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Of course! Now that everyone is focused on the virus! DOJ turns over full Mueller report to judge ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Maybe that is a good time...people are at home and can put their full attention on it! Lol
Now we know where the supplies went, I wondered why Trump was accusing others, that usually shows ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Hopefully the Country can pull together in spite of our lunatic leader and save many many people! This is a prime example of what is possible if this LUNATIC is left in place to lead American 4 more years! There will be no way to FIX all that this lunatic trump can break! HE is creating HELL for Americans! He and his Evangelical nut jobs!
And the foreseen contagion just started: []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I read that earlier this am...where is Falwell’s arrest? I hope there is a ‘class action’ put on his stupid ass!
Can he stoop any lower?
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Neither have I...not even in the history books, have I read of a lunatic of this magnitude! Trump kills people with ‘slight of hand,’ unlike Hitler who literally gassed people out in the open! Evil vs Evil...execution is the only difference!
Trump-loving megachurch pastor faces charges for packing church with hundreds despite COVID-19 ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Good thing the authorities took note! Now, let’s see how well the congregation fairs! The Health Dept I believe it was in Oregon...has found a choir that held practice with ‘social distancing’ and found that about 2/3 have Covid-19. Now it is believed that the virus can be carried in the air. More study is to be done to see.
Pelosi Blames Trump For US Deaths And Hints At Investigation []
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I am all for bringing the lunatic up on charges! I guess, it will do one useful thing...keep trump’s ignorance and lack of human compassion in the spotlight! But, he will stand there like a statue and nothing will bring him to the realization (nor justice for America) that he is one useless human being!
Trump has only been governor of a failed business empire and a game show and he criticizes state ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
You should have him as your leader! One day hoping he dies, we even have a powerful virus to day, hoping he is sent to day, maybe he will fall and break his leg...finally curl up in a ball, and work on saving what’s left of my sanity!
Trump administration bragging that the US has done 685000 covid-19 tests.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
...not to mention, people may need a second test! China has found corona virus in 4 recovered patients that they are tracking. To early to know if it can transmit to others in this stage!
Donald Trump Just Accused Healthcare Workers Stealing And Selling Face Masks
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Trump has no experience in a hospital setting! Further, all he to hear someone ponder where so many masks are going and off he goes into ‘never-never land!’ No man has ever exposed his lack of intelligence, so this lunatic trump!
The mark of the beast
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Producing the truth
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Once a person has been transported to an altered state of consciousness, you can convince anyone that HE/SHE doesn’t have to worry about such matters...god is doing all that! In fantasy land, reality takes a back seat!
Look up in the air.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
This man is representing the other side of’s heartless soul!
If you want to keep something concealed from your enemy, do not disclose it to your friend.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
“Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Yes. I do believe that!
"Let’s understand that each of our experiences will differ greatly, and be equally as valid.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
So very true. I wish I could believe in the last thought...but I see no ‘healing’ taking place around me. It seems the depth of the hurts are no where near ‘bottoming out!’ If this is bad, what will the bottom look like? Having trump always coming into my private space from some angle, all day every day was wearing before we faced a pandemic...but having his heartless leadership, as people are scared and dying is changing how I believe in the future. Things will not improve until this very, very heartless man, gets out of the way! I am changing and not for the better!
Trump says, "Keeping the death tole to one hundred thousand would be a very good job.
Freedompath comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Trump does not see people...he only sees that which his minions wistfully paying him homage! The man’s sickness has no bottom!
Trump Now Bragging About TV Ratings for Coronavirus Briefings President Trump took to Twitter ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Wow! Trump has gathered his flock in so social distancing needed for ‘the god’, standing there!
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others . - Robert Louis Stevenson
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
No, our fears and our courage are different sides of the same coin. I understand about not scaring people...but I believe in telling the truth.
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
What a sad reality...and trump would relish the whole thing!
Even the Wildlife are grousing about Trump ...[]
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I can’t blame them! Life is standing on a land mine, just now!
True asshole
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
...where would he get those words from...they are not stored in his vocabulary and he takes no instructions, so where tell me...would he find them?
“We sometimes talk as if ‘original research’ were a peculiar prerogative of scientists or at ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I have to go along with that argument. Ofcourse fakers are always on to!
A company in Texas wants to dock paychecks for those receiving stimulus checks
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
MONEY over people! This cononavirus is no where near contained and already ‘the squeeze’ has started! This Country want end up in just a recession...the social order will be in tatters!
Trump Boasts of Coronavirus TV Ratings as Fauci Warns: 200,000 People Could Die in U.
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Trump must be the ‘anti-Christ’ that was foretold! What happens to him now! I can’t remember what the ending is supposed to be? I hope it happens soon!
Nice to know where his priorities lie. absolute...crapweasel.
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Holy shit! We are in a life or death crisis and our president is allocating time and energy on his ‘adoration!’ This is is way beyond the ‘pale!’ May he die sooner than later, before America becomes the most degenerate people on Mother Earth!
Have I mentioned recently how disgusting this man is? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I am aghast at the number of people who cannot/or will not what lengths of depravity this Administration will go!!! This is beyond...’not normal!’
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
What a great idea! Thanks!
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I think we must first give into that idea, for it to work!
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I would drag myself to be at such a trial...trump stood in from of his rallies and told those people that the virus was all a hoax, drummed up by the Democrats! A trial bringing d trump up for ‘crimes against humanity’ would be the greatest gift to me and this Country!
Yet we still consider rich, white guys to be the best candidate for the position of POTUS.
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
We should have learned our lesson on this one! It can’t get any clearer!
Never Again!!!!!
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Not if you know what is in your best interest!
Hi ALL, Been away, lots to do in my real life community, plus family issues in the states were ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Welcome back...stay safe and well!
Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro charged in drug trafficking inquiry
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Why at this time? All of the people on board with this Administration can’t even focus on what are life and death matters...they are always distracting us from their inability to lead this Country...insanity has no rational action for us to stake our hopes on!
Have I mentioned recently how disgusting this man is? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
How cruel! Such a notice when people everywhere are hurting! But, when you follow the trail, there are other dirty hands behind the scenes, scheming with trump! Trump is beyond the cruelest, ignorant human ever!
Worker threw exception | [] | Cloudflare
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Racketeers...the whole clan! America with it’s mob boss and family! Trump has surely gotten his greatest be seen 24/7, in/on all media outlets...preening in all his glory! Only as it turns out, it wasn’t ‘warts’ that were so disgusting about was the man himself! The ‘decay’ pours out night and day, infects other people and kills! And, the family ‘slime’ keeps dragging up from the rear!
"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." - H. L. Mencken
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Jealousy I would say!
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
That is so true, with the GOP!
How is everyone holding up in the "Coronavirus crisis"?
Freedompath comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I loved the stay at home message! That should get thru very thick skulls! It is scary...but don’t give in to a panic state! We are bound to have up and down days, but taking on fear as a friend, will surely be our downfall! I am alone but I am fine with it, I have lots to do and much beauty all around me. It would be a major disaster if the virus landed here. (So far only one person 50 miles away and they recovered with several other people in quarantine.) My neighbors and I are very supportive of one another but out of 6 of them and me, there is about a 95% chance that should we be exposed to the virus...4 of us could die! My neighbors are old with underlying issues and I am 80 and good health! But the age might be my downfall. So I take this very serious. I spend no time being angry at this situation, if this should be my last days I want to be present in everyone of them. I feel sad...sad that we must be very vigilant, as our very life could depend on it! And, I feel sad for all the losses of people who also wanted to keep living! I have no time for anger, (except when I stub my big toe, or break a plate), we must be here now! It is not done and we must stay strong for whatever could lie ahead! Be well and stay strong. 🤗
“If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third...
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
That did clear it all up! I had read most of that information way back. But, this brought it in clearer.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I love that girl, but she is from ‘them hills,’ so I guess we should consider where she came from and is still there! She does have a big heart, a few years ago when a tornado came through pigeon forge, she gave every resident 1000 dollars. She doesn’t seem ‘stuck’ in her religion though!
to cheer you up, a pictur eof trump in a coffin. Now don't you feel better already?
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Now, I do agree on that ‘lead by example!’ But, I can’t believe in trump’s demise until I see it with my own eyes!
just no cure for stupid.......and it votes
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
She could be a relative! Lol
He's at it again.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
By the time all these loans ‘shake out,’ trump will be long gone!
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Who else are people going to look too at this time? After all trump is on TVs 24/7, everybody sees him, some of us already have had enough of his ‘empty headedness,’ and we can’t see any improvement...the flickers of decency want bring us to his side! After all we really want him dismissed to his chambers! I do not need him!
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY - KATHY PERRY A good song, a song about heartbreak.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Pretty sad, cannot block the tear!
Ok we've already got the pestilence, and now the midwest is expecting some very severe weather.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
So sorry about that! For a couple of days we had 55mph gust here in the desert, and it is distressing! But, I know tornadoes are so much worse! I hope they all stay in the sky where they of luck and be well!
As bad as C-19 is, and getting worse.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Well, we do see how fragmented the early response was. Then we discovered, that agencies that would be in charge of planning for such a disaster were non-existent or ill prepared! It does appear that these people (Administration), weren’t concerned about our healthcare future. They just seem to be barreling into the tomorrow’s ...with the prosperity gospel!! That is certainly the mindset of the advisors that I have observed! And all these family members without expertise except ‘showboating,’ has hindered getting this Country in order to address real needs! I have nothing good to say about them, we have grown-ups and children all caged up, like wild animals! Now, we have people all over the country dying! Which an advanced RICH country should be doing better than this! And if that want distress a person...our president is working at his desk signing an order that sends money to override some of the hardship...but he is treating it like this is Christmas and he is celebrating gift giving...this while people are dying! Too little, too late for me!
Fear not America, you are not alone in the world, Brazil also has an imbecile in denial as president...
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
How grievous is this world situation! We will need to keep ourselves from falling by the wayside, trying to worry about the world that we can do nothing about, at least for me. Stay strong, the need will not end anytime soon and we may be expected to do much more than we ever expected we would. I am trying to protect myself and the people around me, that’s it for me now!
A couple months ago, my friend’s son becomes homeless.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I am so sad for you. Worrying about your health, the welfare of others and where you will have a place to live, is like living a kind of nightmare! Since you cannot do much at the moment, try to chill! You will get the stimulus check which could help you find another place to live. I know that want be enough, but do you have other resources? I am not sure how I can be of help, as I am not clear who all these people are too you. I can see how you would be concerned about the 18 yr old, but you are limited yourself. You can hardly be expected to take on another person. If there is more that I can help talk you through, please ask. You need some in-person to get some ‘live’ support from. There is nothing that you can much do right now, so don’t put yourself at further risk. Keep posting and maybe you can come up with a good enough solution! I care.
So Trump wants his horrid signature on all financial aid checks sent by the government to Americans ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Trump is for sure the ‘utter shit,’ but, I fear the money is being printed as we speak and the taxpayers who will most likely bare the brunt of this disaster (we are already in deep doo,doo debt) have yet to be born! When the total collapse will come to rest on their shoulders!
Criminals be criminals. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Trump is so criminal...he can’t even do the right thing before millions of people that he is supposed to be leader of! I bet he hides snakes in his closet...just to show that he can!
"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one." - A.J. Liebling
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
How true!
Something is wrong with this picture
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
We are just lucky that our lunatic president...didn’t require, ‘that we pull ourselves up by our boot straps and get a job!’ Maybe he is saving that for the next ‘go round?’
"If you are not already dead, forgive.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Good sense advice! We don’t need angry energy hanging around after your death, trying to force us to comply with your ‘dead’ demands!
Latest graph of Spain's Covid-19 deaths by date.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
😢. A helpless feeling!
Quid Pro Covid
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
That could not be a truer depiction of our ‘dipstick’ president! 🤯 NO brains!
Down here in Pensacola it seems nothing has really changed, oh except for take out only.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
This is what the lack of any long range planning will get ya!!!! Sure we should live ‘in’ the moment, but the future should be planned and worked toward! We haven’t the slightest ideas with what natural disasters lie ahead...nor even a manmade one! It is the daily flow of money that has taken precedence over planning for a future! Making a life that has the best chance of surviving these ‘unknowns,’ is not promoted! It is done with a ‘side glance,’ as we ‘fill up our pot of gold!’ What good was it, when the ‘gold’ shrunk because it turned out to be mostly numbers, and not a real life sustaining substance? And, we can’t go back and retrieve any of the imaginary ‘gold,’ OR plan better!!
trump's approach to the pandemic....
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
And another. Isn't this treasonous? []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I heard him say that myself...something terribly wrong with this man, who is now insisting that his signature appear on each and every assistance check! He simply cannot focus on the lives and hardships of Docs and Nurses, that are being pushed to the brink! I hope with everything that I am made of...that THEY are not watching or reading anything this lunatic is putting out!
Dump really does follow the Nazi playbook. When is this nightmare going to end???
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I hope in the very near few months...unless the virus has to stay in the game?
There are so many this morning. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Holy far will this man push to live in infamy? 🤬🤬🤬 He need not worry, History will not overlook this lunatic!
Just broke off an 11 year friendship (with a self proclaimed Christian of course) over this.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Maybe you are an ‘empath?’ I would have to do some digging to find the information, but it can be found on YouTube. You could have this personality trait. I lost names of other sources for the ‘empath,’ except this one. VITALMIND.COM.AU There are many others found on YouTube. Sorry for your breakup...they are never easy. But, as you get your footing you will be a stronger, person. Best of luck!🤗
Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On (LIVE in Dortmund) HD []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Wow! Reminds me how I loved music in my young days! Still sounds good just no jumping or jiving! Lol
Rio Bravo - Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson & Walter Brennan []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
That was delightful...reminded me so much of simpler times.
Rhonda Vincent and the Rage- Kentucky Borderline []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Loved it...wished I was there!
New Evidence Indicates Intelligence Is Not Contagious ... []
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
And the intellgent man was M-U-C-H shorter than the man who needed a ‘hand up!’ Funny how that worked out!
Another one bites the dust.
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Wonder what was behind that? She must have ticked off the management in some other way! The lives of real people are not much valued on Fox!
UK’s Brexit Government Now Claims It Didn’t See EU Ventilator E-Mail After initially ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Very funny indeed! But, it looks like the virus is getting closer to a local target...wonder if he already has a ventilator stashed under his bed? With his Bible and Hitler’s book?
Someone needs to reassure Sean Hannity ...[]
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
I feel like I am living in an insane asylum, by mistake! None of these trump idiots, fit my idea of ‘normal life’ relating! In fact, most of the time it appears that some specific game plan is being drawn up and played out...they are ‘fooling’ us on purpose! Because, the ‘real world’ may have some defects...but this is pure insanity gone amok!
Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
An open letter to Barack Obama and George :::shudder::: Bush ... []
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
This made me realize that trump (to my knowledge) has never had a similar gathering in the WH! It is just things with/for his Bible THUMPERS! A general audience is not in his ‘little picture’ nor his ‘big picture!’ Half of our Country has been isolated from this Administration...we got just a lot of bitter words and put downs by our president! But, everything is going great with trump and his elk...things have never been so ‘beautiful’ and well done! What the hell...they never cared about anyone other than ‘their own kind!’ Now, that the Country (world really), is falling apart...’trump and his elk’...think it is time to come together to ‘fight the invisible enemy!’ ‘To hell with trump and his elks,’ we are here and we intend to to stay alive and we will help the suffering..,
More mandolin music I really admire John Paul Jones! Led Zeppelin Going to California ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Sweet! Sweet!
An open letter to Barack Obama and George :::shudder::: Bush ... []
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
On crazy piece of shit. [] []
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Trump is a ‘dead beat’ president! He is simply evil and if we all continue to try and keep in step with this lunatic...I am not so sure that we are going to come out unscathed ourselves!
31 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus - The Washington Post
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Trump will continue to see the world through ‘Rose colored’ glasses! That is not going to change! He seems oblivious to the magnitude of the virus situation! It is sad and anger provoking all at once! Other than send us money...this man has nothing of value to add to our death and dying situation! I am going to stay clear of his pronouncements of what a great job he is doing...’better than anyone has ever done’...I don’t care to hear that repeated aug-nauseous!
Joe Rogan: Joe Biden ‘Can Barely Remember What He’s Talking About,’ Donald Trump Would ‘Eat ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
It is looking scary...maybe he will bow out? Surely his handlers will have some common sense. I see the dementia!
Has it occured to anyone who else how much Trump is like the Christian god'?
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
I see it pretty much the same! We are in deep shit!
Sometimes, in order to appreciate who we each are, who we know, what we know, and how we know it,...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Here are people who have never studied their own families, friends and neighbors! They have used the entrainment side of the media and news as to what is taking place around them and in their greater society!
Trump is just the tip of the iceberg, these people will throw everyone under the bus if it means ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Believe what you are witnessing...not the ‘gaslighting’ words being spewed out!’
This is so true.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Let them go to work...if they want too! They are rich enough to have a hazmat suit to work in! The selfish rich idiots! I intend to stay put and keep right on living...
It is a mistake to speak of a bad choice in love, since, as soon as a choice exists, it can only be ...
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
I must be loosing it...this one is not ‘coming in!’
There can be humor in this whole thing [] Trump vs God PPV this Easter
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Actually it is getting harder and harder to laugh about even the lunatic...people are dying and there is no end in sight! The health workers in NY must be heartbroken and exhausted!
"Not a single one of the cells that compose you knows who you are, or cares." - Daniel Dennett
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
But, it carries only my DNA! Maybe it does know me?
Something we should all remember in these times of crises.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
The sooner ‘one’ realizes this, the better off they will be!
My brother just wrote me from Taiwan.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Sounds good to me! Health is a human right, not a choice as has been stated!
“I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally”.................W.C. Fields.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
At least we know where he stands...I will do social distancing!
IF you are expecting a messiah from the medical community, Good Luck.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
It appears to me that if you are have lumped way too many ‘things’ together here! In every walk of life there are the ‘takers and the givers!’ It is our responsibility to stand up for what is a right cause and get a balance! It is always a balancing act! I have had good and bad doctoring...good and bad nursing care! But, that does not mean that the whole system is broken! And keep in mind...there are no perfect people! Mistakes are made by accident...some on purpose! It is the corrections that matters!
Karma hits fast and hard
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Don’t ridicule Mother Nature! She has her ways!
"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
That’s a good one!
Crazed Pastor at W.H.! []
Freedompath comments on Mar 27, 2020:
How sick can this Administration get? These WH Bible studies are like promoting insanity! My guess is that a big portion of the ‘religious’ do not believe like this! Trump is being propped up by an insane group of people! My deepest hope is that they have had their EXPOSURE in the world and can take their places back at the fringes of our society...come November! This is pure lunaticing!
Fuck you trump! everyone save this commercial and load it as much as you can around the net.
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
I hope it plays to all the corners of this Country indefinitely!!
What goes around. []
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
They are using their good senses! Respect that!
Here's the voice of Donald J. Trump transformed (resurrected?
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
He is a ‘good’ trump! Trump in person is a ‘bad’ trump!
woohoo! Yaaay! U.
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
We knew right from the ‘git-go’ that number ‘one’ thing...was going to blow...we just never envisioned this disaster!
"And another one bites the dust!" Too bad he'd already reproduced: []
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Must have not been a ‘true believe,’ that is the usual word going around in those circles! Then I think it works the same with all people!
"Now, wouldn't it be loverly?
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Die already...we have a pandemic to work on...valuable people are being lost!
Trump's Coronavirus Calendar []
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
The other disease that is poisoning more people is the trump disease! And, I wish never to make light of the corona virus! But, trump is a death of life, liberty and truth! Without him, the pandemic could have been corralled at the very onset (we have a CDC to identify dangerous virus), and gone straight away to get the virus isolated and people warned! Instead our lunatic was preaching that it was a hoax! If trump can’t die, he could certainly resign! Trump, needs to resign!
Worker threw exception | [] | Cloudflare
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Republicans are unstoppable when it comes to forcing their greedy agendas! They are like a raging child in a china get what they want, they will destroy the whole damn thing, rather than give in!
No greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his re-election | Richard Wolffe | Opinion...
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Oh how the truth hurts! A clearer picture cannot be painted on what we face, with this pandemic and despotic trump! I think one of those ‘flash bombs’ (that has done enormous harm to innocent people), should be loaded with virus and thrown into the quarters, where the catalyst for the worst poison is located!
Spread the word, not the virus.
Freedompath comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Now that is a shocking REALITY! I am not interested in attending one of those services!


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