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What do you think?
Fernapple comments on Dec 12, 2020:
I don't think, therefore I am not.
The weeks best dog and cat tweets.
Fernapple comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Yep dogs in winter for me too. I love the one helping to move the snow.
I may have posted this here earlier, I can't remember.
Fernapple comments on Dec 12, 2020:
I would be quite unable to answer. Since when I laugh really hard, I generally start to choke.
“It’s four hundred million million million million watts.
Fernapple comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Brian Cox is always fun.
Why is religion suddenly declining? | OUPblog
Fernapple comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Good article up to a point. Though I note that it does not mention the rate at which the world is becoming more connected due to IT. Which has several possible effects, including the rise of real multiculturalism, which gives people cause to question their adherence to one single culture and belief system, accompanied by more information with which to do so. Also the rise of so called fake news, conspiracy theory etc., which though they may delude some, perhaps forces most people to get into the habit of being much more critical and questioning. We may well be on edge of a world which values objective truth, good research and information, and a belief in objective taste more than ever, precisely because the opposites of all those things are so readily available and therefore cheapened.
Who created man with such a complex structure?
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
You are perhaps not as complex as you think anyway. Humans still have the basic mammal design, which has been around for million upon millions of years, and is little changed in us. And that is in turn, only a slight variation on the basic reptile/tetrapod design. While if you think about, for example, your skeleton, you are basically just a bilateral tube, reinforced with bones in segments along the length, ( your ribs make this very clear,) while your pelvice, collar bone, and even jaw, are just highly modified ribs. In the end therefore, the basic pattern of a segmented worm, is still there and hardly changed.
If the world allows, my son and I will be headed to Alaska’s BearCamp in the summer.
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Sounds wonderful, I do hope that you have fun and that virus travel restrictions don't spoil your plans. You will I hope post all about it here.
Mosaic floor a puzzle, as Roman's should have been gone:[]
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Slowly fade away, with a whimper not a bang.
Who created man with such a complex structure?
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Evolution does not have any regard for how complex or not its creations are, the only criterion is, does it work, and anything that works is kept. Though of course the more complex of organisms are more prone to going extinct, due to even slight changes in the environment. Which is why some of the longest lived, or at least longest in an unchanged state, are the simplest, there are species of single celled creatures which have been around practically unaltered since the earliest fossil records, while few complex organisms survive more than a geological era. Amusingly, there is doubtful but interesting hypothesis about the saber tooth adaption, which illustrates this. Since there have been, many animals with the saber tooth form, cats, dogs, bears I think and even hoofed animals. Yet they all go extinct. The hypothesis goes that this happens because, having saber teeth is a very good adaption for feeding on large vegetable eating animals, which few predators are big enough or well armed enough to kill, so that saber toothed animals have a food source all to themselves. ( Not many things want to try an adult elephant.) And when once you have got your saber teeth and large strong body, then those with the biggest teeth and strongest bodies, thrive and prosper the most, in competition with their fellows, so that the bodies and the teeth get bigger and bigger. The problem comes when there is a climate change, disease, or a disaster of some sort which causes the plant eaters population to plunge. Eventually the plant eaters populations may recover, from a few individuals who stagger out of isolated valleys. But the saber toothed predators can not live on a few scattered individuals in isolated valleys, they need huge populations spread widely. And because they are big, perhaps slow and have clumsy teeth, they can do nothing else, they can not live on or even catch mice or birds, such as a modern wolf would in hard times. So they go extinct. And then, when thing settle down, evolution produces, because it is driven by inter-specific competition, another species of saber tooths. The process is mindless and remorseless. Competition says get better at your job, become ever better adapted, to out perform the fellow members of your own species. Until you are so highly adapted, you are a specialist, and you can do nothing else. Then a small rapid change is enough to tip you over the edge. And a few medium sized, none specialists, stagger of of caves in hidden valleys, diversify and it all starts over.
People get started down the religion rabbit hole as children and by the time they realize the ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
A lot of priests are especially in that place, its true. You have to remember that nobody studies religion as deeply as a priest, and the more you know about it the more you are going to question it. The sad thing is that it is the most honest and decent humans among them, who suffer with their conscience, the a####### don't care.
Do you think the Pandemic will change the way we shop permanently?
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
If my personal thoughts are anything to go by, I will probably enjoy going back to the high street at least, but will still be shopping on line more than I did a year ago. there will be a balance found eventually, and I think that there is value in seeing and handling the goods, and speaking to the sellers in person, ( especially in the smaller high street shop ) but the big out of town stores, not so much.
I here this bullshit too much.
Fernapple comments on Dec 10, 2020:
I think we know that, but sadly it is not the people here who need informing.
Deadliest Days In American History
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Agree with the idea. But I have to ask, is that only in the last century, what about the civil war ? Not my history but were not some of the days of battle very deadly ?
Someday you'll be able to hold one of these in the palm of your hand...
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Wonder if anyone then really had that vision. Remember the communicators in the early Star Trek, big and clunky, and they only did speech.
Daniel Popper's Thrive in Fort Lauderdale.
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Very original, which is rare.
Another Christian girlfriend dumped me again.
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
If they are literal Christians, you can understand the logic, when they believe they will be reunited for eternity with their families, why would they want to commit, most of all, to someone who is lost. And even if they are not literal Christians, you have to figure they will probably see you as a project. The usually advice is to join atheist social groups to meet like minded people, but I think we can safely assume that you do not have that sort of thing in your area, or the question would not be asked. So you have two options, one, move, or two, if that is not possible, start a atheist/agnostic social group of your own. You may be surprised by how many closet unbelievers there are out there just waiting for someone to make the first move.
"Starwatcher IV" by Mobeus
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Pretty. Very Mucha like.
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
You mean like not wearing a tiny bit of paper in front of your face. Because someone you are not supposed to like, does.
In England, they gave the first Covid vaccine shots today.
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Well they are giving them to the oldest first. And they must have worked out, that at over four hundred years......
Just in time for the giving season?
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Is this just an advert.
What personality traits were passed down from your ancestors?
Fernapple comments on Dec 9, 2020:
The pedantry to stick to my self set standards, however pointless and annoying to me and others, no mater what. From my paternal grandmother. If the house was on fire, and sure to burn down. She would still make the bed before she left. "Because you can't leave a bed unmade."
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people” ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Old Isaac, was not exactly the most sound and stable of personalities himself.
Do you have a question that you'd like to know the answer to?
Fernapple comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Yes. I would love to know if there is a lot of dark matter hidden somewhere, and where, or does the standard model need revising ?
This is a worthwhile read even if you knew something about it.
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
And of course when the Arabic/Indian numerals arrived in Europe, the church tried to have them banned.
Southern schools' history textbooks: A long history of deception, and what the future holds
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Your dad sounds wise, that can't be bettered. You may like this.
Why are you agnostic? If you're not agnostic then why are you only a theist or an atheist?
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Really! Do buy a dictionary.
Heathen Gardener Kvetch time! Not to sound negative(though I will), but to share an observation, I ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Not something I ever thought about much. On the odd occasion when I see US videos over here, I just assume it is a part of your culture, like we say "bless you" when someone sneezes. Sadly it is also natural in many parts of the world, to simply assume that it is fake, and not really meant, which of course helps to get Americans a reputation for being phony, shallow and untruthful. They are not of course generally, but you have to wonder, if it is true at least of religion.
A well meaning friend has just shared the following:
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
In principle great story, and I do encourage my elderly friend to drink more. But I have to question the 50% stat at least, where does that come from, does it refer to all the bodily water,, or just the amount in the blood stream, or something like that ?. Surely if you had really got, only 50% of your needed water, you would be dead.
Armed Trump supporters protest outside Michigan Secretary of State's house to deny voting results.
Fernapple comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Puts her case well and clearly.
Huge winds today all day and all night.
Fernapple comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Wild weather can be scary. One way round it is to have a bad weather buddy. The idea being that if things are rough, you can phone one another and thereby hear a voice. An animal is a much bigger commitment.
Would you support a worldwide one-child policy?
Fernapple comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Not if it had to be enforced no. Encouraging people to have one or no children yes.
When first creating a post from within a discussion group one option says, "Pick category if want ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Yes I tried that, and it did not work for me either, so it is not the fault of your system.
Early Abrahamic holiday traditions were not fun.
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
The puritans tried to ban it. Cromwell in this country even placed a ban on Christmas Pudding, and Hot Cross Buns, at Easter.
I really don't understand how Christians can't grasp that atheists see Christianity on the same ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Yes like the old saying goes. "There are thousands of gods you don't believe in, I just go one god more."
In most cases, and in the vast majority of people, "reasoning" functions as follows.
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Yes it often works that way, though I do think that most humans are capable of much better, and a lot of the blame lies with our education systems, who don't teach the alternatives. In fact, in the classroom any 'P' who shouts loudly enough, usually gets praise for being decisive and articulate. But that is just an intuitive thought on my part.
Is being agnostic more positively correlated with intelligence than being theistic?
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Define intelligence. Almost impossible anyway. But for fun, lets go with these two. If by intellect you mean, as many do, just mathematical problem solving logic skills, and memory, or the ability to comply with one of the worlds broken education systems, then perhaps, or perhaps not. If on the other hand you mean, the mind skills that are useful and help yourself and other human beings in the real world. Then 'working' intelligence would probably include not just logic crunching skills, but many traits of character, such as, healthy skepticism, setting high standards of truth, not being satisfied with second grade truth, even if you like it, being prepared to work long and hard at problems etc. then almost certainly the answer is 'yes'.
Yesterday I was going down to the street to get the mail.
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
You can not have hawks, without you feed the smaller stuff. Top predators are always said to be a sign of a health environment, for just that reason. Sad to loose the squirrels but if you do have a health environmen, then more will come.
12/04/2020 Kinda wild being in a front row seat as history unfolds.
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
You say that science is not making much progress against the stupid pandemic. Sadly science is hampered when it comes to addressing stupid, because science at its base, is little more than admitting when, "I don't know, and need to be careful not to make errors." Which Leaves the field wide open to those who don't care about errors, and are prepared to drop any answer they like into any vacant space.
It rained here most of yesterday and all night, has been cloudy most of the day but sky cleared just...
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Lovely sunsets. You were lucky, I am just a hundred miles north of you, and with us it never stopped, just turned to sleet.
Winter project: 1 on priority list for me.
Fernapple comments on Dec 5, 2020:
That is some project, good luck.
Wow, what is up with the MAGAZINE on the left side of my page?
Fernapple comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Admin wanted a magazine section for longer article, in part to stop posts getting too long, it is there for anyone to visit, but you do not have to delve into it. It does not have any particular agenda, but is just a mixture of the article members have posted, as such it is in no way different to the posts. If you want it to have a more atheist trend, then why not write some articles for it yourself ?
Almost All COVID Transmission Is Happening in These 5 Places, Doctor Says
Fernapple comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Sound like it is based on solid stats.
Moscow Announces Coronavirus Vaccination Drive - The Moscow Times
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Don't make a fuss, your president has an important game of golf on.
I saw this photo on facebook this morning, and it brought up an interesting question: Perhaps the...
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
I am truly sorry for your loss. I too lost my wife at a very young age, though perhaps fortunately from me, in some ways, because we had not been married long. So that, I was not burdened with a long history of life together, or the needs of children. Though yes I would dearly love to see her again, and for her to know the how far I have traveled and how much I have learned since then. For I think I am a better person now, and she will never share in that. Sadly, I think that there is a great divide between the religious mind and the sceptical one, which can never be closed. And it relates to exactly this issue. Which is that it is in the nature of sceptics, never to think, that my desires for something and the truth of something are the same thing.
Hey, folks, we have a troll in our midst! :-D
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Good, I enjoy a good troll hunt.
Had a bit of time free, so decided to answer "48 questions Atheists can't answer".
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Respect. Anyone who has the patience to trawl all the way through such banal trash, and then take he time to give it sensible answers, has to be on his way to becoming a Humanist saint.
Sunday was such a beautiful day, we went out to one of my favorite places, Boyce Thompson Arboretum ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Wow. In my mind, I can feel the gravel of that path under my feet, and the sun on my head. We have got lots of mud here, and layers upon layers of cloud, swap you.
Hi - I'm not sure what to do about something.
Fernapple comments on Dec 3, 2020:
It does not matter how carefully you word it, someone will still misunderstand you, or write something quite unrelated. If they are not big enough to own their mistake, just ignore, you may find that they will be extra careful and polite to you in future. Best not to block, since you can miss things you may like from other members, if they appear on their threads.
I was trying to figure out who actually wrote the books of the bible and everyone thinks its these ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
It is perhaps best , not to regards the Bible, OT or NT as a written document anyway. It is most probable, that it is more of a document that was edited into existence. Like a scrap book where editors, also nameless, took bits from here and there and pasted them together. We know that that certainly happened in the case of the later, New Testament, in its later days, and also with the Koran, much though Islamic zealots may claim otherwise, so it is reasonable to think that that is also true of the OT.
I was trying to figure out who actually wrote the books of the bible and everyone thinks its these ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
No, I don't think so, just about every original copy and document produced at the same time, has been found researched and studied to within an inch of its life, over the last few centuries. And no one got anywhere, except to say, that we are less sure now than we were two centuries ago. Short of something really massive, like a whole bunch of much earlier dead sea scrolls turning up, which is unlikely, it is not going to happen. And in any case you are dealing with an age before, copy rights, before medical records, and even before birth and death certificates, there simply was not the documentation made, back then about people lives, or referencing who wrote what. In part because, when all documents were hand made on expensive materials, then they were only used sparingly, and then the chances of them surviving and not even being recycled, are vanishingly remote. PS. Even the mainstream churches, such as the Roman Catholic, and the Church of England, admit that Moses almost certainly did not write the books that go by his name, ( since they refer to events after his death, such as his funeral, bit of a give away.) And that the New Testament, was certainly not written by Mark, Luke , Math, John.
Does Christmas mean anything to anyone on here?
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
If you have nieces to spoil, then you are very fortunate, and Christmas must mean a lot to you. Because having nieces to spoil is a lot.
A little picker upper
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Half of you.
Virtually every agnostic lives like an atheist, living completely irreligious lives Dennis ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Good for them.
They knew 100 years ago why not now
Fernapple comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Yes I have seen this photo before, it has, I think, been widely circulated. Though not I am sure among the anti-mask anti-vax etc community. Two nations in one ?
Favorite philosopher?
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Russel. Although I also have a Romantic fondness, not backed up with agreeing with him about much, for Aristotle.
I believe this pandemic has really exposed the religious for what they are.
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I have met a few, too. But we only have a small rump of believers left here in the UK, so there is a much higher proportion of genuine ones.
The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Hello and welcome. Enjoy the site, and do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone. But like ZantiMisfit says, please cite, we have some top grade pedants here for one thing.
Worst Bible Passages
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
There are so many. But lets try. Numbers 31: 17 and 18 on how to deal with none combatant prisoners after a battle. "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him." "But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."
I've been enjoying the Closer to Truth series on YouTube.
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
An idea so completely debunked by Voltaire, in the humourous novel Candide, over two centuries ago now, that it is hard to see how anyone could still be using it. But then they are not interested in converting the world, only in deluding enough poor people to keep the pay cheques coming.
What’s round and nasty? A vicious circle.
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Groan. Not you too, it was bad enough when the Americans did it, but it seems its catching and the Atlantic is no barrier.
High high high
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
No very low, but thank you for your kind thought. Hello and welcome enjoy the site.
Holiday time.
Fernapple comments on Dec 1, 2020:
And Easter is just the Latin word for Spring.
Retired. Not too bad a life.
Fernapple comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I mentioned the verse that says it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Of course that is the great thing about the bible, it is so mixed up you can get it to say almost anything you want. And if it says something you don't want, then you can interpret it, and/or say, it is not literal. But the great think is. The really WONDERFUL trick that makes it work so well, and be so popular. Is that having interpreted it however you like, you can still claim that it is the inerrant word of god, and that therefore your views have god like authority, and trump everyone else.
New housekeeper from a new agency today.
Fernapple comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Oh, if she had a close personal relationship with god, she will be pregnant soon. I am told that, gods seed never fails.
I’m an atheist, but I can’t wait to get back to church
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
I love to hear the call to prayer, when I am staying in Islamic countries, especially the early morning call. But not remotely am I ever likely to convert.
Nature is so interesting.....some sky scapes :)
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Some patience collecting all those.
I’m an atheist, but I can’t wait to get back to church
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
I don't think that the article is really pro-religion, she no where says that she is giving up atheism. It is only really in praise of medieval architecture.
What number are you today?
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Worst face masks for Coronavirus protection []
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
We seem to be plagued in the UK, by people who think that a visor is the same thing as a mask.
Always wondered.
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
It is a mistake to associate the idea of God with any particular qualities. Some gods, such as the Abrahamic god may well be associated in our culture with certain qualities, such as jealousy, but the issue of gods, is a philosophic one, is outside of any individual culture. There is nothing basically illogical in imagining a sadistic god, who created the world in order to indulge its pleasure in observing pain. More likely perhaps, or maybe more reasonably, it is not hard to imagine a deist god, who created the mechanical laws of the universe, then stepped away. And who is simply indifferent to all feelings, such as pleasure and pain, which are to it, just minor evolved parts, of some tiny evolved units within the universe. This is why the, argument from evil, is generally regarded as a weak one in sceptic circles, if you are trying to prove atheism. Though it can be a very strong one when used to address certain specific gods, such as the Abrahamic god, who make claims, such as omnipotence.
Is it ok to affirm someone's untrue beliefs?
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Mostly in the UK it is only the very old who cling to such beliefs, you get used to finding ways of evading such questions, because it is hard to burn an old persons walking stick. But generally they know you don't agree anyway, and avoid it themselves, evangelizing has never really been socially acceptable here.
If the penalty for a crime is only a fine, then that law only exist for the lower class. -Unknown
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Reminds me of the old one about. "The law in its great fairness, forbids both the rich man and the poor from, sleeping under bridges and begging in the streets." (May not be quoted exactly. )
Photographs of wooden fences...
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Lots of lichen, means clean air, they can not stand pollution. Very beautiful.
I’ve met a few atheists over the years that believe ghosts are real.
Fernapple comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I suppose they regard themselves as open minded. But of course as the old saying goes. If you are too open minded, your brains can drop out. The main, and most important, thing though, which separates the sceptical, from the religious mind is whether or not, you believe in dogma, the rest is trimmings. That's why though technically atheist, I always call myself a board church sceptic, and am willing to embrace even deists.
New type of apple found in England, finder still to name: []
Fernapple comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Lovely story. The Bramley was of course a chance find, not deliberately bred. I often wonder how many undiscovered things there are even in highly documented Britain, because of course to find something new or a new location for somethings rare, it is not just a case of seeing it, but also of knowing enough, to know you are seeing something different, and people who can do that are becoming rarities themselves.
Imagine if people knocked on your door to talk about science...
Fernapple comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They would get tea and a bun.
Is there any significant difference between the view that the existence of (fairies at the bottom of...
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
No. If you are naturally sceptic and rational, then there is no problem applying both to everything. But you may still use judgment, to apply imagined and certainly not confident probabilities, for working purposes, especially when 'hard' evidence is not available. There are many different ways of thinking about things and knowing. The important thing is not to make the mistake of, awarding equal value to all of them. For example I do not 'know' if dragons, the Marsupial Wolf, or the extinct Large Blue Butterfly once found in the southern counties of my own country exist. But if you invited me to go on an expedition and look for them, I would be quite reasonable to conclude, using judgment, that. Going looking for dragons, is a total waste of time, since there have never been any credible claims to have seen them. The Thylacine is large hard to miss, and there have been no sightings for a long time, apart from some highly dubious ones, therefore almost certainly a waste of time. The butterfly however is small and easy to miss, and was certainly seen within the last few decades, by credible sources, so that is possible. Every thing you think you know could be false, but for practical reasons we have to stop short of total disbelief sometime. It is best therefore to award values to different forms of knowing, something like, but not certainly. 1. Evidence of your own senses. 2. Evidence of credible sources own senses, especially those who use the experimental method and peer review as checks. 3. Things reasoned by logic from the evidence of the first two. 4. Good philosophy. Which does not clash with the first three ( Which is really three made by credible others. ) 5. Value judgments applied to the evidence gain from the first first four. 6. Popular opinion by those known to value the first four. 7. General popular opinion (Includes religion). 8. Unpopular opinion (Includes cults). Personally after nearly sixty years I have never found a need to venture beyond six.
I was contemplating suicide by cinnamon roll today.
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Where did you get enough cinnamon to roll in ? Sounds like a very expensive way to go, have you ever just considered eating too much of it ? Did you plan on keeping your cloths on, or were you going to roll in it naked ? ( If it is a faked suicide, I think clothed would be best, you could find you have a lot less friends the other way. )
Something to think about........
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
All of human culture......
"This is like a third world country" --- Donald Trump
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Only for the last four years.
What is knowledge?
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Does light, 'know' that it has to bend to just such a degree, when pacing through a dense or less dense medium, as when going through a lens, to achieve optimal speed ?
What is knowledge?
Fernapple comments on Nov 27, 2020:
How can there be a, "beyond philosophy" ? Philosophy is all embracing or it is not philosophy.
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma demonstrates the impossibility of proving any truth, even...
Fernapple comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Its fairly logical, pleasantly sceptical, and suits some people well enough. Though it has to be said that, like solipsism, and its relatives, it is an ideal, in that it falls down because, even if I accept that nothing is provable, I still have to treat things in practice as real and proven. For example. I would not live long, if I did not accept that my vision and hearing, 'prove' that there is a large fast truck headed down the road towards me, and jump out of the way. Pushing back your epistemological problems into an ideal realm, (Munchhausen trilemma, exists in the same realm as Plato's forms.) does not really solve any problems, it just bypasses them.
A little feline creativity
Fernapple comments on Nov 26, 2020:
So that is what they mean, when they use the term. "The dogs b########." To mean something wonderful. Cats just so live in the moment.
A stoners take on life the universe and everything my forty second attempt to explain my self.
Fernapple comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Thank you for the insight into your work.
Are you a strong agnostic, a medium agnostic or a weak agnostic?
Fernapple comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Confusing. Needs more work.
Does Intelligent Life Exist Anywhere Else? Here Are the Chances
Fernapple comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Does intelligent life exist here ?
(This space NOT intentionally left blank).
Fernapple comments on Nov 25, 2020:
OK, so here is a photocopy of some notes in my notebook, that I am going to write next week.
holidays and other shit
Fernapple comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I love the last one. Imagine trying to explain in the garage that. "My car was hit by a flying toilet."
FIFTY WAYS TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE - a Parody | Don Caron - YouTube
Fernapple comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Nice song, horrible wig.
(This space NOT intentionally left blank).
Fernapple comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Nothing really surprising nor groundbreaking, for those of us who aren't into religion; but it is ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Good article, kind of what you would expect, but good to have meta proof.
Christian & Muslim logic - Being nonreligious is immoral.
Fernapple comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Of course what drives fundamentalists to violence etc. is the knowledge that, they have the best religion, and are the most beloved of God. Therefore, why is it so screwed up in my country/community, why am I poor, ignorant, diseased? It must be the foreigners/atheists in league with the devil doing it, therefore, kill, fight, cheat and abuse, anyone who disagrees. But don't ever think that it may actually be your religion which screws things up.
“Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain - and most fools do.
Fernapple comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Yes, but it is not nearly as much fun.
CUTIEBEAUTY where are you? Worried!
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2020:
A new piece has appeared on her bio, giving what I take to be her real name.
CUTIEBEAUTY where are you? Worried!
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Several people have already asked. She went suddenly after posting that it would be her last post, very odd, do hope she is not ill or upset.
Just a thought here, Should we not spare a moment for this Imaginary God of Abraham who once was ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I think that. "being little more than a mere titular head of whom almost every man and woman proclaiming themselves to be his/her/its representative " Was how he started, a very unremarkable career path, ended where he started and went nowhere in between. LOL
11/22/2020 The Year of Five Emperors or whatever one wants to call 2020 continues.
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Wonder how much they have to pay that golf club ?
"I think I woke up around 8:30 this morning, wait it was 8:40, yeah 10 minutes doesn't seem like a ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Nice quote. Though actually it usually takes about ten at least. One of the fastest ways of execution, is thought to be beheading, and severed heads are thought to remain conscious about ten to twelve seconds, natural brain hemorrhage similar if not longer.. LOL


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