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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. - Carl Sagan
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2019:
I hope that is not 100% of the time?
The right person just needs to say it
Freedompath comments on Jul 10, 2019:
I bet that would get a ‘rise,’ out of trump!
Will Iran be attacked the day Mueller testifies?
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
You can’t rule out anything with this lunatic! I am reading things that indicate that issues with Iran and trump’s...has been going on before the election! It is financial! Other countries are envolved...
I am not sure the authenticity of these documents.
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
They are/were fast friends...trump is reporting that he had a falling out with Epstein...I need more evidence than just words out of trump’s mouth! Ofcourse, if trump turns on will be ‘hell to pay!’ So would trump appoint Epstein’s attorney, Acosta to a post, if he hated Epstein? Which is what happens when there is a ‘falling out’ with trump! There is so much ‘garbage’...being exposed at this time in history, it is hard to keep track! They are all ‘low-life’s!’
I'll second that...
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Yes, no one is without a ‘hand-up’...if we know about a man’s struggles! Or anyone’s!
Trump Administration Officials Scrubbed Climate Change from Press Releases The dire predictions ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
It will be hard in the unforeseeable future, to top calibrators in support of their own greed, and just plain low-life behavior topped off with ‘real,’ criminal activity, Admindtrstion! This will be a beyond belief ‘time frame,’ for the history books!
Growing up thru adolescence in the 90s i was told by my teachers that we get angry over those we ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
We ‘know,’ those people best, they are expected to be our true ally. If they show their unevolved and imperfect would be natural for us to feel some kind of threat...our deep desire is for their protection from the ‘slings and arrows,’ of life! And, one day...they show they are just as vulnerable as now we are angry with them because of their imperfection...’they,’ can hurt us themselves, and how/will they help protect us, if they can’t show courage and truth by their own behavior?
I read today that a young man, Elijah Al-Amin, was killed by a man b/c HE (Elijah) WAS LISTENING TO ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Tragedy! Mental illness, not cared about, so another person paid the ultimate price for what? RIP, Al-Amin...
FWIW, my latest:
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
You know our pain...thank you for caring!!
Anyone else remember this song? So much fun! Frankie Smith "Double Dutch Bus" []
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Never heard this little ‘diddy’ before. Pretty funny, might be a good tune for a play!
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Jared and Ivanka are not thinkers! They perform...fake smile, fake greeting, fake interest in other get the idea!
Trump says US 'will no longer deal with' UK Ambassador after leaked memos Marc Rod Published 3 ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Trump is just a twisted personality...I doubt that the U.K., cares whether or not...that they ever have to see trump again!
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Who ever thought that up...hit the MARK!
Showing my love for nature and our planet here. John Denver. Calypso. []
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Love, love this song! And regret the short time John Denver was here with us on this earth!
Last post time again.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Beautiful voices...sad but true song!
Your move, Big mouth! []
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
You cannot miss...who is a ‘die hard lunatic’ in this country! It’s our PRESIDENT, if there was any doubt?
Here is a test.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It would hurt...but I would save the nation! I just tried to watch an environmental report just now that trump is giving or gave and I kinda become physically ill...having to try and stay informed, by watching lunatic trump! No I will hit the pot holes!
I am feeling pretty down on myself this week.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I know your kind of son and wife were here for the week. I wanted them to cover a lot of territory and have a good time and I knew they would want to include me. But I too have problems from an auto accident years ago, plus now aging problems. So I can only go so far and do so much. I decided that I could do the driving and that way they could look more, plus they are not familiar with this area! So sometimes I could not get out and walk with them, sometimes not...they didn’t seem to mind and I didn’t feel guilty, because I am limited! In your situation... do and go as far as you can and rest, while hubby continues on if he wants. No need to feel guilty on top of your already painful problem! Good luck on the t-shirt, find! But, just remember that the fun time that you store in your memory, will do more for you, than a t-shirt, unless you REALLY need a t-shirt? The thrift store has lots of those discarded t-shirts! Lol
Methinks it says it all
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Sad but true! It is still hard to a despot stole the reigns of power, right in front of our eyes?!?!
I'm not sure what genre of music this is and if someone has previously posted it I apologize for ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Now trump is calling fox news fake news? []
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Ha ha ha ... trump expresses himself like a 5 yr old that never moved out of ‘the terrible twos!’ Relief will come when ‘fake president trump,’ fades into a dust storm, with his criminal buddies!
Good day to all Music Fans.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Big favorite in the past and it has staying power with me!
It can't happen here?
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Gee did you see the news?... []
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
That was broadcast far and wide... and on Fox News, no less! I wonder what his supporters thought about it?
In case you didn't notice, Trump's idiot history speech, he talked about Tripoli but he left the ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2019:
You would think that trump would want to get his information correct. But no, it is all in his ‘great’ presentation of stories that seem to come from real history. Facts are not important...only the presentation! It has always been the ‘superficial’ with trump,
If you are a firefly fan, proceed with caution. The meme tried to kill me with laughter.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
🤣...this could keep going indefinitely! Trump has forced people into a whole new kind of creativity!! There really is an up side to everything, after all!
We can make a difference.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
That makes good sense...but on the other hand we still have the same Religious zealots who use their religion to support their same de-humanizing position...just like with the Native Americans!
22 Bible Verses on Welcoming Immigrants | Sojourners
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Are you kidding...they rarely followed the teachings of Jesus...all they needed was to ‘believe on the name of Jesus Christ and they are saved!’ All that other stuff is just for reading from the pulpit and before bed!
Another bedtime, another post from me.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Most enjoyable!
Sorry about your 4th of July celebrations being marred by the ignoramus Trump, perhaps you should ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
As soon as this ‘orange man,’ bites the dust...we will forget he ever existed, much less ever again bring him up in conversation! I can even envision that Putin may have a gold plated friendship waiting for him, when he moves there!
More than 6,000 migrants who came to the United States to ask for asylum have been sent back to ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I just read in the news, where these immigrants that have been holding up in a few churches around the country have received letters of fines from 250,000 to 350.000! This is an insult to mankind!
You know your party sucks
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Justin Amash says Republicans thanking him privately for his stance.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Ha ha ha...closet moral and ethical people, not willing to expose least they are heaping praise on someone of their party that has put himself before the ‘masses’ with the truth!
Lying Donald's brains...
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Birds of a feather wear the same uniform! Ha ha ha!
Trump's parade is now estimated to have cost 92 mil, not 12.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Let’s face the ‘raw and ugly’ fact...trump is a taker! He takes when and where he wants, with no regard for other persons! He is even using his own daughter... to elevate her without the now she must surely believe that she is the ‘the cats meow,’ and can soon be a world leader...without the least developmental process for such a position! I suspect she will need more than a ‘look!’
Trump's parade is now estimated to have cost 92 mil, not 12.
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Not to mention the National Parks...that is used for the benefit of all people.
I wasn't sure what group to put this in! But I have to say it's about fucking time he got arrested!...
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Yes! Epstein should be in jail, as we post! He robbed the innocence of a lot of young lives!
Might be a job she is qualified for
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
On what? I hope nothing that other people would ride on? An ornament, is not functional, for least not the norm!
Donald Trump ‘inept’ and ‘dysfunctional’, UK ambassador to US says In ‘leaked’ ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
This is what Americans have faced from the beginning...a daily ‘crash and burn’ expectation.
Trump’s Bid to Become Born-Again Fails as Jesus Turns Down Friend Request | The New Yorker
Freedompath comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Ha ha ha...sounds about right!
I know I've posted this before (but don't think I posted this on this group).
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
And the ‘sleeper,’ in the WH...has no compassion for the ‘other!’
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
No I am not amused or fooled for one minute! I am only amused as I try and figure out what my place is in the nightmare is? And what action I can take to shed light on insanity and the de-humanizing of other humans begging for help!
Trump on SNL 2004 []
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
They got the yellow color right! Wonder what else trump has going for him that has turned yellow?
President Washington lived by 110 rules of civility. President Trump does not. - The Washington Post
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
This 110 number would be out of reach on anything much less civility! If trump has one rule on civility...he has only accidentally hit the mark, and it never made a mark on my memory, (nor was it reported)!
Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguillera. - Moves Like Jagger. []
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
After about 40-50, those moves have to be toned down...age just changes people!
Portnoy, Sheehan, MacAlpine, Sherinian - Shy Boy (Live In Tokyo - 2013 []
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I just want to know what the next generation will be able to bring out of a guitar? Wow!
Nature is infinitely more wonderful than any religious concept. - Oliver Sacks
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I agree...I have witnessed such events!
Bee Gees - Voices []
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I have never heard that before...and those are some ‘deep’ lyrics! And ofcourse I love the Bee Gees!
I'm posting this both in honor of the birth of my grandson this week, and because it's a damn good ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Congrats on the new grandson...who one day may be a big guy just like the guys in this band...playing in his band! Sweet!
The true "oranges" of Jefferson Airplane, a little-known historical fact....
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Ha ha ha..,thanks for that ‘little known’ fact!
@DharmaBum50 and I hosted a fantastic Smash the State party on July 4th.
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Now that looked like a fun place to be on the 4th...thanks for bringing us along!
Running on empty
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Ha ha ha ha ...if he had kept a lower profile, we may never have known the true depth of trump’s ignorance and stupidity!
So cHump says he noticed the homelessness started two years ago.
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Trump says lots of things that make no sense...and this was no exception! In his mind they are on a camping trip or learning how to ‘ruff it,’...trump could have benefited from some of this same ‘learning!’ Instead he fell for the ‘fools,’ gold and never recovered!
An opinion from Australia
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
The people who ‘handle,’ trump, will make sure he never sees this meme, but we did...ha ha ha ha ha...the joker really is ‘wild!’
Following the visit of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to the camps in El Paso and Clint, do ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Yes! And has been true for a long while!
Trump critic Justin Amash quits Republican Party []
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Great move!!! And he made it very clear why!
The 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday.
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I have same thoughts and feelings, but we must stay the course...the ‘game’ is not over!
A cake for DJT's party on the mall.
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I did not know that there were so many colors!
Some days I appreciate my thoughts.
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
When our thoughts want attention, thinking takes and see what it needs!
Tumor on the Soul of a Nation
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
That is a powerful vision, especially when mixed with the thought!
Not My Type 2020
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
That is perfect... trump’s own words!
I’m having to deal with a Trump supporter on Quora.
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2019:
They have limitations!
I found the music for Trump's 4th of July political rally. []
Freedompath comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Love it!
The feeling is mutual!
Freedompath comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Trump you should try the liberal angle for a change...might do you good, if that is possible!
If Trump is reelected, the Canadian border is reachable by most!
Freedompath comments on Jul 2, 2019:
But, they can’t take half of the American population!
How do you respond when somebody you have never met in person and only exchanged a sentence or two ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
For starters...I have never thought a person needs to profess his honesty...we need evidence for truth, at least I know I do!
The cartoonist got fired for this. You all can guess who should be fired. :-(
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
This cartoon should be sent around the world! This trump idiot is a disgrace to mankind!
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
ABBA soothes my nature!
Is this what trump kamp will be like?
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I am not up to that this am! That is...
If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Prevention, would be the answer!
The traitor in chief and his master.
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
No ‘truer’ depiction has said it better! Trump the traitor!
Episode 50: Patricia Churchland on Conscience, Morality, and the Brain - YouTube
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Most interesting!
Simple math
Freedompath comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Something is propping up this situation...but something is going to break that force, sooner or later...and that will be one of my best days! These last 2 and half years may seem like they have been going on forever...but there will be an end to this nightmare!
Activists get permit to fly 'Baby Trump' blimp over July 4 'Salute to Trump' celebration | TheHill
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
What a sight for sore eyes, that should be!
Steve Miller Band - The Joker []
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Maybe when I was a ‘teeny bopper?’ This is not on my radar of enjoyment!
Trump Administration Delays Implementation of Anti-LGBTQ “Denial-of-Care” Policy ...
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Is this another ‘bait and switch?’ All I want to know is...what is behind this?
I got my first inkling about Wales when I heard Tom Jones []
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I am a Tom Jones fan...although I was not one of those gals, who threw their panties on stage to him! In fact. I never threw panties at any idol in my whole life! But. Tom was and is a great entertainer!
Donna Lewis.
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Lovely...voice and music!
Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, a meeting of great minds?
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
They need each other!
Sad Reality humour. []
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I got lost on that site...just lots of good stuff to read and I loved the rock painting idea! Thanks for the site!
Kim Jong Un has used anti-aircraft guns, flame throwers, a pool stocked with Piranha to eliminate ...
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Trump has not the foggiest idea, how this should work! This is all some kind of power play...and not for humanity’s sake! It is simply too scary for me to think about! Especially, when I see trump all ‘pumped up,’ like a rooster...
Something nice and relaxing for a Sunday afternoon.
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Beautiful voice and music...just right!
Call me crazy but I think Putin and Xi are behind that stunt.
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
You could be seems that Putin and Xi, have gotten mighty close as of late!
Summer Romance?
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Two clowns...under ‘dress up clothes!’
Story time! There once was a little girl who grew up in religion.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Life has ‘it’s’ way! I thank your lucky stars too!
Orwell’s 1984 no longer reads like fiction. It’s the reality of our times — RT Op-ed
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
I believe there is a limit to free speech! I realize that it is a challenge to figure out the difference in ‘hate speech,’ and clear anger directed at someone over something they may have done or said! A big difference!
Time is the coin of your life.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
That is wise words to keep close to our chests!
"You can judge the moral bearing of a political system, a political institution, a political man by ...
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
That sounds reasonable to me.
Veteran organizations to hand out USS McCain shirts during Trump’s Fourth of July celebration
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
That is celebrating a person with honor...wish that I could be there!
Nothing's Here to Stay - by me [soundcloud.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Very enjoyable!
I like random acts of kindness, and the pay it forward idea that are in this song.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Sweet! I felt that I should be in a rocking chair on a front porch!
US-Taliban talks for peace in Afghanistan: What we know so far | USA News | Al Jazeera
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
These are lunatics that are planning a big ‘bully,’ action on Iran! This will come to no good end! Hopefully, trump will check out the ‘front lines,’ the way good generals do...and he will have a great accident! Where are plane crashes when you need one?
Yet one more fucking holiday ruined by tRump.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
We have a president that is completely un-American and laughing his ass he rolls over all the dead bodies...on his way to the bank!
I use this meme a lot, but it helps me find a way to mentally vent my anger and frustration with the...
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
I know for sure that ‘wishing,’ is not going to help us now!!!
How Donald Trump made a total mockery of Russia's election interference []
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
I was watching as trump did this...but what struck me and woke me up in the middle of the night was...that Putin said, ‘that liberalism is dead in the West!’ He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat and traitor trump is sitting there like he has just won the world over on to his side! This scene was so disturbing...because it appears that it is playing out just as Putin wants...using his idiot trump for bait! This should scare the hell out of everyone!!!
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. - Henry David Thoreau
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Me too!
"I like your book."
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Love, love...we can read it’s thoughts!
I am in love with this woman and we've been seeing each other for 3 years now.
Freedompath comments on Jun 29, 2019:
From my life experiences I see two red flags in this relationship. First are literally thinking that you might need to end YOUR life, if you cannot spent it with this person. Second...this person is not yet living her own life...someone, who must keep ‘quiet,’ about something as serious a their ‘real,’ love relationship is not living by her own rules. Which by the way...should this fall to pieces, she can wasn’t anything that she did and she can put the blame on the other person. Because, she wasn’t all ‘in’ the first place. She is holding back part of herself...why? (Believe what you witness with your own eyes, from the evidence...not a ‘fairy tale’ feeling!) On the subject of ‘ending your own life,’ ...this may only be an indicator that you clearly know... if this does not work out, you will have to face the ‘pain’ of your life! When we are attached to anyone at this level and it doesn’t end up the way we thought and hoped it would...there is pain...pain like we never thought possible! This has been known down through the ages and if ever a person has been in this ‘kind,’ of love, they can verify that it is the very worst place to find yourself! So now, a person must ask this ‘love,’ worth snuffing out my life over? How will this show...that indeed this was ‘real,’ love? Sometimes, we simply want get, what we matter how much screaming went on...before or afterwards! Ofcourse, the ball is in your court! Good luck!
One thing I love about being married is knowing you'll have someone with you until the end.
Freedompath comments on Jun 28, 2019:
May it be lasting and always encircled by love.
"Your ass must be jealous of the shit coming out of your mouth" Unknown, but i fucking LOVE it!!
Freedompath comments on Jun 28, 2019:
I wonder who that depicts? Maybe a Putin and Saudi Prince supporter?


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