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Man, 60, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
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LenHazell53 comments on Apr 19, 2023:
An extremist right wing loon, is a fan of other historic right wing loons? Why am I not surprised? On the other hand, are there really that many right wing loons in Arizona who were willing to vote this dick dentist in to power? If so Arizona and the USA as whole has a serious problem
Some one please fact check this for me.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 19, 2023:
The story originated with veteran distinguished US journalist and investigative reporter Seymour Myron "Sy" Hersh, who claims the information came to him from a leak in the CIA, who conservatively estimated at least $400 million were embezzled after ten Ukrainian generals complained to the CIA that the President was taking more than his fair share of a skim off the top from the American aid. Thus cutting them out of their share. Said general were apparently very surprised to be told that none of them should be taking a skim of the top AT ALL, as it is apparently common practice and expected in the Ukrainian military and government circles. They were even more surprised when Zelensky fired all ten of them for tattling on him. Apparently the Ukrainians were being allocated $400 per gallon to buy diesel oil from Pakistan and transport it to Ukraine for use by the military. Instead of which Zelensky called up a contract haulier from the pre-war days IN RUSSIA, and paid him to buy up fuel in Russia and drive it over the border in to Ukraine at a net cost of less than £13 a gallon in convoys of tankers. Wow a eastern European politician financed by Russian Ogliarchs and pally pally with fascist paramilitary organizations STOLE from a western ally, by consorting with the enemy???? What is the world coming to.
Per The Week magazine "The Davis County, Utah county school district is reviewing the bible to see ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 19, 2023:
It's true there is more war and rape in the bible than in the whole of game of thrones, but of course this is the one real god sanctioning such sex and war, so that make it all right, and actually edifying, not like when actual real none imaginary people do it. Perhaps there should be a "schools Edition" of the Holly Babble, in the same way there is a bowdlerized version of Shakespeare, suitable for delicate young innocents, who do not want their children asking them what the sin of Onan is.
HEGEMONY - Noun…leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others; ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 19, 2023:
What you describe here is the original and literal definition of hegemony, which since the early 20th century has become somewhat obsolete. After the Russian revolution, the rise of Marxism and Fascism swept across Europe and south America, countries like the USA and empires such as the British, desperately sought a way to head off revolution in their own societies. The answer came in the writings of Antonio Gramsci, an amateur philosopher and Italian maverick socialist who came up with the idea of cultural hegemony, the idea that stable government comes from control occurs through 'ideological illusions' produced by the ruling class. In simplistic form the idea that revolution can be headed off by the continual minor concession of the government to the people for things that they are trained to believe that they want. Point out a problem (or create one) lead a reaction and then offer a solution. The NHS and the welfare state was a classical PRS situation, that headed of revolution in the UK.
Way back in the sixties, there was a sheriff who would pickup hippies hitch hiking on the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
This is obviously a case of little dick syndrome, some one who cannot make a pussy happy cannot stand to see anyone else doing so
Paradox ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
"But other than that Mrs Lincoln, what did you think of the show?"
Is anyone having the same issue as me?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Happens all the time, sometimes post have to be moderated before posting, other times the post is live, you just can't see it, but if you ask anyone else if they can see it, they can, its a glitch. This is why some people try reposting and you see the same post anything up to 5 times
why is it a greater risk that chinese capitalists have our tik tok data than american capitalists?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 16, 2023:
Darn it...Cuz ifn U is gonna be robbed, U needz too be robbed bi n'merican teef, S'only patriotic. Dam Hayzun crookz cummin' over here and tak'n jrbs offov our 'Merkin gud Ol boy croocz!!!
This is going to be a screed. Is it possible for a decent human being to be a Republican?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 16, 2023:
A greater part of the problem is the average person is prone to cognitive dissonance, they unconsciously cherry pick what they want to see about their chosen politics, religion, ideology and when challenged with unpleasant realities openly say "Yes maybe so but ***I personally*** don't believe in that part" and then follow it up with some asinine platitude of an excuse such as "You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs" My own father for instance who can when the mood suits him be very helpful, generous and caring, has voted Tory all his life base on two pieces of advice. 1) If it was good enough for Churchill it is good enough for me and 2) Always vote for the people who understand money When I pointed out to him recently that Churchill would deplore what the British right wing has become and actually fought WW1 and WW2 against comparable Nazi policies that the modern Conservative party embrace, his only recourse was to claim ignorance of modern Tory policy. On the second point when I assured him that the Tory party do indeed understand money, because they know how to get it off everyone else and not give it back, while all the while lining their own pockets, he demanded to know why, if I was aware of that, had I not gone in to politics and joined the young conservatives in stead of the LPYS. There is an old saying that the best trick the devil ever pulled was in convincing people he did not exist, the political right do the same thing in convincing the electorate that there is no such thing as a bent politician, and that all politicos do it for the common good (unless they are the loony left of course).
It’s 4.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Always been a big ABBA fan
Religious wars are basically people killing each other over who has the better imaginary friend.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Widely attributed to Richard Jenni from his 5 May 2002 show Growing up Catholic as the earliest known source, though sme have claimed Jenni started using the joke as early as 1999 in his stage shows. It was quoted by Yasser Arafat in 2004 shortly before his death, but it is not original to him Likewise Larry Beinhart used it in his script for Wag the Dog, adapted from his novel American Hero, also in 2004 Source:
Climate change & fossil fuel usage.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Don't worry mate, every other bullshit government all over the dead earth is doing exactly the same, except for Russia who just come out and plain say it "Fuck you, so long as China keep wanting to buy our filth making crap, we'll keep selling it, because you bastards have doomed the earth anyway, and by 2030, Siberia is going to be tropical. Vodka Cocktail anyone?"
New Rule: Affairs of State | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 15, 2023:
unwatchable, requires age verification using bank details or personal identification, no chance
Stupid does as stupid believes?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Every few years there is another apocalypse prophet, and a bunch of self destructive loons desperate to believe that this one is right. The Jehovah's witness' milked this doomsday cow to death, until most of their followers gave up on relying on them.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Somewhat akin to that most excellent and traditional of English ailments, prevalent among the legal and political classes **Gob shite's Verbal Diarrhea**
This corrupt justice Thomas has to be impeached, Now! He Knowingly broke the law.. []
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 14, 2023:
***Plus ça change*** "The Judge's Song" from Trial By Jury (1875)
Dr. Becky - We don't know WHY Jupiter's Great Red Spot is RED []
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Interplanetary Acne?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 13, 2023:
THis looks like a Yeti went to a poodle groomer
Do the Refucklicans think that by introducing their fascist theocracy bit by bit that we won't ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Ultimately comes down to a few points for example The Right wing offer protection from The Left wing offer the encouragement to The right offer fear The left offer hope The right believe in the stick The left believe in the carrot The right believe in individual freedom from The left believe in communal freedom to The right offer continuity through change The left offer change but deliver continuity The right believe in the collective power of the masses conforming The left believe in the collective power of the masses to rebel Note that the churches align with with the right when they talk of the dangers of Hell But they align with the left when they talk of the promises of heaven But as the politicians and the clergy have both learned, FEAR is a much stronger motivator than HOPE If I behave I may go to heaven If I misbehave I WILL go to hell Redemption through faith is easy all I need do is the priest says / obey the right Redemption through works is hard The vicar asks me to be responsible for my own salvation / work with the left This why the only populist left wing body politic to have any success is communism, left wing objectives with a right wing leadership. People like sheep are scared, stupid and selfish, and a loud barking vicious dog with big teeth will always herd them better than the promise of a tasty food trough in the pen, when there is a whole field of grass literally at their feet, unless you take away the grass first and make the fear of starving stomachs more to be horrific then the fangs of the dog at their heels.
Paulogia - The Resurrection Debate BOMBSHELLS You Missed (Jonathan McLatchie Response) (feat Shannon...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2023:
This whole thing proceeds from the false assumption that you can have a reasoned, honest and logical discussion with with a person, who is by definition unreasonable, dishonest and illogical ie. a religionist (of any faith faction or flavour) This idiot is not even original ***"I have a hard time with historians because they idolize the truth. The truth is not uplifting; it destroys. I could tell most of the secretaries in the church office building that they are ugly and fat. That would be the truth, but it would hurt and destroy them. Historians should tell only that part of the truth that is inspiring and uplifting."*** Apostle Boyd K. Packer 1976 "The Mantle is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect." (LDS Church BYU faculty of History)
Replace Rabbi for Pastor and Temple for Church.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 11, 2023:
It is time religious organizations were redefined as what they are Multi-national corporations
Grand jury won't charge preacher Perry Stone in sexual misconduct case.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 10, 2023:
Well on the up side he did not go as far as Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith who told one of his would be concubines that if she did not agree to sleep with him, an angel with a flaming sword would kill him and damn all of her family to hell. Why are so many "men of god" raging randy perverts?
As some of you know President Biden has capitulated to the Radical Kkkristian Right by tossing ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
NOT what it says here, quite the opposite infact, Biden has prohibited schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes from teams that are consistent with their gender identities Check it out
I have been watching this very captivating series called The Midnight Club the reason this is so ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
I watched this too, fun series
North Dakota Senators vote down school lunches for children The North Dakota Senate voted for a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Said it before and I'll say it again "Greedy Bastards"
Predictions about the decline of Christianity in America may be premature | CNN
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 8, 2023:
"Yet when CNN asked some of the nation’s top religion scholars and historians recently about the future of Christianity in the US, they had a different message." Yes well they would, would they not, their living depends on it rule one in business ***You never admit to the punters that your boss's product is a pile of imaginary shit***
Bahuvrihi noun A compound noun or adjective in which the first word describes the person or ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 8, 2023:
An example is the word planet-killer, it describe neither a planet nor a killer but a form of large meteorite Another is heavyweight as distinct from a heavy weight, the latter being a tautological description where as the former means a fighter of great stature An most famously a Sabertooth which is neither a sword or a tooth, but is an extinct (now known to be mythical) tiger ( a mistake made by the conflating of the remains of Smilodons and other prehistoric big cats)
As it is Easter Sunday I'm reposting this song by Mikas Theodorakis to let you know what good ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 8, 2023:
The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare act 3, scene 1, Shylock:- "If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge, the villainy you teach me, I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction," 😥😥😥😢
No free lunch unless you're a republican politician, fuckers!! and fuck Clarence Thomas while I'm ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 8, 2023:
Greedy Bastards
With news like this "why would you desire to migrate to America?"
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
When I was a boy, I always dreamed of moving to the USA, because I wanted to be a film film auteur like my heroes Stan Laurel and Charlie Chaplin (Later John Carpenter too) I wanted to write, direct, musically score and even act in my own films. Then I met some Americans (specifically Mormons) and decided I could do it in the UK. However I lived through seeing Rank films, Hammer Films, Amicus films, Tigron films, Ealing Studios, Gainsborough films, etc as well as Sheperton studios and Boreham wood all close down or get bought out by American studios as cheap filming locations. So decided to go to the US again, but never could... family circumstances had me have to leave school at sixteen and go to work. By the time I was able to completed my degree in Media arts and Production I was in my forties with a family and had basically seen post 9/11 America become a heartbreaking fuck up and frankly I was glad I never went.
Italian actress Alida Valli (1921-2006) was in over 100 films in a 70 year movie career - mostly ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Odd coincidence I just watched The Paradine Case two days ago, for the first time in almost thirty years
Mother of dragons
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
There is a face that speaks volumes, first and foremost amongst which is "Hurry up and take the bleeding photo, it is fucking freezing out here in this stupid dress"
Today is Ravi Shankar's birthday; I was introduced to him way back in the early 70s in Amsterdam by...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
I saw him play live at Middlesbrough Town Hall in 1991, it was amazing
Pwn verb To totally defeat or dominate, especially in a video or computer game.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 7, 2023:
A typo that got way out of control
Freedom? Not having any myths or "beliefs"?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Anyone can suspend disbelief and enjoy myths as much as they want, so long as that retain the knowledge that they are just exercising their imagination. When suspension of disbelief turns in to "faith", THAT is when it becomes a problem on all levels.
Free? What does that mean?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Ultimately there are two forms of freedom Freedom to and freedom from The one does not automatically connote the other Freedom of the press is not freedom to write whatever you want, it carries an expectation that it will provide freedom from, lies, propaganda and bullshit. Freedom of speech is not freedom to liable, slander and verbally assault, it is the freedom to protest, to educate and edify Freedom of thought is the freedom to consider, to learn, and to improve. It is not the freedom to plot scheme and censor. For example YOUR Freedom TO own a gun, ends at the point where it infringes on my child's right to freedom FROM being shot in his classroom or anywhere else YOUR freedom TO hold the opinion that Jews are subhuman scum, ENDS when it infringes of a 13 year old Jewish child's right to Freedom FROM being rounded up and put in a concentration camp Your right TO freedom speech ends when it meet my right to Freedom FROM telling 30573 obvious ad blatant LIES over 4 years as president Your right TO claim to be a free press ends when it infringes on my right to be free FROM the vindictive mithering of Tucker "Fucker" Carlson
Music from the 2000 movie Malena, composed by Ennio Morricone. []
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Not to be confused with Melena, which is a medical term for anal blood in one's stools
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2023:
As Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet ) was fond of saying
Church Sex Predators Told Victims Abuse Was 'God's Will The 463-page investigation released ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Have they not realised yet that, priests do not become perverts while trying to become better priests, perverts become priests so they can become better perverts
Reasonable thinking for a bear. 😆
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2023:
That is brilliant
Tontine: noun the name of an early system for raising capital in which individuals pay into a common...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2023:
The Wrong Box co-written by Robert Louis Stevenson and his step son Lloyd Osbourne, first published in 1889 revolves around a Tontine arrangement set up as a bet between the fathers of 37 boys all born on the same day. Each father invests an equal sum of money into a high return investment account, and the boy who lives the longest will upon his death pass on the entire amount plus interest and profits to their own living children or grandchildren. The idea being that this ensures that the boys will be cared for in their old age by their families, one to build up the capital and two to make sure they get the best care from their families stay alive the longest. However, 73 years later the last two survivors are brothers, each only having two surviving relatives, 2 grandsons each. The 4 respective grandchildren become involved in insidious plots. 2 try to murder their great uncle and the other two have to conspire to hide the fact that their own grandfather is actually already dead, having been involved in a train crash. On top of this all of the Grandsons are all plotting to murder their own three cousins so that the Tontine which has reached a spectacular total, will pass to one single beneficiary.
So America's most fascist governor, Ron DiSantis has quietly passed legislation that makes ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 4, 2023:
I wonder if perhaps deep down in his rotten fear chewed psyche, this might just be his attempt at blue suicide?
How was April fools day for you?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
Wow, ouch!
Born on April 4, 1979 in Perth, Australia: Heath Ledger.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
Loved his performance in "The Sin Eater"
Admit it, you loved the show too!
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
It started out great, the first two mini series were must see viewing, then they went to the fifty minute per episode TV series and forgot all the continuity and slowly it degererated in to a piss poor "Strange Invaders" rip off (which itself was a piss poor rip off of the first V mini series), before simply fizzling out. The less said about the 2009 remake the better
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. Hey Tucker, pick two!
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
So are Hannity, Tucker and Bill O'Reilly possibly the reincarnation of the 3 stooges, only less funny
The GQP has been busy, and not in a good way.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
🎼🎶And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave While ***the land of the free*** is the home of the brave.🎵🎶
Grumpy Trumpy Felon from Jamaica in Queens! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody []
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
Best Randy Rainbow song ever :)
HE'S INDICTED (AND IT FEELS SO GOOD) — Founders Sing Parody, Trump VS Stormy Daniels & Michael ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
Laugh 😂, Puke 🤮 or Cry 😠- it depends on the indoctrination that you have had.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 3, 2023:
If I asked to take a sales team in to the same university to put on a show and sell Cheese of the month club memberships I can imagine what they would say to me. But going in to sell membership to the multinational God corporation is somehow different?
I have no idea why Bob Dylan, whom I had not been watching, should have barged in.
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2023:
The Byrds and Bob Dylan had a very close working relationship, they covered at least 5 Dylan songs and the royalties on their international hit version of his song Hey Mr Tambourine Man were enough for him to be forever grateful to them. So if he turned up on one or two of their tracks that would not surprise me in the least such as here
North Carolina Republicans Introduce Bill to Outlaw “Participation Trophies” Republicans in ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 2, 2023:
I thought that this must be an April fools joke story, but alas no it broke on the 30th of March
I couldn't find a name
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 1, 2023:
It is a very new image and originates as cropped publicity advertising stock image for the Mega Modeling agency of Berlin You may be able to find her name in their model directory here
CODDIWOMPLE According to the Urban dictionary, Coddiwomple is defined as “to travel in a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 1, 2023:
A Codd is an medieval English word for a purse or a bag worn on the belt A Womple is a variation on Wimple a wide brimmed hat worn in the middle ages, especially by nuns, to prevent the face from becoming tanned or weatherbeaten So a Codd i' Womple is one who travels only with their hat and their purse, such as an itinerant farm worker, moving from job to job.
tasseography: tasseography, otherwise known as tasseomancy or tassology, is the art of tea leaf ...
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 1, 2023:
That barely even breaks the surface the divination art there are literally thousands of them for example Alectryomancy divination by the use of chickens Bibliomancy divination by randomly opening holy books to seek answers to specific questions Chresmomancy Divination by interpreting the screams uttered during an epileptic fit (usually of a person kept for exactly that purpose Felidomancy Divination by questioning restrained and tortured cats Ichthyomancy Divination by means of fish guts Ovomancy Divination by eggs or their shells Podomancy palm reading but for feet Tryomancy divination by cheese and charmingly Scatomancy Divination by studying and interpreting the shape colour and smell of excrement
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2023:
Wha-wha, gotcha
Pia Zadora
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2023:
There is an apocryphal story that when she was at stage school she won the role of Ann Frank in a production for the parents to see. This was around the same time she made her screen debut in "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" in 1964. It was a part way through the production of Ann Frank, and Pia had muttered and mumbled her way through an incomprehensible performance for about an hour. That things took an unexpected turn. When the Nazi's began dramatically marching from the back of the theater toward the stage they unexpectedly found their way blocked by a long suffering and exasperated member of the audience, who screamed at them "For God sake SHE'S IN THE ATTIC!!!"
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2023:
My father is left handed, he is also a very talented joiner/carpenter. which unfortunately meant that my mother, brother and I grew up living in houses that were custom fitted for a left handed person. This was particularly difficult in the kitchen where cookers, sinks and draining board etc were all the wrong way about and the cupboard and other doors all opened the wrong way. He was and is not clumsy or awkward, but simply refuses to understand how right handed people cannot see the advantages of this being his way around.
In unraveling the dark history of modern faith healing scams, I stumbled across a nearly forgotten ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2023:
His son is still carrying on this evil scam or at least was up until at least 2009
In looking for response to my favourite alien on another thread I found this link regarding the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Good read
The rule of law should apply across the board.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
But y'all see bubba, thems all got one thing, tha liddle lady ain't T'ain't a big thing I grantcha, but it somethin' she never can have But I grant yu' she sure did have some balls, which in the case o' them fella's is down right d'sputable
I always get frustrated with the parental analogies about God.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
The Christian God as a father 1) Gets a 14-year-old girl who is technically his own daughter pregnant by rape and sends someone else to tell her he is going to do it, then does it anyway. 2) Lets another man raise his child and does not show his face for 30 years, nor pays any sort of support, but then turns up to tell his son how proud he is of him and how much he loves him after letting his cousin try to drown him in a river. 2a) Lets his nephew get his head cut off by a tyrant who wants to screw his own daughter, so said nephew does not over shadow sonny boy in the book and film version of his life. 3) When his son becomes a wanted criminal, for hanging out with revolutionaries and assassins, tells him not to worry, it is all part of his plan that the boy be tortured to death, stabbed and locked in a cave, so that after three days he can become a zombie and start all over again, all because a mythical woman pinched an apple thousands of years ago, when a talking snake told her to. 4) When his son asks him not to do this, because it all makes no sense and is in point of fact fucking insane Daddy God pretends he has a call on the other line and hangs up on him. 5) Watches his son get nailed to a cross, and hung out to die, when being omnipotent, he could have just called the whole thing off, 6) Gets angry with his son when he screams in agony for help and demands to know why his loving father has abandoned him in his hour of need. SO angry he causes an eclipse during which an enemy soldier is allowed to stab his son who totally deserved it for being such a crybaby wimp. 7) Brings his son back to life after three days and then gets bored so tells the boy he is beaming him up home, and that he might be allowed to come back out and play later, but not for at least 2000 years, if all his friends are good little boys and girls until then, and start a shiny new religion. 8) Goes and hides for a couple of millennia Ladies and gentlemen Father of the Year, now love and obey him or burn in eternal fire forever Well why wouldn’t you?
It is an unholy alliance consummated in hell
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
It is sad because it is true, even more sad because this satire is 5 years old and is still true :(
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Why has Buster had someone put a lit stick of dynamite in the middle of the table?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
Interestingly in medieval French Je June means I moon, in the sense of mooning being the act of moon over some one or something to the point of not paying attention to what is going on about you, being a bit of a scatterbrain or a lovesick dreamer. Not the modern sense of the verb to Moon which is quite, quite different.
An opinion contrary to that of many US & Europeans?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2023:
All so called "developed" countries peddle in enforced ignorance and gullibility as both a commodity and a currency.
Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered the active compound from an edible ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 27, 2023:
This is wonderful news
A young beautiful and talented Keira Knightley (now well in to her 30's - born 1985 ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 27, 2023:
My Son was born in 1983, and we just celebrated his fortieth birthday three days a go
Interesting commentary & opinion of recent announcements of BRICS developments & US hegemony:
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Logicked - Atheism is stupid because []
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 27, 2023:
This guy is what might happen if Kevin Smith ever made a Pureflix movie.
6 years from leaving church.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2023:
you are not alone
Politics Jack Daniel's whiskey and poop-themed dog toy meet in trademark clash at Supreme Court -- ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Seriously? The supreme court agreed to consider this case? They think this is on an equal footing with overturning Roe Vs Wade? No wonder Trump could get elected again if the highest court in the land genuinely feels the people could genuinely confuse a bottle of booze with a plastic dog shit joke. Citizens of the US ... your country and its sense of priorities has gone fucking insane!
Yup he's a Geeniuuus! []
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2023:
This a guy who Chose to have an affair with Amber Turd, and people are surprised that he makes stupid decisions?
I’d like to own these vending machines and put one in every Maga Republican district.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 23, 2023:
I wonder much they got by the end of the day?
I find the whole Tik Tok hysteria hypocritically humorus.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 23, 2023:
They do now. Up until a few years ago the NSA could honestly say they did not monitor US citizens, they had the British GCHQ arm of the UK security forces do it for them, and in return the NSA monitored the UK internet traffic, with both volunteering items of interest to one another as and when "appropriate". It was one of the disgusting little scams leaked by those two "dastardly traitors" Snowdon and Assange
Thursday morning hottie, miss Haydon
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 23, 2023:
Miss Winters actually, Haydon is her first name. (Well her actual name is Tiffany Maples, a former professional soccer player turned adult film star, she is 32 years old.)
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 23, 2023:
Yes Boris before the select committee yesterday was a prime example, as will be Trumpy Dumpty when they finally get him in to court.
[] Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 22, 2023:
what a fuckwit
CIRCUMSPECT - Adjective…wary and unwilling to take risks; careful to consider all circumstances...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 22, 2023:
From the British comedy **Carry On: Don't Lose Your Head 1967** (A parody of The Scarlet Pimpernel) Camembert and Bidet are under cover in the House of Sir Rodney Effing **Citizen Camembert: ** See what you can find out Bidet, but remember you must be circumspect. **Citizen Bidet: ** Oh, I was Sir. When I was a baby.
Britain dumping depleted uranium in Ukraine?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 22, 2023:
It is worth pointing out that depleted uranium has been used in the Armour of not only Russian but most other country's tanks and armored vehicles cladding. The arms industry internationally has used super dense depleted uranium for the purposes of armor and Armour piercing weaponry since the first gulf war, and is a major source of income for governments who own or make use of nuclear power stations (including Russia) who sell on depleted uranium to the arms industry. It is therefore a little rich and a cause of deliberate moral panic for anyone including the Russians to to use the term Depleted uranium as a synonym for "Dirty Bomb" a completely different kind of weapon and one that is completely illegal all over the word, because that in fact is a conventional explosive that scatters ACTIVE not depleted used radioactive material (especially radium, strontium and ENRICHED Uranium) in a powdered form with the sole intent of causing radiation poisoning to the civilian public.
Why is he still walking around a free man?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Trump is a blatherskite, and while he is allowed to continue muck spreading his verbal diarrhea, the media are kept busy reporting it and so take the spotlight off the more serious threats to the world caused by the pillaging of economies, the raping of the environment and the continued oppression of the worlds poor, by western oligarch, general super capitalism and the disorganised crime families that pass for governments these days. The longer the soap opera that is the Trump/Johnson/Macron/Trudeau (et al.) Saga can be stretched out, the better for these fat cats and sewer rats who pay to keep them in power with one hand while raking in massive profits with the other. The last thing they want is in the Builderburgers annual piss up and money spreading Billionaires shin dig or at Klaus Schwab's knock off, tinpot *Legion of Doom (the WEF)* is to have to report that Jaque, Joe and Jimbob public has actually noticed that the world is turning to shit and wants them to actually do something about it.
Jim Gordon has died, He can take crdit for Layla but also for killling his mother .
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 21, 2023:
No not that Jim Gordon, Batman
Coming in just over nine months...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Only in the USA To the rest of the word it will be 311223
“Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance”………….
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 21, 2023:
Sarcasm alert?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 20, 2023:
Obama's father was an atheist, his mother was culturally Jewish but was none practicing. Obama declared himself a Christian because no one gets anywhere in US politics if they claim to be anything else. His paternal Grandparent were both practicing Muslim converts who took the name Hussein as a convert name and following Muslim tradition passed it on (ideally for six generations). Barak is a Hebrew name and Obama originates from Swahili So saying the 44th president is Islamic because his middle name is of Arabic origin is like saying John Wayne was a Jewish woman because his middle name was Marrion.
I have a feeling we're all going to be disappointed Tuesday
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 19, 2023:
Well, hopefully when the massed hoards of MAGAots have turned up two or three time to not see him get arrested, they won't bother coming out on the day he actually is.
Purloin verb To take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 19, 2023:
Apparently it was originally a criminal term for the specific offence of enticing away a trained or part trained apprentice from his master, before he had worked long enough to pay for his being taught his trade or craft. A French form of the Latin Porlonge meaning literally to take far away By the sixteenth century the word had become confused with the money wallet a loin purse (An English form of the Scottish sporran) and the activities of a cut purse (an early form of pick pocket) and So came to mean any form of thieving.
What do you think of this idea: Any "ideology" (in the broadest sense) that fulfills the following...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 19, 2023:
Religion by definition involves binding oneself to a set of ideals. The very word religion come from the same root Latin word as ligature, "ligatus" to bind and the Latin prefix re- to redo, to go through again, hence weekly rituals to re-tighten the binding of one self to an ideology. So as far as this goes, what you present is a fair definition of a religion, other than it lacks a supernatural element and a requirement for faith which is a priority for almost all religions. Communism for example meets ALL the requirements for a religion other than that its object of faith is an ambition, a belief in a future conforming to the ideals of Marx and the communist patriarchs and it outright rejects the supernatural (only room for one boogie man in the commie camp). So without that supernatural element an ideology can and Does have a hard time selling itself as a religion. Atheism I would argue, meets none of the requirements, it is simply an intellectual standpoint, in that to be atheist all that is required is an opinion that the concept of a god or gods existing has spectacularly failed to meet its burden of proof and so can be logically rejected as not even worthy of being considered an hypothesis. It seeks not to give life meaning It offers or delivers no perfect method for living a life, not offers any meaning for life. There is no weekly or periodic rebinding neither compulsory or even voluntary ritual and other than expressing loosely connected ideas based around (lets face it) worrying about the dangerous effect religion is having on the world there is no official or even casual atheist community other than perhaps a few activist organizations such as the FFRF and the Satanic temple who enjoy winding up bigots and throwing stumbling blocks in to the way of their pious pontifications and parading.
Da fuq is wrong with Messenger?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 19, 2023:
I've been getting messages but not sure if mine are being received
YOICKS! - Interjection…a cry used used by huntsmen to urge on the hounds in fox hunting; used ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Interestingly Oicks (or oiks) means in Victorian English, the unruly poor, especially young men
This just might not be funny! Truth hurts.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
First known appearance of this fake meme is on an anonymous *faceboot* post dated February 25, 2023
Because of the recent deterorition of this website...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 18, 2023:
quite a few of us have set up accounts at for for just such an eventuality check it out
MTG is Against Aid For Ukraine Because She Doesn’t Believe Putin Wants to Invade Europe in yet...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 16, 2023:
Yes because of course SHE is the first person Putin is going to share his war plans with
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Gov. Sanders is the same Sarah Huckabee Sanders who used be the public mouth piece of former president capt. Combeover
I'll take memes that will get me banned from facebook for $500 please
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Florida woman sues neighbor for NOT letting her eat her son Second Kings 6:24–30 Florida man claim to have talking ass Numbers 22:21-38 Tampa couple evicted for not gardening in the nude Genesis 3:23
Here is a 6 min.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Wonderful, wonderful man. Also delightful to see the great Burgess Meredith so very young
Don't give up.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
So is injury or death
New South Carolina Bill Makes Women Who Get Abortions Eligible for Death Penalty A new bill ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Pro- life..Pro-life, extemin*Cough* Pro-life
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 15, 2023:
In some cases the silencing of a letter has come about through dialect or just plane laziness. Often it came from the fact that when Caxton invent the printing press he chose only to use the 26 most common letters, and substituted the others with combinations or alternatives from those 26. As it stems from the fact that Englished used to have many more letters and accents that have for one reason or another have been lost. The letter Thorn for example was done away with in favour of the digraph Th, and mistakenly substituted by the printed letter Y, leading to þe being pronounced both Ye and Thee þou being pronounced both You and Thou. The silent K on English cords was originally the Runic letter Kenaz (or Kaun in Viking Runes) áš² pronounced by the obsolete digraph cn and again was mistakenly substituted by the printed letters kn In time the sound softened to a hard N, so that words such as Knight and night became phononyms, with one sole exception in English that being the regal Name Cnute (the monarch who died ordering back the sea).
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