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Update; 2019, I have been here in New Mexico for over a year now and I could not be more satisfied! With this ‘artist,’ brain I still seem to have more options than I can ever implement! The only thing that I have not come to love is winter, (even here), but it is better than Ga.

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These jackwagons all think that they look like Captain America but this is closer to the truth.
Freedompath comments on Oct 5, 2020:
...but can they dance, is all I want to know?
Explaining Trump to the public is a tough job!
Freedompath comments on Oct 5, 2020:
This administration has ‘show’ pieces, instead of people wanting to keep the citizens informed on what is/was coming down the pike! For me, it seems time is wasted, attempting to make sense of the reports, from a non-serious platform! I keep asking...what’s the point...this is a useless tug of war over, ‘who said what and what did it mean?’ My brain is being depleted over stupidity, even as i tell myself...then stop watching the stupidity!
Having heard some speculation, and noticing something strange about the picture from Walter Reed, I ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I think that it would be difficult to find a double for trump! One thing that I have noticed lately is trump is looking more haggard in the last couple of months. His face sometimes appears more flabby than at others. As to having the virus, we will have to wait and see and 7-10 days, will give us a better I idea if this is all a ploy for attention. Too many different reports to nail down anything, at this time.
Did anyone else happen to notice the head doctor giving Trump's medical info on tv had a look on his...
Freedompath comments on Oct 5, 2020:
When you are a puppet, never pull too hard on the strings, they could let you fall apart!
From a friend on fb: Funny: "So.
Freedompath comments on Oct 5, 2020:
I agree, trump craves attention, now saying he will be somehow be out campaigning soon...I want to see this! How? Is my question?
I understand his confoundment, how can someone be so callous and careless.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We can’t believe it could happen that way...and it most likely wouldn’t happen to the average person! But, trump is not normal on all fronts, so we will take a ‘wait and see’ ...what is up with trump? Most often it has been a guessing game, except if you were a ‘believer’ for them trump is the ‘be all, and the ‘end all’ ...I will keep watching! All those people around him didn’t try and pull off a hoax by reporting they have Covid!
Trump supporters have been making 2 particularly disturbing comments.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
This is disturbing, facts are facts coming from the HHS and CDC, I believe their numbers and they may even correct them going forward. But I figure they are in the ballpark! My neighbor who’s son is an EMT, says they are picking up people who died at home and they are not being counted. So there is that!
Too cold or Too Soon . . . your call
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
The irony of it all...trump would have this set up, which is what is funny to me! Super human trump, as what he is called! He is not cured, and we need only watch the news to see how this pans out!
I blame Ted Turner
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Well, it is never over until the ‘fat lady sings,’ and I haven’t seen ‘hair nor hide’ of her! I am beginning to feel sad for the burden that may be waiting for trump...there may never have been a greater debacle than what has taken place over trump’s term as president! He should have kept hiding in the shadows of illegality! Because he brought his family into the mix to go down hill with him! No, I feel a sadness!
You're Moving Out Today – A MeidasTouch & Bette Midler Production - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
That is so funny! This is beyond disgrace! Trump would have been so much better off if he had resigned anytime over these last 4 years! It will take several railroad cars to store all the ‘comic relief’ that has taken place over this one man!
More lies.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I think that it was all a set up for the camera! And, then on the other hand they may be checking to see, if he still has his cognitions? For all we know he is propped up in that chair?
I wonder if the tables were turned and RBG was nominated by trump to replace Amy Coney Barrett.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
Things might change if the votes are not there! The hearings have not even been held and now some Senators have it remains to be seen, even as McConnell says he is going forward with her nomination! I hope to all that is fair and just in this world...that this one traitor gets voted out, for the sake of A-COUNTRY!
How thoughtful of Trump to play down Covid-19 from his sick-bed, he has even surrounded himself with...
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
They are clearly all ‘hedge hogs,’ for the ‘right!’ Straight answers have been worked out of their natures! This is why it is so difficult to believe anything anymore! Truth appears dirty to these people...what kind of household do they live in, where truth has no value?
I am not wishing Donald Trump dead but I just realized that his corpse would make a better President...
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I am not wishing trump dead, but his actions have brought about, hurt, anger and frustration, not to mention dire uncertainty! And now...he is clearly in danger along with many colleagues and donors! So our worries aren’t over, just compounded...where in the hell will we go from here? New Jersey?: []
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
How sad...the president of the United States, endangered the lives of many for money...isn’t this the way trump’s life has always played out? Trump and money...always the end game! Sad, sad...lives lost can never be recovered! People holding the ‘fort’ for a murderer, needs a ‘whitewashing,’ they are dirty!
We’re doomed! []
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
We will prevail...if not us, people coming behind us will solve the problems! I simply don’t want to be counted as part of the problem, while i am still here!
I wonder if the tables were turned and RBG was nominated by trump to replace Amy Coney Barrett.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
I agree with you. She would show something of integrity to decline under this dark cloud! But, she has the backing of the Federalists Society and they want stop!
Beau has a very good point. []
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
This is one point! But, trump is only the ‘head of the dragon’ and no matter how his health pans out, and even after we vote...this Country (and others), will harbor this ‘us against them,’ until people feel more equal in their society. And, I cannot see how a big portion of the ‘religious community,’ will ever except, ‘equal but with differences on religion thought?’
Hospitalized Trump Launches Eric and Don Jr Operation MAGA Tour President Trump’s re-election...
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
This will go over like a ‘lead balloon!’ Such a crowd would wonder if Eric and wife are ‘spreaders?’
Make it big enough for two.
Freedompath comments on Oct 4, 2020:
She is always posing...she is with her husband 100%...grave or no grave! (Who wears shoes that you must walk on your toes, to a grave digging or other posed for, pictures.)
This is a local fellow who is from my daughter's city.... []
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Why do people trust them?
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
As far as I see it...this all belongs to the ‘cult’ leader! He convinced all his minions to follow him and now there is a crisis in the WH! This is another place that they are weak on, getting behind a crisis! We can only watch from afar...
The hypocrisy runs deep on the right. []
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
Makes me sick! 🤮 I think Washington is in a world of hurt just now and no one knows how it will all shake out! But they worked hard to get here so... I guess they will soon get a taste of how America out of that bubble is really living?
Happy birthday dear departed spouse. I miss you but not the opioids.
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I hope this day is not the worst for you. So sorry that you lost your partner. Do something good for yourself today, create some good memories for your future to sooth your aching heart. 🤗
Is it possible that Trump did not test positive but is hiding out and trying to divert attention ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I think this is one of those wait and see things! Trump is so unreliable on the truth, my guess is most people are over 50% uncertain as to the truth. As for me, I think trump is positive for the virus...not necessarily because he says so, but because he has pushed the limits of decency and has been careless in his approach to a real and present danger. We will soon see for sure, in the next 2 weeks.
Is it likely that a person that has successfully feigned wealth will feign death and disappear to ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 3, 2020:
That is for-sure not unknown and in trump’s case believable! The sky is the limit with that guy on everything!
Just as a precaution it might be wise to put all the Trump family in a cage on the Mexican border ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
We may not need to wait to see what happens next? Few people in trumps circle, except reporters, wore mask! This could be the worst scenario!
This made me smile.
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
How about that? 😂
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Who knows? But, no one seemed to be in charge before...we can do just fine without any of that GOP ‘cult!’ Their script is making less and less sense!
I wouldn't be surprised if he faked it and then claimed his "recovery" is proof he is the chosen ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
There will be a lot of people that were close to trump and Hope Hicks (who got it first), to be at risk! It is no wonder they played ‘fancy free’ while the rest of most of the Country wore masks!
Coronavirus: Donald Trump and Melania test positive - BBC News
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
This is going to be interesting...they flaunted their superiority over the virus, so what’s ahead now?
With all the yelling about Trump testing positive, we should not forget those around him are so ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
I didn’t know this! This trump crew have lost their way..,
With all the yelling about Trump testing positive, we should not forget those around him are so ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
This is something to watch... what about other aids that may test positive? They played it loose and fancy free! Lol
Yeah baby! Karma is a bitch! Finally we might get lucky! []
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Trump and Melania have tested positive for the virus! 😱
Best news ever.
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
My news just reported that trump and Melania have tested positive for the virus! about that?
Yeah baby! Karma is a bitch! Finally we might get lucky! []
Freedompath comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Let’s see how the president handles himself with this virus hanging over his head? No rallies, he he he!
This is beautiful,sad and hopeful so I had to share.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
It warms the heart!
"Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Been there, done that! I was never the same after ending up there!
Anonymous, 9/10/19 This photo was taken on 29th September 2018.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Thank heavens for the ‘gifts’ that show up when we need them the most. I have stood at the threshold, where death seems the solution. I am so happy that I grab a thread of life and pulled myself toward living! They call this ‘the dark night of the soul!’ I am so glad you chose life. 🤗
The Truth About Modern day Atheism: They Hate Christianity! - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Here is a person who can sit at home instead of a street corner and spew out his ideas of religion without getting hit in the face with a pie! Not only is this dude reading people’s minds he knows what they talk about...from far away! In other-words, he puts words in our mouths and even extracts them from our brains! Now, there is a feat of biblical proportions! It is HE, who is the disrupter...we don’t seek out any person of faith to change their minds or even to interact with them! We only associate with them professionally, when they work at paces we must do business! There we remember our manners! And as to his ‘FACTS,’ ..,the Bible has no facts in it! These are stories of people who traveled through time in search of themselves and a god or gods! We have no obligation to believe anything just because it is written down someplace! And, we especially have no need or desire to return to the dark ages! If there is a kernel of truth, in some scripture that we can apply to being a more decent human being, we will use it! The same as if we learned of something in modern writings, that promotes mankind! This man in the video ‘is a vexation to the spirit’ of others! No one is under any kind obligation to give him the time of day (unless he is drowning)! He sits there in his ‘safe’ space laying down admonitions, for others...instead of removing the prick in his own eye! This dude has not made a life that gives him joy or little else of any value, just his words and a mike and an indoctrination that stole his mind!
How do I better structure, or control my "therapies"?
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
First off...for things that you have your heart in, try and do that ‘thing,’ for over 7 days consecutively. You are forming a habit. This makes it easier to keep it up. If you drop out, don’t beat yourself up over it...just get back to the ‘thing’ as soon as possible. To meditate, start where you other words you may only focus for 5 mins at a time. But, if you will set aside a specific time will increase your focus over time! Here again build a habit, using that 7 day plan. When you meditate, the object is to clear the mind, so that it can rest. Sit up straight with fingers together in your lap as in a prayer. Focus on some spot after your eyes are closed (usually there is a little white or dark spot), when thoughts come through, simply thank them and return to your ‘empty focus.’ This is usually, done for 20 mins. I think we build discipline...not control over ourselves. That feels like a choke hold to me! There is no need to jerk ourselves up by the these things must be ‘built.’ And sometimes from scratch! Best of luck! 🤗
Exploding Trees Click on the video.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Sweet! Nice to see the very young paying attention to politics!
Keilar rolls the tape on Trump's 'I hardly know him' defense [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Even ‘clowns’ aren’t this twisted! I am so very tired of taking trump’s insane words and actions and trying to make sense of them! I have wasted 4 years of my life, on this insane project! This is not a functioning is a glorified insane asylum, masquerading as a government! The Republicans are now the people most likely to bring down the whole damn Country! I need to get out of this endless struggle that feels like I am just wallowing in manure! 😱
Anybody four more years?...
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
But they do make a match! One made in the ‘underworld!’
Dump is 'great' at tearing up laws and accords, but so obtuse with his 'grating', repetitive, ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
...a more shallow man would be hard to find! This man has a body but no ‘core!’
Not sure about Biden?...if you vote Trump again this will be the future of America!
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Why is it that anyone would think that living in the dark ages, will be better than modern times?
MARCELLO, oboe concerto in d minor, michala petri on recorder .
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Love this!
The Night of the Oscars: And the winner is...!
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
...but it fits him!
It's starting if we weren't expecting this []
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
It is a never-ending battle with the Republicans. They seem to have a ‘mindset’ of..,’we want what we want and be-damned, with what the majority wants!’ They must be dealt with and it looks to me that the Democrats should hire professionals, to teach them the best way to get them ‘under ccontrol’ so that the government can be at the task of serving the population! The Republicans just want to overload the cart, so the Country can barely progress! I am SO not on their side...
One thing I noticed in the debate was that Trump told Biden to never say "smart" around him.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
That moment when trump told Biden not to use the word ‘smart,’ revealed a man who is clearly afraid of his own ‘shadow!’ Lol
It's worth a try.
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I agree! Unorthodox measures are needed when all else has failed!
People love this guy, he's the real thing by the way. []
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Wow! That IS one great ad! And yes! This guy is the real thing!
The Southern Poverty Law Center tracks hate groups around the country, and by a recent report, 74% ...
Freedompath comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I CANNOT believe this! I have been a member of that group for a long time! This is beyond belief! Even police departments rely on their research! My holy heavens...Republicans have lost their ever loving minds! They must be voted out, at least most of these died in the wool, crazies!
I’m up rather late tonight.
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
So beautiful!
We are at a crossroads, even if Biden is elected.
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I agree with you, if some unknown block cannot keep her off the Court, then the Dems will need to add more judges! However, it just occurred to me, if a judge does not follow the Constitution, can they be removed?
Out for five days On the eve of me open heart surgery I am trying get stuff organized .
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Best of luck and quick recovery, keep singing! 🥰
Mud Wrestling!?: []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Great for the ‘mud wrestling’ I would only watch trump in that venue, if I had decided to call it quits to meet my maker!
Mac Davis dead at 78. I liked his music. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Sad...I did love this song! RIP, dear man!
"This Country is Not Well": []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Some of this I can go along with, part of it isn’t valid critique to me. Yes...the Country is in trouble, BIG TIME! People from all walks of life are speaking out, they’ve written books with first hand knowledge of what is ‘going down’ and what do they get? Agreement from lots of people but no actions! One of the things that I see that is wrong...we are too compartmentalized! I must get 50 emails each day, wanting money or my membership to help fix some part of our government! I have unsubscribed to many and have stopped reading most of them! No one person...even having time on their hands can possibly be effective in this many small groups! Now, I suspect it is just another way to bring in money, rather than solve a social problem! A mass movement, that taps the...’we need justice and equity from our government’ ...movement is going to bring about change! I could do more by showing up at the office of my Rep or Senator!
Y'all see this? []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
In my opinion, trump would overpower a ‘jackass!’ He has always been disruptive but, he doesn’t care now! You can see...that he really believes in his power now, to go along with his narcissism!
Y'all see this? []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
This I gotta see! Ha ha
Trump bombed in the first debate -- and swing voters think he acted like 'a crack head': Ana Navarro...
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Hopefully, the ‘real’ Donald trump will keep showing we can get our government re-established back into a working order! I can’t get rid of the feeling that it is in complete disarray! I am happy trump is being trump...I am tired of trying to ‘whitewash’ him...he is not fixable!
PURCELL, hear my prayer oh lord, 1682 .............baroque ............. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I love the music, but it is a ‘cry’ in anguish to a ‘god or gods’ who do not exist! If I sang this (or let my soul hear it) , I will feel complete abandonment no help will come! I guess Scot Peck, was right, ‘some people hear a different drummer!’ (If not Peck... then Bradshaw!) my memory is failing me!
“Would you shut up, man?” - Joe Biden
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
That was ‘priceless!’ Biden, pointed out the idiot!
Since I posted the CNN shitshow comment shortly after it was made, and at the time it was the best ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
You are right! Brings to mind how he is constantly putting the Democrats down even states with Dem governors! But, he has never put ‘white supremacy’ down! Why, because trump wants them ‘engaged’ when he sends out the call! Trump is a snake hiding in the grass!
Trevor Reacts to the First Biden-Trump Debate [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
🤣🤣🤣...good luck on finding a referee for trump! I frankly don’t believe it is possible! Maybe duck tape his mouth?
IMO, humans came up with the idea of a soul and a life after death when we started becoming aware of...
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
It will become perfectly clear...when a person reaches a ripe old 80, that I am! Love takes on a meaning of survival...with no illusions!
[] I like Elvis, but that is not the reason I like this video. 😁
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
How fun...those days are still in my memory bank...which I never thought at the time would end! But, now my current days are spent in special exercises and physical therapy, just to walk around in Wal-Wart! 🥰
My tribute to Helen Reddy, since yesterday no longer with us... []
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
She was a big favorite back in ‘the day!’ This had to be in her earliest years and what a voice. But, I was unaware she passed. 😭 I did not know she passed! I sure loved her! Rip Helen!
I watched Stephen Colbert for his take after the “Shit Show”.
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I saw Colbert too 😂 make great points, but my guess is, that it is almost impossible for ‘ultra-religious’ people to be on the side of altruism. They simply do not have that view from their porch!
What trump is really worth....
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
When all the characterizations of trump are laid end to end...I wonder how many times they would go around the globe? This is a good one! Trump sure got his ‘name’ trademark wish, in spades!
Parrots were removed from a UK safari park after teaching each other to swear and then laughing ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
That’s funny!
"those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Scary...that is why practice before hand is necessary! Maintains strength in the face of adversity!
It's okay not to feel okay after that Debate. That is all. (L)
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Actually, I felt better for a change! Because, I believe the people who are going to vote trump clear about the inadequacy of this man! And, trump did so poorly, his powerful man, presidential image was the weakest that I have witnessed to date!
CNN dubs the debate a "shitshow"
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
For trump I would say that fits!
For anyone's that's "cut the cord" of cable TV, The Young Turks is showing the Presidential debate, ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I watched this just to see what trump would do! And as far as I could see he ‘dug his own grave!’ He was at his very worst! I was shocked to see he got 41% approval to Biden’s 48(I think now). I hate to say it, but we have far too many people in this Country on the wrong side...of history and their own lives, possibly!
Anxiety, Breath, and The Brain-Body Connection - Human Unlimited
Freedompath comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Interesting article! I try and practice breathing when i am in stressful situations.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I want nor would I ever...I am ready for the ‘orange‘ to resolve into the sunset!
I post innumerable different singers, bands, instrumental pieces in a variety of diverse genres, in ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Great song and voice!
Easiest vote ever, didn't even have to see anything else but DEM next to the names, fuck the tyrant ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
You are voting REALLY early! 👍
Trump Is Hurting The Republican Party Far Worse Than You Think [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I hope all their houses burn down! I am going to put my attention elsewhere! These people can’t need anything from me anyway! I turn cold on cruelty and fake ness!
Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
It says a lot for people who think it is perfectly alright to use each other...for personal selfish means! Shows how America loves their fellow man/person! Altruism, is in short supply, especially now!
Its a bottomless pit isn't it?
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Low-life! Just a plain old LOW-LIFE!
Ana Navarro goes off on Ivanka after Trump defender tries to drag Hunter Biden into debate ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
That guy and adviser, Urban nearly choked on his last words! We have some people who DO know what is wrong! I think trump is in a whole lot of ‘DOO DOO!’ 🤸🏿
If you add up what he owes and what he's lost, it's likely more money than any 100 members of this ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Well displayed! Ha ha ha
Now I like cats!
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I can’t is so true!
Trump’s Taxes Revealed: He’s Broke! [youtube.
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Anyone who has gone to the extent to hide his tax returns that trump has done... and is in this great position of power...was hiding great secrets! My bet 95% of the people in America knew this, all along!
7 Revealing Ways America is Collapsing as Rome Did Here are signs that are too disturbing to ignore...
Freedompath comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I can see where some aspects of Roman decline and the breaking of America is similar, but I doubt that we need a comparison from history to see what is destroying the fabric of this society! In every culture there are those ‘tricksters,’ who develop ways to ‘part people from their money‘...for no good reason! And, that behavior appears to being the going thing and after a time, there are too many in a society that are just takers...takers of all that gives cohesiveness and order to any society! We seem to be living in a time of mainly takers! And, they are not interested in what constitutes the common good or even preservation of their environment.
Nothing great comes from obedient kids.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
They want do enough ‘testing the water,’ where confidence and courage is developed!
Friedrich Nietzsche
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Wow, I will need time to review...thanks for posting!
Emmylou Harris - Red Dirt Girl (live) []
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Boy that is a sad song! But, I love the Harris voice! However, I did not like her guitar sound and I thought I was a guitar person! I learn something everyday! Lol
Disinformation and the cost of fake news.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I am convinced that some of our Representatives and Senators, want to leave their constituents in the ‘dark,’ they never seem to feel an obligation to be an example for greater things. Example, when Tom Price, was my Senator back in Ga, a recording of him speaking in a South Ga church was revealed and he told the parishioners, that it was true that the earth is only 3,000 yrs old! Instead of enlightening these people, he must have wanted them to stay in the dark! And I wrote him a letter at that time and told him so! Some people are so selfish even with knowledge!
Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale has been involuntarily hospitalized after a call was ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Absolutely, this is an injustice, in my opinion! But, it looks as if we are loosing the ability to know ‘justice!’ I agree a mental health professional should have made this call and the police there in case things got out of hand!
Disinformation and the cost of fake news.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
You go girl! Blackburn is pitiful! I can hardly stand to hear her and the insanity she spouts!
Yesterday was an interesting day.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Was I supposed to take this literally? I must be off in left field and not know it?
Yesterday was an interesting day.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I loved it! Wish I had the guts to do and say all that! You go ‘rainmanjr,’ we need more originality, working the mobs!
How about a little Smokey []
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Love Smokey!!!!
If he told the truth This is what his campaign sign would say.
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
And America gets the shaft!
Brad Parsclale "Baker Acted" in Florida: []
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
‘Everything trump touches dies!’
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 28, 2020:
What a pity...but it is true!


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