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Kitteh should have planned ahead.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Dating after 30
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 2, 2019:
We need a terrified emoji for that one!
It's going to be a party if there's an afterlife!
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Luv it!
Atheist/Agnostic Conservative Mind....
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 2, 2019:
True, I'm not fond of any kind of conservative. I've had bad experiences with all of them. sometimes the Libertarians are worse than Evangelical Christians. Without exception, almost all conservatives/Libertarians are extremely pro-military and support a massive plethora of benefits for those serving in the armed forces. without exception, everybody else in a their country can go fuck themselves.
So the winter holidays are always emotional for me.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Congratulations on your new addition to the family. My goal,as usual, is to take better command of my finances in Hope of being able to retire a bit early. Other than that, eat less and move more is my mantra for the new year.
We all never asked for this and onward we bravely find our way.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Yes it does. It's like recovering from drug addiction. One day at a time, or one hour at a time.
I've noticed some of these points to be true about decent women having a hard time finding solid ...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Great read. The one huge turn off for me, and the reason I have given up actively looking for a partner, is older men seem to be needy and too quick to find ANYONE to fill their "needs". Most common needs I run into are loneliness,sex, nursing- cooking, cleaning, care taking ect., financial concerns. The list does go on, but when your looking for a partner dating seems so artificial and forced. Online dating does not make things easier either because so many other profiles/ options are simply at the tips of their fingertips and very few want to take time to build a relationship. I am willing to give finding love another chance, but it has to be a real connection or spark with someone, and That's a rare experience.
I think everyone should know this.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Thank you for that, I didn't have any idea did that was even a possibility
A little over $100
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 3, 2019:
At my age all of the above are the least of my worries. Buckle up youngins the real fun starts about 20 years later.
"Drama requires your participation to exist." Opinions invited.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Come on people be real. That's all that life is ,one big drama.
Seems we may see a live experiment in whether more guns solves a gun murder problem.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Population control I guess.
Never could wrap my head around this...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 6, 2019:
According to Catholics, if a newborn baby dies it goes to purgatory. As George Carlin often said this happens because God loves us.
New Spring trends have arrived.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 8, 2019:
It does!
Anyone here ever play a player? This person did and won. Wow. []
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I think it was probably more therapeutic for her. At least that's how I would feel.
Resolutions, bad idea.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 9, 2019:
One of my favorites!
Well known Australian Psychologist specialising in human sexuality, Bettina Arndt has recently ...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Fact of the matter is if a woman is beating a man she's going to go to jail. I can understand in our Macho culture that exists, also in Australia ,that oftentimes that's probably not the case. Here in America domestic abuse normally results in both male and female going to jail.
Birth control will be irrelevant
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 12, 2019: Condoms.... better than murder
I have learned a long time ago that there really is no logic behind the notion of 'Love at first ...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I Remember looking at my late husband on our third date and saying to myself that I was going to marry this man. It did work out, I did marry him. We were married for 21 years until his death from cancer. Sometimes I think you just know.
You know you're old when you drink Kalua and Vanilla Boost.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Every drink is better with alcohol! I tried putting Sailor Jerry in my morning green smoothie, but it didn't work out. 'll keep the Boost in mind! It sounds delicious!
You can't be too safe...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Exactly, they're probably waiting for a couple hundred thousand years for us to become civilized. Unfortunately, we most likely will not make it that long.
I've gained 36 lbs in the last 2 years.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I have had a lot of luck with fasting. I too suffer from occasional binge eating. The fasting program that works for me is my first meal is at 1 in the afternoon, and I cut off my eating at 8. This combined with making reasonable food choices has really helped me break my addiction to salty, sweet, fried and other high calorie low nutrition food addictions. I understand what it's like to be able to get your head around a diet and stick to it.
Pretty much
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Ain't that the fucken truth
What are you looking at? I'm not a meme...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I wonder what she looks like in real life
See food
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Looks delicious
When a dog tells a lie. []
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Vent: My effing son(started to call him a mofo, but?
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Children suck. I dislike all children,but it seems like that's the least they could do for you for the lifetime of money ,misery ,worry and pain that they probably have caused you throughout the years. Most kids do this to their parents however
Our Hot Hunk of the day 1/17/2019 goes to @CopDogJoe.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Very handsome
Wow, just found this group! I have about 50 years of retail experience that has given me a great ...
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It's amazing how I could almost immediately spot someone who has never worked retail by their demands and the way they treat retail employees.
I'm always looking for new solutions! Alcohol is a solution, right?
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Alcohol is always the answer.
More intermission, can you handle it.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It has been almost 4 years since cancer took my wife of 43 1/2 years.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Your story sounds similar to mine. I'm almost 5 years a widow, and I still miss him. I get so tired of being alone and I struggle in every way without him. I guess we all are finding our way out of our grief. We all own our own grief, and all of our experience are so similar yet no two people grieve alike.
What gets me out of bed
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Scan price clerk at Publix where shopping is a pleasure but working? Not so much
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm in n.c and publix just started creeping into our area. Wegmans is also opening a store here. I was hoping at least one grocery store was going to be a better place to work, but i think all are about the same. All grocery stores begrudge employees.
This is for all you stuck in that white stuff
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 24, 2019:
That's true!
It's 3:40am and I'm about to start my miserable day.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Have you tried the mental health group? I think there's also a recovering addicts group that may help.
I got drunker than I intended to ? how do I minimize the hangover effect? ?
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Hair of the dog tomorrow . No really, drink lots of water. Alcohol is very dehydrating.
Our Hot Honk of the Day 1/30/19 goes to @KevinMR, Seems like a nice, normal guy.
Kojaksmom comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Very handsome
How to sell Girl Scout Cookies- Part 2- after you've relocated your business outside of the ...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Damn right!!!!
Fascinating America is falling out if love with billionaires, and it's about time.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 2, 2019:
The sad fact is fewer and fewer people are doing more and more work so the rich could become richer.
I'm binge watching Dr.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Oh that's such a nice question. It really does depend on the person. When I knew my late husband was having a bad day, we would snuggle on the couch With our favorite drinks and watch movies. I did have a boyfriend once that always wanted to talk, then I would run a hot bath and ask him to join me.
Sorry Pat's fans
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 3, 2019:
GO RAMS!!!!!!!
Universal Orlando Now Has A Butt-Naked Troll That Farts Glitter At Guests | HuffPost
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Lol! I like it!
This is every time I’m in a Nursery or garden center
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Me too
Interracial Dating/Marriage. What's your opinion?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 6, 2019:
I've had bad experiences with it. I had a 'thing' for Hispanic men, and in every case I found them to be traditional and demand their women to be religious conformists. I know many interracial relationships that work out just fine.
Only 5 Weeks until St Patrick's Day! What is your town/city doing to prepare for this Irish ...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I love Saint Patrick's Day it's one of my favorite holidays. Here in Raleigh we celebrate with a huge parade and a chance party and drink with the pros!
& I'll end it with...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Never let that happen!
41 mass shootings in 40 days ? Today's Mass Shooting Tracker 02-10-2019 (Thru 02-09-2019)
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 10, 2019:
In the u.s.a mass shootings are called second amendment rights. We suck
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I think your best to stick with pet store brand food. Purina pro plan weight control is what I use. He loves it and it's complete with all nutrients he needs. I'm not sold on the idea of making dog food for your pet. I would definitely speak with a veterinarian about it first.
Men: Serious relationship or no?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I don't think there's any rule. Everybody is different. If a guy puts pressure on me to have sex too soon it's a deal-breaker he's done.
Just curious, do you believe in karma or law of attraction?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 11, 2019:
I think karma is legit. Say for instance you watch someone making an ass out of themselves and say hateful things, then this person asks you for some kind of help and you say f*** you. That's karma.
Poverty exists because...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 12, 2019:
it becomes more pronounced with each generation. It's going to take a major bloody revolution to fix it.
Dicks sporting goods takes a stand on gun sales. []
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Awesome, because of his decision I now buy all my kayaking and Outdoor Equipment at Dick's Sporting Goods.
It is time to do something about health care and the ability to claim the expense on your tax ...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 15, 2019:
That along with many other tax breaks that middle-class Americans used to get it's all now gone
When did you first realize that religion made no sense?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I wasn't raised in a religious family. I did have a child's Bible with lots of pictures in it that I used mostly as a stepping stool.
I'm thinking, maybe holding people who sell guns to people that are not supposed to have them ...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 16, 2019:
I totally agree. Particularly when it comes to parents that have no control over their children. If your kid steals a gun and kills his classmates the parents should be held responsible for the same charge.
Cats ARE smarter than dogs lol
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Anti-vax facts
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 17, 2019:
And I would teach my kid, if I had one, to sneeze in the lunch boxes of all unvaccinated children.
Religion is a leash for untamed humans. Well just my thought.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I can agree with that. look at Charles Manson's cult, they're all Christians now. look at Alcoholics Anonymous, the Bible and religion is the backbone of all of its teaching. Many prisoners consider themselves to be Christians, the Bible and religion is pushed in prisons. Some of the most evil people claim to have be redeemed through religion. The most important part of being religious is to be obedient and follow rules even if you don't agree with them.
Hey, it won't shit in the aisle!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Want one!!!
I resemble this remark
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Sums up my personality nicely
There has been so much talk of the weather, the snow and ice.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I'm from the south, this is how my reacts to snow. He hates it!
Divoticulitis you say?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Lol! cyberchondria
Do not send drama to my inbox....
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Keep away from children
I have posted this before but it bore repeating....
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Yep! Sums up my life.
What'd you say?!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Yep! game on!
This is my new philosophy!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I'm a firm believer in Orange lights!
When Your Child Is a Psychopath [theatlantic.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 23, 2019:
That's a terrifying story. Children suck! And the parents are stuck with the subhumans for the rest of their lives. There can never be a good outcome only a lifetime of regret.
Not technically wrong,...I guess...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Close enough
Another Member, @MissKathleen, has just reached that vaunted Level 9! Congrats are in order!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 23, 2019:
If you were curious, yes, you get a notification from tagging yourself.
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Ok good to know!
Where the NRA got it's slogan...
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Somebody wants to get up. Guess who!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I love your fuzzy alarm clock!
Hahaha! 😅😂😅
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 25, 2019:
@corvislover we croc lovers try!?
What are some of your favorite books, fiction or nonfiction, about Dogs?
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 27, 2019:
James Harriet has some nice dog stories too.
Damn those snakes!
Kojaksmom comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Be careful of the wet floor, you'll fall in a pit of snakes.
It seems to be working
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 1, 2019:
That's me too! I rely on my personality.
I joined this group because after a horrible 20 year marriage, it's hard to trust my judgement ...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 3, 2019:
It's okay to take a break. I'm in a similar situation. Intimacy doesn't really have to be about a relationship that's sexual and romantic in nature. It sounds as if you feel pressure to find someone for a relationship. Spend a little time regrouping, getting your priorities straight, figuring out what it is that you really want. All that is perfectly acceptable. I have a very unconventional and negative way of looking at romantic relationships. It works for me so therefore it works. When you take the pressure off yourself you'd be amazed what's possible.
In memory of a Hot Hunk from days past:
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Lot of famous deaths recently.
"Schitt's Creek" is hilarious!
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I love this show!
An Australian wag is touring nz, samoa etc.
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 12, 2019:
In America, too many people make decisions based on personal opinion. Medical science is seen as some big conspiracy theory.
Misogyny hate crime: new research reveals true scale of issue – and how the public are united ...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 15, 2019:
I always felt the heart of the problem is the glorification of aggression. Aggression is often viewed as a manly ,positive assertion of one's worth that demands respect. The opposite is viewed as weak, silly, frilly and not to be taken seriously. Humans still have a far way to travel to reach the destination of being civilized.
"God is in control" was said to me this week-end.
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I agree, it's like a meteorologist saying it's going to be partly cloudy with a chance of precipitation. Given that definition of weather they can't be wrong. I think the atheist equivalent of that is simply fuck it.
I'm getting a tubal!! So I thought for sure I'd need to doctor shop - but this angel of a doctor ...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Yay, and speedy recovery to you. Take care of yourself. I hear it's not that difficult to get back on your feet.
Ok, this might start world war three, but I'd be interested to hear from this group members to sound...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I think it could be done respectfully. I have no problem with breastfeeding, but at least drape a blanket over the rugrat.
Funny how it seems the more religious the less moral
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Religion is selfish. People get involved in religion so they could live in the afterlife. They could care less about morality.
I also posted this in Health - really good article - []
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 26, 2019:
We just had a discussion yesterday about doctor assisted suicide. New Jersey just signed a bill allowing for more compassionate end of Life Choices.
After reading the data for the most recent mass shooting, I've come to another nasty realization ...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Similar to the Church molesting children and parents not being on their side and listening, we have the same thing with guns. Kids these days are under attack by the adults when they call for reasonable gun laws.
Exclusive: NRA Official Sought Sandy Hook Hoaxer To Question Parkland Shooting, Emails Show ...
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 28, 2019:
The sad thing is how many suicides there's been so recently. two young people that were survivors killed themselves, both were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor's guilt . on Monday a father of a victim at Sandy Hook was found dead of an apparent suicide. It was clear that all of the Sandy Hook parents that lost children were being harassed by Claims Sandy Hook was a government set up and that their children were alive. The NRA and the gun culture is so demented and sick.
Do most men just play along for eventual pussy.
Kojaksmom comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Sex is number 1 for men always. Sex can't make them stay, sex won't make them leave. It's the thrill of the hunt only I guess.
12% of Canadians prefer open relationships, UBC study suggests Source: CTV News Vancouver ...
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I'm sorry but to me and open relationship means single . Why do people always have a need to redefine things? just be single and don't have a family, and spend all your time trying to get laid.
Last week was a bit rough.
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 8, 2019:
I wish I could put them on tranquilizers.
Gun lovers: we responsible gun loving Americans respect the laws and rules we are the good guys with...
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 9, 2019:
There are so many loopholes and exceptions it's almost impossible to say that we have any gun safety laws in effect at all.
This one of my favorites! []
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Good one!
Adelle❣ []
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I love adele.
It's traditional for a woman to change her family name to her husbands when she marries.
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 14, 2019:
I hyphenated my last name.
What is with this Atheist/Agnostic divide stuff lately.
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 30, 2019:
People are people. I once had someone block me because I used the word soul in a non religious way.
Presidential Candidate, Andrew Yang is Against Infant Circumcision.
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I support people making informed decisions that are medically sound about the subject matter. I prefer circumcision, although I dont breed, but really don't want to take any shit about it if I made that choice.
My beautiful sweet dog Ricky died last night.
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I'm so sorry for your loss
well its hard to talk about how I feel about religion .
Kojaksmom comments on May 1, 2019:
I too live in the bible belt and it's hard. I just keep my mouth shut until I have no choice to tell others how I really feel.
Is it possible for a conservative christian and a athiest to make a marriage work, raise kids and be...
Kojaksmom comments on May 1, 2019:
In the long run I would have to say no.


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This is my baby kojak
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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • BirthdayApril 30
  • Interested InFriends Only
  • EnjoysMovies, Drinking, Food, Music, Science, Books, Outdoors, Sports, Art, Theater, Pets
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  • Joined Nov 24th, 2017
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