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GILL DEFICIT Drop a goat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Fernapple comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Very good yes.
Individuals have the right to chose to not suffer, and NO government should have the power to make a...
Fernapple comments on Oct 9, 2021:
I fail to see what this has to do with an Escooter accident. I think that Yahoo has moved on, and the link does not work anymore.
Dog Bless, Alice and her Air Horns. LOL
Fernapple comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Be very kind and sympathetic, tell them how short life is, and how sad you feel for them being stuck in a dead end job with no future, and in the end nothing to look back upon. Then say. I will think of you whenever I see someone sad and unhappy, or I am sad and unhappy, to remember it could always be worse.
My Bio Has Disappeared
Fernapple comments on Oct 9, 2021:
No, mine is still there. Very strange. If you made an alteration, did you remember to press"submit". That or something like that is the best I can think of.
In the 1980s, musician Daryl Davis set out to understand the Ku Klux Klan.
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
You can do a lot with patience, its the most powerful thing there is. Wish I had some.
Because they're stupid. Why would some Americans rather risk death than get the vaccine?
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
No sadly, they are not stupid, they are failed by the education system, which should have provided them with the tools needed to deal with real life, but failed to do so.
Slavery in the Bible There are 4 types of slavery referenced in the bible: INTRODUCTION  ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
No information is useful in deconverting the religious. They have no interest in information. Everyone has to find their own path out, and finding an interest in information is one of the last stages, after people escape.
Freeman Dyson - Can Science Deal with God? - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
Yes of course religion is a branch of literature. Mein Kampf was a work of literature, and fascism was a religion, Matthew Hopkins's 1647 book The Discovery of Witches, was a work of literature, and torturing, burning and hanging people was religion. Literature is just the unregulated, and often dangerous dribble of often anti social ( Being anti social is a good motivation to write. ) people. Literature is dangerous, because, just like religion, it has no need to justify itself against any standard of epistemology or evidence.
Aaahhh, what say you, grasshopper?
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
I would say that morals and aesthetic values are the same, because good taste (aesthetic) and the wisdom which makes morals ( good morals ), are both based on learning to value the search for objective truth. Prove me wrong.
Aaahhh, what say you, grasshopper?
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
I would not crush either. Even insects in my house are shown the way out, not killed.
Keep your eyes on these 9 electric truck and van companies | GreenBiz
Fernapple comments on Oct 8, 2021:
It will probably be easier to bring them in in Europe, where range is less of an issue, than in the US. I would love to get my hands on one, it it is going to be a long time before the price comes down even here.
I'm wondering just what he doesn't know how to do?
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Sounds like a good bet.
I often see posts containing questions about various aspects of Jesus's Christ's acts and teachings ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
I have heard people make a case for many different possibilities about Jesus, such as. He was real but not the myths attached to him, he was real but the stories are a result of poor copy and translation, he is a made up fictional persona, (Perhaps made up by pro-Roman Jews, in a pro-Roman conspiracy.) Jesus is a common name and therefore he may be an amalgam of stories originally told about several people, he was a mythical figure combining stories about several earlier gods, he was an allegorical figure, or several combinations of all of those. The one thing that all the people making cases for all the different Jesus figures have in common is, that none of them have any real evidence, since there is no good evidence surviving and all conclusions therefore are merely speculative. Great fun, but still speculative. The only evidence we have comes from a few very dubious books called the gospels, of which there are about forty, most of which tell quite different stories, ( even the four in the Bible, ) and all of the surviving are obviously derived from earlier works, and we do not have any of the earliest. The authors are unknown, Mat, Mark, Luke and John are known to be names attached to the texts much later, for no good reason, and they are all in conflict with the writings of St Paul, who may just be, the closest we have to a real commentator from near the time, but who does not seem to know anything about the gospels, and had lots of possible reasons to lie.
“The only position that leaves me with no cognitive dissonance is atheism.
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Historic go-ahead for malaria vaccine to protect African children []
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
You never seem to hear these things on the main news feeds.
Anybody care about a missing blonde over all the other people who are missing in the country, world?
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
What missing blond ?
Rules for living
Fernapple comments on Oct 7, 2021:
When punishing kids. Tell them that someone, posted something really nasty about them on the media. And watch them get ever more frustrated as they try to find it.
Survey: Nearly 40% of Black Atheists Hide Their Beliefs from Their Families | Hemant Mehta | ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Can't really answer, since I don't have an immediate family.
In a week where the RC church has been revealed to have haver abused a third of a million kids in ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Of course the film company offered to pay to bus the protesters in, at the very least. Nothing like a good loud protest to get a bit of publicity for your movie.
Religions are not about finding truth—they are about defending lies.
Fernapple comments on Oct 6, 2021:
We have science, maths, personal experience and philosophy when we want to find truth, religion has to find a place in the market, and as long as there is a demand for lies, what else is there for it to do.
Happy 5th year anniversary to agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Oct 6, 2021:
A great creation which does a lot for the community.
[] Stop Calling the Military Budget a 'Defense' Budget
Fernapple comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Beware of anything which requires a new name.
The Roman Catholic Church is still doing too little too late to address its own evil.
Fernapple comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Cos' see if you took out all the evil, there would not be much left, not even shadow play of a religion like a Church Of England.
Fuck off Uber & Lyft with your in-vehicle face recognition\ analysis linked advertising ?
Fernapple comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Don't knock it until you tried it. Get in the cab with no trousers and wearing a big plastic strap on, and see what they offer you then.
Mineral deficiency.
Fernapple comments on Oct 5, 2021:
My guess would be, true.
One of my previous Birthday Begging Videos did garner me a lovely card from a member, but a million ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Happy birthday.
Have them?, most of those assholes can't even spell them
Fernapple comments on Oct 4, 2021:
I can spell them, T H E M , go on, lets try a harder one. What have you got.
Fernapple comments on Oct 3, 2021:
In the UK things are a little different, we have been more intensively peopled and agricultural for a long time. There has especially in England, been very little truly wild land for centuries. So that the hunting, shooting, fishing movement has been a major contributer to conservation for a long time. They made a lot of bad judgments in the past, especially the nineteenth century, such as nearly exterminating many predators. But while I do not care for it any longer myself, I have to recognize that a lot of our few and scattered wilderness areas, in a very heavily cultivated land, only continued to exist down the centuries because people wanted sport. But perhaps happily things have moved on, and today conservation movements, now probably have more disposable wealth than field sports do, the bird society, RSPB, for example, is today a major land owner.
You've heard about "there is no "I" in Team. Well....that's not exactly correct;
Fernapple comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Yes but its the negative part.
Alex Jones, liar and shit-stirrer, has lost his case in court: [] .
Fernapple comments on Oct 3, 2021:
Will not matter to the faithful how many times he may have been discredited, sadly. Sheep are not into credibility, in a big way.
Ways to mess with the religious bastards.
Fernapple comments on Oct 3, 2021:
"Mom" had fun with that.
Expectation vs.
Fernapple comments on Oct 3, 2021:
To Amazon's computer, world globe, and glass globe, both contain the word globe, so that must be the next best substitute, right. LOL
Golfers attacked at Alabama course by people in camouflage []
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Maybe they were the taste police, objecting to golf fashion.
Today's reminder of the need for kindness and wisdom.
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
If we all did that.
Hmmm, Marilyn had attributes that overcame her untoned tummy and touching thighs.
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
You certainly don't have to be skinny to be charming, attractive and sexy. And I don't know what women would think about the violinist, but well you decide. This one comes with music, enjoy.
The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Or. The secret of change, is accepting when you need to in the first place, but not changing for changes sake.
Favorite philosopher
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Hello and welcome to the site. If I may though I would say that I think that, Socrates and Plato are in many ways just about the same one, there are few surviving Socratic ideas which do not come through Plato, ( A few poor quality ones from Xenophon and one or two others, but not many. ) I think that Aristotle would have been a better alternative, and would have got my vote.
Petty little twit.
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
I had a colonoscopy many years ago, in the UK, and was not offered anything at all, even as an option.
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
I don't disagree, but you have to also grant that a lot of them are victims of disinformation, pedaled by exploiters, which they have not been given the education to see through.
This report will stir the cockles of many hearts. Let's find out who and why?
Fernapple comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Eliminate the competition for the Russian Orthodox Church, which is deeply wedded to the Russian state.
One of my friends runs the site for a political candidate and he posts some pretty good memes from ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
In other words. "Just stop it, b####r off and do something else."
We know our dogs have extraordinary senses…but can they sense the presence of a ghost?
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Dogs have better senses than us. So they can sense things we can't, (having been around dogs, I have observed that first hand ). But that just means there may be something there I can't sense, it is a god of the gaps argument to just drop "ghosts" into the hole. It is just an unknown.
Hello friends I am new :)
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site. Do your bio asap. and get stuck in you soon reap the benefits, look at the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone.
If your going to have a tragedy, make sure it's a good one.
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
But that is easy, anyone can make a good tragedy. But having a good comedy, now that takes skill and effort.
I was as pure as the driven snow before I got here.
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Yes but you are having fun now, are you not ?
People can change.
Fernapple comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Agreed, I don't really see how you can take someones nationality away, anyway, especially without a day in court. Surely if she has done something wrong, she should be encouraged to come back and face trial, everyone is entitled to a day in court if there are charges to answer. While if there are only vague doubts about her, she can surely be watched more easily at home, as many are, and arrested if solid evidence of crimes comes to light.
Is this art or thievery? []
Fernapple comments on Sep 30, 2021:
I can not get this content in the UK. But if it refers to what I think it does. Then I will say that, if you get fooled by or trapped into religion, even the religion called art, then you are going to be fleeced. There is no other outcome.
I guess I could have put this under religion and spirituality but it seems really much more random ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 30, 2021:
Or you can just accept, that if the Last Supper ever happened at all. That it was just a bloke, telling his mates, that he would still be there in memory ( or spirit ) with them, whenever they broke bread and took wine together. Which is actually rather profound and sweet, and a natural act of friendship. So that making it a ritual where payed professional con - artists make mumbo-jumbo out of it to fleece the innocent, really is a travesty.
We must all fight the good fight, each and every day.
Fernapple comments on Sep 30, 2021:
If we all did that, we would not need religions or nation states anyway.
"They are much too rash and reckless, tempting God and disregarding everything which might ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Founder of all the whole non Roman church systems, including all the churches of the anti-virus crowd.
Adam and Eve. The first people...
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Yes but it did not stop Adam using Eve's microsoft.
Adam and Eve. The first people...
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
OK yes, that is one church with a sense of humour.
250 lbs here on Earth is 94.
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
If you were religious, you could probably get away with that sort of logic.
Kakhuri Folk Song by Trio Mandili  They first uploaded this Georgian folk song recorded on a ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Lovely. Though I think that the donkey is not so sure, and would like to be out of there.
One cannot be considered a moral person when he or she chooses to believe thinks that are not true, ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
You do not choose a religion usually, and when you do, you do not choose to believe in it. What you do when you choose a religion, is choose a system of thoughts which matches your wants and justifies them. Then, whether you believe it or not, is not relevant, because your choice forces you to pretend belief (literal or metaphorical ), which is the same thing as belief to the rest of the world.
Beautiful weeds.
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
OK, happy to help.
I’m no expert on art, but it sure seems like they got their money’s worth!?
Fernapple comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well done that young man.
Disgusting PowerPoint Shows How Little Has Changed - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Sep 28, 2021:
I sometime wonder if there is any hope for the US.
To use the bible as a Christian's worst enemy.
Fernapple comments on Sep 28, 2021:
While his heart may be in the right place, it is still just another example of, you can use scripture to prove/justify anything you want.
When you read this, it becomes very obvious why Oklahoma is a red state.
Fernapple comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Road safety obviously another thing you Americans don't do. Are things getting really weird over there, or is it just an impression this site gives ?
The only bishops that really count are in chess.
Fernapple comments on Sep 28, 2021:
That is true, if you can do maths you can usually get a good job, so you would not want to be in the church. ( OH wait, that is, unless you were a totally dishonest scoundrel, who wanted to find a easy way to exploit people. )
"My" thought du jour: "Inaction to me, is equal to everyday stirring your food, but not eating it.
Fernapple comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Not just you how about Darwin. Enjoy.
Is John Lennon's "Imagine" an atheistic anthem? []
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Maybe it was, maybe it was not, but we can use it as such. And why should the churches have all the best songs ?
This came up in private discussion with a member: I wonder how many people on this site would ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
How else would you find the time to spend on here.
Is it just me, or are you also frustrated and/or annoyed at the carelessness with which other people...
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Yes, but I can forgive you.
say something original and wise.
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
If one person says it, its called a lie, if a million people say it, its called culture.
say something original and wise.
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Every bit of dogma, was once an original thought.
A year and a half...
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Yes but I have a lot of happy spiders.
I started pulling out my ugliest flowers from the pots on the deck this afternoon and replacing them...
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Pop some spring bulbs in the same pots. They get on well together as long as you don't use really big bulbs.
This is definitely my point of view.
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Best keep it to yourself.
Evangelical pastor claims that the reason Jesus hasn’t returned is because people aren’t ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
So basically Jesus takes bribes. Or could it be that his supposed mouth pieces, just keep the bribes.
Hello, How are y'all?
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
OK so far. What are you going to do which may upset me, or fill me with joy ?
This app
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Is as good a way to waste time as any other, and as a bonus you get to meet lots of other people with time to waste from all over the world, without having to trawl though the horrors of mainstream Facebook.
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Theists. Because the more I saw of them, the less I wanted to be like them.
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Not possible, too hard. Trying to yes.
Fernapple comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Never really did, in the UK atheist/agnostic is pretty much the default.
Is Facebook "what's wrong with America" ?
Fernapple comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Once to get a platform and influence public opinion, you had to prove yourself to trained editors and fellow journalists. Now you only have to impress a robot, which has been programed to get as many people as it can.
I notice this image being thrown around on social media.
Fernapple comments on Sep 24, 2021:
And who could forget, Vietnam, booming capitalist economy for a small county with a ( post ? ) communist government.
Having a very hard time with antivaxxers and anti maskers and trying to find some serenity.
Fernapple comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Depends, if you regard lettuce DNA as part of the lettuce, or not.
American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 24, 2021:
The people who made the Clovis points did not just spend time chipping rocks, they were people like us, they made poetry, played politics, raised families, had passionate loves and almost by default while they were doing that they built cities and nations as well. Lost is not the same as never was.
An inspirational post for shoppers.
Fernapple comments on Sep 24, 2021:
And all that time you spend dusting and cleaning it, could be time spent in the woods listening to the birds sing, on the beach with the grandchildren, or just cuddling a loved one over a shared glass of wine.
Went to see a psychic who was in a bad mood.
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
That's easy, you just put your hand in your pocket, pull out some money, and they happy up instantly.
Words of Wisdom 2nd....
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Sadly we are most of us born in the circus.
I make no statements about innocent veggies being yanked out of the ground, silently screaming as ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
I should reply. If I was hungry enough and they were already dead, I have no problem eating a person. And I would also add, that if it was legal, then when I die they can give my body to the local dinner, though I would prefer to be dog and cat food.
Words of Wisdom 1st....
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Very good. Though it is true that quite a lot of modern slaves are literally in chains still.
Countries That Have Produced The Most Serial Killers - WorldAtlas
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Probably basically true, but you do have to be wary of a possible bias, because some countries may under-report deaths and crimes, or not even have the term serial killer as part of their culture. Especially in countries with large unrecorded populations, who are often the main victims of violent crime.
Militant Atheists?
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Fortunately, after long contact with the atheist community it seems that such people are rare, and I have had few contacts with them. I always describe myself as a "broad church sceptic", meaning that I am happy with anyone who has rejected the dogma of religion, and happy to support any views outside of that, be they atheist, agnostic or even deist, since it is dogma which does the harm, the none existent, none communicating or inactive god never harmed anybody, only the dogma of his followers did that. So that it is all important not to start pushing dogma of our own.
Extremely well written!
Fernapple comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Men are basically polygamous, and women are basically monotonous.
Do you have a glossy green front lawn? What is this, the 1950s?
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Nope gave up the lawn addiction years ago. Grass is the most time, money and carbon wasting form of garden there is, and also the most dull and boring. But that I think is the secret of its popularity, it is dull, so you don't have to think, and if you don't have to think, you can't be caught getting something wrong, it is gardening for cowards who are even afraid of public opinion. Bet all lawn owners go to church too.
I just received a text wanting to know if I would participate in a survey about immigration and ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
I just got, a sorry not you, notice, but that is not surprising given I am on the other side of the Atlantic.
I recommend watching this guy's video on TikTok here.
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
I think that tiktok has moved on. Which is a shame because I am very interested in the possible harmful effects of coffee, and was convinced a few weeks ago to try giving it up, (I still drink tea. ) and I must say that within a few days I started to feel twenty years younger.
“The greatest derangement of the mind is to believe in something because one wishes it to be ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Learning to tell the difference between, "I want" and "its true", is the first stage of growing up. Most people seem to manage it at about the age of five or six, or they never get there at all, and spend the rest of their lives as the victims of who ever manipulates their culture.
Christian Apologist: Black People Weren’t Raised With an “Emphasis on Education” | Hemant ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Nor are Christians, of any colour.
Flipping heck, it sure is a bit on the windy side out there today.
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
You could do like they did in the Cinderella story and go round to see who the fit. Offer a prize for the winner, say a years supply of diet videos.
Heh, heh, Caught the little Sod red-handed.
Fernapple comments on Sep 21, 2021:
In the UK we very few people have mail boxes, for the greater part mail is dropped into your house through a postal flap, ( like a cat flap ) in your front door. It makes it very hard to steal mail, though we did have a criminal fashion for putting nasty things like dog dirt, and even worse petrol, though the flap, but that fashion seems to have died now. In part because someone designed an inner fireproof box with drains to the outside, so that any liquid poured in just splashes onto the criminals feet, and if they intended arson, when the strike the match, they can go up in flames, but the house is safe.
Meanwhile, in South West England, this serious debate continues. 😆 Cream first, or jam first?
Fernapple comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Neither. I like to put a fresh knife dab of both on the scone's edge each time I take a mouthful. It seems more fun and it does not squish all over when you bite it.
Fernapple comments on Sep 20, 2021:
It says. "Video not available." Sorry.
Anyone looking for me? []
Fernapple comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Gianni Crow "I was very young when someone first called me "Sinner".
Fernapple comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Wise words.
It is difficult to accept that FGM remains an issue in the U.S. []
Fernapple comments on Sep 19, 2021:
Wherever there is religion, there is a place to hide and promote nasty things, of all kinds.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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