal traits, which we once needed and evolved to survive. Especially our humane animal traits, such as empathy, social skills and intelligence, which are all costly and do not benefit the individuals breeding, but only benefit the community. But as we become more dependent on technology, we need the community less and the evolutionary drive will increasingly be towards selfish behavior, able to exploit technological wealth in competition with others, which will only hasten our increasing need for tech. The end result will be a race of vicious, violent and stupid creatures, fighting over the output of the machines. Until eventually a crossing point is reached where we are near totally dependent on technology, but no longer able to repair and maintain that technology when it breaks down. Then we go extinct. But this did not begin with AI, it began long ago with the advent of even the most basic of technologies, such as language. When a group member can yell. "Help" Then you no longer need the instinctive feelings to know when they are in need. And ploughing need much less intelligence than hunting, so we can see actual evidence of shrinking brain size since the agricultural revolution, in human remains. The only hope is that we will lose our fear of the possible abuses that certainly can, and have, come from the planned human altering technologies, such as eugenics, genetic engineering, and so called designer babies. It is bound to happen anyway, you can not put a lid on technology, the rich and powerful at least will always find ways around it, and come home from an offshore clinic with a better designed little person. So it is better that society as a whole embraces such medical technology in a planned way. Rather than leave it to chance. But we do stand on a knife edge. Will we build better doctors and environmentalists, or better warriors.
No rain today but plenty of clouds
Fernapple comments on Feb 16, 2023:
Pretty. I think that they are called Cumulus humilis or something like that, meaning flat or humble clouds.
Fernapple comments on Feb 15, 2023:
That last straw could be faith in faith itself. But "offence", is very good.
I am an Agnostic because I am not afraid to think.
Fernapple comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site.
Happy Dead Saint's Day! Thank Valentine for being martyred so you can give candy and hearts to one ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Yes but remember, the sugar industry owes a lot to him.
Advertising Terms Explained NEW - Different color from previous design.
Fernapple comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Very good, but I would go with. REDESIGNED - Cheaper to make if we leave out the good bits, the ones the customers like.
How much proof do you need? []
Fernapple comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Perhaps very true, but you should not have disparaged Yorkshire dialect so easily as you did in the last post on this subject. Many regard the Yorkshire dialect as the purest form of English and the closest to primordial English as spoken by G. Chaucer for example. Immediately after the first inputs of French, Latin and Norse caused it to emerge from Anglo Saxon, as a fully formed language. It could therefore be said that the Yorkshire voice is the closest to any historically correct pronunciation there is.
And this one. []
Fernapple comments on Feb 14, 2023:
The voice sounds like that of a robot, probably just poor programming.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.” (Thomas Mann)
Fernapple comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Yes but who decides what is evil and what is good ?
The weather: I pumped gas in the 70s-80s off and on and the major topic was always the weather.
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site.
“They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretences; all of this they hail as ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Who may himself have been quoting Calgacus, in a quite anti-Roman sentiment.
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can ...
Fernapple comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Sadly Kipling lost his only child, in World War One.
I would delight in dancing on the grave of Vic Bensley, one time headmaster of Hamilton South Public...
Fernapple comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Sorry you will have to enlarge on this before I understand the issue. Who he ?


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