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"Most Christian president ever." I want to cry at this woman's ignorance.
TjallTjall comments on Mar 29, 2018:
If I were a Christian, then I would hold up Jimmy Carter as the most Christian President.
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
Or Barack Obama.
Can anyone identify these?
Cast1es comments on Mar 29, 2018:
The red stems call to mind a specific kind of forsythia bush . If allowed to grow (don't prune in the spring) it produces bright yellow flowers up the branches in the spring , but the red stems show brightly in the northern states against snow .
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
Forsythia?? Are we looking at the same thing?
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
KKGator comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I think it's the biggest reason they believe in any of that bullshit. They fear death and want to believe in an afterlife.
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@KKGator Especially in the face of scientific evidence shredding their little baby blankies, and the lack of evidence living beyond the grave
Have you ever teleported, or known someone who did?
dahermit comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Ramblings of either a mentally ill person or someone who likes to make-up fiction. As for ESP, scientific tests of such, have always shown it to be non-existant.
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
How does one measure instinct, for that matter? Any dog owner knows their best friend is psychic as compared to your average Hominid. It doesn't matter what I'm driving, rental, brothers truck or whatever. My dog knows it's me coming down the road long before I am even a dot on the horizon. Animals running upland to escape earthquakes, tsunamis, and killer storms?? Animals have a sixth sense because they are still connected to Nature. Lacking Human intelligence, most other animals rely on instinct as well as some intelligence. Just because most Humans have lost this ability thru detachment from Nature doesn't mean it never existed in Humans or our ancestors.
Have you ever teleported, or known someone who did?
RoboGraham comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Extrasensory perception has been thoroughly proven beyond any shadow of doubt to be absolutely true by advanced pseudoscience.
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
It is definitely more pronounced in other animals than Human. My dog for sure knows my car, rental or not! Animals other than us are still tuned into Nature and follow instincts. ESP is just another sense, one we are LOSING due to lack of use and detachment from Nature. Evolution. Use it or lose it.
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
KKGator comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I think it's the biggest reason they believe in any of that bullshit. They fear death and want to believe in an afterlife.
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
BINGO! It's as if one day the Human brain got too smart for its own good and discovered its own mortality. Afterlife provided a great workaround for our still young Human minds to keep them sane and pacified in the face of this, um, grave realization.
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
HippieGothMom2 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I did. I never believed I was good enough, and hell scared me. After kids, I decided they're worth going to hell for, because I am not going to make them feel like their life experiences are what make them bad. Treating people like shit makes you bad. Making them feel worthless for the ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
@HippieGothMom2 And I learned a valuable new word today: Relationshits. Luvit
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
JoelLovell comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I've wondered that also and my though is I don't really think modern day religious people are really religious it's a weird mindframe to unravel because they don't act as of they REALLY believe in God? Follow ever command to the letter, act is if ever thought and action was being watched and most of...
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
Yeah, I've noticed that as well. Try this experiment: tell any Xian you just saw God, Jesus and/or a roomful of angels and gauge the reaction. Chances are, you'll be at Employee Health pissing in a cup!
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Yes indeed, because to meet the demands of a jealous Gawd, they could never have any impure thoughts, covet anything, etc etc etc
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
How Orwellian indeed. Thought crimes yet.
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Exactly :) God hates religion as much as we do, any number of passages could be Quoted for this
Leafhead replies on Mar 29, 2018:
But we exist.
What's a thing that you love?
Leafhead comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I love butterflies, bugs, plants and all their interactions. I love all plants and animals, except invasive species
Leafhead replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@ailurophile Each season I raise and give away dozens of Milkweed and other prairie and pollinators plants. I also raise and release dozens of Monarch and Swallowtail butterflies each season. I have a modest butterfly garden that supplies all my needs.
Is incarceration of any benefit at all (other than removing someone from society) or is it all about...
DonThiebaut comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I've seen a pretty strong streak of hatefulness toward prisoners here where I live. It all sounds like vengeance to me. The goal should be recidivism and prevention, not revenge. America's system isn't really about either, though, it's all about money. ?
Leafhead replies on Mar 28, 2018:
There is a huge problem in America with broken prisoners, people made so hardened and corrupt by the prison system that they cannot function in society. Most of these criminals started off as petty lawbreakers, like pot dealing or other nonviolent victimless crimes. Prison and captivity do horrid things to any Primate, and we are no exception. It's all about money, and a bit racially lobsided. The sad fact is, these inmates have become violent and institutionalized.
Is incarceration of any benefit at all (other than removing someone from society) or is it all about...
Rugglesby comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Deterrent? I would pay fines no worries if I had money, the thought of prison scares me witless, my thoughts run to, "They will never take me alive" I am a good citizen. I really don't have a problem with punishment, revenge, vengeance. Too many people are in prison for petty crimes.
Leafhead replies on Mar 28, 2018:
"Scared Straight" is a terrific concept by which punk ass kiddos that think they're bad spend a couple nights with the big dogs in prison, and they come out clean!!! Those poor kids are scared shit less from moment 1 of their experience. Prevention of crime will free up jails, and it has to start with our youth.
Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening. Not a fan?
Byrd comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I miss my garden! I used 2 have mostly native north west plants, but I loved my honeysuckles and butterfly bush and wallflowers. The bees and butterflies and humming birds loved them! Do you have any suggestions for a potted garden that will help the pollinators?
Leafhead replies on Mar 28, 2018:
@Byrd Tell me about it. Here in the Midwest we're not out of the Stix until mid May when it comes to Winter and freezing. Frustrating as hell. But I still usually see my first butterfly in late March early April (Mourning Cloak). I can expect American Ladies in mid to late April, and Swallowtail and Monarchs make their appearance in May. I miss the good old days gardening 365
Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening. Not a fan?
Nurse-Quantros comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I'm in.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Welcome aboard. All you need is a computer and a basic knowledge of plants.
Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening. Not a fan?
Byrd comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I miss my garden! I used 2 have mostly native north west plants, but I loved my honeysuckles and butterfly bush and wallflowers. The bees and butterflies and humming birds loved them! Do you have any suggestions for a potted garden that will help the pollinators?
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
When it comes to pots, bigger is better with butterfly gardening. When I worked at the retirement home, I filled two barrels with dirt and planted Fennel. I got batches ranging between 15 to 35 caterpillars at a time, from the Eastern Black Swallowtail. Cosmos, Asters, Zinnias and Tithonias all make great patio plants and are full of nectar.
Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening. Not a fan?
atheist comments on Mar 27, 2018:
How does one plant milkweed?
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
There is an organization called Monarch Watch. They can give you a list of natives in your area. You can also Google Milkweed Native to (insert state or county here). You can either shop online for seeds, at nurseries for plants, or collect seed yourself. Most Milkweed is easy to grow, notably the native ones. In you live north, avoid the so called Tropical or Mexican Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica). Natives are best suited and best preferred by migrating Monarchs and other pollinators.
Welcome Spring! Now is the time for planting and gardening. Not a fan?
Cassandra comments on Mar 27, 2018:
They ever get around Mississippi? I get a few butterflies. I see the tiger swallowtail and a blue & black one. I have a lot of white clover growing in my back yard and cut the grass as infrequently as possible. All kinds of flying critters get into it.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
White Clover in your grass is EXCELLENT for honeybees. It is also a welcome distraction for troublesome bunnies, who'll eat it above all else. Dandelions and violets also a plus in lawns. Hey SoFla! Let some Desmodium grow in your lawns for Long Tailed Skippers! Better known as bugger tick, this Legume is the larval host plant for the Skipper 's caterpillars
Should religion be taught in schools?
SouthShark comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Yes. The more you know about religion the less believable it becomes.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
To you and me... But I still see way too many wacky jobs head over heels over God
Should religion be taught in schools?
Alimacbean comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Teachers are in a position of authority. I would not not want my child learning a "truth" by someone who has an agenda. God and religion are non-issues in my family. We don't speak of it because it is not our truth. History of religions can be taught in high school when kids have a better ability ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
History of religions, fine. But not religions themselves. Teens are still impressionable. I remember my first real Hellfire-and-Brimstone encounter when I was 16, and it scared the shit right out of me. Religion is mental and emotional poison and should be kept out of reach of children.
Should religion be taught in schools?
Reid1956 comments on Mar 24, 2018:
No. For starters it is a violation of church and state separation. All have the right to worship as they choose but interrupting academics to preach does not help society. Values and beliefs need to be taught at home.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Religious school is an oxymoron. School is for learning about reality, not being lied to. Keep religion out of classrooms
Everything I Like about Religion I Learned from an Atheist -
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Really liked this article. Amazing how today's Christians and Republicans do not embody the beliefs and practices from those of Jesus and his disciples.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Not at all. I'd like to shove Trump's rich ass thru the eye of a needle LOL
Everything I Like about Religion I Learned from an Atheist -
zblaze comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I still don't accept it The original Pledge was destroyed with the 'addition' of two fucked up words 'UNDER GOD'!! Pledging our allegiance now to an undefined, invisible authority, and placing our nation "UNDER" this imaginary authority sent our nation into a downward spiral. "One Nation ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I don't subscribe to either God or government. Both are corrupt, arbitrary concepts
When did you first doubt religion?
robertdctrey comments on Jan 29, 2018:
I was about 12 or 13 and was quite the over- achieving nerd. I had decided at some point I was going to read the entire Bible. I was excited as I had recently been to a church camp and bought a new student edition of the NIV version. Anyhow as I started to really gain ground I noticed more and more ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I went thru the conspiracy theory/Alien origin/Bigfoot etc stage when I was younger, but quickly outgrew it as I followed real science and understood the scientific process. In essence, there's simply no evidence for such things as Aliens visiting Earth. Though I would gratefully and gladly welcome a newly discovered extant species into our family tree, evidence for Bigfoot and Orang Pandek just isn't there
When did you first doubt religion?
srahsmile77 comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I think I always doubted religion. Even when I was brainwashed during childhood to pray,.. I still would do the act with the constant thought of, "this is so pointless, there is no one listening". But as I grew into adulthood and went to seminary school, things began to become more clear to me. As I...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@Moondrop Catholic School is an oxymoron at best.
When did you first doubt religion?
nacrea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I have never doubt religion. I just have my own belief system - yours. I believe in nature. That's it. Religion however, I find, has many global problems simply because it is a here-say, really. "Here I say this or that." They have no core ideology other than what their elders stole from the ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I'd like to see more proof of Aliens. The only Aliens I know of is Humans reaching the Moon. I do believe ET is out there, but I do not think he has been an Alien on our planet. It's a big galaxy, and a bigger Universe. ET can be everywhere in the Milky Way, but there is no proof of Aliens visiting Earth.
When did you first doubt religion?
ipdg77 comments on Feb 26, 2018:
As soon as I was old enough to think. I went to Catholic school and none of it made sense, the Tower of Babel, Noah's Ark, the Exodus blah blah blah, it just never made any sense and I couldn't join up the theist dots.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Esp the Tower of Babel he he. How would such a god react to Trump Towers, or better yet, NASA??
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Allan comments on Oct 27, 2017:
Same as you, I talk to them. Ask them questions, like - in the Noah's ark story, why did God drown a lot of innocent animals? Noah saved no more than seven of each, so God drowned thousands or millions of animal who didn't sin. [Can they sin?] He is God, so he could have take them all to ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
Where did Noah fit all the Dinosaurs?
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
dyvynyty comments on Oct 25, 2017:
They are usually fairly easy-going and will leave if you politely tell them you aren't interested. You might have to say it a few times though. I did get to have a fascinating discussion with some Mormon boys about the philosophies of non-duality once. I could tell one of them was really interested....
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I only say it once-with styleLOL
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
InSearchOfTruth comments on Oct 25, 2017:
I once sold Fuller Brush door to door, back in the early 1970s when there were still housewives at home during the day to sell to. For door knockers today, I look to see what they're selling. If I am not in the market I smile and say, "I'm sorry I'm not interested" as I'm closing the door." ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I still like to F with them. It's fun!
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Flynnfaust comments on Oct 22, 2017:
I had a raw cow's heart, and knew when they would reach my apartment. They would knock at the door. I walk out to greet them. conversation ensues. I take my cow heart and eat it letting the blood drip down from my face. One kid says that he's gonna be sick, the other calls me a satanic freak. The ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
That is AWESOME!! I used to raise reptiles in SoFla. I had snakes, lizards and tortoises, as well as other critters. I would see them coming down my street, and answer the door festooned with my favorite Ball Pythons. That sent them running down the road screaming!!Lol
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
Galihad_Z comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Around the time that school and church just started to contradict each other. I remember around the third grade, when I learned about Dinosaurs at school, only to be contradicted by the Adam & Eve story in the Bible. No one ever talked about this glaring conundrum, but I needed answers. It seemed...
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
PS: I was actually told once that the Dinosaurs were actually too big for Noah's Ark! Got a good belly laugh out of that one...
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
Captnron59 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I was agnostic for about 6 years. Then one day while explaining my thoughts on the bible it just occurred to me that the bullshit is too deep for me to continue to sit on the fence any longer.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
I have been an atheist for 3 yrs going strong now. I attended my last Church service this past Xmas, at my then boyfriend's and family's behest. The same old BS, but this time it seemed especially stifling this time. I had heard it enough. My church is ultra liberal and ultra green. This has been the only attraction for the past 3 yrs. Now with Easter coming, I plan on sitting out Church, and it's gonna freak some people out. I love the peeps at Church, but can no longer sit thru the "message".
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
5082gregory comments on Mar 26, 2018:
The internet helped me and when I looked up contridictions in the bible I was more convinced.
Leafhead replies on Mar 27, 2018:
The Internet helped me see the light BIG TIME. It all started with Camel Spiders, believe it or not. I soon found myself on an evolution section on YT. The rest was history. Evolution and archeology have always held my interest.
God hates porn?
BookDeath comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I thought it was God Hates Gays? Has the Westboro Baptist Church branched out? No, wait...I AM God...and I unequivocably APPROVE of porn, esp. GAY PORN! ;)
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
No, read Mark 11:13 God hates FIGS
What's the most ridiculous pet peeve you have?
Leafhead comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Rolling luggage. Man buns.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@AmonRawr IDK. I just wanna bark at rolling luggage. LOL I can't really explain it.
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
marga comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I don't think I ever had an "aha" moment. Rather, I've been questioning for as long as I can remember (back to 3 years old), and it was a gradual process of realizing what was what. If I had to guess, I would say I was in my 20s.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I questioned well back into childhood, but this was my final letting go of Eternal Life. I've known for a while that Earth doesn't have room service named Jesus. This whole Rapture mindset scares me. Earth be damned; God will pick up the mess.
Can you provide a label for my belief system?
Leafhead comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Labels are for cans, jars and lab samples. We are what we are. I identify as Gaian, but one might also call me atheist, recovering Christian or all kinds of names
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@GlyndonD no inconvenience at all. I have observed throughout the years that fixed labels, boxes and brackets cannot properly describe life's fluidity in motion. People and their faiths are of a gradient as well.
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
Galihad_Z comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Around the time that school and church just started to contradict each other. I remember around the third grade, when I learned about Dinosaurs at school, only to be contradicted by the Adam & Eve story in the Bible. No one ever talked about this glaring conundrum, but I needed answers. It seemed...
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I could never make Point A meet Point B when it came to science and the Bible. Where did Adam and Eve fit in with evolution?
Have you ever had a frenemy?
Nebroxah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I have an aquaintemy. He's a friend of my roommate's, who is an unironic gay neo Nazi, and I'd like to send him on an emergency trip to the dentist's. That being said though, my roommate has been on and on about how few friends he has in this town, so I tolerate this guy hanging out at my place ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@icolan Then there was the gay general who got caught playing with his privates...
What was your experience when you first realized there was no god?
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
In Jewish Sunday School I got upset reading about Job? How could a god be so cruel? Learning about the Holocaust-still have nightmares to this day - How could a god let it happen? My parents constantly chastizing me as a child "god is going to punish you"
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Amen to that!! Being in a relationship with a problem gambler for 8 and a half years, I find the book of Job particularly odious. It's as though God hadn't the balls to bet his own ass, so he bet Job's Goes to show you how low an anthropomorphic god will stoop.
Is atheism in America still worst than ANY religion?
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
This trump administration and mike pence (revisionist therapy) have villaniized Democrats and people who hate God-atheists.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
November can't come soon enough
Have you ever had a frenemy?
Lucy_Fehr comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Nope. I do have friends that I like to be faux enemies with. We call each other names and say really harsh shit to each other but help each other happily as well.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I have one friend in particular like that, esp during card games. we'd call each other evil names like you wouldn't believe. We have toned it down a bit, but we still call each other names when we meet
Living in the south
jioo087 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I live in N.E. Texas and can relate. the women seem to be stamped from the same template for the most part-love country music,want a christian man and favorite book--bible. I am glad I have fought off that disease from an early age. hang in there.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Shout out to Texas for the best diversity in butterfly species! Shame about the Texans though
Living in the south
nicknotes comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Florida is a southern state but it is populated by people from up north.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Mostly losers from up North, on the East Coast anyway. West Coast is mainly rich retirees from the Midwest
Why are we hated for hating xmas?
MagicAndRainbows comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I don't hate Christmas. The Christians stole it from the pagans. I rather enjoy lights and I respect the pagans. So I don't hate Christmas, I hate Christianity. Just like I'm a lesbian, but I don't hate men. Sometimes I also hate men, but in addition to photography I also work part time in a tool ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
We are now in the year 2018 AD (Anno Domini) Does that mean Jesus had THREE birthdays??
How would you explain Easter without referreing it to as the ressurection of Christ?
Notlost comments on Mar 12, 2018:
The truth: It's a pagan holiday celebrating spring's rebirth that got hijacked by the church, to make Xtianity more palateable to pagans they were trying to convert. In a way that yur child can understand. Ex: Easter is a celebration of nature, because the winter is over, and it's time for flowers ...
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@Ungod Groundhog Day has more to do with the January Thaw than any real meteorilogical information is concerned.
How would you explain Easter without referreing it to as the ressurection of Christ?
Ungod comments on Mar 13, 2018:
AprIl Fool's Day !!
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
April Fools Day is a Christian spoof on the old Pagan Calandar which began on the Equinox. Christians eat everything. They absorb all they encounter. They are the Borg
How would you explain Easter without referreing it to as the ressurection of Christ?
cosmickate comments on Mar 15, 2018:
How about the Easter Bunny ? There are certainly enough celebrations about him at Easter.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Bunnies and eggs are fertility symbols. You can't beat rabbits when it comes to that subject.
God and Ghosts
MarcIveson comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I see ghosts all the time ... maybe its about time I bought a new telly .
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
I see dead people...
Are you attracted to people who are just comfortable being themselves from the start?
Leafhead comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I would rather be with someone who is comfortable being himself on a date than a pretentious phoney, or worse yet, someone with secrets to hide. Uneasy people make me uneasy.
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
@paul1967 Guilty as charged. I do dress better on a first date than I normally would, and some of my more secret kinky fantasie and fetishes (both harmless and nonviolent) may not be revealed until the third or fourth date, when we are more intimate.
What would be a good name for a Satanic/Atheist private school?
ipdg77 comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Heathens Secondary Modern, Dillahunty Developmental Institute, The Hitchsonian,
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Elemental Elementary
Favorite Atheist/Agnostic songwriters/songs?
Scoobs comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Oh...and there's Tricky's version of Dear God, though the original is better...but I love Tricky
Leafhead replies on Mar 26, 2018:
Wow. Just wow.


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