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I managed to see a lot of wildflowers this weekend, including several fairy slippers, glacier lilies...
Heidi68 comments on May 28, 2019:
So very pretty! For some reason I really like #4
Heidi68 replies on May 29, 2019:
@LifelongLearner makes it even better - paint brush against the gray background
Tony V's Tavern.
Sheannutt comments on May 29, 2019:
Love this photo and the tune.😊🤗
Heidi68 replies on May 29, 2019:
Me too
More roses from my garden for my friends. []
FlippantLlama comments on May 28, 2019:
My favorites are the pale pink and yellow.
Heidi68 replies on May 29, 2019:
@Lutherzme it looks like the one I have - planted this year but mine is suppose to be a climber.
More roses from my garden for my friends. []
FlippantLlama comments on May 28, 2019:
My favorites are the pale pink and yellow.
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
@Lutherzme I have one also - they are so beautiful. Is the last one a Pinata?
Don't you just love this.
Heidi68 comments on May 28, 2019:
Please stop talking about Lowe's internet shipping services like that 🤣🤣🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
@lerlo shew I was worried for a nanosecond 😁😁
Ciao from Baveno, Italy.
Heidi68 comments on May 27, 2019:
What is the 2nd photo?
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
@BestWithoutGods wow that is neat! I need one of those counters! They dont want us knowing what we are spending in the good ole US of A.....
Not in my job description.
Athena comments on May 28, 2019:
I'd love to post this at work.
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
Me too
Lady goes in for some plastic surgery, a face lift Doctor says you have two choices.
Heidi68 comments on May 27, 2019:
I almost spit my drink out 🤣🤣🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
@lerlo right..... good thing I am around 😀
Ciao from Baveno, Italy.
Heidi68 comments on May 27, 2019:
What is the 2nd photo?
Heidi68 replies on May 28, 2019:
@BestWithoutGods interesting, I would never have guessed that. What are the little white things that stick up?
Just saw this on Facebook. Now I really want 1 piece of cake.
Heidi68 comments on May 27, 2019:
One little piece, one big piece.... still a piece.... 🤣🤣🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 27, 2019:
@Sticks48 yes we could. Wait what am I agreeing with? A piece of what? 🤣🤣🤣
Police pull a driver over for driving erratically, the cop asks the man, have you been drinking sir,...
AnonySchmoose comments on May 27, 2019:
Well, you know, wives can be blunt .... at times!
Heidi68 replies on May 27, 2019:
Wives? You mean, women? Why yes we can 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Just saw this on Facebook. Now I really want 1 piece of cake.
1000runner comments on May 27, 2019:
But when I look down at my gut...!
Heidi68 replies on May 27, 2019:
And now I need to go for another walk.... this gut will go away 😀
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
Lincoln55 comments on May 25, 2019:
Promise @Gmak?
Heidi68 replies on May 26, 2019:
I sure hope but if I remember correctly - mine are extremely dark.... 😀
Sharing the love
Looking4-Others comments on May 24, 2019:
That tongue cracked me up in some laughs..That's awesome that they get along that well!
Heidi68 replies on May 26, 2019:
@Looking4-Others he will be with me til one of us passes. I just hope he goes 1st even though I have plans in place you just never know...
Sharing the love
Looking4-Others comments on May 24, 2019:
That tongue cracked me up in some laughs..That's awesome that they get along that well!
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
@Looking4-Others my 1st pony was a biter so I am well acquainted with that nonsense..... Zack is funny if his teeth even bump against me he acts like he has been killed - I have never hurt him but obviously someone else had.... (I got him when he was 6 - 19 now).
It Must Have Been the Roses. 🌹 My yard is bursting with color. ☺️❤️ []
JackPedigo comments on May 25, 2019:
Wow, and not a single black spot. I am envious.
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
Me too
Having another cup of coffee.
Heidi68 comments on May 25, 2019:
Seems like a very peaceful day - I fortunately/unfortunately work in retail. Nuff said........
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
@AmiSue well that sucks.
Some beautiies to start your weekend.
Redheadedgammy comments on May 25, 2019:
What a beautiful collection you have!!!
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
Thank you
Glass Gem corn. I am not sure I could eat something that pretty!
JackPedigo comments on May 24, 2019:
Is it edible as it is or is it a dried corn? It is really gorgeous, though.
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
@glennlab I figured that but I was being sassy and well, I am good at being sassy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sharing the love
Looking4-Others comments on May 24, 2019:
That tongue cracked me up in some laughs..That's awesome that they get along that well!
Heidi68 replies on May 25, 2019:
He has a bit of a tongue issue 😀
Glass Gem corn. I am not sure I could eat something that pretty!
JackPedigo comments on May 24, 2019:
Is it edible as it is or is it a dried corn? It is really gorgeous, though.
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
@glennlab for the same reason we eat strawberries & chocolate 😁 beautiful but definitely yummy 😀🍓🍫😀
Think about this! Men, pay attention - it is not women who are the problem!
JackPedigo comments on May 24, 2019:
Good luck with that. I fear things are even getting worse.
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
I agree
Think about this! Men, pay attention - it is not women who are the problem!
Robecology comments on May 24, 2019:
@Heidi68; You're preaching to the choir. Here's a challenge for you. Find a group on FB where aggressive, sexist men are. I recommend "Alabama Republicans" or "Trump2020 or "Conservative Bless".... Then post this there... But be ready to block a lot of will get nasty, ...
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
I get enough of that on my own Facebook page....
"Climbers" dying on Everest while waiting in line.
JackPedigo comments on May 24, 2019:
It looks like a bunch of sheep awaiting the slaughter. What is wrong with people???
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
Things are happening...various roses and a purple iris.
Heidi68 comments on May 23, 2019:
Your roses are beautiful! Well so it the iris but I am jealous of the roses. My bushes do not look good. Plenty of flowers but sick looking bushes
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
@Lutherzme I do.... I am doing everything I can think of and they still look horrible. One is so bad I thought it was dead & was about to dig it up but noticed green at the bottom. That's how bad they look....
Think about this! Men, pay attention - it is not women who are the problem!
brentan comments on May 24, 2019:
It reminds me of the simplicity of 'love your neighbour as yourself'. Problem solved.
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
If only they would actually follow their bible.
Think about this! Men, pay attention - it is not women who are the problem!
MojoDave comments on May 24, 2019:
The men who commit irresponsible scts like those should be forced to spend an evening in a gay bar, alone. They may see things differently afterwards!
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
@MojoDave except think of all the women who are raped by the men who harass them. What is good for the goose....
Think about this! Men, pay attention - it is not women who are the problem!
KKGator comments on May 23, 2019:
I have NEVER understood why the onus is ALWAYS on the women. But hey, since it's ALL on us to protect ourselves, I say we just start shooting them whenever they come at us with their bullshit. That's reasonable, given what we are subjected to from girlhood. Don't like that course of action?...
Heidi68 replies on May 24, 2019:
@Sticks48, @MizJ, @Cast1es @KKGator while I agree with the sentiment of shooting those that attack/harass us, I honestly believe the only thing that would change is gun laws. You know, the same ones attacking women are the same ones screaming about their RIGHT to own a gun. Not a woman's right to own a gun.... if women started shooting them, then & only then, would there be a gun problem in the US.
Mom! Just open the gate .... please!
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on May 23, 2019:
What's taking you so long????
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Right! If you close enough to take another silly picture you can open that gate 😀
Mom! Just open the gate .... please!
Hathacat comments on May 23, 2019:
They look fairly patient!
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
@Hathacat I think I saved the bunny. Think.
Mom! Just open the gate .... please!
Hathacat comments on May 23, 2019:
They look fairly patient!
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Honestly the gate could have been open could have got the same photos. Well, except last night when Kitkat caught a baby 🐇and it was squealing.....
We spend so much time bringing beauty to our lives then we spend all of our time maintaining that ...
Hathacat comments on May 23, 2019:
I would be wanting to get the rose where I could see it better! What is the blue flower? I have never seen it before!
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
I am thinking about asking my neighbor if I could maybe dig up a little part of it [the rose]. That is just at the edge of the woods at the back of my pasture - it is really tiny probably smaller than a thumb nail.
And since I can't stop...
Heidi68 comments on May 22, 2019:
You need a partner? 😉😊🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
@lerlo don't you remember? That HS football game you were talking about the other day. Remember - the whole team 🤣
Sharing the love
AnonySchmoose comments on May 23, 2019:
He seems to be a lovable, mellow fellow with a worldly personality. Are he and the cat bosom buddies?
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Kitkat was dumped - starving & terrified by the time she found us. It has taken about 2 1/2 years for her to be this brave. Zack is the best. Full of personality.
Sharing the love
Bobbyzen comments on May 23, 2019:
So sweet ❤️
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
They really are.
Sharing the love
Kynlei comments on May 23, 2019:
That tongue!
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
It never stops! He is worse than a dog, always licking me, sticking it out, gives kisses - crazy pony 😀😀 He was abused before I got him - partially because he puts he mouth on everything. It doesn't bother me - I think he has character & a wicked personality.
We spend so much time bringing beauty to our lives then we spend all of our time maintaining that ...
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
3 & 4 look like a rose left to grow, same with the irises.
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
@glennlab yuck hope you feel better soon. 1 & 2 are the same so it seems to be some kind of vine. But there was poison ivy all around it so I stood on the drive & zoomed in...
We spend so much time bringing beauty to our lives then we spend all of our time maintaining that ...
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
3 & 4 look like a rose left to grow, same with the irises.
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
I think 3 & 4 are some sort of rose but the little blue flower is actually about the size of a thumb nail so not an iris. Picture 5 shows the leaf & size
GOT rid of it
Marionville comments on May 23, 2019:
I’m glad I didn’t get sucked in to it!
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Me too
Orange is not my color, so I wanna be the driver 🤣🤣🤣
Besalbub comments on May 23, 2019:
Head right to the clothing dept .
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Perfect! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Orange is not my color, so I wanna be the driver 🤣🤣🤣
EricJones comments on May 23, 2019:
To make it more fun-do it on black Friday, just before the doors open.
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
Yes! 🤣🤣🤣
And since I can't stop...
Heidi68 comments on May 22, 2019:
You need a partner? 😉😊🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 23, 2019:
@lerlo 🤔🤔🤔🤔 well you said it did 🤔🤔🤔 how big did you say that .... 'fish' is?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And since I can't stop...
Heidi68 comments on May 22, 2019:
You need a partner? 😉😊🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@lerlo 🤔🤔 remind me to never get on your bad side 😀
And since I can't stop...
Heidi68 comments on May 22, 2019:
You need a partner? 😉😊🤣
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@lerlo making new mistakes by yourself could be boring. And if no one sees it, did it really happen? 🤔😀
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
You always said you wanted to be taken by a team 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎😎😎😉😉😉😉
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@lerlo I really need to start drinking that way I will have an excuse 🤣
I went out with a man I met from another site Sunday.
ProudMerrie comments on May 22, 2019:
I love my bullshit detector! It's only failed me once.
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@ProudMerrie hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔 what did I learn, oh that's right dogs make me happy 😀😀
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
Lutherzme comments on May 21, 2019:
Fake news...with roses like yours they'll be lining up around the block! :)
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@Lutherzme I think so but I may be crazy, I mean, a bit bias 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Donald Trump's current burst of behavior -- the absolute refusal to allow testimony or documents to ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on May 22, 2019:
Why shouldn't Trump be as corrupt as he wants -- there's never any consequences. The R party have all agreed to ignore their constitutional duty to uphold the integrity of their office in favor of personal and partisan interests and protect the scumbag-in-chief no matter what he does. Same goes for ...
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
Exactly what I was thinking
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
Lutherzme comments on May 21, 2019:
Fake news...with roses like yours they'll be lining up around the block! :)
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@Lutherzme and a cat and a bird
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
You always said you wanted to be taken by a team 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎😎😎😉😉😉😉
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@lerlo wait a minute! Were you stalking me back then? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
You always said you wanted to be taken by a team 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎😎😎😉😉😉😉
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@lerlo ahhh could have been - my memory has been slipping a tiny bit since then 🤣🤣
I went out with a man I met from another site Sunday.
ProudMerrie comments on May 22, 2019:
I love my bullshit detector! It's only failed me once.
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
Mine, also... and boy was that a doozy
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
Athena comments on May 21, 2019:
Why do so many of these have spelling errors? Someone is seriously trying to kill me.
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
@Athena when I was reading that post, all I could do was shake my head..... I understand an occasional typo or auto-correct but to just not care..... shew. I wish I could find the post, I would tag you in it but it was months ago.
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
You always said you wanted to be taken by a team 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎😎😎😉😉😉😉
Heidi68 replies on May 22, 2019:
And when did I say that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not so easily done! When we are in one of those emotional states.
Unity comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Excellent advice. Think twice.
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
@BeeHappy I guess that is exactly why I really didn't understand the meme.... think twice? What is that? 🤔🤣
Lol...have you ever?
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
Think of all the 12 year old girls that will buy it...and in the 30s and 40s some apparently did :)
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
@lerlo you do realize I live in the mountains of NC? Banjos playing, craziness.... I am not taking any chances 🤣🤣🤣
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
Athena comments on May 21, 2019:
Why do so many of these have spelling errors? Someone is seriously trying to kill me.
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
There was actually someone on a thread saying that spelling is not important - so there is your answer to why so many memes have errors. I am learning to read without looking at the spelling, just accepting what my mind knows it is suppose to be..... It doesn't always work
Lol...have you ever?
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
Think of all the 12 year old girls that will buy it...and in the 30s and 40s some apparently did :)
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
@lerlo his wife wouldn't appreciate that 🤣🤣🤣
Lol...have you ever?
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
Think of all the 12 year old girls that will buy it...and in the 30s and 40s some apparently did :)
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
@lerlo you trying to get me shot?
Lol...have you ever?
lerlo comments on May 21, 2019:
Think of all the 12 year old girls that will buy it...and in the 30s and 40s some apparently did :)
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
And the conversation continues 🤣🤣🤣🤣 just remember I didn't start it. On a side note: my college bf currently lives in Dunn, NC 😁
They wanted to snuggle
Looking4-Others comments on May 21, 2019:
They got what they wanted! Who can argue with that.
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
They always do. They have me trained very well 😊
They wanted to snuggle
Karuk comments on May 21, 2019:
Lately, if my pups make that request, not only do I feel obligated, I’m honoured. And with those (yours), they’re too sweet to pass up.
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
Thank you. I love my little ones.
They wanted to snuggle
germangirl90439 comments on May 21, 2019:
How dare they be that demanding!
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
That was when they calmed down - the bigger one (Tahoe) whines and pokes my hand with his nose til I pet him. Just a little spoiled 😀
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
EricJones comments on May 21, 2019:
I know the feeling, that's why I gave up.
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
I haven't given up but also am not spending anytime actively looking. I figure it will happen or not, either way I am ok with my life.
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
Lutherzme comments on May 21, 2019:
Fake news...with roses like yours they'll be lining up around the block! :)
Heidi68 replies on May 21, 2019:
Ahhh thank you but they usually see the crazy horse & dogs and then run 😁
Who still has a few of these laying around or stored somewhere collecting dust..
Infoguy211 comments on May 20, 2019:
Cassettes, yes. 8 tracks, no.
Heidi68 replies on May 20, 2019:
@IrishTxJudy technology makes me feel sooooo old... I can out work many people half my age but streaming, downloading, snap chatting, etc..... I do know how to turn a computer on 🤣🤣
Believe in yourself!
Heidi68 comments on May 20, 2019:
To be that free & happy! Except I am not seeing a good landing area.
Heidi68 replies on May 20, 2019:
@BeeHappy yes! That would work 😁
Who still has a few of these laying around or stored somewhere collecting dust..
Infoguy211 comments on May 20, 2019:
Cassettes, yes. 8 tracks, no.
Heidi68 replies on May 20, 2019:
@IrishTxJudy Cd's are bad? Boy am I in trouble.....
What a beautiful morning.
bobwjr comments on May 19, 2019:
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Thank you
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
CeliaVL comments on May 19, 2019:
Lovely range of colours.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@CeliaVL they fade but there is a slight range of colors.
What a beautiful morning.
Hathacat comments on May 19, 2019:
I love mornings like that!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
It was wonderful. A bit warm now but it was splendid to begin with.
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Alvinsmama comments on May 19, 2019:
Beautiful. Such a variety of colors.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Zoohome I just need to remember to do it when I see a new bud. 😊
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Robecology I am blue all the way. Not in just how I vote - work the elections, work with candidates, fight for all the things I believe in [environment, equality, healthcare, choice, etc], even my favorite color 😀
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
I nominate pic #5 as the best/winner...Clearest focus, great color balance...(top row, far right).
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
You must be on a computer?
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Zoohome comments on May 19, 2019:
So pretty!!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Thank you
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Alvinsmama comments on May 19, 2019:
Beautiful. Such a variety of colors.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Isn't it neat? One day I would like to do a photo daily from bud to full bloom
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
AstralSmoke comments on May 19, 2019:
Cool. You should share a pic of the bush.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
I would have last year but this year all my bushes look rough. And I mean rough. I don't know if it was the up/down of the weather or what but I am having a hard time this year. But all of them are producing plenty of flowers so 🤷‍♀️
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Lutherzme comments on May 19, 2019:
I want to smell!!! 🤓 Beautiful!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Come visit 😊
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
CeliaVL comments on May 19, 2019:
Lovely range of colours.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
On one plant! Isn't it amazing.
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Lavergne comments on May 19, 2019:
Mah-velous, dahling! How can anyone not be in a great mood when surrounded with beauty like that?
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
I agree
What a beautiful morning.
creative51 comments on May 19, 2019:
These are great shots!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Thank you!
What a beautiful morning.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Nice photos.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Thank you kind sir
What a beautiful morning.
BohoHeathen comments on May 19, 2019:
Very pretty
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Thank you
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Sticks48 neither Biden nor Bernie are my 1st choice but I will back whomever is nominated with everything I have.
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Robecology not sources as in NPR but actual voters I have talked to and am currently talking to. Trust me I know several who voted for tRump in '16 who will not vote in '20 if Bernie does not get the nomination. Those are who worry me. It will not matter if he is 'robbed' or not, they are saying they will NOT vote if he does not get the nomination. I told them they are acting just like tRump - a 2yo throwing a temper-tantrum and demanding their guy gets the trophy just because...
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
I agree but I am hearing a lot of the Bernie or no one nonsense.... which has me concerned.
What a beautiful morning.
NoPlanetB comments on May 19, 2019:
Lovely, number 3 is my fav. Beautiful depth of field and light streams.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Mine also. But I had to throw my pony & roses in 😀
What a beautiful morning.
Boomtarat03 comments on May 19, 2019:
Lovely,nice,wonderful! What a good morning you had🙂
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Yes it has been wonderful so far. Heading out to mow now before it gets to warm. I hope you have had a nice day.
And the answer is...
Heidi68 comments on May 19, 2019:
Unless you really don't give a sh*t. Then the only correct answer is .... "who cares" 😁😁😁
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts you could be correct 🤣
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
itsmedammit comments on May 19, 2019:
That's nice variety on a single shrub.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
It is beautiful and they smell so yummy
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Cast1es comments on May 19, 2019:
It does produce a lot of variety .
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
And they smell delicious
I really hope this link works.
Redheadedgammy comments on May 19, 2019:
Can't read it because not on fakebook.
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
Did you see the link @Robecology shared? It isn't facebook.
Pure Joy - Eastern Market - Detroit 5/17/19
Heidi68 comments on May 18, 2019:
❤❤❤ the children, especially the little girl - she is filled with so much joy!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Lincoln55 actually no the red balloon is to cover him up 😁 I sent him back to Texas in 2017 but I like the photo of me. I rarely put on a dress & my hair is usually a wild mess
Pure Joy - Eastern Market - Detroit 5/17/19
Heidi68 comments on May 18, 2019:
❤❤❤ the children, especially the little girl - she is filled with so much joy!
Heidi68 replies on May 19, 2019:
@Lincoln55 it is the little things. As we age [some] tend to forget those moments.
Some beautiies to start your weekend.
MikeInBatonRouge comments on May 18, 2019:
Beautiful close-ups. I have grown all of those at some point in the past, except for the last, Pinãta. Somehow I don't have any of those 4 anymore. It was actually a terrific specimen of Peace rose bush I would see in my neighborhood as a kid that helped pique my,early curiosity about roses ...
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
My mom loved roses so I kinda caught the bug. I don't know what is going on this year but my bushes aren't looking good. They are all producing plenty of flowers but the bushes just don't look good.
Some beautiies to start your weekend.
itsmedammit comments on May 18, 2019:
Nice. I love the Peace rose and had one at my fist house. Really need another one.
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
Every time I decide 'this' is my favorite rose I stop and smell a new one..... 😊
Some beautiies to start your weekend.
dede18 comments on May 18, 2019:
the second pic brought to mind a raspberry sundae ... oohhh yum
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
Now I wanna go out for ice cream! 😀❤🍦🍧🍨
Ruth and Reno....just wanted to share.
Heidi68 comments on May 18, 2019:
❤❤❤❤ And I have a Reno also
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
@Karuk so is yours. I love Pits!
🤔🤔🤔 things to ponder 🤔🤔🤔
lerlo comments on May 18, 2019:
Which got the nickname first? Is that older than the Chicken and the Egg? :)
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
@lerlo shy little, no rhythm me? Not a chance 🤣🤣🤣
🤔🤔🤔 things to ponder 🤔🤔🤔
lerlo comments on May 18, 2019:
Which got the nickname first? Is that older than the Chicken and the Egg? :)
Heidi68 replies on May 18, 2019:
Since you are older than me I will have to bow to your knowledge on all things age/time related 😁😁


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