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Trump and Giuliani pressed Ukraine for dirt on Biden and son
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
These people are crooks! Their whole lives have been lived to gain the ‘upper hand’ of whatever person they are relating to! Now, they have taken the American people on their world wide scheme of lawlessness and it is bound to fail...only question that remains is when?
Impeachment, resignation, treason, federal charges — reaction to the stunning Trump-Ukraine news ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
...I am hopeful something ‘sticks’ to this criminal that we have trying to lead this Country into oblivion! Trump has tried to stack the ‘fake’ cards to his favor with his every move! This is getting old! Trump should have been GONE, a long time back! This ‘swamp’ has completely turned to ‘filth!’
I posted in politics the following and It was not published, I'll try here and see! I asked how ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
There is a big question! Why did Japan take a stand for Iran? Reporting it was not Iran! What if trump is in with the Saudi Prince...he refused to denounce the murder of the Saudi Journalist! And trump keeps pushing Iran, as the UAE, keeps reporting that Iran was in compliance all along! No, this does not pass the smell test! Maybe our ‘whistle blower,’ was reporting something about this very thing! This is getting more dangerous than we can envision in American! Trump has no ‘breakes’...he is barreling toward destruction...taking all the American people with him! Maybe other people, too?
This is true..
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
That is evident in the way they have ‘sucked’ all the ethics and morals out of their party! Now it is just a ‘murdering game!’
Ain't it the truth?
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
And that is it...trump hangs with murders, while he doesn’t get his hands ‘dirty,’ he relishes in the idea, of the murdering talent of his friends!
Laurence Tribe On Trump's Desperate Legal Filing And Whistleblower []
Freedompath comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Reinforced what we already know...trump is a criminal and has put in place other criminals to support him! This must come to an end!
National Security Advisor!
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Scary to think about!
Whistleblower: Rep.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I sure hope Congress faces the fact, that the citizens of this Country need to know if they have been put in deliberate danger!
“Ice Cold”: Trump Distances Himself From Netanyahu After Election [vanityfair.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
...but not Putin! I believe Putin has an impenetrable facade and trump has made it his mission to ‘get in!’ He sticks to Putin like glue...but ofcourse, after he gained a ‘gotcha’ on Putin... Putin, would go the way of all the people who cross trump’s path and forget to ‘pump him up!’ This is something like...trump could ‘lay bare’ the strongest man of all! The ultimate in trump’s play book! Trump doesn’t have sense enough to know that Putin, is the one ‘holding the death cards!’ These kind of persons living on the edge have always been a big part of trump’s associates! Just a thought!
tRump has no taste; the proof is that he loves himself so much.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
The man will never be more than what he is at this very moment! I know poor people with more ‘class,’ than trump! How trump got ‘here’ still mystifying! I thought people stayed away from the ‘con-people’...but I see that ain’t so!
Trying to shake the MoscowMitch nickname before the election, Mitch?
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Works for me! I’m keeping it!
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I am speechless! Human dignity is loosing out big time...are we becoming a ‘lawless’ Country? We have a person with few morals, making judgements that are supposed to reflect our Constitution...if this can’t be straightened out according to our laws, we are doomed as a nation!
Churchill, "In war, truth is precious.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I do hope that a few ‘steady minds’ are in the mist of this ‘criminal enterprise’ that we call our present governing administration. But, my stomach feels the pangs of ‘real fear’ ...and there is no comfort in that!
Here is a bit of nostalgia.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Loved loved the Righteous Brothers!
I have mixed feelings about bluegrass, but this music video is sublime []
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
This was fun, fun...I like bluegrass mostly, because I love the banjo and the fiddle. But the ornate distracts me...I like my music in its most natural presentation. I think I have become all realist now. I wonder how I would have reacted to this presentation in my youth?
Every damn day gives us another example of Trump corruption, crime, insanity, greed, and racism.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I hope with glee..,that this billboard exists someplace!
Need i add to the obvious?
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
If he isn’t... then evil doesn’t exist!
Whistleblower forced to come forward because intel officials consider Trump a ‘security risk’: ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I am reading about well as a desperate effort to keep it all under wraps! I hope It blows trump completely to his next dimension!
Got a point there
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
What if that is a fact?
A further step in the marginalization and dehumanization of the poor is to declare them "pollution.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
It is so sick to know how low Americans have fallen...I can only hope there are ample numbers of us left to repair the train wreck!
I just read an article about how evangelicals are doing a wonderful job of creating atheists.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
May it grow into a powerful movement!
Why do the press keep interviewing Trump about current affairs?
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019: is so trying! Reporting now is to the ‘dumbed down’ Americans! Intelligent information, is not entertaining enough for them!
Breaking news!!!!!
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Two of a kind...they are on the same page, with their narcissism!
I have a thought.
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I have a friend who has great difficulty saying anything negative! Other friends and I joke about the sky might be falling, and this person would say something in ‘glowing terms’ about it...that would not fit the situation. He seems afraid to say anything negative! Since trump came to power...he has somewhat broken out of this habit, but even that took some time. Some people just cannot embrace the good and the bad...maybe they aren’t really sure which is which?
Uh-oh, it's alleged that: Trump's communications with foreign leader are part of whistleblower ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I heard that...let’s hope they push this to the limit and get the rest of the story!
Migrant mothers and children sue over Trumps asylum ban. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019: the Country what a dreadful human being trump is!
A dangerous game is being played out in the middle east as I write.
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Some very greedy, self-centered people are playing a game...a very deadly one!
For the second day in a row, the New York Fed injected billions of dollars into the market ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Yes and I can’t see how propping up the Government is a long term solution. Trump has no long term plans, except being re-elected, as many times as possible. We are in so much may not show up right away, but it will come...hopefully when people who use their heads for something besides a hat rack, has the power!
Here's Andy
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Ha ha ha ...true words!
Did you read that they are reducing the of pork inspectors?
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Oh great pig...don’t spoil my bacon, it is my favorite meat!
I was feeling really depressed today.
Freedompath comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Every little bit of ‘the good life’ helps with the bad part that has come to haunt our every waking moment and many of our dreams! Today, when 3 helicopters went over, a handyman I had here, looked up and said ‘I wish trump was in one of those copters and it goes down!’ Yes, we are tired!
Happy and sad.
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
What a heart break...if they have no place!
Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
This has been my fear all along. I cannot believe in ‘free rides,’ ‘free love,’ ‘free lives!’ Janis Joplin said it so well...’freedom is just another word for nothing else to loose!’ I learned early on, that the ‘prices’ for certain things, was higher than I was willing to pay!
Ahead of his time.
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
A great reminder! I do hope everyone takes our planet seriously, before it is damaged beyond our repair!
Check this idiot out! I don't even know what to say
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Holy cow! He appears to have found the ‘holy grail!’ How pitiful! This clown does not know there is no ‘holy grail!’
The Trump Remix
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Hate is not a strong enough word, for what I feel for trump!
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
These people must not see a real human being, They are looking for their own reflection and react in fear. The worst part is they do not try to understand what it means to be born different or come from some other country and culture!
Shit for Brains
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019: so many ways! I just read where trump want to charge 1000.00, to process an asylum seekers request! Poor people should be run through the ringer and fleeced! Evil evil...traitor to the ninth degree!
Why am I not surprised about Trump's obsession with Kim Jong Un? []
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I think that Un knows how to stroke trump...that makes him feel really special! And, at the same time trump wants to break into Un’s head, to see how he does what he does! Un’s cherry facade hides his real grip on power over people...ever notice how his smile is bigger than most, could it be he uses it to keep people at bay? Disarm them?
A Mother’s Reckoning; author Sue Klebold | WITF
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I feel for her...the same with Jeffrey Dommer’s parents. Every criminal has a mother and father at some point! And all of them can’t be the reason that a person (their child) went off the ‘deep end!’ It would be a hard thing to live with for the remainder of a life...I know I feel guilty everyday for the things that I see in one of my children, that I feel that I helped create...that is not conducive to theirs or anyone else’s wellbeing! I can’t imagine what it would be like to be the parents of murders and rapist or robbers.
How can Trump continually defy the laws of this nation, the mandates of Congress and the decisions ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I keep that quote in my is too good to loose sight of! I think I see the house of evil, starting to be dismantled...even though it is only one brick at a time! At least they aren’t just flying off ‘half cocked’ like the way this Administration has been operating! We are in a hurry...but it needs to be done purposefully! We want to clear out the whole structure!
I will never understand why it's so acceptable to be horrible.
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Yes, I can relate! Just as I tried to get to sleep last night, something came to mind, where I was abused! Then that seem to ‘hook’ my mind onto other instances where I was mistreated! I would agree, I try never to insult or cause harm to others! I know the marks it leaves! It does seem to me that in my youth and at times as an adult, my vulnerability was spat upon...on purpose! Not to correct me for an error...but to hurt me because I showed weakness.
Holocaust survivor confronts trumps ICE director
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
The man put it clearly...’history is not on your side!’
Does anyone here have any experience with the relatively new drug Rexulti?
Freedompath comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I have no experience with that drug...but I can tell a difference with Lexapro in a short time...(my depression comes and goes). At the moment I am depression free and not taking anything. Best of luck.
If the wild incompetence and racism of the Trump administration makes you feel nostalgia for George ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
It is a quagmire...any way you slice it! There must be more ‘upright’ (not perfect) people in this Country! I wish they would step out of the shadows and save our Country. We would have their backs! ...would grateful ‘have their backs!’
Trump's words of warning: "I always find a way to win." Take him seriously |
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
He doesn’t win...criminal behavior never makes for a winner! He does however ‘muddy the waters,’ so that the less attuned person can’t be sure what happened!
New revelations about Russian spying raise question of just how deep into Russia Moscow Mitch is ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Most of the Republicans are Russia’s clowns!
I've been seeing this in various places today and even by Trump & evangelical standards I find it ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Wow! ‘Bat shit crazy’ what I think! Trump’s cult has to be desperate or totally ignorant!
Something I dealt with very recently.
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
How I remember how that works!!
Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence ,then, is not an act, but a habit"
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
...seems limiting taken at face value. I think we need all the words with this quote. I remember Aristotle as being wise...but not this quote!
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Yes! These connections just keep cropping up...these people lived in a reality of their own making! And, now they hold great power...but are inept! They hold together because of their anti-moral behaviors, they themselves were in a ‘clan!’
Too true. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I guess, all the people not in trump’s cult, needs to take to the streets...with signs!
Hahahahaha! 🤣🤣🤣
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Trump has no shame...he just needs to say things! You what his ‘cult is thinking!’
It looks like Trumps world of lies and deceit is now imploding, not before time.
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019: ‘they’ sit examining the ‘facts’... again!!! If the people don’t demand some action...the status quo, apparently will be the nature of things! We just may be ‘half awake!’ Inertia, inertia...
Kellyanne Conway suggests Trump is better because he doesn’t “study” situations before making ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Trump and his minions are choosing to govern by ‘the seat of their pants!’ This is why people with ‘good sense,’ are scared silly! These people don’t have good worldly experience to base any of their decisions on...they are just using good old fashioned, ‘throw it up on the wall, if it worked, if not it was other people’s fault!’ In the everyday world, we call this ‘haphazard!’ This jeopardizes, people, places and things! But, this clan is clueless! I have found no one in this Administration equal to the position that they hold...but they have enough narcissism between them, to burn this Country down...with the help of their ‘cult!’
I belong to a group for folks with ongoing medical concerns on FB - they have some of the best memes...
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
That is spot on!
Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Rethuglicans have corrupted nearly every branch of government! 😡 Dems ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Sooner or later, the dam will break and all hell will will spill over...i hope it is sooner than later, as I want to be a witness to the two of these traitors with their fall from grace!
The peanut gallery weighs in
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Oh! Trump thinks his ‘shit’ doesn’t stink!
I just watched the Netflix series "Unbelievable" - what a horror story.
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I read about that was unbelievable! We have all types of people working in the justice system, and some of them should find another profession, because they ruin people’s lives and ‘get off on it!’ I am appalled, and in today’s world, we seem to have high number of people who I would consider ‘twisted up,’ and they have jobs in the broad justice system!
Trump says energy-efficient light bulbs make him look orange - CNNPolitics
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Maybe he is color blind? The newer bulbs were clearer! Trump could do us all a favor by staying in the dark!
Old saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B.S"
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
That might work for a nano-second, being ‘shit on’ once, can be helpful afterwards!
Stalin, "When one person dies, it's a tragedy. When millions die, it's a statistic"
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Sounds like ‘cord wood’ to me!
True an pisses me off
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
...a ‘real man,’ who speaks with a forked tongue!
It’s scary to listen to why Trumplodytes like him: []
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Wow! Last person summed it up...’what we are doing right now, is not working!’ But, I have never seen evidence that putting a lunatic in charge, will get us anything other than a ‘dumpster fire!’
Politics have no relation to morals. - Niccolo Machiavelli
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I see that now...but I once thought it has something to do with ‘serving the people.’ How can you ‘serve the people,’ without morels? I feel angry when I am ripped of, physically or mentally!
Two Traitors!
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
How perfect is this! Now, this needs to ‘get around!’
There are some guns i definitely support the right to own and use
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
...not to mention a few more tasks piled up and they had to be tackled eventually too.
With a good therapist who I've connected with, absolutely.
Freedompath comments on Sep 15, 2019:
So true!
Thought id inject a bit of history to keep you all on the learning curve.
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
This current ‘First Lady’ (with her son), is in name only! She can walk in stilettos and she likes coats for her messages...other than that, she lacks real personhood!
Josh Geltzer on what happens if Trump won’t concede in 2020. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I wonder how trump’s heart is holding up?
Old saying from diplomacy, "If you don't know where you're going, be careful, because you may not ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Sometimes we just have to ‘wing it!’
This is funnier than what I first wanted to post []
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Just great! Old man sharpie!
Company Turns Avocado Pit Waste Into Biodegradable Straws and Cutlery
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Great idea!
Fairly apropos I think. []
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Trump has been much creativity over one single man’s image!!!
Let’s play another round of compare the quotes
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
The modern man smart on evil...even a genius at it, one could say! Einstein, was a real genius and left the world in a better place with his genius!
Lying Donald strikes again!
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019: guess, from observation, trump would do more..,MUCH more just for ‘attention!’ It is his life ‘blood!’
Just one comparison out of many more out there, just what kind of fucked up bat shit crazy shit ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I wonder how far this will deteriorate, before the American people snap and demand an accounting...with force?
Corruption is everywhere! 😡 Schiff accuses top intel official of illegally withholding 'urgent' ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
The same as the Intel used for Muller’s not being able to be accessed! This is criminal intend and wide spread and the American people are supposed to accept this as how politics and our government works. We will never accept this, as anything more than what it is...criminal intent to deceive the American people!
Who is America's enemy?
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
No truer words would fit better for this moment in time! Just when you think people are better educated, better informed...we regress 100s of years! This may be a perfect example how the ‘ill intentioned’ citizens get the upper hand and have everyone confused and overwhelmed at what is going on and how to stop the spread of evil...even as it multiplies like ‘wild fires!’
I've not been on Agnostic much this week.
Freedompath comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Glad to hear that your problem isn’t too serious (by your account), and that you got what was needed to get you back where you want to be. My assessment is, that we are in ‘information overload!’ And that includes another factor, where people seem to have lost faith in the workings of our healthcare system (and other organizations)...that ever effort is being done, to get the very best possible outcome, and be alert and immediately correct mishaps, if and when they occur! People in general seem more scattered to me. Maybe this is due to aging...maybe people are expected to perform far more than is possible as a human? Get your ‘mojo’ back up to speed and thanks for the update! 🤗
More obstructions from DOJ.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I do hope there is activity in progress that is not known to the public...on getting this government working better than it has been over the last 2/half yrs! Barr, I hope will be indicted along with trump and they get what is coming to them! But, my mind wonders on what the ‘hell’ to do with that powerful Evangelical moneybags network that is partly running this show! I feel it in my bones! They have great power...and for some unknown reason (other than their religion), they intend to stay right there until they are dragged out kicking and screaming! This has to be just another type of insanity? I have watched these people in action for years...and ever-so-often, a secret gets out on their operations...but for the most part they work in total secret. But with great influence! Makes no sense...they should be exposed so that our government can serve all the people, not just ‘them’ who want to force their ‘way’ on the remainder of the population...and under a religious ideology! Never, never over my dead body!
You have to wonder at the people who loathed Obama and now love Trump ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Hahahahahahaha..,trump needs a new line...this one is wearing thinner and thinner! I wonder why he hasn’t gotten sick of it...hearing it repeated over and over and over...
[] I would say yes, a liar, but even worse, a trump spineless cocksucker!
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
This drama wouldn’t make a B rated movie! These ‘limelight’ people have allowed the spotlight to scorch their brains!
This has got to be fake.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
This ‘man’ really did get off a ‘turnip truck!’ There is simply no other answer! And I surmise, that his advisers jumped off at the same time! Too coincidental that they all have with the same frame of mind! Even nature produces more variety!
Baltimore protesters erect giant Trump rat balloon, street sign honoring Obama during president’s ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I saw that, trump avoided that area...ofcourse he would! Lol ...he knows, he just can’t face the ‘real’ truth of what the majority think about him! He would dry up like a prune, if he lost his cult! I had a thought on these GOP retreats, as they seem to have a lot of them! They must get their ideas harmonized, and that way they never need an original idea, they just repeat, repeat...words to deflect! In the past I would get so angry when I wrote my congressman and he answered with the same ‘talking points’ in his letter, that I had heard on the news! The current Republicans simply cannot think through hard issues ...they seem never to be that calm and studious! But, they do have plenty of thoughts and prayers!
To paraphrase Walt Whitman, "Do I contradict myself, very well, I contradict myself, I am large--I ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
If nothing in us is ‘important’...that would mean ‘nothing’’ is important! My mind is not abstract enough today to get my mind around that notion.
This should be written in the constitution and add.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Everyone with an ounce of reasoning ability, sees clearly what acute narcissism observing trump! In fact when narcissist is googled...trump in all ‘his glory’ should appear! Yes, add it to the Constitution...should future generations need to expel another one!
The new issues & Alibis magazine is out at; []
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
That is the way it most people watching try and keep their good sense intact!
This resonates with me today.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Great advice! But, it takes knowing about who we really are, and defining ourselves before anyone else has the chance! Practice, practice!
I'm troubled when I hear people say that we need to "respect" people's religious beliefs.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I like the word tolerate...I never feel comfortable saying that I respect someone’s beliefs. I think of respect as being earned...a religious belief is not something that one earns!
The 50 Shades of Grey novels are terrible and overrated.
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I was never enticed by the hype...have never read one of the books, nor seen the movie. But, I am a non-fiction reader to start. Thanks for making me even more glad that I never wasted my time on them!
Indiana T-Shirt Drama Hits Home BY SARAH HENRY • SEPTEMBER 2019 “When you’re accustomed to...
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Wisdom is hard to come by as of late! Unless, I just don’t remember my young years correctly. The things that some people are subjected too, today...could be made better with common sense, but this is from my very old self...surely I must be wiser now?
I've always been fascinated by Christians who say they believe in heaven, then scramble in a panic ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
The thought of pain, may come into play with what you suggest. After death, I hear people say he/she is now with ‘so-in-so!’ ‘They are all together!’ Once I moved out of that way of thinking, about a ‘heaven with streets paved with gold,’ it seems so strange to hear someone say that people are ‘in heaven together!’ However, I do not remember ever believing that I would be in heaven with people that I knew. It was all about the ‘pearly gates and streets paved of gold!’
Freedompath comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I did not know that a woman originally invented monopoly. But, a man reaped the rewards! Strange how things sometimes work out!
Anyone think emailing Mitch McConnell and calling him Moscow Mitch and a shill for the NRA was going...
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2019:
...if you get right down to it, he is a terrorist, using his political power for evil!
The Great Green Wall Is the Type of Utopian Project That Could Save the Planet
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2019:
In my opinion it will be the common man that saves the planet at least helps it keep on ‘breathing!’ It want be the elites, they have some kind of disconnect to the earth itself! They may have the ‘money bags’...but theirs is a superficial life as they will be the people living and loving close to the earth, that will be it’s best advocate!
Elizabeth Warren Couldn’t Have Asked for a Better Campaign Ad Than This CNBC Segment ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2019:
She states forcefully what others hint at!
How about them Retrumpicans
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2019:
That is so-o perfect!
Someone quoted this to me today, though who said it first he did not know.
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2019:
That tugs at my heart strings! If only...


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