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If you knew of a way to use your estate following your death to greatly benefit humanity would you ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Donate it where it will do the most good. If family and friends are in real need and no help is coming from anywhere else, then I would give it to them, but since all of mine are richer than me it will go to good causes. When I get round to doing a will of course. I bet the real question should be. How many of you have bothered and taken the time to make a will ?
Study: Poor African Americans in the Deep South Are Most Likely to Be Audited By the IRS
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Don't take this wrong I am not trying to belittle the US. But in the UK the Revenue made a choice to not chase people on low incomes as hard as those on high, not only because they have less money and therefore the rewards, even if they are caught, are not so great, but also because a careful study found that low income people are less likely to cheat anyway. Things may be different your side of the pond but make of that what you will.
RICHARD DAWKINS ERROR CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF LIFE Pursuing the concept that anything is ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
For those who can be bothered, and I don't blame you if you can't, here is one of the passages on Hoyle to which this may refer. Dawkins, in The Blind Watchmaker. "Sir Fred Hoyles memorable misunderstanding of the theory of natural selection. He compared natural selection, in its alleged improbability, to a hurricane blowing through a junkyard and chancing to assemble a Beoing 747. - this is an entirely false analogy to apply to natural selection," The passage does not refer to the origins of life, though in other places Dawkins does make it clear that the extreme complexity required by even simple life, must mean that natural selection got going very early in life's history, and the main theme of the book is devoted to explaining how natural selection differs from random chance, and why the assumption that natural selection is the same thing as chance is wrong. And sadly why theists often deliberately choose to misunderstand that.
RICHARD DAWKINS ERROR CONCERNING THE ORIGIN OF LIFE Pursuing the concept that anything is ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Actually I have read all of Dawkins books, some of them more than once, and either this is either complete misquoting, complete misunderstanding, or just plain lies. I do not remember Dawkins saying any of those things. Though I do remember passages which could be distorted to be read like that. If these are not just lies, then you need to go back and read Dawkins again more carefully.
Someone said that even if you don't believe in God, it is advisable to live your life as if there is...
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Google something like "Pascals wager critical" and you will find a thousand places where this argument is shot to pieces. Most of them will point out that there are thousands of gods set in tens of thousands of religions, all of which religions claim to have exclusive access to god. (Exclusive is important because it is the only thing they have to offer, that sets them apart from deism and one another.) Therefore they usually say, which one do you pick ? BUT, here is one small bit of logic that you will not often hear. How do you know that god, if it does exist, does not respect agnostics, and atheists the most. For their reason and for not telling it what it should be, or insulting it by saying that it is exclusive, i.e. racist culturalist. You may as well bet on it liking us best. Its the same bet..
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
I wonder who did they get to pose, a good Darwin look-a-like.
The first is a photo image I had printed on canvas, stretched like a painting, 30”x 40”.
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Beautiful, the canvas gives the first shot a really interesting texture even when copied to digital.
Good night everyone, these look so amazing in the Texas sunset.
Fernapple comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Beautiful, and envy, you must be about a month in front of us in the UK, spring is still in its early stages here.
Why do so many member of this site spend so much time talking about religion on this site?
Fernapple comments on Apr 5, 2019:
I don't think that they do, if you get out into the groups you will find people posting about all sorts of things, and hardly a mention of religion. It is only on the front page that you find that, perhaps because that is the entry port for what is a mainly anti-theist community. If you stand outside a pub by the menu board, you will find everyone talking about food and drink, but go inside and you will find them talking about everything.
Kids More Likely To Be Molested At Church Than In Transgender Bathrooms
Fernapple comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Their brains will be molested even if their bodies are not.
Think about it
Fernapple comments on Apr 5, 2019:
And we all bleed the same colour.
For a lot of folks today, their "identity" is the most important anchor in this confusing, messy ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Very true and unfortunately modern social media does not help. Because it works hard to split people in groups, for no other reason that there is more information value in that, and information is marketable.
"Throughout history, every mystery that's ever been solved has turned out to be.
Fernapple comments on Apr 5, 2019:
The god of the gaps. The trouble is, that the gaps get smaller and smaller all the time, sooner or later you have to think that the incredible shrinking god can't get any smaller without vanishing altogether.
A very typical evening in the Canaries most of the year it’s like this, unlike my last stormy ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Envy. Cold, wet, wet, cold, cold and wet, wet and cold, dark.
The "perks" of growing old.
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Gyms can do a lot of harm, remember they are a business trying to sell a product, and nobody ever got rich by trying to sell less of their product. They will always try to give you more exercise than is good for you, BECAUSE YOU ARE PAYING THEM FOR IT. Have an active life and get a garden or a horse, or help someone else with theirs.
So this religious group came door knocking(should be illegal) and where going on about how gods so ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Don't you will get arrested. Instead tell him that you would be glad to attend one of their meetings, and listen to them tell you about god. But unfortunately times have moved on, so you can not. Because and while in the past it was quite acceptable for people to go into the poor house and the then called lunatic asylum, to laugh at and mock the afflicted, it is not something that you would want to do, or hope anyone else would want to do today. This is serious you really can use it.
Michael Tomasello (in his excellent book "Becoming human".
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
"Whereas great ape social relations are based mainly on competition and dominance, with a dash of cooperation,." Sorry this is a terrible straw-man argument, just about every social species has a "we" concept. There is only one difference between human society and those of the other social animals, it is that with the tool of language humans are better able to manipulate and control other humans.
Valse Triste.
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
Must be an all time favourite of mine. and some people say Jean Sibelius is hard to get. And Finland looks, SO GOOD, so many places to go so little time.
Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong.
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
And getting it wrong and then being big enough to correct is the best way to get things right. The best way to be wrong about everything is to do nothing, so that you are never challenged.
"Alternative" medicine and pet care. []
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
One other possible though not very likely problem with herbals that they did not mention, is that some herbs especially if give often over a long time, may prove mildly or seriously toxic. It is well to remember that many if not most of the active chemicals that plants store in their tissues, are there to deter or kill the animals which eat plants. I once mentioned this idea, I can't say proven fact, to a herbal "believer" , you can guess the highly emotional response it got.
Fernapple comments on Apr 4, 2019:
For every very neat garden there is a bad back. I have a good back.
I've just had a haircut today. Tomorrow the barber will cut the other hair.
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
I never need a second visit.
Jonathan Gottschall ('The storytelling animal) has pointed out that stories are our most powerful ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
The real danger is not, at first anyway, that you will believe that DiCaprio went down with the Titanic but that the steady drip feed may start you into thinking his behavior while on board is normality. People worry sometimes that modern media may cause people to loose contact with reality, but the truth is, that the most powerful brain altering technology was born thousands of years ago, when people started telling tales round the campfire. And things like religion are the fruits of that.
Does anyone work from home?
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Sort of. I run a plant nursery on my own land by the house. Finding balance is the hard part, it may be easier for some in some types of work, but being a producer and marketer of those products, which are living, the plants can call on me at any time and so can the customers. It is also very seasonal so my year splits between 24/7 some months and total free time in others. Sometimes cabin fever sets in and I feel imprisoned in one location But the good part is that the work is very varied, very social, and I have a lot of freedom to choose what I do in any given hour. There were two of us but I now do it alone and sometimes think of employing someone, if only for company, its hard to keep motivated when you know its only for you, but since I have only a few years to go before retirement now, it does not seem fair to take someone on without a long term prospect, so I guess I will just stick it out.
What Animals are thinking and feeling, and why it should matter. []
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
This is a great theme. I remember that I once had a theist teacher who pedaled the old religious line, that animals had no feelings and were merely machines, who could be used and exploited by humans without regard. When asked why it appeared that animals had emotions, he said that they had mechanisms which served the same purpose, but were not true emotions. So, since he was not a creationist, I asked him why evolution would produce one set of mechanisms in animals to serve the purposes of survival, which worked perfectly well, and then change them for another in humans. He said that though human bodies had evolved, emotions had been planted by god, since only creatures with souls could feel. It was one of the first things to make me realize just what a cesspit of BS you could dig yourself into if you were religious and really tried.
Lux Aeterna.
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Its "Nimrod" I thought Lux Aeturna was the name of the piece, and then thought that's some Elgar I never heard of before. LOL
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is, “God is crying.
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
You have a great future as a religious leader, you should make a fortune. But remember to make it work, you have to do some token charity work for the poor, in order to keep your followers guilt coming. So, as I am poor, I will send you my bank details and you can make payments, and I will send you regular hand written notes about all the wonderful things your money is doing in my poor third world community. Send me 5% and I will say you are sending 75 %. Deal ?
Classic Sartre . . .
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Don't see anything satirical in that, it just about as plain a truth as you can get. And also remember that if you can't govern well, give everyone fair rewards and fix the problems at home, then you can always blame foreigners, and if that does not work then you can always ship people out to fight the foreigners so that they can't fight the problems at home.
Mass extinction?
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
A small mass extinction is already happening. We are loosing species at several orders of magnitude faster than the normal rate.
I am getting ready to start some tomatoes in pots.
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Be careful not to give your toms too much nitrogen feed in pots, high potash is what is wanted. Best to us a tom feed or wood ash if you can't get that.
Finally able to report that the "like" button has now been fixed and tested everywhere.
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Well done that's wonderful. But please be careful with the upgrades, this site is great and it would be easy to ruin it by adding too much, that's what happened to Facebook.
Does anyone recognize this flower bud, it's about 3 inches in diameter?
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Seems like a Magnolia, but which one I know not, the leaves are very magnolia like as well.
10 Animal Species That Would Take Over if Humans Died Out []
Fernapple comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Some of it is very questionable and speculative, but if you treat it as fun OK.
Neanderthals are famous for having lived through the last major ice age, yet for a period of around ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Quite a lot of modern DNA originated with the Neanderthals, you could therefore say that they did not go extinct, but merely merged with modern humans, who then kept the best bits while the rest faded away.
If you are interested in philosophy, whose do you agree with and folllow?
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Aristotle, Nietzsche and Kant.
Does anyone recognize this flower bud, it's about 3 inches in diameter?
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Photoshopius magledmagnolia
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
"LIKE" .Manual, button not working.
Fans of serial works like series of novels, comic books, movies, TV shows, and computer games are ...
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
What a mess. And they are not even serial works written by authors who knew one another and worked as a team, the bible is just a scrap book of press cuttings (Mostly gutter press.) from the late Bronze early Iron ages.
Archaeologists discover 'exceptional' site at Lake Titicaca - Underwater haul of Tiwanaku ceremonial...
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
"LIKE" .Manual button not working.
5 Recent NASA Discoveries To Blow Your Mind []
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
"LIKE" .Manual button not working.
Greening of the Sugar Maples
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
"LIKE" .Manual button not working. Our willows are at the same stage here in the UK.
See why scientists are geeking out about this new find []
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
"LIKE" .Manual button not working.
April fools day is over .
Fernapple comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I am not sure but it still seems to be affecting people who use computers not phones.
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Fernapple comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Puccini. - Musetta’s Waltz from La Boheme, performed by Camarata and his Orcgestra. []
Fernapple comments on Apr 1, 2019:
"Like" Manual as button not working.
After a conversation with a Christian, I've had some continuing thoughts.
Fernapple comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Theology says that one of the pleasures of heaven will be to watch the torments of those in hell. Sadist yep.
Everyone believes that their religion is the right one, but who is right?
Fernapple comments on Apr 1, 2019:
If there is a god it does not provide any creditable evidence. Therefore if god is logical it favours those who assess the evidence best, and therefore god likes atheists/agnostics best and they will be the first in heaven. The above may have an important truth in it but I don't think we are all going to heaven, even on April the first.
I've had several can't 'like' comments in the last few hours, is it still a problem for some?
Fernapple comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Yes, and using a desktop.
Anyone else checked out your login page within the last hour?
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Are you sure your computer is not just logging you in automatically.
Never mistake what you do not understand as magic or divine intervention.
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
The great divide which lies between the religious view and the, sceptic, scientific, rationalist view is. The first sees truth as being which fulfills and confirms my wants, and the second sees truth as something to seek despite personal wants. They are two fundamentally different approaches to life which can never meet.
When David Cameron allowed the 2016 Referendum to go ahead he did not realize that it would release ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Sadly whatever happens the one thing that will not happen is better democracy.
After some internal debate, I make this post in this category.
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Sadly a lot of the social media sites like facebook have their servers deliberately programed to favour negative and extremist comments and behavior, in part because they are only interested in "hit" counts, and people who post bad things get the most responses even though many are negative. They also know that peoples negative behavior, tells them more about a person for marketing purposes and data collections, than the good things they do on line. If they put out that you tripped and fell, and everybody says hope that did not hurt too much, that tells them that everybody is alike, and there is no information value in that. If on the other hand they put out that an "xxxxx" tripped and fell, and 1% of people say. "You deserved that you xxxxing "xxxxx". " Then they learn something about that 1% which they can interpret and sell to marketers. These are the main reasons the social media quite intentionally promote hate and divisiveness.
You couldn’t make this up.
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Like Brexit or not, you have to admit that a lot of them are playing party politics while the most vital thing in the countries future is at stake.
If ever there was an argument for spontaneous generation, it would have to be the weeds in my ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 31, 2019:
The best thing is not to stick to any one method of weeding, dig them up, pull them, hoe them, mulch them and spray them. Every weed responds best to a different method, and that way is less expensive and more fun, which last is the key, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy weeding, think of it as getting back to your hunter gatherer roots and going on a plant hunt.
Truer words were never spoken.
Fernapple comments on Mar 30, 2019:
And you may often be reading the best and most carefully picked words of the best people, who you may never have met even if you had lived then.
Medieval church and wild primroses from a very low angle.
Fernapple comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Great depth of field, did you use a tripod or something like a beanbag ?
Posts beginning with "As an agnostic, do you...?
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Do you as humans. Do you as animals. Do you as creatures. Do you as part of the thin coating of slime on planet Earth. Do you as part of the universe. Its inclusive, I'm good with all of it.
I am too old to worry about who likes me and who dislikes me.
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2019:
If you think that you will go down well on this site. They don't throw things at mature people, who like to make fools of themselves. Well lets put it this way, they have not thrown anything at me yet. Love the photo.
"Mercier and Sperber (in their book Enigma of Reason) proposed a novel theory of human ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2019:
True, in popular myth, and it may be a myth with a content of truth this time, modern thinking in the west begins in the classical world of Greece; at just the time when the populations of Greek cities were just beginning to grow beyond the small town where everyone knew everyone.
Conservative Bible Project aims to rewrite scripture to counter perceived liberal bias - New York ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2019:
It has been rewritten and edited plenty of times that we know of, and we don't know how many times before the earliest copies we have. Yet the real dishonesty, is then to claim that opinions based on it have more authority than other peoples, because they come directly from god. So you see you can have your cake and eat it.
I'm in temporary rental housing but there are a few blooms around.
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Interesting you seem to have about the same seasonal timing we do in the UK those are in flower with us now too.
Does the fact that you are agnostic with regard to religion make its way into effecting your ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Think it pays to always look for scientific evidence first, try it if you can, (do your own experiment), try to use logic if they are not available, instinct if logic does not get you there, and faith as a last resort. Fortunately after more than sixty years on this planet, I have never needed to go all the way to the end of the list yet.
1st is the Smithsonian. The rest are Sacramento and Haight in San Francisco.
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I love the quote about travel over the door, and it feels like I have traveled a little looking at them , well done.
Does the fact that you are agnostic with regard to religion make its way into effecting your ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Someone once said that we all do science whenever we are careful enough to use the scientific method, or do not make assumptions. If someone thinks of two ways to arrange a shop window, and they say. "Lets try it one way for one week and then the other for the next, and see which gets the most attention." Then that is science at its most basic and pure.
What will cause the apocalypse?
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
It may happen, it may not happen, if it does it will most likely be all of the above working together, plus some others like resource exhaustion, grid breakdown etc. Few things in history occur for single simple reasons, historians have found forty plus reasons why the Roman Empire ended, most of which could never have been foreseen and all of which contributed. But if you want to know the future then you can try a fortune teller, or a futurologist, neither work but they are your best shot. When at college forty years ago we went to a lecture given by a government advisor, very senior, who job was to predict future trends for the government, we were told that it was very special that he agreed to talk to us. Over the years I remember how many of the things he said came true; exactly none. History is chaotic and all attempts are doomed to fail.
I'm wondering about something which is going to cause me to post this same question twice, once from...
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Where do posts from people on this site appear on I can't find them ? Or is there more than one Humanist site ?
What DoYou Think? Believer Or Non Believer
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Where did you get a photo of my mother ? LOL
I care to live only to entice people to look at Nature's loveliness. - John Muir
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Best way you can make a positive contribution.
Ever wonder how posts get to the main page? Here's how it's done: https:/faq?show=posts
Fernapple comments on Mar 28, 2019:
You must work very hard. But content a bit heavy on US politics for an international site, sometimes. Maybe that's what members like but it just a thought.
Is there such thing as Atheist tattoos?
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Don't have it on your bucket list, it will really hurt there.
This is to inform as many members of Agnostic that if points are mysteriously removed from your ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Don't care about points that much anyway. Nice to get a pat on the back, but it does not have to last forever. And the rules do say that points can be adjusted.
What’s the world’s worst religion?
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I would like to add another one to your list if I may, though it is not usually thought of as a religion which is perhaps why it is not on Wiki as such. And that is Art especially with a capital "A", because it is the enabler in manipulating human minds which spans all of the religions. It has a so called spiritual worth for which there is no evidence. And that spiritual worth leads to the idea of "artistic truth" which is not connected to any objective truth but carries great prestige and can be used to validate any lies that any other religion wishes to sell. I know this this will not be popular with some even here who worship it though, tough.
What is worth believing in?
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Can't disagree with any of that, but then can't find much that is new in it either. I think that you will find that on this site you are preaching to the long converted.
Probably just me but the hearts on the love emoji seem too connected to romantic love.
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I would like a, thank you emoji, for when someone answer a question etc.
Neolithic jade workshop found in China, dating back 4,500 to 4,800 years ago. []
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Interesting but very frustrating there are no pictures, this is one post where a few photos would be everything.
Beginner here.
Fernapple comments on Mar 27, 2019:
You make me feel lucky. But fast growing annuals can be fun especially if started under cover. And many vegetables like climbing beans can be fun just to look at without the fruit.
Can you read this from a FB post and not be gob smacked?
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Funny, and I thought some people were just shy and liked to slip away after a good deed to avoid a fuss, and the embarrassment of gratitude. Just shows how wrong you can be, people aren't that good after all, you have to rely on angels.
Cop out: "Spiritual But Not Religious" [] Agree or disagree?
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Its the only fence you can sit on, and everybody else gets a pain in the butt.
I’m noticing a recent influx of followers of Jesus (Harold?
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I am having a great time with an apologist right now, don't know how long before he gets fed up, but for my mind they just don't stick around long enough. However if they are male and you are female, it maybe that they are stupid enough and/or indoctrinated with the male centric BS churches pedal, to think you are an easy target. If you can therefore, pass them on to one of our eight plus female members, you can easily work out which ones I mean, and they will soon be squashed flat.
The Paradox of the Stone is the Paradox of Religion: “Can God create a stone that cannot be ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Modern theologians do a little tap-dance round this now, by saying that. "Gods power is the maximum logically possible." Which makes you wonder just how sad a human can get.
Is there anybody here, like me, who was never religious?
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Yep, never got caught by it, despite the fact that religious education was forced on to children in UK schools in my day.
Fear of Death
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Dying but not death. It is one of the sad acts of religion that the mercy of planned death that we can give to suffering animals, is not available to humans. Who, thanks to dogma are forced to endure sometimes nearly endless suffering in the name of so called sacred life.
This is interesting! Pentagon Says All of Google’s Work on Drones Is Exempt From the Freedom of ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
You always wonder as well if there is something else stuffed in the same file.
Landscapes — 1: Another view from Mount Sugarloaf, South Deerfield, Massachusetts, taken in ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 26, 2019:
You seem to be very well traveled, I like the first one it is almost a pattern.
Christian: If there's no god, then what's your purpose in life?
Fernapple comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Nothing like having a really ambitious plan, but I should make a few small ones as well , it is hard to loose all the time.
Welcome to Cow Bay, Nova Scotia.
Fernapple comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Silver, gray and blue in perfect harmony. Its wonderful but make me shiver.
I got this in an email....anyone ever try any of these?
Fernapple comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I can not comment on the science or not. But the tone of it sounds like classic snake oil, woo, to me.
Usernames.... How did you choose your username for agnostic and what's the story behind it.... ?
Fernapple comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Needed one because for personal reasons can not use my real name, so since ferns don't flower, they can never have fruit, So fern-apple something unreal. First thing that popped into my head really.
> Take a look at this video about a person who is raising mushrooms which will be able to decompose ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Why can't the natural mushrooms found in the soil do it, they have been doing it for animals for millions of years, if you are buried in healthy soil without the formaldehyde and other toxins it should work fine. In fact soil is rich in such spores and they are active already.
Why I Love Agnostic.
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
What were they thinking of, this site would be a lot duller if it was not for the female input.
Spring in the Desert
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Beautiful bird shot. Are the blue flowers Blue Bonnet ?
How bad is it when a bible basher is on a street corner shouting religious drool.
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Most of them here seem to be fairly old and passive, so I just ignore them, In any case if I did tackle them, they would probably just zoom off at high speed on their mobility scooters.
Just found this photo from the last time I was abducted by Aliens (Oct.
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Can understand why they brought you back.
Isn’t it interesting how someone can believe in god without any evidence while multiple sightings ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Although I have no wish to address this subject, I really have to point out that where you allude to it, your biology does seems to be fifty years out of date.
When you work at a garden center and spend your days trying to remember all the cultivars and one ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Yes I know that feeling, sadly, plants sometimes go out of your world for years and then come back again.
"Live in each season as it passes: Breathe the air, Drink the drink, Taste the fruit and ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Love that and love the seasons, you only get fifty chances perhaps in an adult life to watch that magical cycle, you have to make the most of them all.
Damn! Had a long post typed, hit submit and it all disappeared so this one will be short but cover ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Are you sure that your tree is not grafted on to another rootstock of a different type. It can be in some cases a quite different but related species.
"You must be a member of this group before commenting." What group?
Fernapple comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Always seems to be the "fun" groups that carry that resriction. Strange.
Aside from the obvious similarities between organized crime and organized religion, and the churches...
Fernapple comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Richard Dawkins on memes worth a study on that point. (religions as mental infections which evolve to become more infectious. )
Article about the Milky Way galaxy and its connection with giant gamma-ray bubbles ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 23, 2019:
I wonder if other galaxies have them ?


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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