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We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Classic idea, give it a go and see how it works out, maybe giving the REAL trouble-makers a 3 warning minimum and then handing out a PERMANENT Expulsion could be useful also.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Storm1752 ...all good until, ‘tell them to kick rocks.’ that is not constructive criticism and is actually a put down! Anytime we put each other down...we are dismissing the other person! Wouldn’t it be better to say up-front...I am at a loss here, and rang-out, discussing this, I need to come back to this/that another time? That preserves the dignity of both parties?!
If this has been posted here today then I missed it.
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I don't think he's fundamentally capable of telling the truth, he just can't do it. His biggest problem: to continuously always top himself he has to reach for bigger and bigger lies. His followers don't care, and you're right, a lot of them actually believe his horseshit.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@zeuser true...if it should ever happen...the first words from him would be, ‘I don’t know this person, I never told him to do ‘this or that thing!’
My cousin's daughter is graduating college in May.
Tomfoolery33 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Find a plausible sickness you can have.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Think about that...that is not really the truth! So next time and time after that...just pretend to be ill? We each have a right and obligation to live our truth, without having to justify it everytime someone asks something of us that we clearly are not interested in. That doesn’t mean that others should throw in the towel...but sometimes we are not that interested in everything that another person is doing ...and we may truely love them! We can still be happy for them, right where we are!
If this has been posted here today then I missed it.
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I don't think he's fundamentally capable of telling the truth, he just can't do it. His biggest problem: to continuously always top himself he has to reach for bigger and bigger lies. His followers don't care, and you're right, a lot of them actually believe his horseshit.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Apparently trump will do ANYTHING, short of murder himself, to hold his ‘clan,’ together! Sic, sic, sic
Trump’s sleazy reelection campaign is stealing millions of his donors’ dollars for his — and ...
EMC2 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Yes this is true however his trumpets just do not care. NOT at all. They follow a lie, believe in a lie and lie about it.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
I read that trump is up to 10,000 lies to date!
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Freedompath comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I think it could work...but it seems to me that the answer to ‘how are you feeling?’ needs more than a few words...unless people answer ‘just fine,’ which would end most conversations. I can’t see how people will open up and reveal their deeper nature, by asking them ‘how are you ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Henrygreen27 to most people it is a routine greeting...and they keep on going! That’s the point...keep having to think hard to a minimum.
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Classic idea, give it a go and see how it works out, maybe giving the REAL trouble-makers a 3 warning minimum and then handing out a PERMANENT Expulsion could be useful also.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@FrayedBear I know...but they ARE part of the fabric of life, wheather we like it or not. We can limit our exposure, as interacting with them, does take the wind out of our sails...but how will they ever be more pliable, if they are not exposed to rational thought process (I think that is what we, ‘others’ think that we are doing). 🤪
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Anniemae comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Much ado about nothing......
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Robecology I agree...but coming from my experience, when someone says...’keep your comments to yourself,’ tells me, I don’t value anything that you could offer. You see, there is no where one person can go, when the other one makes that statement. It says...’don’t even speak...whatever you might say will be dead to me!’ It shows no value whatever for the person themselves. Because...who are we, but all the things that we say, mostly! None of us are...just one of our opinions, we have many opinions and OTHER things that make up all that we are. Our ‘value’ as a person, wants to be heard. If someone says...I can’t understand that point of view,’ then there is room for elaboration...and the person has no reason or need to defend his whole nature (or in his mind...all of his opinions at that moment)...which we already know at a deeper level is impossible! This would be like physically pushing a person into a corner...with no escape...this ‘keep your comments to yourself,’ is a kind of psychological ‘corner’. It just seems to me that we must show ‘value’ for the person first...then debate his opinions and assumptions. NOT slap him in the face, with our off-hand comment...then express dismay when that other person is not forth-coming and may even perceive our ‘put-down,’ comment as an assault.
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Bobsuruncle comments on Apr 28, 2019:
You are correct. You can post anything and it turns into a lefty know it all bash fest. Spewing the same old redundant crap over, and over, and the ones that are proud they are "free thinkers". Just repeating what they are told. I profess to be a free thinker and don't watch T.V. at ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
@Bobsuruncle I don’t have a tv, and so do not watch CNN, except occasional excerpts on you-tube. I am a member of that group and do not push my ‘free thinker’ position...but I do strive to get my facts straight. That is because I read several news agencies giving details on the same thing. And I see that you painted all of us with the same broad strokes. But, I am trying to figure out why you would want to be there, in the first place, since it is not your thing. There are several groups that I do not have the slightest interest in and I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole...if something want fit me, I want go there.
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
LadyAlyxandrea comments on Apr 28, 2019:
There are things I can rationally discuss and communicate with and even compromise with. Education, economics, gun laws, healthcare... But there are things I cannot and will not tolerate or even humor. And in my book, voting for someone who locks children in cages and bans people from the ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
I have to agree here...
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Triphid comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Classic idea, give it a go and see how it works out, maybe giving the REAL trouble-makers a 3 warning minimum and then handing out a PERMANENT Expulsion could be useful also.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Don’t you think that soon we would be all be just alike? After we rejected all those...not to our liking? Isn’t that kinda what people are doing now?
We're on a road to destruction if we don't make changes.
Anniemae comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Much ado about nothing......
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
...’the get human,’ part is too fuzzy to me! Looks like all we see on this site is some kind of a human trait! Seems to me it is more a ‘clan,’ problem?
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
Kafirah comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Letting someone know they are truly loved before they go is one of the greatest gifts anyone can bestow. I am very glad you got to give her that gift. You will come to treasure it as much as she did. I am very sorry for your loss and you have my deepest condolences.
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Thank you.
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
RavenCT comments on Apr 29, 2019:
I'm sorry for your loss but glad you had her in your life. 💜
Freedompath replies on Apr 29, 2019:
Thank you.
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
Robecology comments on Apr 28, 2019:
This might be a small thing to consider...but do remember the good times...She'd prefer that you would...
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Funny thing, it was all good times...and she was a devout Latter Day Saint! Once when I was exasperated over a big mistake on someone’s part, that caused me grief and in telling the story I accidentally said a cuss word and she cautioned me about using cuss words in front of her (it was either hell or damn), and I said to her, ‘then grandma (we all called her grandma) you shouldn’t use cuss words, because they want work for you.’ She laughed. The bomb shell came when I had to reveal that ‘I did not believe in a man made god!’ Then she tried to defend the God, that she believed in and I had to tell her...that they are all man made gods! I expected her to try and justify her position, but she just dropped it like maybe there was something else. We never discussed it again!
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
Davekp comments on Apr 28, 2019:
It's good you were there.
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
germangirl90439 comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I am so sorry for your loss.
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Thank you.
Today, my 96 yr old neighbor died.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I am so sorry for your loss.
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2019:
Thank you.
[] The White House sacrifices war rape victims on the altar of abortion.
CommonHuman comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Oh, that is appalling! How do they even consider themselves human?
Freedompath replies on Apr 28, 2019:
It’s the ‘others’ that are on the wrong path, they are just making things right, in their own minds ofcourse, since others objections don’t matter!
I found this to be both funny and kinda accurate
Freedompath comments on Apr 26, 2019:
Ha ha ha..,so true! But then one day...the heavens open and we see the light...
Freedompath replies on Apr 27, 2019:
@actofdog thanks for your support.
Funny that he couldn't remember shit in response to Mueller's written questions and was too ...
St-Sinner comments on Apr 25, 2019:
They all do it to stay out of legal trouble. Nixon, Clinton and now Trump. What answers he gave to Muller is not important. What voters and legislators must do now is the real question.Legal is one thing, public perception is another.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2019:
@Tiramisu I am standing in small as it may seem, not making history! The ocean is made up of drops of water... not just appeared as one big tanker full!
Can we get, derangeddonald trending...permanently???
silverotter11 comments on Apr 26, 2019:
Makes me almost want to get a smart phone and join twitter.
Freedompath replies on Apr 26, 2019:
I have one and don’t do Twitter...I cannot spatter myself all over creation...for reinventing!
Who arrests people who disobey congressional subpoenas?
Freedompath comments on Apr 25, 2019:
I hope our laws are still intact...everything else seems to be disintegrating right before our eyes.
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@Krysia22 looks the same to me!
So what the hell are we paying her for?
chalupacabre comments on Apr 25, 2019:
I'd have my kid ask if she lives in a house in the woods, that's made out of candy, where she eats small children. Or maybe, "What's the difference between you repeating a 'slip of the tongue's and insisting on a bold-face fucking lie?" What would you like the kids to ask?
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@jerry99 if there was one, she would qualify! She may be creating a kind of hell for herself as we write!
"One of my ex-wives died.
Freedompath comments on Apr 25, 2019:
That is sad...he apparently had little value for any of his wives!
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@GuyKeith never heard of it...but does not put Cleese in a good light!
This photo says a lot of about a father's efforts but the child will see only mother's face and her ...
bookofmorons comments on Apr 25, 2019:
all too often dads get the rap
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
I doubt if anyone gets off scott free...ask your 50-60 yr old kids!
Funny that he couldn't remember shit in response to Mueller's written questions and was too ...
St-Sinner comments on Apr 25, 2019:
They all do it to stay out of legal trouble. Nixon, Clinton and now Trump. What answers he gave to Muller is not important. What voters and legislators must do now is the real question.Legal is one thing, public perception is another.
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@Tiramisu the GOP, may have won, just as you say...then in addition to that they rigged the districts and the courts for years to come...(back in my area in Ga. even if a democrat ran, he would never win, hell, sometimes you were moved out of one district to another, unknowingly) they have no intention of giving anyone else a seat at the table, no matter how well the Dems play ‘the game.’ It is a life or death struggle to them! I have not immersed myself deeply in any group, but I do pay deep close attention...starting at my local level! And I can assure you, the GOP Evangelicals, which is what most Republicans are...don’t want us and will never give up their power, unless, by some unforeseen probable tragedy! We are ‘not like them,’ and they want it that way! I know these people, the majority are from small towns and all they know is what their religion has INSTILLED in them! That is their only social life, except for their tv! They are not interested in learning other ways! And...their religion want work...without those ‘lost souls, out there!’ (Per most Sunday morning sermons!) And they are not going to let that go...they are ‘willing to die for their faith,’ which they have merged into politics! Personally I do not know any Democrats that fight that dirty! It will never be alright with me and the Dems that I know...the dirty way that the GOP... politics! And, do not forget the Dems (Clinton) won the popular vote! The GOP, as it stands today will never accept the other side...I have not seen that in my life time, and if I had another one this long...I wouldn’t see it! You are free to ‘see,’ what you can...
Funny that he couldn't remember shit in response to Mueller's written questions and was too ...
St-Sinner comments on Apr 25, 2019:
They all do it to stay out of legal trouble. Nixon, Clinton and now Trump. What answers he gave to Muller is not important. What voters and legislators must do now is the real question.Legal is one thing, public perception is another.
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@Tiramisu ...I would prefer anyone that was just a ‘meddler,’ to an out an out criminal...with years of evidence to show his criminal attributes. There is no perfect person, therefore no perfect leader...but a diseased character...cannot be trusted! I wonder how we would stack up, if compared?
Funny that he couldn't remember shit in response to Mueller's written questions and was too ...
St-Sinner comments on Apr 25, 2019:
They all do it to stay out of legal trouble. Nixon, Clinton and now Trump. What answers he gave to Muller is not important. What voters and legislators must do now is the real question.Legal is one thing, public perception is another.
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
At least Clinton wasn’t a career criminal! Maybe not even Nixon, but trump is in a category all his criminal!
Interesting experience at my therapist's today.
Freedompath comments on Apr 9, 2019:
I have worked on the same thing, off and on many times. It seems to take as long as it takes to clear the memories of their emotional hold. At least that has been my experience. It was reported that even the cells in our bodies holds memories.
Freedompath replies on Apr 25, 2019:
@HankSherman I have had a little experience with Scientology back in 70s. But, that is not where I got my info about ‘cells having memories.’ To my knowledge memories are never erased, maybe quieted down, as in the shock treatments that was sister received at 19, but her memories returned, maybe not as pronounced. The emotional impact of a memory can be lessened, when brought out and re-examined in a different time and state of mind. Some things are not even stored into our memory bank.
Rant: Trump is a cancer on American society.
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Punished and REMOVED. Maybe he'd like to be the first person sent to Mars?
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
Anywhere out of sight, would work for me!
wordywalt comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Another loony bin pronouncement. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in the matter.
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
This looney, doesn’t care...he has the power in the palm of his hand, but my thinking is..,his demise may be as enormous as his enormous demented ego!
Summer72 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
After all of the things that he has said, I really would enjoy watching the house of cards finally fall! It is hilarious that he thinks that the Supreme Court would help him. He is so damn delusional!
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
...’SO-O damn delusional!’
Why Is It Difficult to Get Christians to Care About the Earth? | Sojourners
Freedompath comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I wish that was all it was, but I think it is much deeper than that. First the Bible is the ‘word of god.’ and so much of the Bible can even be interpreted in different ways. Anything outside scripture does not measure what that Bible says! Then these religions people will fall back ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
@snytiger6 it just gets sadder, the deeper we go!
Do scientific and religious explanations necessarily contradict each other?
Freedompath comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I believe that Science and Religion are like 2 games played in different ball parks!
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
I am too tired from physical projects, to think that hard....I just looked at the two big pictures in my mind and that was the bottom line...personally, they are different things...they support different aspects of human beings trying to make sense of their worlds!
oh thank goodness there is a group on here that's anti-trump.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
Welcome!! We're a great group of people who love bashing the damn Donaldo. We don't have many rules, just play nice and bash Donnie. We do see trolls once in a while and they are removed as soon as we can block them. I'm the group owner, and we have a co moderator. I check in every day as I am able ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 just maybe, it is beginning to sink-in.. how MUCH, HE is HATED! I sure hope so!!! He deserves every ounce of it!!!
Stephen Miller has reportedly taken 'unprecedented steps' to reveal immigrants' personal information...
RobertNappi2 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
This piece of shit has a white robe and hood in his closet!!!
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
Why was trump not able to pick people that would not be hated so much? Where are those ‘best people?’ His people are worse than the dregs of society!
Rant: Trump is a cancer on American society.
Gypsy494 comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I waiver as well. Because the senate will not stand up to him and do the right thing. But Then I think if all the facts are out would the tide turn and his base hear the facts instead the nonsense he tells them . Only then would the Senate do it if they see their support drop.
Freedompath replies on Apr 24, 2019:
At least all of them can’t be out to lunch?
After a month or so of feeling a lot better, I'm getting depressed more frequently again (although I...
AlasBabylon comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I agree with you both; I need to do a better job of taking care of myself. I believe I have trouble with keeping focused on things I need to do -- it seems that way to me, when I reflect on my own behavior and mental processes.
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
I go through spells, where when I lie down to go to sleep, I will start going over what I need to get done...and this can start to take on a life of it’s own...then I get up and write until I get as much as possible out, and nailed down. Then I will be sleepy and can go to sleep, same thing when I wake in the night, I get up and write until I get sleepy again. It seems to save my sanity.
I see where it says Write Post but I can't paste anything
desertastronomer comments on Apr 23, 2019:
DragonForce - Cry Thunder
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
Pretty enjoyable...but I had to wonder how they crash after such a performance! I guess I forgot what youth was like!
Hello everyone! I'm a recovering ex-cult member and joined this site in an effort to learn more ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 23, 2019:
What you described is a lot...first, my heart goes out to you! I would suggest that you keep your life as simple as possible. If you keep the small things managed, that will help maintain confidence when you must tackle the bigger ones. At least as you adjust to your new life without the ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@OutreDragon when your patience has warn thin...and after you may need to scream...have a talk with yourself, as you would any good friend (maybe even a stranger) be kind and supportive and remind yourself that you still have a life to live! And LIVE it! An aching heart does not indicate your life is a failure...
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun I can’t find a way, using the information that you presented...! Why are you still trying to get ‘one up?’
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun I am sorry, I cannot understand this ‘double speak’...and I do not speak FOR others and I am not able to understand your position! What it seems to me is are attempting to solve the ‘worlds problems,’ and the focus here was on abortion, about which you have never had one! Right off the bat... you are taking both sides...second... you didn’t approve of the ‘group think,’ and finally, the individuals themselves were the problem! ....Sir find your own level...i ain’t it!
Missouri Bill Banning Anonymity of Atheist Plaintiffs in Lawsuits Passes House ...
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Welcome to the Middle east states of the U.S. To me this is like the slavery issue in that it will pit states against one another reason against insanity.
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@JackPedigo yes!
Donald Trump will make a three day official state visit to the UK in June, Buckingham Palace ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Jokes aside, I read somewhere that is he banned from parliament.
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
As he should! Why give this con-man more platform, to soil!
Missouri Bill Banning Anonymity of Atheist Plaintiffs in Lawsuits Passes House ...
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Welcome to the Middle east states of the U.S. To me this is like the slavery issue in that it will pit states against one another reason against insanity.
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
It has to be the way that some people think who need to feel they have some say and control, in our society. They also do not understand that much thought goes into making any life or death decisions, for each person... not withstanding the very young. Then it should be a calibration.
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
abyers1970 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I can understand a woman being frightened and worried about how she is going to take care of a child and make a painful decision to abort the baby because she thinks she has no other alternatives and really feel bad about doing it. However, I don't understand these women who are proud of having an ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@abyers1970 that is not flaunting abortion...a person with a sign has taken a stand and is supporting others who have the same need! A women should have dominion over her own body, period! And, until a man has been pregnant, he should stay in his lane!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun I did have one thought on why I am not connecting in ‘your ball park’ are coming from a position of authority...without the your response I expect some Scientific data, along with all your certainty. So I am left feeling empty from something that should be most important!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun sorry you are making no sense to are trying to straddle the fence so you don’t need to take sides. And you can stay there, but as a women all my life and studied men and their operating skills or still cannot speak for a woman or women...the same as I would not try and speak for a man, other than for the same human emotions that we each have. Just my two cents here, but you speak like a person that has read a lot about the abortion issues, but have little if any personal experience that you can bring to the table. I believe that is the reason I cannot connect to your train of thought...some key element is missing for me. I am no expert but I have lots of personal experience about female issues and abortion. People tell me their stories...and I educate myself on all human issues, ‘cause that is just what I have always done. I just know for certain...there are NOT extremes on both sides. I myself have never been extreme in any way, I take each incident individually and find out all the details that I can...even when other people have passed on by, I will still be taking in everything around me! That does not make be better or smarter, but I assure you, I will see things that others missed! And I believe something is missing from your response to me. What I do not know?
Trump's New Enemy: Survivors of Sexual Violence
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Fortunately for you and me, both our senators are women who do care very much about this issue. How low do we have to go to finally get the legislative branch to start impeachment proceedings. The republicans were sure quick enough to impeach Clinton for his affair. I think the Mueller report ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@JackPedigo that is because we are leaving, lol
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun on my ‘personal grandstand,’ what does that mean? You are on your personal grandstand here...why is mine ‘less,’ in the big picture, than yours?
Trump's New Enemy: Survivors of Sexual Violence
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Fortunately for you and me, both our senators are women who do care very much about this issue. How low do we have to go to finally get the legislative branch to start impeachment proceedings. The republicans were sure quick enough to impeach Clinton for his affair. I think the Mueller report ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@JackPedigo it can be very complex, trying to put all the pieces that make people who we are, together. We may never find all the answers! We sure need enough of them to function, though.
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun I re-read the post, and I must report that in my mind I mixed this post in with the UN resolution on Violence against women, that I had just read. But I will say, in my 79 yrs, the extremist are on the anti- abortion side...blowing up clinics and killing doctors! I call that extreme, ON ONE SIDE!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
abyers1970 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I can understand a woman being frightened and worried about how she is going to take care of a child and make a painful decision to abort the baby because she thinks she has no other alternatives and really feel bad about doing it. However, I don't understand these women who are proud of having an ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
I am 79 yrs old and never in my life time, have I heard one woman flaunt having an abortion. On the contrary, they did not want to discuss it much. Now, I am a woman’s, woman...they sure have reported being raped in many numbers!
Trump's New Enemy: Survivors of Sexual Violence
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Fortunately for you and me, both our senators are women who do care very much about this issue. How low do we have to go to finally get the legislative branch to start impeachment proceedings. The republicans were sure quick enough to impeach Clinton for his affair. I think the Mueller report ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@JackPedigo the old saying goes, ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink!’ People have lost the knowledge of what might be good for them! They read and memorize scripture and let the ‘good old time,’ preacher educate them. Thinking independently is just too much work for some people, it seems!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun you should be a woman...I think as a man you may have a blind spot where we are concerned.
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@Silver1wun you had too much intellectual jargon for me too follow....we are addressing ‘rape of women,’ here...violence bestowed upon her because of her vagina! Sure all humans should be treated with dignity, at least respect for being human. specific, and sure it can happen to men, and that too deserves the same attention!
Trump's New Enemy: Survivors of Sexual Violence
JackPedigo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Fortunately for you and me, both our senators are women who do care very much about this issue. How low do we have to go to finally get the legislative branch to start impeachment proceedings. The republicans were sure quick enough to impeach Clinton for his affair. I think the Mueller report ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
Insanity is the same for the old days and for now...the difference now, is that Science should override ignorance and still the insane can’t keep up!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2019:
The two 'sides' of this issue are both extremist and disingenuous. Over the last 50 years of close observation, they've both grown to be even more strident and ideologically rigid. How could one expect otherwise when the very names they use limit the scope of understanding , if not down right ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
I must disagree on ‘both sides...extremist,’...being a rape victim myself, in a supposedly civilized society, which cannot be compared to rape in war...which goes beyond my comprehension! ALL, need comprehensive mental and physical attention...denigrating a woman at the core of her nature, is no simply thing!
Trump's New Enemy: Survivors of Sexual Violence
jerry99 comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Totally outrageous! "The U.S. is reportedly threatening to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution aimed at preventing the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war and terrorism. The issue at hand? The proposal includes promises to provide reproductive and sexual health ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
The US has lost it’s ability to know what is health and what is a plain disgrace! They choose...disgrace, because the religious right have the ‘power,’ the thing they have worked for...for as long as I have been alive...and be damned with the rest of humanity!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I wish you could spend a day working with me at Planned Parenthood. You'd be stunned at the stories I hear.
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
Only the people who care, will listen...the rest (religious zealots) are ‘stove up in god!’ It has been drummed into them...’it goes against god’s will,’ they care little about the person, who is pregnant!
"I am Pro-Life, but I am Pro-Humanity too.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Planned Parenthood I believe in. "Abortion clinics" not so much. These 2 are not the same and the right of a woman to have control over her own body is a must. When you make statements that women are using abortion as birth control you go down the rabbit hole of religion. It's plain and simple and ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
The religious element, must have been promoting that idea, because that is what one of my daughters tried to sell to me! I had never heard that in all of my years in religion. The far-right, don’t have a problem bending the truth, in order for things to go their way!
Sneaky little fuck! []
Freedompath comments on Apr 23, 2019:
He would deny his own name, if it brought him more glory!
Freedompath replies on Apr 23, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow He is even dumber than we can imagine or he does know that he lies. He must twist the truth, because he needs to go in the opposite direction, so that he can keep control. He goes in the opposite direction when it would be in his best interest to stay with the flow. What a brain!
Catholic Church assures billionaires that none of their Notre Dame donations will go to poor - The ...
J75243 comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Guys, In case you didn't get it: This is satire.
Freedompath replies on Apr 22, 2019:
We kinda did...but on the other hand, isn’t this their kind of behaving in the real world?
I hate that I'm the type of person who gets super motivated by getting points & moving up levels, so...
Freedompath comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Who knew getting points and moving up to new levels, could be addicting? But, the content gets hold of you too, and off you go, keeping up with nothing on a daily basis! Just keeping up with phantom friends! Because, I keep abreast of the news, elsewhere!
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@Flowers28, @jeron good luck, what we need is to know what is worthwhile and what is static storing in our brains! Lol
oh thank goodness there is a group on here that's anti-trump.
Freedompath comments on Apr 20, 2019:
You should be fine in this no one in this group can handle d. trump...except to point out that he may have missed the mark, when it comes to human attributes! But, it appears from his point of view he was born WITH the golden goose! But, the people in this group will never let trump get ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 I know that you aren’t, but you are putting more faith than I can, in the ‘powers that be!’ Lol
What despicable people these are.
Freedompath comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Isn’t that interesting indeed! I sometimes, think about the Civil War, here in the US and how the South had so many religions people and little else, because there was no public education. Families were against families...and they died by the thousands. I only know about the South’s religious ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@brentan ha ha ha...this brought to mind people in the Appalachian area...they were skinny like a fence post and dirt poor! Most were sharecroppers with barely enough food to live. I should have written about the area as I saw it...I do not romanticize stuff! Like things I read in the past! I guess they would be trying to preserve some pride of the people, but if so it did not work from my point of view.
What despicable people these are.
DiThor comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Whether it is religiously motivated or not will seem irrelevant when the truth comes out...which is pure hatred committed in the name of their god. But the buttom line is pure hate.
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
...hate of the ‘other.’
What despicable people these are.
Charlene comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Senseless killing for Senseless beliefs..
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
...they have always been ‘willing to die for their beliefs!’ And, that can be found today!
What despicable people these are.
Freedompath comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Isn’t that interesting indeed! I sometimes, think about the Civil War, here in the US and how the South had so many religions people and little else, because there was no public education. Families were against families...and they died by the thousands. I only know about the South’s religious ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 the southern states also wanted to secede from the Union. U S historians would remember experience is with mostly the Appalachian area, and all they had intellectually was that good ‘old time religion.’ And this would be mostly taught with self-appointed preachers, and then there were the camp-meetings where people came to hear a preacher! My grandfather preacher was that kind of preacher and they believed in a literal interruption of the Bible, (and he would not be too far from the Civil War). For the war... they had god on their side...which seems to be true, for all sides!
oh thank goodness there is a group on here that's anti-trump.
Freedompath comments on Apr 20, 2019:
You should be fine in this no one in this group can handle d. trump...except to point out that he may have missed the mark, when it comes to human attributes! But, it appears from his point of view he was born WITH the golden goose! But, the people in this group will never let trump get ...
Freedompath replies on Apr 21, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 there is such a thing as ‘making threats,’ the where-with-all, comes later. ‘Just kidding,’ may not hold up, if you are made an example of!
"Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no ...
TCorCM comments on Apr 20, 2019:
It's a shame most of our living politicians don't speak in such a manner. For just saying that quote, and reading the constitution gives off an irradiation of intellectual beauty.
Freedompath replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Logicforme I have studied point was only, that people want to make a leader their savior and there is no such thing! We all must save ourselves. And we must work together to do that!
oh thank goodness there is a group on here that's anti-trump.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Apr 20, 2019:
I rarely point out things this group gets **wrong** about Trump and finding a pro-Trump reply is rare. Welcome aboard.
Freedompath replies on Apr 20, 2019: on!!!
Do you feel mentally exhausted by analysis of Robert Mueller's Report?
EdEarl comments on Apr 20, 2019:
I've listened to only a couple Muller Report news stories. I've formed my own opinion, and think Muller believes Trump is guilty, but was sly in the way he wrote the report.
Freedompath replies on Apr 20, 2019:
He left it up to Congress to do the charging. But, Schiff, said they would never have had the means to investigate trump to this they will proceed from here! Good news!
"Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no ...
TCorCM comments on Apr 20, 2019:
It's a shame most of our living politicians don't speak in such a manner. For just saying that quote, and reading the constitution gives off an irradiation of intellectual beauty.
Freedompath replies on Apr 20, 2019:
@Logicforme let’s not forget as intelligent as he was he was a slave owner and impregnated one of his slaves! We must not make a politician our savior, maybe?
I had a creepy FB page today saying "It was my sin that nailed him there" and it had a photo of some...
Jolanta comments on Apr 19, 2019:
I wonder if those same people who believe in this nonsense also believe that it was Kavanaughs sin and Trumps.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
They are exempt...they were sent by god! Lol
I had a creepy FB page today saying "It was my sin that nailed him there" and it had a photo of some...
Wangobango3 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Anyone who posted that to me would receive a severe response.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@mojo5501 ouch!🤪
I had a creepy FB page today saying "It was my sin that nailed him there" and it had a photo of some...
MissKathleen comments on Apr 19, 2019:
I’ve had gooder Fridays...but hope yours is grand.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
2CELLOS preforms an adequate, pleasing, and wonderfully impressive cover of Thunderstruck.
Freedompath comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Somehow I find that hard to believe, but if it is true just like it showed, then that was incredible to me! 😆
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@TCorCM they more than ‘played’ them, they beat them up! Lol I almost expected the pieces to fly off into the air!
What wouldn't Trump be prepared to do if it meant one upping Hillary?
altschmerz comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Is that real? A rare instance of him being witty.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
Don’t hold your breath...that would be a first here in his old age...forget it!
2CELLOS preforms an adequate, pleasing, and wonderfully impressive cover of Thunderstruck.
AmmaRE007 comments on Apr 19, 2019:
beautiful I love the cello
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
Me too!
I don't know about you but I find it an atrocity and sickening that some jack ass turned Day ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I have not seen that info on ‘day dreaming.’ I wonder if that could be confused with obsessive thinking. I think I day dream a lot, but when I need to focus, I can and I keep my affairs in order. Sure I have suffered from depression, which is a mental disorder! But, no therapists ever concerned...
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts good heavens all of us are deficient in something...maybe I live in a ‘dream,’ of my own...but, i believe we can be accepted as our ‘whole person,’ not just because we are all good or all bad! Maybe the (seemingly) bad people would become less bad, if their ‘best,’ was emphasized? And, some of those ‘good,’ people are faking it! They accidentally expose themselves, now and then! Lol
I don't know about you but I find it an atrocity and sickening that some jack ass turned Day ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I have not seen that info on ‘day dreaming.’ I wonder if that could be confused with obsessive thinking. I think I day dream a lot, but when I need to focus, I can and I keep my affairs in order. Sure I have suffered from depression, which is a mental disorder! But, no therapists ever concerned...
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts sounds like good reasoning to me!!!
I don't know about you but I find it an atrocity and sickening that some jack ass turned Day ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I have not seen that info on ‘day dreaming.’ I wonder if that could be confused with obsessive thinking. I think I day dream a lot, but when I need to focus, I can and I keep my affairs in order. Sure I have suffered from depression, which is a mental disorder! But, no therapists ever concerned...
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts I am just putting this out for you to think about ( I do not know this for certain), but, is your ‘daydreaming,’ (under the scenario you described)...your way of not being there? You did not want to have to face something that could be very emotionally painfull? If so..,this is not ‘daydreaming,’ for the sake of it...daydreaming when we are being brought face to face with something that is hard for us to accept, is just plain ‘tripping out,’ (for the lack of a better description). I have never done that with a therapist or a Doc...I will try and take in, what is being said and see if what is being reported is some part of me, if not...then I will need to dismiss it. And I will most likely bring that back to the professional...after I have given the information some CAREFUL thought! It could fit and I need to know that and why! Even, if it hurts!!!
I don't know about you but I find it an atrocity and sickening that some jack ass turned Day ...
Freedompath comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I have not seen that info on ‘day dreaming.’ I wonder if that could be confused with obsessive thinking. I think I day dream a lot, but when I need to focus, I can and I keep my affairs in order. Sure I have suffered from depression, which is a mental disorder! But, no therapists ever concerned...
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts I guess, I have to admit, my abstinent nature, has served me well. (even if I got shot down), if it does not seem to fit me...I want except it, even from someone claiming to be an expert! I know from experience that even experts can be wrong at times! Besides I now...know myself much better than any person on this planet knows I can take most everything with a grain of salt! Look to yourself for the right, that means you MUST examine fearlessly your own blind spots! You never want to ‘fool,’ yourself. Then define yourself! That is what I do...and it goes against the grain often and I pay the price, at least I end up with my truth...not one put upon me. My best!
Is it true or am i dreaming? Is he fucked & fired?!
TheDoubter comments on Apr 19, 2019:
don't gloat yet. it will require spine from politicians to get something done.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
@Emme me too!
Not my choice...but
eagleone comments on Apr 19, 2019:
IT would be so great to have a president that didn't twitter his bowel movements.
Freedompath replies on Apr 19, 2019:
Hahaha...yes, all of his parts are operating too low as it is!
I have a question.
Babyoda comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
I have read the ‘double speak,’ of this demented government report.
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 18, 2019:
In years to come....we WILL laugh at all this!
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@LucyLoohoo not with us in it...😂😂😂
I have read the ‘double speak,’ of this demented government report.
EMC2 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Oh just still watching the coverage, the report truly has orange cakes, No doubt. NO worry now. Pelosi will pick this up, IT IS NOT OVER
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
I hope!
I have read the ‘double speak,’ of this demented government report.
LucyLoohoo comments on Apr 18, 2019:
In years to come....we WILL laugh at all this!
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
I hope you are right..,for me, I think when trump is disposed of...I will also wipe my mind clean, of anything connected to trump! It will be, ‘free at last, thank (the Universe), free at last!’
We need the vomit emoji back! Not gonna lie this made me laugh!
silverotter11 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
We most certainly need the nausea emoji back!!
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@silverotter11 sorry I am on my I-phone, as aggravating as it is, I do have emojis! Lol
It's more than okay.
AncientNight comments on Apr 17, 2019:
For me, some days will be better than others, some will be worse. But, without Lisa, I don't think I'll ever have a "good" day ever again.
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@AncientNight a side note...when I was a teenager, somehow I knew which boys used their car, like it was an extension of who they were and I had no interest in them. But, I was also uncomfortable with guys that had beat-up there you go, double standards! But today, ‘beat-up,’ does not have the same least if the guy is a good and decent human being!
It's more than okay.
AncientNight comments on Apr 17, 2019:
For me, some days will be better than others, some will be worse. But, without Lisa, I don't think I'll ever have a "good" day ever again.
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@AncientNight just keep it real...our things can NEVER convience us that we matter...we need to matter...then we can put ‘things,’ where they belong! Yesterday, my new (to me) Fifth Wheel came and it is much more upgraded than the one I have already. I have decided that I am not building a house as I once planned. Let the next person here build. So now, I will have ‘family and guest quarters,’ so all is good! The newer RV has more insulation which will be easier to heat and cool. So I know how it feels to get some ‘things,’ that add to our life, but it is just that an addition..,nothing more! 😃
Well as expected, Barr gave trump a free pass on just about everything.
Gypsy494 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I could not even watch it ........:( When will this freight train of cover up derail?
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
NOT SOON enough!
It's more than okay.
AncientNight comments on Apr 17, 2019:
For me, some days will be better than others, some will be worse. But, without Lisa, I don't think I'll ever have a "good" day ever again.
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@AncientNight sounds good...just own the bike, don’t be owned by it! After all, it is a ‘thing!’ 😜
It's more than okay.
AncientNight comments on Apr 17, 2019:
For me, some days will be better than others, some will be worse. But, without Lisa, I don't think I'll ever have a "good" day ever again.
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@AncientNight But, one day the ‘where-with-all,’ to make that thing roar will wane...what ‘motor,’ will you rev-up then? And, will it cozy up close to keep you warm on a cold winter night? What words of comfort will it say, to soothe your sometimes lonely aching heart? Will even hearing the ‘roar,’ be worth much when you can’t block out memories of the love you onced touched? Just checking..,
We need the vomit emoji back! Not gonna lie this made me laugh!
silverotter11 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
We most certainly need the nausea emoji back!!
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
Thought this was worth posting.
Matias comments on Apr 17, 2019:
A billion is almost nothing in today's world. Which really important problem can be fixed with 1 billion USD or EUR ?
Freedompath replies on Apr 18, 2019:
@Matias if trump insisted to Sauda Arabia, that money like that was being sent there, it would change things!
Non Essential Government Employee
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 17, 2019:
That's for sure. Let's get rid of his worthless ass in 2020!!!
Freedompath replies on Apr 17, 2019:
@GinaKay now I am confusing myself! Just so we can get the lunatic removed from his perch, but it would be interesting if lightening...i regress!


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