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E N F J -A Seeking Feminist Atheist woman for lifelong our age romance should inspire others like John&Yoko GIVE PEACE A CHANCE....Imagine no theocracy easy if you try ... our longevity is dependent upon a healthy lifestyle.... vegans live longer happier lives ethically in harmony with other animals in sustainable local ecosystems.... the slaughterhouses are real hellish industries that find their roots in bible religions....consider Cain was the 1st vegan hero ....he stopped Able senseless slaughter of albino lambs while the alleged bible gawd geebush jeehobah ghostholes did not approve of fruits and seeds as offerings like grapefruit and incense to jade Buddha.....theocracy is TREASON to humanity ecology and USA


I live in a very conservative Christian southern state and if I happen to be going through a ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Consider moving to a college town in a Green state
If they can't assault and murder in broad daylight, they'll just take to doing property crimes.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Dis arm these 9 year old boys in blue man uniforms
Minneapolis City Council members announce intent to defund and dismantle the city's police ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Cancell all pensions and unemployment claims of cops....hire unemployed black citizens to patrol Minneapolis to OBSERVE law breakers and turn over licence plates to sheriff & state patrol
Facebook removes 190 white supremacist accounts inciting violence
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Good riddance
Ut oh!!!! 3 of the 4 officers in the George Floyd murder were claiming they were "just ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Cops are killers not helpers
GEORGE FLOYD DEATH Two Buffalo officers charged with assault over police shoving 75-year-old man to ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Giving up a few bad cops is NOT jailing murderous cops. JOHN MONROE BRANCH murderer James Harkin is still free in Des Moines Iowa
Four days ago Bubba Wallace, NASCAR's only African American, called out the others in his "sport" ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Driving while black is fatal in many cities NASCAR is not hiring security they are relying upon racist cops for traffic and crowd control
A little more jeebus humour...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Yup geebush jeehobah ghostholes bible lies never happened......there was a tv movie about Lot pillar of salt being robbed from an ancient cave tomb....covered with a tarp and put in an open truck rain soaked through and disolved the beautiful bible babe so it could not be sold to the highest bidder
One more! If this ain't the truth! P.s., I love this guy!
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Is he the dog licking Tina Fey face acting like a dog in a car insurance commercial? He pants out the window and empties her purse to distract Tina Fey from safe driving
It's true....😂
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Start using the boys bathrooms pretend you are a transMan....there yoiu will see shit house drawings by bad boys of spread eagle females AND a penis pointed there ....more often a female name and phone doubt she turned the artist down for sex and he is retaliating REVENGE COMMODE STALL PORN
Biden formally clenches the democratic nomination. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
This is propaganda not news. Associated Press is deeply involved with computer rigging of election results. Delegate pledging is NOT formal. This racist AP story is heavily censoring Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins victories in their party primaries and caucus conventions. Many Bernie Sanders delegates are hanging on in hopes BidenS is disqualified for health, rape or racist reasons. There are 6 political parties that poll over 5% in many states casting serious doubts about November vote tallies to count over 40% final result. Associated Press reporters are corrupt racist liars in this article making no mention of Libertarians Conservatives Greens and Socialist Parties...AP = duopoly
Aaah, who invented us humans ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Louis Armstrong song has not come true in 80 years
Denver police ordered to stop using tear gas and plastic bullets in protests
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Wonderful is when everyone USA has a Green job living wages free healthcare organic food pure water clean air and communities free of cop brutality
Why THE FUCK are we allowing senior members of this site telling junior members to SHUT UP, to STOP,...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Conforming to the xian definition of Atheism does not build community pride. McCarthyism is still viral 8 decades now. Self hate is not an opinion. There is no middle way. Believers make claims without evidence. We Atheists demand proof. The Agnostic is pretending proof is unavailable thus believers deserve a pass. Proof matters. Hell threats heaven bribes and sexual mutilations are at stake. Belief is dangerous
Many people including myself have concluded that the officer wanted Floyd dead.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Terrorists like Chauvin want control over everyone and deliberately wanted to be filmed after he saw people with cell phones filming Floyd in the back seat of the patrol car. Step 2 getting his victim out of the car he slammed his face to the pavement and applied the chokehold......calmly methodically waiting for George to die....when ambulance arrived the crew begged to check the corpse for a pulse but Chauvin refused until he was certain Floyd could not be revived back into the living world. This is 1st degree murder.
How would you describe white American culture?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 6, 2020:
I am Cherokee. I learned WHITE AMERICAN cliche silent movie culture from my racist assimilationist father. He insisted all his children were WHITE. HE called his grandmother A SQUAW. USA is misogynist patriarchal gun culture. I was given a 2 holster gunbelt with 2 cap pistols for my 4th xmas 1956. I learned natural healing cures fishing hunting gardening canning vegetables and climbing our fruit trees as a small child. I learned white jesus blue eyes prEyers from my mother. She tried to get me to call my kindergarten teacher COLORED. MY Black skinned teacher taught me love. I have rebelled from the White xian culture 63 years now since I was matter how red my Brothers skins got I was told White is pure black is greasy scary jungle bunny bad.... USA culture is defined by racism militarism sexism and consumerism. I married a woman born in Africa and my mom did not ask what country she only feared a woman named Ruth could be BLACK....most countries "culture" is self defined by race and sex..... words are "feminine" and "masculine "....I was never told a single Cherokee word or song. My father called his uncle John Matthews a "rattlesnake" my daddy word for Atheist. He died at age 96 just a mile from his sister my grandmother AND I WAS NEVER INTRODUCED TO HIM ...WHITE USA culture is exclusionary. Not a melting pot but a crucible of conquest
10 documentaries about race. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Great films all recent ..... include AMERICAN EXPERIENCE PBS on the internment camps of FDR 120 THOUSAND JAPANESE AMERICANS arrested without crimes sole reason of their skin color and names.....
Fun Fact At the 1904 Olympics in St.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Chariots of FOOLs
Another vacation shot to hell.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
At least you can buy Fiji water in most stores about the same price as that evil coffee zionist shop
The signs my mom made me since she couldn’t attend the protest herself.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Peace solidarity and justice sister
NFL Players Powerfully Call Out The NFL 💜💜💜 []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
There needs to be the 55 Minnesota Vikings all saying Minneapolis police are not welcome in the stadium as fans or Security Not welcome in tailgate parties and not welcome to patrol streets near the game so ALL LIVES MATTER TO THE NFL host players coaches and owners
White Supremists Don't Care!!!!!!
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Cops escalate torture and death when victins complain
Can things really change when the bible, which many of Americans say they use as a moral compass, ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Believers only fondle their fetish book only Atheists read the bibles in horror for all the rapes incest genocide and 4 violent abortions en masse against Samarian women Amos 1:13 Second Kings 8:12 Hosea 13:16 & 2nd Kng 15:16 "rip open the bellies of pregnant women dash the little ones against the stones let not anyone live but keep the virgins for yourselves " jeehobah on military rape
BREAKING NEWS MSNBC; press conference of independently hired forensic specialists who autopsied ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Absolutely true Chauvin planned to take a helpless arrested Floyd out of the cop car and choke him to death KNOWING HE WAS FILMED to terrorize Blacks in his precinct when the ambulance arrived he refused to let the crew take George pulse to make certain he was dead long enough the hungry man could not be revived
Somebody had a sense of humor in these troubled times
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Head Start
Trust you are not disapointed.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Moon feathers
Could these little birds be any cuter?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Snow monkeys bathe in hot water spring lakes during winter in sacred Japan....USA murdered most bison and beavers but Teddy Roosevelt set USA on the path to huge natural parks and preserves
Could these little birds be any cuter?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
It is so strange how Japan and USA worship nature and war equally
Next stop Mars !
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Are they building a Mars craft outside ISS ?
Gas Mask Island: Inside The Place Where Residents Are Required To Carry At All Times | History Daily
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yup this dark TOURISM like HIROSHIMA nazi death camps MyLai Vietnam even Rhea County Courthouse Dayton Tennessee was my dark honeymoon 1992 from there we went to Montecello dark slavery plantation tourism....where ever we INHERIT THE WIND
Now that all four cops have been charged, and, I assume, arrested as well, do you think the protests...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Des Moines protests should never stop until JOHN MONROE BRANCH family is given wrongful death money garnished from killer cop James Harkin and lien on his house and cars....protesters need Green jobs ALL PEOPLE DESERVE REPARATIONS.....billionaires on WallStreet are getting trillions right now and you think 1200 is fair for working people?
Sort of reminds me of an old friend.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
My thoughts playing with food include typewriter corn cobs and trying to eat out silhouettes
I need a break, big time... This is one of my go to places: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This is newer and great crawling on backstage
I need a break, big time... This is one of my go to places: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Drew Carey job was to guide everybody past censors
I need a break, big time... This is one of my go to places: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
IMPROV .... pure truth at play
2 of the police officers charged over George Floyd's deadly arrest had been less than 4 days into ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This bad lawyer does not fool me ....rookie cops are eager to prove themselves loyal to bad cops ....they are perpetrators not innocents new to the patrol ...James Harkin was a rookie cop sent "hunting" down a dead end street to murder JOHN MONROE BRANCH.... I would like to hunt their testicles so no future cops inherit their DNA
There really are NO words for how disgusting this is.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Crown Point cops protected protesters from idiot whites with rifles who OBVIOUSLY DON'T HAVE JOBs taunting the protesters on a bike trail ....sounds like a safe place to march away from stores
Trump Discussing Using Tanks to Quell George Floyd Protests After having recently backed ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Actual cost per gallon is 19 cents ....Saudi Arabians think they are cheated at 44 cents per gallon
Trump Discussing Using Tanks to Quell George Floyd Protests After having recently backed ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
An m60 tank gets 4 gallons per mile with 2 v16 motors.....that's 8 gallons per 2 miles 12 gallons per 3 miles TEXACO LOVES THE PENTAGON AT 4 dollars per gallon delivered
Family of 6 found dead in garage San Antonio Texas, Suicide
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Too proud to line up for church food
I watched this live.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Trudeau is not Angela Merkel....she has been fighting USA jerks since boy Bush attacked her neck from behind his excuse was giving her a massage...2nd generation Canadian PM has no balls to tell truth to USA
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Never....he might smell like horses steers and chewing tobacco .... Libertarians never enable Rethuglicans.... TrumpOLINI was a BILLARY demoRAT ....Chelsea & Ivanka are close Don sit in same row as Bill .....Willie Nelson sings MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COWBOYS .... if the hat is brand new the jerk may have just bought it for a MAGA rally .....cowboys work ...jerks wannabe rich like TrumpOLINI....ask ....they will tell you
My daughter and I were having a conversation earlier.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Excellent question....your daughter is focusing upon effective progressive goals unsullied by shitslinger TrumpOLINI.....propaganda is not fought with more and different propaganda.....incumbents words are on fire and we need to douse them with factual water electing replacements.....the demoRATs are in bed with the Rethuglicans for illegal wars in 160 countries..... don't fall for a 47 year war criminal because a 41 month war criminal is a confessed pussygrabber..... BidenS said he will shoot me in my leg when I protest he raped Tara Reade with his fingers in her vagina.... I already know TrumpOLINI will shoot me in the head .... WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs
I know this meme's a little old, but still oh so true.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Please protect the learning experience of 2nd graders.... TrumpOLINI is more nasal than Gilbert Gottfried.... 45 is a war criminal Gilbert is a comic for drunks to laugh with
Speaking of Africa
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Africa is more than a child an woman spreading her is the birthplace of our species....the crossroads and harbors of people returning to root. Africa is dozens of countries a thousand tribes ancient empires more than jungles and sand. Africa is beautiful....thank you for these photos
A Utopian Idealism When one's own self evolves, deepens, becomes more whole, then one naturally ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
I do not know how Cohen defines spirituality. No clue what kind of teacher he claims to be. I define spirituality as the union of science and feelings. Knowledge and intuitive desire. Skill and joy. Our species evolved long before the invention of religions. All of us are born Atheists Feminists. Woman nurturing life not ghosts of ignorance. Our species nurturing some cradle in our arms to our recycling graves. Utopia is natural. I guess Cohen is hinting at crusades pogroms and pilgrims murdering natives to build temples and shops. Every child that grows with open eyes to live harmonious exploring and negotiating with others has found spirit in stars love and work.
It's just over 18 minutes. This guy is a lawyer who does the Legal Eagle podcasts. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
I thought I heard him say he is a doctor ? Every word was 100% correct true and appropriate. TrumpOLINI weaponized "a bible" EVICTED the priest from his own church terrorized people and news media out of Lafayette Park where I too have marched rallied and spoke with International news reporters ......the invaders shooting rubber bullets were from a state not THE DISTRICT. BLACK HELICOPTERS HOVERED AT ROOF TOP LEVEL to further terrorize all lawful citizens present. 45 and his invaders are the enemies of USA
Beautiful video by an artist from New Orleans. “What do you see?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
So many Brothers lift their heads in song tempo of a living tribute to New Orleans men Jackie Robinson and 44....never forget the lynchings STRANGE FRUIT and the red lined neighborhoods BUT CHICAGO not NO is the most racist city where more Black people die yet today
does anyone want to break down what's wrong with this?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Robert Byrd broke Strom Thurmond age and years in the SENATE record ....Byrd was an IMPERIAL WIZARD not just a nite ryder
does anyone want to break down what's wrong with this?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Truth about BidenS George Wallace and the Senator from West Virginia....Minneapolis is heavily Democrat and the Mayor will soon lose his job if he convinced Amy Klobuchar to let Chauvin go free from a previous crime
Would there be any interest in a music group for very early rock and roll (pre-Beatles)?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Good Morning! Love Seth Meyers, White Savior trailer []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Give me time to watch please ....laughter we need but solidarity we need comrades my sisters my brothers my Greens need me to reply
Racism in America
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 3, 2020:
The human race is tribal and varies by generations mobility and revenge for past localized racism that has been genocidal in USA PALESTINE CHINA USSR UK INDIA S AFRICA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL PHILIPPINES and especially Spanish Empire driven by the Vatican
DC mayor blasts 'gross' Trump tweet threatening 'vicious dogs' at White House | TheHill
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
We need Mike Tyson to bite off TrumpOLINI ear
what is this?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I do not have a slider button
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Read @William_Mary for the evil history of BidenS....Nixon was a dictator and had people killed at Kent State....many National Guard are also students like Kent State shooting people they knew on campus....all 50 state GUARDS are residents of their own states ..BidenS had 44 years in 2 Senate chairs and did nothing to end racist poverty and cops ...I read the transcript and BidenS has trouble pronouncing other people's words
Hard to believe members of the senate think gassing peaceful protesters is okay fine. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
All 100 Senators are war criminals and no surprise they will turn upon 80 million people too poor to avoid eviction or utility shut offs
Saudi Arabia declares ALL Atheists are Terrorists []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Time to declare King Saud a terrorist nation recall our Ambassador end all aid cancel all contracts blockade all exports to USA and embargo all current shipmets expel all Saudi nationals and students not seeking asylum as Atheists from the murderous theocracy....the flag is arabic reading: " allah is allah and Mohammed is his prophet " actually reads from right to left
The Treason of the Ruling Class [scheerpost.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Real journalism is a dying breed in Assange and Hedges. It is 1972 in one respect Nixon stole the McGovern playbook with George Gordon Liddy picking the door lock ....look for another landslide with TrumpOLINI carrying 44 states ....@Willam_Mary you are 100% correct BidenS is a 47 year war criminal greater evil TrumpOLINI only 41 months
Ruling with a Tiny Iron Fist Trump urges new laws banning flag-burning.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Thankyou WmChuck
Ruling with a Tiny Iron Fist Trump urges new laws banning flag-burning.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Tiny fingers tiny penis tiny brain TrumpOLINI
Ruling with a Tiny Iron Fist Trump urges new laws banning flag-burning.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
This idiot TrumpOLINI is too stupid to fact check that ALL FLAG BURNING LAWS were struck down by the ReaGUN US Sup Ct....the minute he signs it if Pelosi funds it ACLU Will have an Emergency Restraining Order against all US District Attorneys and FBI
Trump Falls for Misleadingly Edited Video of Dallas Clash
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
And TrumpOLINI won't confess he is so easily fooled
Rene looking sexy.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I love music but wrinkled pants are sexy ?
I know this church, I know this neighborhood, my life partner's family had a business here in the ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I have marched the streets and NATIONAL MALL many times last in April 2017 with enough Greens to surround the White House.....I sang a Holly Near song WE ARE SINGING SINGING FOR OUR LIVES.....TrumpOLINI must be defeated but not by votes for another corrupt racist rapist BidenS
I know this church, I know this neighborhood, my life partner's family had a business here in the ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I do NOT recall when racist incompetent Ronald Wilson ReaGUN declared all of 1983 THE YEAR OF THE bible preachers complaining nor filing a lawsuit like Unitarians and Atheists filed in San Diego.....religion and USA printed bibles at taxpayers expense HAVE BEEN WEAPONIZED since 1787 in the NORTHWEST ORDINANCE against Native Americans and Blacks enslaved by a blue eyed Southern METHODISTs jesua Nasoret.... TrumpOLINI deserves out 100% scorn but not upon neoliberal religious grounds
Surprise, surprise! (That is sarcasm.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Coroners are experts at both covering up crimes and solving crimes
This is cute 🤣🤣🤣
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
Those bible codes can make xians sicker
Jesús on social media:
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
Wine With Jelly Donuts.....this is both funny and false.... there was no Jesua Nasoret and Romans usually spiked both wrists together on the nearest tree broke both legs and spiked both ankles together survivors of crucifixion had their limbs crossed NOT ON A CROSS ....try crawling away pulling your weight over dirt rocks and water with your elbows and chin missing pints of blood behind you under the tree.....
Humanity first.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
All of us raped from innocent childhood until we reclaim human sovereignty
Many of us are heartsick with what is happening now in our city streets ad don't know who to trust ...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
😲 Before anyone goes off, I'm not saying the violence is right.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
Robin Hood angel Moroni ?? Scenes from DELIVERANCE???? WHERE IS Burt Reynolds when we need him most ????????
Happy Koronakah!
Larry68Feminist comments on May 31, 2020:
Good laughs from religious plagues with alleged angels of your have a scroll on your doorpost ? I would put a dead locust in that box. ...easier to read him than Hebrew with no vowels
Gang of monkeys attack lab assistant and snatch blood samples of suspected Covid-19 patients
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
What a fucked up lab to share space with lab animals and dangerous viral samples. The lab worker is too stupid to blow the whistle on the place....surely this violates OSHA workers rights to know all job hazards
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
My Navy towns including Pensacola have been racist since 1776 USA.. we all need to fight religious and racist bigotry in children so they don't grow up to be cops like Chauvin
Hi Admin, I'm seeing posts from groups I've hidden, just a heads up to let you know.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
somehow locals will figure out a way to torch the entire place....cops are OBSTRUCTING justice preventing investigators going inside gathering evidence all of his crimes
Sometimes my heart is warmed by the Judiciary.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
This rapist is lucky he is not raped himself in prison and pretending 8 women seduced him and enjoy violent sex makes me want to slice off his vocal chords along with his scrotum and penis sexual reassignment surgery ....I will cauterize his bleeding areas with a white hot flat branding iron....maybe then he will write his aology to all the raped women
On a serious note .
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
Rage Rage against the dying of the light
John Pavlovitz argues that "Prolific Racism Needs Complicit White People.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
True...... MLKjr said victims will not remember the crimes of their enemies but will remember the silence of their friends
Youth Pastor's Male Prostitute Solicitation Goes Wrong
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
What xians will do for fellatio like William Jefferson Blythe alias Clinton and this baptist a freequent hotel customer.....when will xians learn Onanism IS FREE and will not burn anyone in hell forever???
Minneapolis Seethes Over George Floyd's Death As Trump Calls Protesters 'THUGS' : NPR
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
Do it to Dick Cheney and boy Bush before they die ....shame Ellen deGeneres for praising boy Bush
Minneapolis Seethes Over George Floyd's Death As Trump Calls Protesters 'THUGS' : NPR
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
With a broomstick like NYC cops did to a gay victim
Chicago Mayor Tells It Like It Is
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
TrumpOLINI cherry picks facts to hide the racist imposed poverty and lack of Green living wage jobs..... TrumpOLINI is the thug IN CHIEF and Minnesota National Guard has been deployed illegally in global wars since ReaGUN and the past 41 months
Humanist family gofundme shared by Florida Humanist Association on Facebook []
Larry68Feminist comments on May 30, 2020:
Is this money for a plane ticket to relatives in Florida relocating from mom of Indiana??
In my lifetime, I have imagined and lived through the very worst I thought a Mother could live ...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 29, 2020:
The dying want to be welcomed in their mom heavenly arms ......these 6 gangster cops need to face the death penalty of enraged Minnesotans because there is only life imprisonment available to courts there....USA calmly lethally injects prisoners and death occurs less PAINFULLY than Floyd suffered bleeding choking on his own de-oxygenated blood and gasps
[] Rich Mitch -Courtesy of the Lincoln Project. -He must love this!!!!!
Larry68Feminist comments on May 29, 2020:
Lincoln Project is a religious propaganda outfit spreading out right lies about Lincoln not being an Atheist President all his life......Rich Mitch is a war profiteering polluter bribed gay draft dodger discharged by the Army for being gay....this 60 second commercial is designed to elect his military opponent who will continue USA illegal wars as Junior Senator from the Commonwealth of KY
Minnesota is an absolute shit show right now
Larry68Feminist comments on May 29, 2020:
Revenge Arson is hardly toilet smell ......letting 5 felony cops run free letting a murderer off on light charges is a crime against humanity....terrorizm like Hitler bombing London silencing people into surrender.....London fire bombed German cities like the arsonists are fire revenging stores and precinct # 3 cop HQ
CNN: Every White Person Has 'Virus' in Brain, It's 'Too Late to Be Innocent' - National File
Larry68Feminist comments on May 29, 2020:
Not sure what these words mean so I have to click on the link
[] Tyson meat packing plant in Iowa has 22% infection Covid-19 rate. Shut it down?
Larry68Feminist comments on May 29, 2020:
Storm Lake Iowa had zero reported infections until this week....2 months of low testing and keeping the illegal alien workers silent until nurses on the job looked at the 99 county map with the # 0 in Buena Vista County sick workers were taken to Sioux City where a large list of locals hid the transported patients....a catholic sanctuary hospital guaranteed healthcare for illegal aliens
On a serious note .
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Please teach me new curses for 6 evil MPLS cops
Priests and cops are similar: When a priest sexually abuses a child, he shouldn’t be allowed to...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Snipers will continue to retaliate in Minneapolis until the gulty 6 cops are in jail without bond
I MUST tell you all something! I'm a cell phone person.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Are you running a fever ??? I want my hero healthy. BE WELL
This HAS to stop.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
I have condemned cops like Des Moines for 49 years ... They are so busy covering up murders of Blacks they don't have time to retaliate against my speeches in City Hall live cablecasts....they are proud of their "hunting" record no matter how they are villified because the truth being told about them makes their terrorizing more effective intimidation of Blacks
There's just no hope.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
If hell really existed 6 Minneapolis cops desrve buring there forever
Zuckerberg condemns Twitter for fact-checking Trump.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Liar Zuckerberg has censored me many times in 14 years
Minneapolis mayor calls for arrest of police officer who knelt on George Floyd′s neck | News | DW ...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
A token arrest is a sham....all 6 criminal cops need to be jailed without bond for calling the murder " medical distress" the routine of covering up cop victims in Minneapolis
Drone footage of the devastation in Minneapolis
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Mayor of Minneapolis needs to fire the Police Chief and Information Officer caught covering up the murder.....all 6 cops need to be in jail without bond. They must confess like the TRUTH & RECONCILIATION COMMISSIONS OF S AFRICA if rioting won't stop
I was sad that the protests were violent and it seems like the media is illustrating black violent ...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
USA rioting began at Fort Sumter 1861 whites riot with cannons Blacks riot with rocks
George Floyd was accused of trying to pass a fake $20.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
Chauvin=James Harkin. Both willful monsters gleefully snuffed Blacks like pulling weeds from a garden.... 2 Cities of "skywalks^ so whites can be walking one story above streets and the underclass below.....MPLS = DSM = the living hell of blue terrorists with handcuffs
George Floyd was accused of trying to pass a fake $20.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 28, 2020:
I CAN'T watch this.... JOHN MONROE BRANCH murdered by the KKKristian city of des moines ....ten years later his trigger man got shot in the same arm with the 1st karma paid back one of 5 bullets in his heart ....someone killed an innocent cop in retaliation one year later....the movie HEAVENs Hero was made to glorify DSM cops 100% of DSM cops keep the secret conspiracy to murder BLACKS of dsm


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50s +
1671 members
1649 members
Feline Fanatics
1561 members
1543 members
Food Glorious Food
1461 members
Dog Lovers
1408 members
World Music
1361 members
Music Fans
1282 members
1209 members
Trump Pinata
1142 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1015 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
943 members
Gun Control Now
926 members
Sexy Classy Pics
775 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
773 members
Vegan\Vegetarian World
747 members
Critical thinking
668 members
Paleontology, Archeology, and Anthropology
658 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
644 members
Talk Dirty to Me
617 members
562 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
507 members
Uncommon words and their meanings.
505 members
Movie Lovers
474 members
Florida Freethinkers
445 members
aussie sceptics
438 members
Ethical Sluts
431 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
390 members
Community Senate
382 members
Dating for Real People
371 members
370 members
Sex, Love, and Kinky Things, What's Your Pleasure?
361 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
335 members
"Positive Vibes"
325 members
Online Dating: The Reality
320 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
315 members
Political debate
308 members
303 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
301 members
Hippie Land -
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
293 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
Widow(er)/life partner/significant other
282 members
Jokes and humor about religion
282 members
280 members
Workout Warriors
265 members
Star Trek fans
260 members
Battling Obesity
255 members
249 members
Childfree Domain
249 members
36 Questions
245 members
Baby Boomers
235 members
Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
223 members
Left Coast Non Believers
209 members
Pet pictures and discussion
207 members
Kinky Lifestyle
207 members
Oddities and Anomalies
198 members
Memes edited
190 members
Natural history
176 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
168 members
This Day In History
162 members
Libertarian Agnostics
142 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
142 members
Biden 2020
140 members
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
137 members
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
137 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
119 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
Atheists for Liberty
109 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
104 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
Carolina Atheists (SC / NC)
101 members
Movie viewing group
99 members
Older Men and Younger Women
99 members
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening
98 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
At Retirement!
93 members
EX Mormon Atheists, agnostics and apostates
90 members
All Things Asia
81 members
Jobs for Atheists / Free Thinkers and The like
73 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Age Related
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
Plus Size Positive
69 members
Let's Unite
65 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
Feminist Atheists
44 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
Iowa members
34 members
25 members
Design a better religion
22 members