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I like your Christ ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 20, 2024:
One reason for this is that Christians just knew that Jesus was a Christian. No, wait. Jesus was a Jew and he died Jewish. His followers are the ones who started a new religion.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 20, 2024:
New religions, plural. To date, there are over 40,000 Christian sects. Not exactly a study in cohesion. 😂
There are two possibilities here: either his "incestors" were white enslavers, or, more likely, they...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Bubba is the result of too many years of Rethuglikan control and declining education standards. As a nation we're screwed.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 20, 2024:
Our elites know where their bread is buttered.
Record setting
Paganpaddy comments on Jan 18, 2024:
Record profilts!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 19, 2024:
They've got the art of the gouge down to a science!
God told the man in white to ...
Drank_Spear comments on Jan 17, 2024:
that's the thing with religion. A large portion is based upon culture, nothing else. Only a small portion is actually based on anything spiritual and the stuff that is the same as other religions. Religion is a cultural set of rules intertwined with spirituality. Spirituality takes the cultural ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 18, 2024:
The four functions of myth, as identified by the mythologist Joseph Campbell, are: 1. The Mystical Function: Myths help individuals experience a sense of awe and wonder about the universe and their place within it. 2. The Cosmological Function: Myths provide explanations for the origins of the universe, natural phenomena, and the human condition. 3. The Sociological Function: Myths reinforce and validate the customs, norms, and values of a society, serving as a guide for social behavior. 4. The Pedagogical Function: Myths convey important moral and ethical lessons, often through the use of symbolic storytelling. So yeah, a mixture of spiritual and cultural. 😎👍
Wolf in sheep's clothing
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 17, 2024:
Definitely!! And in the very most visceral way.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 18, 2024:
The fucker is full-on fundamentalist.
Record setting
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 17, 2024:
If only we didn't have to deal with the morons.....think how far ahead we would be with figuring out how to fix what we humans screwed up if we didn't have these idiots making things worse.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 17, 2024:
My sentiments exactly! 😎👍
Record setting
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 17, 2024:
There are none so blind as those that WILL NOT SEE, and those willfully ignorant and AGNORANT (Agnorant. Definition: people who are extremely ignorant, yet are simultaneously extremely arrogant. Example: people who think they know more about science than scientists.) folks just scare the beejeebus ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 17, 2024:
Thanks for the new word! 🙂
The operative term being LOSER.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2024:
And yet with all the baggage, the felonies, treason, espionage and sexual depravity, the SUPER-MORAL Evangelicals will stick with this creep. I know. They figure they'll get their Christian State if he wins. Except, quite predictably, the polling shows that his character and the theft of basic ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 16, 2024:
@Organist1 Well, a member of a personality cult IS a kind of zombie. And they ARE infectious. And they WILL eat your face off if you let them. 😂
The operative term being LOSER.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2024:
And yet with all the baggage, the felonies, treason, espionage and sexual depravity, the SUPER-MORAL Evangelicals will stick with this creep. I know. They figure they'll get their Christian State if he wins. Except, quite predictably, the polling shows that his character and the theft of basic ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 16, 2024:
@Organist1 I think a felony conviction would turn off a lot of people who are presently sitting on the fence. But I take your point. You have to be kinda hypnotized or in a coma to be sitting on a fence today. But the Done Cheato does have a certain Svengali-like power over people. It's scary how so many people are walking around in a trance-like state.
The operative term being LOSER.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2024:
And yet with all the baggage, the felonies, treason, espionage and sexual depravity, the SUPER-MORAL Evangelicals will stick with this creep. I know. They figure they'll get their Christian State if he wins. Except, quite predictably, the polling shows that his character and the theft of basic ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 16, 2024:
At this point all I can do is keep throwing rocks at the orange menace, vote in November, and hope for the best.
Don the Con has given GOP a whole new meaning: Ghastly Odorific Putrefaction 🤭
DenoPenno comments on Jan 15, 2024:
Old Stinky.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 15, 2024:
I hear he has to wear a diaper 🤭
Space cadets
nogod4me comments on Jan 14, 2024:
The planet is called: "Head Up Their Own Ass."
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
Planet Hutoa 😂
Space cadets
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 14, 2024:
At least a quarter of all Americans if not more , gawd help us all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@Barnie2years Though there is undoubtedly some variation in the depth of cult members' hypnotic trances. Some are farther gone than others.
Brace for impact, Cheato!
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 14, 2024:
I hope body parts are strewn for miles and miles!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
All he can do now is stochastically call for terror attacks. The prosecutions go on.
Will the circle be unbroken?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 14, 2024:
So very sad, and how fascist dictatorships are born.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
Yup, and that's what we are seeing happen right in front of us. But I think there is still hope, though I would prefer not to have to rely on the judicial branch of government alone to forestall the return of the fascist to power.
Will the circle be unbroken?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 14, 2024:
No, never. It sells too well, and the almighty $$$ is the real god.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
Right again, @HippyChick! 🎯
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@rogerbenham You seem to think that who you are matters to me. i assure you, it does not. 😂 I only call them as I see them. The post is bullshit, and that's the idea the bull and shit emojis convey. 😂 But thank you for giving me the opportunity to restate that the the conspiracy theory claiming that the COVID-19 vaccines have killed large numbers of people is rank, stinky bullshit 🐂💩 We really can't say it enough! 😂
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@FrayedBear I don't know who Roger is, but Trumpty is definitely a liar.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 14, 2024:
@FrayedBear I never said the vaccines prevent infection. They don't. But they do reduce the severity and keep a lot of people out of the ICU.
THIS IS WHERE WE ARE I am not a believer in gods or religious dogmas, but, oddly, these things do...
MyTVC15 comments on Jan 12, 2024:
This is a small point, but I have said since the first impeachment trial that the republicans have more to be afraid of from Trump than a primary challenge: There is doxing, swatting, death threats and bomb scares to be concerned about too. He has already put into practice what a second Trump term ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@MyTVC15 I have not read the report, but I watched each hearing at least twice. Best TV in 2023!
Trumbull County grand jury chooses not to indict Brittany Watts charged after miscarriage in Warren,...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 13, 2024:
So now we want to make it a crime to have a miscarriage. Absolutely shocking!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
"we" don't. It's the religions nut jobs and politicians who pander to them.
Trumbull County grand jury chooses not to indict Brittany Watts charged after miscarriage in Warren,...
Switchcraft comments on Jan 13, 2024:
This case was presented to a Grand Jury first. This must mean other cases in states with similar laws could be simply prosecuted. Hopefully, this Grand Jury sent a message to prosecutors that any case in the hands of a jury will not be viewed as a crime, no matter what the law says.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
Not "any case," but any such case. Right?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@rogerbenham You're right about one thing: none of us has gotten sick with covid....or anything else, for that matter.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@rogerbenham I have too much self respect to subject myself to a bunch of wild conspiracy theory brain rot. I've had 5 covid shots so far, over 3 years. So have all my family and most of my friends. None of us are dead yet, or even sick. All this stuff about the covid vax killing people is just so much bullshit.
THIS IS WHERE WE ARE I am not a believer in gods or religious dogmas, but, oddly, these things do...
MyTVC15 comments on Jan 12, 2024:
This is a small point, but I have said since the first impeachment trial that the republicans have more to be afraid of from Trump than a primary challenge: There is doxing, swatting, death threats and bomb scares to be concerned about too. He has already put into practice what a second Trump term ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@MyTVC15 It's a good insider's look at the Trump administration.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩 @1patriot You're soooo full of shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 13, 2024:
@rogerbenham Your name means nothing. If you go around spreading wacko conspiracy theories, you're nobody.
THIS IS WHERE WE ARE I am not a believer in gods or religious dogmas, but, oddly, these things do...
MyTVC15 comments on Jan 12, 2024:
This is a small point, but I have said since the first impeachment trial that the republicans have more to be afraid of from Trump than a primary challenge: There is doxing, swatting, death threats and bomb scares to be concerned about too. He has already put into practice what a second Trump term ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@MyTVC15 Did you read it?
The role of ([medzpills.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 12, 2024:
Ivermectin is NOT approved for treating COVID-19.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 12, 2024:
@jlynn37 Yes, I do. But the implied subtext of the post is that Ivermectin is safe, so go ahead and use it against COVID-19. 🙄
THIS IS WHERE WE ARE I am not a believer in gods or religious dogmas, but, oddly, these things do...
MyTVC15 comments on Jan 12, 2024:
This is a small point, but I have said since the first impeachment trial that the republicans have more to be afraid of from Trump than a primary challenge: There is doxing, swatting, death threats and bomb scares to be concerned about too. He has already put into practice what a second Trump term ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 12, 2024:
Trump is a stochastic terrorist. He tosses out red meat, knowing that some random MAGAt incel will act out. It has happened over and over.
Watch how it unfolds.
David_Cooper comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Clearly it can't count as genocide if Russia's bombing of Ukraine is acceptable, and South Africa supports that.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 11, 2024:
@FrayedBear Liar!
Watch how it unfolds.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 11, 2024:
You posted this in triplicate. How about deleting two?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 11, 2024:
@FrayedBear Don't do me any favors ursa minor. 😐
Memo to MAGA:
racocn8 comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Except that asshole Christie still said he'd vote for him if he was the nominee.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 11, 2024:
That is just so wrong! What a pathetic creature. He knows who Trump is and would still put him back in the Oval Office. Now the fat man has absolutely no credibility with anyone, right, left, or center.
"In truth if you look at all the death, destruction, suffering and pain that Israel has inflicted on...
Grinch1970 comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Pointing fingers to who is the most to blame won’t help. Suggest a real resolution or STFU.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
@Mooolah Some Israelis accept a two-state solution, but many don't, and they are the ones in power. When it looked like Ytzak Rabin was going to make it happen, one of his own bumped him off.
My own mind is my church ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 9, 2024:
There's a founding father the Christian nationalists need to read!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
@snytiger6 Most Christian nationalists are ignorant dopes.
"In truth if you look at all the death, destruction, suffering and pain that Israel has inflicted on...
ChestRockfield comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Caitlin Johnstone is such a fuckin' idiot that you can generally just adopt the polar opposite to her position and, with a high degree of certainty, end up on the right side of history. Kinda like Trump. He's so wrong, so often, about so much, that when he opens that fat fucking mouth of his, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
@FrayedBear Last time I checked, the guy running Israel was named Benjamin, not Joe.
"In truth if you look at all the death, destruction, suffering and pain that Israel has inflicted on...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 9, 2024:
What Israel has done to the Palestinians in Gaza of late is about as brutal and fucked up as what the Russian Czar did to the Jews in the Pale of settlement and what Stalin did to Ukrainians in the 30s, and what Putin is doing to Ukrainians now. However, there are differences. For instance, the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
@vocaloldfart LOL 😂🤣😅
"A lie will travel halfway around the world while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Brunostic comments on Jan 9, 2024:
I believe it was Will Rogers who said that
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
Thanks, I will follow up on that.
-- ill douche 🤮
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 9, 2024:
And we all know Douche the First ended up hanging upside down with his dick stuck down his throat at the hands of a mob who realized just how much BS they had been fed......
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 10, 2024:
Yup, and it could happen again!
-- ill douche 🤮
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 9, 2024:
I hope he gets his ass bit in 2024. I'd like to never hear about him again.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 9, 2024:
Meeeee too sistah!
"A lie will travel halfway around the world while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
racocn8 comments on Jan 9, 2024:
Believing and passing on cruel lies now passes for virtue signaling among the Incels.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 9, 2024:
"In truth if you look at all the death, destruction, suffering and pain that Israel has inflicted on...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 9, 2024:
What Israel has done to the Palestinians in Gaza of late is about as brutal and fucked up as what the Russian Czar did to the Jews in the Pale of settlement and what Stalin did to Ukrainians in the 30s, and what Putin is doing to Ukrainians now. However, there are differences. For instance, the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 9, 2024:
@FrayedBear Sounds like I touched a nerve 😂
This one really says it all 😉
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 7, 2024:
That is one pimple that needs to be popped yesterday!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 7, 2024:
I think It's more of a carbuncle we are dealing with here, and it's festering. 😐
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 7, 2024:
@1patriot Promise? 😂😂😂
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@annewimsey1 Never let it be said that I didn't tilt at my share of windmills! 😂
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@1patriot 52? Nah, just 2 ends of a spectrum, and various mixtures of the two in between. You are aware that both males and females have both testosterone and estrogen, right? Males usually have more testosterone, and females have more estrogen. But both have both, and the relative levels can vary widely naturally. Pants and skirts alone are not sufficient to reflect this variability.
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@1patriot Being woke just means I am willing to acknowledge the true history of my country, warts and all. Slavery, genocide, lynching, racial discrimination, etc., and our unsteady improvement over the long haul.
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@1patriot So far, over 1000 assholes who stormed the US Capitol on J6 have been tried, sentenced, and jailed. And their dear leader, the ex-president and bloated orange foolius, has been indicted on 91 felony counts. Soon he will go on trial. I call that rule of law! 😂
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@1patriot Yeah, lack of evidence is a bitch, isn't it? Quit yer bellyaching. Be glad you live in a country with rule of law.
The Technological Reality of the Anti-Christ and the Fake Battle For AI Dominance In the last few...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Its a grossly false equivalency you draw between the "current regime" and "the right." Alex Jones, Donald Trump and his MAGAts are incompetent, lying, self-interested scum. Biden is not perfect, but at least he's working on behalf of the American people. And doing a pretty good job of it!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@1patriot If real evidence of malfeasance emerges, then prosecute! Until then, there is a presumption of innocence. It is the American way. 🇺🇲
Just because you CAN create a doomsday machine doesn't mean you SHOULD create a doomsday machine.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
AMEN! And please, I don't want my demise to be by Mickey Mouse. That would just be so wrong.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@Gwendolyn2018 Twue dat, doc!🐰🥕
Just because you CAN create a doomsday machine doesn't mean you SHOULD create a doomsday machine.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
AMEN! And please, I don't want my demise to be by Mickey Mouse. That would just be so wrong.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@Gwendolyn2018 Elmer is the one with the shotgun. 😂
From our Department of False Equivalencies 😐
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
good ones!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
As a business man, he made a small fortune out of a big one. As a politician, he divided and was conquered. But as a punch line, Trump is a great success.
GOP hypocrisy 101
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Good ones!!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
Just the tip of the iceberg, but they do capture the essence, don't they?
GOP backup plan
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
I hear Nikki's radio ads, makes me wanna barf!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
The whole Republican Party makes me want to barf!
GOP backup plan
DenoPenno comments on Jan 6, 2024:
Her stand on this matter seems to be very dumb.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
She tried to walk it back, but too late! Her pandering, mushy, trumpism is out in the open for all to see.
Just because you CAN create a doomsday machine doesn't mean you SHOULD create a doomsday machine.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2024:
AMEN! And please, I don't want my demise to be by Mickey Mouse. That would just be so wrong.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
Elmer Fudd, ok. But Mickey, never!😱
From our Department of False Equivalencies 😐
Barnie2years comments on Jan 6, 2024:
The first one is so poignant!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
Christian nationalists, MAGA hatters, Republicans, none of them understand the meaning of evidence (or the lack of it).
David Soul: Starsky & Hutch actor dies aged 80
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 5, 2024:
The minute I saw his name I remembered I disliked him for something. As I was in an abusive marriage, I never watched another thing he did after I heard he was a wife beater. Glad to hear he was “cancelled.” I don’t watch Jonny Depp or Brad Pitt either or any other famous wife beaters.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
@Killtheskyfairy I was never a Starsky and Hutch fan, didn't know (or care) who the actors were, so I didn't read the article. That's why I didn't see it coming. 😂 Sorry you had to go through such terrible abuse. Glad you survived it. 😐 Damn, you never know what kind of trauma people have been through, the scars they bear. How do you deal with it? Years of therapy? 🤔
David Soul: Starsky & Hutch actor dies aged 80
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 5, 2024:
The minute I saw his name I remembered I disliked him for something. As I was in an abusive marriage, I never watched another thing he did after I heard he was a wife beater. Glad to hear he was “cancelled.” I don’t watch Jonny Depp or Brad Pitt either or any other famous wife beaters.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 6, 2024:
I didn't see that coming 😐
The Party's over.
CourtJester comments on Dec 18, 2023:
Why care about Ukraine. Let Russia have it.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 5, 2024:
@CourtJester No to the first question? I'm glad we agree! 😂
They're coming for you Cheato! (👻Blinky, 👻Pinky, and 👻Inky; Clyde is down in Florida ...
Switchcraft comments on Jan 5, 2024:
The wheels of justice turn slow, especially when the defendant has nearly unlimited resources $$$$$$. There is a very entrenched class system at play.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 5, 2024:
Yeah, Trumpty Dumpty can hire battalions of lawyers to string out the process and run out the clock. But I get the feeling he will be convicted this year nevertheless. 🤞
They're coming for you Cheato! (👻Blinky, 👻Pinky, and 👻Inky; Clyde is down in Florida ...
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 5, 2024:
I hope he feels that noose tightening around his neck. And it can't come quickly enough.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 5, 2024:
I think he does. He's getting crazier by the day. 😂
Almost four years after the start of the plandemic, it is now an open secret that the Covid vaccines...
Moravian comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe ( Albert Einstein )
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 5, 2024:
@1patriot Well that's the thing: we do, and we have all been vaccinated, and they're all doing fine. 😂
One of the three proven sexual predators in this photo is dead by his own hand; one is in prison; ...
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 4, 2024:
But, but, but drump said he never met the guy.....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 4, 2024:
@DenoPenno The members of a personality cult are always going to go to the mat for the object of the sycophancy.
One of the three proven sexual predators in this photo is dead by his own hand; one is in prison; ...
Julie808 comments on Jan 4, 2024:
I'm not convinced he died of his own hand... Money and power can make a lot of things happen and get covered up. It's fascinating and revolting all at the same time. I think there is so much more to the whole story than we will ever know.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 4, 2024:
We may never know what exactly happened, but the simplest explanation is that the guy knew he was screwed, he was facing hard time on a charge that generally attracts harsh treatment from fellow inmates, and he took the easy way out. A conspiracy involving jailers, money, and powerful people to murder him in his cell seems very complicated and much less likely.
The Making of a Bioweapon An interview with Dr.
1patriot comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Snytiger6 you must jabbed to laugh at's around the world are speaking out but, but guys that are jabbed refuse to listen. so fare from 2022-2023 there is 15% higher death rate in the UK of which is most likely world wide that's in age group 18-64
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 4, 2024:
@1patriot You wouldn't know an expert if he/she/they bit you on the nose.
The Making of a Bioweapon An interview with Dr.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 4, 2024:
What a crock of shit! 😂😂😂 I have had 5 COVID-19 vaccinations (all Pfizer) so far, with only minor side effects and no COVID illness. In fact, just about everyone I know has done the same, with similar results. How come we're not all dead? How do you explain that? (Sound of foot ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 4, 2024:
@1patriot Your lack of a coherent response is noted. Idiot! 😂😂😂
One of the three proven sexual predators in this photo is dead by his own hand; one is in prison; ...
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 4, 2024:
But, but, but drump said he never met the guy.....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 4, 2024:
That's what he always says, right? "I don't know who that is." 😂 Such a liar! 😂
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 3, 2024:
(Sigh) If you were interested in learning the truth, you made a good choice by coming on this site. There are some very well-informed, knowledgeable, and serious individuals here, and they are happy to help you. But apparently you would rather draw negative attention to yourself by pushing bonehead ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 3, 2024:
@1patriot I don't claim any scholarship status beyond what I can prove with documentary evidence: a university diploma, test scores, teaching credentials, a careers' worth of professional development certificates, and a mountain of curricular materials carefully researched and created by yours truly. And you have...? Jack shit, right?
[] LIVE: Are Micro-Parasites the REAL Cause Of Cancer?
annewimsey1 comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Ohferpetessake, you are even More credulous than last month.......
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot She's got more knowledge and common sense in her little finger than you have in your whole bloated carcass, fuck stick.
[] LIVE: Are Micro-Parasites the REAL Cause Of Cancer?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Cancer is a constellation of over 200 different diseases, with a multitude of causes, including exposure to certain chemicals, viruses, and radiation. What all of these have in common is the ability to cause mutations in DNA. The mutations in DNA that cause cancer affect the cell cycle, causing ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot I have studied science for 50 years. I earned a degree in science from the University of California. I was credentialed by the State of California to teach two subject areas in science: biology and Earth science. I taught those science subjects at the high school level for 20 years. And your qualifications are..? You don't have to say it; it's in practically every word you write: jack shit. 😂😂😂
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
snytiger6 comments on Jan 2, 2024:
I don't believe you understand just what a Ponzi scheme really is. The numbers in the meme are dubious at best. Your premise is that scientists who spend their live studying actual science are to be less trusted that a meme that can be generated by virtually anyone who has the software. I'll ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot He's very much on point. 😂
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 2, 2024:
The thing about CO2 is that a little bit goes a long way. The meme is wrong about the current level; it's not 400 ppm, it's 419 ppm. And that's about 70 ppm over the highest level there ever was in the last 850,000 years. And that level is rapidly going up due to human activity (burning fossil ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot Have you not noticed how those lovely trees are dying by the million from drought stress, parasites enabled by warmer temperatures and weaker trees, and forest fires fueled by drought-stressed trees and warmer temperatures? It's happening right in front of you. A vicious cycle brought on by climate change, which is brought on by burning fossil fuels. 👁️👁️
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Communistbitch comments on Jan 2, 2024:
China has the most emissions, they burn coal, etc. China makes the gargantuan of emissions. Canada just wants to tax its citizens like a boa constrictor
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot Who said 5 years? Not me. You're hallucinating (again).
[] LIVE: Are Micro-Parasites the REAL Cause Of Cancer?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Cancer is a constellation of over 200 different diseases, with a multitude of causes, including exposure to certain chemicals, viruses, and radiation. What all of these have in common is the ability to cause mutations in DNA. The mutations in DNA that cause cancer affect the cell cycle, causing ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot You're out if your league junior. It's obvious you don't know shit about biology or Earth science. Better start at the beginning, crack open some textbooks. I can recommend several good ones.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Let's hope we do a lot better in 2024!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot The production of synthetic fertilizer is an important source of excess CO2. The Haber-Bosch process involves the burning of natural gas (a fossil fuel), and this combustion releases CO2, a greenhouse gas, to the atmosphere. Furthermore, use of synthetic fertilizer is a cause of eutrophication of waterways. Runoff from farms introduces excess nutrients into rivers and oceans, creating dead zones and destroying fisheries.
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Earthling50 comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Being that Canada is a country of opportunity, wealth and innovation why wouldn't we want to be leaders rather than laggards in the renewable energy field?? Apathy doesn't fly with forward thinkers.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot Too much of anything is bad. Under normal conditions, CO2 is not a pollutant. The carbon cycle balances things out, and the climate system remains relatively stable. But today's conditions are not normal. We are producing way too much CO2, and it's throwing the climate system out of whack. Bottom line: CO2 is now a pollutant.
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Communistbitch comments on Jan 2, 2024:
China has the most emissions, they burn coal, etc. China makes the gargantuan of emissions. Canada just wants to tax its citizens like a boa constrictor
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot There are many environmental problems. Raw sewage going into rivers and oceans is one of them. It causes eutrophication, algae blooms that create aquatic "dead zones," where nothing but algae can live. But the biggie, the problem we really need to get a handle on quick, the one that will literally kill us in our tracks, is global warming. All the other stuff pales in comparison.
Because it's a ponzi scheme.
Communistbitch comments on Jan 2, 2024:
China has the most emissions, they burn coal, etc. China makes the gargantuan of emissions. Canada just wants to tax its citizens like a boa constrictor
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
China is ahead of us in developing sources of green energy. AND in production of electric vehicles. Just sayin'.
We hear the frothy multitude of whining Trump cultists stamping their little feet, shaking their ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Stop being so logical--it confuses them.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
Trump acolytes are so good at dismissing facts, and ignoring truth, I doubt very much that any would read past the first sentence.
We hear the frothy multitude of whining Trump cultists stamping their little feet, shaking their ...
bragadm comments on Jan 2, 2024:
He would say he just realized it's the amendment between the 13th & 15th and wonder to his crowd if anyone ever noticed that before. Then he would call himself genius and lament the idea that he wouldn't get credit in the media for his super genius observation.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
You've got him pegged 🎯
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 2, 2024:
Julian Assange is a self-serving, reckless, attention-seeking sensationalist. Fuck him and the sway-backed nag he rode in on.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot Nah bra, Assange and Snowden both were wanton and reckless, putting US national security and human assets at home and abroad at grave risk. There are better ways to expose corruption or bad policy, without endangering innocent lives. But these assholes didn't give a shit They were both lazy and careless.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Let's hope we do a lot better in 2024!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot I did not say we are being forced. Better get your eyes checked.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 1, 2024:
Let's hope we do a lot better in 2024!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 2, 2024:
@1patriot There is no doubt that we can do things better. But no one is dictating agricultural or gastronomical change. It is only suggested in the hope that people will do the right thing. We should let ourselves be nudged in the right direction.
Rudy finds his niche.
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 30, 2023:
and he piles it higher and deeper
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 30, 2023:
Talk about doubling down!
"They" being Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, Fox "News," Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Gym ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 28, 2023:
They are the worst thing that has happened to the USA ever. And I'm afraid the future does not look bright.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 30, 2023:
I think I heard somebody characterize him as "a malignancy tempered by incompetence."
Perils of cult membership:
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 29, 2023:
For some it is not such a hard choice, but...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 29, 2023:
...but it's extremely costly to their dignity.
"They" being Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, Fox "News," Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Gym ...
HippieChick58 comments on Dec 28, 2023:
They are the worst thing that has happened to the USA ever. And I'm afraid the future does not look bright.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 29, 2023:
I don't know about "ever," but certainly they are the worst in my lifetime. On the bright side, we are fortunate in that Trump is a fundamentally ignorant bozo and has made many mistakes that are now catching up with him. 🤡
It says what it says. Now the question is, do we abide?
Druvius comments on Dec 27, 2023:
The issue is far from settled, Minnesota ruled the opposite today. I suspect it won't stand because of the Trump packed SCOTUS. Not sure it's the wisest strategy to pursue either, it could blow up in the Dems face. It's also giving Trump fantastic ammo to claim the system is rigged against him. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 27, 2023:
Just to be clear, the Colorado Supreme Court justices were unanimous in finding that Trump engaged in insurrection.
It says what it says. Now the question is, do we abide?
Druvius comments on Dec 27, 2023:
The issue is far from settled, Minnesota ruled the opposite today. I suspect it won't stand because of the Trump packed SCOTUS. Not sure it's the wisest strategy to pursue either, it could blow up in the Dems face. It's also giving Trump fantastic ammo to claim the system is rigged against him. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 27, 2023:
True, the Minnesota court ruled in Trump's favor, but... "The court dodged the central question of the lawsuit — does Trump's role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol disqualify him from the presidency — by ruling that state law allows parties to put whomever they want on the primary ballot." -- VOA Not exactly a ringing endorsement. 😂 I think this is an example of what is meant by the phrase, "winning ugly." 😂😂 Will the nuance be completely lost on Trump and his MAGA minions? Of course! 😂😂😂
I am furious at the hypocrites among us who continue to push for gun proliferation and for virtually...
jackjr comments on Dec 7, 2023:
Good luck with that. There are now so many guns in our society it would be impossible to reign in their use.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 24, 2023:
The Nile is a river in Egypt. Denial is the GOP's default setting.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 21, 2023:
Abbreviated list of things Republicans deny: That the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the 2016 election in Trump's favor. (It did.) That the Mueller Report clearly outlines 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice during the Mueller investigation. (It does.) That the Mueller ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 22, 2023:
@Druvius Uhhhhh, no. That's a false equivalency. One of the two major American political parties has left democracy and embraced fascism, and it ain't the Democrats.
Let's hate religion together
skado comments on Dec 21, 2023:
OK, but one question first... Before we go hating on something, Do we want to know what science says it is, or do we want to rely on popular opinion, and... superstition?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@skado This is what that article looks like on my phone (the only device I have with Internet access).
Let's hate religion together
skado comments on Dec 21, 2023:
OK, but one question first... Before we go hating on something, Do we want to know what science says it is, or do we want to rely on popular opinion, and... superstition?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@skado I like E.O. Wilson. 😎👍
America's Mayor self imolates (dig the diva nails) 🤣
Switchcraft comments on Dec 21, 2023:
no sympathy
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
Oh hell no, he deserves to be keel hauled.
America's Mayor self imolates (dig the diva nails) 🤣
bookofmorons comments on Dec 21, 2023:
You'd think he'd have learned by now that everything Trump touches, dies.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
Dies and turns to shit! 😂
Let's hate religion together
skado comments on Dec 21, 2023:
OK, but one question first... Before we go hating on something, Do we want to know what science says it is, or do we want to rely on popular opinion, and... superstition?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@skado In a very broad sense, every human behavior can be attributed to "the various mechanisms of evolution." We're here, we're products of evolution, therefore everything we say or do can be attributed evolution. But that does not necessarily mean religion exists because it confers an evolutionary advantage. I am not at all inspired to go chasing rainbows. But if you can come up with an article by some eminent evolutionary biologist, a Dawkins or Gould or Mayr, someone with real gravitas, that treats the subject, I will read it.
Let's hate religion together
Flyingsaucesir comments on Dec 21, 2023:
I'm a life-long agnostic/atheist, but I don't hate religion. I may marvel at it, decry it, deplore it, or even admire some aspects of it, but I don't hate it. That would be like hating human language because people sometimes curse and tell lies. Silly
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@DenoPenno Your stepdad would have been very uncomfortable around me 😂
Colorado Supreme Court rules! According to the 14th Amendment, Trump is ineligible to be on the ...
yvilletom comments on Dec 21, 2023:
Will the 14th Amendment suvive in SCOTUS?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
@TheoryNumber3 Well, in the Constitution there is nothing explicitly said about abortion, or a right to privacy. But the 14th Amendment is very explicit on the disqualification of insurrectionists.
Let's hate religion together
skado comments on Dec 21, 2023:
OK, but one question first... Before we go hating on something, Do we want to know what science says it is, or do we want to rely on popular opinion, and... superstition?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Dec 21, 2023:
How did I know that it was you who had commented, before I even opened up the post? 🤣 Your "theory" of the evolutionary utility of religion is interesting, but I remain skeptical. Here's why: biological evolution operates by natural selection eliminating unfit individuals from a population. This only works because elimination of the individual means they can't pass on the heritable factors (genes) responsible for their unfitness. More fit individuals enjoy higher rates of reproduction, and over time the gene pool (and phenotypes in the population) change. Your idea implies that there is a religion gene (or set of genes), and there is no evidence for that. Religiosity is not an inherited condition. It is a cultural artifact, something that is imprinted on individuals after birth. In many cases, the choice to profess a religion (or not) IS a matter of life or death: being accused of heresy can be hazardous to one's health. It may be an advantage to "believe," but it's not an evolutionary advantage, because it's not a heritable trait.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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