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Photographer removes our smartphones to show our strange and lonely new world
Fernapple comments on Sep 18, 2019:
But of course they are not ignoring people on the whole, they are just communicating with someone else, who is not in the photo.
Someone's Gotta Tell the Freakin' Truth.
Fernapple comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Not all of them perhaps, but it is true that altruistic ideologies do tend to attract criminals like flies to rotten meat. Because of course if you are a fake, then you may as well be the biggest and best fake you can be, playing for the biggest prizes, and it is easy to fake religious devotion. Plus the genuine believers are among the least suspecting of people, so if you are a person with no real conscience you could not design it better for yourself.
Do we need religion to provide a sense of justice?
Fernapple comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Sorry but you need to do a search on animal morality, there are hundreds of studies out there on the instinctual origins of morality and especially a sense of justice. It does not begin with human culture. But even so whether it starts with human culture or in our animal natures, it certainly does come before religion, religions claims to have created morality and justice are no different from the claims it once made that it could bring the rains, just a way to get money and devotion out of people for pretending to provide what was theirs to start with.
Drop the Old testament?
Fernapple comments on Sep 18, 2019:
No, because the new T only makes sense in the light of the old T, and dropping it is only allowing and condoning more cherry picking. The point of a religion like Christianity is that there is so much often contradictory text available, that its followers can cherry pick whatever they like, to justify what they like, they already move on as wanted and pick the bits they want and find interesting. What is shameful however, is that having cherry picked to the extent that it is the equivalent of making it up themselves, they then attempt to claim that they have the authority of god behind their beliefs because their holy book comes from god. Like having your cake and eating it.
MN public school board chairwoman: Evolution is outdated because ‘it was discovered in the ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Ah yes, it seems she is a Christian pushing a Christian agenda, and Christianity that was created when ?
Fruit and vegetables growing on mass.
Fernapple comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I run a business from polytunnel houses. And I remember when the Japanese tsunami struck, seeing film from the air, like this but moving, of the wave coming in and flattening polytunnel greenhouses in seconds. That moved me as much as anything, since I thought about the people and what they had invested in those tunnels, yes there were far greater tragedies, but if you work in a car showroom it must bring it home to you when you see cars swept away, and if a shop, then when you see a store flattened.
The last few years of my religious life were pretty good years.
Fernapple comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Its a free country maybe, but it is certainly a free website, so feel free.
Why do many conservatives feel find public education to be so abhorrent?
Fernapple comments on Sep 17, 2019:
You do not educate slaves, it makes them difficult to control. And you do not like to educate your own kind because it may make you ask questions of yourself, and want higher standards, which if you are not prepared to meet them will only make you unhappy. Having said that, when viewed from Europe it is not just the conservatives, but the whole political establishment both left and right and education as a whole which is abhorrent, and the left wing will catch on in the end even in the US. Then you are in even more trouble.
There was a post on here a couple of days ago that listed many of the gods, prior to the god of the ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Most are not interested in their own religion, if they can go though the motions and they can convince themselves that it makes the happy, though whether it does so is open to question, why should they bother with anything else. Especially if it is difficult and could force you to do things you don't like, such as thinking, best avoided. But in any case how would you encourage it, especially as the worlds political establishments are increasingly turning away from the teaching and encouragement of history as a subject in education. First because they do not see a knowledge of history as of any practical value in the wage slaves needed to serve them in the lower functions, and because such knowledge would only make them questioning and difficult to manipulate anyway.
Not everybody wants thoughts and prayers after a disaster - CNN
Fernapple comments on Sep 17, 2019:
When the famous earthquake of Lisbon struck, the practical prime minister of Portugal at the time was Sebastião de Melo 1st Marquis of Pombal. The church, and especially the monks of the inquisition, said that the quake was a punishment from god, and that the Marquis should enforce days of fasting and prayer. He refused and said. "First I must bury the dead and feed the living." Never thought much of Marquises in general, but always kind of liked him.
Oops lol funny
Fernapple comments on Sep 16, 2019:
We are all in prisons of one sort or another. Its just that some of us have an escape plan, and some of us just sit and listen to the chaplins sermons.
For all of you who are still working for a living: 🍷😆
Fernapple comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I work weekends, and take wend/thurs off, but it makes no difference its still. Poof !
Sometimes Scotland is beautiful in the early mornings!
Fernapple comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Since little is more beautiful than Scotland, except perhaps the dawn, getting both at the same time is almost too much. Best dawn/sunset photo I have seen on this site so far.
British scientist, Susan Greenfield is interviewed by Robert Lawrence Kuhn of “Closer to Truth” ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Interesting talk, though not that much that is altogether new. The ability to think in metaphor is perhaps the main human trait, ( there may be others small ones ), but it is certainly the thing which gifted us most of our great abilities. Yet it is also our greatest curse, since with it came the gift of a capacity for lying which went far beyond the deceptions most of the great apes could play. Ultimately creating the great lies, such as culture and religion which now control us even though we created them. To use a metaphor. The unruly children have taken over the house, and the parents are locked in the naughty room.
I'm trained in photography, but the only real camera I have is a 35mm Canon A1.
Fernapple comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Pick one you like the feel of, stick with canon of course if you want your old lenses to work, but if you do buy a DSLR remember that most of them are very good, since most phones and laptops have a built in basic camera these days, the camera makers have to make good ones to justify buying a specific camera.
“Mankind does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman does" .... Friedrich Nietzsche
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
He was not exactly the expert on happiness.
Found this amaze T-shirt while scrolling through Facebook. []
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Only if they are studying your belief. (Some scientists have a lot of spare time.)
Interesting piece.
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I love the bit where it says."People with very infrequent religious attendance are even less happy than never-attenders; in terms of happiness, a little religion is worse than none." In other words when you go to church they tell you to say you are happy, and they tell you it more the more you go.But ifd youdon't go often they tell you to feel guilty.
Watching Secrets of the Dead on PBS, it about a complete Bronze village in the Fens of England.
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
There is some evidence which says that our brains started to decline after the advent of agriculture.
New Study Builds on Correlation Between Tea Consumption, Healthier Brains, and Reduced Risk of ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
That's good news, I have just had to give up coffee for health reasons, so that there may be some good in the tea is great.
Our sedum is finaly turning. I'm always impressed by the variety of bees it attracts.
Fernapple comments on Sep 15, 2019:
And butterflies too.
✶On the the stunning selfishness of Christianity✶ .
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
The fact that it offers only a selfish salvation, even if not hell in a literal way, is the central dark heart of chritianity, which encourages "me" thinking across all the communities it infects.
There may NOT be life on other planets
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Your headline should read " intelligent life" not just life, since that is what you are talking about, that is not a very intelligent headline. The rest is very interesting, pity that spoils it. Though it has to be said that there may be more than one genetic route to high intelligence, and there are certainly examples of convergent evolution on this planet, heading in the direction of high intelligence. The octopus for example, which may be more intelligent than many mammals yet whose ancestry split from their's long before brains were highly developed.
What do you think about this photo?
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
The sun, a star, begins its annual journey in the northern hemisphere at the mid winter solstice, which starts around Dec 25th, and lasts approximately three days, moves through twelve traditional constellations, reborn every year.
Famous writers and their odd ways of writing: writers -- 9/12/19
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Sad they don't mention one of the commonest, going for a walk first, many used that one including Charles Darwin.
Just a thought that I've had since I was young trying to understand the rotation of the earth, and ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Yes si-fi time travel is complete bunkum, look up the time travelers paradox as well.
The UK used to be one place that defended human rights in courts. WTF happened?
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
It does not matter how you feel about J. A. (I am no fan.) but whatever happened to habeas corpus, why should anyone have to spend years in jail awaiting a trial or hearing. While of course the legal profession are busy making money out of the case no doubt. Habeas Corpus was made part of the legal system in the first place, to prevent people being imprisoned long term without charges or trial, we cut the head of a king, (Charles 1. ) for doing that. But I suppose that doing it for political reasons may be bad, while doing it because creating a system which is deliberately slow and ineffective in order to make greater profits is OK.
Like this lady
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Sadly in politics mud rarely sticks.
Wanna join my gang?
Fernapple comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Are yes. Maybe they would have me, they don't have a large white porker yet.
Looking to join a group of like minded people in the Wakefield area.
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Have a look at the map feature under members, and then send them all a message. But you may have to get a few more points before the message feature works for you.
Sometimes I get nauseas to a point of vomiting when I contemplate just how much money has been spent...
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Sadly here in the UK we are busy turning them into casinos and bingo halls now they are unwanted, you could just hope they would move up two places instead of just one.
Wanna join my gang?
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Wonder what the photographer was doing to attract such attention ?
Happiness is...
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Warm sunshine.
How Close Are We To Immortality []
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Probably quite a long way yet, though the rich may soon be able to extend their lives for many decades at least, for the poor never.
I am a 100% skeptic about all things supernatural! Do any of you hold on to any supernatural beliefs...
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
You ask this on Friday the thirteenth !?
Random ramblings of an Atheist
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
You can rant in safety here.
In the company of new people, I suspect most of us would have no reservations in uttering the ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
If you said it in the UK no one would raise any objection 99% of the time, the religious, if there, may blush and mumble, and on formal occasions the person in charge may say. "This is not the place for such debates." But thats it.
Don’t be afraid of words. Be afraid of hubris.
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
At first it would seem that the vital question is not whether you call it god or nature, or if you call nature god, but whether it is in any meaningful way intelligent, or if nature/god is just an unthinking series of mechanical accidents. But then you have to say that even that question, even if answered, would not make much difference to us. Since to make changes in the human world, that intelligence would have to be visible or to communicate with us. Thus, since all the supposed acts of communication are plainly false, and easily demonstrated as such, it plainly does not exist or it does not have a purpose for us it wishes us to know. I am therefore content that not accepting the gods of human culture, its temples and bibles, is enough, and the rest is empty speculation.
Like the t- shirt
Fernapple comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I don't think this is a teeshirt you are supposed to like.
I'm troubled when I hear people say that we need to "respect" people's religious beliefs.
Fernapple comments on Sep 12, 2019:
It is not possible to make yourself respect, any more than you can force yourself to believe. Tolerance however is a gift we can choose to give or not.
How do you deal with muscle cramps?
Fernapple comments on Sep 12, 2019:
If hiking in hot weather especially salt is good, alway take a packet or two of potato crisps, or a high salt snack like that, with you, but don't keep doing it if you are having a rest day in the cool.
Just looking for rational friends.
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Yes certainly, this site has a map feature.
How do we know when something is true?
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
We never do, but we can do our best to seek out the best evidence, and put it to the best tests we can think of. At which point we can be confident we have done our best. The real enemies of truth are not lies but fear, self interest, and laziness.
Child marriage. Should there be an minimum age limit for marriage?
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
In an ever more complex world, where many are kept unnaturally immature for longer, in education especially, I can see a good reason for raising the age limits on everything.
How many here never had religion or never was a believer?
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Was never really introduced to religion except in a very token way as a child. But I did grow up in a village and was aware of it going on around me, and was aware of the differences over religion from the start, because I knew that my grandmother, who was the only true believer in the family, stayed away from the parish vicar since she was a different faith, she died young so I am not sure which. My first real contact with faith came therefore at school age, and knowing nothing much of Christianity I had assumed that the stories about the goodness of Christians were basically true. The discovery therefore that some of the most evil people I met, were among the faithful, came as quite a shock which has never left me.
One thing that I have noticed is that people seem to be a lot less DIY these days than when I was a ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Keep on doing it, you are not alone there are at least two of us. I too grew up working class, and will never forget how to be thrifty and look after things. In the future if this planet has one, we will be seen as being at the cutting edge, the names have changed, we called it thrift and make do and mend, now they call it being environmentally aware and recycling. But its the same thing really, and the extra pleasure you get from something you repaired is just the same.
Since there has been some discussion lately regarding profile pics.
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Fills me with wonder.
I'm going to expose myself here, but I've never been known to withhold the truth: most poetry I've ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
P.S. here is a link to one of my not very good ones, for the curious.
I'm going to expose myself here, but I've never been known to withhold the truth: most poetry I've ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
You might like to think about this. If someone has something important and worthwhile to say, which they truly wish people to hear, would they not try to make it as clear and plain as possible ? Good poetry may be plain or it maybe difficult, if you are interested in poetry for its own sake, but poetry with something worthwhile to say will always be plain, or the poet is incompetent, and if you are not into poetry for its own sake why would you be interested in the other sort ? Except to earn your geek badge.
How is the concept of "business days" relevant anymore?
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
In the UK several government departments, companies and quangos started to use easy method of payment when banking began to modernize. Many of them however have back tracked on that in recent years, despite the fact that easy payments must be better for them to administer. For example the government no longer sends out tax reminders to new car owners in the first year, and no longer collect some taxes by direct debit as it used to in the past. Could it be that they want more work, that they profit by fines on defaulters, or both.
Would the discovery of living beings on other planets make earth's religions irrelevant?
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I once heard a priest say that. " The only interesting thing about finding alien life on other planets, would be to discover how god had chosen to reveal himself to them." The fact that believers are well able to close their minds and eyes to, not only the beauty of the real world and science but also the existence here on earth of many conflicting religious beliefs, in their faith that only their own religion is true, and that the world can only be seen through that lens, means that they can close their minds to anything. The proof of which is in the priest's statement itself, which went straight to the assumption that life meant, intelligent life with its own culture, because no other form of life had any meaning or value to him, and he had no understanding of the anything except received culture.
Old saying in diplomacy, "Keep your promises & your threats"
Fernapple comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Use a lot of words but say nothing. LOL
Winston Churchill is quoted as saying that “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Good summing up.
Some that have meaning to me:
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Good ones, especially the last.
I joined a course in logical and critical thinking last week, it's free and highly recommended.
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Link does not work sorry.
A pretty good list to live by
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Yep they will do. Not the only ones but they will do.
Basis for families in many societies
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Except perhaps just caring for someone you owe nothing to, just because you can.
Hello all, here again needing info! This lily just has stems with flowers on the ends, it has no ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Think it may not be a Lilly, have you thought that it may be a crocus for example, several of those have that sort of life history. And it looks a lot like one though the flowers are not open.
A picture from the beautiful town in Guimaraes, where Portugal was born
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Envy. I am stuck here in dismal Britain, with the winter coming on, and I would give almost anything to stand on that paving and look at that blue sky for just ten mins.
The Music of All Time is a Duet Between Order and Disorder - Aeon Essays
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Woo. It says. "Somewhat surprisingly, nature not only requires disorder but thrives on it. Planets, stars, life, even the direction of time all depend on disorder." No neither correct nor a surprise.
How can someone religious argue this.
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Yep. I have heard them argue it. "God does not have a beginning god is eternal." "But that is just an assertion, if you can assert that god is eternal then I can assert that the universe, a multiverse, or a cheese sandwich, is eternal." " No it is not just an assertion , it is in the BIble/Koran and that proves it."
I know someone (I have been distancing myself from) who is a Trump supporter.
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
The basic illogic of. "Not every stamp collector is in the stamp collectors club, therefore I oppose the stamp collectors club." Should tell you everything you need to know about the true motivations of this person, and the quality of thinking they are usually exposed and accustomed to in the circles they choose to join.
Analog vs digital scale? Which one is more accurate?
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Whichever, it is best to calibrate and/or test your scale for yourself every now and then, by using known weights. As however you seem to be talking about bathroom scales, it is hard to see why great accuracy would be needed, things like the body mass index are only approximate recommendations, and human weight will vary through the day by several pounds, according to many factors such as how hydrated you are, most scales should be more than accurate enough therefore. A better way to ensure greater accuracy if wanted, (Though Why ?) would be to weigh yourself several times during the day and average the results.
The only place anything is called "The Ten Commandments" in the bible bears no resemblance to the ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 8, 2019:
There are at least three different sets of the laws in the Bible that have at different times been defined as "the" ten commandments, possibly more. The only people who really take the bible seriously, are those who have never read it properly.
Albert Einstein, "The difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its limitations"
Fernapple comments on Sep 7, 2019:
And honesty knows its limitations.
So I just did a count and since the middle of July, 8 young women — all young enough to be my ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 7, 2019:
So don't do Twitter.
A little Amsterdam...
Fernapple comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Amsterdam is lovely a small but perfect gem of a city, the canals are a joy and the street markets are the best in Europe.
Mystery Art ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Looks like embroidery, but I would guess, icing on a cake.
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
If you Americans are lucky Trump will only last to ninety four.
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
IT says. "A toxic narcissist has an elevated state of grandiosity. A sociopath has no empathy or concern for others & is highly manipulative. An anti social personality is destructive & has no regard for established social norms." So how does that make him different from anyone who runs for public office ? And sadly this is not intended as a joke, not altogether anyway.
At what point
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Move out of the bible belt ?
A question for you lovely gardeners.
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Tackle the basic health of the plant as well as the fungus, which may be just a symptom. Hydrangers like water, cool roots and sun. So move into more light, give more water, a bigger glazed not unglazed pot, and shade the pot, as in stand it among others, a feed with a low nit. fertilizer may also help.
Karate Sensei, "Best defense, don't be there"
Fernapple comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Sadly though, if we never put ourselves in the way of danger, then what sort of a dull life do we have.
One of the things I like best about this site is reading people's bios.
Fernapple comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Do not however read my Bio, not if you value your sanity, grammar or spulling. You have been warned.
One of the things I like best about this site is reading people's bios.
Fernapple comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Must start reading a few, it sounds interesting.
Who is/are the real author/s of the Bible?
Fernapple comments on Sep 5, 2019:
I think that the Bible did not really have authors as such, since it is not a written book, but more of a scrap book of cuttings taken from a whole range of different sources, by different editors and gangs of editors over a long period, (at least 2000 years) moreover most of the pieces used had probably been rewritten several times by unknown scribes even before the editors collected them. Even most of the editors are unknown, and little is known of its early history, or the motives of the early editors beyond the obvious. While if the few later editors that we do know of, who mostly worked for the Catholic and Protestant churches, are anything to go by, then it is safe to assume that they all modified and trimmed the scripts to suit themselves, with an almost total lack of regard for the meanings of the earlier texts.
“I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career.
Fernapple comments on Sep 5, 2019:
So he does not want to contribute then, fair enough, self euthanasia would stop him being a burden on the planet.
Will You Still Love You When You're No Longer Young and Beautiful?
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Always wanted to get old, its better than the alternative, but there are many advantages to keeping fit which have nothing to do with impressing shallow people. For one thing, the longer I am fit the longer I can help others and the less I shall be a burden on others.
For those still troubled by religion.
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I do not need to argue with them or defeat them, since I escaped. My anger with them is not for me, but for all those they did delude and continue to delude, and especially for all those who are still being kept in an unnatural endless childhood without the chance to engage in life's most fulfilling process, that of learning.
Two points from the UK media.
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
You can lead horses to water, but you can not make them drink. And it is almost certain that politicians see science as a threat to their power.
Do religious people really believe what they say?
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
A few perhaps believe in the real literal truth of it, some go though the motions because they think they gain something from it, some think it puts them in touch with something vague and spiritual, some fake it to con others, and everything in between. The one thing that I have learned about human beings over the years, is that whatever you can think of, there will be someone out there who is living it, and that you can therefore, never pin down single groups with clear idealogical boundaries.
Spring has finally arrived in Australia, the Wattle is in flower.
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
If you are trying to make us in the N.H. feel envious you are being successful. Nice photos.
Posting more flower pictures, some I have posted before but felt you might enjoy them anyway.
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Lovely. The pale blue flower at number seven, do you have a name for that please ?
A little Copenhaguen...
Fernapple comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Very like Amsterdam. Its certainly on my bucket list.
I have long held the position that people use god like a spare tire or switchblade.
Fernapple comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Ugh ! Sorry but the longer I stay on this site the madder the world seems.
I have long argued that we should shift our vehicles to hydrogen power.
Fernapple comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Hydrogen power, like electric is only as green as the energy source you use to make the hydrogen, if you are still using fossil fuels to make your electricity for example, then all you are doing is moving a small amount of carbon off the streets in exchange of a large amount at the power-station.
Does @admin remove posts without notice?
Fernapple comments on Sep 3, 2019:
If there is a limit to server space, why not just have a time cut off point which everyone is informed about.
“Passionate hatreds can give meaning and purpose to an empty life.” Eric Hoffer
Fernapple comments on Sep 3, 2019:
A lot of people have empty lives. Pity an empty life with no meaning can give you passionate hatreds.
Birthday e-card and gift from a man I met 15 years ago. Why?
Fernapple comments on Sep 3, 2019:
You obviously completely underestimate your wonderful charms.
An omniscient god cannot have emotions.
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
To be honest I think that sceptics have too easy a shot at Noah's ark, in many ways it is a straw-man construction to think that all theists see it as a literal story, while most know that it is a much earlier myth which predates the bible, even if they do not take it metaphorically. ( And yes I do know that there are a few really stupid/indoctrinated theists out there who do take it literally. )
An omniscient god cannot have emotions.
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Even simpler. If God made all the animals in the first place, why could he not do it again and save Noah the bother ?
Horrors upon horrors from the Catholic Church... will they never end?
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Its not just the burial problem, you have to wonder about the mortality rate as well.
We did a grand total weigh in of the Molokai Purple Sweet Potatoes.
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Nice to see you again, its been a while.
Update on the guy from the dating site: he got back to me twice! Here is our last conversation.
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Funny saying he was well read, because he does not write like someone who is well read. Perhaps he just reads Christian pamphlets.
For anyone who needs this little reminder.
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Most of what I learned I learned from the things that hurt. Here is a quote from K. Gibran. "The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup which holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potters oven."
The ONLY consistent factor in ALL of recent years’ mass shootings is the widespread accessibility ...
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
In the UK only single shot weapons are legal, no one has ever claimed that the law prevents them from doing any legal and reasonable activity, such as keeping animals away from crops, marksmanship as a sport, etc. .
School taught you many things that favor your nation's agenda while hiding its many crimes .
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Same in every country of the world, except perhaps Switzerland and Iceland, but it will get to them in the end.
The apple is neat, but the second picture is what it looks like
Fernapple comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Photoshopping pictures of plants flowers and fruit, to make them appear to have colours they don't really have, seems to be increasingly common. ( The so called black tulip was that same dark purple colour. ) Perhaps it is because the world wide advertising standards bodies have not yet caught up with it, and it is difficult to prove, but it is very dishonest.
Scary accurate.
Fernapple comments on Sep 1, 2019:
And the Hunger Games may be coming our way soon. Have you seen any "reality" Tv.
I will never understand why African Americans kept christianity after emancipation.
Fernapple comments on Sep 1, 2019:
I just posted a bit more about this which may entertain you.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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