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E N F J -A Seeking Feminist Atheist woman for lifelong our age romance should inspire others like John&Yoko GIVE PEACE A CHANCE....Imagine no theocracy easy if you try ... our longevity is dependent upon a healthy lifestyle.... vegans live longer happier lives ethically in harmony with other animals in sustainable local ecosystems.... the slaughterhouses are real hellish industries that find their roots in bible religions....consider Cain was the 1st vegan hero ....he stopped Able senseless slaughter of albino lambs while the alleged bible gawd geebush jeehobah ghostholes did not approve of fruits and seeds as offerings like grapefruit and incense to jade Buddha.....theocracy is TREASON to humanity ecology and USA


Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Racist bigotry wins extinction of species loses
Stephen Fry and Richard Dawkins in Conversation - YouTube
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Had a great time with Dawkins Atlanta Emory 2009 as we both congratulated Fred Phelps GOOD ATHEIST SON escaping the Wedtboro cult when he turned 18 took only his baseball bat for protection running out the door
[] warning for climate change.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 9, 2020:
There is warmer winter in Alaska right now and hot as hell summer in Australia same day
These Republicans voted yes on the War Powers resolution - CNNPolitics
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
This insane lie by Pelosi and 3 Rethuglicans allows TrumpOLINI to continue all illegal wars everywhere except "in or near Iran".....what the fuck war profiteering rages globally in BOLIVIA UKRAINE AFGHANISTAN IRAQ YEMEN PHILIPPINES PALESTINE LEBANON @ SEA UNDER sea against dope dealers for dope dealers et al ad infinitum
Weatherman And Adoption Dog Are So Funny On Air That The Pup Gets Adopted Next Day ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
More people should rescue companion animals from kill shelters
Obscure and possibly silly, but if you ever wondered about the relation between human age and the ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
My Service Cats Kiti7 are sure to live past my 79th year as indoor cats routinely live past 20 years ....we are active without over acting dangerously out side or around contagious other species
Why dowsing is a con: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Drilling for water better be far far away from fracking that causes earthquakes and poisons ground water for miles around
I'm pretending to be a hot girl on tinder so I can match with my roomate and tell him Im coming over...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Is he that busy doing other activities that he delays routine tidiness? And does he really think he will get sexual favors by decorating his unkempt bower ?? Is this a fidelity test or, as advertised; mere motivation to wash laundry dishes and windows long neglected during your previous visits ???
Neither the Apocalypse nor the Salvation of our choosing - but a very likely future for us all: ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
I REFUSE to eat laboratory products....not MARGARINE not GMOs not herbicide pesticide soaked ALLEGED "food" ..... fuck Finland fake flour
I need a bigger band-aid
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Does not look sticky ?
the longer you look
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Proudly DANGEROUS workshop freak
A Colo Iowa couple chose gunshot assisted suicides ages 78&79 rather than go into medical bankruptcy...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Snow covered garden will not be planted in this spring after 60 straight years running
gun permits
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
You have stripping experience on command ? Were you expecting a bra or jockstrap search ?? I love birthday suit freedom AND a pistol for protection
So - intellectual humility is a virtue! Or is it? and how do we achieve it societally? []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 10, 2020:
There is the TELL THE TRUTH PLEDGE too movement
Love this! Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert talk about atheism. (starts around 1:13) []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 11, 2020:
CoalBURT : "ONE gawd 3 persons" Ricky you're 99% Atheist I am 100% Atheist
Whatever you are not changing you are choosing
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Is there a message implied in this question / declaration ??
[] We need to start listening to science.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Wash hands frequently to prevent transmission/infections....killing bugs with anti biotics is becoming less effective as germs are mutating to resistant strains surviving anti-biotics
Could philosophical discussions be better and more productive? []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 11, 2020:
There was no single example of this proposal....the author concluded philosophical discussions over beer or tea should be friendlier and less reliant upon proving a point false or true... Aristotle was mentioned by name along with Acquinas but not to any point of discussion ....I would suggest how Atheism evolved from Thales and Materialism away from various alleged gawds accredited to be in charge of fire, death or birth.....philosophy of 26 centuries ago just does not seem all that relevant today with various violent faiths guiding whole armies and disputed geography
Not sure where best to post this - I remember the song, (so handy for atheists, haha), from the ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 12, 2020:
String ballad for Atheists
Considering how rampant scammers and predators are, one would think that men would be a teensy bit ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 12, 2020:
The rampant scammers also hack into my accounts via phone and email..... as a politician my address is common knowledge but I practice self defense learned in hand to hand combat as a Veteran.... however , my experience with dating sites is that females want pillow talk for free rather than meet and date an honest Feminist Atheist.....they want intelligent conversation while blaming good men for the bad boys of their past... .. that is the red flag to me....paranoia without courage to heal.....
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 12, 2020:
This is a horribly flawed "primer" alleging a recent history of our species and habitat.....monetarism is a false belief system invented millennia after the invention of religion....the human "community" which you over idealize was betrayed by shamans to institutionalize the rape of women and brainwash boys into violence against neighboring tribes to rape their women steal their food and living space....coins and paper money are less than a few thousand years old and feudalism was a military hierarchy of inherited "right" to rule territory .....
Why There Are So Many Incompetent Male Leaders
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Corruption does not appear to be the main factor where " leaders " are propped up for voters and honest leaders are censored and vilified for their lack of corruption ......controlling or invading 150 countries IS NOT KEEPING US SAFE as I am "thanked for my service" invading Vietnam in 1959...yes I was brainwashed to believe war heroes and football heroes were the lucky ones to be loved by women....even though I joined the Navy to stop the war from the inside like many other vets were doing, hippies still do not like my short hair then or now....Mayor Pete and Pocahontas seem to be selling their personalities while defending "vital national interests" which is code for Pentagon zionist profits
Recently Martina Navratilova came under fire for her comments that transgender women should not ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 13, 2020:
There should be a bright line test between POST OPERATIVE surgically resembling persons and pre-operative trans people.....if Martina wants to avoid contact with a penis player she is correct to say so but after the surgery and hormone therapy a visibly female player won't be such a physical competitive musculature advantage and Martina should compete against seeded qualified players anatomically correct/ed
This made me smile: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 13, 2020:
This complaint by Public Citizen is a betrayal of Ralph Nader and decades of tireless work of this formerly great group. There are only 2 oaths required in the US CONSTITUTION...for President elects and SENATE "jurors" ....... neither mention " SO HELP ME gawd " a phrase verbally invented by Washington 1789.....the context of McConnell remarks is the Hunter Biden bribery coverup.....not a confession of trial is Pelosi who is rigging this charade ..... TrumpOLINI should be impeached and removed from White House for war crimes ecocide and murdering honeybees.... investigating Biden in Ukraine is one of his few good Presidential deeds
Omnicide - who is responsible - a new ethic for our times... []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Fukishima Fort Calhoun Nebraska Chernobyl 3 Mile Isle atmospheric nuke detonations and fossil fuel burning is poisoning the planet and the President should be removed from office for making it all WORSE... instead corrupt duopoly redBLUES blueREDS incumbents are waging illegal wars in 149 countries singling out only Iran and continuing in Iraq Bolivia Ukraine Afghanistan Syria Libya Egypt Yemen Palestine Venezuela Mexico Grenada Philippines Korea and 135 others.....the military "footprint" and GROUND wave transmissions are murdering cetaceans and melting polar ice.... that is why I am voting WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs rather than pretend any blue will do WHEN THEY ALL ARE GUILTY WITH TrumpOLINI
While it is not necessarily an atheist bumper sticker, my all-time favorite was simply "CHOICE" - it...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Best answer to the tampon terrorists
Lots of snow north of Seattle ☃️😊
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Frosty & MS
This is very good advice!
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Never give your keys to a stranger....plan ahead for parking WHEREVER you drive.
So I'm still on the fish kick.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 14, 2020:
The King James bible teaches rape concubines and mass violent abortions of pregnant women with swords to " be ripped up " and " keep the virgins for yourselves " in 4 separate bible instructions..... religion is about raping women and brainwashing boys to do violence upon neighboring tribes long before armies and temples were ever built
Kentucky Woman says her strict Christian parents subjected her to FGM at age 5.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 14, 2020:
REP Pat Schroeder Colorado sponsored the 1996 law outlawing Medicare Medicaid payments to sex butchering child genitalia but changed the word child to FEMALE to appease Jewish ritual mutilation of baby boys....religion has always been about violent sexual attitudes towards boys and girls....Minnesota was the 1st state to outlaw female genital mutilation and we failed in 1994 to protect baby boys also..... phimosis is easily cured by a tiny hole cut ....4 SQUARE INCHES OF AMPUTATED CLAMPED and scalpeled healthy prepuce flesh remains the barbarity of antiquity adopted by Elizabethan quacks of 150 years ago spread to USA and many gentile countries
Do any of you think that a meaningful relationship can be acheived with a christian?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Every minefield can be defused one trigger at a time but she will likely retaliate if you offend her xian identity
Our new crop of the credulous may like this: []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
2 dogs a seagull and a guy licked 9n the head by a ?
<img src="[cdn.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Space dust headed our way in 2 million years ?
Dying Fish Revealed Congo Is World's Deepest River | Live Science
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Are the fucking polluters poisoning the CONGO too ?? Death penalty for polluters cause they kill innocent fish
Dog the bounty hunter
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Bring it TrumpOLINI..... you murder honeybees and Yemenis and Iraq is kicking you out are too stupid to arrest Biden for their crimes apparently so you can take bribes yourself elsewhere???$$$$$$
"I fell for the Sanders active measure because I fell for the Snowden active measure.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Pentagon profiteering scum Greg Olear is a liar for hire..... half truths only promotes USA war crime polluter oil bankster zionism and more Democrat corruption 758 billion dollars worth WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs is the other half of truth Olear hides
LOL 😄- which do you choose?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
A tampon terrorist store anti-catholic anti-choice failing to sell STDs prevention (spermicide/non oxyonol 9) THE BABY MAYBE 10 lunar month choices
Dang scrabble
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
All I have: H U N T E R ..... B I D E N .......... B R I B E S
Is it ok if I wait
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I lose twice here: zero size xxxl are sold so she can't try me on for her test and risk pregnancy too
Better smarten up boys. You don't want an intelligent woman. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Patheos used to report bad news about religionists ESPECIALLY when they attack Atheists......for the last year I see word for word links by religionists as if some religion is ok when "liberal" and this stupid shit article is about a sexist idiot with few followers.... we Atheists need real news not more drivel
Dog the bounty hunter
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 16, 2020:
True TrumpOLINI is evil the same as 44, 43, 42, 41 & ReaGUN all since 1982 have been murdering thousands of people each month illegally across the globe.... it is so sad when ignorant Atheists praise gangsters like the Clintons yes Chelsea married a 2nd GENERATION thief at Goldman Sachs doing the same crimes as federal felon Congressboy Ed Mezvinski of Iowa..... BILLARY took half a million dollars in bribes from Goldman Sachs to "joke" about the mega billion dollar heist TRAINLOADS OF CA$H stolen from taxpayers..... 22 trillion dollars in debt and USA needs truth tellers elected NOT MORE LIARS murdering innocent people for Pentagon profiteering polluter oil war crime bankster zionists
How can plane tix still cost so much? We’ve been flying for a century now!
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 17, 2020:
Jimmah Carter deregulating airlines bus lines trucking lines banking AND LETTING LIAR jet fuel companies blame OPEC for price gouging all fuels....the same plane Des Moines to San Diego was 60 dollars military standby NEVER BUMPED THEN, NOW IS 600 buck$ on a discounted fare often bumped..... ReaGUN escalated the illegal wars for imported fuels ON BORROWED TRILLIONS 1982....his evil body should be exhumed and cremated with tumbleweeds or California scrub brush tinder IN SHAME : not honor next to actress Nancy
As a young Airman during the late '80's at BMT, I chose "no preference" re: religion on my dog tags.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 17, 2020:
My Navy recruiter was a deck ape who knew less Navy Regulations than I did....PO1 BM straight off a carrier for shore duty.... at the time the tag code was: " PROT NP " protestant no preference....for decades American Atheist Veterans have demanded ATHEIST be our tag line but bastards insist upon the gawd & COUNTRY bullshit..... GOOD NEWS IS all vets can choose a HEADSTONE INSIGNIA SINCE Richard F. O'Hair was buried @ Arlington USMC SGT " Atheist Orbit " carved at the top of the white marble upright marker....ground level styles are bronze mounted on stone ....same 3 orbit carbon atom electrons with center orbit chopped off the bottom to resemble a curved CAPITAL your local funeral home to file the necessary paper work to insure your wishes are granted....leaving it all up to your next of kin may yield some crucifix insignia from your DD 214.... when you are dead your final wished may never be known
Canberra, Australia.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Hoping cars don't squish them under wheels or gun nuts don't shoot the roos
Saw this disclaimer come on as something I was watching ended and the 700 Club was starting.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 19, 2020:
Freeform is religious..... Marion Gordon Robertson JUNIOR alias 700 clubbers Pat IS INSANE....IT SHOULD BE PAY PER VIEW ONLY like the Playboy Channel
Damn! Titans look good. Let’s go Chiefs!!! Who do you think will win?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Something must be done by the players union to change referees who misuse rules and change ball possession and game outcome....NFL Goodell has doubled down and fined a victimized player who did not commit a penalty but the ref sez so.....playoffs should be about the best plays not the worst refs
Short Video and Story about how my Son's awesome friend copes with his Mental Ilnesses, written and...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Coping the caring healing thing to do
I don’t know what everyone else does on New Year’s but I’m just planning a sleepover at my sis...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 20, 2020:
I used to party with my brother decades ago until he married a religious criminal
So where are all the 45 supporters?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 22, 2020:
TrumpOLINIbots have learned Atheists cite incontrovertible facts while pussygrabbers like the feel.....and TrumpOLINIbots know it's already over because Biden is guilty and TrumpOLINI is the only whistleblower a pissy whiney cheeto faced whistleblower cowardly denying he wants Democrats in jail when like Socrates he should proudly get in their face and demand Hunter Biden be arrested taking bribes in all these months are wasted effort when the gangster in the White House is murdering honeybees endangered species and Yemeni Palestinians Iranians Iraqis et al victims of USA TERRORISM
You know that 45's "team" is scraping the bottom of the barrel when they trot out Pam Bondi.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Never heard of this creep who are her clients ? Murderers rapists polluters war criminals frauds tax cheats and lobbyists ????? $$$$$$$
Another moron allowed to breathe precious oxygen. FuckReligion []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Another example of criminal religion in action who should have all her assets stripped away and donations to her church refunded and given to her victims
Gurl! I got your back!
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
I have heard 70 thousand women are missing from USA dead or captive some in secret and many thousands of First Nations women have disappeared from males are not being raped and hidden away in such numbers good thing I have to say is Atheists in prison for rape kidnapping murder one or all 3 are less than one % of prisoners making 99% of criminals are religious
Democratic Candidates Link Arms on MLK Day March in South Carolina
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
SC is contest # 3 after #1 IA #2 NH then #4 NV the races will quickly speed up thereafter in March & April.....TrumpOLINI was so far ahead by May 1st 3 yrs ago zero people could possibly catch him....BILLARY rigged her races early and the vast majority of "Super Delegates" announced their support for her in February forcing Bernie to look like a loser very early in a 2 way race and the Maryland Governor quickly dropping out
Democratic Candidates Link Arms on MLK Day March in South Carolina
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
The KTLA "story" failed to report 2 key facts in the only lengthy subject about the Confederate Flag flying officially from 1960 to 2015 after it's war of rebellion run 1861-1865..... SENATOR REV DR PINCKNEY and 8 of his bible study people were murdered in their Charleston Mother Emmanuel Church over 15 decades old by a Confederate Flag waving racist kid who sat in the bible study for an hour before using 9 bullets to 9 heads leaving many witnesses to start a race war.. . THE OTHER fact know to us Palmettoans was: E. X. Slave burnt the Confederate Flag a few years before 2015 in Columbia and all fake news in SC refused to print or report his legal name instead calling him : E. Slave .... 2 measures just how deep racism is in all 46 S Carolina counties
Don't you start with me, Lady! []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
Don't tease box a kangaroo either....they neither play nor pull punches....cats have been around millions of years while people only evolved 380ish thousand years ago.....if that cat has claws somebody is going to become BLIND AND BLEEDING not funny
Daily Polling of Trump by MS News.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
One good thing from impeachment is the window to all the liars in government their emails their perjury their hourly habits murdering people in 160 countries not just Ukraine BidenS bribes from China and BILLARY war crimes since 2009.....when you give up blaming TrumpOLINI for everything YOU SEE THE PROBLEM IS 537 incumbents and the need for WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs
As a new member I find it hard to believe how the majority of liberals on the main site are so ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
There are only a few so called liberals here and very few genuine Constitutionalists many here know ALL 12 BILL of RIGHTS ?
"theocracy IS TREASON violating the rights of infants and all humanity" me since 1991
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
"religions were invented to rape women and brainwash boys into deadly violence against neighboring tribes to steal their food and rape their women, temple prostitutes came thousands of years later" me since 1990
Great and wise Senators.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 23, 2020:
1 don't argue with believers 2 block believers 3 bashing anyone here is not building community 4 they cannot block you here if they are 7+ contributors
The 100 Best Science Photos of 2019 | Live Science
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 24, 2020:
Thank you HUNDREDS of times for all your sharings
Illinois governor clears over 11 thousand marijuana convictions
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 24, 2020:
Smoking rope at home should be legal
There is a great Atheist here who has blocked me.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 24, 2020:
No pressure upon my great Atheist here ....just sadness
Sharing a term I use often in my little stretch of the Bible Cummerbund (too wide to be a belt.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 24, 2020:
So true, bible reading REAL READING not fetish clutching or tiny quip quoting CAUSES Atheism.....this is so true 231 years ago, Thomas Paine ridiculed the King James Bible : " to prevent Atheism " promoting Deism in his Age of Reason The 3rd Part facing the guillotine in Paris had his book published and rescued from death by Atheist Joel Barlow and Unitarian John his book he called bible "dreams" delusions and described the human brain like a Deist watchmakers watch upon duty to reason rather than believe bible falsehoods "impostiture" code word for bible lies
Trying to get a feel of where Agnostic/Atheist/etc stand on the Impeachment hearings/trial vs my ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 24, 2020:
Only PBS is not airing "commercials" some of which are purely political on all sides..... Raphael Cruz JUNIOR alias Senator Ted is the biggest newest thief on THE HILL as Heidi Cruz took millions in bonuses fro Goldman Sachs BAILOUT TAX MONEY 2008-2010 and she promptly bought her husBAND his SENATE seat with zero government experience except his lies for the State of Texas before the US Sup Ct mostly gun rights cases
Thank your Unions this Labor Day.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Teamsters SAG AFTRA AFL CIO UFCW UMW CWA IAM all my sisters and brother workers...thank you for solidarity
I am a recent widower and signed up on a dating site.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Is it possible both xian female and Atheist widower are both TrumpOLINIbots ? Maybe she loved Ayn Rand and so does he ? ?
Florida Supreme Court gave itself the power to shred liberal precedent, starting with death penalty ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Religion has invented something worse than murder: eternal gnashing of teeth and flesh in pain that never burns to ash
New ‘El Chapo’ Beer Readies for Release in Mexico | Food & Wine
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Didn't Sean Penn interview El Chapo ?
I am a recent widower and signed up on a dating site.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 26, 2020:
The older believers seem to escalate their faith habits REGARDLESS of liberal or fundamentalist kinds.... it is sad to see and hear from our Atheist perspective when the true good news there is no hell to fear nor heaven bribes in reality to accept
Today is Australia Day and I thought you might be interested in how it is celebrated.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I have been brainwashed by Hollywood to think of Australia in movie metaphors: ON THE BEACH, CROCODILE DUNDEE and THE PIANO.....toss in a roo & wallaby and sell me a Quantas tix
I grew up in the Bible Belt in a non-religious home.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 26, 2020:
It was a struggle when Tipper were labeling vinyl record albums and cover art.....but you were an infant during those 80's years under Ronald Wilson ReaGUN 666
Any particular reason why people say "you scared the hell out of me?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Just another example of insane religious redundant oxymoronic gibberish.....there is no making sense of religionists and their utterances....all religion is fake and ILLOGICAL...."fear gawd" "IN gawd WE TRUST" prEying to the USA flag : " UNDER gawd " ....or in German : " gott MIT UNS " Pinnochio with us ????? Beliefs about religions predictably make no sense.....White House preacher lady is prEying that pregnant women " spontaneously abort Satan's children " .....figure that theocracy out with TrumpOLINI approval and Pence meeting inside the Vatican with the other living pope last week ....Pence was a childhood catholic who converted so some insane anti-abortion protestantism as an adult Rethuglican
Celebrating Chinese New Year .
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Noisy firecrackers scare away the spooks and hobgoblins alleged nearby
Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week | Live Science
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 27, 2020:
So cool .... a pre historic tomb found in Italy full of weapons chariot et al but no mummy or much for Romulus and Remus sucking wolf lactate to later build Rome
Amazing Images: The Best Science Photos of the Week | Live Science
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Seafoam is properly labeled polluted.... Iowa rivers commonly have riverfoam where raw sewage is dumped downstream or small puddles of foam where cows urinate into river water along sandbars
Is touch important?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Most mammals depend upon touch with the co-species.... depriving primates of touch causes extreme stress and personality disorder
Is touch important?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 28, 2020:
As a touch typist I speak to my world and think through my fingers to my eyes and mind @ 65 wpm.... I could not heal myself or my loved ones without TOUCH ...both a great woman and a man band sing touch.... I joined this site over 2 years ago reaching out NOT like Diamond for love to hold me in lifelong care....teaching and learning love even unto eyelashes I will touch
Donald Trump Says 'Our Ancestors Tamed a Continent' and 'We Are Not Going to Apologize for America'
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 28, 2020:
TrumpOLINI had that speech written for him and the words do not fit his cowardly pussygrabbering ASS tiny fingers tiny penis and monstrous murderous genocidal zionist ego..... I am a Navy Veteran and know many midshipmen from Annapolis....I have read Presidential diaries, Congressional Records and evil evil US Sup Ct dicta..... the Vatican since 1450 has ordered white xians to murder enslave colonize and conquer the world of heathens ... USA soil is drenched in innocent human blood species exterminated and the entire planet polluted via air and water poisons of greedy technologies which have been UN-NECESSARY for over 100 years given alternatives refused only by greedy monopolies....fuck TrumpOLINI and all 44 liar ass Presidents since 1789
Satanist’s Open Letter Reply to Trump’s Spiritual Adviser’s Comments Regarding Satanic ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Pence & TrumpOLINI murdering satan babies 13 weeks old 3 centimeters long in utero ....I thought babies were born 20 inches long ? More bible math from the 2 rapist living popes
Bernie is the opponent Trump wants.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
I get many notes daily from BernieBOTS claiming TrumpOLINI fears Sanders and backs that up with various quotations..... cuts to Medicare and Social Security are TrumpOLINI Achilles heel.....who ever runs against this gangster from the real greedy polluters hell MUST PROVE TO VOTERS how he lies and harms their interests.....Social Security IS SOCIALISM for 85 years in USA cutting benefits is pushing more people into poverty....with fake news on all sides this mess begins Monday after SuperBowl Sunday here in Iowa....the polls are all fake....face to face Iowans can build a party apparatchiks for 99 county conventions in the spring....the 15% rule means 6 CANDIDATES can possibly claim victory Monday night after 3 hours in the same room together over 100 thousand people scattered in neighborhoods in this cold fucked up farm state that elected a cunt Governor who is forcing all women to stay pregnant by CONSTITUTIONAL STATE AMENDMENT
Please accept my deepest apologies no excuses for my fellow Iowans fascist behavior.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
HyVee grocery stores running local SuperBowl commercials in many states MN IA KS MO NE & beyond side by side with CANDIDATES for President SD & Illinois too
Half of all commercials during the Iowa fake news shows have both corrupt blue CANDIDATES featured ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Still the same violence in Des Moines nightly
Has anyone ever attended a Meet Up Atheist/Freethinker group?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Love meeting Atheists in many states IA IL MN WI OH SC NC FL NE NY NJ GA DE PA KY OK CA TX AR MO KS ..... DON'T miss a chance to have a beer a chat and hear the occasional Atheist speaker to the larger longstanding Atheist groups
Sin or not, if yes, why?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Onan refused to ejaculate into the the vagina of his dead brother wife.... under orders from the alleged bible gawd geebush jeehobah ghostholes to breed more killers in the endless Palestinian wars 3000 years ago, Onan "spilled his seed on the ground" ....this sole detail, leaves out his it respect to the widow or not wanting to be a bigamist....this situation also begs why he ejaculated at all .....presuming the sight of a nude woman caused his erection and he had no self control....he may have touched his throbbing penis directing his semen what the fuck ? Song of Solomon is not much help regarding coitus nor masturbation but does address lucious loins breasts and pomegranate sweet lips..... (not labia ?)
Sin or not, if yes, why?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
I am glad you pleasure yourself.....when you come to Iowa, we can do this together with our fingers, tongues and coitus if you desire
Portion of US border wall in Calif. falls over in high winds on Mexico side.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Looks like Auburn NY prison guard tower and approximate height of wall over 130 years old.. from the outside it looks like it could hold TrumpOLINI BidenS BILLARY Pence et al
Pence & TrumpOLINI have inseminated Iowa yesterday with lies, forced pregnancy law support to our ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
There are few females who deserve the C word ....Ann Coulter & Kim Reynolds are 2 of such traitors to women, science and secular competence
Last night two TV channels (NY) were asking people to contact them to estate if it was necessary to ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
This charade and cover up of BidenS & BILLARY bribes taken in many countries is almost over....Rand Paul has officially declared The Chief Justice a kangaroo court judge and walked out of the SENATE....look for an acquittal vote of 60 only 40 idiot Democrats and theocrat Romney will vote to convict
Slaughterhouse workers are phycopath? You decide []
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
It is vital to work inside the death rooms and record the death screams and video the murder of animals for "food"
Yet another firsthand witness...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
What scum liar is linking a truth teller to the sham impeachment of TrumpOLINI ? Never has Dr Ford said a word about Donbas or Crimea ....ONLY RAPIST THEOCRAT BRIBED POLLUTER judge Kavanaugh inside the beltway
Yet another firsthand witness...
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Rape is not funny nor are corrupt Democrats covering up BILLARY and BidenS bribes taken in many countries nor are Rethuglicans human for nominating rapist Kavanaugh
I just wonder how many heterosexual guys out there have actually had s homosexual encounter.
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
This binary bullshit leads nowhere.... intimacy lovers spouses need no categories labels or long as one is not a rapist priest, pedophile or thief, people live love work and play according to their own rules....not religionists or psychologists drivel
What is it that makes a man love a woman?
Larry68Feminist comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Love is priceless but too many are price shopping for a secret suburban seclusion unto obscurity
How Democracy Died in America. There's hope.
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Both Republocrats and Rethuglicans are united behind the President and his illegal wars BORROWED FOR by all since ReaGUN 22 trillions worth of illegal wars in 160 countries since 1982....the impeachment circus was just LIAR Lions jumping through hoops of fire all meaningless
Food for thought "The end of the Roman Republic: senators gave their power to Julius Caesar, ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Fascist USA has been murdering aboriginal people for land since 1789 ....Palestinians since 1946 and illegal wars in 160 countries on borrowed money 22 trillion borrowed since ReaGUN 1982 ....Ukrainian and Chinese bribes to the BidenS is a trivial crime covered up by Pelosi & Schiff..... Johnson & TrumpOLINI impeachments are of no consequence compared to global genocide and pollution for war crime profiteering by all incumbents and banksters
Is there anything sexier than deep conversation?
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Yes deep conversation is intimate but a specific loving request heard by a man seen from a woman gesturing and sparking eyes is the apex of sexiness ..... if I spoke in poems sang in harmony and combed your hair with my fingers would that eclipse the passions of thoughtful reparte' ?
Journalist's former boyfriend given 50 years for femicide | World news | The Guardian
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Many countries allow HONOR KILLING of women by families or husbands.... while prohibited by law in other countries HONOR KILLING does not seem to be as commonplace outside the borders of THE SAVIOUR el salvador
Food for thought "The end of the Roman Republic: senators gave their power to Julius Caesar, ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 2, 2020:
These 3 comparisons are the what aboutisms ignoring the basic history of religions that rule the's highly racist and sexist to pretend Rome Berlin and Washington DC define how people have failed to govern themselves "democratically" when the word itself is from Greek governance based upon swords and temples for men only....Margaret Mead was one of the few anthropologists who searched the world for societies void of rape and militarism....USA will likely improve itself after this cover up retaliation against TrumpOLINI for even hinting BidenS and BILLARY belong in jail for taking bribes from many countries concludes Wednesday....I am hopeful Iowa caucus goers tomorrow speak loudly for truth not covering us Biden crimes
It’s in the 40’s in Minnesota so I grabbed a patio chair. Barney and I are reading on the deck
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Did the ground hog see a shadow ? Nice today but 6 more weeks of new snow new icy paths and cold wind wrinkling skin
I'm curious, why should the Iowa Caucuses garner or lead national news coverage?
Larry68Feminist comments on Feb 2, 2020:
The nightmare of Mayor Daley rigging the 68 DNC LED to Iowa law governing state wide races every 2 years.....the 15% rule reformed back room deals for Governor President and Senator CANDIDATES to advance to 99 county conventions....McGovern won 1972 from nearby S Dakota....UnCommitted won with 41% 1976....fake news elevated Jimmah Carter to victory at 29% after he campaigned in 6 dozen baptist churches state wide where people vote in November Brown Kennedy and Carter slogged it out in hundreds of 1979 1980 events....Rethuglicans are worse bribing voters face to face these past 48 years....other states rely upon expensive TV radio paper and billboard ads to win ballot access to November voting....if you like democracy love Iowa...quit assuming false notions about how people get onto the November ballots


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