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When does RT reporting of opinion become propaganda?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Propaganda is basically the publishing of lies, and as has often been stated for a lie to be believable it must contain a portion of truth, but truth with a heavy "spin" on it. Even in the most biased of news if you can winkle out the truth within the lie, you can easily see the spin, if that is you want the truth, rather than want to believe the convenient lie you have been peddled.
Girl rabbits don't lay eggs either. Boy rabbits lay girl rabbits.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Are they suggesting Jesus laid eggs and blamed it on the Rabbits?
Pishogue noun An evil spell; hex.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
It is an Irish celtic word for Witchcraft alternately spelled piseóc or pisóc.
This is a truly weird disease.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Koro is a Malay word for the action of a tortoise or turtle pulling its head back in to the carapace
This hilarious but in a reply to another I had to find what a group of Lemmings is called.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
In 1958 the fledgling Disney studios made a wildlife documentary titled "White Wilderness". It featured many indigenous creatures but Walt himself gave the director James Algar orders that he was to film a Lemming mass suicide. The legend of the lemmings killing themselves had been around for a few years but no one had ever recorded it. Walt wanted his studio to be the first record of the phenomena. Agar eventually did succeed in finding a colony of migrating lemmings, but oddly they seemed to want to do nothing but eat mate and sleep and had no intention of leaping to their deaths. When Agar reported this to "uncle" Walt and gave him the financial costs of keeping a film crew on standby for weeks on end Mr. Disney almost blew a gasket, and gave an order that went down in the annals of Hollywood infamy. The next day many of the Canada living in the area where surprised to see a group of 15 Disney employees chasing the lemmings with yard brushes up to the top of a cliff and literally sweeping them off the precipice and in to Atlantic ocean as Disney cameramen tried desperately to film the suicide while keeping the murders off camera. White Wilderness won the Oscar for best documentary in 1959 and the horror story was not revealed until the CBC Television news magazine program The Fifth Estate broadcast a documentary about animal cruelty in Hollywood in 1982 called "the cruel camera," exposing Disney and other studios common practice of torturing and killing animal for "entertainment" purposes, leading to the "No animals were hurt" disclaimer being added to films from that point on. Disney tried to sue CBC but Walt was long since dead and many including Agar were willing to confirm that the lemming migration and suicide was indeed completely faked and was in fact mass murder.
Uranus is an odd planet with a funny name.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
There are a number odd things about the planet Firstly it is the only one NOT named after a Roman god Uranus or Ouranos is an ancient primordial Greek Titan who holds up the dome of the sky, similar to that later Atlas or the Roman god Caelum. Its single ring orbits pole to pole rather than an equatorial orbit as they do around Saturn. It has 27 moon some of which orbit ridiculous close to the surface of the planet and again unlike almost every other moon in the solar system they are not named for ancient roman gods and deities but for Shakespeare characters and two for characters from the poems of Pope. Uranus is the 3rd largest planet in the solar system but is second lightest, indicating it is an ice giant, with a surface made of frozen gasses, mainly hydrogen and helium, making it the coldest planet in our system, far colder than even the recently demoted Pluto.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
It has for a while been my opinion that nambi-pambi is actually an early euphamisism for male homosexuality. It has become associated with Philip Ambrose, but I believe the fact Ambrose's is superficially similar to the amby in both words of the phrase is coincidental. Ambi- is a Latin prefix meaning both sides and this in turn comes from the Proto indo European ant-bhi meaning front and back. According to ancient legend Hermes and Aphrodite were so in love that they prayed never to be parted, but in a cruel joke the other gods combined them in to one being, female on the front male of the back, so that they could never see one another or ever make love, this abomination was given the name Hermaphrodite and sometimes the ambisexual Therefore in pigeon Latin/Greek Namby-Pambi is N-ambi Null ambi not either way (but) P-ambi (pan=)all ways He is Namby Pamby neither way and every way. Just a thought
Shaman noun A person who acts as intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 30, 2022:
It really pisses me off when some people insist on pronouncing this word as Sharman A sharman is a professional sheep shearer.
Sting and Fields of Gold music video. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Here's a good topic to pick apart IMO.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Much of what people call intuition is no such thing, it is the workings of the unconscious drawing on memories and experience and extrapolating likely outcomes. Elsewise it is instinct, survival trait we are born with and which operate at a genetic level. It is the misinterpretation of these unconscious extrapolations and instincts that many people mistake for religious experience, miracles and faith promoting experiences. There need not be a paranormal explanation for anything the conscious mind finds inexplicable the human body and brain are capable of so much more than we realise at a waking level.
The Guess Who for Halloween. Shakin All Over. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
I like this version but the Johnny Kidd and the Pirates version kicks ass
Theme song from the 1988 horror/comedy Lair of the White Worm: The D'Ampton Worm Song. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
The actual story is of The Lambton Worm and originates from my home town of Stockton on Tees, where there is still a pub called the Lambton Castle, with shine board showing the "Wyrm". Bram Stoker wrote the tale while recuperating from syphilis and staying in Stockton, he later moved to Whitby 30 miles up the road and on the coast, where he wrote Dracula. Ken Russels film Lair of the White Worm, has little to do with Stoker's novella, and even less to do with his own script. The film was seized by Vestron studios, edited down by an hour and turned in to an incoherent mess ( for instance at one point Peter Capaldi produces a Mongoose from under his kilt with no explanation whatsoever to drive off a snake monster. Because an entire scene with a herpetologist was cut out to save time) There are rumours of a directors cut, but so far it has never surfaced and since Ken Russell died in 2011 it likely never will. Amanda Donohoe is beautiful though and carries the film.
Pope Francis decries nuclear war risk in Ukraine []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Surely this would be the ideal moment for his arseholiness to call on his invisible sky daddy pal to prove he/she/it exists. Perhaps gawd could pop up at the UN and tell Mr Pootin, Mr. Trump et al that they are a bunch of spoiled brats who need to grow up, on penalty of a smacked bottom, an early bedtime and no supper! I wonder why he does not?
I never imagined my country would act like this. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the idea of what freedom of speech and expression actually means. It does not mean that everyone has the right to say and do whatever the fuck they want to, it never has. It does not mean a citizen has all of the rights but none of the concomitant responsibilities that being a citizen entails. It does not mean a citizen is suddenly immune from the consequences of their speech and action, if fact it means exactly the opposite, one can say whatever one wants, but one will be responsible for such speech or action and for the ramifications resulting. A person who choses to use the right of free speech and expression to break existing laws or to slander another will be subject to that same law, but can be condemned for doing so, be arrested tried and punished for doing so as is their right too.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 29, 2022:
IN medieval England the Grande Mêlée was the climax of a day of jousting and tournaments and was basically a destruction derby for Knights. The contestants armed and armoured themselves went in to the arena and fought with blunted weapons until only one knight was left standing. It was common for contestants to die but this was seen as a good thing and a way of weeding out the old, the weak and the incompetent.
Here's something I find intriguing.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
You have managed to wander through the anthropic principle, determinism and the uncertainty principle then top it off with Paley's watch in the course one post. Congratulations
This is just wrong.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Er... Yeuck!
Let's talk about sex.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
IN my experience love making can be a damn good fuck, and fucking can be the beginning of a very loving relationship. Never underestimate Lust.
Just in time for Halloween! (Covfefe not included)
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Will next years edition come with an optional prison uniform?
Gone at 87. Jerry Lee Lewis []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Good riddance, drunken, violent, child abusing, bigamous, spouse beating, possibly murderous P.O.S.
Why some words are commonly mispronounced. (Does this annoy you as much as it does me?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
I have beautiful leather bound pocket book published in 1913, entitled 1001 words commonly mispronounced. Its a good read and addresses exactly the problem raised here. I have an Uncle who lives the Cumbrian town of Sebergham, when he moved there some years ago his removal van got lost and could not get any help from locals who claimed never to have heard of Sebergham. How ever when it written down for them, people had no problem directing the removal van to "S'b-ram" A Norman name being read and pronounced as they see it correctly by Jute descended people. It is a result of the wide and various languages that make up English, from invaders, immigrants, dialects and the isolation of many towns from the est of the country for decades or even centuries.
This was where my grandparents lived.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Yup, their at it again. They are consolidating the wealth back in Utah, as the Lurch of Splatter day Stains enters its death throws. We were always taught "if the laws of the one true church come in to conflict with the laws of man, follow gods laws" So tax fiddling, sorry tax avoidance. Ain't nothing new to the Lather daze Taints
The Russian leader voiced his opinion that "liberal democracy" has changed beyond recognition and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 28, 2022:
There is a growing tendency among all world leader today to accuse others of what they are doing themselves, or more to the point as far as this post is concerned pointing out that others are doing the same thing they are are doing in the hope of causing a distraction. A new form of whataboutism "Hey look over there, they are doing something nasty, they are not doing it as well as we are, but never mind that, aren't they naughty! Now stop looking at me!"
Woman confronts armed man near ballot drop box []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 27, 2022:
All together now ... 🎺🎼🎵*And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.*🎶🎶🎺
I'm going to discuss being dead for a moment.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 27, 2022:
If it brings you comfort to speculate on such thing that is all well and good. If you wish to believe that your cumulative experiences and knowledge will somehow be preserved after your physicality is exhausted, that is fine, I hope that too which is why I write and compose and try and produce something creative every day, to just hope that such knowledge and experience will save itself to me, seem rather lazy. If you want to believe these things and that faith (make no mistake what you are talking about is Faith, not energy, not spirituality it IS old fashion religious FAITH) helps you cope with life, well fine but ***be cautious.*** Because if you begin to fear, and you grow angry owing to that fear, when people try and put to you other opinions you have a problem, because you have once again become religious. A private and self aware religion, but religious none the less. If you begin to persecute and hate because of other opinions, and even find yourself abandoning reason in favour of violence and or negativity you have become a crusader, and that is not a compliment, crusaders were and are dangerous people for whom reason has no meaning and facts are no longer truth. So if you decide to continue on this path, instead of following that which brought you out of religion and the worship of none existent god(s) to its logical conclusion, BE VERY CAREFUL not to become the very thing you dismissed as a bad and negative part of your former life, not worth preserving. Good luck.
Christian MAGA Pastor Claims Democrats Secretly Boiling and Eating School Children After ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 27, 2022:
“how many more kids are gonna have to be boiled and eaten” before we take action?" **You mean like they did in the bible?** Jeremiah 19:9 I (god) will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, Ezekiel 5:10 Therefore in your midst parents will eat their children, Leviticus 26:29 Thou will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. 2 Kings 6:28 Then he (The King of Israel) asked her, “What’s the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we’ll eat my son.’ 29 So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him,’ but she had hidden him.” Deuteronomy 28:53 Because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the LORD your God has given you.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 27, 2022:
It is generally thought that the words peek, keek, and peep all were used with more or less the same meaning and date from 14c.-15c.. Possibly the source was the Middle Dutch kieken meaning "to take a look"
Uraeus noun The sacred asp as represented upon the headdress of divinities and royal ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
The snake Uraeus in ancient Lower Egypt was the sigil of the goddess Wadjet often accompanied by the Vulture sigil representing the Upper Egyptian matron goddess Nekhbet.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Imaginary is real (apparently)
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Dumb, dumb dumb DUMB
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
In the 16th century William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk was known as a a rogue and rioteer who in his youth "studied" in Naples until he was deported for hi debauchery. Once back in England he became known as the Jack of Naples for his continued bad behaviour. It has been suggested that Conan Doyle based his horrendous Lord Hugo Baskerville upon the Duke. What is certain is that his distant decedent Henry de la Poer Beresford Marquis of Waterford carried on his disreputable ancestors tradition taking the name Jack (a naughty boy) for himself and companions when they terrorised London in the 1890 as Spring Heeled Jack. Jack of Naples over time was shortened to Jack O' Naples and then became a circus act consisting of either a man in an ape suit or an actual Ape dress up as "His Lord Ship" being humiliated for the delight of traveling show, carnival audiences as "The Jackanape" Later the Jackanape or Jackonape became the companion of barrel organ grinders on street corners trained to collect money. In the 20th century the word had simple become an epithet for people behaving idiotically
Demiurgic: 1.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
A word my Druid wife uses from time to time But actually a portmanteau word from the Latin Demos= Common People and the Greek Ergos=the work of. Therefore Demiurgic= Tasks fit only for the Working Classes /plebeian
Cantrip noun A magic spell; trick by sorcery.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Possibly a dialect variation on Canticle from the Latin canticulum "a little/short song," being used as a synonym for invocation or evocation? Or Possible a contraction of Canny Trap Canny being northern English and Scots slang for clever or good?
Of interest to avid followers of all things Trumpian & January 6 2021?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
OH dear 🙄 I am sooo upset 😆 to hear of all the troubles 🤣 befalling the house of Murdoch 😂. | mean what did they ever do to deserve 😭 such treatment 🤣😂🤣😂😁😄😭😭😭😭💨💨💨
North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson Tells Christians To Load Their Guns And Get Ready ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Born on Oct.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 26, 2022:
*I knew Leo G. Carroll Was over a barrel When Tarantula took to the hills And I really got hot When I saw Janette Scott Fight a Triffid that spits poison and kills* Theme song to the Rocky Horror Picture Show "Science Fiction - Double Feature" by Richard O'brien
Born on Oct.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 25, 2022:
Mr Waverley, open channel D Also featured as the eponymous Topper in the TV series spun off from the movies of the same name
Ensorcell verb (used with object) To bewitch.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 25, 2022:
Okay that is new to me, thanks for that.
HARPY (pl.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 24, 2022:
From one of my favourite films The Harpies scene from Jason and the argonauts
LBC Journalist Sangita Myska eviscerates racist Tory caller on radio…he says Rishi Sunak ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 23, 2022:
This is the sort of ass who would have it written in to law that in order to be eligible to stand for the UK parliament you MUST have been born within 50 miles of the city of London inside a Christian church have been baptised immediately and have a note from the vicar certifying that at birth you were in possession of two testicles and a WHITE penis.
And please lets us know which hospital to send your flowers to.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 23, 2022:
I would not see Christmas if I DID THAT
So America had nothing to do with provoking the Ukraine situation & now disappears ABC reporters?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 23, 2022:
Before ANYONE discredits this story as RT propaganda please read these agreeing reports from reputable UK and US sources This eminent ward-winning journalist vanished after an FBI raid on his home in April 2022 after a tip that there was classified documents on his lap top. He has neither been seen or heard from since that date.
200 BASSISTS play the most famous bass line of all time - YouTube
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
And no one shouted Ice Ice Baby?
The International Community.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Basically Australia where Mel Gibson comes from The UK where Hogwarts is Canada That bit that gets in the way of Alaska Scanadanavia where the porn that is not in English comes from France something to do with WW2 Japan were we dropped the atomic bomb that now makes cartoons for us Italy and Germany invented Fascists Spain Mexico part 2 New Zealand Australia part 2
Fay Wray without the King
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
A very underrated actress who worked almost continuously until 1980, before she retired and eventually died in 2004 of natural causes at the age of 97 Her performance in The Mystery of the wax Museum (1933) as a hard nose tough investigative reporter was very influential on among others Ginger Rogers, Catherine Hepburn and Rosalind Russell She landed the starring role in King Kong after her scene stealing turn as Eve in the classic thriller "The Most Dangerous Game" was noticed by David O. Selznick who was filming the outdoor stock footage for King King on the same Island at the same to save money.
diadromous adjective di·​ad·​ro·​mous | \ dī-ˈa-drə-məs Definition of diadromous...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
Made up of two subsets of marine creatures with two types of migration Anadromous, in which adult fish live in the sea and migrate into fresh water to breed and Catadromous, in which adult fish live in fresh water and migrate into salt water to breed From the Greek Dia = Across and drómos = Running ana- meaning “up" and cata- Meaning “down.”
Australian media companies want to be exempt from being investigated for corruption by the National ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 22, 2022:
"Well they'll lose nowt for cheek" as the old Yorkshire saying has it.
Hair today ...gone tomorrow?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
I grew my first beard when I was 17, because I wanted to look like Dr. Strange, my favourite comic at the time. I have alternated between a Van Dyke, goatee and full beard ever since, except for about a year around the time of my second wedding, I was an active Mormon at the time and it was strongly hinted that if I did not shave I was not getting married in Billingham Stake. They had been trying to get me to shave for years, but were not happy when would stand and stare at the portrait of Christ in the Bishop's office mumbling "I wonder what Jesus would do"
Should quantum computers be known as Schrödinger's cat computers?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
It would have to be a very small cat, especially if you use a laptop or an Ipad
That might also account for the snake, too.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
speaking of serpents, it looks like she is standing on it
“The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do”………… Thomas...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Interestngly "ephemeros" in modern Greek is the word for newspaper
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Lol..someone in over their head, or another Hershel Walker?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
And it was still too long
'There might be someone else I'd prefer more.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
He MIGHT not back Trump in 2024 I thought Christards were not supposed to be in suicide, or maybe it is erotic asphyxiation?
Maroon of the day, []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
What a wanker 😄😄😄😄😄💩
They're so quick to accuse us of being offended by their religion
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
I am not offended by people believing in the Christian god, I am insulted and disgusted by it. This is because as such they are living in either wilful ignorance or in a self-serving deception in order to virtue signal. Either way the Christian god demands of its followers missionary work and the spreading of its cult to the "unenlightened" a very rude and insulting principle. As such they believe that people who disagree with them are worthy of eternal punishment for the sin of disrespecting their imaginary friend. As such, though some may deny it, they tacitly support and condone sexism, homophobia, racism, the persecution of the differently able and demand exceptions from the law in order to comply with such beliefs. As such they present as a loving gift to their own children and family a book as a gift that condones slavery and even provides rules for the punishing of, conning of, beating of and eugenic breeding of other human beings. A book that openly orders the murdering of "the profane", dictates diet, encourages shunning, countenances rape and child rape, bodily mutilation of infants and promises in the "great" times to come a never ending theocracy and wholesale slaughter of all who object. No I am not offended when such people are the final word in all matters of law and order in a nation state… I am fucking terrified!
Wishful Thinking?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Whoever wrote that actually wants a reality check. They are asking for a church that will abnegate them of all responsibilities, take care of them as if they were helpless child, absolve them of money worries and reassure them that such a person as they are is actually a feminist instead of an apathetic loser, in search of a ***cult*** to subjugate themselves to.
The plot thickens! National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says they didn't give ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
"Well he would, wouldn't he" Mandy Rice-Davies
Clever people are often successful, they are great opportunists who barely miss chances.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 20, 2022:
You are confusing cleverness with deviousness, cunning and slyness or else you are projecting.
A man was getting married to a doctor's daughter.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
There is a variation: The Week when the Doctors went on strike they held a protest march carrying placards they made themselves. Unfortunately the only person who could read them was a chemist who told them to come back on Thursday.
Today's, "What a maroon!" and a real contender for the lifetime award. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Why are people voting for these fuckwits? We at least can claim we had Truss forced on us, no one actually voted for the idiot to be Prime Minister
Lauren Boebert just had her ass handed to her by Chelsea Handler: [youtube.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Nationalist and Christian, so for convenience let us shorten that to Nat-C shall we?
Lauren Boebert just had her ass handed to her by Chelsea Handler: [youtube.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
So literally full of shit then?
This is my personal position about the state of the world today.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Sadly this is highly likely, since Trump was holding both official and unofficial meetings (sometimes even in the oval office) with megalomaniac tyrants throughout his tenure and telling the god only knows what on top of his recommendations for the best chocolate cake
Are you a snotter?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
A Snot a child in a lower form at private school (also called a sprog in some higher schools short for frog spawn) Snotty being condescending to people you consider socially inferior Snotter (verb) to snore in a wet and messy way A Snotter (noun) a person inclined to emotional outbursts of crying A Snotty or snotter the mucus produced from a nose blowing Snotgoblin a young child especially a scruffy one prone to eating his or her own nasal mucus Snot liquid nasal mucus as opposed to a boggie which is solid or gelatinous mucus picked from the nose with a finger. Snottering snoring and blowing bubbles of snot from the nose, or sniffing snot back up the nose rather than blowing it in to a handkerchief.
Who would want to live in the USA given Donald Trump, Timothy McVeigh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Derek...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 19, 2022:
As a boy it was an ambition of mine to emigrate to the US, unexpected circumstance prevented it ever happening. I shall be forever grateful.
Any takers
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Only is I run out of toilet paper and the situation is dire
Switch to AT&T...For me??
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 17, 2022:
It is a fake image made up of the head of Russian born comedian Milana Vayntrub and the body of vipergirl Connie 2
Oh hell no! Nope nope nope. []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Ai crossed with the reboot version of Childsplay and a dollop of terminator 2 and hey presto M3gan. It is so hard to find anything original these days that is not made in south Korea of Japan
One sunny morning, three nuns were talking after early mass.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 16, 2022:
My favourite nun joke Tree nuns die in a plane crash and find themselves standing in front of the Lord "I shall ask each of one question," he says."Answer all three correctly and you can all come in to heaven, if one of you fails, you all fail." The Youngest Nun steps forward and is asked "What was the name of the first human being?" "Oh that would be Adam she answers" "Correct" says the Lord. "Now sister here is your question, what was the name of the first woman?" "Eve" says the second nun. The third nun is a very old and slightly dotty mother superior, she steps forward and says "Hello John Lennon" "Oh no" thinks the second nun, "We've all had it now" "Here is your question mother," says the Lord. "When eve first met Adam what did she say" THe youngest Nun gasps and whispers "Oh thats a hard one" "Now, now sister, no giving her the answers," Snaps the Lord
My wife tells me that I am overly optimistic but I'm just doing the best that I can with the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 16, 2022:
Blessed is the pessimist for he shall never be disappointed. Anon.
ZARF - Noun…a holder, usually of ornamental metal used for holding a handleless cup or glass of ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 16, 2022:
Good one, thank you.
Donald Trump's problem is that he is far too much of a monumentally arrogant bastard to realise just...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Dumb and Crude-er syndrome?
Leavin' it right there
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 15, 2022:
One of theses dangerous lunatics likes to pretend he is an elected civil authority, the other one is a former athlete with a plastic sheriffs badge in his pocket.
Probably closer than sapiens is.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Comparing the Christian god to a chimpanzee is insulting... To Chimpanzees!
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 15, 2022:
Yarborough the town, has a name that comes from two medieval words Borough which originally meant a fortified area, such as an area within a city wall, the Mott of a mott and bailey town or a battlement of surrounding a Keep in a castle. (it later came to mean a town of the area surrounding a town, often shortened Brough, Boro or Burgh in Scotland.) The other word is Yarr (yar or eor), meaning organised, well prepared or more commonly today in the navy terminology as Shipshape and battle ready. So Yarborough literally means a Well Fortified castle town
In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz "HA HA"[]
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Adam Laxalt’s family
"Donald Trump lashes out after US judge rules he must face questions under oath in E Jean Carroll ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Ever heard the name Custer, Mr. Trump?
Things are not looking too good for Trumpty Dumpty: []
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
If he ignores the subpoena, he will be in contempt of congress, if he tries to do a Lindsey Graham and tries to legally quash the summons he will fail, if he goes to the committee he will not be able to keep his mouth shut and will effectively put the noose around his own neck or will plead the 5th to every question and make it obvious he is guilty and he knows it. I could not be happier
From the 1966 film A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: A Comedy Tonight scene.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
The TV series Up Pompeii! was directly influenced by this film and Zero Mostel was sought to play the lead, however he was to busy to work in the UK, so the part went to Frankie Howerd instead. He also turned down the lead in the film version Fiddler on the Roof, after winning many accolades for his stage performance in the part, this time being replaced by Topol. His other most famous role as the crooked producer Max Bialistock in Mel Brook's the Producers lead to the remake being dedicated to him in 2005 Sadly Zero died in 1977 at the age of 62 years young shortly after starring with his friend Woody Allen in "The Front" playing a blacklisted Hollywood actor in the House Un-American Activities Committee era, a fate that had actually befallen Zero in 1952 crippling his career for 7 years.
Scarper verb (used without object) To flee or depart suddenly, especially without having ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Cockney rhyming slang, Scarper/ Scapa flow = Go Scapa Flow was a military Harbour in Scotland, where after WW1 the entire German fleet was ordered to be interned. The German navy however, fearing their ships would be used by the British to take revenge on Germany, on the orders of Admiral Ludwig von Reuter, skuttled their entire fleet of warships and U Boats, destroying all but twenty two of the smaller ships and boats, which were saved by the British by beaching them. Hence the cockney rhyme to scarper, to run away from one's responsibilities and liabilities Scappare is also the Italian word for escape and may have some baring on the etymology.
Always admired Frank, interesting contrast between wild man and very down to earth.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Doesn't Frank know that for most Christards that is 75% of the fun?
Impatiently waiting for that last panel to come true
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Oh I do hope so and if it does happen, I hope the trial is televised. Trump being his usual dumb shit self to a judge he does not own would be must see car crash TV
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Just my opinion but Whorl seems to be applied more to spirals and helices, whereas whirl is more often applied to spinning around an axis or orbiting
Pensée noun A reflection or thought.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 13, 2022:
Some times anglicised to pensive
vitious intermitter: Someone who gets involved in a situation (usually legal) without a good excuse.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Vitious means... cruel, thuggish or of wicked intent Latin vitiosus / vitium "fault" An Intermitter is one who interferes to halt the flow of events either temporarily or permanently So therefore on who interferes with malicious or false intent, to buy time or confuse matters pretty much a definition of the Trump legal team
So many of these walking around and not even aware of it.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2022:
What a knobhead
A few days late, but Bandstand, later known as American Bandstand, premiered on Oct.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Spot the guy in the flasher mac sitting in the front row
Mea culpa :)
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2022:
Yes, yes it is
Osteen, born a Jew.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 12, 2022:
No one chooses what they were born, everyone is responsible for what they become by choice, especially so if it is thieving twaddle monger
Donald Trump is so Christian he built a wall across the garden of Eden and made Jesus pay for it.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 11, 2022:
Trump is twice as Holy as any other A'mirkin just look for the sign of the double cross
So it now becomes very clear as to who & what has been driving US promulgation & financing of the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 11, 2022:
Vanguar (who own Blackrock) has 3.4% of its holdings in Russia and 3.3% in Ukraine. Meanwhile Joe Zidle Senior Managing Director and the Chief Investment Strategist of Blackstone has been heavily pushing the USA as a safe haven for investors during the Ukraine war as being "largely insulated from the Russia-Ukraine war fallout... an island of growth,” “The U.S. is one of the only major economies in the world that has this cushion of $6 trillion in stimulus.” Zidle notes. “this means the U.S. has this tremendous cushion for growth as the rest of the world faces these headwinds,” CNBC’s “Fast Money” Feb 2022 As expected it all comes down to money and the desire of ultra capitalist to suckle on the suffering of other
From the 60's, how many groups can you name shown in the picture
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2022:
I'm pretty sure I can recognise 20 of them
Lauren Boebert mocked as her ‘two words’ anti-Biden tweet backfires [independent.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2022:
As thick as pig shit and twice as claggy
A filicidal pedophile?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Yup, but he only did it so he could save all of us from the sins of a mythical ancestor scrumping an apple. The ultimate end justifies the means bullshit.
Four-year-old Johnny was eating a hot dog when he dropped it on the floor.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Funny, but he could see germs under a microscope.
I just have to say it, effected by an overabundance of Halloween joy, The Wickerman (1973) is maybe ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 8, 2022:
I used to think so too, until I was introduced to the Hammer film "The Witches" 1966 based on the 1960 novel "The Devil's Own" by Norah Lofts, AKA Peter Curtis. This older film had a huge influence on Shaffer's screen play for The Wickerman (which he claimed was based on the 1967 Novel by David Pinner "Ritual" it is not and Pinner has disassociated himself from the film), When I say influenced I am being kind, Shaffer lifted the plot, many elements such as the poppet doll in the graveyard and whole sections of dialog verbatim from "The Witches" SPOILERS The Witches was the last film of Joan Fontaine, who as Gwen Mayfield is an ex nun, recruited to become a teacher in a remote Scottish school, after she returns from Africa and is questioning her faith because of experiences with ritual shamanic magic. Miss Mayfield comes to realise that a child who was supposed to be in her class has disappeared and the whole village is conspiring to pretend she never existed. However the spirit of missing child begins appearing to the teacher, appealing for help, which eventually leads Gwen to uncover the fact that the whole village is part of a witch cult that sacrifices virgins to their Satanic master and the girl is to be the next victim at the next full moon. The Teacher finds her way in to the underground crypt to rescue the child be finds she has been tricked in to coming voluntarily to the place of sacrifice, still a pure virgin priestess willing to give her life to save the girl. This is the point were the stories diverge Police Sergeant Neil Howie in the Wickerman is sacrificed, but Gwen realizing her purity is necessary cuts herself and smears blood on the satanic alter revealing she is not a virgin but succumbed to lust, which is why she left the convent. The impure blood smears on the chief witch and marks her as responsible for the failure of the ritual, allowing the devil to seize her soul. Gwen saves the girl in the confusion and escapes as the witch queen crumbles to dust.
Some people just don't know how to take a compliment
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 8, 2022:
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery
Just in time for Halloween a macabre twist to a standard cocktail
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 8, 2022:
Is a Christian Group Advertising 'JesusWeen' as Substitute for Halloween? |
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Halloween AKA Hallow e'en originally All Hallows Eve or All saints day eve IS a Christian festival that co-opted the date (more or less) of Samhain (pronounced Sow'en) a movable festival (ending at Easter another pagan festival) signifying the beginning and end of "Dark half" of the year. In the same way Christmas stole the date of Yule/ Mithras day thieving ignorant bastards these Christians.


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