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What does your family think of your beliefs?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
My oldest brother is an atheist. My middle brother is an atheist. My father was an atheist. My Mother died being a theist. I’m philosophical about it. Definitions have a tendency to be too finding.
Do you think there's something beyond our intellect ? Let's not assume that is God.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Well since x*x exists then x to the n exists
I'll read nearly anything.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Try Barbara Hambly
Have you ever performed in front of a crowd? If so, what did you do?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
I’m a teacher. I perform in front of crowds daily.
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but to be a atheist is to deny the possibility of there ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Atheism is belief. Agnosticism is suspension of judgement. Atheists typically can’t stand that, just like theists.
Why do people think that the Bible is and has the only source of "truth"? What is truth exactly?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Those that do want it to be because it’s their method. The same can be said for the Koran.
I was just on my Facebook responding to a post on Roy Moore of Alabama-how he molested a 14 year ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Block’em good
Does it really matters to know how the Universe came to existence?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Ultimately it doesn’t. It changes nothing. Existence is without meaning. Accept it and move on to important matters: family, love and the pursuit of truth.
What is your definition of a life worth lived?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Being a good father and raising a little girl I can be proud of.
This man is about to launch himself in his homemade rocket to prove the Earth is flat - The ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
He’s a moron. I read the story. His genetic code will be deleted from the matrix.
What countries have you traveled to?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, France, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Canada
Fear and Friendship Recent maybe a month and a half ago I made a new friend.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
It is what it is. Be yourself. If she wants to be with you, she will.
You die and find out you were wrong, there is a god. What do you say to it/him/her?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
What movies do you find inspirational as an atheist/agnositc?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
The Shawshank Redemption The Notebook Good Will Hunting Dead Poets Society Life Is Beautiful Million Dollar Baby One Flew Over The Coocoos Nest Ghandi Philadelphia Pay It Forward Hatchi Sideways Stand and Deliver As Good As It Gets
Report: Mormon Masturbation Interviews Damage Children
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
I grew up in SLC and I can say unequivocally that Mormonism is the most narrow minded, ridiculous, delusional doctrine ever founded with the exception of Scientology. But it was equally corrupt. Take anything the church says publicly with ten pounds of salt.
Does learning about nature, plants and animals and their lives, seem spiritual to you?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
No. It’s seems wise It’s only wise to learn about the environment you live in.
Should public nudity be legal?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Yes, but I lived in Italy for three years. There are people you don’t want to see nude. It’s all fine and good to see lithe young bodies prancing across the sand, but a three hundred pound bald guy was hat can’t wipe his rear end is something else. I agree that everyone has the right, but I’d rather just not be a part of it.
Why are you a Humanist?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Because I’m human? Really, I don’t believe in good or bad. I believe in potential. Our species has great potential for cruelty and kindness, depravity and illumination. But I’ve seen that when someone is educated and allowed to think openly, they tend to make decisions that display discretion and awareness of possible outcomes. That gives me hope. Education is the key.
If everything has a meaning then why does nothing not have a meaning?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 22, 2017:
That’s really kind of silly. If all things have meaning then why does no-thing not have meaning? It’s meaning is the absence of meaning? What’s the meaning of zero? Why doesn’t it have a sign? If god is all powerful, then he can create anything. If he can create anything, then he can create a rock that he can’t lift. Yet, if he is all powerful, then he can lift anything. So he’s all powerful and not all powerful. Hmmmmm
Don't you think the Roy Moore campaign is getting desperate trying to save their flawed holier than ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 21, 2017:
It definitely seems to be.
What is your raison d'être?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 21, 2017:
My daughter
Hi, I am very much interested in physics and astrolonomy and cosmology.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 21, 2017:
Principia Matyematica-Newton
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I have a problem subjecting myself to the will of others. Including god.
Those of you in the US that celebrate Thanksgiving with religious family, do you all have to do the ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I just don’t. No one seems to care.
In your experience, when discussing religion with a believer, what's the most common thing they say ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
God works in mysterious ways.
There are three things that “Morality” does to corrupt humanity.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
Morality isn’t the corrupter. Morality wedded to divinity is a corrupter.
Is anyone on here to meet new friends and potential dates?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I would, but Texas is very far from you.
Does anybody as an atheist ever feel that we have to fight for our sanity?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I find that true of everybody. Just remember, atheism is a belief. I’ve heard it from both sides. I think the better position is enlightened agnosticism. Just let everyone think what they want and concern yourself with your own opinion.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
I can understand the fear of ending. But I don’t fear it. I fear pain, decrepitude, loss of function, but not death. I just hope I have enough time to ensure my daughter is independent and self supporting.
Suspending Disbelief for Boobs?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
There are a great many pair of great boobs in the world, and you don’t have to give up your sense of integrity to enjoy their presence. I think you made the right choice.
As an atheist, I think Homosexuality should not come into mainstream. What's your take ?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
To sourceofdesire: One of the things about progress is becoming more open to alternative modes of existence. You don’t have to agree, but you need to live and let live.
How do you feel about the word "Heathen"?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
I think your choices are too limited. Calling someone who isn’t Christian, Jewish or Islamic heathen isn’t what they intend or is just simply ignorant. Heathen refers to the people of the heath-common people; the folk. The term has a similar meaning to pagans. So the implication is that they follow a folk religion. If someone calls you heathen, educate them.
do souls truly exists?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
What’s the ontological significance of personality? Does number exist? Do universals exists?
As an atheist, I think Homosexuality should not come into mainstream. What's your take ?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Homosexuality is historically shown in all cultures. It’s even tolerated in most. Accept it, forget it and move on with it. It doesn’t concern anyone but the people practicing it.
Would you date you?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
I’d like to think so. I’m a pretty nice person all things considered. A good catch? I’m reasonably successful, kind hearted, sardonic, sarcastic, hardworking and reasonably passionate. But like millions of other people, I’m not charismatic for remarkably singular in some way. You tell me. I see a lot of attractive people that have a really hard time paying the bills.
What about Thanksgiving?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Ask the Native Americans. I doubt any of them celebrate it. Maybe we can ask the Cheyenne if they celebrate Sand Creek.
Given that Satanism is an atheistic religion focused on the self I'm curious if there are any on ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Isn’t ‘atheistic religion’ self contradictory?
Post a lyric that empowers or motivates you.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Yet still a light is shining From that lamp on down the hall. Maybe the star of Bethlehem Wasn't a star at all.
Thumbs Up: What is your motivation for NOT 'liking' someone's response to a post?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
If ignorant or morally offensive.
In love, how much does money matter?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 18, 2017:
I think responsibility is really the issue. If you can’t take care of yourself, then stay out of relationships.
The western liberals feel ashamed of their ancestors who enslaved the Africans and killed the native...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 17, 2017:
I feel zero responsibility towards the actions of people who have died. History is history.
Three months to live. Would you do anything differently?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 17, 2017:
I’d quit my job and spend all my time with my daughter.
How much longer do you think the human race as a whole will exist?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Probably longer than me. Hopefully longer than my daughter.
if there is a god that has all this f!%$g power to just make things pop up out of nothing and knows ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 16, 2017:
I think Wittgenstein was right. That which you can’t speak of meaningfully, you must relegate to silence. If god does exist, then it’s not fathomable by our consciousness. So, why care?
Are you a feminist?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 15, 2017:
According to the definition, I’m a feminist. Frankly, just being a decent human being would require that.
This is a question for the true believers. What religion is GOD?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 14, 2017:
Wha’d’ya mean? Gods an atheist!
How come there are so many religious idiots in America?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 14, 2017:
Trust me, there are religious nuts everywhere.
Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 13, 2017:
I’m an open non-religious person for anyone who chooses to inquire.
Life Accordion To Trump 1 & 2
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Awareness of self
I’ve started to call myself a non-theist.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Cavalloscuro-dark horse-a monicker taken from the late George Harrison.
I would really love to go on an old fashioned date with a handsome man that actually has some money...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I’d love to take you but, alas I’m not handsome and I don’t live in Colorado. I’m not broke or out of work, however.
Hey gang - I am at a loss as to what to write about in my next political commentary for the ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Students intentionally pushed through high school w/o performing.
"Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic?"
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
No. They’re just very self serving and delusional.
Now that I’m done grading, I get to contact parents and let them know their kids aren’t ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Been there. Done that.
11 Fast Facts about Christianity: 1.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
The silmarillion was written by Tolkien as a base mythology of middle earth.
Which state or country you want to move to?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Here’s some inspiration.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
The mathematician says there’s water in the glass.
If you could name 1 decision you have made that has greatly improved your life what would you ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Ultimately, my divorce greatly improved my life and my daughters life. My late wife was emotionally disturbed. Her absence was an unwelcome relief.
11 Fast Facts about Christianity: 1.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I think we should all start promoting the Silmarillion as a substitute for the Bible.
The struggle to find a partner...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
Higher powers? The only higher powers I recognize are in the form of exponents. Politics: Trump’s a scumbag and needs to go the way of the dodo.
why do some nonbelievers keep trying to reuse the word god?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
God only knows!
Hello ???? I’m a new member. Please show some love guys :)
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
I don't like humans - is that bad ?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
Bad? A little. After all, I’m human.
For those that are single : At this point in your life , would you rather date around, or be in ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
Steady long term relationship
What are your thoughts on open relationships?
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
Thank you no. My partner is mine. If they want someone else, then they don’t want me around.
Has the thought ever crossed your mind that the big bang was when god committed suicide because he ...
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 11, 2017:
That’s kinda silly


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • Joined Nov 11th, 2017
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