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James Comey on Twitter: "This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a ...
powder comments on Jul 17, 2018:
You Americans are a weird mob. Complain about foreign interference in your domestic politics yet openly call for a coup in Venezuela (not to mention how many countries you have "interfered" with). OK with DNC rigging primaries Understand the USSR is dead. Russia is not communist anymore....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 17, 2018:
The USA is far from perfect. We are a work in progress. But we sure as hell don't need any outsiders meddling in our elections. Least of all a murderous kleptocrat like Vladamir Putin.
New study casts doubt on the existence of alien life in our galaxy.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I think it is very likely that there is life beyond our solar system. However, the distances are so vast that we will probably never encounter extra-solar life.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@TiberiusGracchus We know that life spontaneously evolved on this planet. And we have recently learned that the galaxy is replete with planets, a small but significant percentage of which have life-sustaining conditions. To maintain that we are absolutely unique seems rather egocentric.
Do you think religious or spiritual belief systems should be allowed to interfere with scientific ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 16, 2018:
The Kennewick Man case is an interesting one. Eventually DNA analysis established that he was local to the Washington state area and his remains were transferred to the care of a local tribe. What I found most interesting was that relying so heavily on morphology led to an erroneous conclusion. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@geist171 Morphology is still the gold standard in distinguishing more ancient hominid species.
Other than the University Of Life what academic study do you think it's the most beneficial to the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 16, 2018:
You can't go wrong with science! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Morganfreeman You are confusing science with technology there.
Other than the University Of Life what academic study do you think it's the most beneficial to the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 16, 2018:
You can't go wrong with science! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Morganfreeman How so?
God is love.
Storybook comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Thank you also to the most wonderful Alexander Fleming for discovering Penicillin to deal with that massive cock-up.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
Now watch us throw away the gift of antibiotics. Through misuse and lack of appreciation for/understanding of biological evolution we are inadvertantly creating resistant bacteria (like MRSA) that no antibiotic can stop.
How cool would it be if we were all curious about and intrigued by other cultures; learning about ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
It would be very cool! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@simplezen Share music, food, art, stories,... taxis ?
How cool would it be if we were all curious about and intrigued by other cultures; learning about ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
It would be very cool! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 16, 2018:
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Let's see what Mueller has on Trump before declaring defeat. I think it's going to be pretty juicy. They postponed General Flynn's sentencing because he still has to testify about what Trump knew and when he knew it. Stay tuned!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
@Lavergne Even if he cannot be indicted, he can be convicted in the court of public opinion. And that's all we really need.
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
helionoftroy comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I have always wanted to move back to Greece. I think now is the time to leave this country before it’s too late.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
This is my country. I'm going to stand and fight. To my last breath. I will not be run off by some yellow-bellied, orange-headed peckerwood.
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
freeofgod comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I'm afraid he is right. Very afraid. Just look at all the hate speech that has happened since Trump took office. The man ranting over the woman wearing a Puerto Rico tshirt. That man was charged with a hate crime thankfully. All the videos against people black people using a pool, barbequeing, ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
All that racism was there before Trump. He just gave it a higher profile. That's ok. You have to see a snake before you can cut its head off.
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
Jess2zz comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I can't drop all the blame on Hillary or the DNC. Democrats and moderates need to be accountable. They don't get out to vote as reliably. Some were too busy "voting my conscience" instead of making a realistic, grown up choice. Politicians have gotten lazy and greedy because the votrs have gotten ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
Let's also remember that Trump lost the popular vote, and that he got a lot of help from Russia. I'm sure the Russians will keep on screwing with us, but now we are at least aware of their shenanigans. And now there is a lot more anti-Trump energy. There is reason for optimism.
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
CoastRiderBill comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I am afraid that the US is headed for another civil war. Some historians and political science analysts think it may happen within the next 5 years. :(
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
I think it is more likely that Mueller's revelations will bite hard and the next chapter will not look like Revelations.
Did anyone see Michael Moore on the last episode of the season of Bill Maher?
zeuser comments on Jul 15, 2018:
The price of the American reliance on technology to research, advertise for, and actually conduct our elections is a vulnerable infrastructure easily penetrated by bad people. This is the Achilles heel of our republic. If the current cabal is able to consolidate power by continuing to attack and ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
It could very well come to that, but I don't think it will.
Favorite band.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
The Grateful Dead! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
@JohnBeret Oh yeah!
My thoughts on a tabletop gamma laser.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
What a wonderful toy! What does it do?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
@JohnBeret Neat!
What should i do?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Find yourself a nice Jewish girl.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 15, 2018:
Just kidding!
Publicly funded private schools in Florida teach that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark – DeadState
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
It's shocking, it's disgusting, but it's what Secretary of Ed Betsy is all about. The religionists are executing a full court press. And they are not above fouling. They play dirty. But we have the facts on our side.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@freeofgod If they set themselves up for ridicule then we should oblige them.
Have you ever tried . . .?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Corned beef on rye from a good Jewish deli!!! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@RobLawrence I will look for it.
Have you ever tried . . .?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Corned beef on rye from a good Jewish deli!!! ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@RobLawrence I'm a total mustard slut. ?
Save me. I'm surrounded by narcissists ?
Humanistheathen comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Here's hoping you're in therapy right now, or at least are skilled in taking care of yourself. If both your roommate and your boss are narcissists, and we can assume that you agreed to work for a narcissist and agreed to move in with a narcissist, we can ask if there is something about you that ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Or maybe she just needed a job and a place to sleep...
Patriotism. Is it worth it?
rogueflyer comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I too am a Vet (Vietnam). I regret not having the courage or foresight to either go to Canada or jail in order to avoid being part of one of America's greatest mistakes. Don't get me wrong I'm a realist and believe in a strong defense but most GI's were killed after LBJ realized the war could not ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Anonbene That potential for good of which we were speaking...
What do you think about cults vs. sects?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I like to define them as follows: Religion = Crazy Sect = A Special Kind of Crazy Cult = Bat Shit Crazy
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Ha ya very good!?
I hope I get to live to see all of those in power in ameriKKKa and with their bloodied hands on ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Top of my US list: George W. Bush Condoleeza Rice Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld It's good to name names once in a while, lest we forget. The criminals are counting on that ya know.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 12, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain So far the orange bum has not gotten us into an unnecessary war. When he does he will head up the list.
Former secretary of state Kerry says Trump is ‘destroying our reputation in the world’
Silver1wun comments on Jul 12, 2018:
The reputation we had was in dire need of destruction. We're not going to be weak-knee'd suckers any more. The country was in political and economic chaos under the Obama/Clinton regime. We dumped them and things are better practically over night. The Democrats still embrace them (while ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 12, 2018:
Actually, the US enjoyed the greatest economic growth in its history under Clinton. Then we had the greatest economic meltdown since in 80 years under Bush II, followed by a Lazarus-like recovery under Obama. The crash of '08 cannot be attributed solely any one President, however. That was due to the weakening of Glass-Steagall under Reagan, Bush I, and even Clinton. New protections (Dodd-Frank) were put in place under Obama, and those have largely been repealed under Trump. So the next meltdown - and make no mistake; it will come - could be even worse than the last one. That will be on Trump and his Republican toadies in Congress.
Real-life Professor Snape calls Trump's Supreme Court pick 'Lord Voldemort'
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I thought Trump was Voldemort. ?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@webbew1 Ahh, you have me there!
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Etre comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Here is an unknown fact that they are just now calling a conspiracy. 85% of people who call themselves Jew, have no Hebrew blood what so ever. Ashkenazi Jews, or european white jews.... descendent from Kazar circa 900 A.D. They settled in Russia after losing their home land in 800-900 AD. They took ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@Davesnothere The science of biology does not recognize the concept of race as it is commonly known among the laity. It turns out that there has always been a lot of mixing in the human population. It turns out that there is more natural variation of phenotypes within a so-called racial group than there is between these groups. This was understood even before modern DNA analysis, which now confirms the idea that there is only one race: the human race. Sorry to drag you into the semantic weeds, but I feel like the aforementioned race could benefit from a close parsing of this one bit of the lexicon. ?
Is anyone else concerned about "Agent Orange's" pick for SCOTUS?
Mb_Man comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Elections have consequences.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 5, 2018:
Yes indeed! Even elections that are fraudulent, where a malignant foreign power wages a wildly successful disinformation campaign and manages to tip the scales in favor of a treasonous bozo like our very own short-fingered vulgarian from Queens. Yup, there have been and continue to consequences. Removal of regulations on corporations being numero uno, allowing environmental destruction, poisoning of our air and water, financial shenanigans like those that caused the collapse of '08, de-funding of healthcare, a big tax break for the rich, withdrawl from the only agreement that ever gave us a chance to monitor and slow down the nuclear program of Iran, elevation of shit-pot dictators to the rank of statesmen, denigration of professional diplomats, intelligence experts, and journalists, hollowing out of American institutions, and sucking up to power by Republican toadies in Congress. And the list goes on. Forgive me if I have omitted anything. Indeed, election have consequences. And there will be hell to pay!
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Ten proofs showing it is impossibility of this Holocaust no. of 6 million killed to be real. 1. The actual number of Jews under German regime never exceeded 4.5 million. 2. Jewish-stated numbers of Jews in the World before and after the War. 3. Demographic impossibility phenomenon: number of ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 5, 2018:
Well that was a blast of hot air. Not a Santa Ana though. More like a brain fart.
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Isn't that just pathetic? Unfortunately it's right in line with their rejection of climate science and evolutionary biology. Many of these same people do believe in literal interpretations of the Bible, however. And that is probably the key to understanding their ignorance.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jul 5, 2018:
@skeptic99 Your assertion that "the foundational material supporting the holocaust comes from fictional accounts" is patently false and ridiculous. There are the testimonials of the survivors of the concentration camps, as well as those of the soldiers who liberated the camps. These are supported by films that were shot at the time. There are the artifacts, including written records and the camps themselves. The Germans (and Poles, and Hungarians, Armenians, Yuguslavians, and French, Begians, etc) were excellent records-keepers, and their own census data shows there were more than 6 million Jews in Europe before the holocaust. By the way, to say you believe in climate science and evolutionary biology does not increase your credibility. Scientific facts are not things to be believed or disbelieved. Rather, the supporting evidence is to to be coldly assessed and either accepted or rejected based on its repeatability and logical cohesion. If the evidence stands up to scrutiny, then the conclusion it points to is accepted, always leaving the door open to modification if new evidence is brought to light. Emotion, belief, desire, caprice, and ideology have no place in either assessment of the evidence or analysis of the conclusion. The emotion with which you write, together with your rejection of voluminous well-documented evidence leads me to suspect that you base your conclusions on ideology (conspiracy theory?) rather than facts. It sounds like you are looking for someone to blame the ills of the world (or your own misfortune?) on, and you have settled on a familiar old trope. Instead of wasting everyone's time with this nonsense, why don't you tell us what is really bothering you?
I need some advice.
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Follow your bliss.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 29, 2018:
@jlynn37 There is also a very good lecture series recorded at a retreat in California called the Esalen Institute. Look for Big Sur Tapes.
I need some advice.
Ciravolostone comments on Jun 29, 2018:
There is not a single person on this web site or in life who can tell you what to do. There is only one way to know if the choice you make is the right one and that is after you make it. You can choose to play it safe, stick it out and get the degree, and have something to fall back on if fame and ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 29, 2018:
Just remember that it's harder to get the degree later, especially if/when you have kids.
I need some advice.
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Follow your bliss.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 29, 2018:
Joseph Campbell was a very wise man! ?
Can someone please explain the difference between hovered and visited?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Visited means someone actually visited your profile. Hovered means they hovered over your name/avatar to get a mini-bio.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Lukian Thank you! Very helpful! ?
Can someone please explain the difference between hovered and visited?
hankster comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Flying Saucer hovers unless it lands. then it's visited.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Can someone please explain the difference between hovered and visited?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Visited means someone actually visited your profile. Hovered means they hovered over your name/avatar to get a mini-bio.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@VictoriaNotes, @sassygirl3869 Ahh, thank you. I'm always using my phone here, so no mouse to hover with. ?
Evangelical Christians are now backing an actual pimp in a Nevada election / LGBTQ Nation
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Ya think Trump started something? Or was he just a symptom of a deep underlying hypocrisy?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@weelittleone Puss-filled, seeping, inflamed, gaping hole certainly describes the Donald! Well-put!
Can someone please explain the difference between hovered and visited?
LiterateHiker comments on Jun 26, 2018:
**Visit** ( "verb (used with object) "1. to go to and stay with (a person or family) or at (a place) for a short time for reasons of sociability, politeness, business, curiosity, etc.: 2. to visit a friend; to visit clients; to visit Paris. 3. to stay with as a guest. 3. to ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Thanks, I already know the standard dictionary meanings of the words. I'm looking for what they mean in the context of this site. I realize I should have been more clear in my original question.
Can someone please explain the difference between hovered and visited?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Visited means someone actually visited your profile. Hovered means they hovered over your name/avatar to get a mini-bio.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 26, 2018:
How does one hover? What is a mini bio?
I happened to see this today and while I don’t know much about multiple personality disorder, it ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Last I heard multiple personality disorder was downgraded to urban myth.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 25, 2018:
I see its listed in the DSM but its very rare.
What has four upstanders, four downhangers, two lookers, two hookers, and a dirty-old switchalong ...
pixiedust comments on Jun 24, 2018:
A cow?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 24, 2018:
What has four upstanders, four downhangers, two lookers, two hookers, and a dirty-old switchalong ...
MrLizard comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Sounds like a dirty riddle. Or maybe that's just me. (I have no idea)
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 23, 2018:
Ha ha! No, not dirty. This one is rated PG. ?
Today's Republican Party is a rejuvenated Know Nothing Party dredged up from the dust bins of ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 23, 2018:
I'm not sure the Republican Party will come through this intact. Registered independents are now a larger group than either party. Maybe we will end up with 3 or 4 legitimate party's in the near future.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 23, 2018:
Multiple parties is fine but we need instant run-off elections, where people can vote for their favorite candidates rather than having to vote for the lesser of two evils.
What do you think about sharks?
Jnei comments on Jun 22, 2018:
To date, no shark has ever broken into my home and stolen stuff, mugged me, nicked my bike, tried to run me over, made a racist/homophobic/misogynist comment, been deliberately cruel, committed a rape, started a war or conducted genocide. I like them a lot more than I like humans.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 22, 2018:
Me too! ?
Atheism vs. Agnosticism: What do they mean?
KKGator comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Why are we STILL doing this? It's nothing but semantics.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 20, 2018:
I meamnt to write, "...NOT well defined..."
Atheism vs. Agnosticism: What do they mean?
KKGator comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Why are we STILL doing this? It's nothing but semantics.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 20, 2018:
Semantics is all about word meanings. It's an important subject. If your meanings are well-defined, it leads to a lot of miscommunication and more time spent on clarification or unnecessary arguments. Just sayin'...?
When i was a little girl i had a crush on Captian Kirk.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Good news! You don't have to choose! Remember they are of two different generations. Each should be judged in his own context. So go ahead. Have your cake and eat it too!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 16, 2018:
Trump-Kim Summit: North Korea Commits to Work Toward 'Complete Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula'...
gater comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Cmon liberals - werent you saying how Trump's behavior would lead to nuclear war?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 12, 2018:
We got into Iraq and Afghanistan under Bush 2, a Republican. (Democrats were complicit.) The stated reason for invading Irag was Saddam's WMDs, and it turned out he had none! And the Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rumsfeld cabal knew it before the invasion. And then they implemented torture of prisoners. Mission accomplished!
Trump-Kim Summit: North Korea Commits to Work Toward 'Complete Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula'...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Hope he does what he agreed to!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 12, 2018:
There's apparently no enforcement in the "agreement." And NK has never abided by such documents in the past anyway. The whole thing is just a charade so two autocratic dickheads can whip up some legitimacy for themselves. It's all about optics, with very little substance.
If religious texts or some forms of literature are deemed harmful, should they be locked away, ...
dare2dream comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Truth is the best antidote to the lie.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Sunshine is the best disinfectant!
If religious texts or some forms of literature are deemed harmful, should they be locked away, ...
mordant comments on Jun 11, 2018:
You cannot control people's thoughts or beliefs. You can only hope to persuade them. It's a tortuous and thankless process, and mostly fails. However ... higher levels of education and knowledge seem to be incrementally improving the thought processes of each successive generation. Or at least I ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Amazing how the short-fingered vulgarian keeps coming up, no matter the topic. Its like, all roads lead to the swamp.
nicknotes comments on Jun 9, 2018:
They are always trying to proselytize. They think they will go to Heaven if they get you to believe their nonsense.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 10, 2018:
Just tell them, "The Kingdom of the Father is here on Earth, but men do not see it!" it's from the Thomas Gospel. Should throw 'em for a loop!
Ellatynemouth comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Some theists join this site with the aim of converting us. I also wonder if subconsciously they are testing their own faith. There are a few on here today.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2018:
I suspect that some are here out of genuine curiosity and some are here to get converts, and some are here to foment discord and confusion. I think we should treat them all with respect, patience, and firm resolve. Roll out the good ol' logic and reason based on facts. Win their hearts and minds. Show them that ours IS the better way. After all, they are our countrymen and women. Our brethren, if you will.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I would not block them. Exposure to the kinds of ideas found here is exactly what they need.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2018:
Sorry I was not clear earlier. I did not express a belief. I simply meant that I understand how someone could make a particular judgement call given certain conditions on the ground. ?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I would not block them. Exposure to the kinds of ideas found here is exactly what they need.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 9, 2018:
@Sheannutt I get that. We all have our limits.
Saw an interesting lecture video on fact vs fiction regarding popular claims about the Fibonacci ...
wjwolfe comments on Jun 7, 2018:
My creative process professor this past spring semester at school told us that the golden ratio was created by an intelligence because "it couldn't just happen out of nothing". He had a habit of spewing right-wing BS and creationist BS at us.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2018:
What school was this?
Saw an interesting lecture video on fact vs fiction regarding popular claims about the Fibonacci ...
FreethoughtKaty comments on Jun 7, 2018:
wow! I gave that example to my son. Now, I have to retract.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2018:
Not so fast! Consider the source.
But are you really really sure you gave religion a fair chance?
Stevil comments on Jun 7, 2018:
What if the stuffy was a Chucky stuffy?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2018:
Judge Orders EPA to Produce Science behind Pruitt's Warming Claims - Scientific American
Novelty comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Considering the rate that permafrost is thawing and by that the rate that methane gas is being release, and considering that methane is 30 times more effective than CO2 as a greenhouse gas the world will warm even faster melting more permafrost, and now that cycle is self perpetuating. If you think...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2018:
I agree things can get very bad very fast. Especially after reading Daniel Ellsberg's latest book (subtitled "Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner"). I am reminded of Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now talking about a snail crawling along on the edge of a razor.
Judge Orders EPA to Produce Science behind Pruitt's Warming Claims - Scientific American
Novelty comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Considering the rate that permafrost is thawing and by that the rate that methane gas is being release, and considering that methane is 30 times more effective than CO2 as a greenhouse gas the world will warm even faster melting more permafrost, and now that cycle is self perpetuating. If you think...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 7, 2018:
The oceans will have to absorb a lot more heat before the atmospheric temperature can really spike. With methane now being released by the melting permafrost, and disappearing Arctic sea ice decreasing Earth's albedo, looks like we have passed a tipping point. Still, it is going to take some time for the system to really cook. We may be talking a few hundred years or more. A lot depends on how fast the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps melt. Nobody knows ho fast that can go, but everyone seems to agree that it is going faster than expected, and that it is accelerating. Still, it looks like we are talking centuries, not decades.
Who was it that defined an atheist as a person with no invisible means of support??
Julie808 comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Google says that it was John Buchan, a Scottish author and politician (1875-1940) who said: "An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support." It's also the name of a book, "Invisible Means of Support: A Transformational Journey : A Tribute to Joseph Campbell" by Dennis Augustine....
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jun 6, 2018:
I must have got it from Moyers/Campbell. Two of my heroes. ?
I was out shopping and signed up for a promotion with my phone number which ends in 666.
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2018:
Hahaha! Yes it was a good retort. If people go ape over a phone number I wonder how the superstitious are taking the fact that Jared Kushner's family's building address in Manhattan is 666...
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 27, 2018:
...5th Avenue. It's the one for which they desperately needed a bailout. The government of Qatar was going to invest, and when they balked Trump started calling them terrorists and slapped an embargo on them. Then they finally coughed up some dough and suddenly they weren't terrorists anymore. Swear to god. I could not make this shit up.
Can someone tell me why is America so religious?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2018:
Long answer: fear of death + indoctrination + lack of science education + tribalism + intellectual flabbiness Short answer: old habits die .
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 27, 2018:
...hard. Hard. Hard! I know I typed this right. There is something wrong with the machine...
Can someone tell me why is America so religious?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2018:
Long answer: fear of death + indoctrination + lack of science education + tribalism + intellectual flabbiness Short answer: old habits die .
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 27, 2018:
Can someone tell me why is America so religious?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 27, 2018:
Long answer: fear of death + indoctrination + lack of science education + tribalism + intellectual flabbiness Short answer: old habits die .
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 27, 2018:
.... They die .
Was still doing my 'walk about the yard' when l almost stepped on this little guy! He was fast.
Hitchens comments on May 25, 2018:
Oh wow..that is so cool...we don't have any snakes over here.(Thanks to st.Patrick apparently!???)
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 25, 2018:
Didn't Saint Patrick chase all the snakes out of Ireland? Lol.
James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, speaking of the 2016 presidential election:...
NotConvinced comments on May 24, 2018:
Lol, it is not possible to gauge the effect Russia had on the election. I believe the way the DNC treated Berney was what tipped the scale.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 24, 2018:
I agree with you about the shabby treatment that Bernie received from the DNC. However, we should probably come together now and focus on the coming election. Let's clip that orange turkey's wings!
James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, speaking of the 2016 presidential election:...
NotConvinced comments on May 24, 2018:
Lol, it is not possible to gauge the effect Russia had on the election. I believe the way the DNC treated Berney was what tipped the scale.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 24, 2018:
Russian propaganda was viewed by some 130 million people; more than the total number of people than voted in the 2016 election. That propaganda was cunningly targeted, especially at people in the swing states, for maximum effect. The election was carried by only 80,000 votes. Mr. Clapper's sense of proportion seems pretty spot on to me.
Articles of impeachment against Nixon included his attempt to use the IRS against political ...
Hermit comments on May 20, 2018:
As long as the Republicans control the House and Senate, Trump can get away with anything.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 20, 2018:
I'm afraid you are right about that. Hopefully that will soon change.
Does anyone have advice for a person that's been an atheist less than 3 months?
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 2, 2018:
Same advice I would give anybody any where any time: read good books.
Flyingsaucesir replies on May 2, 2018:
I wish I had thought of that! ?
What would be a good name for a Satanic/Atheist private school?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I know for some kids high school might as well be the third circle of Hell. I guess that would make middle school the second circle, and elementary the first. The whole school district could be the Mephistopheles Three Ring Flying Circus.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 18, 2018:
Or Fallen Circus...
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