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Why do religious people let god get away with being so horrible? : atheism
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Because god gives them what they want. A god is made by its worshipers not the other way round. And if you take someone who does not want to make the effort to be a good human being, and say to them. Join my club and that makes you superior to all the other humans, with bragging rights. Then they will lick your imaginary boots.
Donald Trump's Enablers Are "Jumping Off the Crazy Train"
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2021:
A rat may jump of a sinking ship, but it does not change into a fish.
What’s your distinction between Agnosticism and Atheism and can you be both
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Some people say that you can be both, some people say not. Agnosticism is usually defined as lack of knowledge, especially about god. But that comes in two forms, soft and hard, soft being, I do not know if god exists or not, and hard being, I am sure that nobody knows if there is a god or not. Atheism however is usually, and you will find disputes about this, defined as lack of belief, especially in god. And it too is said to come in hard and soft forms, soft being, I do not believe in god, and hard being I believe there is certainly no god. ( Very like anti-theism another term sometimes used. )And that is why some people say that you can be both, because one is about knowledge, or at least belief about knowledge, and the other is about belief directly. Certainly soft atheism and hard agnosticism are compatible, but the other two maybe not. It is complex, like many things in human culture, because you are trying to express truths about the nature of things, using language as a tool. And language is an undesigned tool, being little more than a collection of historical accidents, which means it is not always able to express things as we would like, even if we use it very well.
Trump has been trumped by Nicola Sturgeon! The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2021:
I take it that in his last few days, when the mad crazy, figures he has nothing to lose, and he lashes about at every target he can, that an armed invasion to seize Nicola will be his next move.
It seems the administration is atheist and should change be the name if the website to Atheists .
Fernapple comments on Jan 6, 2021:
I really do not care where someone stands in the non religious field. Whether they be atheist, agnostic, the hard or soft form of both, pantheist or even deist. As long as they have rejected religious dogma, and are tolerant, that does.
Yeah take that Republicans
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
You Americans amaze me. You never have to wait to vote in the UK, there is a polling station well maned in ever village and suburb. You just walk in, get your paper, vote and leave; we get the votes counted within twenty four hours, and the former Prime Minister gets booted out of number ten within a few days. How can you expect to get a good vote if only people with time to line up get to vote ?
Anyone here in the NC Triangle area into hiking?
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Would love to join a hiking group, though like boots, but am on the other side of the big pond sadly.
To all of my new found atheist friends: I have been atheist most of my life and basically gave up on...
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site.
Has anyone else got this problem?
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Everybody knows you anyway.
Winter pics
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Wow, great pictures. I wish we had winters like that in the UK, all we ever seem to get is rain, wind and mess.
Henry David Thoreau on boredom.
Fernapple comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I am rarely bored when left to myself. But Henry lived alone in the woods, so people left him alone to get on with the things which interested him. The main time I get bored, is when people think I need amusement and that they can provide it. Maybe that's what he meant when he said, that, he would run a mile if he heard that someone was intending to do him good. LOL
Christopher Hitchens Destroys the Logic of the Bible : atheism
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Hichens at his best was very good, it always pays to listen to someone, even when you know, and perhaps especially when you know that you don't agree with everything they stand for.
Can you recognize logic when you see it?
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
OK. Here's a little puzzle. Are two peas in the same pod really identical, or can they be genetically different, can you work this out from first principles ?
Purple agapanthus, love the colour.
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Beautiful flowers. I was luck enough to see them growing wild on Isle Madeira in the Atlantic, where they are naturalized and a bit of a weed really. And can just manage to grow them in favoured spots in my own garden.
It has to be done.
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Oh how I wish that I had a reason to own some Euros. With this covid, the slow role out of the vaccines, and all the travel restrictions, traveling in Europe seems like a distant and hopeless dream.
The Central Psychological Insight is that suffering is caused by mistaking untruth for truth.
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
I can go with that. Beautiful photo too.
Can you be scientifically based and follow astrology?
Fernapple comments on Jan 4, 2021:
At one level you could in theory do so. For there to be a deep, hidden, connection between the movements of the planets and stars and the fate of organisms, does not directly conflict with any known science, anymore than the idea that there are fairies at the bottom of my garden does. But as with the fairies, where there have been an awful lot of studies done by science on the ecosystem of this planet, and not one of them has turned up any miniature anthropoids. There is an awful lot of science and history which point to there being no truth in it. Two examples. Firstly when statistical surveys have been done quite often on astrology, and they have found two things. That astrological predictions have no more accuracy than predictions made by random chance, and that no two astrologers can be found to agree no the same predictions than random chance. In other words they can not even manage self consistency. Secondly historically. How does astrology deal with mass events, where the same thing happens to large numbers of people all at the same time. Especially natural disasters and battles where large numbers of people die, many of whom must have had very different horoscopes. That was famously said two thousand years ago by the Roman author/statesman Cicero. The Romans suffered one of their worst ever defeats at the battle of Cannae, with a terrible World War One level of fatalities. Many years later when Cicero was asked about why he did not respect astrology, he said. " Did twenty thousand men at Cannae all have the same horoscope ? Yet they all had the same fate."
With this pandemic, I find myself taking more naps.
Fernapple comments on Jan 3, 2021:
The only comfort I can find , is that when things are really bad, the next turn of fortune is far more likely to be a good one. So I just hang in there, grind forward, and keep on reminding myself of all the good things that I do have. I am not sick in hospital, I don't have the covid, I have a sound roof over my head, food on the table, books to read, jobs to do, a companion, my friend in my case, your mother in yours, memories of the contributions I made in the past and the prospect that things can get better in the future. Then I remind myself that there are millions of people in the world who have none of those things, and not much hope for the future.
we can always use some inspiration: []
Fernapple comments on Jan 3, 2021:
You may like this too. Its a bit of a shaky film, but still worth the look.
Himeji Castle also known as the White Heron Castle. - world heritage - Hyōgo, Japan
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Lovely to get three seasons.
Only a few more days of suffering Trump.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Sorry if you want answers, this is the wrong planet, Try somewhere in or around Orion's belt.
Trump Crows That 'Everybody's Calling To Thank Me' For COVID-19 Vaccine 'Miracle' | HuffPost
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Was he not the one who said, there was no such thing as Covid ?
“I hated high school.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Only perhaps the UK people will understand /believe this, but if you are from the US or elsewhere, I promise it is true. 12 to 17 was absolutely horrible, English schools were deliberately made uncomfortable, and unpleasant, there was a mini ice age in the sixties seventies, everything was freezing cold even the washing water, and dirty, which made it worse. The English food then was inedible, and deliberately so, ( toughen you up ) and the school kitchen so dirty and rat infested, that I, and about twenty others caught jaundice, (rats were using it as a playground by night.). My one escape was reading, and you would not believe it could happen, in a school now, but I was beaten, for reading too much !!! A well as for everything else, including catching a foot infection, which I still think was the schools fault even if it was not a very strange thing to be punished for. The best year was 17 to 18 and escaping to college, the one bright year in the sun, (plus girls, music and beer ). Though that was where I met the most obnoxious, two faced, idle, hypocritical, theist teacher, who put the final nails in the coffin, of any interest I ever had in religion. Then several years in a dismal job, which I hated, and which my schooling had done nothing to prepare me for. (Finally escaped by starting my own business, which meant living on next to nothing for several years, but it payed off in the end. )
In 5 to 7 billion years "our star will grow to be larger than we can imagine — so large that it'll...
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Never really crossed a hurdle, the little bit of interest I ever had in believing just sort of faded away, encouraged along by early encounters with some rather nasty theists.
Status check! Has anyone heard from, or have knowledge of the reason, @cutiebeauty has gone "radio ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
I have heard, that she did make a post saying. "This will be my last post on this site." And the hearsay also said, that she was only a few points away from making 'ten' and that that may have had something to do with it, but I am only repeating gossip, so you will have to do your own research to verify. If you find anything let me know please.
Just finished bottling Blackcurrant, Rhubarb, and Gooseberry fruit wines.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Well done, that many clean neat bottles represent a big effort.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Of course. Criminals controlling scams, do not want people with the strength to 'accept facts' anywhere near them.
Is any of this real?
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
The only thing you can do, is try to support your cousin and his wife in what, perhaps small way, you can. Because few of us can change the world much, but if, all of us, just did what we can, for those we meet, (Forget the big picture.) and sadly very few do, then the world would become a far better place.
I just realized something. I'm a pompous self-involved jackass.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Great, join the club and welcome. We Jackasses deserve a lot more respect.
I've never been one for labels.
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Always call myself a Broad Church Sceptic, pretty much the same as your non-believer I think. Because I am open to, and accepting of all positions, on the sceptic spectrum, from deist and pantheist to atheist. Since I do not see belief, or not, in a maybe non-existent, and certainly in those cases, non-communicating god, as important. The harm and danger which comes from religion, comes from the cultural baggage it carries with it. And especially the belief, that "my" cultural baggage, is better than anyone else's, because it is, some how, sanctified, or has more authority because it comes from a 'higher' outside source.
Have you progressed beyond lust in your quest to understand beauty?
Fernapple comments on Jan 2, 2021:
Never liked Plato's ideals. Ideas can be beautiful yes, but that is no proof of their truthfulness. As to Physical beauty yes. A couple of years ago I suffered an illness which left me without any sexual desire. ( Recovered now thankfully. ) And I found that my interest in beauty, including the beauty of women, actually increased, because you see it without distraction. I also understand that it is a mistake to think that beauty and sexual desire are linked, in fact some of the plainest women I have known, ( Not always in the biblical sense of known, sadly.) were also the sexiest. While some pretty women I have met, were utterly bland and uninteresting. Beauty is an initial social attractant soon forgotten in the throws of lust.
To everyone......
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
And may Janus bless your anus.
Happy 2021 everyone.
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
And may the rest of the decade be happy for you..
Happy new year 🎆🎈🎊 Happy every other day 💪
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Happy new year.
Fuck God : atheism
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Sounds like a very unhappy sad person, I do hope that the journey brings peace in the end. But there are better reasons for turning to atheism, or sceptical thinking generally.
Rocks at the beach...
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Oh yes, rainbow colours, must be a good mixed beach, many different minerals.
hny yall...
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Happy new year.
I don't mean to be the party pooper, but there is still plenty of time for the 2020 meteor to hit.
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Happy new year.
“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise”.
Fernapple comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Happy new year.
How (and Why) Americans Were Taught to Hate Atheists []
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Interesting post, I did not know a lot of that.
The problem with Libertarianism is a question of motivation and intent.
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Agree with all of that good post. But sadly the biology is a little off, the idea of species as an evolutionary unit demanding sacrifice from the individual, is long since discredited. Family or clan is the largest unit, and even that is biologically much weaker than the family.
Happy New Year!
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
And to you, stay safe. Beautiful dog.
So now I can't submit replies. Anyone else having this problem?
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
It works only with some browsers. On others, you have to click in the text box, to insert your mouse cursor, then press enter, a new page opens where you can type, then you press the preview and submit buttons that appear on that page.
Anyone else finding this 'new' Submit 'feature' that has just appeared a total SNAFU?
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
To work it with some browsers, you have to click in the text box, to insert your mouse cursor, then press enter, a new page opens where you can type, then you press the preview and submit buttons that appear on that page in turn. Yes fun ain't it.
Hopefully you all have a memorable 2021, full of joy and success, and never-fading optimism!
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
And the same to you.
2020 was an awesome year! I see so many posts here and elsewhere bemoaning 2020, how awful it ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
You sound like me, well done fellow human, and may 2021, be even better.
This is a follow up to previous posts regarding the new site format.
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Yes, agree with that.
I move that the name of this site be changed to "Atheist.
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
The bullying of new members should never be acceptable, anywhere any time or for any reason. Though I would go the other way and call the site, ( ) to make it plain that it is a site for a board spectrum of none believers.
Happy New Year to all those who believe something.
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Thank you for limiting your best wises to the chosen few. Very generous of you. LOL
There's a city called Dildo?
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
I have heard that there is even a Dildo inlet.
The Great Oxidation.
Fernapple comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Wonderful story, thank you for posting it.
Landscapes — 1: Lansersee, near Innsbruck, Austria, 1968.
Fernapple comments on Dec 30, 2020:
Great photos. And the comments button works now !!!!!
Good morning @Admin 🙂 I cannot comment on posts at the moment.
Fernapple comments on Dec 30, 2020:
Still not working on some posts. Like this one.
The new comments button is not working for me, I click on it and nothing happens.
Fernapple comments on Dec 30, 2020:
People say that it is working now, here is a test comment. Yep, that seems ok, will make it a long one just to check. People say that it is working now, here is a test comment. Yep, that seems ok, will make it a long one just to check. People say that it is working now, here is a test comment. Yep, that seems ok, will make it a long one just to check. Ok good.
Reaching for connection but missing every time.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Never have anything to do with an Englishman they are very annoying.
I dunno, Stan Lee was a brilliant man. He might have gotten it right.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Come back in a thousand years, and tell that to the Spidermanists, in one of their churches. You may get stoned to death. LOL
Communists will not educate themselves, too lazy.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Yes but there are degrees of educational laziness. Most of the communists I have met, could use English grammar quite well.
Half the South Thinks the U.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
How sad to be encourage to junk your own history, so that someone can get money out of you.
Just a reminder that some things are true no matter what year it is.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
And. The nonsense that people will believe, is almost without limit. Amen.
Ridiculous tales 💭 Exodus 12:29 At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Interestingly, it is said that. In times of famine, such as when the crops had been struck down by a blight, for example ergot. The Egyptians had a custom that only the first born, both humans and livestock, would be fed, the others had to shift for themselves. Therefore, if the fungal blight was ergot, which is highly toxic to mammals including humans, the first born would be poisoned. So the biblical story may just be an case of god, taking credit, as he generally did then, for what was done by a fungus.
Ridiculous tales 💭 Exodus 12:29 At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
It is even sicker than that. Because, according to the account, god got inside Pharoah's head, and it was god who "hardened his heart".
Why do flies wait to appear until I put the fly swat down? GRR!
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Their god, Lord Of The Flies, tele-communicates with them ?
Question to atheists and agnostics: Are you sure no god exists that you believe in?
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
There are very few, true, hard atheists about, an actual certainly held belief in there being no gods is rare, to the point of vanishing, so this is very much a straw-man argument. However, even as an agnostic, I do not think I would find this very convincing. Attempting to define god into existence, by playing with the meaning of words, is not making a god out of the universe; but rather the old sad delusion of making a god out of that flawed syphilitic called human culture. (In this case not even that, but rather its sub-set language.) I am quite open to the possibility of pantheism, and/or an intelligent universe, and certainly can not see any reason not to be. But I would certainly stop short of calling it god. Because the god word, has been infected for thousands of years by religion with the syphilitic taint that is the idea of a single entity, with a definable personality. Which by the nature of single entities can be separated out from the whole. So that as with all things that can be separated, it can then be manipulated by the human agencies, and used to create the false authority which the criminally inclined long for, more than anything. So that any such a religion, would then rapidly, become a tool for exploitation and abuse, no less than common type..
Atheists like Dawkins say most believers are atheistic about all gods but one, and he ( Dawkins ) is...
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
There are very few, true, hard atheists about, an actual certainly held belief in there being no gods is rare, to the point of vanishing, so this is very much a straw-man argument. However, even as an agnostic, I do not think I would find this very convincing. Attempting to define god into existence, by playing with the meaning of words, is not making a god out of the universe; but rather the old sad delusion of making a god out of that flawed syphilitic called human culture. (In this case not even that, but rather its sub-set language.) I am quite open to the possibility of pantheism, and/or an intelligent universe, and certainly can not see any reason not to be. But I would certainly stop short of calling it god. Because the god word, has been infected for thousands of years by religion with the syphilitic taint that is the idea of a single entity, with a definable personality. Which by the nature of single entities can be separated out from the whole. So that as with all things that can be separated, it can then be manipulated by the human agencies, and used to create the false authority which the criminally inclined long for, more than anything. So that any such a religion, would then rapidly, become a tool for exploitation and abuse, no less than common type.
I just survived watching my cat bring a live mouse in the house, cornering it then going outside.
Fernapple comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Great photos though.
Moons around uranus. [] They need to send a proctologist right away! []
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Interesting article too, should get more attention, but perhaps it is a mistake to post a joke as a headline, because people will assume that that is all there is.
If you are the strong kind, then how do you know for sure that you can’t know anything for sure?
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
You can never be sure of anything regardless of how strong you are. The only certainty is that it pays to be sceptical.
Yeah he's the only one
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Yes but he is almost gone !!!!
Omnipotent, omnipresent, all good, alpha and omega, yet can’t create a garden without a flaw ?
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
It was a walled garden 'paradise', so why did he not just, plant the stupid tree outside the wall ? Problem solved.
Funny funny!
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
I don't know, what does he say ?
How do I get my level up faster.
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site. Just post, reply, write a bio and take part, the levels go up quickly if you don't worry too much about them.
A bit of a rant ahead.
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
You say. "until I go to college in the fall." Great; your world is about to enlarge massively, getting a whole lot wider. Keep that movement going, travel and take the chance to widen your horizons as much as you can, Not just physical travel either, though that is important, but travel to other communities, join some clubs, read some books in the college library, which are not part of your courses. Anything and everything that takes you away. And remember, that there are a lot of closet none believers out there, if you are brave enough to show your true nature, you may be surprised by how many come out of their shells.
We Need to Stop Calling Armed Rightwing Groups 'Militias' | Time
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Silly to ever have started calling them that, a militia by definition, is a government organized body. I suppose that it was started by the media, who did not want to alienate large numbers of would be users, so they went for flattery to grab a few extra dollars.
Moons around uranus. [] They need to send a proctologist right away! []
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
That is a very old pun, good to know someone is still caring for the old ones and keeping them safe.
The older I get I learn that my opinion appears to only cause division and strife.
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Don't give up on your son, people change all though life.
Hello, I have been on this site for around 2 1/2 years give or take a week.
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Love a good rant.
Maybe Carol Baskin can help
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
They may have thought it a good idea to cook one of them first, but actually raw meat is probably better for kitty.
Sunday hike,Tsing Yi nature trail,Tsing Yi island, Hong Kong
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Great photos, pleased to see that you can still have fun like a kid.
Tis the season to be careful with your pennies.
Fernapple comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Sad that you have to publish such a list.
When life gives you lemon, you make lemonade.
Fernapple comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Reader Opinion: Let’s Study Science Before Theology: []
Fernapple comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Theology is not a science, but is said to be a branch of history, but a branch which accepts the idea of divine involvement. I have always had a great deal of respect for mainstream history, mainly because it does not accept divine involvement.
here kitty kitty kitty
Fernapple comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Wise and funny.
Let's share pictures of the beauty of Winter.
Fernapple comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Here you go. Christmas roses in the snow, our village church, and my garden.
Another population of blue whales found in Indian ocean: []
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Great news, It would be nice to find an estimate of just how many there are world wide. I know that they are said to be recovering but with something as slow to breed as an animal that size, it will be very slow.
“There is not enough love and goodness in the world to permit giving any of it away to imaginary ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Or the pockets of those who claim to represent them.
Do you believe in mythology?
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
By definition, no one believes in mythology. Mythology is the name that we give to those religions that we reject belief in. As in. My religion, but, your mythology. Personally I try to see all of it as mythology, and to correct myself if I do catch myself believing any of it.
i try to stay distracted.
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Dropped my car keys yesterday, miles out in the country. And I thought, lost the keys, two/three hours to walk home, with no phone water or food because they are all locked in the car, then got to break into the house, (door key on the same ring,) be dark by then, get the spares, two/three hours back, girlfriend will think I have left home and be worried, when I don't phone. So I set off on my route back, had not got two hundred yards, when I saw a set of keys glittering in the long grass. Million to one that I would spot them there. Funny thing is, I don't believe in Karma, and even if I did, I usually only get the bad sort.
Earth is much more diverse than we thought: []
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
It is only in the last few years, that we discover that the Pipistrelle Bat, which lives in the UK. Was in fact two different species, and Britain has to be one of the most documented countries on earth, where bats have been studied for at least two centuries. I have heard of and experiment done in Norway. Where a single spade of earth, from a forest, was taken into the lab and deeply studied, several new species being found. They argued that, when you get down to very small things, the eight million or so species could be a gross underestimate, the species being almost limitless.
Welsh Poppy, so beautiful
Fernapple comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Very pretty, but also an invasive little thug, which sows itself everywhere you don't want it, and is almost impossible to kill. I once knew a lady whose garden was almost swamped by it, and it was one of the reasons she sold the house.
Diogenes John William Waterhouse, 1849-19 In Waterhouse's painting, Diogenes, the ancient ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Waterhouse liked to do pretty, and, like a lot of his paintings, the theme is just an excuse for that. Which is just fine, nothing wrong with pretty. But he is a little unfair to Diogenes, who was a great deal more than just an grumpy old misery, making important points with his philosophy, being a philanthropist, ( he was quite rich, ) and used his mockery justly against the pompus and shallow.
I used to be a nicer person.
Fernapple comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Be at peace with your hate, it can be a powerful motivator to get good things done. It is only letting it fester that harms.
Korea achieves 20 seconds of temperature sufficient for fusion. []
Fernapple comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Getting closer.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Makes more sense than a lot of the poems posted on here, but sorry to say your video does not work.
Kingship USA So Americans think they can get rid of Kings and call themselves a republic?
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Perhaps the one and only great benefit of the monarchy, silly out dated institution that it is. Is that it sets a limit to fools and their ambitions, neither Boris, nor that truly evil towrag, Blair, will ever get to call themselves president.
I dream of living in a post-religious society.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Nothing that can't be replicated in other ways, no.
I know that this time means nothing to many of you but I'm leaving my Season's Greetings anyway.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Nothing wrong with the season. A happy new year and a merry Yule to you.
I love ME TV but over half the stuff it has I would no longer watch or even cross the street to see.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Just tell me where to find a program this week, without the word Christmas in the title, and I can die happy.
TV scripts 'Atheist finds God'.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
There is no dividing line between popular culture and religion, in fact religion is very much just a marketable product like every other one. And just as the fact that, when one socially hopeless young man, discovers that the product he was sold, does not make him devastatingly attractive to the opposite sex, like the advert says. Will not stop the marketing people using that ploy, again and again, because they know that there are plenty more socially hopeless and naive young men out there. So the growth of sceptical culture, will not stop them marketing religion for every dollar they can get out of its victims.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
A happy Yule to you, and a much better new year.
What have been some of the best ways you’ve put your newly found truth to productive use?
Fernapple comments on Dec 24, 2020:
I hope that I am productive, and I know that many of the members here certainly are. But why assume that anyone has to have a new found truth, my new truths are many, and most of the truths that are important in my life are old. Not every sceptic is a new born one, I was never really part of any religion.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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