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Do believer friends invite you to their Church?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Yes, I just say no thank you, if they ask why I ask if they really want to discuss it because it will take some time at which point they usually say no and drop it, if they say yes they usually last ten minutes before making an excuse and leaving.
Do you collect anything?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I collect films on DVD and VHS especially Japanese and Korean Cinema. However I also go through fads of collecting book on various none fiction subjects.
Is it possible for you not to judge people based on their appearance?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Everyone takes an initial first impression of everyone else in order to asses potential danger, it is a survival instinct. However once interaction takes place a deeper assesment is made based on personal preferences, social norms, compatibillity of opinions and threat assesments.
Waking up and not remembering who your with.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
What is worse is waking up next to the wrong person, sneaking out of bed to go home and then realising you are in your own bedroom.
Does anyone here also enjoy a dark sense of humor?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I have two dogs who I love with all my heart and would never harm.....BUT the funniest thing in the world to me are animal cruely jokes, so long as they are done in asureal and cartoonish fashion. Such as Kenny Everett doing the spoof quiz show "Shoot the dog" in which animal loving contestents are offered ever larger and larger sums of money to blow the head off a puppy with a 12 bore shot gun.
I hate it when liberal Christians use the phrase not all Christians are like that those aren't ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
All Christians think other Christians are not true Christians. The differences between any two Christian Denominations can be so extreme as to not even be the same relgion to an outside observer look at a prosperity gospel preacher and an Amish elder for example. Even within a single denomination members often think other members do not follow the teachings properly. Many Christians have never read the bible and think it would be a bad idea to do so, since it some how is disloyal to the clergy, others can quote chapter and verse, but have no idea what one word of it means, but think quoting scripture is the Christian version of casting spells. Faced with the "those aren't real Christians" arguement I tend to ask for a definition of a real Christian, which is usually followed by a protracted scilence and then a stammered response something akin to must follow the teachings of Christ, which gives an in for asking about why Jesus wants you to hate your own mother, brother, wife children and father? (Luke 14:26)
Is anyone going to see Matt Dillahunty on his new tour?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I'm hoping he will tour the UK one day, fascinating orator and rhetorician
Religion among Scientists in International Context: A New Study of Scientists in Eight Regions
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
The percentage of respondents is on average about 40%, a believer is far more likely to answer a survey like like this than a non believer who, if they are like me, see it as a pointless waste of time. So the survey is skewed to start with. In Muslim countries you are going to get 100% alledged believers because to say otherwise is professional and probably literal suicide. Again in the USA for many people working for many corporations claiming atheism is likely to ruin your career. As has been poined out else where here, it is pointless to compare Fundamantalist christians with say Buddists so far as their creation mythology and existence of diety since the belief in the doctrine conote very different degrees of gullibility and the willingness to place the critical faculties on hold. In short surveys like this are unscientific, pointless and able be swayed to say what ever you want the results to be.
Is “Objectivism” a legitimate philosophy?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
It is inherently flawed and is a frankly rediculous extrapolation of Platonism aplied to abstract conceptual phenomena. *Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. Terry Pratchett *
My quick blurb on Pascal's Wager (one side of the argument)
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
If this in any way was credible, you would have to believe in EVERY god/godess that has ever been alledged to exist, because simply applying this to the biblical god gaurentes you nothing, if that is the wrong god and the one true god is actual for example Loki.
What would make you believe in a God?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2018:
First someone would have to come up with a definitive definition of what constitutes a god If that definition includes any mention or relies on the supernatural in any way then that immediately precludes any confusion with technology in the material sense. If the definition does NOT include the supernatural then any god is natural and materialistic and is therefore explicable by some form of advanced technology and so is NOT a god, simply a dictatorial fraud.
Other than cognitive dissonance, do you ever wonder what it is in the brain that makes people ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
It's fear plain and simple, fear of death, fear of hell, fear of the god who will send you there because the bastard loves you so much.
Believers are always asking me, "If there's no god, what's the meaning of life?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Since nothing actually exists until it is observed and or measured, intelligent life is required, if you believe in the anthropic principle, therefore the purpose of life is to facilitate existence.
I finally told someone that I'm starting to not believe in God anymore.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Why would you be willing to live a lie for the rest of your life with the one person you should be able to trust more than anyone else? I know that might sound harsh, but I could not do it.
Do you raise your kids atheist?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I allowed my children the freedom to decide for themselves, my daughter is a Christian and my son is an atheist. Oddly however my atheist son can quote bible verses and knows religion intimately as he is currently a master's student studying English literature and finds a cultural knowledge of religion a necessity for the analytical understanding of poetry and prose. My theist daughter has never read the bible in her life and insists all she needs is a personal relationship to Jesus. She too is a graduate, her master's is in business studies and she runs her own company. I find the dichotomy fascinating.
Catholic Archbishop Says Pedophilia Is 'Spiritual Encounter With God'
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Archbishop Fart did say he would go to prison for not reporting a paedo, if the said pervert had admitted to the abuse **in the confessional**, but it was the confessional itself he called “a spiritual encounter with God through the priest” and “of a higher order” NOT the actual kiddie fiddling. *HOWEVER *that said, confessional or not refusing to report a paedophile to the police when you know what he or she has done or is doing makes you as guilty as the fucker yourself in my book! In the UK doctors have to report paedos, even if it is discovered under doctor patient privilege, no to do so renders the doctor liable to prosecution, I hope the same is required of priests. I hope they would have the decency and ethics to report it anyway. But then again these are Catholic priest we are talking about so actual ethics probably are not something they are too familiar with.
Catholic Church hit hard by steep decline in the ranks!
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
And this surprises people, for what reason? The only places were religion, particularly Christianity is growing, is in countries cut off from mass communication, freely available information and lower standards of education. This is why RC, Mormons, JWs and such have always and recently have redoubled their missionary efforts in such places, to try in a desperate and ultimately futile attempt to off set rampant apostasy in the first world. They are however face with a dilemma, in order to exploit the third world, they need those people to have access to more money, the only way to do that is to educate them, and as has been seen education leads to apostasy. This is why we have seen in the last fifty years, churches investing heavily in corporate business, land and development, read for the inevitable collapse of all but a core church for each denomination, existing solely to funnel tax free money in to the church corporations and banks.
Do you stand for the anthem?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I don't stand for the words, or for the royalist sentiments, as I ama republican (in the British meaning of the words) but I am British, I love my country and what it aspires to stand for. By standing for the the Anthem I acknowledge the sacrifices of my ancentors and the righting of past wrongs, the ever bettering and evolution of British tradition and custom.
Anybody else watch The Atheist Experience on YouTube?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Great show, have watched for years.
God hates porn?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Why wasn't Jesus born in the London UK? God could not find a wise man or a virgin
A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
The love of god, ha
China Insists on Control of Religion, Dimming Hope of Imminent Vatican Deal - The New York Times
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Maybe the Chinese remember how badly Vatican Concordants have worked out for other countries in the past? Or perhaps they recall how badly it turned out in the past in their own country when very rich, out of touch old farts in dresses and silly hats started try to play at politics on behald of the gods.
Have you ever changed your name - I don't mean for a pseudonym like here but changed it for real?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Yes after a terrible row with my parents in my late teens I left home and changed my name to James A. Christie, however when I got married for the second time my wife refused to marry me unless I reverted to the name I had when we first knew each other as children, because as rightly pointed out it was an act of utter pretention and she could never see me as anyone but Len, so I reverted. I do have a psuedonym under which I write non fiction, but I would never use it in real life.
People are highly susceptible to social influence but rarely understand the full extent of that ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Which is why asserting the right to think, speak and express yourself freely is so important, if people are subject to only one point of view they place themselves in the grip of tyranny. WHY? Is always the most important question to ask before accepting, obeying or even considering any course of action presented to you "What are the alternatives?" Is the second.
I am a grieving mother.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Your daughter was not *just* reduced to a box of ash, she will be remembered and has become a treasured memory for you and all those who ever knew her, interacted with her or benefited from her existence even if they never knew her personally. A life causes ripples in time and space, in the experiences of others and no matter how long or tragically brief those ripples continue and have an effect for a long time and in so many unexpected ways for long after the impact has ceased. A god, an afterlife, the survival of death is irrelevant to all of this, and so atheism robs us of nothing, in reality rationality gives us a practical reason to celebrate any life and its effect of reality.
I firmly believe that you can be a follower of Laws of Attraction and The Secret and still be an ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
You can still be an atheist, all be it a gullible one
If God made himself known to you one day and said, "You must sacrifice the life of your child for ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
My response would be one that should not like to repeat in polite company. Abraham was a dangerous psychopath, and a God who would do that to someone so obviously mad, and then back down at the last minute for sh!ts and giggles is one evil sick messed up excremental ahole.
My kid found this at a local bookstore.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Christ's compassion? Luke 14:26 Matthew 10:35-36 Matthew 10:37 Matthew 19:29, Mark 10:29-30, Luke 18:29-30 Matthew 8:21-22, Luke 9:59-62 Matthew 5:22 Matthew 10:28 Matthew 13:41-42 Matthew 25:46 Luke 12: 5 John 15:16 Luke 11:230 Matthew 12:30, Matthew 18:34-35 Work your way through that lot (and these are just examples, not a comprehensive list) and still say Jesus was comassionate. I challenge you.)
What’s the most profound rebuttal you’ve gotten from a religious person in a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
None, most CHristian or relgious arguements come down to variations on "Well I know its true" "What if you are wrong?" "You'll find out when you die" "You'll regret saying that when you are burning in Hell" "Feck off!"
Can I be a Catholic Atheist?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Sure if you want to continue to support an organisation that supports and hides paedophiles, demonises sensible birth control, ran organisations like the Madeleine laundries that basically made slaves of one parent families, thinks contraception is worse than murder, collaborated with the Nazis in WW2 to safe guard Rome and the Vatican city, traded silence about Mussolini for the establishment of the Vatican City as an independent nation state, contributed to the outbreak of WW1 by selling off Vatican concordant to the highest bidder, thinks homosexuality is a death worthy sin, is inherently sexist, is one of the richest corporations in the world with huge land and cash holdings but made a saint of a woman (mother Teresa) who taught those dying of starvation and bad sanitation that "Poverty is a great blessing that brings you closer to Christ, while staying in the palaces of dictators and tyrants, eliciting donations from the same and assuring them trying to buy their way in to heaven was a good idea.
Hypocrisy at it's finest
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2018:
To quote every stupid Christian apologist ever "His ways are not our ways" "God moves in mysterious ways" "God has a plan, do not presume to judge it" Yeah right!
If you don't believe in a God but you do believe in ghost why are you any more rational than a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It is very much dependant on how you define a ghost. If you are talking about a disembodied spirit or soul or surviving personality earth bound and attached to an object person or place, then I very much doubt the existence of the same. However the possibillity of physic impressions manifesting as sounds, smell, emotional feeling or temprture changes being imprinted on places by a person or persons previously inhabiting the area, in moment of high emotion, then I see much more of a possibillity of this kind of "Ghost" being an actuality, since we can actually replate this commercially in AV recordings, neural stimulation etc. A naturally occuring form of recording is plausible, as is a "sensitive" brain acting as a receiver.
Do you dislike all religions equally?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It is a matter of axiomatic truth that if all relgions are being considered some are or have been worse than other. Jainism for example by definition is harmless generally, and probably does little harm to its adherants, where as scientology destoys lives, harraesses apostates, robs and scams it's adherants and breaks up families and alledgedly does and has done far worse things verging on and surpassing illegality.
I’ve been married 15 years to a religious Latina woman.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
If she loves the church more than you, you have no marriage anyway, sad, shocking, but true. If she would rather have you live a lie, she is only protecting her own reputation, she does not care about you in a secular sense and from her point of view nor in a religious sense either because she knows by her law you're damned and she does not care. I'm sorry, but you are the one who has been decieved.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Enhance the well being of myself and othrs, neither at the expence of the other and try no to lessen the well being of anyone else or myself.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Wait to be asked and then just make it as a passing comment, "I'm an atheist and you are?... oh how's that working out for you? mmmmm? Yes atheist, but lets not alk about me, I'm much more interested in you...."
"A Michigan priest got out on bail after being charged with sexually assaulting two males, including...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Reminds me of this little scream gem
The last straw for Christianity
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Christianity will probably hang on for longer than most religions because A you don't have to believe in Christianity to be a Christian B you don't have to understand Christianity to be a Christian C Most people who call themselves Christians aren't, they've just been told they are D You don't have to practice Christianity to be a Christian E You don't have to read, understand or even own a bible to be a bible believing Christian F You can believe Jesus Christ is a swear word and still worship him G you can have the choice of about 15 hundred different denominations so long as you hate all of the others, and the football teams associated with them H You know you're not a Jew or a Muslim if you identify as some sort of Christian. I you only have to go to church a minimum of three times in your entire life and two of those you won't remember. So it is pretty simple for the Christian church to keep and claim the support of a large (if inactive) membership
I am not sure where to post this as it covers several possibilities (sorry, Meme peeps!).
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2018:
"She's television generation. She learned life from Bugs Bunny. The only reality she knows comes to her through the television set.” Paddy Chayefsky
Board Games
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
I play a little known chinese version of Chess, called Shing Shang, the main problem is I have to teach people to play first.
It's A Matter Of Perspective.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Mmmm and of course
Did they get you?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Jacque Deride suggests that any text can be deconstructed in any way you please, that the perceived meaning by the reader may not necessarily be the same as the intent of the author. Taking the idea that a book is necessarily about what a critic has told you it is about is a dangerous idea. For example it is possible to put forward the argument that the 4 gospels are simply allegorical texts meant to tell the story of Horus in another form and is in fact Egyptian propaganda for a pagan god. Best to read something for yourself, take from it what you please and reject what does not please you. No one tricked you, all texts have intentional and unintentional sub texts because writers are human and have conscious and subconscious minds at work when practicing their craft.
What is your favorite campy sci-fi movie? For me it's "The Fifth Element."
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
The Time Travelers (a.k.a. Time Trap) 1964 Wonderful sci-fi nonsence, that hired magicians to do the special effects to great effect and though cheesy in it self was highly influencal for movies that came after it.
Explain, that if the Earth, A.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Acrording to the Godbotherers I have discussed this with God created the universe 6000 years ago with stars 1.93 billion light years with the light from them alreadybridging the 1.93 billion light years gap minus the last 6000 light years worth. So yeah.... obvious isn't it, really if God is a total w*nker
What I think when I hear it....
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Makes A Change From Priests
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Yes and no one is going to tell me no one in the church never noticed this
Freedom of religion
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2018:
It is an odd thing that freedom of religion is often used as an excuse for the freedom to break secular laws, the freedom to be a bigot, the freedom to hate and condemn to hell and the freedom to define what actually constitutes a "proper" religion as opposed to a cult, sect or a pagan. Especially by Christians, who will also be happy to tell you how no end of other Christians are not Christians at all and so should not have the freedom of religion to call themselves such. It pretty much boils down to freedom of religion is the freedom to agree with whoever is expressing it.
What is better than sex?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Genuine applause from an appreciative audience
Does it make you angry when someone gives all the credit to god for healing the ailing instead of ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Cauws GAwd don't giv them thur desises that there is the Divel workz, Gawd oni kurz 'em, lessen ov cours, them aziz srferin is a gawdamm athist, then its deevine wrath!
Does it make you angry when someone gives all the credit to god for healing the ailing instead of ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I'm so sure it would comfort these same people after an accident to hear a voice crying "Let me through I'm a faith healer"
Where did the "GoldenRule" come from?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
There are at least three golden rules in the bible, and several more in secualr life.
I'm sure this has been talked about before, but I always find it fascinating when someone considers...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Perhaps because outside of the Jewish faith most people consider Judaism a religion and nothing else, therefore a Jewish atheist is to most people like meat eating vegetarians or insisting on referring to your cat as "dog". In all other religions, it is impossibility to refer to yourself as such, and to most non Jews, the idea of a Jewish atheist is simply a ludicrous oxymoron.
My ex has started taking my 7 year old son to a baptist church.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
If you have sole custody just tell him you don't want your sin indoctrinated and if acess is at your discretion don't give it at those times. Acess is for father and child to know each other, not for him to pass off care to someone else, if he is not going to spend quality time with his son, what is the point?
Mormon church uses criminal record and church disciplinary record of a rape victim to smear her, ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Just shows you how despicable an organisation the LDS are. Victim blaming, lying and threats for the purpose of preserving the "good name" of the church at all costs is their sole (soul?) motivation.
Anybody else besides me who is now addicted to this site?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Agree, I've only been here a few days, there is always something interesting going on some where and it is not full of overly sensitive mormons and sjws reporting everything as offensive or a violation of "be nice, be considerate" (or some such BS) idiotic policies.
Good news.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
ask for lansoprazole instead of Ranitidine, it works better and has none of the side effects, I've been on it for years
Be nice.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Dumb and stupid is as dumb and stupid does. I will never respect dumb and stupid, but if I point out dumb stupid behaviour or comments and a reasoned arguement proves me wrong I will appologise for my mistake. That is conversation. However if I point out dumb stupid behaviour or comments and an even dumber and more stupid comment comes back, I will laugh and move on, do do otherwise is not a conversation, it is one sided blood sports. But then again if I point out dumb stupid behaviour or comments and am censored for it, I will get cross because that is not conversation that is totalitarianism.
Is it wrong for me to take pleasure in trolling fundies.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
No, it is one of the pleasures of life to allow arrogant aholes enough space to disappear up themselves.
Can anyone think of a good disclaimer or warning label for the Bible and other religious texts?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I use this
Should athiest really be saying 'rest in peace'
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
It's a tradition nothing more, and it saves a lot of agro at funerals
What does it take to quiet your mind?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Camomile and honey tea, a fun movie and the company of my family (including my two dogs) Works every time
Douglas Adams: “Your God person puts an apple tree in the middle of a garden and says, do what ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states: "There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. ... Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, that presents the difficulties."
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Unless she is a supermodel millionaire who owns a chain of breweries..... why are you dating this thicko?
Do you believe Atheism is a religion?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Please bear in mind that these same people asserting that atheism is a religion seriously believe that they have a friend in the sky who loves everybody but will burn them forever if they don't love him back and that they have an enemy under the ground who does the burning for the man in sky and comes to you at night and whispers in your ear to fiddle with your naughty bits, so that he can burn you for ever. I am afraid giving serious credence to alternate the definitions of words given by people who believe this stuff is a tad difficult and more than a tad unwise.
To many folks on here faith is a dirty word.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
To many folks on here faith is a dirty word. *Only in it's theological context, as a simile for fidelity or trust I have no problems with it* It has no place for rational folks who make choices based on evidence. *Again only when speaking in a theological sense* We don’t want to admit that we don’t know something which acknowledging faith implies. *I'm sorry but that sentence makes no sense at all, I will gladly admit when I don't know something, but how can I not know something that acknowledging a belief that not knowing something but believing it anyway implies, other than my being a gullible idiot?* The truth is that no one really knows. *No one really knows what?* My journey to atheism has helped me realize that atheism requires faith. ***WTF??????** This is a joke right?* After all, the evidence has to be interpreted and is subject to human bias. *What evidence for what? And how can facts and evidence be subject to interpretation, they are either facts or they are not, that is the definition of fact.* If we’re honest, we simply can’t say that we know god doesn’t exist. *Obviously, only an idiot would say that, what we do know id that there is no evidence for the existence of God whatsoever, there the most local default position is to assume god does not exist until proven otherwise. * I agree with many, if not most of you on here, that the evidence suggests that there is no god. *NO IT DOES NOT, the LACK of evidence suggests there are**** no god(s)* But, again, that’s subject to our human frailties no matter how smart we are. *Oh for F*** sake!!!! I have faith in science, ***NO YOU DON'T YOU HAVE EVIDENCE ** faith is belief without facts, why are you saying these things please? that it will continue to be proven wrong and expand human knowledge, but as a skeptic I will not only question the claims of religion et. al, ***et. al???? I give up*** but the claims of science and my own understanding of everything. *Okay seriously, I surrender *
I can't help but wonder: if Jesus was God, then why did he preach the usual vague stuff about being ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
IF.... being the operative word IF Jesus was God IF Jesus had divine knowledge IF Jesus ever actually existed at all "If ifs and buts were fruit and nuts," as my granny used to say, "We would all have chronic diarrhoea "
I'm always kind of in shock when there is a fire, a school shooting, a plane crash, and there are a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Oh yeah, something good happens it is because he is good, all merciful, all powerful all wise and above all the protector of mankind. Something bad happens and it is because God has a plan, we just don't understand it, we must not presume to know the will of God, his ways are not our ways, have faith God knows what he is doing. I call BS.
Ex Mormons?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
My advice, stay away from them, my story is too long to write in one go here, but sufice to say, it is a cult that suckers you in, feeds you little lies, makes you not only accept them by commit to accepting them, so that as the lies get bigger and bigger, you feel more and more trapped by commitment, financial investment, time invested and social obligation. Very easy to get in, very difficult to get out, mentally scaring and distructive, emotionally devastating and socially regressive. Message me if you want to discuss it further.
Calling ex Mormons...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
You need to know this, a Mormon on a mission is not in a rational frame of mind, and they are living a cult existence. They have been primed for this for years, by family, church and friends, they actually believe they are doing gods work and have paid A LOT of money to be there. They are living in a regime were they are never allowed to be alone, compulsory prayer and study of the Book of Mormon for up to six hours a day. Enforced sleeping times, waking times and constant observation and observing for signs of "sin" in yourself and others. Food is limited and the best way to get a good meal is to find "investigators" and have them invite you to eat. You are cut off from home and family, you may call home on Christmas day and on mothers day and that is it, you may not even go home for family funerals. In may cases your passport will be taken away for "safe keeping" and will not be returned to you even if you ask for it as you "will not need it" until your mission is over. Being sent home from a mission is a life long disgrace and stigma, comparable to a dishonourable discharge, and asking to go home early is like going AWOL. You are subject to regular meetings and interrogations as to progress, made to feel a failure even if you are doing better than anyone else in the mission. Questioned about your personal habits, including masturbation and those of your companion, they will go so far as to examine your bed sheets for signs of playing with your "little factory" a term coined by new deceased perverts in chief Elder Boyd K Packer and Mark E. Peterson (who actually recommended tying your own hand to the bedpost to avoid temptation), or worse for signs of "Same Sex Attraction" Mormons do not believe there is any such thing as homosexuality just the life style choice of SSA see the words of bigot in chief Elder David A. Bednar. So no you are not going to get through to these kids while they are doing this, but as you say sow a seed or two that none LDS are not all drunken, debauched damned souls, because the two highest male demographics for leaving the church are returned missionaries who once recovered realise who awful their mission actually was and surprisingly former Mormon Bishops.
I’m astounded.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
What ever it is you found out, that won't be all of it. The depth to which Mormon lunacy stoops is never ending. Just when you think, this cannot get any dafter, you hear about or learn of another doctrine of the LDS church that leaves you open mouthed, stammering in disbelief and awe at the level of cognitive dissonance that is needed to stay faithful to this crap.
Any ex Mormons on here? I feel like venting about GC...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Go ahead, I loath the LDS, regret every moment I spent as one of them and am still haunted by the guilt for those I converted in the the cult of Joseph's myth.
Paranormal Experiences?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Since the word supernatural means literally "Above nature" or with a little leeway "outside of nature" I do not use it. If something happens it is within nature and its boundaries, that is simple logic, whether or not it can be explained yet, is another matter. The many worlds hypothesis is a legitimate part of the study of quantum physics, that as yet beyond proof or testing but is an interesting idea. The human brain and its psychological capabilities are forever being investigated and the effects it can under various circumstance produce in the body of the possessor or sometimes even in others are beginning to explain much of what has been thought of as magic for centuries. However none of this means obviously imaginary things like gods, souls etc (at least in the Judeo Christian sense) exist nor frankly offer any hope of them being real, it does however demonstrate that there is a lot of knowledge and intrigue left in the universe and in the human condition especially. I find that much more interesting and exciting than getting on my knees and asking an invisible man with a beard in the sky to keep my knackered old car running for another week.
Anyone here read the DUNE series of books by Frank Herbert?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
It was really annoying that George Lucas managed to get away with stealing so much of these books for Star wars that the film version had to practically invent a new subplot, to fill in the blanks and still got accused of "ripping off" Star wars.
Anyone here read the DUNE series of books by Frank Herbert?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Yes a long time fan of Herbert and as you say the Bene Gesserit (Latin for "Sucess to come" it's also a latin anagram pun for great Tigress) and their long game statergy is genius writing.
are you afraid of death?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
No, knowing that life will eventually end is a comfort and a motivator not to waste the time I have.
Active Mormon To Agnostic
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
The great favour that the LDS did me was in getting out I learned how to view religion objectively, learned how to argue on their own terms and discovered just how deep the brain washing goes. Consequently once on the road to recovery from Mormonism I began viewing and investigating religion as a whole in the same way, and in the same way I found it wanting. What Joseph's myth did was nothing new. Nor was how he did it was not new and why he did it was the least original of all, he wanted money and power. Every cult leader has done the same thing for the same reasons since the day when Ugg the first woke up one day and realised all the other Ugs and Ugweenas were dumber than he was and would believe any rubbish he cared to tell them. Ugg 1.0 then changed his name to Father Ugg stuck his head in his hat and said the sun had spoken to him through a holy stone, and told him that unless the tribe started giving him 10% of the Sabre Tooth tiger meat and first crack at all the virgins, it would stop shining on them and make the winter come early. Some like Arg laughed at him. Of course when winter did come Father Ugg was being buried in more virgins and dino meat than he could cope with, and Arg was being burned alive for angering the sun. Eventually Ugg told them they were forgiven and the sun might come back in a week or so, if they continued to be "good". We maybe today's versions of Arg, but thanks to secular law and the internet the Uggs cannot burn us or shame us or lie to us anymore, much as they might want to, which is why the days of formal religion are numbered and people are leaving the LDS in a tidal wave of disgust and awakening reason. Good luck and welcome to the real world.
I'm so tired of getting trolled on this site, that I'm going to post stuff that is sure to upset the...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I fully appreciate where you are coming from. I like you believe there are things, as yet, inexplicable by he standards of the modern world. This does not however connote a belief in the supernatural, magical or religious phenomena to which these things are often subject as an "explanation". A prime example is the so called "Aura" given off by living things, something dismissed as nonsense for many years, but now under spectrographic photography proven to exist as an electromagnetic field generated by the functioning of the body. We now know some people do have an ability to "see" this field in the same way a spectrograph does, proving perhaps a genetic mutational ability in some or the conversely proving that an ability we all had at some time is being evolved away as unnecessary. Remember that schizophrenia was seen as metaphysical phenomena, or possession by demons until it was explained psychologically, the fact it was explained did not alter the fact that it existed; it merely had a different and more rational cause than was previously thought. I personally have no belief in an after life, but I do believe in ghosts, my theory being they are a form of mental imprint stored in media such as bricks or glass, either as an image, sound, smell or an emotional "feeling" and able to be played back to receptive individuals in the same way as a radio broadcast can be received by a correctly tuned radio receiver. (This idea is not original to me, it was first expounded by Victorian Metaphysician Elliot O'Donnell and then later expanded on by writer Nigel Neil). I hope I have reassured you that we are not all trolls, but that some who may not agree with your terminology still understand and share in your investigationary processes as regarding the wonders nature still has to reveal to us.
Is there a synthesis between science and religion/spirituality that conserves intellectual honesty?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
No, it is an impossibility. Science is the uninhibited search for verifiable facts by means of investigation, observation and testing. It makes no claim as truth, is open to evidential persuasion and falsification, it is an ever expanding body of knowledge, finding and embracing answers where they lay until such time as they may be superseded. Religion/spirituality begins with assumptions and presuppositions and seeks proof for them, disregarding and even suppressing evidence and facts that contradict them on the grounds that contradiction is a sign of falsity since truth is already known and cannot be falsified but must be accepted on faith. There is no middle ground, there is no commonality of interest, the first is progressive the latter regressive.
Forest for the trees
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Not really, it is my experience that gestalt phenomena do not last, they quickly devolve in to an -cracy of one kind or another at best, or in to a cult of popularity at worst, in either case ceasing to be a true gestalt where the whole is greater than the sum of participating parts and instead becomes a collective conformity under the insistent or forceful guidance of a small cabal for the furtherance of their own objectives and a lie of the collective good. I value my individuality too much for that.
What is ethics? Doing the honest thing inspite of the consequences?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Your personal ethics are the system of rules you apply to your life in order to gaurentee the maximum amount of well being for yourself and others about you and the minimum of harm. Professional ethics are the rules governing a particular form of work that protects the practioners, clients and overall regard for that form of work. Social ethics are the rules of a society, usually enacted as laws, that are supposed to govern and provide for the well being an reputation of a social system or ideology and those participating in it. Unfortuately political and economic ideologies have replaced ethics as the governing factors in many western society, most professions and for more and more indiviuals as wealth has largely become the accepted measure of well being.
I'm poor. I don't want to die ever. Please advise?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Poverty can be overcome Death is an inevitablity Consider one a sporting challenge and accept the other as the finish line.
Should religion be taught in schools?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
We do not politically indoctrinate children and rightly despise regimes that do so, this does not mean that we do not teach about the existence of political philosophies and ideologies in school nor do we discourage the voluntary study of them in personal time when of an age to fully comprehend it. By the same token... The existence of religions in the world and their effect upon it historically and socially should be taught in school, since it is factual and pertinent, however the practice, doctrines observance and proselyting of religions has no place in educational establishments. Churches are the place for such study if it is desired, by adults or those of a mature enough disposition to comprehend it.
Proof of no god?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
*I consider atheism to be a religion* That is your right, but is obviously and demonstrably based on a different definition to any theological, etymological or lexicographical definition in current common parlence. * just as Christianity* No, atheism is nothing like Christianity, it has no founder, doctrines, dogmas holy books or promises dependent upon adherence. *because it states unequivocally that there is no god,* Incorrect, the definition of the word atheism is the lack of a theological concept of a deity, nothing else. * just as Christianity insists there is a god. * Christianity acknowledges one a particular god to the exclusion of all others. As far as all other deities Christianity is as atheist as the most ardent of none believers in all gods. Christianity is the title for a form of atheism with a solitary exception. *I would like to know the scientific proof that there is no god; * The scientific method is used to establish, the true nature of an object, method or phenomena, their form of existence effect and purpose or use. You can't establish the non-existence of anything; you can only construe non-existence by a lack of evidence, effect and/or perception until such time as one or more of these assumptions is proven incorrect. *otherwise, I remain a skeptic and an agnostic waiting for proof one way or the other.* Your choice of scepticism is admirable, however your reason for simply not accepting the default position non-belief indicates an underlying tendency toward theism rather than agnosticism. Your initial post is therefore flawed and unanswerable
The Case Against Free Will - YouTube
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I am a big fan of Alex, his is clearly brilliant mind but this time he is way off and frankly is showing his immaturity. He first chooses an over simplified definition of freewill and then defines that definition as being to subject only to want or force. However "want" is not the same as a desire, which is contrary to the use implied here as it can mean both a need and a/or a desire and both of those can be broken down further to a needed desire, a desired need, a hedonistic desire and a necessary need. A need can be define by physiological evidence. In some cases a need is necessary for daily survival, but still can be chosen to be ignored, as in the case of a hunger striker or a person fasting. A desire can be traced back to either a subconscious need or desire for pleasure or for the avoidance of suffering, and so too are traceable back to an evolved psychological survival traits, that can when required be over come for religious, political or survival reasons, often in direct defiance of nature, logic and reason for motivations only of import to the individual carrying them out. So since it is fundamental to Alex' contention that "wants" cannot be defined as to their origin claiming wants are untraceable is clearly fallacious' this is clearly a presupposition on his part. If I can identify the removal of something, that thing must exist in order for me to be aware of its absence. If free will is the ability to have acted differently And I recognise force as a denial of the ability to have acted differently I must have a recognition of the ability to have acted differently and of its removal from me. and as no one and no thing forced me to write this or post it ...Free will
For those who have not heard about this site, check out Atheist Republic for some interesting and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Love atheist republic, great site, also on facebook


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