Have you ever looked out of your window and had something catch your eye so that you followed it and let it sink into you, only to find that you couldn't for the life of you remember the name of that object? That's me filling out this Bio. I have no clue how to talk about myself comfortably here. Perhaps, you too were unsure how to write this self-advertisement and had qualms over inclusions that might have seemed too braggy or a misguided attempt at self-deprecating humor. Well, screw it. I'm gonna just tell you some of my interests and if you have any questions just message me.
I love ethnic food, classic rock, D&D, comic books and anime. Those are what I turn to when I want to relax, indulge myself, or just lose track of time. I'm over-educated for my job, but that doesn't bother me one bit as I actually enjoy it. Always up for a good conversation, or philosophical debate, especially if a pint or coffee are involved.
I traveled quite a bit when in my 20s and studied in France, Germany, and England as well as the USA. I don't quite know what I'm looking for here, but I've never been afraid to wander a bit before finding a path.
25 and feeling good while at the University of Warwick! I played American Football, and am in my jersey getting ready to head to the athletic field to dress out and start practice.