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Hurricane Florence is finally gone.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I'm glad you're safe.
Well, folkses.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Hurricanes are like people, random chaos rules. You cannot assume anyting .The first time I didn't take a hurricane seriously was Hurricane Fran. Fran wiped out the state of North Carolina for a long time. It's better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Here in Raleigh we fared very well. Areas close to me are underwater.
Asshole Yankees.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I agree, my response is well, go back home. It doesn't make any sense to me either. why would you move and expect the rest of the states to be just like where you left?
They should make a profile description option for "antihumanist"... Cuz I fucking hate people. XD
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I agree! Let's start a misanthropist unite group
What's your most outlandish belief? (Mine is, I believe crop circles are not man-made.)
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 17, 2018:
I believe the earth is alive and will kill us all one day.
Freudian product placement
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I'm a floral designer and I would love to do a Halloween wedding.
YEEPS. It's TURNING??? send beer. and a generator. []
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 12, 2018:
It's turning for now. I hate hurricanes! it ain't over till it's over! We are being stalked .
I want to believe humankind has an inspiring, logical, empathetic, and reasonable need for existing.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 12, 2018:
I would love to believe that too, however, it's more my philosophy that life is random chaos. No one asks to be here. life it's forced upon us, and we return the favor to our offspring.
STOP. MAKING. PENISES. I know you're doing it on purpose. STOP IT.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 12, 2018:
It's appropriate because this storm is behaving like a real dick
Where were you on 9/11?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I was on my way to work. I remember the hair standing up on the back of my neck. I wound up crying all day.
CrossFit and SoulCycle are becoming “churches” for millennials  - Vox
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 11, 2018:
I believe this ,particularly about CrossFit. CrossFit is a cult. I quit going because 1- it's dangerous. In the two weeks I was there, there were 14 injuries. 2-I met too many religious , Ultra patriotic conservative assholes there.
Goodbye cruel world.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 11, 2018:
This may have worked! the latest spaghetti paths show it taking a sharp left.
Flag wavers
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 10, 2018:
I'm from the south, I still see Confederate ones.
Start from the bottom: proper stand, loose body, strong grip! Let's don't target a situation where ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 9, 2018:
How many AR-15s do you own? I highly recommend them leaving them fully loaded around your house.
You might be old if you remember this...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I remember these!
Hang on to your hats Wilmington North Carolina!
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 9, 2018:
I'm just hoping its not going to be like another Fran. Fran hit the coast as a category 3 and plowed straight through North Carolina. Fran took down one out of every three of our trees.
Sometimes I think the world can't get any worse but then every time I turn on the TV I'm proven ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 9, 2018:
It's sad but true. I never expect anything good to happen.
After 2 marriages and 6 stepchildren, I've finally learned that I could have had several stamps in ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Or, marry and don't reproduce.
What is something you ate growing up that you never ate again once you became an adult?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Escarole. I may have the spelling wrong. It's like chewy,bitter,tough indigestible lettuce. My mom used to sautee it with olive oil and add beans to it.
You are your worst critic? Is that quote true or false?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
For me I'd say that is exceptionally true.
Aww poor sparky foils again.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Aww his parents pulled the plug.
Nike makes me so damn mad
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Hey who remembers the MasterCard commercials you know the ones that I'm talking about. Nike shoes $95dollars, Bic lighter a $1. 95, accidentally setting your house on fire because you're a racist asshole.....priceless!
That's just science.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Yes it really is that simple!
It's Kavanaugh time
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Absolutely true
Love is it real
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 7, 2018:
I feel the same way. I'm not sure if love exists anymore. I think it's more applicable if you're a young attractive breeder, and even then it won't last.
So, I went on my first date since the passing of my wife with a beautiful, mature, charming, ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
You have the right attitude .it was 3 years after my husband died before I could even think about dating. The most important thing is you took that chance and you went out. As you said, it's a work in progress and it takes time. Best of luck !
This was my dinner and it was delicious.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
It looks so healthy!
Time for sex
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
You mean like actual sex with an actual person? I think I'll sit this one out.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
Great tune!
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
We all have our limits.
What do you think
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
It does accentuate how unfulfilled that I feel on occasion. that's a part of the reality ,and I don't think there's anything you could do. be thankful for what you have, and remember nobody has a perfect relationship.
Picture of the day 😉 Add a picture of something you like.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
Kayaking on Lake Wheeler
The only shitty thing about cats
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
I read somewhere that if cats were big enough, they would kill and eat us. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but it sounds legit!
If Only ??
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
not to be a downer but I had a member block me over an argument we had over the same post. her response to this was to be a radical atheist and say there is no such thing as a soul. She told me to post a link that scientifically proves that there is a soul. I can't understand why even an atheist can't read this and understand the value in the beauty of the meme.
Trump voters
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
What is it that makes religion so attractive to many people?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
I see it as the need to fit in. The human animal has a need to conform to the norms of general society. I find patriotism, having children, and getting married to be the same way.too many people never truly examine their feelings, and what is right for them as an individual,and just go with the flow. Life is indeed a bit more difficult when you're a non-conformist.
How do you relax?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 6, 2018:
I don't, I think relaxation is overrated.
How does one go about being a polite atheist?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
I live in the Bible Belt and rarely have I had any run-ins with people. there's a certain amount of religion that I could tolerate. I don't bring up the subject. If someone says something absolutely ridiculous, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, I just ignore them. I have run into more religious opposition as an agnostic on this site from rather radical atheists than I have from the Christians in the real world. to reiterate ,just don't bring the topic up and cause an argument.
Im recently seperated after 27 years of marriage. How long before dating again should one wait
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
There is no timetable whenever you feel ready.
Beavers in the bush
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
Sounds like a nice bedtime story?
Just wanted to share a little story.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
That was beautiful thanks for sharing.
Awww .. let me see.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
Oh! this is so me!
And it tasted juuuuuust like chicken , I am sure ?♥️?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 5, 2018:
My favorite fairy tale ending: and she said fuck that shit! And lived happy ever after.
Pick your Superpower. If you could have any Superpower, what would it be?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
The ability to read minds
It's not drinking alone.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Absolutely! and it's always 5:00 somewhere.
When to switch primarily identifying as an Agnostic to Atheist?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
just today I came across a really nice post that had the term "soul" in it . It was by no stretch of the imagination a religious meme. it was violently ripped apart by an atheist because there is no such thing as a soul. I would say if you are so convinced that you have all the answers of unanswerable questions without having any scientific proof you're an atheist.
Boycott those fuckers from Nov thru Jan.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
As a floral designer it's hard for me to avoid. I try to just enjoy the fun/pretty/gathering/food part of the holiday.
Motivation is over rated
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Good advice!
The fondling father is so trustworthy
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
It must be miserable being nothing more than a pornstar Gold Digger and get thrown into the role of first lady.
Are there any more trolls that don't like what I post cuz I love being an asshole!
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
This is where being a misanthrope actually has its advantages. I'm an assshole and I think everybody is an assshole.the more you try to not be an assshole the more of an assshole you become.
Inherited qualities.?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
My parents were married for 64 years. I guess that taught me what a relationship is really about. When you make a commitment to someone , it is through thick and thin and good times and bad. They absolutely did not have the perfect marriage by any stretch of the imagination, but when they look back on their journey in life together I'm sure they don't have any regrets that they stayed together.
Hey guys I'm new here
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Welcome aboard!
This was our view when my son and I went to hike 8 miles on the Appalachian Trail last week in the ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I miss vacationing in the North Carolina Mountains. My favorite Trail was the tanawh trail in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Is anyone else scared to death to start over?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I think the unknown is a pretty scary place for everyone. Life does go on however, so just take it day by day.
Does anyone feel this?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I have a very strong respect for having secular values. You don't have to believe in the sky Daddy, or a reward in the afterlife to do for others and be a good person. I can understand your frustration , because I experience the same frustration with people.
How against religion are you?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I don't describe myself as an anti theist. My personal feeling there's some good people who are religious, and there's some real s*** people who are atheist agnostic.
How can i enjoy sex again
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
You're not in a relationship/marriage you're in a nightmare! get out! He's slowly killing you.
What is your biggest fear?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I say lack of money, money buys everything.
And you didn't have read that meme know this
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Too true! no good deed goes unpunished.
Too tired to care
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Good morning everyone.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I know the feeling. I may not be in a relationship, but im totally in love and dedicated to coffee.
I know, right?!
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Biggest mistakes go first!
I'm against both.....
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I once dated a guy who would kiss me, and do other things, but refused to drink after me. I wonder if there's a scientific term for the fear of backwash
I went from hovering between 345 to 365 lbs down to 185/195 in one year.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
You are doing an amazing job!
What’s an addictive mobile device game?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
angry birds fan, great game to kill some time with.
From the mouth of the evil one
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Bout right.
This man is one of my heroes.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
He's a real man for sure.
Is organic really organic?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
From my understanding organic food can and does have chemicals on it at lower levels.
Sometimes you don't see something until you're ready to see it.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
This is very true. It can be applied to many ,many situations.
My next door neighbor drives me nuts.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
We all have that crazy should meet mine!
How many kids do you want before you die?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I put more effort into having zero children than most do in having a few.
Ever feel like this? When I try to be social... Heehee
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Happens to me all the time because I work in retail. I keep smiling and keep walkng. However this is true for me too!
Hello everyone !
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Hello! ☺
So what do you do when you've been dating 3 months, are very happy and then find out that your ...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 3, 2018:
If you're over 40 it shouldn't even being option. Perhaps he's just talking out of his ass. It's definitely time to set the record straight.
How does everyone feel about the understanding that our global resources are finite?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I agree, nothing lasts forever but the earth. Im doing /done my part! I don't breed.
Yea! Halloween is almost here!
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I love Halloween it's my favorite! It's a great time for me to show off my really bad cake decorating skills ,and throwback huge quantities of funky jello shots.
I just received my "Agnostic.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Yeah! That was great of you to wear your T-shirt ! be proud!
This is apparently my year for losing people.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have morals and not into just sex or a hook up as some have put it.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Sex for fun is like communism. It looks good on paper , but it goes against human nature. It's always so much more complicated than just do it it'll be fun. It's kind of funny to me that when you come out and say something like you said it's met with negativity. However if you came out and said that you screwed 50 guys a day people would simply say that it's your choice and you're still a very moral person.
Presidents quotes...
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
He looks like a guy who would be rejected by hookers.
I can’t wait to get to level 3 and meet all these interesting, like minded people!!❤️
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Hang in there!
I had been talking to a guy for a month.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
He's married and looking for a sexting thing. When a man wants something, he goes for it. If he was into you, he would make it happen.
What is Your Favorite Season Change? Mine is coming up, but I'm more interested in yours.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I'm with You on this one. I love it when summer turns into fall
I haven't had a soda in 5 years.
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 1, 2018:
As I've said in a previous post,food cravings are a Curious Thing!
Religion in the south
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I too live in the south, and I get tired of the sickeningly patriotic Evangelical right. To me, even if they're atheists ,all Republicans and conservatives share a little too much in common with the evangelicals . My advice to you is just put your opinion out there and be yourself even if it pisses others off.
What is your definition of integrity?
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 1, 2018:
The apparently old fashioned philosophy of having pride and shame.
Hope's it's soon
Kojaksmom comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I'm not sure, that American flag really is over the top.
If I started an anti-Republican, non-Democratic group on here, would you join? ;)
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Fuck no
When can we say you're too f----- up to own a gun?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 31, 2018:
And then we wonder why there's mass shootings. This is a problem everywhere in our society .we want to fix problems but we never want to try to avoid them.
What is ONE Quality or Value above everything else your new partner MUST HAVE? (only ONE please)
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Why is it, some people have the need to create drama?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Highly sensitive people ,from my experience , are usually the culprit.
I just read that the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in the USA has skyrocketed in recent...
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I believe online dating and social media does factor into this. The incidence of sex on the first date is increased when people 'meet' and text frequently for a long period of time online first. Internet communication can lead to a false sense of intimacy, connection and feelings of trust. People should always remain skeptical until they meet someone face to face, and make sure that the trust is earned.
There are days when I want to utter cuss words.
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
You've earned the right to curse! go for it!!!! Even my mother who is 83 drops the F-bomb every now and then
Well tomorrow is my monthly weigh in and I'm not looking forward to it ?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Good luck! If you're eating healthy and you're feeling better don't feel like a failure because of the numbers on a scale.
Does anyone else find it more and more difficult to meet people without children, as you age?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I'm in the same boat. I'm surprised at how many men 47 to 50 to have rather young kids. It's kind of a deal-breaker for me to think perhaps we could have a relationship when I'm 60+ and his kids are adults. I try to avoid the family oriented ones like the plague
Do people take "Here for community" seriously?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
although I put down here for Community only,if I should so happen to meet someone that would be fine. I am single. I just don't put myself too far out there. To be honest, I've given up on any and all dating sites.
Would you (knowingly) date a Trump supporter?
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I don't give a s*** how much game the snake in the grass never
Was at a fast food place today and a horde of people had a baby girl.
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 28, 2018:
Unfortunately when people have babies they consider that an amazing accomplishment.
Be careful on here.
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 26, 2018:
it happens to the best of us. when someone says they're separated it pretty much so mean since breakfast.when someone says they're single, there's a 50% chance they're not.
Too soon????
Kojaksmom comments on Aug 25, 2018:
About right


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This is my baby kojak
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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Here for community
  • BirthdayApril 30
  • Interested InFriends Only
  • EnjoysMovies, Drinking, Food, Music, Science, Books, Outdoors, Sports, Art, Theater, Pets
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  • Level8 (99,190pts)
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  • Joined Nov 24th, 2017
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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