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Couple of gross ones in with the wisdom and fun
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Number five, certainly me.
A place nearby ☺
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Lovely, so smart and bright, I love tea, coffee as well but coffee get to be a bit also/ran on the high street.
First snow on the mountains
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Hello and welcome. Great photo.
While planting about 20 flowering and evergreen shrubs and trees today, I learned what it means to ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Yes but the bonus is, that the shrubs will love running their fine feeder roots into the cool moist space between the stones. In many ways, stones are as good a manure for some plants.
Trilobite 1. God 0
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Certainly best to read more than one. But at least that is better than never reading any, and instead letting someone tell you what one should say, according to them, every Sunday.
"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure." ---Mark Twain
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
And perhaps like the song says. "Just a little bit of luck."
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
'Some' humans do not do that.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a quote, it's pretty long.
Fernapple comments on Nov 22, 2020:
And what could be worse, than to teach, as our schools system does, that the main/only point of education is to get a shoddy material reward at the end of it, (as long as you can fit the systems requirements for compliance). Nothing could do more harm to real education.
Is it true that you get a new Ferrari when you reach level ?
Fernapple comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Mr Charles R.
Fernapple comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site.
I exercised once, but found I was allergic to it.
Fernapple comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Can do terrible psychological damage too. It has been observed that people who exercise regularly, have an increased tendency to wear lycra, drink from plastic bottles, wear trousers with the legs missing, refuse to eat normal food, and exhibit other strange behaviour patterns, liable to result in mockery.
If you are sick and tired of getting unsolicited scam calls, a tactic that I use is when I get an ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
My number is a business number, so has to be public, but you can use. "Soury, none pesson spec Anglish here." "What colour are your knickers, I will bet they are white ones arn't they ?" "I am sorry no one is in the office at this time. Click. But if you wish to receive a printed invoice please press two."
Some days are just outstanding in history: today is one of those days.
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
I think that most, if not all of them, survived, by taking to the boats, but it was a long hard voyage in the boats.
So now he gets praise for protecting us from shit that didn't happen?
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
When I was a little boy, I had a teddy bear. And that teddy bear could do, and would be, anything I wanted. In my imagination. I guess I grew up, funny thing is though, that I used to think that happened to everyone.
OH MY!!! Mei Ziang and the baby panda are finally two entities, doing what Mom and kids do! He's...
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Very good. Here is another (short) video, where nothing much happens, but you may enjoy if you are wise enough to know, that finding games that you can play with mum's foot, is perhaps one of the most important things in life.
Animal psychologists have been trying to determine if animals are self aware for quite some time.
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
To a degree that is true perhaps. But what is curiosity, if not asking questions, none verbally perhaps but still asking questions of the environment ?
A wise person once said, "Life is not happening to you.
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
If a "wise person" even thinks they know what constitutes "successful". Then they don't understand life at all.
Is anyone in here?
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
No I think. " There is only me, thee, and the bots." Though I wish I could believe a few of the lady bots were real.
Obviously I am new to this site and am grateful for the opportunity provided by this page to, as it ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Hello and welcome. Enjoy the site and do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone.
Today's hike: Don't lace your boots too tight.
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
It is of course best practice, to shed some clothes before you start to sweat. But you know that. You just need to ask Karen to slow down while you do so. LOL
On my way.
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
And when we go there, we can sometimes meet with the finest of all human minds, trying to express the best thoughts in their finest words.
I took these shots yesterday when I was on my way home! ❤🧡💛 Somewhere in the New ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Beautiful country, it deserves to be valued.
"There's a war on for your mind!" - Alex Jones
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
“These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert to fleece the people, and now that ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
He could read the world, and how it works alright.
11/18/2020 Well, I seem to have beaten cancer for now.
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Take care and best wishes.
Seems that Rose7 has flown the coop, taking this post with her.
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Yes that can be the annoying side of people being blocked/leaving. When you are in the middle of a conversation with someone else under their posts. It has happened to me several times, so I an sure it has happened to most members.
President Trump is a religious leader
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
When you have a strongly religious country to begin with, then you are likely to fall for and develop other religions. Because the conditioned mindset required for one religion, works just as well for another. When you have trained yourself to like the taste of something however bad, you are bound to want some more.
Those of you who greatly fear that the idiot Trump is successfully emulating Adolf Hitler in Germany...
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Plus you are dealing with quite a different order of man. Despite mad crazy ideas, and a total lack of true moral judgment, Hitler, did have a brain, the ability to speak his own language quite well, could read and write, and had some tactical ability.
What's your attitude about eating?
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I eat a lot of veg, tend to avoid fast food and carbs. No cake, bread, sweets for months. Because I am outside and take a lot of exercise, I can however suffer from low salt, get limb aches, and headaches. So my only use of fast food tends to be potato crisps, which I take for the high salt content when needed.
My email today informs me that Amazon is growing its monopoly with action deleterious to the common ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I took out an Amazon account many years ago, when they only did books, then lost my password. They would not let me open another account, so I never went back. And since then everything that I have heard makes me glad I did not. Support the high street !
Yes where is that courage ?
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Yes but they are not people, they are politicians.
That's right
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Steady Leven, you only get points for the first five posts each day. You just blew about five days worth.
Good point
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Eventually ?
That's right
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
The main reason for religion is to provide a justification, for things like bigotry, which can not be justified by reason.
Wow, chat rooms are just jam packed here... hard to get a word in edgewise....not.
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
The main groups and posting system here works fairly well, so that chat rooms seem to be an unneeded feature to most people. Like wheelbarrow push handles on a boat.
This Girl Visited Ark Encounter and Documented Its Many, Many Flaws | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Given that every time I see a report on the Ark Encounter, the car park is empty, and there are few people inside. I do sometimes wonder, if it does not make the biggest part of it money from atheists there to mock. If so, then perhaps K.H. has the last laugh.
This Girl Visited Ark Encounter and Documented Its Many, Many Flaws | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Very smart young person, and ten out of ten for plugging her book at every chance she got. LOL
Extreme Groaner Alert.
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Still can't find the puke emoji.
For people who still have doubt in god this is my basic argument.
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Hello and welcome. Enjoy the site. And do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone. I get your post and think that you are correct. Though perhaps your first line would be less confusing if it read. "For people who still have doubt in 'absence of any' god this is my basic argument."
Can agnosticism be expanded to include all knowledge because nothing can ever be proven?
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
It is a word. Like any other word you can do with it what you wish, and you certainly would not be the first to use it in that way. But if you do do strange things with words, then you had best explain yourself carefully. Because it is all too easy to cause confusion and be misunderstood, even when you use the commonest dictionary usages, you may also get that special breed of the intellectually challenged, the language pedants, excited, ( which is never pretty, ) and most of the time you will do both.
Trump Administration, in Late Push, Moves to Sell Oil Rights in Arctic Refuge The lease sales ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Yep, I thought that he would try to wreck as many things as he could, before he is forced to leave.
It is SO sad that the majority of Americans were not able to hear and accept the opinion of hundreds...
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
This is in quotation marks, who are you citing please ?
How about a vote on these two pieces? Is this a Rorschach test?
Fernapple comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Number two I think. What is the band round the middle ?
“Only the strongest win.” - Jack London
Fernapple comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Rubbish, the lucky win, the truly strong don't even care about winning and loosing.
I love British drama. Bodies falling left and right, but NO ONE lets go of their drink.
Fernapple comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Most people in Britain feel that you had best hold on to your drinks, whatever, because the television is so dire. LOL
The importance of humanist ceremonies - and why you should consider introducing them in your country
Fernapple comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Interesting, the idea of calling the course in ethics completion ritual, a Confirmation, is at least original, if a little cheesy.
Athiests still culturally Christian ????
Fernapple comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Personally I find Christian culture yucky, and the none theological culture around Christianity puts me of it, even more perhaps, than literal belief in the sky fairy. I can therefore have some sympathy for your friend, especially coming from an Islamic background, it must seem as though Christian references are everywhere in western culture. But living and working within the history you have, does not promote an historically redundant religious view, especially since most people neither understand it or give it a thought. No one ever became a Pagan because the days of the week are named after Pagan gods.
COVID Silver Lining: I canceled Thanksgiving day get together with my conservative, evangelical ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site, do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone. This can be a good alternative to 'family'. Though we do have a few grumpy mad cousins.
Three magpies sitting on the fence outside my bedroom window. Mum, dad and baby.
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Nice, love magpies they are such clever and jaunty birds.
Three magpies sitting on the fence outside my bedroom window. Mum, dad and baby.
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Funny old rhyme, about magpies. One for sorrow. Two for joy, Three is a girl, And four is a boy. Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven is a secret, Never to be told, Eight is a wish, Nine a kiss. Ten is the bird, You must not miss. Three, so are you going to have a granddaughter ? There are several old versions of the rhyme, which is perhaps the last scrap of the once common practice of ornithomancy, still in common use. One old version I read, replaced the line. "Seven is a secret, never to be told." With the line. "Seven is a baby buried in the woods." I hope times have moved on, a bit since those days.
You know, I’m kind of surprised.
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Fortunately I have a best friend who lives practically next door, and in the UK you are allowed to form mutual dependency bubbles. But I just had a conversation with marionville on one of her posts, about the dangers.
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Trouble is, when you are stuck at home, under a travel ban....... What a good thing the inter-net is.
I think its time to move on.
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
If you have your preference setting adjusted for religion and theological debate, then you will not find much here. Since most of the members here come in part to avoid that, move on from there and widen their horizons. If you wish to debate religion then that is fine, but don't blame us if the debate is banal and shallow, the fact that it is banal and shallow, is one of the reasons why many of us left it anyway.
A South American mouse is the world’s highest-dwelling mammal | Science News
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
And such big ears, how does it avoid frost bite, I wonder.
Is trump our Henry the VIII.
Fernapple comments on Nov 15, 2020:
It would seem that he may have a very similar path, especially an unexpected lucky rise, (Henry was second born and never was to be king.) and a very bad end, with a shambolic legacy. But Henry is thought to have died of sepsis, possibly made worse by obesity and scurvy, that he had syphilis is mainly just an urban myth.
I am in a small, local discussion group (mostly family) and, if I might, I would like to share your...
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I would go with both three and four. You can also ask the reverse question. Is nothing possible ?
THE GREAT TEACHER OR EDUCATOR,POST 2 Next, what are the elements of such an instructional ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Is there any more to come or have I missed it ?
“The only reason people do not know much is because they do not care to know.
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Most people are born curious. Governments have to spend a huge amount of time and effort on education systems, to knock that out of them for good.
Hey folks.
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Nice to hear that people return, but sorry the videos don't work, not in the UK anyway.
Today at the lake.
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Makes me wish I could be there with you. Great photos.
Landslide! Joe Biden won 306 Electoral Votes. Hooray!
Fernapple comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Won more, but in an even bigger vote !
20 Trump's continues to live in a fantasy world where he is a God.
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Link not working, sorry.
Your Thoughts?
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
An attempt perhaps. But given the competence levels on show, its more likely to be a soup than a coup.
And your point would be?
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
I see wife and husband walking in the rain together, to the memorial. With her clutching an arm tenderly, snuggling close and sharing sharing an umbrella. Just not his arm and umbrella. A least one of them has a tiny bit of taste. LOL
I have found 37 old paint tins in my garage that are empty or the paint has dried.
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Only thirty seven ! You are a tidy person.
Does society have a problem with Reward v Reserve?
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
True, such things may be vanity projects and/or rattlings in an echo chamber. But, you also have to remember that there is a real thing called leading by example, both intentionally and unintentionally. Especially, many such people must be well aware of just how much courage and determination it takes to escape, and how much therefore such examples are worth to those still struggling.
Can anybody inform me as to why posts to the "Conservative Atheists" group never appear on the main...
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
The creators of a page, get to decide where the content appears, to a degree.
"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion.
Fernapple comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Give yourself more authority, by borrowing a little fake authority from the big fake in the sky.
Self Control
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Brilliant. Best meme this week.
You all may have seen this []
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
He speaks well.
39 comments on a post of a believer?
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Yes but the poster only made one post on a lot of different groups, so that may have attracted a lot of attention. But they got fed up with the replies and left anyway. Plus why should we not talk to believers, they are human, and if there is a chance they will learn something, why not. I do not think the site needs to be an echo chamber.
THE GREAT TEACHER OR EDUCATOR,POST 2 Next, what are the elements of such an instructional ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I think that I will read the whole series, before I comment.
Lets talk about christmas.
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
We celebrate the fact that in the northern hemisphere, the shortest days are passed, and we can start to look for spring. That's the origin of it, anything else is smoke and mirrors. Personally. I like to bring some real live evergreens into the house for decoration, greet friends, take a walk in the country and have a Scotch, (normally beer drinker).
When is Trump going to put his big boy pants on and own up to the fact that he is a fucking loser?!?
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
He has still got at least two months, to wreck as many things as he can, and leave everything in a mess for Biden.
Life is but a sexually transmitted disease.
Fernapple comments on Nov 12, 2020:
And it is invariably fatal.
Have you heard... (stinky news with lots of holes, moldy and not good for your cholesterol...)
Fernapple comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Goes well with some bread and wine. I think its called the trinity.
57% young French Muslims prioritize Sharia Law over those of the French Republic - official French ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 11, 2020:
It is only logical. If you believe, there is a perfect all powerful god in charge of the universe, then of course you should put its laws above those of states.
Are we becoming a Banana Republic and getting set up for a coup? []
Fernapple comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Viewed with the long perspective from this side of the Atlantic. No I don't think so, I think the US is stronger than that, but you are walking very close to the edge of the cliff.
Fernapple comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Yes that is what I think, it seems a very strange idea, and logically it could even increase carbon, since charging batteries and then powering the car with electric motors, can not be as efficient as a direct drive. The only thing that I think they can be logically sold for, is to reduce pollution in urban areas, at the expense of more in suburban/rural areas, of course. Or maybe they are just targeted at the unthinking.
Richard Pilger: DOJ's top election crimes prosecutor quits in protest after Barr tells federal ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Sorry but I think that he should have stuck it out, and fought his corner. Quiting is giving it to them.
For 30 years i believed what the bible said about homosexuality and that people that practiced it ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 10, 2020:
And your next personal growth would be I suppose, to get to the point where you find yourself positively hoping that she will find someone she loves, who will love her in return, and bring lasting happiness and fulfillment, and bless that person for doing so. I am sure that you will get there, and when you do, you will have reason for some justified pride in yourself, of the real sort which religion trying to keep you forever childish, could never bring.
For 30 years i believed what the bible said about homosexuality and that people that practiced it ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 10, 2020:
A simple logical question. Why is it thought appropriate, to give infinite punishment for a finite crime ? Leaving aside the question of if your sexual orientation is really a sin, and if it could be a sin in a world where everything is given to you, by a perfect god, spin the logic of that how you like, if you have time to waste. However bad you are here on earth, you have only one lifetime to sin in, and can only do so much harm. How therefore, even if you were to be, say, the most evil, cruel and successful serial killer ever, would infinite punishment, out lasting all the pain you caused here, by an infinite number of times, be appropriate.
Covid-19 potential vaccine announced today! Will you take it?
Fernapple comments on Nov 10, 2020:
In the UK , the government plans to roll out the a vaccine, when available, to the most in danger groups first. Beginning with the very old and the health care workers and so on down the list. I will go therefore when asked by the government and take the dose. Thereby doing what is needed to help establish herd immunity, without putting myself ahead of others more in need.
Some of Trump’s Favorite Evangelical Leaders Refuse to Accept That He Lost | Hemant Mehta | ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
I don't suppose, they will find it easy to accept that the Sky Fairy has gone easy, either.
Some will remember these, but the humour/confusion is universal.
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
I could not see mittens, until I finished reading. LOL
After all the rain, everything is growing like mad.
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Spring rain. Should set you up for a little while.
Hello there.
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Hello and welcome, enjoy the site, and do check out the groups if you have time.
"Politically, the weakness of the argument has always been that those who choose the lesser evil ...
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
The point about the lesser of evils. Is that you only choose it when you have no other choice. Do I stay on the burning ship or jump into the water ? The point I think that is made here, is that you can soon come to accept the status as normal, if it is not too bad, and loose sight of the fact that things can still be improved, especially next time.
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars." - Norman Vincent Peale
Fernapple comments on Nov 9, 2020:
I think that his grip on astronomy may have been a bit weak. LOL
That’s the spirit! .......... [] .
Fernapple comments on Nov 8, 2020:
At last, someone posts music old enough for me to understand.
“There can be nothing more abominable than religion.“ - Vladimir Lenin
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Well Lenin gave it a fairly good try, but no he never quite made it. My favourite story about him, is how when he had the democratically elected members of the first Soviet arrested and taken away, he sat in the senate house by himself and smirked.
Darn, the prosecutions cannot begin until Jan. 20th.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
And the orange Mussolini, has two more months to wreck everything he can. Be very afraid, if I was living in America..
I posted in the Health and Happiness [agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
The big and horrible fact is that, if there is a big virus wave after the election, following infections started before it. The Trump supporters will still try to blame it on Biden, and say. "I told you so." A sadly a lot of people will fall for it.
I posted in the Health and Happiness [agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Seems like your post has been hacked. But by whom and why is unknowable. Perhaps a message direct to Admin may be a good idea.
I am new here. Looking for for friends with like minds.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Hello and welcome to the site. Do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone.
What were the consequences of the religious upheavals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
One of the, perhaps under appreciated, effects was perhaps the rise of secularism. After two hundred years of religious violence, and forced conformity, almost everyone capable of thinking, was disillusioned and exhausted. Which made the eighteenth century into the first flourishing of secularism, leading in part to the French and American revolutions, the rise of science as an organized system, and the open use of purely secular thought addressing social and economic questions. Before of course a reaction set in as in the later nineteenth century, as religion began to be seen as a useful tool for controlling the masses, and the governing classes began to fear that secularism could empower people.
What improvements do you make to gear?
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Sadly perhaps, because I am obsessive, nearly everything I get has to be 'improved'. My strolling shoulder bag got too new map pockets on the front. Which are very handy for quick access, but also cover up the ugly manufacturers logo. While my new, for fun, but low carbon transport, got a lockable lid for its basket, to keep things a bit secure, and a towing hook for the really steep hills. (Advantage of three wheels, older people can tow it.)
Aldous Huxley on the perfect dictatorship
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
And to achieve that, it is most important that you do not to put too much time, effort, money and thought into education. You must educate people just enough to make them good slaves, and consumers, but not to the point where they can ask meaningful or important questions. Sound like anywhere you know ?
Quilt for my seven year old grandson--who charmed me into making it for him.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Boy he must have some charm, that's an amazing gift.
Some thoughts on broadening the appeal of Agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Nov 7, 2020:
How about some simple unpretentious words like. 'Free from religion.' or 'The none believers website.' or 'Website for none believers.'


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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