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Puerto Ricans are America Citizens, but they are not treated as American Citizens The 4 million ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Good book about US Imperialism in PR:
What's the best excuse for being late you've ever used or heard?
Krish55 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
The flying saucer that kidnapped me ran out of gas…
Puerto Ricans are America Citizens, but they are not treated as American Citizens The 4 million ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Citizenship was granted to Puerto Ricans in 1917 only to be able to draft them for World war one!
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Krish55 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Where are the Revolutionaries?
Krish55 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
No draft equals fewer revolutionaries!
Ok is it just me or does anyone else's skin crawl when they hear/read the much over used word ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Our culture has become Infantilized by consumerism and television!
Hello group, I am a democratic socialist from the frozen north where welfare, employment insurance, ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Welcome and thanks for posting! Does Fox News show up there?
THIS IS A WARNING It deals with how we see people and how there are some people we don't see.
Krish55 comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Since your name is Evidentialist, we must demand the evidence for this!
Please don't get me wrong, I am proud to being an american.
Krish55 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
It's not the education system. It's the society. Inequality creates a class that is alienated and doesn't want to be educated. The Parkland kids, who live in my own School district, are well educated because they come from upper middle class families.
Did you ever have someone or something significant show up in your life when you least expected it?
Krish55 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Trump as president!
Human Instinct: Is there such a thing? If so, what is it?
Krish55 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Erections are instinctive. That's hard to deny!
Human Instinct: Is there such a thing? If so, what is it?
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
We instinctively look in the direction of a sudden sound.
Human Instinct: Is there such a thing? If so, what is it?
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Fear upon seeing a snake is supposed to be instinctual. Babies have an instinct to suckle the mother's breast. Kids have an instinct to grasp with their hands.
Militarized Nationalism: Pernicious and Pervasive
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
...Capitalism in decline.
Yuval Harari of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
True. I hope he speaks out against Zionist populism...
Good morning from South Florida!
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I can't disagree. BTW, I've passed by that church!
Publicly funded private schools in Florida teach that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark – DeadState
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Isn't that how they got to Jurassic Park?
Now I know we are doomed.
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Trump is the most literate president we've had - if both words have the same meaning...
Now I know we are doomed.
Krish55 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
We have to laugh; otherwise we'd cry...
A question to the humanists in this forum: Do I have to sympathize with all human beings, or is it ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
@Matias Are you an AFD supporter?
Libertarianiam Linked to Climate Denial []
Krish55 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
They don't believe in controls so they deny the need for them.
What's are you're thoughts on modern libertarianism vs democratic socialism
Krish55 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Libertarianism ignores the injustices of history that have produced inequality. Injustices such as slavery, conquest, imperialism and dispossession. As a result, there is no level playing field. Libertarianism also ignores that for over 95% of human existence, we were social animals who lived communally. This is ingrained in our nature. Dog-eat-dog competitiveness leads to alienation, crime, suicide, and violent aggression. Unrestricted Capitalism is also destroying the planet… The market cannot prevent that. Only social decision making can!
What's are you're thoughts on modern libertarianism vs democratic socialism
Krish55 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
How about we combine them in this way. Libertarian on social issues and democratic socialist on economic issues.
Photos: Loner Culture...
Krish55 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
A question to the humanists in this forum: Do I have to sympathize with all human beings, or is it ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 11, 2018:
@Matias You believe you have nothing in common with many other human beings (Your response to me below)? You are incorrect and the claim displays alienaton from humanity. We all share the plight of the planet and need solutions that work for all. This alienated GRAND THEORIZING PHILOSOPHY is merely an excuse to be selfish and deny your responsibility. As a German, you are responsible for NATO and its leader, the USA, destroying Iraq, Syria, and Libya - thereby creating the current refugee problem, You are not some aloof GREAT WHITE FATHER who is above it all and is being asked for sympathy. It was European industrialization that started the destruction of the planet. Many refugees are fleeing climate change or wars caused by climate change (e.g. Syria). You and I are both complicit in the problem. We are both beneficiaries of Western Imperialism and responsible for its destructive human and environmental consequences. Give up idle philosophizing that reinforces alienation and reclaim your humanity!
How Putin Repays Trump []
Krish55 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
The evidence of collusion is ballooning...
A question to the humanists in this forum: Do I have to sympathize with all human beings, or is it ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
The two alternatives you posit are not mutually exclusive. Also let's talk specifics! Especially if you have refugees in mind....?
A question to the humanists in this forum: Do I have to sympathize with all human beings, or is it ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
The Point is Justice, not sympathy
When you think you're playing banjo but its your guitar.
Krish55 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Is it the same strum as the banjo clawhammer?
One pillow, two pillows or more?
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Is the quantity of pillows inverse to the quality of the love life?
One pillow, two pillows or more?
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Pillows? Who cares? What about lovers?
One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
About 11 million people in total were killed, not just six million. Gypsies died at a higher percentage than Jews did because they were more marginalized.
Your Advice, please I am getting rid of 45 years of collecting- books, stuff, you name it, I had it...
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
How many guys know what a credenza is?
Would you be interested in a PAID affiliate program for
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
How about we hold an agnostic tent revival instead?
Boobs are Bad: How Capitalism destroys healthy babies [] g:263
Krish55 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
The financial interests of infant formula makers come before the heath of babies...
Are you non believers forum, or dating site?
Krish55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Both, but we don't award more points for posting the same thing multiple times!
What is "promiscuous teleology" ?
Krish55 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
The article is mistaken. Children in non religious cultures don't spontaneously developed a belief in God. As far as the question posed about the lake, the problem lies in the leading nature of the question, not in the response of the child who naturally follows the lead of the adult questioner. The example illustrates the opposite of what is claimed. It is the adult who believes in a purpose that guides to child into thinking that there is indeed such a purpose.
What is vulnerability to you?
Krish55 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I'm afraid to say!
Throughout my adulthood, I have managed to dump much of the toxic masculinity and racism that were ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
feminine not effeminate
Did you know July 5, 1946 the Bikini was introduced?
Krish55 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
The nuclear testing on Bikini, mentioned below, dispossessed inhabitants. Destroy the land, remove the people, appropriate the name -Western Imperialism in action. I go swimming at the beach almost every day. But let us remember who suffers for our privilege...Sorry to break the bubble of pleasant thoughts...
Dostoyevsky or Nietzsche ?
Krish55 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Definitely not Nietzsche because he'll probably speak as loudly as Zarathusra did in Ricard Strauss' composition. Perhaps Dostoyevsky - if he's already served out the Punishment for his Crime. But he would have to promise to leave the Karamazov brothers at home...
Dostoyevsky or Nietzsche ?
Krish55 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Depends who brings the better wine and eats the least!
Did you know that climate change will make 200,000,000 people refugees in the coming decades.
Krish55 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Excellent post. The Western world benefits now from the industry that causes global warming. But poor people in the Global South are paying the price for capitalist greed and the complacency of our middle class.
Fellow Americans, are you celebrating or mourning this 4th of July?
Krish55 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Don't mourn, organize! - Joe Hill
Happy independence day our colonial cousins. Dont know how you made it this far without us
Krish55 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Make America Great Britain Again!
I have recently read the 2014 book “Reality is not What it Seems”, by Carlo Rovelli, an ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Since we don't operate in that higher field, it's not really relevant to our everyday life is it?
Do you even read the previous responses before you spout your opinion on the topic?
Krish55 comments on Jul 1, 2018:
I didn't this time!
Any Latinos in the group?
Krish55 comments on Jul 1, 2018:
happyaprn18 asked this question (see below) to get ideas about reconciling personal agnostic beliefs within a religious family. Here are my thoughts: A lot of ethnic culture, including the Latin one, revolves around religion. We can participate in these traditional activities without believing in the religion behind them. For me, Religion = Superstition + Spirituality. We can discard the Superstition of the beliefs and practices while still getting some spirituality and community from them. A mistake I find that Anglo atheists make is discarding the baby with the bathwater, rejecting everything and everyone connected with religion. This happens because Anglo culture is more individualistic and individuals are "deracinated." Many have lost their "raices." However, if you are able to keep your roots and your personal agnostic beliefs, you will be respected.
HeiligeNacht I have just learnt that this December, 2018 will see the 200th anniversary of the ...
Krish55 comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Here is the movie with a great rendition of the song:
What Are You Doing on Saturday, June 30th?
Krish55 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I'm going to a March that ends up at Mar-A-Lago, Florida, the winter home of our Imperial Orange Czar!
Would you rather work day shifts, night shifts or graveyard shifts?
Krish55 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I've heard that gravediggers prefer the last one...
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Oh no.
Krish55 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
effect not affect
Greek austerity has caused more than 500 male suicides – report — RT World News
Krish55 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Capitalism = Death
What would you do if some of your Facebook friends were constantly posting those corny Hallmark ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 28, 2018:
I respond with the question: So ethnic cleansing is for the best?
What would be your dream holiday destination with your new love?
Krish55 comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Instead of dream vacations, we should construct dream lives, filled with enjoying the everyday wonder of the world in all its forms.
What would be your dream holiday destination with your new love?
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
You're assuming that everyone's dream is to be as isolated as Adam and Eve.
Historian Pulls Up 1934 NYTimes Story Urging Jews Be Civil Towards Nazis.
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Great Post!
You may; Hate. Despise. Ridicule. Mock. But he's doing what he said he'd do if elected:
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Yeah, the racists knew what they wanted and what they were getting...
Don’t bless me if I sneez :)
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I won't - as long as you use a Kleenex!
What made America great?
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Slavery, war, and exploitation!
These dietary militants in France are terrorising a crucial sector of the French way of life !! ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
French wine connaisseurs are "terroirists"
Should we genetically modify our species?
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
No. I don't eat GMOs!
Krish55 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
There is probably some racism and classism here too. The parents seem to be Arab Catholics (Yes they do exist!). I doubt he would have done this to an upper middle class couple's kid.
Anybody else clawhammer?
Krish55 comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I started banjo that way - at 20.
Maybe it could be called a fetish of sorts; but I do mostly prefer a larger lady.
Krish55 comments on Jun 25, 2018:
As they say, "More for your money, honey!"
Do you believe that white people are born with unearned privilege?
Krish55 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
...a result of colonialism and imperialism
He gets it. []
Krish55 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Whatever it is, there is probably some medicine that will cure it. Tell him to stay away from the brothels in the future. Syphilis does lead to madness...
I will never understand people who are 'polyamorous' or 'ethically non-monogamous'.
Krish55 comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Supposedly, this arrangement is what caused Bourdain to kill himself.
Why do conservative Christians feel oppressed?
Krish55 comments on Jun 23, 2018:
Those who want to oppress others feel oppressed when they can't!
I lived in North Carolina and Minnesota.
Krish55 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
A rural vs. urban difference in part. And going back to origins: a Scots-Irish vs. Northern European difference
I will never understand people who are 'polyamorous' or 'ethically non-monogamous'.
Krish55 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
It's also a substitute for community ties. Sexual narcissism replaces the couple building a community with other couples, singles, and families on issues other than sex. Again, a symptom of capitalist society in decline.
I will never understand people who are 'polyamorous' or 'ethically non-monogamous'.
Krish55 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
It's the consumerism of capitalism extended into relationships. "We have to buy everything" becomes "We have to try everyone..."
Young Trump staffers are complaining they can't date in DC because everyone hates them
Krish55 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Karma! Hate can't get you Love!
Krish55 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Tribalism and its rules!
I have used an editor to sharpen up my writing to the point where I can get it published online but ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Were the editor's comments revealing?
Broward Rally for Detainees: Sunday 6/24 2 pm at the Federal Courthouse in Ft.
Krish55 comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Does the new link work?
An interesting read about the stages of genocide.
Krish55 comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Great post!
Was riding an elevator at the hospital with my Egyptian tattoos visible.
Krish55 comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Were you going to the top floor of the Trump Tower?
Some of us have chosen not too drink the coolaid.
Krish55 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
That's where the phrase "happy idiot" comes from. It's derogatory, but has an element of truth to it...
You got a secret crush on this forum. How many?
Krish55 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Great responses! And very insightful question!!!
New to this group, what is the level I see under peoples names?
Krish55 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
The numbers indicate how smart you are. Somehow, our intelligence goes up the longer we waste time on the site...
Sessions to Those Fleeing Domestic and Gang Violence: Not Our Problem -
Krish55 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
But the problem was created by US support for death squads, etc: ://
Realistic Indiana Jones movies
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Have found the IJ movies racist and promoting of Western privilege.
We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons.
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
If you really believed this, you wouldn't post it. For there would be nothing for us to learn from it...
We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons.
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Sorry, my mistake. Didn't mean to click on this post. But I guess my experience won't teach you anything about being too fast to react to click-bait...
What causes people to substitute compassion for those in their own circle with compassion for ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
If your "in-group" benefits from the exploitation and warmaking on the "out-group," then those with a wider, humane focus will be critical of their own "in-group" injustice towards others. Thus they will necessarily be emotionally hurtful to those causing a much greater physical hurt to others. It's called moral courage. Socrates and Einstein exhibited this. It's the opposite of tribalism which you seem to want.
What causes people to substitute compassion for those in their own circle with compassion for ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Does your phrase "out-group preference" indicate a bit of tribalism on your part?
What causes people to substitute compassion for those in their own circle with compassion for ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Here is the classic song about this phenomenon:
What causes people to substitute compassion for those in their own circle with compassion for ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 18, 2018:
It's not a substitution. Their intellect is compassionate - that's the caring for strangers. But the personality is uncaring and perhaps egocentric - hence the ignoring of other's feelings. Pointing out the disparity could help the person to use their intellect to improve their personal qualities.
Would Clinton really have been better? []
Krish55 comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Clinton in the campaign was more militarily hawkish then Trump. She helped to destroy Libya and Syria.
Who has/had the best singing voice of all-time? My vote goes to Whitney Houston.
Krish55 comments on Jun 16, 2018:
For pop, maybe. But listen to some opera before deciding...
"It's OK, everything happens for a reason.
Krish55 comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Agree. Good post!
Do you like to dance ?
Krish55 comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I do. Latin, Ballroom, Folk, etc. ...Folks, "left feet" is not a permanent condition. It's just a matter of exposure and practice. Key is to continuously listen to the rhythm of what you want to learn to dance. Once you internalize the rhythm, the body and the feet will follow...
Is anyone in the se Florida area
Krish55 comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I'm in Deerfield, north part of Broward County. There's s.o. else in Margate.
A moral crisis grips the US border.
Krish55 comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Good article. The origin of this migrant crisis is the US support for dictatorships and death squads In Central America...
Let us Fuck politics, religion, science, god, social justice, church, ammosexuals gun owners and ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Poor choice of words. To ignore something is quite the opposite than to "F" it.
How American Greed Led to a World in Decline | Alternet
Krish55 comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Great article. Have you joined Progressives and Socialists on this site?
No doubt the scientists in our membership will explain how supposedly ignorant Syrian men can ...
Krish55 comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Alternative views are good, but don't promote stereotypes of "Ignorance"...
I’ve been in the hospital the past week and have missed my hilarity here, pancreatitis.
Krish55 comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Hillary is an agnostic? No wonder she lost! But you still miss her...


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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