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I identify as an agnostic because I know it is impossible to prove the non-existence of a god whose description includes invisibility and inscrutability. However, I am functionally an atheist, because I rate the probability of God's existence at vanishingly small; practically nil. I tentatively reached this conclusion an an early age, and a lifetime of studying science has only reinforced it. Science reveals that no supernatural force is required to explain everything we see in nature. And virtually everything reported to be supernatural is found to be either a deceptive fraud or completely unsubstantiated claim.


NC Lt. Gov.: Kids shouldn't learn science or history in school
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 26, 2022:
I knew there was a reason why I don't live in North Carolina. 😂
This is our final episode of Atheist News.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Thank you for your diligent and eye-opening reporting! You have provided a great public service these last six years. Good luck in your future endeavors! 👏👏👏👏👏👏
It sounds like my frequently used statement "We all want what is best for America.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 28, 2022:
What is "best for America" depends on what side of the political divide you're on. The left, as far as I can see, thinks that rule of law, voting rights, separation of church and state, environmental protection, egalitarian multiculturalism at home, and participation in a rules-based global community abroad, are what is best for America. The right, in my view, is about straight white male dominance, instituting a species of fascist Christian theocracy, clinging to old tired myths of self reliance and manifest destiny, deregulation of industry, laissez faire (winner-take-all) economics, and doing away with what meagre social safety net we have while destroying alliances with longstanding foreign partners and cultivating new relationships with dictators and tyrants. Seems like a pretty easy choice to me.
America's like a car accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Walker says he doesn't believe in evolution, that man cannot have descended from apes because there are still monkeys alive on Earth. That's the brain-dead level he operates on. Just to be clear, the earliest ancestors of humans were bacteria. Later came protists. Then the first animals, which were basically simple worms. Some worms evolved notochords and then vertebra, giving rise to the first fish. Some fish evolved legs and these gave rise to the first amphibians. Some amphibians evolved scales and eggs with hard shells that could survive out of water, and these were the first reptiles. Some reptiles evolved hair, internal gestation, and live birth. There were other changes as well, such as differentiation in the teeth. These were the first mammals. Some mammals adopted an arboreal lifestyle, and adaptations such as an opposable thumb (good for grasping branches), color vision (good for distinguishing which fruit is ripe), and binocular vision (good for judging the distance to the next branch). These were the first primates. Some primates evolved bipedal locomotion, which proved useful for seeing over the tops of the grass (and thus avoiding predators) that grew between increasingly separated trees as climate change drove a shift in the biome from tropical forest to Savannah. These included the first hominids. Some hominids evolved big brains, and the females' hips got wider so the birth canal could accommodate a bigger cranium. And the postnatal developmental stage was greatly extended, allowing for greater cerebral and cognitive development, which was undoubtedly driven by living in complex social networks and by increasing tool use. Some of these hominids evolved hairless skin and sweat glands, which, along with social cooperation, bipedal locomotion and tool use became invaluable in hunting on the savannah. While a human is not fast enough to catch a gazelle, several humans working together as a team can drive a gazelle to exhaustion over several hours. Walking on two legs, the hominid would expend less energy than the quadruped over the same distance. And the sweat glands and smooth skin provided evaporative cooling that the gazelle lacked. The tool use provided opportunities for innovations such as spears. The binocular vision turned out to be an advantage in hurling spears with accuracy. So it wasn't even necessary to risk getting impaled by a gazelle's horn. The hominid could bring down the gazelle at a distance. There were many small bands of hominids that remained largely isolated, allowing unique adaptations to evolve. Sometimes these isolated bands would meet up and interbreed. Sometimes they killed each other. Most of these races eventually went extinct. As of only a few tens of thousands of years ago, there were only two left: ...
America's like a car accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
I think of it more like a train wreck...😂
One of Willie's best, an earlier discussion about icemen reminded me of this jewel.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 3, 2022:
Willie sings the blues! 😍
Iran Sentences Two LGBT Activists to Death - Rights Group
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 6, 2022:
That's what theocracy will do for you. Our own Christian nationalists would love to set one up here.
One shot per year? We really need to step up our game then YLE 09/07/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 8, 2022:
Ultimately we will have to play it by ear, get extra shots as needed. In addition to listening to the CDC, everybody should consult their own physician.
"Intellectually superior " Atheist Neil DeGrass whatever his name is: let the baby jump in the mud ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 11, 2022:
The other day I heard someone make a comment to the effect that women do not need men anymore. They were drawing a comparison between modern day life in the developed world and how things were only a century or two ago, when a woman had absolutely no status unless she was married to a man. Things have certainly changed, and for the better, I think. Today people of whatever gender are more or less free to partner up with whoever they want, based on their own likes and (perceived) compatibility. The idea of latching on to someone out of need is considered somewhat pathetic. It's true that most construction jobs are done by men. And most nursing positions are filled by women. But there is crossover in both fields, as there is in science, secretarial work, the military, etc., etc. More and more, people are going into occupations based on their likes and interest, rather than on some preconceived gender roles. And this is a good thing. A couple years ago, not far from where I live in San County, US Navy ship Bonhomme Richard was undergoing a major overhaul in port when it caught fire. The ship burned for ten days, spewing toxic smoke over many homes and businesses. The damage was so severe that the multi-billion-dollar ship was declared a total loss. Several officers lost their careers over the incident. But the worst thing about it is that the fire was apparently started on purpose. The guy who the Navy thinks started the fire was a low-ranking sailor who had tried out for the seals but had not made the cut. He ended up doing work that he considered beneath him, and apparently felt slighted. Apparently he felt like there was only one career path for him and it did not include chipping paint. Whether or not this would-be seal committed arson, cost the taxpayers billions, and poisoned thousands of people is beside the point. There are plenty of examples of disgruntled, alienated, angry young men who act out with violence. Unfortunately, in most of the cases there is no question of whether they are guilty of mass murder. The real question is, why do they do it? I think the reasons come down to intellectual inflexibility. These guys simply cannot handle the fact that the world does not line up with their preconceived notions. It's too easy for them to dismiss the hard work, talent, and sacrifice of successful people as just so much luck, or nepotism, or cheating. I am reminded of a class on electronics that I once took at a local junior college. At that time I was at a crossroads in my life, not sure of my next move. I was working full time for a big electrical contractor by day, and attending the class at night. (My goal to move horizontally, into something like what I was doing but which was less taxing on my body. I was already 38 years ...
Just a thought about something that sometimes happens on this site, every now and again.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 12, 2022:
It's certainly worth considering. We don't want to give ammunition to the opposition.
Moscow Municipal Lawmakers Demand Putin's Resignation
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 12, 2022:
This is not the first sign of Putin's unpopularity, and it certainly wont be the last. I only hope the brave leaders of Moscow do not pay too high a price for having done their duty, and that Putin's ouster is both speedy and peaceful. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.
Holy Babymaking, Batman!
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2022:
These people are effing insane.
Teacher at Christian school arrested after 'twerking' on student at Prom
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 14, 2022:
So sad. This teacher ruined her life for what? A little teenage nooky? She needs psychological help.
He Called 911 Because His Car Was Stuck. The Cops Killed Him.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Yikes. Those cops are literally fatally stupid.
Why Do Doctors Have to Play Defense? - Freakonomics
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Jack Kevorkian was one doctor who was willing to go against the grain, to be the test case.
SHIT HAPPENS! Close-to-complete ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Paleontology: coprolites are ancient shit.
Judge blocks Thursday's execution by lethal injection of Alabama death row inmate who says he ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 22, 2022:
I'm not opposed to the state killing an incorrigible murderer/kidnapper/terrorist, but so many mistakes have been made in the past, so many people wrongfully convicted, I doubt the state's ability to get it right in all cases. And even in slam dunk cases, the appeals process can go on forever. I understand that having the death penalty on the table is a powerful tool for getting pleas, but even that is abused. So I lean toward abolishing capital punishment.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Recycle, reuse, reduce. Good job!
In stunning reversal, TX judge can continue his coercive courtroom prayers
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Who appointed the two judges on Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled in favor of Mack? Are they from the Federalist Society list?
APISTEVIST - Extracts: Someone who rejects using faith as a legitimate method to reach ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 4, 2022:
It's the same root word that we find in the terms "epistle" (a letter or series of letters), and "epistemology" (the study of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope; the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion).
My adventures continue.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 4, 2022:
It is a type of garter snake called a ribbon racer. I've seen dozens of them. They are often up to three feet in length. They may appear longer, but that is due to their slender build. They are very fast, hence the name "racer."
Visualized: The World's Population at 8 Billion, Map
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Very interesting. The last graph, showing the world population in the year 2099, is, I think, very much in doubt. Climate change, and war spurred by same, will likely have a lot to say about whether we ever reach 10 billion. I'll be long dead by then, of course.
What Native land are you on? This map shows Indigenous tribes' past territories : NPR
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Kumeyaay, at this precise moment.
Jamie Lee Curtis' transgender daughter faces death threats []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 17, 2022:
They're probably motivated by fear of their own latent transgender tendencies 😂
Letters From An American 10/20/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Reagan's supply-side economics was/is bad for average Americans (as Brexit is bad for Brittain), but MAGA, if allowed to take over, will be disastrous. Happily, there are signs that MAGA will not prevail. The Kansas abortion referendum outcome was a welcome surprise. And now a traditionally conservative Oklahoma newspaper is backing a Democratic candidate for the US Senate. These are visible cracks in the MAGA facade. There is reason for hope. 🤞
Greg Locke's church is so loud, his county may adopt a noise ordinance
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 23, 2022:
First they work themselves up into a frenzy, then break out the gasoline and matches. I can think of several ways this could go sideways. 🔥⛺🔥🤣
We read the Gab founder's how-to guide to Christian nationalism.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Torba's shitty book is on the best seller list? 🤮
(regarding events that took place around 1940): Introducing Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 27, 2022:
I've been listening. It's a very relevant and timely history lesson. 😎👍👍
It's the American way.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Ronald Reagan's "trickle down" economics (in a nutshell, tax cuts for the rich) is to the middle class what a colony of termites is to a fallen tree trunk. They both have a hollowing effect. Every Republican Administration since Reagan has followed Ronnie's fiscal lead to some degree, most notably his Royal Orange Foolius Himself. The Done Cheato gave the wealthy a tax break that would have made Reagan blush. As a kid the only time I ever saw beggars and homeless people was when my dad took me on fishing trips Mexico. Now they're part of the American landscape. Way to go, GOP!
Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 3, 2022:
We will very likely see the same asinine shit here in 2024, if not later this month. My message to those who would replace democracy with fascism: be careful what you wish for!
Dating on this site
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Good question! Not me bra. Hell, I can't even get a response to a written message.
What do you do when having a meal with a party that prays?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 26, 2018:
I bow my head and say "amen" to the parts about peace, gratitude, and love while ignoring any references to deities or supernaturalism.
It's after midnight here, and so it is officially my birthday.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 27, 2018:
You go girl! Many happy returns!
Seriously! Seriously, if Honey Boo Boo’s mom can find boyfriends, why can’t I find one?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I know a great little Vietnamese place in San Diego... ?
I was just thinking about some good movies that might make Christians cringe.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 4, 2018:
There was a good one titled "Dogma"...
What is truth?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 15, 2018:
We have moved into an era where verifiable facts are taking a back seat to tribal affiliation. This is especially scary because with that kind of mindset virtually anything goes. Anyone can be demonized or scapegoated. It must be resisted at all costs if we are to keep our democracy. There are many who are ready, willing, and able to exploit division and discord for their own profit. The stakes could not be higher.
We can't be having that.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 24, 2018:
It cannot happen too quickly.
Just got my first 24 hour Facebook ban, for commenting on a post about religion.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 26, 2018:
That lot (the bible thumpers) are always cherry picking certain favorite scriptural passages while ignoring the inconvenient bits. That is, until they feel emboldened by a perceived shift in social norms. Then they let their true racist/bigoted/genocidal colors fly.
I was out shopping and signed up for a promotion with my phone number which ends in 666.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2018:
Hahaha! Yes it was a good retort. If people go ape over a phone number I wonder how the superstitious are taking the fact that Jared Kushner's family's building address in Manhattan is 666...
Hi friends, I just got called for a job so I may be gone for a couple of weeks.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 29, 2018:
Congratulations! Go get'em tiger!
Pedophile advocate Nathan Larson running for Virginia congressional seat - NY Daily News
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Should be easy to beat him. Soundly. One would hope....
Dad fell just before I got back from appointments.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Castles in the sand we are...
When i was a little girl i had a crush on Captian Kirk.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Good news! You don't have to choose! Remember they are of two different generations. Each should be judged in his own context. So go ahead. Have your cake and eat it too!
Silencing Science: A Humanist Take on Science and Politics -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Unfortunately the fossil fuel industry has got a stranglehold on the country. The REALLY don't want to see their profits decline. The owners are a bunch of old, sociopathic crocs who are having a great time and know they won't be around to answer for their crimes. The best thing we can do as individuals is deny them our dollars. Find ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Go green!
Job hunting is like numbly pulling the lever over and over on a slot machine that's programmed to ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 25, 2018:
More and more is seems that is all about who you know, not what you know.
Its very hot the in independant land of Oswaldtwistle, where the gobbiners live.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 26, 2018:
It's a lovely day here in Chula Vista, California: about 78 °F and 76% relative humidity. Nice breeze coming in off the ocean. Beautiful! ?
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Isn't that just pathetic? Unfortunately it's right in line with their rejection of climate science and evolutionary biology. Many of these same people do believe in literal interpretations of the Bible, however. And that is probably the key to understanding their ignorance.
Trump’s “Tax Scam Round 2” for the rich and powerful! Target: All Members of Congress:...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Time to run the SOBs out of office.get out the vote in November 2018!
Donald Trump’s mass disruption European tour - The Globe and Mail
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I prefer to remain optimistic. I think our allies understand that Trump is an anomaly, that his election was fraudulent, that a substantial majority of Americans detest the man and his policies, and that we are working to get our house in order. Of course much rides on the November 2018 elections. A Republican ouster would be a resounding message of solidarity with and good will toward our friends in Great Britain, France, Germany, and other NATO allies.
Former secretary of state Kerry says Trump is ‘destroying our reputation in the world’
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Wasn't that what the Manchurian candidate was supposed to do? Throw a spanner in democracy's gearbox?
"Left-wing and right-wing political ideologies have themselves become secular religions, providing ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Maybe so, but the left's ideas are generally based on science and fact-based reasoning while the right is grounded on religious faith for which there is no independently verifiable supporting evidence. And when I say grounded I mean like a ship that has run aground. They are going nowhere. ?
Robert Reich: 7 Truths About Immigration []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I always liked Bob R.
Wow, this excerpt from a newsletter bothered me.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
The community benefit is all well and good, but I would rather be on edge than have to listen to all that superstitious drivel. THAT would really raise my BP.
A campaign to blitz the country with ‘In God We Trust’ laws takes root - Religion News Service
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
We need to challenge those laws in court on Constitutional grounds. The 1st Amendment bars the government from passing laws establishing a religion. The "In God we trust" phrase on a public school campus is a violation of that principle. If we don't fight back the religionists will walk all over us. And we should not expect to win easily, or to not have to fight the same fight over and over again. We have to be in it for the long haul. This struggle will take time.
Betsy Devos is Financially Connected to Bethany Christian Services - Housing 81 Immigrant Children
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 17, 2018:
One more reason to vote in November. This presidency is such a train wreck! It's so over-the-top it's surreal.
Trump wants suspensions for NFL players who kneel during anthem
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I'm not really a big football fan but I'm with the players on this one.
Jeff Sessions announces new religious liberty task force to combat “dangerous” secularism - Vox
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 1, 2018:
This regime is illegitimate and un-American. Sessions is a fascist and his boss is a traitor. Most people understand this. I think they are going to take quite a shellacking in the next election.
Ahead of the Curve: A World without Cash? -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 5, 2018:
The problem with electronic transactions is that corporations are constantly compiling information on you. I prefer to remain anonymous, and cash lets me do that. Plus, counting out bills makes you think twice about if you really want to buy something. Moreso than just swiping a card and scribbling your name. I don't remember the numbers, but studies have shown this to be a real thing.
A question for someone out there with arcane knowledge: were oxen ever used extensively as draft ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Yes, I think so. An ox is just a castrated steer, a fairly common thing in small-farm-based economies. I seem to recall that many westward-trekking settlers used oxen to pull their wagons. And farmers used them to pull plows and do other heavy work.
The Burka, should there be criticism of this headwear?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I don't think anyone should be allowed to hide their identity in public. It is asking for trouble.
A New Day -
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Religious folk tend not to have faith in their own doctrines to win out in head-to-head competition with other ideas. If an idea is truly a good one it should proliferate on its own, without the need to stamp out or squelch competing ideas. Yet religious institutions invariably seek to tilt the playing field in their own favor. This represents a tacit admission of the weakness of their position, though you may never hear them admit it.
I'm currently reading Winners Take All by Anand Giridharadas, and a fascinating question pops up ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Building something good is the best way to effect change. But I understand the impulse to tear something bad down. However, if one is patient, bad things often fall down on their own.
Being on the net as often as i am, i need the civility-fixes here at agnostic.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I guess I'm kinda spoiled because this is the ONLY social media site I visit. But kudos to you for fighting the good fight.
Are you a romantic? Are you passionate in a nonsexual context?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Want to see me get passionate? Just mention the President, the oil companies, and the Republican-controlled Congress in one breath.
I30 points to level 6
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 12, 2018:
You go girl!
Is it possible to keep your child away from the idea of religion?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 19, 2018:
No, it is probably not possible to shield her from religious ideas any more than the influenza virus. But teach her to think critically and she will be inoculated against a host of ailments including con artists, charlatans, grifters, deadbeats, clerics and clergy.
I could use some words of wisdom, friends.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 20, 2018:
It sounds like you would be better off biding your time for now. Don't make waves when there is nothing concrete that you can point to. Work on personal relationships. Don't get flustered or angry. Keep your cool. Document everything noteworthy, but keep it private. Don't email on sensitive issues until you have all your ducks in a row.
Do atheists, who find no magic in the world, live drab, boring lives, by comparison?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 29, 2018:
No, I think it's the other way around. Being wracked with superstition and fear sounds drab and boring.
If roads,police, hospitals are social projects why shouldn't health care, social security, and ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Indeed, why not? Well the rich and powerful in this country have been wildly successful at controlling the terms of debate. They have appropriated the mythologies of rugged individualism and manifest destiny and woven them together with the Christian ideas of original sin and puritanical zest for punishment, whipping up fear of welfare mothers and deadbeat dads, dividing people with hot-button issues like freedom of choice vs right to life, and painting labor unions as communists in order to keep the proletariat fighting amongst themselves rather than banding together to create a more egalitarian society. It's classic divide-and-conquer tactics used to achieve the strategic goal of elite hegemony.
I just don't understand how people can stand being alone.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 4, 2018:
There is something to be said for independence. Being in good company is nice too. Life is going to give us a mixture. You gotta roll with it.
McConnell is sick demented delusional sociopath psychopath who spews overt hate towards any ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Ditch Mitch for the good of the nation!
It's just occurred to me that at some point on Friday this site will reach 50,000 members.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 10, 2018:
50,000 free thinkers! Yay! ?
American Christians Are Special?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Yeah Christians are special.They are extraordinarily presumptuous. They are also woefully ignorant and plagued by tunnel vision. They are also driven to impose their hackneyed views on everyone else, which itself is a kind of hubris. Wasn't pride supposed to be one of the deadly sins? So we better add deep-seated hypocracy to the list. Shall I go on? How much time have we got? ?
What does it mean when I see I have been sent a message from a long-standing member but when I try ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I would guess that she closed her account after she sent the message.
Older People Are Worse Than Young People at Telling Fact from Opinion []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I am part of that over 50 white male demographic but I don't watch Fox "news" or listen to Rush Limpdick or Alex Jones or Sean Hannity or any of the many other fulminating right wing nut jobs plying their brain rot over the airwaves. I do read books and The New Yorker and Harpers (print versions) and the Washington Post and The Atlantic and Applenews (online). Is that why I don't have many friends in my demographic?
Let it be clear... cesar sayoc is a trump supporter, let it be known! []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Another right wing nut job. Lock him up!
Alot of people hate me. i hate alot of people. seems fair to me then again i have a heart of stone
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Well that sounds like a drag. Hate is such a useless expenditure of mental energy. Who are you? Donald Trump?
It has been reported that 80% of Evangelicals are expected to vote for Republican candidates.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 3, 2018:
We should not be surprised when people who believe in literal interpretations of a jumble of internally contradictory fairy tales (I mean the Bible) also show willingness to swallow the wild conspiracy theories of demagogues.
Middle class white males abandoned and disenfranchised myth.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 4, 2018:
And those white guys better get used to it. Diversity is here to stay, and today's minorities are tomorrow's majority.
AP fact check: President Trump’s rhetoric and the truth about migrant caravans | PBS NewsHour
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Trump is desperate to whip up fear and thereby steer attention away from his many faults. In his order to send 15,000 active duty soldiers to the southern border he is using the US military as a pawn in his political game. The Pentagon is not happy about it. Hence the leaked documents on the military assessment of the caravan: a non-issue. I think (hope) it will backfire on him.
Scientists Discover Adorable Bird That's Actually 3 Species in One
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 11, 2018:
If they can and do mate and produce fertile offspring then they are not separate species. Much less separate genera.
After Christian Burns $50 worth of LGBTQ Library Books Atheist Raises $1,600 to Replace Them - World...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Obviously the first guy never read Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
Men Say They Want A Smart Women...Until They Date One | I Heart
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 16, 2018:
The author of the link article asserts that some men say one thing and do another. This general type of behavior is so pervasive among members of all genders and in all spheres of human endeavor that we can safely place it in the realm of the ubiquitous and quotidian. That it is not uncommon in the realm of sexual relations should come as no surprise. Yup. People can be fickle. The author also acknowledges that not all men are like that. I would add that the same can be said for women. My own observations lead me to conclude that people tend to seek out people of their own intellectual and physical level. That being said, men's egos do tend to be a bit more fragile. They are less likely to tolerate being shown up. It takes a real man to appreciate and be comfortable with his intellectual equal.
They either want to fleece you or eat you.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Some of them (the "shepherds") also want to literally fuck them (the members of the flock).
Beware of unintended consequences.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 21, 2018:
So the Black Death was God's way of punishing man for disrespecting her pussy?
Do you still believe in Capitalism?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2018:
It seems pretty clear that to inspire people to work hard they have to be free to profit from their own talents, creativity, and energy. Lack of such freedom led to the downfall of the Soviet Union. It is also clear that in unregulated capitalism big fish eat up little fish and multiple rounds of consolidation eliminates competition and creates monopolies. Without competition the quality of goods and services declines. And without regulation corporations run rough shod over the environment, realizing profits for investors but leaving the public holding the liabilities. That's what is happening right now as Trump denies climate science in order to allow the fossil fuel industry to rake in massive profits. Meanwhile, fires, floods, and asthma devastate average Americans. That's without regulation. With regulation, the system can reach high efficiency and productivity, improving life for billions. The highly regulated model is not pure capitalism however. It is a mixture of capitalism and socialism. In his zeal to do away with financial and environmental regulations, Trump tilts the scale towards pure capitalism. His policies produce short-term gains that really only benefit an elite minority. In the long run they erode the foundations of our economy. To answer the original question, I have to say no, I don't still believe in pure capitalism. I don't think I ever did. But I think a dash of capitalism is necessary to keep people interested in producing and innovating.
Why is the left lacking the personality mouthpieces to offset the right mouthpieces?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 24, 2018:
One thing about the "conservatives" is that they have a very well-oiled propaganda machine. They have been working on it for a long time, and it really hums! They also have their hot-button religious/social issues and capitalist ideology to rally around. They have been so successful at casting doubt on established science that liberals have been hesitant to bring up environmental issues. Global warming was barely mentioned in 2016, and in 2018 the Dems ran on healthcare (specifically, coverage for people with pre-existing conditions). You can wheel out all the mouthpieces in the world, but if they don't have a platform what are they going to say? The liberals have got to get better at framing the discussion. We need to seize the initiative, take the high ground, and establish the terms of the debate. For every catchy phrase the right comes up with the left has to have a better one to counter it. Above all the left has to be careful not to over-reach. We need to clearly repudiate wild, non-starter ideas like dissolving ICE. that kind of stuff is red meat for the "conservatives." One place we could start is stop calling them conservatives. Their ideas about pure capitalism are actually radical. Even Adam Smith said that some regulation was needed or the system would collapse. And the idea that you can go on despoiling the Earth without consequences is anything but conservative. Just sayin'.
How do i get to level three...? ? i thought i did everything it asked. lol
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Just keep interacting with others here. You'll get there. Hey, wait a minute. Your profile says you are already at level three! Well, to get to level 4, the same advice applies.
U.S. Healthcare Ranked Worst In The Developed World - The Intellectualist
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 25, 2018:
In terms of healthcare the US has lagged behind other developed countries for a long time. What we do well here is buy in to false premises and flawed ideologies like the ridiculous idea that the unregulated marketplace will always produce the best outcome.
Michael Flynn asks federal judge to spare him from prison time in response to government sentencing ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Apparently Mr. Mueller valued highly Flynn's cooperation. In matter of Flynn's sentencing, I think the judge should give Mueller's recommendation due consideration. This would also tend to strengthen the prosecutor's hand in negotiations with other potential witnesses.
Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Gawd I hope so!
Someone needs to listen to Comey very carefully in this interview.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 17, 2018:
To paraphrase what syndicated columnist Mark Shields recently said on the PBS Newshour, there is no Republican Party. There is a Party of Donald J. Trump.
Happy Solstice Everyone! []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 21, 2018:
The REAL reason for the season! Yay!!!?
General Motors CEO Collects $22 Million Salary While Cutting 15,000 Jobs
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Isn't that just DANDY? The workers get pink slips, the investors get their dividends and the CEO gets a golden parachute. I love capitalism!
Paul Manafort indicted in New York moments after sentencing in D.C. case
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 14, 2019:
If these are completely separate offenses then double jeopardy should not apply. And since they are State charges he would not be able to skate on a pardon from Trump. So maybe the dirty SOB will get what he deserves. Fingers crossed!
Atheism is just another religion.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Uh, no. Atheism is not a religion. The poster has made several assumptions that are not valid. For instance, atheists do not necessarily spend a lot of time thinking about the non-existence of god(s). Once one has come to this (correct) conclusion, we are free to spend our finite mental energy on other, more important matters. And we do. Neither do most atheists go around trying to convince others of their position vis-a-vis the human invention known as a deity. And we don't go out of our way to ridicule people who believe in god(s). However, an atheist may occasionally find it necessary to rebut the ridiculous assertions made by a believer. The rebuttal may seem like ridicule to the believing person who has made a ridiculous statement (e.g. "the Earth and all it life forms were created in six days"). Do atheists hold meetings? Yes, occasionally. So do bird watchers and motorcycle enthusiasts. A meeting does not make a religion. Finally, atheism is not so much a reaction as a conclusion. After being bombarded for years or decades with ridiculous assertions for which no legitimate, independently verifiable evidence was ever offered, an intelligent person can finally say "Enough!"
Hi I'm thinking of get a tattoo.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 27, 2019:
You might consider this: 9:3:3:1 It is the phenotypic ratio that Gregor Mendel observed in the F2 generation of his dihybrid cross experiments. It is significant in that it reveals that sexual reproduction produces diversity. And this diversity, which is the raw material upon which natural selection acts, has been the driver of our evolution. And it is all that stands between any sexual species and extinction. Sex, diversity, evolution, resilience; pretty evocative for just four little digits, no?
Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 24, 2019:
I am sorry to say that your fears are well-founded. It appears that we have about ten years in which to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in order to keep global temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius. Beyond 2 degrees, feedbacks in the natural system kick in and temperatures spiral upward uncontrollably. Feedback mechanisms include things like decrease on Earth's albedo (reflectivity) due to disappearance of ice cover, and massive increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations (and consequent temperature increase) due to melting permafrost. If proposals to add sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere to counteract the loss of albedo sound crazy, you are right. The acid rain resulting from such so-called geoengineering would devastate our agriculture (and forests). Technologies that can suck CO2 out of the atmosphere are in development, but they will be expensive and will have to be implemented on a massive scale. Bottom line: tough times ahead.
WARNING! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER! So I had a desperate thought today.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I know where you are coming from sister. You and I and LOTS of other people are feeling isolated and lonely. I heard talk (on NPR [National Public Radio]) of a recent study that gave some big numbers (which I did not write down because I was driving) but apparently it (lonliness) is a VERY common element in modern life. Congratulations for not giving in to the temptation to attend church! As a free thinker among believers you would probably have felt your isolation even more acutely. And there is nothing quite so sad as feeling alone in a crowd. I wish I had a silver bullet to offer you, but alas all I can say is hang in there kid!
To any educators in the group.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 7, 2019:
I have been teaching high school science for 20 years. Evolution is one of my favorite subjects. I very matter-of-factly lay out the theory, present the evidence, and let the chips fall where they may. Some people cannot accept it, and that's a shame but it does not change the facts. And who knows? Some day an acorn I planted years before may grow into a mighty oak. One can hope. Meanwhile, some others get a lift from an awakening freedom to think for themselves. Ineviablt someone will ask me if I believe in god. My standard reply is, "In science, belief is irrelevant. Next question."
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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