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“The Atlantic”, “The Wisdom of Russell Brand” Can’t find a good category for this. ?
Jolanta comments on Jun 23, 2018:
All I can say is that Russell Brand is never boring.
High my name is tim i grew up southern babtist my father was a preacher i have ben very educated in ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Hi Tim. If only people were not so adamant that they are right and you are wrong.
The brain - that 2.
Jolanta comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Avoid all those things to star of with.
Respect... Earned, or the default?
Jolanta comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Why would anybody want to be disrespected?
Im on the phone with my friend who is on at-home dialysis.
Jolanta comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Wow, I hope that a kidney that is compatible with her will be available soon.
Just seen this on Facebook.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
run by the Tories.
This sounds logical and i can't find any flaws in his argument. Can you? []
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I can see that you are only 27 and I wonder how come you are so hard. What happened to you?
This should settle it...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I think you should send it to all the churches, synagogues, mosques and other religious institutions around the world and make their day.
70 years ago my country took the bold move to provide healthcare, free at source for all, from the ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Yes, the Tories and some of Labor are happy with cutting funding to NHS so they can say it is not working so let us sell it of to private enterprise, and bugger the people.
Which US airlines are not working with ICE — Quartz
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Good on them.
A lot of posts on this site have lamented that they haven't met anyone here yet.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I am happy to hear that. Good luck to both of you, just remember, people are completely different in real life than on paper.
Question: is anybody else having a problem with the like button?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Yes, I want a button that says; you are a complete twatt, you nincompuff.
Conspiracy Theorists, and the Harm They Do
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
So one has to do something about all those lies that the US has told to the world so they could start wars. Those are conspiracies in themselves. And big ones too.
What do you think about the idea of growing clones so that you could extend your lifespan by ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
It is a question that has many questions in it. Would that clone be a thinking, feeling creature, or would it be just a sort of for parts person/thing? For parts would be great, just think that one can get a new arm/leg/heart/lungs or anything else that has been damaged. The other way, no way would I want that.
Young Trump staffers are complaining that they can't date in DC because everyone hates them ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
That should tell them something.
What is your opinion about to get married?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
That all depends on the reason for you getting married.
Phones-Been using a flip phone since retired and on disability.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Very annoying but on another tangent, if that is the only worry one has, one is truly blessed, if you pardon the pun. I would be way worried/angry about a yelling daughter.
I just bought my own luxury yacht. @MrLizard, where shall we go?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I let you decide since it is your iron, sorry yacht.
My sister is replacing he fence.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Good to see you helping your sister.
You get to a age or point where you just don't seem to fit in with people you've known a long time ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Yes it is not easy, especially for men. One's family you cannot do much about, no matter what and how they think, they are still your family. I think that living by example is a good way of showing people that it is ok to be different and have other views then their own. It is when we or they get defensive that problems start. If they start to pray you can always go to the toilet or go home with a smile on your face, just be gracious and hope that they cotton on and will be gracious back. You may have to spend a lot of time in the toilet though.
Wooo hooo, i made it to level 8. where are my new super powers?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
There you see, it was all a myth, just like religion.
Religion has brainwashed me and my kids!! Its very difficult to be married to a Christian extremist ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
She doesn't have to "walk away" from God, she just have to stop ramming it down your and anybody els throat. Just like you have to stop doing the opposite.
I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the caller.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I live in Australia and we have hundreds of scams going on. One has to know that nobody would ever call you from the police or any other agency and try to scare you.
You can meet anyone you wish, who would you choose?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I would want to meet my father who left when I was two, never to have surfaced again. Why I have no clue.
Why, my friend?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Some people never grow up.
Hay I'm new on here ! Just thought I'd say hi
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Hi back at you and welcome.
My sister, a christian, is curious about athiesm.
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Tell her to read the bible, cover to cover and then ask her if she still thinks that God is fair, hones, good and also ask her if she still believes that he loves all people not just his "chosen" ones.
A close friend of mine sent me this because it made her think of me...
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
So what do you make of it?
How's evryone doing?
Jolanta comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I am doing really well, how about you?
'I don’t know how to explain to someone why they should care about other people.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I am totally with you on what you are saying. Funny how a very large proportion of those who are Trump supporters are on welfare or used to be until he cut it and they still love him.
Trump Supporters!
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Because they think that everybody is NICE if they have money, no matter how they conduct themselves.
This past Monday, I went (by myself.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Yeah, it has happened to me too, but what has happened more is that I go and see a movie and when it finishes I think, "that was a waste of time and money".
This bothers me.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Well have you looked into how many people the US has killed and is killing around the world? That is another ideology the one of greed.
Is Sexting ok.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
If you are so worried about it, then don't do it in the first place.
Hoping to meet some open and reasoning people.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I am sure you will but then there will those who are not as every els in the world.
France called. They want their statue back.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I think she is all for going too.
UK Lords: Listen how crazy these stupid defenders of islam are : []
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
No more stupid than defenders of any other religion/cult.
Sometimes I feel like I've woken up in an alternate universe.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
How about you ask them if they are happy with him revoking laws about dumping toxic waste into waterways. Or how about you ask them if they think he should get rid of all the foreigners on special visas that he employs at his venues so he can Make America Great Again.
My parents still believe i am as christian as i was when i was in the private elementary school they...
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Are you going to put them right?
Own your possessions, lest you be owned by them! As I'm preparing to move from a single-family ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Ah, just thinking about downsizing and getting rid of my belongings hurts my head.
Sometimes, it's just that simple. Finding that natural blend of weirdness from each other.
Jolanta comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Finding it is like finding a needle in a haystack. I have noticed that what in the beginning of a relationship is endearing (all that quirkiness) turns into something that they dislike immensely.
I would like to find friends and travel companions that have the same type of underlying beliefs to ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I hope it will happen for you. Good luck.
Volunteer Work, pros and cons
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Well everything in this life can have a negative impact on whatever else you have to do or must. It is all up to you to have a balance.
I'm agnostic, I'm proud to be. There are no discution about God.
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Most of the so called Christians I have met have been very undchriste like.
I heard this interview on the radio this morning, made me sick! This is not how my country is ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I am so sad to hear about all this. How awful to be in that situation for someone who cares. How can people possible be so insensitive? It is just beyond my comprehension.
85% White, Republicans Live in Red Southern States and Receive Welfare and Food Stamps
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Yes, but they do consider themselves to be "accidentally poor". Just waiting for the big win/opportunity.
Its Gonna Happen - Mueller to the Rescue
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Yeah, but Pence is not so much better, just doesn't tweet.
Trumpery is Worthless Nonsense
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Don't show it to Donald or he will call it fake news.
Do you believe in good and bad?
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Not much in this world is totally black or white. There are so many shades of either.
To you haters
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I think that he needs some serious education.
Recovery from trip home to Louisiana, reunion and family fly by.
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
So was it a good trip or.....?
Hello! I'm very new to this site.
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Don't worry about joining groups. You don't need to, you just go on as you do. If you read something that you want to comment on then do it.
How bad would things have to get for US citizens to seriously rebel - an uprising?
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I don't know, it is a tricky one considering that there are so many weapons in the US.
I just have to give a two thumbs up that this site is here.
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I love this site, there is always something interesting going on.
Ann Coulter Is Reamed On Twitter For Calling Immigrant Kids 'Child Actors' | HuffPost
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
She is a despicable human being.
Hello. Kinda lost just checking this out I guess.
Jolanta comments on Jun 20, 2018:
I hope you will like it and it will bring some joy into your life.
Words of wisdom for today.
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Except there seems to be a lot of one and not enough of the other. But on another note there are people who cannot string 1000 words together to make themselves understood.
Im curious right now
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
About what?
Trumps Approval Rating as June 19th! What with the recent events regarding children it is simply ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
You cannot expect anything else, after all they are not worried about him wanting to grab womens pu...y and boasting about it, so what can you expect from anything else that he does.
Why can't I shake the feeling that I'm going to have to flee the US?
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
You are probably not the only one.
Here’s the scenario: Smokin’ hot coworker that you’ve known for over two years, and might be ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Unless you are only interested in using their bodies for your own pleasure, which in my book would be immoral, don't even think about it.
Who here has had a root canal? Please tell me about your experience, good and bad.
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
I had several over the years, they were all painful and expensive.
Recent talk with an acquaintance.
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
You believe that there is nothing after we are dead, and that in itself is believing in something. So your acquaintance is wrong.
"Whats for dinner?
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
You should be.
I'm a better Christian than most Christians and I'm an atheist.
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Me too.
I love how people who say freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion are also the same ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Well, they cannot have it both ways with me.
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Unfortunately the mainstream media is owned by a handful of people and they what big business wants them to write or they will not advertise with them and that is how they make money.
Has anybody ever noticed things start to happen for you that you once cared about when you stop ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Yes, when we don't give something so much attention it all falls into place.
Curious to know how many of you believe Jesus, (the one from the bible, not some Hispanic dude), ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Who knows if he did exist or not, but does it matter. There are plenty of kind, generous, humane people in the world who are prescribing to all the things that Jesus supposedly have said and adhered to.
I don't know what to put this category under I'm an introvert so I guess I'll put it underneath
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
So are you saying that you have not experienced it?
I cannot get the "children ripped from their parents" thing out of my mind.
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I totally agree with you there.
Should I presume that all these people are African Americans or Foreigners?
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
One cannot take anything serious that comes out of the mouth from the orange marmalade.
You may or may not have noticed that I have taken a step back from this site.
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Good luck to you. I guess if you found it stimulating and addictive you must have like it. I too find that I can get "addicted" to this site but I put a limit of time that I spend here. When the clock rings that is it.
DNA is the only significant thing my father ever contributed to my life, and I'm not even sure of ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Sorry to hear about all that. You are not the only one who had a deadbeat father. Me too.
Private Prison Company Geo Group Gave Generously to Trump and Now Has Lucrative Contract
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Of course they do.
So yesterday a man a few counties over from me died in a car accident.
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I am with you. They just say it to reinforce the lie to themselves and everybody else.
Today was a productive day! We finally got the big industrial fishtanks offloaded from the trailer ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Wow, so are you going to bread frogs?
So...What are you doing for Father's Day today?
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Why do people take it for granted that most fathers are selfless. As far as I have seen a lot are not, they are plenty or deadbeat dads around too.
Recent accident where my 73 year old wife fell into a river off a high bank.
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Anybody would try to rescue someone they love.
Imagine being a bride in India and you must kiss this on the head! And not get bit! Some messed up ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
What religion is that? I have never heard of it.
I've seen "Solo" a Star Wars Story 2ice now.
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I love sci fi too.
Trump attacks media over viral photo that was actually shared by Merkel – ThinkProgress
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Someone who likes to grab women's p...y and brag about it has no credibility in my world.
Here in the Central Plains, we are sweltering in a string of consecutive 100 Deg days.
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
100 F is not so bad, just wait till it gets to 115. Anyway, drink plenty of water and just take it easy. It will pass and winter will be upon you very soon.
Gearing up for Father's day BBQ.
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Oh, that photo of that slab of meat makes me think of a lovely cow galloping in a field.
Hello all ,I just signed up so thought I would say hello ?
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Hello to you. Hope you find some like minded people on this site.
Thanks dad; For teaching me all those important "man" things.
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I see you enjoy the national parks. You better go and visit all that you can as Donald is selling them off.
Aliens are often portrayed as being anthropomorphic which is highly unlikely given that on earth ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I never understood why some creature from another planet should be interested in our planet, unless it is the same environment as theirs. And why are they always portrayed being ugly and slimy.
My atheist cat has taken over my side of the bed.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Yeah, funny how cats seem to think it is their bed and you are only a visitor.
I do actually have a life, sort of.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
That sounds great. I love burlesque but I think that perhaps you need to broaden your horizons and find something else that you like as well as what you are doing now.
Hello, I'm new to this site.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Welcome, you can always put in as much effort as you like or you can even get rid of the sites that do not support you in life, or you can have a timer and give any site 15 minutes a day. It is all about control. You control it or it controls you.
When is it OK for white people to use the n-word? []
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
In Kenyan prison as in Moscow, Russia beats Saudi Arabia 5-0 | Reuters []
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I know we have lawyers and legal brains, share with me the pro and con's of plea bargaining in US ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
It seems to me like human life is on the verge of a complete change.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I think that the problems in communists countries are just as bad as in capitalist ones. Not much difference. No matter whether it is capitalist or communist or social democratic, etc, etc, there are always going to be problems. I have lived in three different countries (communists, capitalist and social democratic) and I have found that the Social Democratic one is the best one for everybody, even the rich people who resided there.
Now that I have achieved level 8 can't say I am not enthusiastic to collect another 150,000 points ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Gorgeous photo. Why would you bother about achieving a higher level. How does it impact on you enjoying this site?
Just to let everyone know.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
How do I join?
Stuck in your chair? Need to get some house cleaning done? Turn this shit up: []
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
What that would not help me one bit.
On a board where I live there is a sign that asks what are you thankful for?
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
That is not the only thing to be thankful for, and some people who know you or me are probably not thankful for that at all.
When you're scared, that means that there's opportunity.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
For what exactly?
I’ve had a bird bath in my yard for years. Today I realized I also have a “ bird shower”.
Jolanta comments on Jun 16, 2018:
That is sweet.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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