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For those of you who believed in life after death before: do you struggle more now when people die?
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
My dad died early in his sleep at home age 82 .....his preventable death ripped my guts out age 37 .....I am a war Veteran and childhood hunter with dad so I have seen a hundred heard a hundred held a hundred dying dead quail pheasants and rabbits....the smell of death and gunpowder will never leave my nose Atheism perhaps like your Atheism leaves me UNconfused and accurate in empathy for both decedents and mourners....I have never and will never spoil the heaven plans of family or friends.....but criminal theocrats telling perfect strangers how to grieve or whst to think about alleged gawds pisses me off and I tell radio tv and print media how wrong they are to let these fucked up politicians spread their religious lies on us all . .....I take special care to comfort parents of deceased drunk brother died a week b4 mom died....her cancer was killing her slowly but she died of grief losing her first born....both were religious and I am a lifelong Atheist since age 5 short Atheists don't take short cuts through mourning grieving and burying our dead..... believers are all over the pattern map ....
This was shared by a nurse I work with and its actually quiet helpful..
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
New Trump Press Secretary Tells Reporters She’ll Never Lie to Them At her first briefing ever...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
You have DOUBLE POSTED B4 sir
New Trump Press Secretary Tells Reporters She’ll Never Lie to Them At her first briefing ever...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
Bill Moyers LBJ liar is still alive telling the truth on PBS for forgiveness
New Trump Press Secretary Tells Reporters She’ll Never Lie to Them At her first briefing ever...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
Jimmah Carter 1976 said I WILL NEVER LIE TO YOU.....PRESIDENTs get their back half of their heads sliced off with 3 Dallas bullets none from an Italian rifle for telling the truth liar James Earl Carter JUNIOR is lucky to beat brain cancer stealing medicine from DR BRYZYNSKI in Houston via Emory University LIARS
Trump Team Blocks Dr Fauci From Testifying Before Congress []
Larry68Feminist comments on May 3, 2020:
The deep state has won TrumpOLINI is following secrecy laws to keep Fauci from spreading "plausible deniability" lies so he continues to work for Bill Gates and Gallo profiteers.....the bottom line is all our lungs are getting healed by cleaner air people staying home not polluting hundreds of miles per week or working pollution jobs
The irony .
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
He is listening to sister Ivanka who is fighting daddy Pence McConnell for federal child care funding & paid family leave....TrumpOLINI women get abortions anywhere they damn please
The friendly neighborhood pharmacist!
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Who is she helping with ED ?? THIS eager boy druggist is trying to lift a skirt and did not say his doctor confirmed his healthy heart can tolerate chenical erections when 2 blue pills don't work faster just works at work on top of counters by RX only
Maybe a little perspective. []
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Wrong analysis .....most infected people suffer permanent lung damage PERMANENTLY damaging kidneys pancreas besides preventing early death at any age posted triage and continued biowars NOT ALLEGED perspective more people have died February to 2day than died in Vietnam 1959'1975 ...consider giving Dr LORNA BREEN the CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL of HONOR in thesr illegal wars since 1914 by 9 countries including Fort Detrick Antietam Maryland
Who here will join me in demanding the CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL of HONOR to Doctor LORNA BREEN ?
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Saved lives @ Allen Presbyterian ER NY many died and she got the virus went home near her doctor daddy and self euthanized for death with dignity to avoid intubation and drowning strapped to a bed drowning in her own vomit and pus filled lungs preventing hetself from giving the virus to any mote people
I saw the little boat next to the large dive boat and could not resist 😁
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Could be Charleston Harbor near a Coast Guard docked and the oyster boat people thirsty for beer @ Salty Mikes or quarts to go from the bp station south of Calhoun Street and across the Ashley River CALIFORNIA DREAMING PORT RESTAURANT
Hundreds of Armed Protesters Gather at Michigan’s State Capitol Hundreds of armed protesters,...
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Their bullets are tiny penis shaped weapons intended for rape profiteering and uncaring how many people suffer permanent lung damage kidney damage pancreas damage and early death from weaponized virus from over 9 countries waging biowars illegally since 1914
Today is May Day, known by some as International Workers Day.
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
The rich the religious the polluters all wage genocide rape and slavery against the CLASS OF HUMANITY our natiral homes in harmony with clean air pure water and organic food
Part of why I love going to Chicago... []
Larry68Feminist comments on May 2, 2020:
Mason City Iowa .... NY PA IL WI JAPAN Wright carved the earth gently beautifully with genius ....Quaequeaton Iowa only complaint Wright floor heat dried out leather shoes .....almost an Atheist Frank Lloyd Wright built 2 Unitarian "meeting houses" without a crucifix in Madison & the edge of Chicago there his concrete design is crumbling in need of a rebuild with perfect concrete
Blue lives matter?
Larry68Feminist comments on May 1, 2020:
They need to wear goggles or face shields ....that idiot spits a million virus into one eye and a cop will be intubated in a week
From the shallow end of the pool?
Larry68Feminist comments on May 1, 2020:
Take this ignorant criminal threats SERIOUSLY this is hate speech and conspiracy to commit genocide against Atheists
NYC coronavirus doctor Lorna Breen dies by suicide - Business Insider
Larry68Feminist comments on May 1, 2020:
She is like many battlefield deaths battle fatigue refusing the last deadly patrol ....she was not going to gag and drown intubated strappef to a bed lungs filling with pus ......her doctor dad did not say how she self euthanized......when death stares you in the face empathy overwhelms training and skilled healthy DETACHMENT......THOUSANDS of Veterans turn to suicide slow or fast SURVIVORS guilt .....resentment is taking .back control of life fighting fire with fire.....I wish I could have saved her ....maybe smoking rope could have helped hashish gargling in steam hot showers????? Heroic people have their limits ....CHANGE THE DAMN NAME OF THE HOSPITAL to her name
Larry68Feminist comments on May 1, 2020:
BILLARY = BidenS.....what color is she ? Goldman Sachs bankrupt bailed out red ink ....that is the 2020 color TrumpOLINI = BILLARY again....fraud versus criminal....RED VERSUS RED ......why wait for TrumpOLINI to giilliotime headless Joe ? Elect a real EcoSocialist to bail out everyone EXCEPT MILLIONAIRES WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US PEACE THROUGH GREEN JOBS PRESIDENTIAL MATCHING FUNDS in all 50 states to win
I know things are tough for many right now, don't forget to notice the little things.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I love flowers especially Georgia O'Keefe flowers sadly they only smell like paint on canvass
To everyone who saw my previous post, ‪I made a 98 on my integrative paper.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Kudos good job Atheist
'A phantom plague': America's Bible Belt played down the pandemic and even cashed in.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Most people don't have the gall to fill a dead preachers the call goes out to find a huckster willing to relocate.....some bible colleges are mere qonset huts like Bryan memorial creationist camp in Dayton Tennessee brainwashing students to imitate William Jennings Bryan dead days after Darrow made a monkey out of him on live tadio 1925 just 7 years after Spanish Flu
Polygamy versus polyamory?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
My uncle was a bigamist I have 2 French Cousins 2 USA cousins .....I think women should be allowed as many mates they see fit. I am not for polyamory in separate homes.....all involved should love each other .....big beds can have room for 3 or 4 all lovers the same hours ....consent to dating around town or across the ocean is quite a trip to lay on children and first in line for love
This man is the head of the Corona virus taskforce... []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
The blue link button keeps disappearing back in groups when I click on it and is not visible here @MsAL please type his name here or private msg me so I can learn about him good and bad @Larry68Feminist Atheist USN'71'73 Veterans for Peace
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
betsy deVos is a mega thief criminal theocrat perjury guilty in Senate hearings and illegally gave TrumpOLINI millions of names phones emails snail mails 2015 2016
How any woman or man who loves women could ever vote for this disgusting narcicistc man.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Pussygrabbing and raping Tara Reade ....what a choice fake news gives us when we can have peace through Green jobs WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
The latest excuse for insanity across the DMZ kill xian true believers to get RocketMan ....will Elton John play during the NKPR funeral ????
Ilhan Omar tweeted today that it's time for UBI. I think it's going to happen sometime soon!
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
UBI happens now registering 40 million new voters for WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US....I am so betrayed by Yang endorsing corrupt BidenS.....Joe and demoRAT cronies are WORSE THAN TrumpOLINI....war crimes since 1973 can never be forgiven.....45 is only 3 years into all the killings in 160 countries....blind hatred of orange face is no reason to support a lifelong mentoree of Strom Thurmond in the SENATE....BidenS bribes taken in 10 countries not just China is what is wrong with USA since 1946 murdering Palestinians for their land
I just tried Miyokos smoked vegan mozerella for the first time tonight, and if you haven't tried ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Smoke was used to "cure" "hams" in smokehouses .....smoke roasted carrots or potatoes or cabbage or asparagus warms real food above wood burnt charcoals.......simulating "meat" tastes are not for me .....if I could find organic whole corn I WOULD HAVE ROASTING EARS AGAIN without gmo or toxins
Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution | Environment | The Guardian
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Don't let sick people spit or blow snot into your wind
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Sexy is as sexy does.
This explains A LOT in my world []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I bicycle I swim I dance alone in hope like Leo Sayer I will be loved ....the Iowa Everly Brothers sang WHEN WILL I BE LOVED
Republican Forced to Apologize for Wearing Confederate Face Mask Republican state Senator Dale ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Wolverines died by the thousands fighting traitors under the Jefferson Davis Robt E Lee battle racist flag .....genocide and raping black women to sell their babies IS NOT HERITAGE it is CRIMINAL ...Zorn is just another insane incompetent theocrat
With all the world's chaos, and all of us trying to deal as best we can, while remaining untouched...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
There is no logic to delusion ='s irrational to toy with victims of cult brainwashing.... it is just fine to confront Vatican icons for the lies that they all embody in stone wood paint and fog
What is your opinion on this video?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Half truth .....Ft Detrick is closed due to " biohazards" at least 9 countries are doing illegal biowars since 1914 ....China is "communist" in name only ... if you want peace don't vote for the war WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US PEACE THROUGH GREEN JOBS
This man is the head of the Corona virus taskforce... []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
The blue link button disappeared... please resend this so we can read it ....
THIS picture was taken by my neice.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Sunset is so awesome ....Mister Lawrence Seaway leads some people to change my name away from Larry mom must have dated a Larry b4 she met my dad siblings were named after Hollywood or bible stars .....Cherokee names have a musical quality to words woman sings a Larry song .....George Harrison sang for sun rising longer days away from winter.....great Atheist Paul Robeson bass sang OLD MAN RIVER KEEPS ROLLING ALONG
100 years ago: Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic declared On April 28, 1920, the Provisional ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Jack Reed wrote for CLASS WAR in Baku and Atheism was set back 100 years .....electing Atheist Howie POTUS can begin to undo Stalinism pseudo Atheism comic books against fat Russian Orthodox priests
100 years ago: Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic declared On April 28, 1920, the Provisional ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Thank you comrade for this 100 year story .....both TrumpOLINI and BidenS are enemies of Azerbaijanis WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs]
Does anyone have any experience working in an Amazon warehouse?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Depends upon the warehouse .....some are small new and local sorting loading delivery trucks most packages are light small and scanning tracking bar codes is by hand wand or past stationary scanners onto conveyor belts......workers are expected to work fast and efficiently early morning hours or clean out trucks in the evening for the next morning's loads.....bigger warehouses have bulk stock to fill customer orders and there is huge pressure to work perfectly and quickly packing inventory safely.....UPS IS UNION WORK so you are not likely to lose your job at whim or sexually harassed at an old company AMAZON IS NEW and out for blood.. .you might work side by side with an infected person UPS is working hard to keep shipping customers factory direct ....Amazon is buying out factories and now owns Whole Foods short your current job is easier and secure AMAZON may be harder and very less secure high turnover in hiring & firing
Has anyone else noticed a change in your dream pattern since the start of the pandemic?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I dream less songs and more jobs I never had....really last night the worst a woman seduced me put me to work in her grocery store then refused to kiss me again so I quit and woke up
Supreme Court rejects Republican effort to sabotage Obamacare - Vox
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
"Settled law" is code for US Sup Ct decides on their own when to go activist......they will not be B A I T E D and pushed politically.....Dred Scott for years ran free in Northern States and sought to over turn property law for all slaves and he lost on the steps of the Mister Louis Missouri Federal Courthouse 170 years ago.....only 2 Ginzburg and Sotomayor opined states haveva duty to expand Medicaid to the working poor in all 50 states so 7 justices did gut ACA 2013 included Alito
This is one of the saddest, most infuriating aspects of what’s going on that I’ve seen.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Ft Belvoir and these 2 innocent people has nothing to do with illegal biowars of the last 200 years inflicted upon Native peoples globally mustard gas in Europe 1914-1918 Blacks injected with syphilis soldiers marched into ground zero after a detonated A bomb, soldiers filmed after ordered to swallow LSD least 9 countries have or continue to wage biowarfare secretly and accuse others of their actions .......all Veterans are briefed upon NBC hazards and Fort Detrick Antietam Maryland was closed last February press release curtly read " biohazards"....If you want peace don't vote for both parties of illegal and secret wars WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US Veterans For Peace ....dioxin is like a bleach virus that eats cellulose replicating from top leaves to roots and defoliates all me and eyewitness NEVER conspiring just voting for truth
“Factory farms are just as despicable as wet markets.” -Bill Maher []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Truth in meat eating USA
“Factory farms are just as despicable as wet markets.” -Bill Maher []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Factory farms ARE WORSE THAN OPEN AIR BUTCHERING......YOU MIGHT GET A FRESH FREE RANGE KILL maybe ......factory farms are 100% NOT free range concentrations of disease hormones pesticides herbicides and stressful death acids in the flesh.....I have for decades proposed hunting licenses to purchase "meat" in USA step one in honest reforms of carnivore monetarizations and profiteering waste.....step 2 license holders must work in a slaughterhouse once per year step 3 non farmers non hunters who have never killed a cow or deer must look a living animal in the eye and kill it in the slaughterhouse in year two.....if that does not slow down McDonald's and Safeway nothing will
Mexican word winner of the year.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I heard it thru da grace vinde Imma bout 2 loose my mind honey honey yeah
Mexican word winner of the year.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Gracias Juan Valdez for the laugh and the shade from that hat
I just read this statement and it made me think, Agnostic.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Every time a facebook link or YouTube link is posted viewers there are solicited for upgrades and advertisizing just about anything and bible ads start showing up in my facebook and YouTube accounts nobody here is perfect including me ....pushing candidates or opposing legislation is all part of global democracy online in English ....I have seen several languages posted here not always with translations or subtitles for audio
The Liar Tweets Tonight []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 25, 2020:
WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs nationalizing all the hospitals for free healthcare and researchers on living wages for 99% of USA offer the criminal insurance scams honest typing or lawn mowing jobs if the refuse to prison they go with other rapists
The Liar Tweets Tonight []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Hush my darling it is time to elect somebody not senile career criminal since 1973 NOR a billionaire bailing out billionaires incumbent of 39 months
This is somewhat based on opinion, however this person obviously did a lot of statistical global ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Last July 100 people were running for President in at least 2 states now less than 6 in 50 states ....bailing out billionaires is a new way to serfdom not mentioned by this Wm F Buckley rag may interest people to know FIRING LINE is now hosted by President Hoover grand daughter
Well this group seems to be set up like SENATE .
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Bailing out billionaires is socialism for the rich....thereby the 1st step of common ground for bailing out people under one milliom dollars...Governor Coumo stated the same fact to SENATOR McConnell who is bailing out rich people in Kentucky not poor people anywhere
Reminders of lockdown more than a century ago.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
USA is obsessed with war profiteering whether Wilson LBJ ReaGUN BILLARY OBUSHAOBOMBNEY or TrumpOLINI.... imagine how many hundreds of thousands of lives if the ARMISTICE was signed 10th month 10th day 10th hour tenth minute 1918 from flu and violence?????????????
Roses (well a rose) and oh my goodness my bearded iris..........
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Pretty soon you shall stumble upon a Georgia O'Keefe plant Feminine essence
Critters wanted me to quit taking pics of the flowers. Kitkat Arizona Tahoe & Sundance
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Furr 4 paw family
Do you have any?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Mustard on toast in back seat of Rolls Royce
Might have to lay off members of congress. That's bad.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Bribery money comes from refineries profits not fuel pump sales
73% Of Inmates At An Ohio Prison Test Positive For Coronavirus : Coronavirus Live Updates : NPR
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
North Dakota run by an insane theocrat
Canada shooting: Death toll in Nova Scotia rises to 23 - BBC News
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Maybe he trained by watching Sylvester Stallone movies First Blood ? I don't want to know his name only assuage the grief of mourners WITHOUT religion that excuses violence with fake after life rewards that are doled out to all perpetrators....think about it meeting up a 2nd time in alleged heaven with your rapist killer arsonist war criminal
19 years
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I did not eat from that tree and my mom never wore fig leaves in Iraq in the alleged 1st century of the Hebrew lunar calendar
Since we like verses so much.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
That is why Asimov stopped his apology for "genesis" in earlier chapters....there is zero excuse for this alleged gawd belief just like Hitler and Mein Kamf the Quoran and other books should not be distributed to children and widely condemned for content by decent human beings scientists Atheists Feminists forgive me all 4 is how we are born without religion from free moms with access to science not SUPERSTITION
Lockdown protester claims she doesn't believe the science because 'she believes in God' | indy100
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Alleged gawds and alleged intelligence = one stupid typhoid Mary
This article says everything that's wrong with healthcare in America.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Many catholic Hospital CEOs are billionaire nuns fronting for taking cash out of the country to the Vatican....own a house go to ER and these gangsters for the alleged gawds can put liens on your property for cash charges much higher than insurance billing rates which are also obscene....rapist priests are reassigned from parish to these sprawling Hospital clinic scams .....I could detail many more ongoing crimes and medical malpractices but suffice to say WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US nationalizing all hospitals is well justified not radical and eliminates most profiteering insurance scams SAVING 60% of money now flowing in and out of healthcare
Thanks to the 13 participants who attended Trivia Night.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Sorry I overslept. Locked down my cats snuggle me away from eyestrain
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Move over Nora Jones Lucy Schwartz has masterful guitar strings to compete with your piano
Please help me understand whether there's any truth to these videos.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I have refused vax for 16 years....all my daughters have been vaxxed but all infants to elderly DO NOT BENEFIT from vax equally and millions are harmed by the newest mass produced vax that are not the proven small batch vax of the last century....Dr Buttar is an Army Field expert and immunologist 100% factual in his video what you see is similar to all battlefield reports of Veterans complete with real time feelings from the casualties and dead....Dr Shiva ditto though he is not VETERAN and @ 14 wrote the 50 thousand lines of code that is the operational core of emails today ....he is like Julian Assange a 100 % truth teller and Snowden should be posted here as he knows global war crimes by many countries since 2014 USA the biggest traitor to humanity....Rani need not apologize ....Veterans For Peace @HowieHawkins20 and myself have been exposing USA deadly technologies since brother is living proof Agent Orange dioxin in every tumor of his amputated right leg
I paraphrase Pogo: We have met the enemy and they are us.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
McVeigh his buddy and Raoul of the Iraqi USA military scams are the 7th day Adventist mass murderers @ Murrah FedOffBldg ....the enemy is anyone who will kill for money/IN gawd WE TRUST religions any day of the week ....NOT ME NOT YOU not Atheists
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
DR Buttar is a war Veteran knowing the crimes of illegal wars by IKE, JFK, LBJ et al in our lifetimes....his battle field report in this censored video is similar to other hurried anxious speed of thought and is symptomatic of Post TRAUMATIC STRESS response....a normal response to abnormal events....Bill Gates is a NAZI just like the WALKERbushWACKER CRIME FAMILIES of the traitor to humanity 41 & 43 ...BidenS is worse than TrumpOLINI voting for illegal wars BIOwarfare illegally since 1979 every year he was in the SENATE until 2017....Dr Shiva is also mentioned in this interview telling the truth about real medicine lung disease and immunology
Should I stay calm (which I’m not doing very well) when my supervisor tells me to have a blessed ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Our insane cunt Governor Reynolds ordered all Iowans to prEy 3 hours 11 days ago continuing her ongoing crimes against women and secular Iowans to commemorate a public execution that ALLEGEDLY lasted 36 hours in PALESTINE 1983 YEARS AGO .....
Should I stay calm (which I’m not doing very well) when my supervisor tells me to have a blessed ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Government employees at any level garbage can collector or POTUS are criminal theocrats spewing religious gibberish verbally or through documentation....this nut case xian is provoking you as a known American Atheist....creating a hostile workplace prefering her his IT'S religion over all other religions and non-religious Atheists.....photocopy the workplace posted discrimination policy add your sharpie comments nearest religion and creed prohibition and "quote" a few of the illegal email supervisory salutations the margins..... photocopy all that and attach it to a new reply to the perpetrator.....that will make you feel calm and officially notifying the perpetrator of the crimes of theocracy to cease and desist....s/he/it can go home call a preacher and prEy to themselves....if acts of retaliation occur wear a tape record verbal acts and document all other acts....the case will likely go viral on tv radio print online ....but you have PENN & TELLER & hundreds of Atheists on your side nearby.....letting it slide will not lower your blood pressure....the choice is yours a swan song to your fine excellent career as zero xians ever walked on water except Peter Sellers in his BEING THERE final scene not closing credit out takes
Ha! In what? A porno?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Watch Sally Field reruns FLYING NUN or Meryl Streep movie DOUBT will choose happy Atheism losing the panic of agnosticism
I seem to remember an Ex-Navy Seal that I once knew that claimed he had been intentionally infected ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Don't take Advil stick with acetaminophen or aspirin with lots of food
I seem to remember an Ex-Navy Seal that I once knew that claimed he had been intentionally infected ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Once a sailor always a sailor....he told you the truth all of us were injected huge syringes full in my Navy trained to stay clean and healthy.....take your selenium zinc vit c all Bs eat mushrooms and miso and you will be safe but stay the fuck away from 5 G towers AND REFUSE ALL FUTURE vax
Washington Governor Accuses Trump of Encouraging Domestic Rebellion After Donald Trump released...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Inslee & TrumpOLINI speaketh with forked tongues signing FEMA ORDERS posting National Guards and rallying the radical religious right to win in November doling out trillions to polluters and peanuts to sequestration homes
It has come to my attention that there are those who do not wish to follow the shelter in place rule
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Timothy Leary tune in turn on drop out piss on G Gordon Liddy
I just saw where education spending was cut 10% by the trump administration and federal government ...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 20, 2020:
TrumpOLINI and his co-criminal Betsy deVos are stealing edu$ giving it illegally to fake xian schools
Study finds that children raised without religion show more empathy and kindness | Dan Arel
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
My 2 Atheists since birth daughters are in caring scientific careers and happily married to two lucky men as empathy is a key gift of love
South Africa's recent arrests and stats of the current infected but the links to this also let's you...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Germ warfare like nukes spreads farther than ground zero and spreads cancer/death wherever the isotope of infected spit lands
I share many " NATURALISM " attitudes here.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Making love on a sand bar having beached our canoe where no one can see for miles is Naturalism that yielded my 26 year old daughter....she has drawn hundreds of butterflies and ladybugs since she was 4 ....this is a singles matching site and Atheism discussion board.....there is much to be remembered or discovered on a new river journey bicycle ride or mushroom hunt next month....someone here say yes to natural love 50 years past puberty for 50 more years to come
93-year-old woman's viral plea for beer answered by Coors -
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
I bicycled 1.8 miles to TARGET for my Keystone LIGHT brewed in Golden Colorado Sunday 29 hours ago and stocked up on CATNIP for my furr4paw family
If you like comedy, which is your favorite comedian?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Tina Fey if she would tour with Paula Poundstone and our great Atheist Letting Go Of gawd just PAT androgyne
If you like comedy, which is your favorite comedian?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
So many greats George Carlin Robin Williams Bill Murray Sarah Silverman Dan Akroyd Eddie Murphy Chris Rock and the dethroned rapist Fat Albert Huckstable don't want to say his infamous felonious name
Submariners might not know about coronavirus or a global pandemic
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 14, 2020:
It is possible the majority of crew BUBBLEHEADS we black shoe Navy called them ...many aboard a submarine are not told of routine communication submerged....much of which is classified as to how and if they are communicating submerged so boats sail for 3 weeks usually rarely submerged for record months ....some climb to periscope depth to take on fresh air new ballast flushing human waste if a crew sailed early March and surfaced this month to send home emails or listen to music radio they may be exposed to the new narrative of quarantine and closed saloons & movie theaters back home.....Captains and quarterdeck personnel hear or read constant communication and virus protocols have been Navy wide since February as with any disease aboard submarines entire crews are examined by HMs doctors and division officers for standard physical fitness....sailors DO NOT REQUEST PERMISSION TO COME ABOARD knowingly sick or disabled
Accused New Zealand mosque shooter shocks with switch to guilty plea Praveen Menon 4 Min Read...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Racist religious bigotry worse than KKKristians lynching and terrorist tactics against blacks & jews....NaziS never shot up synogogues though Kratallnacht 9-11 the 9th of November windows were smashed everywhere Jews JUDEN were presumed to be ....Jews were arrested tattooed robbed and sent to camps or war factories....but this mass murdering Australian is BETTER THAN THE USA ARMY that mass murdered thousands of aboriginal children women and elderly and the many victims at Wounded Knee many more than 51 muslims THEIR SHOOTER CONFESSED Congress gave medals to the insane genocidal racist USA cavalry never once apologizing or admitting guilt like My Lai Vietnam my racist genocidal war that included a few platoons of Australians eager to murder "communists" for the Church of EnglandS queen
On [ioananoemytoma.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Do you really want a new polytheism pantheon of human hybrid gawds ? I PREFER simple EcoSocialism secular scientific sans iconography and ritual WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US PEACE THROUGH GREEN JOBS
On [ioananoemytoma.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Please translate Anglais re Francais ?
Does anyone else have a memory of when they fully became what a Christian would call a "hard hearted...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Yes.... I was 5 years old and stayed in the closet until I was ten when I quit the Boy gawdSCOUTS USA ....cold hearted Atheist is just another insulting lie against warm wonderful Atheists Einstein and Walt Disney my 1st 2 Atheist role models
I found this video to be most educational. I suggest a listen to please. Thanks []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Far worse than the crucifixion that never happened Friday
I found this video to be most educational. I suggest a listen to please. Thanks []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Frankly I already barfed reading nurses notes of ventilator patients in restraints gagging and thrashing in bed drowning in their own blood and mucus filling their lungs to death
Some guys just don't know how to take good selfies.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020:
You have 4 cats ???? My 2 girls can light up film and scowl in digital....Kiti 7 Laila10 are my forever loves for 20 more years
Wuhon, Chinese, Covid-19, Corona? Think the globe would be on board naming it Covfefe-45?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 13, 2020: it Bill Gates Beijing depopulation bomb to get everybody rfid chipped and vaxxed
It’s like a distant memory. Ahhh the good ol days!
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Urine contaminated feces contaminated lettuce from sewer water irrigated fields
Japan, always with the robots. []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Neat actually tech geek graduates operating ceremonial robots with cameras remote controlled and microphone to hear "congratulations" real time upon presentation of diploma into the robot chest rack like a military medal
Easter Yolk
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Creme filled is a double dose of lactose to cause the diabetic an extra injection of insulin
You gotta love chocolate bunnies
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Laughing my ass off and maybe I should go find my hearing aids ? Thank you for many sequestered chuckles
“Ah, spring--and Easter! Although spring began on the Vernal Equinox, some people see Easter as...
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
It is a snowy cold rainy day much for sunrise cult events alleging an anniversary 1983 years ago.... and typical fake bible math ONLY one whole SATURday of rigor mortis IN BETWEEN 2 nights in a rock tomb = 72 hours ? More fictional bible bullshit....36 hours of alleged hybrid human death of the alleged baby gawd birthed by a 2nd GENERATION alleged vaginal virgin .....these depths of stupid lunacy do not earn my tolerance nor neighborliness ....television channels are filled with incompetent "experts" and theocrst propagandists.... I am glad to BOYCOTT candy egg hunts on dogshit lawns since 1958 when I was 6 yrs old having condemned the xmas lies 25December'57
In honor of John of my favorites. R.I.P []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
The gawdamn virus claims another hero of mine ....we should celebrate his INSPITE OF OURSELVES and love the one you are with b4 it is too late gagging on a ventilator drowned in pus
Something not depressing. The Laziest Cat EVER []
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Morris earns his keep scaring away rats & mice with his scent and threat of patrols....this is my kind of species friendly cafe .....when they reopen PLEASE SEND ME A MENU
Is anyone else sitting through this drivel that passes for Saturday Night Live?
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Long ago I gave up SNL and enjoy choice YouTubes of their best.... sometimes a great guest host inspired great writing but other times they are held hostage for skits that are only loved by the cast can be wild or an online movie for 3 dollars and reward your screen eye
Understanding requires open mindedness.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Religion is intellectual suicide... the death of reason and PROBLEM solving through magical thinking.....when my teen age daughter brought home this open minded faux posture towards religion....I told her that being open minded is like trying heroin by injecting street drugs .... some errors are deadly.....people selling religion are more than frauds and rapist priests preaching against abortion.....they are cultists given respectability by open minded enablers..... top German scientists were open minded to NaziS theocracy building up a devastated economy : gott MIT UNS .....USA is 4 weeks into a shutdown rather than hyperinflation 1933 .....good Socialist principles and science are keeping deaths way down from 1918 flu that killed 558 thousand people in 5 months.....I will never be open minded to prEyers for alleged gawds for any purpose
I just found out NBC is reairing Jesus Christ Superstar tonight.
Larry68Feminist comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I changed the radio channel everytime thid harmful music began ....same with Fidler on the roof or Exodus piano music duet from the movie....religion selling harmful lies


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