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Full disclosure, I identify as an agnostic because I know it is impossible to prove the non-existence of a god whose description includes invisibility and inscrutability. However, I am functionally an atheist, because I rate the probability of God's existence at vanishingly small; practically nil. I tentatively reached this conclusion an an early age, and a lifetime of studying science has only reinforced it. Science reveals that no supernatural force is required to explain everything we see in nature. And virtually everything reported to be supernatural is found to be either a deceptive fraud or completely unsubstantiated claim.

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Letters From An American 01/15/2023
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Happy MLK Day 🙂
FINDING OR CREATING MEANING IN LIFE, pART i I will begin this discussion by asserting that human ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Wise Wordy Walt 🙂
My youngest claimed religion today, officially joined the cult that ruined my life.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 15, 2023:
You do realize, I hope, that it's your fault your kids are wrapped up in a religious cult.
14-Year-Old Wants To Go Swimming During Her Period, So Her Sister Teaches Her How Tampons Work, ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Why do Christians insist on teaching people to hate their bodies?
A giant pink phallus may come to Florida, thanks to Jesus and an atheist
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 15, 2023:
There is no (good) reason why they shouldn't let the festival go forward.
'Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 14, 2023:
So BDair posts another crock of 🐂💩. What's new?
My sister's family is very religious of the Christian variety.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 13, 2023:
They just can't resist the impulse to proselytize.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2023:
NdGT's commentary/explanation was, perhaps, the most concise, most clear, most compelling argument in favor of the science-based Biden Administration policy vis-a-vis vaccination against SARS CoV-2 that I have heard to date. Everything Tyson said was spot on. No question about it. Your last comment about NdGT was, to put it mildly, childish and illustrative of an uninformed (or misinformed) mind. You would do well to take a step back and re-listen to what he says, and also reconsider your entire world view while you are at it.
All Flights Across US Grounded Due To FAA Computer System Glitch - US Sky News
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 11, 2023:
Good! Per passenger mile, air travel has, by far, the biggest carbon footprint. Until clean aircraft are developed, nobody should ever fly, except in the most dire emergency. A single passenger on a Boeing 747 produces substantially more CO2 in 60 hours of flight than the average American automobile driver does in a full year! Every ton of CO2 emitted only worsens the climate crisis. The annual cost of climate related disasters in the USA alone has risen from about 20 billion dollars per year in the 1980s to over 150 billion dollars per year in 2022.
Some people still seem to be unaware of what was widely acknowledged a year ago.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 11, 2023:
The vaccines never prevented transmission. In the event that there is transmission, they prevent severe illness and death. That has always been the case.
The Christians behind that 'Eye of the Tiger' cover know you think it's cringy
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Until this post I was blissfully unaware of any Christian re-working of the eye of the tiger song. I'm not even sure who does the original. Is it Journey? I did hear that some Christians got sued for ripping off the musical play Hamilton. Serves them right. Whoever the "eye" copyright holders are, they should do the same.
Report: 188 Catholic clergy members in Kansas are alleged predators
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 10, 2023:
It just goes on and on, doesn't it? 🤬
Bolsonaro supporters invade Brazil presidential palace, Congress, Supreme Court | Reuters
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 8, 2023:
Is this Brazil's fascists copying the U.S' fascists, or a preview of coming attractions in Washington D.C.?
The Tragic Miracle of Consciousness: John Steinbeck on the True Meaning and Purpose of Hope – The ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 8, 2023:
Hope springs eternal...usually.
How many of you can ace this basic science quiz?? []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 8, 2023:
That was easy, but it better be; I taught science for 20 years.
The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Nice quote! 😎👍
Time Travel For Real This Time with Brian Greene & Neil deGrasse Tyson
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 7, 2023:
I ❤️ science! I ❤️ NdGT! 😂
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2023:
B., because there is a huge mass of evidence indicating that all life on Earth evolved by natural selection acting upon the natural variations in populations. Failure to accept this is nothing but rank science denial.
Bills Announce Damar Hamlin Showing "Remarkable Improvement" Appears To Be "Neurologically Intact" ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Now let's see if the NFL makes any meaningful changes to protect players from this inherently violent sport.
Weed and Meditation: Can Being High Help Your Practice?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 5, 2023:
I notice a creeping brain fog if I use marijuana consistently. The good news is that the fog lifts pretty quickly (within a day or two) when I stop.
Bills Announce Damar Hamlin Showing "Remarkable Improvement" Appears To Be "Neurologically Intact" ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 5, 2023:
Good news!
McCarthy fails to become speaker after three ballots - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Kevin is a spineless, self-interested spot of slime on society's shoe sole. That he should suffer humiliation seems perfectly appropriate.
Happy New Year.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2023:
Fun post! I hope you won't take it amiss if I make one small correction. The factors of 2023 are 1, 7, 17, 119, 289, 2023. 🙂
Benedict XVI, first pope to resign in 600 years, dies at 95
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 31, 2022:
He won't be missed by me.
Kirk Cameron is still telling lies to boost sales of his new Christian book
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 31, 2022:
What did you expect? That he was suddenly going to clean up his act? Hahaha 😂😂😂
Hate-preacher falsely claims Andrew Tate was arrested for denying climate change
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 30, 2022:
I love Greta. 😂
All cats can be jerks.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Big kitty.
[] Catholic dioceses, Boy Scouts, hide from sex abuse lawsuits by filing bankruptcy.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 30, 2022:
"Religion poisons everything." -- Christopher Hitchens
Commentary from Jeff Childers 'Coffee & Covid' New readers probably don’t know that I completed...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 28, 2022:
What a stinking pile of 🐂💩. It's another in a long line of pathetic attempts to whip up fear of RNA vaccines. Fortunately, we don't have to concern ourselves with the Florida governor's opinion, or that of his round table of experts, or the media's coverage of them. None of that is relevant. It's just a distraction. What matters is that all the data show that the vaccines are safe and effective. People who are unvaccinated are much more likely to become seriously ill and die of SARS CoV-2 than people who have been vaccinated. And evidence that the vaccines have caused harm to many people is scant, notwithstanding a great volume of emotionally-charged, scientifically bankrupt anti-vax propaganda.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 22, 2022:
Wow...that was...weird. 😂
Power company money flows to media attacking critics in Florida, Alabama : NPR
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 21, 2022:
Best line in the article: "Invisibility is more powerful than celebrity." And democracy dies in darkness. What's happening in Alabama and Florida is happening all over the country, thanks to the SCOTUS and the Citizens United decision.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: DO THIS Every Morning To Find Happiness & Meaning In Your Life
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Alway enjoy NDGT 😎👍
I was trying to figure out someone's complicated insurance—a strange brew of higher math and, ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Well said. 😎👍
Equality is downsizing religions, as parents refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I agree that we are seeing a good trend. I just wish it would go a little faster.
I just came across this, it shows a church near where I live, which is now disused due to falling ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I love that there's no voice over. Just let the land speak for itself. 😎👍
Faithless feeling: Does a lack of religion really 'knock color out of life'?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Nope. No god here but plenty of color.
Twitter Suspends Journalists Covering Elon Musk and the Company - NBC
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Musk is such a turd. 💩
Donald Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ Was To Hawk His $99 NFT Trading Cards
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2022:
I can't wait to see the SNL skit based on this! 😂
I had rejected the Bible for its silliness a long time ago, but I'd forgotten just how ridiculous it...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2022:
I would have forgotten how silly the Bible is, but the goddamn Bible thumpers keep on bringing it up. 🤮
Donald Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ Was To Hawk His $99 NFT Trading Cards
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2022:
It's so ridiculous, it's like he's parodying himself! 😂😂😂
Musk, Fauci, trust in science, and how to make it survive YLE 12/14/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2022:
Either Musk is just stirring up controversy because he is worried about Twitter losing money, or he really is an idiot, or both. And I once thought I would buy a Tesla. Not any more.
The Forgotten Side of Medicine - from A Midwestern Doctor The Most Important Dataset of the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 13, 2022:
More anti-vax
We are starting to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Leave it to Florida to lead the charge...right off the edge of a flat Earth.
Fun morning of severe storms passing through with tornado warnings and tornadoes on the ground.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Glad you made it safely through. BTW, God didn't cause the destruction, and didn't save you from it. You were just lucky. 😂
Report: Montreal priest stymied investigations into sexual abuse
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Isn't this what they always do? Protect their own? At least they are consistent. 🤮
U.S. to reveal scientific milestone on fusion energy | Reuters
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Looking forward to hearing more about this. It could be a game changer!
Man in Clearwater Has Sex With Dog In Front Of Child
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 12, 2022:
Was the moron high on meth? 🤮
I had a disturbing incident yesterday. Saw a man prowl my car.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 12, 2022:
We have had a lot of thefts of catalytic converters here in my neck of the woods (San Diego, California).
Catholic church paid Maryland lobbyists more than $200K to help limit, prevent abuse lawsuits ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 8, 2022:
I am not at all surprised. 😐
Restaurant Denies Christian Group Service Over its ProLife and LGBTQ Stances
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 8, 2022:
As much as I enjoy seeing the sanctimonious pricks get hit in the face with a cream pie, I hate to see this kind of thing happen. If you run a business that is open to the public, you should not be able to discriminate against any would-be customer based on race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Good to know. They won't be getting any more loose change from me.
First we had the Bali Bonk Ban, and now we have the Bali Bomber being freed from jail: [abc.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 8, 2022:
The MF should have received the death penalty.
WNBA star Brittney GRINER freed, in swap for Russian arms dealer.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Glad she's out. I hope no one else stupidly hands Putin a valuable bargaining chip.
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 6, 2022:
Yes, science is always changing, but in s way it also stays the same. Robust, well-supported, grand unifying theories like plate tectonics and Darwinian evolution my be modified around the edges, but they don't fundamentally change. Einstein's theory of relativity hasn't changed; it's still true that the faster you travel through space, the slower time passes. The fact is, nature is very consistent. So if your description of nature is correct, it's not going to change much. The process of science is also pretty consistent. The scientific method is the same today as it was when modern science began some 400 years ago. What changes is human knowledge. It keeps expanding. That's good change.
Commentary from Jeff Childers - 'Coffee & Covid' on an WSJ op-ed.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 5, 2022:
Over 200 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccines have worked so well at protecting people that they're already getting complacent.
As more people reject the Booster Jabs, we should start to see the number of excess deaths ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 5, 2022:
What a load of...
If religion was ever to go away, then it would need to be replaced, by things that will fulfill our ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 5, 2022:
Joseph Campbell identified four functions of mythology. They are: "1. ...the first function of mythology [is] to evoke in the individual a sense of grateful, affirmative awe before the monstrous mystery that is existence 2. The second function of mythology is to present an image of the cosmos, an image of the universe round about, that will maintain and elicit this experience of awe. [or] …to present an image of the cosmos that will maintain your sense of mystical awe and explain everything that you come into contact with in the universe around you. 3. The third function of a mythological order is to validate and maintain a certain sociological system: a shared set of rights and wrongs, proprieties or improprieties, on which your particular social unit depends for its existence. 4. …the fourth function of myth is psychological. That myth must carry the individual through the stages of his life, from birth through maturity through senility to death. The mythology must do so in accords with the social order of his group, the cosmos as understood by his group, and the monstrous mystery." Expanding on this, Campbell wrote, "The second and third functions have been taken over in our world by secular orders. Our cosmology is in the hands of science. The first law of science is that the truth has not been found. The laws of science are working hypotheses. The scientist knows that at any moment facts may be found that make the present theory obsolete; this is happening now constantly. It's amusing. In a religious tradition, the older the doctrine, the truer it is held to be. In the scientific tradition, on the other hand, a paper written ten years ago is already out of date. There's a continuous movement onward. So there's no law, no Rock of Ages on which you can rest. There's nothing of the kind. It's fluid. And we know that rocks are fluid, too, though it takes them a long time to flow. Nothing lasts. It all changes. In the social realm, again, we don't regard our laws as being divinely ordained. You still hear it from time to time, as in the current abortion problem: God is talking to Senator So-and-so, or Reverend Thus-and-such. But it doesn't seem to make sense otherwise. God's law is no longer the justification for the nation's laws. Congress decides what a decent aim for the social order is and what the institution is that should bring that aim about. So I would say that in this secular society of ours, we can no longer really think of the cosmological and sociological functions as a problem. However, in all of our lives, the first and fourth functions do still play a role, and it's these that I will be addressing. We are going to find ourselves far away from the old traditions. The first is the ...
I'm going through my home and throwing stuff away.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 4, 2022:
In a pinch, you could always use them in the outhouse. 😂
When does life begin?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
When does life begin? Constantly. You your body creats millions of new cells every second. With the exception of viruses, all living things are made of cells. The first life on Earth began about 3.5 billion years ago, and was unicellular. Other characteristics of living things include response to stimuli, reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, DNA, energy transformations, and death. An equally important question is when does a human embryo or fetus become a person? IMHO, definitely not at conception. Not during the embryonic stage. Not for most of the fetal stage. Certainly not before viability. Probably not until birth.
Lying pastor: Bible College students become atheists and infiltrate churches
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
I don't know about other folks here, but I refuse to sign up or start a subscription or give any information just to read an article from some random web publisher. If you want people to read the article, may I suggest that you copy/paste it on your post? As for what the pastor claims, I am reminded of something the bard once wrote: "The many fooleries of wise men makes a great show."
Some arguments for a connection between Christmas and the hallucinogenic mushroom, Amanita muscaria.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
This could provide the framework for a good SNL skit. 🤣
Easily download music from SoundCloud with SoundCloud to Mp3 Downloader Ever wished you could ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
This post is too much of a commercial advertisement for my taste 😐👎
Judge blocks Indiana abortion ban on religious freedom grounds | Reuters
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Use a religious argument to foil the religious extremists: I love it! 😎👍
Zelensky proposes banning religious groups ‘affiliated’ with Moscow.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
One less orthodox sect would surely be a good thing. I wish President Zelensky the best of luck.
Save YouTube music to aac mp3 via Firefox plugins.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
The hell you say! 😂 To my knowledge, I've never used Savefrom, and I guess I never will now. 🤣
Hey, How's everyone been?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Actually there is more unity here on this site than you might think.
I choose to stay on Twitter.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 30, 2022:
I'm afraid if I get on Twitter I will spend too much time arguing with idiots, trying to set them straight. I'm just too busy with other things right now.
This is how we cut our grass during the long Alaska winters....
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Tundra trampling tractor 😂
Census 2021: Minority identify as Christian in England and Wales for the first time ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Hopefully this is the end of the beginning of the end of all organized religions world-wide. I know that's a big ask, but one can dream.
2021 UK Religious survey. Christians down 13% pts, non religious up 12% pts.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Go Non-believers! Yaaaaay! 🎉
England And Wales Are No Longer Majority Christian Countries, Census Finds | IFLScience
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 29, 2022:
This is not "The Good News" that evangelicals are constantly touting; it's way better! 🤣🤣🤣
I Am Jesus Christ - Prologue - Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 29, 2022:
WTF? So now people can play God? Jesus! 😂
COVID-19 in China and global concern YLE 11/29/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Good info...thanks for posting.
I wonder if the Theist and Atheist worlds will ever notice that God and Reality behave exactly the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
What god might that be? And who's reality? 😂
Here's why vandals sprayed graffiti at Focus on the Family headquarters
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Much as I agree with the underlying sentiment, I don't see this solving anything. The Christians will just claim they are being persecuted. They will not look inward to see what they did to offend (even though that is at the heart of what Jesus taught).
What if we are wrong?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
We may be the only example of a part of the universe knowing itself (and seeking to know more), but I doubt it. It's a big, old universe. I bet intelligent life has evolved on other planets as well. As for the existence of a master Creator, there is no evidence of that. In fact, everywhere we look, we see only natural causes; no need to invoke supernatural intervention. What came before the Big Bang is not yet known, and may never be known, but even that state of ignorance is not a reason to believe in a Creator.
I was informed about this very interesting, zoom-able website about our Population growth from ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Dig the population counter clicking along 😳
What if we are wrong?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 27, 2022:
BIG "if."
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 27, 2022:
Money and power is what it (religion) is all about! 🤑
Bill Nye is more than just "The Science Guy".
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 27, 2022:
Poor Ken Ham...he is totally out of his depth facing Bill Nye!
Hi guys ♥️ I have been avoiding like hell to make a real post for months and I am trying to ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 27, 2022:
220/120! Yikes! Glad you didn't blow a gasket, girl. Take it easy. Breathe deep. Relax...
In an earlier post I stated that it seems like there needs to be a death count of 5 or more in order...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
It stands to reason that as the number and lethality of shootings rises, attention will always be focussed on the worst cases. And there are only so many hours in a day before the next batch of bad news comes along.
Obnoxious T-shirts. Here's a contender.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Funny thing is, the morons are not really for freedom when it comes to sexual orientation, or religions other than Christianity, or voting rights, or clean air & water, or natural habitats, or access to healthcare, or quality education, or job security, or a dignified retirement,...
Celia Deane-Drummond - New Visions of the Divine?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
Male deity, female deity, transgender deity, it makes no difference. None of them are real.
Torture and murder in the name of religion: []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 26, 2022:
These people are not living in the 21st century; they're in the 12th.
Letters From An American 11/23/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 25, 2022:
Its a pretty "woke" history lesson. One that is essential to understanding our own time.
Last night, I had a dream that my deceased sister called me on the phone.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Your hypothesis is as good as any I have heard.
Niclosamide powder belongs to the salicylanilide class.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
This site is for members to engage in intellectual interplay. It is NOT the place to hock your product!
Aaron Brink, Pornstar Dad of Colorado Club Q Shooting Suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich, Spews Homophobia
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
That's one fucked up family. Gawd!
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2022:
Look out folks, here comes another wave of BDair...
Australia begins to reap what it has sown.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
This post is a duplicate.
I have slight reservations about Humanism as a movement, but this promo from the British Humanist ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
IMHO, it is high time that religious indoctrination was vigorously countered with secular education. We should be challenging religion at every turn, whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head.
'Hero' Army vet who tackled Club Q mass shooter says he acted on instinct | News |
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
The guy who took down the shooter is humble, self-effacing, but his actions were heroic. He saved lives.
The Jacksons - Can You Feel It - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
That was certainly a blast from the past! 😂
Qatar World Cup: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Soccer is a good game, but I really don't give a shit which team wins the world cup. FIFA is a fundamentally corrupt institution. Ultimately, it's all about money.
Pompeo says head of teacher’s union is the ‘most dangerous person in the world’ | The Hill
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Mike Pompeo is a Christian nationalist fuckstick. He can eat shit and die. I wish he would.
Nihilism and a philosophical approach to life after death (what about life before life).[]
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
There is absolutely no evidence of a soul, or spirit, or any part of us continuing on after death. None.
Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines After ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 23, 2022:
I've had 4 mRNA covid shots so far. I had fevers that lasted a day from the 3rd and 4th shots. If I have ever contracted the virus, I have not had any symptoms. My experience is typical for just about everyone I know. I have one anti-vax acquaintance so I can't say EVERYONE I know has gotten the shot(s) without incident. Notwithstanding the power of personal experience, the standard for dissemination of information regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines is publication of peer-reviewed articles in reputable scientific journals. The Defender is not a scientific journal. When Mr. Beaudoin's "research" comes out in a scientific journal, then I will pay attention. Until then, his fulminations are just so much froth. Here is a list of peer-reviewed publications that might publish such a study, were it legitimate: American Journal of Epidemiology Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health European Journal of Epidemiology International Journal of Epidemiology The Lancet Journal The New England Journal of Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association The British Medical Journal The Journal of Pathology Journal of Immunological Sciences The Journal of Immunology The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Frontiers in Immunology Immunity Nature Reviews Immunology Science Immunology Human Vaccines Genetic Vaccines and Therapy Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination Until one or more of these journals publishes it, it's just noise. ↓ ↓ 🎤
Governor Evers is sitting on a 5 million$ surplus that he wanted to use for a tax cut for us ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 22, 2022:
It goes to show: Republicans don't really have any solid policy preferences. They're only interested in holding on to power.
Religion & The Modern World - Stephen Fry and Richard Dawkins
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 21, 2022:
I love the way Dawkins describes religious explanations for our existence as "tawdry" and "second-rate" compared to the "enthralling and fascinating" (and true) explanation provided by science. I could not agree more! 😍


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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