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Having a lonely night.
Lavergne comments on Jul 14, 2018:
This was our Khan....he was a rescue - wild hormone driven boy and full blown heartworms when we took him in. Was a rough year for him between the heartworm treatments, getting neutered so that he could become a more social creature, etc. He went from 65 lbs to 105 lbs and turned into one of the sweetest dogs I've ever known. We lost him this past January after having been blessed with 11 great years with him.
I am downing a bunch of shrimp sauted inn butter pino, garlic, and parsley.
Lavergne comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Looks really good.....we love our Shrimp Scampi and everyone I serve it too gets the recipe from me so they can start making it at home too. We're landlocked now (TN) and I have to say - I reallllllly miss the fresh off the boat shrimp (and fish), the blue crabs, the crawfish... sigh.
I left my abuser over two months ago but I am still struggling and very unhappy.
Lavergne comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Don't go back.....find a no-kill animal shelter and volunteer -(hopefully one of the other volunteers can help you out with transportation) - and you will find a good deal of inner peace knowing you are helping abandoned and abused animals. Networking is a slow process but if you take the first step, you WILL meet new people and make new friends. Hang in there....
I do healthcare research.
Lavergne comments on Aug 29, 2018:
I read an article many years ago written by a Doctor who maintained that the human body doesn't really process milk properly after the age of 6 or so - that it is totally unnecessary to consume and that there are a lot of other ways to get your daily calcium requirements. Add to that the fact that breakfast cereals (tasty as they may be) are one of the worst things you can consume and you don't have to think too hard to figure out why such a high percentage of our population is unhealthy.
One interesting thing I have noticed out of all my years in a traveling sales position.
Lavergne comments on Aug 30, 2018:
I suspect you make people feel comfortable answering questions about themselves - and having done that - kinda wait to see if you offer up some personal info about yourself. Maybe they just don't want to come off looking like they're nosey, you know? Waiting to see what you're comfortable sharing about yourself....?????
I found love on Agnostic.
Lavergne comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Awww.....that is just too damn sweet. Congrats to the both of you and it just goes to prove that it can (and usually will) happen when you least expect it!
What was the worst gift you've ever received?
Lavergne comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Just something to share....every year at Christmas I would try to get all the office employees a little something - it finally got to the point where it was ridiculous. These guys had everything they needed (or wanted) so one year I signed up with that group that lets you buy livestock (chickens, milk cows, etc) to be given to communities in underdeveloped countries in dire need - so I did that - in their names. The guys seemed shocked - one of them said he heard people talk about stuff like that - but he didn't think anyone actually did it. ???????? I think they were actually disappointed they didn't get their usual bottle of booze or whatever.... hahahaha
Do men have a duty to provide?
Lavergne comments on Sep 6, 2018:
Men have a duty to contribute. Same for sided relationships tend to be short lived - from what I've seen anyway.
What is a man to do when his 50 something partner is no longer interested with sex or just dry up ...
Lavergne comments on Sep 13, 2018:
could have been a case of "benign neglect"..... kills the sex drive and eventually the relationship over time.
Hello everyone.
Lavergne comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Well, honey - when you get right down to it, its ALL fiction, right? Might as well have some fun with it. ;)
Did you lose friends because Trump?
Lavergne comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I spent 25 years working with a group of die hard republicans - they referred to me as their token tree hugging, granola crunching, birkenstock wearing liberal. They were kidding (sort of) but I developed pretty thick skin. But even that didn't prepare me for the vicious way some of my friends (?) turned against me when I voiced my low opinion of their president. Oh well....
Excluding sex or bathing, what activities have you done naked?
Lavergne comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Definitely sleeping......and sometimes when cleaning the shower. I am a huge "bug magnet" so I try to cover up every available bit of skin when I go outside - otherwise they will devour me.
What personality characteristics seem to go with certain christian denominations?
Lavergne comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I do believe you've nailed it....
Being judged
Lavergne comments on Sep 21, 2018:
I learned a long time ago to "pick my fights carefully". I just let people think whatever they want to regarding my faith - or lack thereof.....after all, its not like I'm on some kind of mission to convert anyone.
Some of these were better than others, like the, "Well, I did when you touched my hand!" ...
Lavergne comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Craig is amazing.... I do miss his show!
New Rule: Narcissist in Chief | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Lavergne comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Love, love, love this man.....
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to be deposed about plan to rig 2020 census – ThinkProgress
Lavergne comments on Sep 22, 2018:
He is an evil little troll.....backstroking his way thru the swamp.
How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about - The Washington Post
Lavergne comments on Sep 23, 2018:
For profit prisons should be illegal. period.
The Radical Dissent of Helen Keller by Peter Dreier — YES! Magazine
Lavergne comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Fascinating article.....a truly remarkable woman.
In the Foxhole | The Daily Show [youtube.]
Lavergne comments on Sep 23, 2018:
Trevor is so freakin' funny.......I didn't think anyone could replace Jon Stewart - but this guy is great.
KAVANAUGH! - Randy Rainbow Song Parody []
Lavergne comments on Sep 24, 2018:
I love it.
Demanding.... []
Lavergne comments on Sep 24, 2018:
We had a little grey striped tabby that would sneak into the shower with my husband. She never would do it with me...hmmmmm?????? And she would walk thru the woods with him - the way a dog does. We've been blessed with some of the sweetest, funniest, craziest cats over the years.
I have used 5 of these products, how many have you used?
Lavergne comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Only the Arrid roll on...
A great photo, very well done. ?
Lavergne comments on Sep 24, 2018:
That is amazing....
Did anyone ever do or remember this?
Lavergne comments on Sep 25, 2018:
yup...back then that was the only way you could get your ears pierced. My college roommate did mine for me.
May as well have been Interviewer: Brett, how was the chicken?
Lavergne comments on Sep 25, 2018:
That interview was a (bad) joke. If he really wanted to give the American people a chance to hear him - he wouldn't have given that interview on Fox News. He would have gone on Rachel Maddow's show - but then, of course, she would have asked him questions he didn't really want to answer. What a putz....(or the other P word)
2000 year old warning.
Lavergne comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Have you met Donald J. Trump? Hellooooo
[] Janis Ian, 1976, At seventeen. Loved this song, love, love, love the singer.
Lavergne comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Always loved this!
1976??? ?
Lavergne comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Giving birth to a 9 1/2 lb baby boy...... (was told it would probably be a small-ish girl......Surprise!!!)
Anyone ever recall doing phone pranks?
Lavergne comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Oh yeah......good times. hahahahaha
“She was raped at the age of 8.
Lavergne comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Such a powerful voice.
Assistant Principal On Leave After Blaming Girls For Ruining 'Everything'
Lavergne comments on Sep 29, 2018:
What rock has this neanderthal been hiding under?
Congressional Democrats Can Sue Trump Over Emoluments, Judge Says
Lavergne comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Baby steps......this is very good news.
Well, they screwed that up too.
Lavergne comments on Sep 29, 2018:
pretty much says it all......
Last night we decided to open all the bedroom windows.
Lavergne comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Oh no you didn't!! hahaha Bet you won't make that mistake again.... ;)
Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open - SNL []
Lavergne comments on Sep 30, 2018:
This is - hands down - the funniest video I've seen yet.
It is Netflix time for me, has anyone ever seen this movie and if so did you like it?
Lavergne comments on Oct 2, 2018:
Saw it - really liked it.
Why Black Cats Rock?
Lavergne comments on Oct 3, 2018:
have always had (and loved) black cats....
Aldous Margaery Balrog: Dad, can you meet me in my office?
Lavergne comments on Oct 4, 2018:
aawwwwww.....too cute.
When I am having a day like no other.
Lavergne comments on Oct 4, 2018:
oh honey...I feel your pain.
Amazing how much not investigating can speed up an investigation.
Lavergne comments on Oct 4, 2018:
This choreographed dog and pony show is turning out exactly as we all predicted it would. I hope that Kavanaugh gets a real warm and fuzzy feeling every time he thinks about the number of members of the Bar Assn. who signed the letter stating he should not be confirmed. And its not because of his binge drinking teenage escapades - its because he has displayed an appalling lack of judicial temperament - and a deep seated bias and partisanship that judges are not supposed to bring with them to the bench.
For some reason I got earwormed by this song.
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Thanks for sharing.....always liked this song - seems like a million years ago. ;)
Mitch McConnell, the man who broke America - The Washington Post
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Term limits.....and mandatory retirement ages.
For your consideration
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Food for thought....
Retired Justice John Paul Stevens: Brett Kavanaugh isn’t qualified for the Supreme Court.
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
We all know he is going to be confirmed, unfortunately.....and EVERY written opinion and every judicial ruling of his will have the stench of "what goes around comes around" all over it. He is damaged goods - no matter how much the GOP tries to scrub him clean.
Trending today... Happy Friday!
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Don't wait till Friday..... ;)
For those who have not heard it.
Lavergne comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Lavergne comments on Oct 6, 2018:
You go, girls!
Brett Kavanaugh Vote Will Drive Political Backlash If History Is Guide | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC ...
Lavergne comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I'm hoping that once Kavanaugh (unfortunately) gets confirmed, a lot of the GOP voters who would have voted in the midterms because they were all fired up will become complacent and feel they've "won"......and not bother to vote. ;)
My parents bought me this way back when I was 10 and told it was candy cane toothpaste, I believed ...
Lavergne comments on Oct 6, 2018:
seems like a pretty clever marketing gimmick....
On Sept 7th I stopped working.
Lavergne comments on Oct 6, 2018:
That's fantastic.....just found out that a Planet Fitness will be opening here Nov 1. I've already signed up!
Howard Zinn: Don’t Despair about the Supreme Court -
Lavergne comments on Oct 6, 2018:
A really excellent article.
Do you suck toes?
Lavergne comments on Oct 7, 2018:
One for @RobertNappi and a few others: []
Lavergne comments on Oct 7, 2018:
My cats do this on leather boots.....or work gloves. ????
Do you ever get so frustrated you irritate yourself?
Lavergne comments on Oct 7, 2018:
On a regular basis.... :)
Lavergne comments on Oct 8, 2018:
aawww......sweet baby.
Illustration of Bullshit !
Lavergne comments on Oct 8, 2018:
aahhhhh......the old "I can resist anything but temptation" defense. ????? Batshit crazy.
Susan Collins: I believe Dr. Ford, but I don't REALLY believe her
Lavergne comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Lost all respect for her.......hope she gets voted out next election - the people of Maine deserve better.
House Republicans Jam 'Personhood' Language Into New Tax Bill - Rewire.News
Lavergne comments on Oct 8, 2018:
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard - and yet, why does it not surprise me? If that passes -- I swear I'm gonna get my GYN to write a note saying I still have 4 viable eggs left - and I'm gonna count them as dependents. Can you just see the letter I'll get from the're being audited - please provide the social security numbers assigned to your eggs...... good grief.
Question for my "foodie" Agnostics: BACKGROUND: I've just completed a Cabbage-Soup Diet regime.
Lavergne comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Nope. I'm such a "spice" girl I would probably die if they ever had to put me on a bland diet. :(
Lavergne comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Dad's side definitely......Italian thru and thru.....4 older sisters at a time when only the boys got to "do stuff". Needless to say lots of family drama, angst, back stabbing....etc etc. Gotta love family, tho, right? ;)
Who here knows what courtesy is?
Lavergne comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Trying to not trample all over someone's feelings just cause they have a different opinion than you? Ok - I give. ???
Relax, Ladies. Don’t Be So Uptight. You Know You Want It
Lavergne comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Wow. What a great article.
Well, my tombstone design issues are resolved. :)
Lavergne comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Love it!!! :)
" I don't go out much . I don't have to "! Happy birthday to me , ALIVE , ALIVE , ALIVE ?
Lavergne comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Yes - she does, indeed, look fabulous. You go, girl!!
10 Times Cats Were Blamed for Crimes [youtube.]
Lavergne comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Now this is funny....and interesting.
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
What a great article....
A woman finds an injured snake.
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Our dear leader even quoted those very words while on the campaign trail....turned out to be quite prophetic, don't you think?
A kid asks a Native American leader how he names the kids who are born.
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
We've been laughing at that joke for many years now.....still cracks me up. ;)
Idaho candidate on abortion: Urges charges, death penalty | Idaho Statesman
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
This is so insane that it leaves me speechless.....and that ain't an easy to do! ;)
Wow what a great outdoor shower.
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Now this is really cool.......We have enough rocks on our property to do this.....hmmmmmm. ???? spring project, maybe?
Please share this everywhere!
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Now you're talkin'......
Safe voting
Lavergne comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Oh, snap! That's freakin' genius....
penny, still with us at age 16 and a half, with two daughters, layla, who looks like her except for ...
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018: sorry to hear that. We had two Himalayans (sisters) and one made it to just shy of 20 and the other one is still kicking....I can tell she is definitely declining but not in any pain and still loves to cuddle and love on me. Just enjoy her company for whatever time she has left...
This is the first time I ever seen this, how about you?
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Sorry, I Need To Bitch.
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018:
I feel your pain - I have a brother who repeats every thing he hears on Fox news as though it were gospel. And when I try to counter some of his misinformation, he does what they all do - starts conflating issues and twisting the conversation so that you end up feeling like a pretzel. ???? I finally had to tell him to just not talk politics to me. I love him - but I, too would like to punch him. ;)
Law & Order: Fake Victims Unit []
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Poor GOP snowflakes....
I'm not offensive.. I'm just filter challenged...
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018:
I'm definitely missing a couple of filters...
Would you send a topless picture of yourself to someone? Why or why not?
Lavergne comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Not a chance.....
Man run over by lawn mower while trying to kill son with chainsaw |
Lavergne comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Just can't make this stuff up....
Interesting idea.
Lavergne comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Good one....
Two for your morning chuckle:
Lavergne comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Love it!
On this day back in 1951 ?❤?
Lavergne comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I always thought about Lucy when I watch Debra Messing in Will and Grace.....seemed to have that same comedic style.
Who had one of these in their living room?
Lavergne comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Sure did...
Look on this poor little kitties face???
Lavergne comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Hugging kitty. ?? []
Lavergne comments on Oct 17, 2018:
that is sooooo sweet!
In recent years I have become obsessed with perfection within my home.
Lavergne comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I can understand (and in many ways relate) to your emotional and spiritual journey. I'm so glad that you are in a really good place right now and wish you all the best in your new relationship... :) ;)
I sure do remember this, anyone else?
Lavergne comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I sure do!!
I think I might adopt this idea.
Lavergne comments on Oct 19, 2018:
hmmmmm......explains a lot! ;)
The numbers are in, and Trump's tax cut didn't reduce the deficit – despite his many promises
Lavergne comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Imagine that....
Me: You really need to get dressed and go to the grocery store.
Lavergne comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I'm soooo there.
There Is A Difference Between Dating and Courting |
Lavergne comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I think it all boils down to chemistry....its either there or it isn't. If it's there, then good manners and breeding will dictate how fast or slow things move along. Some people are simply more sexual/sensual creatures so things can heat up between them very quickly. Others like to set a slower pace - or as you called it "a courtship period". Different strokes.....
Whoever decided that white was a good color for underwear was an idiot.
Lavergne comments on Oct 21, 2018:
not to worry.....around here its just a matter of time before they all end up pink... ;)
Today was spent driving through NM, Texas and OK.
Lavergne comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Have relatives in TX.....we don't visit much - mostly cause ....well, its Texas you know? :) :)
Europa, by Santana A most beautiful song. []
Lavergne comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Very nice....
There was a tourist sitting in a New York bar having a drink, when another guy walks over to him and...
Lavergne comments on Oct 24, 2018:
that's hilarious!!!
With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Gut Independent Ethics Office
Lavergne comments on Oct 25, 2018:
This is exactly the type of thing you do when the only way you can "win" is by cheating and eliminating all the rules....
OOOHHH NNNOOO...I'm stuck!!!
Lavergne comments on Oct 25, 2018:
That is too stinkin' cute....
OOOHHH NNNOOO...I'm stuck!!!
Lavergne comments on Oct 25, 2018:
She loves the heat from the fire.....actually fell asleep like this - on her feet. :)
Does it seem like getting a one night stand would be really easy?
Lavergne comments on Oct 26, 2018:
My first one night stand lasted 17 yrs.....the second one just hit 32. ???? I'm obviously doing something wrong?? hahahahaha ;)


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