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HippieChick58 comments on May 13, 2023:
He is like a chronic disease.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 13, 2023:
Hopefully it will not be fatal to the body politic.
Yeesterday, getting a pedicure, the usual 6 TV's going on the opposite wall, CNN blatting away about...
Julie808 comments on May 12, 2023:
I agree that one can't complain about staff shortages in food, hospitality and other various service industries and also complain about the number of immigrants wanting to enter our country TO WORK. I don't have the answers, but the big picture is worth examining.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 13, 2023:
@rainmanjr You wrote a lot so there is a lot to unpack. Ok, here goes: Yes I meant to write "thanks." Good catch. It's true that doctors sometimes say "do as I say, not as I do." However, in my experience this is rare. I think people's distrust of medicos is part of a larger pattern of anti-intellectualism that has been a part of American culture for a long time. Regrettably, a certain sector of American society has always been skeptical of book learnin'. I don't agree that the vaccines or therapies recommended by the CDC were questionable. Work on RNA vaccines had been under way for a decade before they were introduced. Yes, the last stage of testing was accelerated, but it turned out that was totally justified by the severity of the disease we were facing. And the vaccines were indeed safe and effective. That distrust of intellectuals was what 45 was tapping into. Only now that skepticism is amped up by a tsunami of disinformation online. Thus it is all the more important and necessary that the person with the bully pulpit not say crazy stupid shit. But he did. And continues to do so. What was questionable was 45 recommending sheep dewormer, UV light, and bleach as therapies. The virus did not "just go away." People are still dying frim it today, but the death rate is much lower now than it was because most of the population has some level of immunity through exposure to the live virus or through vaccination. 45 only reluctantly advocated for getting vaccinated. He hated having to do it, because it went against what his base wanted to hear. So his advocacy was tepid at best. And other elements of his response were worse; so much so that over 200,000 excess deaths are thought to be due to 45's mishandling of the crisis. In other words, Trumpty Dumpty was not right about anything except that Americans are uniquely gullible, superstitious, ignorant of science, and distrustful of experts. PS: Biden was perfectly justified in requiring federal workers to be vaccinated or be fired. Note: vaccination was not forced on anyone. Federal employees (and others not subject to federal policy) were forced to make a not-too-difficult choice. Forced vaccination was never a thing. It didn't happen. And this choice was also imposed by other entities, both public and private, for the same good reasons. Happily, the vast majority of healthcare workers, cops, and other people whose jobs bring them into contact with the public made the wise choice to keep their jobs and be vaccinated. 🙂
Yeesterday, getting a pedicure, the usual 6 TV's going on the opposite wall, CNN blatting away about...
Charlene comments on May 12, 2023:
Well of course CNN is prattling on about the "Border Crisis" they're trying to snag Fux/ MAGAts..the obvious pandering to them was displayed at their 'Drump Town Hall." hell they threw one of their reporters under the Trumpty bus..
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 13, 2023:
CNN came under new ownership last year, and the new owner apparently doesn't give a rat's ass about journalistic integrity.
Yeesterday, getting a pedicure, the usual 6 TV's going on the opposite wall, CNN blatting away about...
Julie808 comments on May 12, 2023:
I agree that one can't complain about staff shortages in food, hospitality and other various service industries and also complain about the number of immigrants wanting to enter our country TO WORK. I don't have the answers, but the big picture is worth examining.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 13, 2023:
@rainmanjr We can thank DJT aka Orange Foolius aka the Done Cheato for politicizing the pandemic and casting aspersions on healthcare professionals.
Idaho mom Lori Vallow found guilty of killing 2 of her kids, conspiring to kill husband's first wife
Killtheskyfairy comments on May 12, 2023:
It’s mind boggling what narcissists and their flying monkeys will do to people who get in the way of them having what they want. My narcissistic ex husband tried to poison me but I started throwing up immediately so I survived and I’m pretty damn sure he and his second wife offed her first ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 13, 2023:
@Killtheskyfairy Wow. You're lucky to be alive 😳
Idaho mom Lori Vallow found guilty of killing 2 of her kids, conspiring to kill husband's first wife
Petter comments on May 12, 2023:
Sometimes I think that hanging, drawing and quartering would be too merciful.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
I'm not really into causing suffering, even in assholes who richly deserve it. I just want to erase them quickly and cleanly.
Idaho mom Lori Vallow found guilty of killing 2 of her kids, conspiring to kill husband's first wife
Killtheskyfairy comments on May 12, 2023:
It’s mind boggling what narcissists and their flying monkeys will do to people who get in the way of them having what they want. My narcissistic ex husband tried to poison me but I started throwing up immediately so I survived and I’m pretty damn sure he and his second wife offed her first ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
Man accused in deadly shooting at Taiwanese church in California is indicted on 98 charges -- NBC ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 12, 2023:
As a freshman in high school I was bullied by a senior, and would have been much worse off if not for the protection of another senior, an exchange student from Taiwan. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for the Taiwanese people.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend I agree, Xi is a wild card.
GET ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ( Phrase used by UK Hunting and Shooting fraternity in the UK .
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 7, 2023:
People love their ceremonies, but they're not very enthusiastic about analyzing their feeble philosophical underpinnings. PS: your post is replicated 6 times in the feed...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
@Tejas If I recall correctly, he went by the handle "Triphid."
Man accused in deadly shooting at Taiwanese church in California is indicted on 98 charges -- NBC ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 12, 2023:
As a freshman in high school I was bullied by a senior, and would have been much worse off if not for the protection of another senior, an exchange student from Taiwan. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for the Taiwanese people.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend The recent Chinese takeover of Hong Kong was regrettable but not at all unexpected. I hope China does not act so precipitously with respect to Taiwan.
GET ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ( Phrase used by UK Hunting and Shooting fraternity in the UK .
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 7, 2023:
People love their ceremonies, but they're not very enthusiastic about analyzing their feeble philosophical underpinnings. PS: your post is replicated 6 times in the feed...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
@Tejas I agree! In 5 years I have only blocked on person, and then only because he exhibited signs of mental illness: a steady stream of baseless and illogical ad hominem attacks, directed at not only me but also an apparently random assortment of other members.
Republicans pursue phony culture war while offering no solutions to real problems.
CourtJester comments on May 11, 2023:
Maybe the other side should stop creating the other problems too.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
@CourtJester The debt isn't the only issue where Republicans either did nothing or made it worse. Take infrastructure. Under Trump, every other week was "infrastructure week." But with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress, and the presidency, not a single infrastructure bill was passed. Instead, Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, while having NO plan for insuring the 14 million Americans who would have been stripped of health insurance. Biden has strengthened the ACA and made it possible for MORE Americans to have health insurance. Then there's climate. Oh boy. Bush 2 was a serious climate science denier rolling back environmental protections across the board. Then under Obama, we finally started to make progress investing in green technology and strengthening the EPA. The along came Trump, who rolled back the protections and de-funded the EPA. Biden has shored up the damage and made new investments in green technologies (which is also a job creating policy). As for crime, Republican statistics are not good. As we suffer through an epidemic of mass shootings, the Repubican response is to loosen gun laws and flood the streets with more and deadlier guns. By a wide margin, America leads the developed world in gun homicides. And Republican-led states lead the nation in crimes involving guns.
Highway to hell, road to perdition, trail of tears, bridge to nowhere...
TheoryNumber3 comments on May 12, 2023:
Street of No Return Avenue of Broken Dreams Path to Nowhere Wadda Schmuck
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
Dead end.
Highway to hell, road to perdition, trail of tears, bridge to nowhere...
DenoPenno comments on May 12, 2023:
He wants to do this all over again and if he is re-elected he plans to take revenge.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
If he were to get into office again (perish the thought) he would hire ONLY sycophants, toadies, and hacks to fill all the important positions in government. For positions that require senate confirmation he would just name, for instance, an "acting" Director of National Intelligence, an "acting" FBI Director, an "acting" Attorney General, etc., etc. Then we would see a weaponization of government against its own people unprecedented in the history of the world.
E. Jean Carroll's Lawyer: Trump has "no legitimate arguments for appeal." []
AnneWimsey comments on May 11, 2023:
Won't stop him.......
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
Maybe not this alone, and not right away, but more weight is poised to fall on him. Wait, watch, and enjoy the process! 😂
Republicans pursue phony culture war while offering no solutions to real problems.
CourtJester comments on May 11, 2023:
Maybe the other side should stop creating the other problems too.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
The national debt increased more under Trump than under any other president in US history. It increased 25% in only 4 years!
Republicans pursue phony culture war while offering no solutions to real problems.
DenoPenno comments on May 11, 2023:
This is exactly what is going on today. Neither side is offering solutions to the problems and the nonsense goes on continually because both parties are trying so hard to prove that the other cannot govern.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 12, 2023:
Nah bra, I have to differ with you here. The Dems have a good record of accomplishments over the last 2+ years. And before Biden, Obama got a healthcare bill across the finish line where others had tried and failed. Republicans, on the other hand, have made a career of obstruction. So you're half right.
Death by religion: [] Jehovah's Witness, of course.
K9JetLee999 comments on May 9, 2023:
The irony is they drink wine representing his blood and wafers representing his body. So how is that reconciled by these fknuts?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 9, 2023:
@K9JetLee999 John 6:53-56 : Hannibal Lector's favorite verse? 😂
For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
Storm1752 comments on May 8, 2023:
A belief in God does not answer the Big Questions, so this statement is meaningless. There ARE no answers, pro or con. That's why we're all agnostics, like it or not.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 8, 2023:
Good point! 😂👍
GET ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ( Phrase used by UK Hunting and Shooting fraternity in the UK .
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 7, 2023:
People love their ceremonies, but they're not very enthusiastic about analyzing their feeble philosophical underpinnings. PS: your post is replicated 6 times in the feed...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 8, 2023:
@Mcfluwster I can't see anything pertaining to TM. He blocked me a while back.
For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered.
Word comments on May 7, 2023:
Just to initially pick at one statement in the post: "I am my own god.". Yes, that statement is biblical and it is illogical for a person being a God to call themselves atheist or agnostic to imply they do not believe in themselves. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are achildren ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
What piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties; in form and moving, how express and admirable; in action, how like an angel; in apprehension, how like a god! -- Wm. Shakespeare
GET ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ( Phrase used by UK Hunting and Shooting fraternity in the UK .
273kelvin comments on May 7, 2023:
C of E - An inoculation against religion.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
Yeah, at least the UK isn't overrun with bat-shit crazy fundamentalist Christians. Which Nordic countries also have an official state religion? Is it Norway and Finland? And they're not extremist either.
GET ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW ( Phrase used by UK Hunting and Shooting fraternity in the UK .
Garban comments on May 7, 2023:
Same reaction when you mock Mohammad. Same reaction when you burn the flag. Same reaction when you use a holy book for TP. Sacred my ass.🙄 Christians actually condone burning the cross, when done for a *good cause.*
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
..."good" cause, like the KKK terrorizing Black people. 🤬
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@Krish55 The situations in Ukraine and Syria are completely different. The conflict in Syria is (was) a civil war, an internal matter. That's completely different from what is happening in Ukraine, where Russia has invaded a sovereign nation and is attempting to obliterate the state, the people, the culture, and annex their land. The US is in Syria only because ISIS, a terrorist organization, is using Syria as a base of operations. 🍎vs🍊
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@Krish55 Are you saying that the tiny American presence in Syria is equivalent to what Russia is doing in Ukraine?
During the early 1930s the people of Germany were split between conservatives and liberals.
mcgeo52 comments on May 5, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@mcgeo52 Books will be written about all this. Many books.
During the early 1930s the people of Germany were split between conservatives and liberals.
mcgeo52 comments on May 5, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@mcgeo52 I certainly thought at the time that he should be prosecuted for bribery, and I don't know why it hasn't happened. I suspect that, like the other cases, proving corrupt intent was a stumbling block.
During the early 1930s the people of Germany were split between conservatives and liberals.
mcgeo52 comments on May 5, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@Redheadedgammy DOJ has to have its case nailed down tight before they pull the trigger. Ther is no margin for error here. And they have to prove corrupt intent; not an easy thing to do, especially with a slippery slime ball like Done Cheato, who doesn't write texts or emails, speaks in code, and never writes anything down.
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2023:
Wait until you see them actually get sentences. I'm sure they'll all get the lightest of wrist taps. (And not the 20 years spelled out in the Constitution)
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 7, 2023:
@racocn8 Not much.
The idea according to which social facts do not come first, but are explainable from individuals ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
What's your point?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@AlanCliffe Again? Really? Is that an order? Are you holding your breath? Good. Keep holding...😂
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2023:
Wait until you see them actually get sentences. I'm sure they'll all get the lightest of wrist taps. (And not the 20 years spelled out in the Constitution)
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
Well, they were lied to by a POTUS...
During the early 1930s the people of Germany were split between conservatives and liberals.
mcgeo52 comments on May 5, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
I don't think Garland is going to let DJT get away with it. I think a prosecution on multiple felony charges is coming soon. DOJ us working its way up the food chain. The big fish is always the last to be landed. You gotta flip the small fry first.
The dementia seems to be getting worse...
DharmaBum50 comments on May 6, 2023:
Which comes first -- commitment to a mental institution or incarceration in a federal prison?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@DharmaBum50 The Done Cheato? Bragging? No way! 😂
The dementia seems to be getting worse...
DharmaBum50 comments on May 6, 2023:
Which comes first -- commitment to a mental institution or incarceration in a federal prison?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
For logistical reasons it will most likely be house arrest for this criminal. However, after all the lawsuits are settled, he may no longer be able to afford anything so grand as Mar-a-Lago.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff I'm ok with prosecuting GW Bush. Go for it! Hang him right next to Putin! 😎👍
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@Krish55 "Occupying" is not the right word for the US presence in Syria. For the most part, where there are US troops today, it is by agreement with that country's government. Your point?
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@Krish55 America is not currently engaged in a genocidal land grab (as is Russia), so no.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff 😂😂😂🐂💩! Peacekeeping forces of the UN, not NATO, went into Serbia/Croatia AFTER the breakup of the Soviet Union in order to stop a genocide being carried out by Christians against Muslims. No territory was annexed. Since then, however, several heads of state have been put on trial at the International Court for war crimes, including Slovodon Milosovich and Radavan Karadich. I probably spelled their names wrong, but the point is that an important precedent was set. Hopefully Putin will follow in their shackled footsteps, right up to the gallows. 😂😂😂
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@FrayedBear Don't believe everything you hear.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff Russia under Yeltsin did not qualify for NATO membership. They might have, eventually, if Vlad the Invader had not assumed command. Name one country whose territory NATO has annexed.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff Hey, NATO is a defensive alliance, and it's not Vlad's business who joins and who doesn't. He just uses that as an excuse to annex prime real estate. Hell, if Russia would really clean up her act, I'm sure NATO would welcome her in. Think of it!
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@Krish55 If you study my writings on this site, you will see that I am the first to condemn George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Condoleeza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, and others for their illegal and ill-conceived invasion of Iraq and subsequent series of bone-headed moves that destabilized the entire Middle East and gave rise to ISIS. But I also maintain that two wrongs do not make a right. Russia has no business in Ukraine.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@Krish55 Hey, let Russia get the fuck out of Ukraine. Then the diplomats can talk about how much in reparations Russia is going to pay.
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff Heh heh! Take it easy home boy. I'm just fucking with you. Anybody can fail to make a paragraph break. 😂
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 6, 2023:
@puff If it's a proxy war, it's one that Vlad the Invader brought on all by himself. (Not unlike what George W. Bush did in Iraq; but two wrongs do not make a right.)
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Oh, you didn't mean to say what you in fact said? I bet there is a community college near you that can help you with your writing skills.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff I already addressed Minsk. Given your failure to prove any of your points, you desire to move the debate to other issues is understandable. Your surrender is accepted. 😂
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Actually, the Ukrainian government is the only entity with power to decide whether Ukraine will cede its territory to a bloody fascist dictator. How nice of you to bring up the issue of free and open discussion of ideas! Perhaps you should direct your criticism to Vlad the Invader, who has outlawed use of the word "war" to describe his project in Ukraine, has shut down whatever free press existed in Russia, and jails Russian citizens for silently holding up a blank sheet of white paper!
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff In this case, yes.
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff wrote, "...plenty of pedophiles also served in WW II (just not openly). One even was a warrior leader who conquered much of the known world, starting a religion called Islam." Newsflash: Islam started in the 7th century, not the 20th! 😂
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff There will be no Democratic primary because Democrats are largely united behind Biden. He has done a good job so far, and he deserves a second term. RFK Jr. is a wackjob. Again, it's not known who sabotaged Nordstream. And the release of methane was lamentable. But in the long run, it will probably turn out to have been a good thing. Or are you opposed to European energy independence and reduction of greenhouse gases? No mother wants to send her son to war. That Ukrainian sons and daughters are going is entirely the fault of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Russian "diplomats" do not negotiate in good faith. They just go through the motions for photo ops and general lying propaganda. The only genuine position they could express is "We're sorry, we're leaving now, and here's a couple trillion Euros to rebuild your country."
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Plenty of gay people served in WWII (just not openly). One almost singlehandedly broke the Nazi code, saving countless allied lives in the process.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff US forces went into Syria because ISIS was there. There are very few American forces there now. The assassination of the Iranian general was all about a criminal American president stoking his ego. There was no "12,000 dead Ukrainians before Russia invaded." Russia has been in the Donbas, fomenting insurrection from the git go. The party responsible for the sabotage of Nordstream is unknown. Whoever they are, they arguably did the world a favor. The action has spurred Europe to speed up their transition to green energy. Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. We should never have attempted nation building there. Europe is a completely different kettle of fish. Ukraine was (and still is, in spite of Putin's illegal war) a fully-functioning, sovereign democracy. The Ukrainian will to fight for their country is evidence of their moral superiority in this conflict. This stands in vivid contrast to the general lack of enthusiasm on the part of Russian men of military age, hundreds of thousands of whom have intelligently fled their country in order to avoid the fight in Ukraine.
Vlad is getting desperate.
FrayedBear comments on May 5, 2023:
Which Vlad?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@FrayedBear Ukrainians kicking out the (criminal) invader.
How my mind works.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2023:
Somehow I don’t think thats going to help Navy recruiting.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@Trajan61 Probably won't hurt it either.
How my mind works.
Trajan61 comments on May 5, 2023:
Somehow I don’t think thats going to help Navy recruiting.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Army fatigues are unisex.
How my mind works.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff What has that got to do with the price of tea in China? There are plenty of examples of LGBTQ people serving their country.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@puff Say what you like (much of which is highly debatable), Russia is the aggressor here. There was no excuse for their stealth invasion of 2014 and there is no excuse for the escalation that began in 2022. Russia's illegal methods (summary executions, bombing schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, power stations, etc.) are consistent with their warped and weak justification for their invasion. Russia is an outlaw state, headed by a bloody, lying criminal. Most Americans AND Europeans agree with this assessment, which is why we are sending aid to Ukraine, and will continue to do so until Putin gives up on his imperial fever dream.
The idea according to which social facts do not come first, but are explainable from individuals ...
Garban comments on May 5, 2023:
Verbosity wastes a portion of the reader's or listener's life. -Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
Brevity is the soul of wit. -- Wm. Shakespeare
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@Krish55 No. I say Russians who serve in Putin's genocidal war machine deserve to be interfered with at every turn. Russia is clearly the aggressor here. Russia needs to quit Ukraine immediately, and start paying war reparations. Putin needs to be put on trial for war crimes.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@Krish55 The Ukrainian people wanted a trade deal with the West, and they thought they were going to get it. Then, at the last minute, the Ukrainian president (Yanukovich, a Russian puppet) backed out of the deal and instead made a deal with Putin. That was what precipitated the Euromaidan protests, where hundreds of Ukrainian civilians were killed by Yanukvich's storm troopers. This ultimately led to his ouster. And where is that Ukrainian ex-president today? Moscow! That pretty much says it all. 😂
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Krish55 comments on May 5, 2023:
The Ukrainian was holding his flag behind a Russian who was being interviewed. That was an interference with the interview of the Russian delegate. What do you think the ukrainians would have done if a russian had done the reverse? Once again, Western media doesn't the full context of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
The person you say was "being interviewed" looks like she was taking a selfie. Or was she on a zoom call? Anyway, who cares? Russians who serve in Putin's genocidal war machine deserve to be interfered with at every turn. They get off easy with a good ass kicking.
Peace talks are going well. The Russian deserved a slap in the head []
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 5, 2023:
And that is how the whole affair has gone from the start. The only difference is one of scale. Russia tried to erase Ukraine, and Ukraine fought back, landing many blows.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@Krish55 Putin denies the existence of a Ukrainian people and a Ukrainian state. His military invaded Ukraine, and is currently attempting to bomb the country into oblivion. I think most reasonable people would agree that amounts to attempted erasure. Minsk was just a smokescreen, intended to serve as a Russian wedge into Ukrainian politics. From the start, the fighting in the Donbas was fomented by the Russians, who sent agitators, arms, and even regular Russian Army troops without insignia on their uniforms into Ukrainian territory. Ukrainians chose the West over Moscow, self- rule over subservience to Russia, and Putin just can't accept that. Ukraine is a rich plum of a country, endowed with fertile soil that allows it to feed half the world. Putin can read the handwriting on the wall. The petro-state is doomed to failure as climate change bites ever harder and the world is realizing we can no longer burn fossil fuels without incurring severe consequences. The corrupt Russian oligarchy (of which Putin is the head) has grown fat and lazy on the easy money from oil and gas sales. They love their super-yachts, old-master paintings, supermodel consorts, and palatial villas. All that takes money. Lots of money. And the soulless bastards are willing to bomb schools, apartment buildings, and maternity hospitals in order to get it. They're criminals, and they deserve to hang.
Spare the rod, spoil the justice.
Barnie2years comments on May 5, 2023:
Or a Fox News star?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
Oh yeah, them too.
Vlad is getting desperate.
Garban comments on May 5, 2023:
I really think that was a false flag. The explosion from that strike was pathetic. Even a direct hit on his bedroom window would have been survivable. It looked like an pyrotechnic rather than an anti personnel weapon. Targeting the flag is also quite suspicious.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
I agree, it smells of propaganda.
Vlad is getting desperate.
FrayedBear comments on May 5, 2023:
Which Vlad?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
Vlad the Invader, of course.
Hostage shot 9 times by the police; SCOTUS rules it's perfectly fine/legal for the police to ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 3, 2023:
That' I'm....practically... speechless 😶
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
@yvilletom Shoot the truck's tires, not the driver. Then talk to the nut with a gun. And if that doesn't work, maybe try to shoot him with a sniper rifle. Definitely not pepper the whole truck with bullets. That's just lame.
Sean Hannity-Poisoning More Minds
lbusche comments on May 14, 2018:
There is an easy solution for him. Click
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 5, 2023:
MAGAts don't have that much sense.
Dead Zeppelin
Garban comments on May 3, 2023:
Sabotage the economy and then blame Biden in 24.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 4, 2023:
That's appears to be the MAGAt strategy. But there is a discharge petition in the works that could avert disaster. We just need a handful of moderate Republicans in safe seats.
Dead Zeppelin
HippieChick58 comments on May 3, 2023:
I think it could be a disaster of titanic proportions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 4, 2023:
It's crazy that MTG and other MAGAts are calling any shots, especially ones with such far-reaching implications.
Barking up the (far) right tree. 😂
HippieChick58 comments on May 3, 2023:
He's too old and too fat to get up any tree without a great deal of help. Coming down he can rely on gravity, and that's gonna be one bigly crater!
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 4, 2023:
I like where you're going with this. 😂
Tucker Carlson Bashes Fox Nation in Leaked Video – Rolling Stone
Zealandia comments on May 3, 2023:
Will be interesting to see what Tucker does next.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
He hasn't done anything interesting yet (unless you mean it in the sense of the ancient Chinese curse, or you're into 🐂💩). 😂
They take us for fools.
Organist1 comments on May 3, 2023:
They do have a passing understanding of the law, but just enough to have utter disrespect for it.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
They know how to get around it, over it, under it, past it,...
They take us for fools.
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Are we starting to understand why the democrats rejected Bork and similar wacko prospects?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
Frankly, I always thought Thomas getting confirmed was a travesty. Anita Hill was highly credible. Then came Kavenaugh...🤮
From the comments section from MedPage Today.
Whitecloud23 comments on May 3, 2023:
I was just notified by my cvs that another booster shot is now available for those 65+. I've already made my appointment and I have ZERO concern. Everything you say is easily refuted.Of course, it's one group of "experts'" word against anothers, and I for one believe the CDC and Yale and other ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
@vocaloldfart Cancer patients died? Really? Well I'll be...😂
Sooooo,,,, she thinks the punishment for exposing yourself to a minor should be a misdemeanor ...
redbai comments on May 3, 2023:
I find it incredibly disingenuous how you don't make an argument on why she's wrong and ignore the details of her arguments altogether. Why don't you explain why it should be a felony instead of a misdemeanor as it would be if done off-line and how that would change things in a way that better ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
For him it's apparently all about trolling/owning the libs. Critical thinking is beside the point.
I am asking that you forget the messenger and the identity of the (5 min)Video makers for a while ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 3, 2023:
No, yes, yes.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
@Mcfluwster Chanting, not so much. I'm more into song. I'm always trying, with mixed results. Feet of clay. Mine is a version of yours: "Show me the evidence!" Followed by: "That's not evidence." And, "Evidence must be independently-verifiable. Personal experience, hearsay, and/or ancient scripture do not cut the proverbial mustard."
I am asking that you forget the messenger and the identity of the (5 min)Video makers for a while ...
BufftonBeotch comments on May 3, 2023:
I feel attacked. lol
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
@Mcfluwster She posted it here. I' let her tell you what her intention was.
Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot dead at 84 NBC News
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 2, 2023:
I learned some interesting things about the Great Lakes by investigating the back story to The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald. It turns out the lakes are pretty shallow, and the wind can whip up some mighty big waves. A ship plunging down into the trough of a big wave can actually hit bottom. That ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser Sure, those bays are shallow, as are the south ends of both the San Francisco and San Diego bays. But they're all relatively narrow too, and the wind's fetch is not sufficient to develop waves of great height. But out in the middle of lake Erie, you can have waves whose troughs reach the lake bottom. Except where there are reefs, or seamounts, such a thing is impossible anywhere beyond the continental shelf in the open ocean. In other words, compared to their areas, the Great Lakes are shallow.
Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot dead at 84 NBC News
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 2, 2023:
I learned some interesting things about the Great Lakes by investigating the back story to The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald. It turns out the lakes are pretty shallow, and the wind can whip up some mighty big waves. A ship plunging down into the trough of a big wave can actually hit bottom. That ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 3, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser The deepest of the Great Lakes (Lake Superior) is only 485 feet deep on average. Lake Erie has an average depth of only 65 feet. This is nothing, compared to the oceans. The abyssal plains of the oceans are over 10,000 feet deep, on average.
Letters From An American 05/01/2023
jackjr comments on May 2, 2023:
*"Alito claimed the Dobbs leak had made the justices “targets for assassination”"* Let these so called justices get a taste of what kind of world they are helping to create. They give the gun nuts carte blanc to do as they please, let them feel, first-hand, the results. The best lessons come ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
Leave it to the new gal to set the good example.
We even have a name for it now: "wrong-place shootings.
Petter comments on May 2, 2023:
All because of contrived "stand your ground" or "self defence" arguments, unqualified by any "reasonable force" and "reasonable doubt" provisions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
@Petter I dunno, and I hope I don't find out! 😂
We even have a name for it now: "wrong-place shootings.
CourtJester comments on May 2, 2023:
The democrat ran cities always win that one. They’re making bank on the deaths.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
Uh, sorry to have to tell you this, but your idiocy is showing.
We even have a name for it now: "wrong-place shootings.
Petter comments on May 2, 2023:
All because of contrived "stand your ground" or "self defence" arguments, unqualified by any "reasonable force" and "reasonable doubt" provisions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
@Petter If any of those defenses fly in these cases I'll eat my hat...and move to Canada!
Letters From An American 05/01/2023
yvilletom comments on May 2, 2023:
Should the US Congress put pressure on SCOTUS to adopt reforms when Congress hasn’t adopted similar reforms?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
Aren't there laws concerning disclosure of deals and the acceptance of gifts by members of Congress?
We even have a name for it now: "wrong-place shootings.
Petter comments on May 2, 2023:
All because of contrived "stand your ground" or "self defence" arguments, unqualified by any "reasonable force" and "reasonable doubt" provisions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
The shooters in all these cases went way beyond standing their ground. There was no threat. And they are all going to jail. But what does it say about the mental state of America when people start shooting over literally nothing? It's no accident that this is happening right now. Orange Foolius and his MAGAt minions have been madly pushing buttons for years, and their work is showing results.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CourtJester comments on May 1, 2023:
The Biden administration just enacted a home loan distribution plan and you're calling the GOP fascist? Did you graduate high school?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
@CourtJester Newsnation? Washington Times? New York Post? Bwahahahaha! Fake news! 😂😂😂
We even have a name for it now: "wrong-place shootings.
Garban comments on May 2, 2023:
Imagine a society where you need to worry about getting shot by you neighbors for basketballs or requesting to hold the noise down. WTF?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2023:
We're seeing how easy it is for a few demagogues to work a crowd (or a country) up into a frenzy. I can't help comparing this time to 1930s Germany.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CourtJester comments on May 1, 2023:
The Biden administration just enacted a home loan distribution plan and you're calling the GOP fascist? Did you graduate high school?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@CourtJester You obviously don't know what fascism is, btw. 😂
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CourtJester comments on May 1, 2023:
The Biden administration just enacted a home loan distribution plan and you're calling the GOP fascist? Did you graduate high school?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@CourtJester Who says "homeowner payments [are] going up" because of this plan?
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CuddyCruiser comments on May 1, 2023:
No need to worry……That apocalypse will happen one day. The problems we face, sad to say at this point (Pollution, climate change, etc) are irreversible and nothing short of a so-called ‘miracle’ can save it. (If you’re one of those who still believe that). Millennials and Gen.Z are not ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser Hence my motivation to write the post.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CourtJester comments on May 1, 2023:
The Biden administration just enacted a home loan distribution plan and you're calling the GOP fascist? Did you graduate high school?
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
You got something against building more houses, or making it easier to buy them? One minute you blame Biden for homelessness, then you get on his case for trying to solve it. Make up your mind!
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
OldMetalHead comments on May 1, 2023:
Just remember that even non-MAGA republicans (Liz Chaney, Mit Romney) voted with Trump >90% of the time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@CuddyCruiser Exactly. Trump only latches on to whatever political current he thinks will take him to power. This is where Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn were so important. They helped Trump identify and tap into the main line of disaffection, conspiracy theory, and superstition.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
CuddyCruiser comments on May 1, 2023:
No need to worry……That apocalypse will happen one day. The problems we face, sad to say at this point (Pollution, climate change, etc) are irreversible and nothing short of a so-called ‘miracle’ can save it. (If you’re one of those who still believe that). Millennials and Gen.Z are not ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
Regardless of whether there is hope or not, we should still do all we can to make things better. Sitting back and just watching civilization collapse is not an option (for me, anyway). Besides, fighting the good fight sounds like a very honorable way to die, if it comes to that.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
OldMetalHead comments on May 1, 2023:
Just remember that even non-MAGA republicans (Liz Chaney, Mit Romney) voted with Trump >90% of the time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@OldMetalHead Stripping away rights from women and LGBTQ is part of the "Christian" nationalist agenda. MAGA is a coalition of neo Nazis, Evangelical Christians, Christian nationalists, disaffected workers, alienated incels, criminal crazies, nutty conspiracy theorists, and superstitious morons. They rally around a set of loosely connected concepts such as biblical "truth," though most of them never read the Bible and completely misunderstand or know nothing of the teachings of Jesus.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
OldMetalHead comments on May 1, 2023:
Just remember that even non-MAGA republicans (Liz Chaney, Mit Romney) voted with Trump >90% of the time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
@OldMetalHead Trump does not really have any ideology or policy preferences of his own. Remember, he was supposedly a Democrat before he took over the GOP. Trump only cares about Trump. Period. He's in it for money and power, that's all.
Let's get one thing straight: it's not your daddy's Republican Party anymore.
OldMetalHead comments on May 1, 2023:
Just remember that even non-MAGA republicans (Liz Chaney, Mit Romney) voted with Trump >90% of the time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
True. But what is your point? There are always things that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on. Hell, in a less partisan environment, I would vote for some Republican proposals. As for Cheney, Kinzinger, Flake, Romney, and others, there was a line they would not cross. Of these I named, only Romney has a safe seat in Congress (a very rare thing for a moderate on a heavily gerrymandered electoral map).
163 mass shootíngs in 120 days; a new record. 😳 [] []
Sticks48 comments on May 1, 2023:
Evidently, we just don't have enough guns out there to stop all of this. Isn't that the Republican's argument? 😪
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 1, 2023:
Yup, that's their spurious argument.
Orange Felonious' cottage industry.
barjoe comments on Apr 30, 2023:
Absolutely no respect for the rule of law.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Apr 30, 2023:
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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