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November 2019
I had a productive afternoon.
Lauren comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Congrats, that's excellent! Plus, your sticker is way cooler than mine was. ☺️
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
That funny squiggle on the bottle is the symbol of UNMC, University of Nebraska Medical Center. They're one of the best things about living in Omaha. I'm just glad to have the shot done, and glad I'm not working tomorrow, just in case of side effects.
Letters From An American 04/12/2021
silverotter11 comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Glad you posted this again.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
I have had a really weird week, so I missed a few days of posting. I'm glad you appreciate her stuff.
Will Smith movie moving out of Georgia because of voter restriction law
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 12, 2021:
I literally JUST read that on FB. I think it is great! Kick them in the pocketbook and get their attention.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 12, 2021:
@bookofmorons Totally true, well said!
‘We don’t go to church.
JackPedigo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Can't imagine living like that. Here I have a big yard sign stating it is a gun free zone, NRA cowards not welcome, a fiction bumper sticker. No one asks about religion and if I mention being an atheist or non-believer I usually get a me-too reply.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
Which is another reason I often regret leaving Western Washington.
Taj Mahal and Trump steaks!!
mcgeo52 comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Why are you assuming the fucking idiot can read?
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
or write!?
Tokophobia ”Tokophobia is a pathological fear of pregnancy and can lead to avoidance of ...
phxbillcee comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I'll bet there are many single men who have this condition, too!
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@JackPedigo I met my ex when we were both active duty Army. We married while we were both assigned in Germany, and then I got out of the service. He was an officer, I was enlisted. In 1993 my ex was assigned to Ft. Lewis for his last active duty assignment. He had been passed over for promotion to LTC 3 times so he was done. We thought we'd stay in WA forever. We lived in Tacoma for a year, he retired and found a job with a software company in Redmond. We moved to Bothell for less than a year, and found our "forever" home between Snohomish and Everett. I think the neighborhood was called Gold Creek. We were far from all family and things were not going well in our marriage, we moved to Kansas City in 1999. He was hired for the Y2K programming crisis avoidance at Sprint. In 2005 Sprint outsourced their IT department, and he found a job in Omaha. I am a Nebraska native and have family not terribly far away so for me it was not a bad move, except I never expected to be back in Nebraska. We split in 2010. All the kids have settled in the greater Omaha area.
Former Family Source Hit Out At Ivanka Trump, Implied That "Jared Is Gay And It’s An Arranged ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 10, 2021:
So, are the Kushner kids Donald’s?
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 10, 2021:
It would be interesting to do some DNA tests.
Tokophobia ”Tokophobia is a pathological fear of pregnancy and can lead to avoidance of ...
phxbillcee comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I'll bet there are many single men who have this condition, too!
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@JackPedigo YES, excellent. I regret leaving Washington State so much of the time. I'm closer to my family out here, but this is such as bassackwards state. I have one child who has chosen not to have children, and her partner is in total agreement with that. She is the favorite auntie, but damn glad to send them home to their parents. Her dad, the conservative arse that he is, has diminished her portion of the inheritance she will get from him. He is "disappointed" in her life choices. She is also the one that provides him with the most support, has delivered nearly all of his groceries during the pandemic and taken him to most of his medical appointments. If she had small children she wouldn't have been able to give him the care he needed. She has a child, it's him. Of course he doesn't see it that way. A large part of the reason she doesn't want kids is all that you mentioned and just not wanting to deal with the politics of pregnancy.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Unless he is an O6 or O7, he ain't ever getting called back. Once in a while a high ranking officer with a set of skills gets back in. And, even then, they aren't going to war.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
I blocked him, so I can't see if he is still there or not. Since you have just replied I take it he is still a member.
For your information
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 9, 2021:
This is good info I'm sure, but I can't read it. Granted I need new glasses, but I don't think I will be able to read it even then. I have horrible seasonal allergies and in recent years they have lasted all year. I have spent more than a few moments wondering if it was Covid or just the damn ...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
@Cast1es well, there is that, too.
Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, dies
barjoe comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Pampered life apparently makes for a long life.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
Well, I am sure he was top priority for health care, and never suffered any nutritional lack. No lack of job satisfaction and no concerns over job security or balancing the budget in any month.
Not everybody can find it...
phxbillcee comments on Apr 9, 2021:
& out of all those guys, not one of them caught this. Makes you wonder on the state of their marriages...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
I wanna talk to their wives....
Wayne LaPierre Admits Living High On NRA’s Dime, But Claims Only He Can Keep ‘Charity’ Solvent...
MizJ comments on Apr 9, 2021:
The Slime Factor here is outrageous. How in the fuck can the NRA be a charity for starters? How does the Board of Directors become so out of touch? The Board has fiduciary responsibility, all of them may be in deep ship yogurt as my father calls it. Years ago wasn't the NRA about gun safety ...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
My dad and brothers were hunters, and my dad reloaded shotgun shells. I was around firearms all my life. I have had military service, I have handled automatic weapons and a few bigger than that. That said, as a civilian and a parent I did not want weapons in my home. I have not handled any firearms in over 30 years. I think anyone should be allowed to privately own weapons as long as 1: they are insured with liability insurance. 2: They have had training, they are licensed and are bonded. 3: The weapons and ammunition are stored in a locked container. 4: The weapons also have trigger locks. 5: The weapons are registered with state and local authorities. For the most part I want weapons treated like vehicles. Get insurance involved, you will see the rash of crimes with weapons decrease in short order.
Prosecutors are honing in on Trump
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 9, 2021:
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
From Miriam Webster: intransitive verb. : to move toward or focus attention on an objective looking back for the ball honing in— George Plimpton a missile honing in on its target— Bob Greene hones in on the plights and victories of the common man— Lisa Russell.
Tokophobia ”Tokophobia is a pathological fear of pregnancy and can lead to avoidance of ...
phxbillcee comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I'll bet there are many single men who have this condition, too!
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 9, 2021:
It ain't just single men....
One in three Covid survivors suffers 'brain disease,' study finds -- Coronavirus Fact vs.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 8, 2021:
I have not been as cautious as I could have been, but I'm always masked when I'm out, and most of the time I'm reclusive. My second vaccine is next week, and I will still be social distancing and masking for a very long time after that.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
@tinkercreek My three week post 2nd vaccination date is Cinco De Mayo. I plan on scheduling appointments for my hair and nails after that date, and depending on insurance and job status I may go get my eyes checked and new glasses and see a dentist. Currently unemployed, had just made appointments for all those when we went into quarantine.
BREAKING NEWS! FFRF lawsuit ends religious test to register to vote in Alabama - Freedom From ...
JackPedigo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Interesting, I posted that same link less than a day ago and only got 1 reply. I guess it's a sign that women are getting the attention they deserve. LOL
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
You know, some day I hope to figure out the formula for what makes a post pop. Is it timing? Is it category? Is it title? Right now I don't have a clue. Luck of the draw, maybe.
How Men Treat Women They Find Unfuckable
BitFlipper comments on Apr 8, 2021:
The last article I read here was about a woman who complained that a man was attracted to her voice. Let's be honest here - women don't want to be approached by men who aren't studly. I don't talk to women I don't already know because they freak out!
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
I don't go for the studly men. I go for the men with big vocabularies. Yes, I like nerds. Studly guys generally like team sports on TV, which I loathe. Studly guys tend to like cars, I like cars that get me from point A to point B without any trouble but I don't rhapsodize about it. Of course nerdly guys tend to get into Star Wars, or Star Trek, or Comic Com, or other odd stuff. However, I still will go brains over brawn any day.
How Men Treat Women They Find Unfuckable
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Even tho I am prone to often use the F-word myself, I find the use here of the term unfuckable gratuitously vulgar and somewhat offensive. I wonder if the author is using it purposely to express anger towards men and possibly a bit of misandry on her part. Regardless, I feel it would be more ...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
I think the author used the term because it is in the vernacular of most younger people. I agree it is a vulgar and common term. I also agree the author may have some anger issues, however I think if you really listen to women we ALL have some anger issues. Likely all people do, but the current climate is skewed to white males, and those of us not white and male are kinda tired of the short end of the stick.
How Men Treat Women They Find Unfuckable
bobwjr comments on Apr 7, 2021:
All women have a beauty of their own
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
@bobwjr You're in Lewes, and the Lewes I am familiar with is Delaware. I'm smack dab in the middle of the US in Omaha, NE. I'm approximately 1300 miles from Lewes, DE. I've lived in Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts, I love the East Coast, but not to live there again. My family is the glue that keeps me here. So many times distance is a killer of possible relationships. We will just have to admire each other from a distance.
How Men Treat Women They Find Unfuckable
bobwjr comments on Apr 7, 2021:
All women have a beauty of their own
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 8, 2021:
You silver tongued devil!
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 6, 2021:
ah to be young and jejune again... Never again.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 6, 2021:
@Marionville I just don't have the energy for that!!
IATROGENIC - Adjective.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I love med terms, my favorite class in school.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 5, 2021:
@Marionville Yes, and I remember discussions about it.
Easter! I would say that Easter is one of the most misunderstood holidays, but in reality, most ...
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I don't celebrate the Xian Easter, but I acknowledge the fertility rites of peoples of history, and I'm just damn glad winter seems to be over, and chocolate.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 5, 2021:
@Canndue Very true!! We just need to give them better namess.
My born again Christian younger brother made me promise I'd watch a film called Atheist Delusion by ...
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 4, 2021:
I spent plenty of time in churches before I deconverted. I am pretty immune to the line of bull. I'm glad you were also able to see through the bull. You must really love your brother.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 4, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser I had a reality check, and separation from regular exposure to the Koolaid. When I took a look at how things really were, I realized all the BS that I had been consuming.
Alabama to keep ban on school yoga as conservatives say they fear rise in Hinduism | The Independent
Canndue comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I practiced Tae Kwon Do for years, but it didn’t make me Korean.... .....however I do squint a lot and often crave kimchi....
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 3, 2021:
I love Korean food, but I don't let kimchi into my house. As for squinting, maybe time to get your eyes checked... I started wearing bifocals at 40, I was not amused.
Letters From An American 04/01/2021
JackPedigo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Yesterday, I received two letters, one a personal looking letter was from Rand Paul and the other from Citizens Against Government Waste. The RP one was about us libs. taking away the citizens gun 'rights. The other was the usual 'survey' about the socialists takeover. Both are basically ploys to ...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 3, 2021:
Good for you!! I just shred their crap and use it for bedding in my worm box. Which is where it belongs, and when the worms are done it goes in my garden as fertilizer so some good will come of it.
Marjorie Taylor Greene mocking the security of the Capitol two weeks earlier seems to have created ...
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 3, 2021:
She is such an obnoxious idiot.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 3, 2021:
@phxbillcee My Grammie always told me "if you can't say something nice, say it as nice as possible." Mission accomplished.
Alabama to keep ban on school yoga as conservatives say they fear rise in Hinduism | The Independent
CourtJester comments on Apr 2, 2021:
I’m in Alabama. I think they should teach kids to do their taxes, how to properly type up a resume, or understand history and the constitution rather than yoga. I don’t see the problem.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 2, 2021:
I think they SHOULD teach children all those things, from the looks of it they're not. Teaching yoga is also beneficial to the children, and to adults.
FIDUCIARY - Adjective.
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 2, 2021:
I knew there was a song with Fiduciary in the lyrics:
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 2, 2021:
@Marionville I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I can remember the words long after the song is forgotten.
Wellness check! How is everyone?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I am pretty much 1 and 2. I have been unemployed all the month of March, finally got my first unemployment payment. I knew job loss was coming (temp job) so I had prepared as much as possible for it. My sleep hours have moved more and more to later and later. Today I am up ungodly early, I have an ...
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 1, 2021:
@RavenCT I have two count down timers on my phone. One shows days until I qualify for Medicare, and the other is days until my suggested retirement age. I am tempted to chuck it all and just retire, but I can't afford good insurance. And I really can't afford to retire quite yet. Something will show up, it always does.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I know of cadence due to music and my time in the military when we marched. If you got out of step you were to pay attention to the cadence of the drummer. Also frequently had someone calling cadences, as in the movies Stripes with Bill Murray.
HippieChick58 replies on Apr 1, 2021:
@dalefvictor I was asked more than once if I kissed my momma with my mouth. I have cleaned up quite a bit since I became a mama, but even now all bets are off once I'm in heavy traffic.
What is it with trumpers and under age sex trafficking?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
It is POWER! To make them feel like men with big penises they prey on the most vulnerable of society, young girls. It is sickening, really.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo They THINK that if they have money they are GAWD. Yes power etc.
Pleonasm 1.
waitingforgodo comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Pleonasm is oft confused with the verbiage heard after the prolix. Am I right in assuming that you know almost all the words you post and it's just a case of whatever 'word for the day' pops into your inbox? In any case, thanks, I enjoy the challenge of responding with facetious, fatuous ...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
Aren't pleonasm and prolix synonyms? Prolix being (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.
Our voting rights are under attack by the Rich Old White Repugs...
lookinhard comments on Mar 30, 2021:
a pig in human clothing
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
You're being far to generous.
Why the latest shifts in American religiosity are so important
barjoe comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I think much of the lack of attendance is because of the pandemic. I also think half the people in church at any given time have strong doubts on the existence of god. A small part of me wouldn't have minded of insurrectionists had gotten their hands on Mike Pence.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
I would say the more recent lack of attendance is due to the pandemic, but the drop in church attendance has been building for many years. I remember discussing it when I was an active church member. We used to discuss the CE members as well, those who only showed up on Christmas and Easter. Part of it is kids in too many activities and both parents working, who has time to sit in church. The other part is who really believes this crapola. Mostly church was social networking before FB and other online platforms.
Pleonasm 1.
Davekp comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Opposite of "economy" in this case?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
This makes sense let them pay
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
it is way past time for the ultra rich to pay their fair share, not only in taxes, but to their employees.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
@Triphid as above, totally true and well put. Sigh.
This makes sense let them pay
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
it is way past time for the ultra rich to pay their fair share, not only in taxes, but to their employees.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin Totally true and very well put.
This makes sense let them pay
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
it is way past time for the ultra rich to pay their fair share, not only in taxes, but to their employees.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin studies have shown that the poor whites think their day is coming and soon they will be able to claim their rightful place in society. Uhhh, nope, the likelihood is that they will die poorer than they are now, and their offspring will be no better off. Plus as healthcare is doled out, or hoarded by the wealthy they are likely to die sooner than their parents did as well.
Pleonasm 1.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
So a redundancy?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 30, 2021:
Possibly a redundancy, or just an excess of words. I tend to be wordy...
Works for me...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 28, 2021:
That's me!!
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo There is, or used to be, a retail outlet for youngsters called "Forever 21" We can be forever 99.
Works for me...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 28, 2021:
That's me!!
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo I never lie about my age, although I might refuse to say how old I am, depends on who is asking and why. My mom died at 45, never got to know her grands, or her children's spouses. I'm so damn glad to have passed 45, and I will take all the rewards and punishments that come with it.
AAA sounds the alarm as wrong-way crash fatalities rise
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 28, 2021:
I noticed the "driivers over age 70", thankfully I have a few more good years. With the pandemic and WFH, I have been driving less, and I notice some apprehension when I first start a journey. It fades pretty quickly though.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@rogerbenham I still have a lead foot, I don't see that changing any time soon.
Coeval koh-EE-vəl Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, early 17th century 1: a person ...
altschmerz comments on Mar 27, 2021:
About getting in trouble for using big words—maybe you should mention that in a Glassdoor review or something.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 27, 2021:
I think I might have, I've done a couple of Glassdoor reviews that were not flattering. Although I might not have used that particular fact because I wanted to leave room for doubt of who posted that review.
I am here for community but got messaged by a level 3 going by "gemsstone247" who found my profile ...
Pralina1 comments on Mar 26, 2021:
That’s his 3d profile here , he is a clown , scamner , he keeps returning 😂😂😂
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 27, 2021:
I thought he looked familiar.
The scariest Dr Who ever - Blink []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I have never watched Dr. Who. I intend to be able to say that for a long time yet.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@273kelvin I might have to look that one up!!
Sheepshank SHEEP-shangk Part of speech: noun Origin: Unknown, mid 17th century 1: a kind of ...
Charlene comments on Mar 25, 2021:
It also a knife shape used in restaurant kitchens for detailed meat butchering..
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
I did not know that!
Yep, he won the election awright!!
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Never thought of it that way. Perhaps he never really wanted a profit? Perhaps he liked the results of another bankruptcy better?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo or he has lawyers or buddies that know all about those laws.
Yep, he won the election awright!!
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Never thought of it that way. Perhaps he never really wanted a profit? Perhaps he liked the results of another bankruptcy better?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo I don't know how bankruptcy laws work for the wealthy.... and liars... I don't even know how bankruptcy laws work for me, I just know I want to avoid it.
The scariest Dr Who ever - Blink []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I have never watched Dr. Who. I intend to be able to say that for a long time yet.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@273kelvin did they make a baby?
Yep, he won the election awright!!
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Never thought of it that way. Perhaps he never really wanted a profit? Perhaps he liked the results of another bankruptcy better?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
Trump loves money and power above all else. His casinos bankrupted because he is a moron.
The scariest Dr Who ever - Blink []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I have never watched Dr. Who. I intend to be able to say that for a long time yet.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@273kelvin I don't even watch Jennifer Anniston, although I have watched every episode of FRIENDS. I only see Disney when the grands are over. I don't have cable TV, so I don't watch much TV at all. Recently I've been watching old TV shows that I get on DVD from the local library. While I watch TV I am also crocheting or knitting. I can't crochet or knit and read a book, and I dislike audio books because I zone out. I am currently working on a blanket for my grandson that needs to be done before next winter. It will be 66 X 90 inches when done. There is lots of work to be completed, so I am watching lots of old TV or sometimes movies. But no horror, no violence. I am not into sci fi, so no Dr. Who. I have watched Bridgerton on Netflix, it is a Regency era romance type of series, I am vaguely amused by the plot lines, but I love the period clothing. I used to read Regency Romances for many years and then I OD'd on them. I will watch documentaries sometimes. Never Hitchcock. Truthfully I'd much rather read, I just finished Obama's new bio, and a book called CASTE that was the Oprah book club pick about the caste system in the US and India, and Nazi Germany. Good book. I am going to pass on Dr. Who for the time being. Too much else on my plate. I will keep your offer in mind if I do decide to watch.
I just renewed my FFRF membership for a lifetime.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2021:
What is FFRF?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 24, 2021:
Freedom From Religion Foundation
I just renewed my FFRF membership for a lifetime.
Cast1es comments on Mar 24, 2021:
What is FFRF ?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 24, 2021:
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Letters From An American 03/23/2021
wordywalt comments on Mar 24, 2021:
It may not be this year, but there WILL be significant gun control legislation within the next few years. The days of the NRA are almost over.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 24, 2021:
I sincerely hope you are right, we really cannot go on this way very much longer.
The scariest Dr Who ever - Blink []
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 22, 2021:
I have never watched Dr. Who. I intend to be able to say that for a long time yet.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 24, 2021:
@273kelvin I don't watch scary stuff. My imagination is scary enough, and I like to be able to get some sleep.
Vaccine day for both of us.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 23, 2021:
My first vaccination is tomorrow, I'm 63 and single.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@barjoe I believe I am getting Pfizer as well. I don't care, I just want my shot.
Vaccine day for both of us.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 23, 2021:
My first vaccination is tomorrow, I'm 63 and single.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada I think it is great that they are encouraging couples, it just makes sense to do it. It can save gas, time, and effort.
Middle aged, fat, balding, white guy, with an assault weapon. Surprise, surprise, surprise!!
MizJ comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Small penis as well?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@BitFlipper Big guns can make up for (cough) limited penis size.
Quiddity KWID-ə-dee Part of speech: noun Origin: Latin, 14th century 1: The inherent nature...
Charlene comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Dipping fries Into a...Milkshake?..🤮
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 21, 2021:
I'm not one of them...
Letters From An American 03/18/2021
silverotter11 comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Back when trump was first starting his run for president - 2015 - a writer from the south (no memory of her name or which publication it was in) covered a bit of the history of the south seceding from the Union, reconstruction into the Jim Crow laws and focusing on the attitude among some whites ...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 20, 2021:
I just finished this book, it is excellent. I highly recommend it for a good understanding of what is really going on in the US today.
Letters From An American 03/17/2021
Charlene comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I absolutely LOATHE the Party of Facsist Trump..
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 18, 2021:
I feel your pain.
This guy was tap tap tapping on the tree in the back of my house.
Word comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I have heard something about salting a birds tail?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 18, 2021:
If I remember right they can't fly if you salt their tail. And I love Google: Salting a bird's tail is a legendary superstition of Europe and America, and an English language idiom. The superstition is that sprinkling salt on a bird's tail will render the bird temporarily unable to fly, enabling its capture.'s%20tail%20is,to%20fly%2C%20enabling%20its%20capture.
We are assuming we have just had one of our best friends pass.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I have not had one that went off to die, mine were always kept in the house and usually helped along the path by a veterinarian when it was the right time. I'm so sorry for your loss at a time like this.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@dalefvictor Hopefully if she is in a box she will make some noise. Mine get shut in closets or unused bedrooms frequently and don't make noise, which is annoying. If they are missing I shake their cat treats can and whisper for them, they usually come running, unless they have decided to be aloof. Good luck in finding your old girl, I hope you have a happy outcome and reunion.
How would you change this sign? All I need is black paint. Ideas?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Add the phrase "can fuck up the world" or "can ruin everything."
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@LiterateHiker I vote for ONLY GODDESS, that would totally mess with their minds!
Chartreuse shar-TROOS Part of speech: noun Origin: French, late 19th century 1: A pale green...
Cast1es comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Like the color you throw up , when there's nothing else left in your stomach to throw up .
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 17, 2021:
That stuff that comes up last is bile, and yeah; that's the color.
A New String of State Bills Could Give Religious Organizations Blanket Immunity from Any Wrongdoing
redhog comments on Mar 17, 2021:
It's a constant battle folks
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 17, 2021:
True that!
Linking Evangelical Subculture and Phallically Insecure Masculinity Using Google Searches for Male ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Will look at the piece at length when I'm able, but as a related aside, I've never been comfortable with digs at the gun culture using tiny dick jokes. They can use the term "insecure" instead, which is also more accurate imho. People would be rightly offended by others disparaging a woman for her ...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 16, 2021:
Very well said.
Does everyone have on their time travel suits and are ready to brace for the time quake tonight?
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I had forgotten about the time change... and survived it. I haven't even thought about the clocks yet.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@nicknotes I am 100% for that. Just set the clocks and leave them the hell alone! I hate changing clocks.
AHA News: How Grief Rewires the Brain and Can Affect Health – and What to Do About It - Consumer ...
nicknotes comments on Mar 14, 2021:
As one grows older one is less affected by grief as one experiences the death of loved ones.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 14, 2021:
I don't necessarily think so. I'm pretty sure if one of my grands passed on it would devastate me. That would be out of the natural order of things, and not even to be considered. It scared the hell out of me that my newest grand was a preemie and had to spend many days in the NICU and I couldn't visit due to COVID. Losing any of them, or my kids, is just not imaginable.
Saturday morning cuteness...Babies!!!
Ray13 comments on Mar 13, 2021:
I think I want the one on the lower wait...the one in the upper wait...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 13, 2021:
Just take them all, it is easier that way, and what fun that will be!
This is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 11, 2021:
My ex got out of lots of "family" chores by studied inefficiency and ineptness. When we met he was a good cook, after we had kids he would cook only one thing, and it was horrible. Washing up was half assed, and frequently things broke. He could be counted on not to break kids and to get them in bed...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@JackPedigo I am a quilter and sewer, so I do lots of ironing. However, completed clothing is a PITA to iron. I'd rather pass when I can, I have very few items in my wardrobe that need to be pressed, and I never do sheets. I live alone, so anything that gets done is mostly done by me, except for the yard work. I have a mowing team that comes during the growing season. My yard has a killer slope. And some things my kids don't want to me to do, some things my son in law helps with, he cleans my gutters when needed. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself about the number of things I've managed to do by myself.
This is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 11, 2021:
My ex got out of lots of "family" chores by studied inefficiency and ineptness. When we met he was a good cook, after we had kids he would cook only one thing, and it was horrible. Washing up was half assed, and frequently things broke. He could be counted on not to break kids and to get them in bed...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@JackPedigo The red in with whites was a situation used in the TV series Frasier. Daphne the live in health aide found someone had moved her laundry in the community laundry room, so she put a pair of red undies in that washer load. The last scene of that episode was a neighbor dressed for tennis in a very pink shirt.
This is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 11, 2021:
My ex got out of lots of "family" chores by studied inefficiency and ineptness. When we met he was a good cook, after we had kids he would cook only one thing, and it was horrible. Washing up was half assed, and frequently things broke. He could be counted on not to break kids and to get them in bed...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@JackPedigo I don't let anyone else do my laundry, I'm weird that way. I hang things up as soon as they come out of the dryer. I hate ironing. My jeans don't go in the dryer. I just like doing things my way. I'd rather do laundry than vacuum. I have a Robovac, so it works well.
This is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 11, 2021:
My question is this: if men are supposed to wash dishes, why can't we have a sink that's not down between our waist and our knees? Sinks should adjustable height. I do my own dishes, and it's a literal pain in the back.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 11, 2021:
You must be taller than average. The problem is most kitchens are built for "average" people. I'm not average height, I don't know many who really are. I'm considering a stool in the kitchen, except I'd likely trip over it and break my neck. As for washing dishes, I fully believe that is what a dishwasher is for. I prefer not to hand wash, and only hand wash a very few things that cannot go in the dishwasher, and then only use those items or wash those items reluctantly.
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Right, HC! And one more reason that flag should go's a symbol of treason!
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 11, 2021:
I just noticed that my link didn't work. I didn't write it, it was a link from a publication... I grew up 150 miles west of where I live now, I am Midwestern Corn Fed, and not the least bit southern. Wonder if I can find the link again.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Doesn't seem threatening, what are you seeing?
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@skado Wow, thanks for pointing that out, sounds like quite a determined scammer.
Letters From An American 03/07/2021
LucyLoohoo comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Can we ever---E V E R --get past this hatred? (And, by the way, I want to see that bridge re-named as "JOHN LEWIS BRIDGE!" Now!)
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 8, 2021:
If you like to read I recommend Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. It is well written and very eye opening. For me, it is also a bit uncomfortable, so many things I didn't know that I feel I should have known, but never bothered to think about.
Well Joe, perhaps if you left some oxygen in the room for them, the Repudlican Party could survive.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Why do we want the Republican Party to survive? I don't think they deserve to.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@Mooolah Yes, however it doesn't need to be the Republican party, it can be any other party. The Republican party needs to be disbanded and other parties formed.
Saw another ridiculous profile today from a woman in her mid-50s from my area.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 5, 2021:
That sounds to me like one hot mess. Who has time for that.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 5, 2021:
@JimG Hopefully she will realize her need for that good therapist and be willing to do the work to adjust her actions/reactions.
Saw another ridiculous profile today from a woman in her mid-50s from my area.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 5, 2021:
That sounds to me like one hot mess. Who has time for that.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 5, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin Caveat Emptor.
This is a concern of something that has been overlooked.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 4, 2021:
The wisdom that I have seen is to keep wearing a mask/social distance until Dr. Fauci says otherwise, and I am happy to follow that wisdom. I have friends who are vaccinated and the consensus is they will keep wearing masks and social distancing as long as it takes for EVERYONE to be safe.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 4, 2021:
@Triphid Very well explained, I thank you for that.
This is a concern of something that has been overlooked.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 4, 2021:
The wisdom that I have seen is to keep wearing a mask/social distance until Dr. Fauci says otherwise, and I am happy to follow that wisdom. I have friends who are vaccinated and the consensus is they will keep wearing masks and social distancing as long as it takes for EVERYONE to be safe.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 4, 2021:
@azzow2 It might be, but I'd rather be safe and alive than come down with a disease that could very well kill or severely debilitate me or someone I know/love. And as I'm currently uninsured due to job loss, I'm planning on being very cautious. I literally cannot afford to get sick.
I drink my beer unchilled, because if it's ice-cold then you cannot taste it - and if you don't like...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I don't drink beer, ever. I don't drink any carbonated beverages, they don't agree with me. My favorite drink is water, and the colder the better, and yes, I've been known to chew on ice cubes. No champagne, no soda, no beer, and some wines, nothing sparkling. I think not drinking soda alone has ...
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 3, 2021:
@Petter I love cold water, and I'm 63. I don't feel like it has caused very much harm.
Ineluctable in-ə-LEK-tə-bəl Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, early 17th century ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Freezing pipes , is ineluctable , due to the way home were originally build in the semi tropical area .
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 3, 2021:
I lived in western Louisiana in the early 1980s, I was appalled a how houses were built, and by the general apathy of the population. I was never so glad to leave a place in my life.
In case you have not noticed @phxbilcee has rejoined us after close to a years absence.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 3, 2021:
@cutiebeauty seems to have taken herself out of the race, I think she still has a good shot if she comes back. I fully understand that is not life and sometimes life takes you in other directions.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 3, 2021:
@KKGator I do believe she did, and yes, small kids are major time sponges.
In case you have not noticed @phxbilcee has rejoined us after close to a years absence.
KKGator comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Level 10 is a myth. Like El Dorado.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 3, 2021:
Although CutieBeauty was on a path to be the first 10. She hasn't been on the site in months.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I think he came back as hugmekev1 and I guess he left. He followed me, then I saw he made a lot of post's and now they're all deleted.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 3, 2021:
He totally did do that, I caught him with the second profile as well. That one I reported and blocked. I forgot to post that one.
Such a level and measured source of information on the current state of affairs in American ...
barjoe comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Heather Cox Richardson puts out a message every day. "Letters from an American". She's awesome.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 2, 2021:
I post HCR's blog every day. I get her newsletter. She is awesome, so well thought and well expressed.
These scammers really need to develop some new lines: What can I say , you look so great and ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I got the same damned message!!!!! And he is PMing with me this morning. I'm being rude. :) I detest that line of BS.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 Well, it must have worked because he is gone, gone, gone.
These scammers really need to develop some new lines: What can I say , you look so great and ...
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I got the same damned message!!!!! And he is PMing with me this morning. I'm being rude. :) I detest that line of BS.
HippieChick58 replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 I see I have another message this morning, I haven't checked yet to see if it is from him. I wonder if the Pandemic has hurt the scammer world...
For years I was in touch with a user named Infoguy.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
He used to message with me, and then he stopped and blocked me. I think I hurt his feelings. I have not heard from him or about him in many months.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@Sydland Apparently he has pulled away from social media, none of the folks on FB have heard from him. He was least heard from in July 2020 in a podcast.
For years I was in touch with a user named Infoguy.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
He used to message with me, and then he stopped and blocked me. I think I hurt his feelings. I have not heard from him or about him in many months.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@Sydland I asked some former members on FB if they know anything about him. If I hear I will let you know.
So how did the country get into this mess again? They elected a reality TV show host? Got it!
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
The dumbing down of the American populace almost worked.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@BirdMan1 There are some escapees, and I have hope in the upcoming generations.
Accouchement ə-KOOSH-mənt Part of speech: noun Origin: French, late 18th century 1: The ...
Behind-the-dog comments on Feb 26, 2021:
I wonder how this is different from parturition (the action or process of giving birth to offspring).
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 26, 2021:
Essentially the same. par·tu·ri·tion /ˌpärCHo͝oˈriSH(ə)n/ nounFORMAL•TECHNICAL the action of giving birth to young; childbirth. "the weeks following parturition"
Hell yes I would!
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Nope, wouldn't pay for anything related to the Dumpsterfire. I'll read about it somewhere, but only if it is free.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@OldMetalHead I'd give the money to PP, and not watch anyway.
Believe it!
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 20, 2021:
This is timely for me, my last day in my temp job is Friday....
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@BeeHappy Too young and too poor to retire, so gotta go find that next, hopefully last job.
Letters From An American 02/19/2021
freedom41 comments on Feb 20, 2021:
It's good to have a compatent man in charge of this country.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@AnneWimsey I could never listen to him for more than a few minutes. My stress and anxiety levels would skyrocket and I just had to shut it off. Can't stand the moron, never ever could.
Letters From An American 02/18/2021
freedom41 comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I'm sure most of what 45 said was lies.
HippieChick58 replies on Feb 19, 2021:
And what wasn't lies would fit on the head of a pin.


6 Like Show
Grandson! Born April 2018
16 Like Show
August 2017
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1976. HS picture
23 Like Show
1980 in Germany.
13 Like Show
5 Like Show
1959, I was a year old.
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Early 80s
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Xena and Zelda
16 Like Show
2010 California
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12 Like Show
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4 Like Show
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Lap quilt made 2016
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Lap quilt made from left over fabric from previous quilt, 2017
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Quilt for grandson 2018
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
5 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
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Quilt on my bed made 2016. Wall painted ombre shades of pink, also in 2016
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
8 Like Show
This is the current male love of my life, he's 8 months old and soon will call me Grammy.
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Jan 2019. Quilt for 2 year old granddaughter, just learning her colors. Her mama wanted it to be a rainbow quilt.
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My Christmas tree for 2019, and 2020, and 2021... and beyond!
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Quilt for Grandson's first big boy bed. July 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed, late 2020
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New quilt for the guest bed.
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January 13, 2021 My newest and smallest grandchild. She arrived 5 weeks early and is now 2.5 weeks old and is less than 7 pounds. I've never held such a small baby before. She is quite perfect and very amazing. I love being a Grammy.
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Grand #3. Born Dec 2020
1 Like Show
Completed May 30, 2021
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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