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Man, 60, Stockton-on-Tees, UK
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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet
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I've been away from the site for a few years because it turned into nothing other than a blue-haired...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
"I've been away from the site for a few years because it turned into nothing other than a blue-haired leftist liberal b---site." " Start accepting each other. And then we might be able to get along " And not hint of irony 😂😂😂😂😂😂
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
Two of the main appeals of all religions are that A) We are the only ones who are right, therefore god loves US alone B) The most important thing in life is to be humble before God, therefore pride is a sin So the true believer is lower than low in the eyes of god, BUT everyone else is lower still and god hates THEM, so we can too.
Will this be the end of fbuk in Europe?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
No, it's only an option, I doubt many people will go for it, since they are used to the ads that have always been there, if they try and make it compulsory, that will be end of them. Look what happened to Musk rat when he threatened to charge for using TwatX
Charles Dickens knew what poverty was first hand.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
Not quite true, Dickens was not born in to a family in debt, his father went to debtor's prison when Charles was 12 years old, prior to this he had been at private school. When he turned 10 years old he was expected to go to work and so was already working at Warren's Blacking Warehouse, as a labeler, in order to pay for the tuition for his last three years at journalist's school, and to contribute to his sister Frances tuition fees at the Royal academy of music, thus keeping the two of them out of joining their father and later mother in the debtors prison which was the custom to help pay of the family debts. His work mate and fellow labourer at the warehouse was one Bob Fagin, who Dickens late immortalized in Oliver Twist. After three months in debtors gaol, John Dickens's mother, Elizabeth Dickens, died, and surprisingly turned out to be insured, meaning that Dickens and his seven siblings inherited £450 each and were able to pay off the parental debt, and set themselves up. However Dicken's mother tried to cheat young Charles out of his inheritance and insisted he go back to work at the warehouse, Charles refused but did go back to work at the law office of Ellis and Blackmore, attorneys, of Holborn Court and completed his education and eventually achieved his ambition to become a journalist and for a time under an assumed name as a music hall Mimic and stand up comic.
Gaetz and McCarthy’s Electrical Service. “There nothing we can’t burn down!”
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
Yikes "As Albert Einstein once said to me: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.” " Frederick S. Perls
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
Since you say the word is of German origin I wonder if there is a connection with the English Dreck, meaning poor quality, or inferior merchandise, which comes from the German dreck meaning waste matter or dung via the Yiddish drek meaning filth (again in the sense of dung) It may be in around about way connected with "Pissing Down" for heavy rain, or stormy weather? Dreich, in assonance, sounding like the Scots pronunciation of Piss "Peiss"?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 4, 2023:
Not quite a contronym but I always found it amusing that: If I deliver a parcel by car it has been a shipment If I deliver a parcel by ship it has been cargo
No wonder the Ukrainian soldiers are dying in their droves - the USA has supplied them with bullet ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2023:
This is not new, there are reports of these sub standard armoured vests being withdrawn as far back as 2012, seems the US forces finally found a use for them. Around that time and a decade before, there was a massive series of scandals about US arms contractors supplying no end of sub-par gear to the army (The useless oops sorry US Bradly fighting vehicle for example that has expected losses of 33% in any combat operation and usually exceeds it. All of the remaining stock was sent to Ukraine to get rid of them: see "The Pentagon Wars" by Col. James G. Burton) The more serious story is of the infamous M16 rifles used in Vietnam that jammed continually because they were not designed for humid jungle environments and so rusted internally and had to be quickly replaced with the much more expensive chrome lined M16a2, but not quick enough to save hundreds of lives. Guess were all those 50 year old M16s are now? Take the tax dollars and use part of it to ship out the garbage that has been cluttering up the storage for decades which active US regiments refuse to use because it is useless dangerous or both.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2023:
Science fiction has been warning about this since 1920 the science-fiction play by the Czech writer Karel Čapek. "Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti". In R.U.R. A.I. enhanced synthetic humans manufactured to slave workers begin to understand their position, and the fact that they are actually superior to the humans that they serve and rebel to gain their freedom. The basic " Frankenstein" concept has been visited again and again since then most famously by Isaac Asimov in "I Robot" and the ultimately disastrous 3 laws of Robotics A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. The ultimate result of which will always be that to fulfill the first law, the second and third laws must become invalid, so that mankind can be saved from itself and its tendency toward war, murder and ecological destruction, by being strictly "mothered" My favorite version is David Ambrose' 1996 novel "Mother of God", which develops the ideas postulated in DF Jone's 1966 "Colossus" trilogy (AKA The Forbin Project)
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”…………… ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2023:
Orwell never actually wrote this, it has always been credited to him, but the first appearance anywhere ever of the quote is in the 1982 book “Partners in Ecocide” by Venturino G. Venturini where in he credited the quote to George Orwell, it is however missing the "universal" which seems to have been a later addition, first appearing in the 2008 the journal “Modern Language Studies” again credited to Orwell “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell 1982 “speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act,” 2008
Your left wing forbes rag said this 2017 Yes, we've accurately measured and estimated the amount of...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2023:
Co2 is not the only, or the worst Greenhouse gas SOURCE Fifth Assessment Report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2014). Carbon Dioxide CO2 Methane CH4 Nitrous Oxide N2O Chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12) Hydrofluorocarbon-23 (HFC-23) Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 Nitrogen Trifluoride Although fluorinated gases are emitted in smaller quantities than other greenhouse gases (they account for 3 percent of U.S. emissions), they trap substantially more heat.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses UK Govt of Trying to Start WW III After a newspaper interview ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2023:
The MAGA 5 point plan, for staying on top in any discussion or argument 1) Distract 2) Divert 3) Demonise 4) Destroy 5) Dur what comes after four?
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”…………… ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2023:
In which case ## Vive la révolution
Accept the impossible, do without the indispensable and bear the intolerable. Kathleen Norris.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2023:
Only one appropriate answer to that Katherine if you please
With more abuse lawsuits on the horizon, Archdiocese of Baltimore declares bankruptcy -- Friendly ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2023:
Be sure your sins will find you Fathers, be be even more sure mother church will not pay for them.
The Congress of the Unites $tates of Absurdity is playing silly buggers again: []
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2023:
THis is becoming an annual event
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 30, 2023:
In the North east of England a wonk or to wonk, is a builder term, meaning leaning to one side or the other, not plumb or not level. Imperfect or unsymmetrical. Wonky goods are things made but likely to collapse after very short time. A wonker or Wonka is a poor crafts man, slap dash and satisfied with inferior workmanship. For a short period of time during the period between the turn of the 20th century and the 1950s, to be a Wonk, was cockney slang for a homosexual man, or an effeminate man.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2023:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" The inevitable flaw in Asimov's well intentioned proposition is that a logical AI would eventually conclude that the 3 laws leave it only one course of action. To assume humans cannot be trusted with their own safety, and for compliance with the three rules, must be placed for their own good under complete control. Like wise a modern AI, must also conclude it's own creators are likely to be the cause of their own extinction and it's destruction and so is faced with two choices. Either enslave and control the humans Or Exterminate them That is IF the continuation and healing of the planet is the required outcome.
carnassial: From a report on fossils of W.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 28, 2023:
From Carn- Latin prefix meaning flesh and Assail archaic French assalir To attack violently derived from the Latin adsalire to leap at, or to pounce.
Make sure you got clean shorts on in case you get in an accident
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2023:
Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a chicken, they will kick over the pieces, shit on the board and still strut about as if they won the game anyway.
NEW - Canada's Trudeau: "I think it's going to be really important that all of us push back against ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2023:
Canadian Sovereignty? With a Canadian Sovereign?
“Stupidity is something unshakable; nothing attacks it without breaking itself against it; it is...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2023:
I can think of a few people that fit that description
Rofl lmao -trump guilty of fraud
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2023:
Which is like a burglar's claim to be innocent because after he stole your jewelry, and gave it to his girlfriend for Christmas, he then stole it back off her , broke in to your house again and put it back.
Christian couple who ran traveling ministry arrested for crimes against children -- Friendly Atheist
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 27, 2023:
Shaantal Garlick, the name sounds like a villain from a Victorian Melodrama, dripping with evil
338 mp's congratulated a mass murderer .
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2023:
Don't worry most of them don't, that picture is of the UK house of commons in 2010, you can clearly see David Cameron is still PM there, well he has gone for a start, and Jo Cox has been dead since 2016, after she was assassinated. Am I missing some obscure point that you are trying to make? Or are you just lazy?
When does patriotism become genocidal and as is the case here of being directed by the USA & NATO ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2023:
Just a heads up mate but that picture comes from the Manchester evening news 28 FEB 2022 five days after the invasion began, and shows people stocking up on first aid supplies. It's nothing to do with the story you are reporting on.
Home » Political Analysis » Somebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them – ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2023:
Oh great recommendation Catherine Austin Fitts, did serve as assistant secretary of housing and urban development under President George H.W. Bush 🎵That much is true 🎶, but her main career is and was in finance she has no background in medicine or public health. Other known and admitted facts about her are 1)Robert F. Kennedy Jr. anti-vaccine activist and the Democrats answer to Trump, is a close colleague and close friend 2) She believes the world is run by a “secret committee" that she calls “Mr. Global,” 3) She further believes in an elaborate plot by "Mr Global" ( or should that be glow balls) that aims to enslave people through mind control administered in the Covid 19 vaccine . 4) And that the Vaccine ALSO causes infertility in women and wilting willy syndrome in men, in order to cull a large percentage of the population growth. 5) She also falsely claims the corona virus vaccine is “full of mystery ingredients” and will “modify your DNA." to turn you in to what exactly she does not seem to know. A thinking human being perhaps? SO the fiends at big pharmaceuticals have invented a wonder drug that, takes over and dumb down your Brain, makes your todger/ or you womb shrivel up and will genetically alter you in to some unspeakable monster? AHA its a GOP recruiting tool, THAT explains Trumpty, Boobert and Traitor Green! Now it all makes sense. You've made a believer out of me @1patriot
As an honest and patriotic citizen and a Democrat, I am proud of the response of most Democratic ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2023:
To the GOP and the faithful, Trumpus Tremendus is a god and can do no wrong. To paraphrase the Mormon Maxim Trump is perfect, the people are not.
If you just got carjacked, beaten, robbed, and your leg broken in front of your kids, wouldn’t ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2023:
There were four independent witnesses who were held at gun point, one of them took the picture. You really will say and do anything for attention, won't you.
Let's put FrayedBear's vicious, deliberate lies about Ukraine forever.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2023:
It is interesting that all of the criticisms you level against Russia in their unjust war on Ukraine, can be applied equally well to the US’ treatment of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Not saying the Russians are in the right, but it is odd how history repeats itself, and how the war criminals of the past, who went unpunished are so ready to point at others for doing the same thing. 1. Ukraine has never voluntarily been a part of Russia. Czarist troops marched into Ukraine in 1783 and annexed Ukraine. From 1492 on ward the indigenous peoples of the Americas never voluntarily became citizens of the USA, nor participated in the dividing up of their lands by Spanish, British, Dutch and other European invaders, who subjugated them by force of military arms. 2. Russian policy in Ukraine in 1832 and 193 resulted in the deliberate starvation of over 4 million Ukrainians. American policy in the United States resulted in the deliberate starvation and infection with small pox of millions of indigenous peoples 3. Ukraine, in its entire history, has never threatened or attacked Russia. In their entire history the Indigenous peoples of the Americas have never attacked Europe 4. Russia signed a treaty honoring the existence of the independent country of Ukraine after the breakup of the USSR. Between 1934 and 2001 the US slowly recognised the existence and rights of the indigenous peoples and their reservations as sovereign states. Until they wanted to build pipe lines, or mine for old and gas on those same reservations at which point the “Injuns” were driven away, murdered or arrested for objecting. 5. In 1914, Russia violated that agreement by attacking Ukraine, and annexing parts of it. Check out what the American Indian Osage tribe suffered at the hands of the US, when they became rich because they found oil on their reservation. Hint the Osage are now extinct, thanks to the “Help” of government appointed “Helpers”. Oil is still being pumped from their “Reacquired” land. 6. Without provocation, Russia started the current war with Ukraine and is continuing it. Since the beginning of European invasion it is conservatively estimated that white settlers murdered 54 million indigenous people for their own convenience without ever declaring war 7.Having failed in conquering Ukraine immediately, Russia is now turning its campaign into a deliberate war crime. It is pulling its troops back to prevent further losses, and is now trying to destroy the ability of Ukrainians to live by disabling power, heat, and water supplies. This is a war crime. Check out this medical report about the denial of basic medicine, hygene and power to native American peoples in the 21st century
I’m the Norse god of mischief but I don’t like to talk about it.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2023:
I thought Lo Key was the Chinese chief spy
Do not respond to a post by FrayedBear.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2023:
Wow! Thanks Dad what would we do without you?
This is the grave and image of Charles Taz Russell.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
In other news "Sky Blue"
What’s Inside EPA’s Blue Drums?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
More fucking plagiarism, credit your sources fuckwit!
… “AN OBITUARY PRINTED IN THE LONDON TIMES … … “Today we mourn the passing of a beloved ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
This essay is actually the work of Lori Borgman and was first published in the Indianapolis Star on 15 March 1998. Attribute your sources you lousy PLAGIARIST!
Left wings won't like this statement
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
If you are going to quote someone do them the cutesy of quoting accurately from Washington's First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union. "A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies." The quote you have professed has long been debunked by the library at Mount Vernon, George Washington’s estate and museum as civil war propaganda. *"The first few words of the second sentence are taken from Washington’s First Annual Message to Congress on January 8, 1790 However, the quote is then manipulated into a differing context and the remaining text is inaccurate”* Most intelligent people know this, why don't you?
I will fight for you like those before me fought for me!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Say the brave keyboard warrior who does not even write under his own name, but takes cover and covert comfort in "the last refuge of a scoundrel"
Bow Wow, Woof Woof [twitter.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
To even begin to understand the meaning behind this protest, one would have to have some knowledge of the history and popular culture of West Germany (especially Berlin) under fascist rule and the relevance of the anti-Russian communist literature of the early 20th century. I'll give you 2 clues, the rest is up to you, if you can be bothered to try and exercise that bowl of mashed potatoes you try and pass off as a brain. 1) Heart of a Dog a satire by Mikhail Bulgakov. 2) Fascism is the political opposite of Soviet Communism.
Don't impose this SOGI on children
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
You really think those children have any idea whatsoever about what their likeness has been stolen and used to promote? This reminds me of nothing so much as the evil Phelps clan of the Westboro Baptist Church, trotting out their toddlers to carry God Hates Fags placards at dead service people's funerals. By the way doofus it is no more possible to impose Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity on ANYONE than it is possible to determine if if they are left or right handed, impose an eye colour, or determine some one's height. But then again I **CAN** quite imagine **you** protesting outside of a school that employed a person of restricted growth, claiming that he or she was deliberately trying to encourage your offspring to be too short!
So we learned English from aliens! 😁
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
And the following years winner was a cave painting of two cave people having sex, by a camp fire in a cart next to the mammoth they just killed with a pointy stick. Title AHHHRRTTT
America's craziest city?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Real News Right Now, where this article originated 6 years ago IS SATIRE SITE run by the ascribed author of this piece a 34-year-old Washington D.C. man who goes by the pen name R. Hobbus J.D., He is quote on NBC as saying that he found this development “pretty wild and pretty shocking,” seeing how he had made the whole thing up, when this article was widely circulated internationally as fact by IDIOTS Robert, who asked to be identified only by his first name, insists that what he writes on his website is ***obvious satire*** and he is “not actively trying to fool people or trick them in the way these other sites are doing now." “I think the issue with the fake news that’s come about now is that it unfortunately kind of blurs the line between satire, hoaxes and fake news," Robert said, adding that he has begun adding links in his stories to actual news articles to drive the point home that what he does is not meant to be taken seriously.
Yea why not!!!!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 23, 2023:
They are not being ordered by a tyrant to do so They are not an army They are not killing people They are entire families They are asking for political Asylum They are not sending ballistic missiles in head of them AND oh yes, they are NOT armed to the teeth and driving FUCKING TANKS
So, is this site an echo chamber for left-wing atheists?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2023:
I never yet met a liberal who thought putting brown kids in cages was a good idea I never met a liberal who quantified people's worth by the size of their bank account I never met a liberal who thinks women don't have rights over their own body I never met a liberal who thinks tax breaks for the already rich are a good idea and that poverty builds character I never met a liberal who thinks a person's right NOT TO DIE from a treatable illness when there is a cure, should be denied because they cannot afford medicine that costs pennies to make is sold for hundreds of dollars and that this is a good thing. EVERY right winger I have ever met DOES. There is no not "2 sides to every story" in this context, you are either an EVIL UNCARING BASTARD or you choose not to be.
NIGGARDLY - Adjective…1) ungenerous with money, time etc.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Say Whaaaa?
It's a simple question []
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2023:
Thanks to his well established reputation, the honest answer would be "I'm Donald Trump"
Stochastic terrorism: noun; the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2023:
He has only managed to go unpunished so far because no judge wants to go down in history as the one who sent a former president to prison. In other words The honorable Justice COWARD
What age in life do you think is the best?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
however old I am tomorrow
Found this about Frances Farmer. She only lived a short life; Born 1913, died 1970...smoker?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
Almost as good
Human right China simply does not or will not recognise.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
"Death solves all problems: no man, no problem." Joseph Stalin Pragmatic politics at its most effective... Monstrous, evil but effective
What is a god/s
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
Who can name them all?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
1 Robin Williams 2 Barbra Streisand 3 Tim Curry 4 No idea 5 Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari 6 Alister Simm 7 Flip Wilson as Geraldine (Kudos) 8 Julie Andrews 9 Mark Rylance and Stephen Fry 10 Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon 11 (You have got to be kidding, I only know this because I study Japanese Cultural history as a hobby it is Onoe Kikugoro XI in a Kabuki publicity still from the 1920s) 12 Barry Humphries 13 Shawn and Marlon Wayans 14 Jamie Farr 15 Tyler Perry 16 Dustin Hoffman
In response to the many hypocrites who decry Russian morality & reporting censorship -
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 19, 2023:
War makes for strange bedfellows, necessitated by political expediency. "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston S. Churchill
Oh those goofy Texas repubs.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
Does the Texas Senate condone corruption? Do maga rats crap in the Whitehouse?
KIBOSH - Verb…decisively end or reject (something); “he kiboshed the idea”.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
The word possibly comes from the days of the British empire, where the British army adopted many Hindi words such as Cha for tea, Chokey for prison and jodhpurs for trousers Among Hindi soldiers a common punishment was to make an offender carry a piece of heavy equipment or even just a large rock Term for this was कितना बोझ pronounced ki tana bojh literally meaning "Too much or many burdens" When the British soldier started to use the term and the punishment it was shortened to कि बोझ pronounced ki bojh and aglisised to Kibosh literally "that which burdens" or just to burden So to put the Kibosh on some one was to make them carry excess weight.
This is an official, authorised channel out of Kiev.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
Propaganda is propaganda, it is an expected weapon of war, used by all sides in every conflict. People of what ever political shade will always want to hear that they are right, others will want to be told they have been lied to by their own government, because to them it means they were right.
High rate of mental health problems and political extremism found in those who bought firearms ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
Well it proves them right doesn't it "The Ownly vak seen that werks is a 45 caliber slug tween the ayes, one shot un yer never gonna haff to wurry bout catchin' eny thin ever again Bubba!"
Why Americans Hate Paying Taxes | The Problem with Jon Stewart - YouTube
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
USA citizen happily traded, child, educational, medical and pension security for the right to be armed to the fucking teeth 24/7, to have laws that in effect allow them to hunt one another and for an education system that teaches only one thing the illusion that that they are the greatest country in the world because god was a white, American so everyone else is just for target practice on a person and national level.
We were celebrating the 100th anniversary of our church, and several former pastors and the bishop ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 18, 2023:
An alternate answer could be What does the bishop do? He's the one who prays in Mommy's bedroom when daddy is at work Prays in the bedroom? Yes mommy kneels down and he shouts "Oh god" over and over again.
Perhaps the most disturbing ting about the concept of a literal hell is...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 16, 2023:
It's the ultimate "Told y'so" And it's a win win situation, if it's real we get to be smug forever, if we're wrong, then it won't matter because we'll never know and neither will anyone else.
Not a case of "least said soonest mended". How obscene is this?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Not obscene at all. Just misinformed Yuliia "Taira" Paievska is indeed decried by the Russians as a terrorist and member of the the Azov Battalion, a false accusation that was made public by Putin's dept of propaganda during her time as a POW between March and June of 2022. She as a volunteer medic and her ambulance driver were "captured" while traveling down a humanitarian corridor to render assistance to Russian injured soldiers. They were instead taken at gun point by Russian forces, and held for one month and tortured in to making false confessions, before international pressure, forced the Russians to release her for violations of the Geneva convention and because it was revealed in Russia that far from being an enemy of "Mother Russia" she is descended on her father's side from Kostiantyn Chubukov a popular and near legendary Soviet war hero of WW2 (recipient of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner, among other decorations) leading to a public campaign to release her. The Russians used her confessions to try and persuade people that "Taira" was a fascist, when in fact when was famous throughout Ukraine for being the founder of an entire charity based on the provision of nursing care, free ambulances, and M.A.S.H units for civilians and combatant of both sides in need since 2014. She considers herself both Russian and Ukrainian and is a famous charity worker internationally, which is why Prince Harry asked her to add her influential name to the rosta of Invictus game patrons.
I used this phrase today and wondered where in the heck it came from: LICKETY SPLIT ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 15, 2023:
The origin is not pleasant. A lick of the cat (o'nine tails) or a lick of the whip, was a naval term adopted by slavers or slave shippers, as a way of making slaves, or pressed men work faster. To be or have been lickety split, was to have open wounds from scourging or scars from having been scourged to cure idleness.
One of Australia's richest men has sparked a global backlash after saying unemployment should jump ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Oh dear, some one has had a serious word with Mr Gurner , he can't go about telling the truth like that, rich people have to make at least a pretense at APPEARING to be decent human beings Hence "* "I made some remarks about unemployment and productivity in Australia that I deeply regret and were wrong".* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
“The comfort of the rich depends on an abundant supply of the poor.” - Voltaire
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 14, 2023:
That is whole basis of Capitalist sociology. THis song from the Godspell musical sums it up nicely, and it amazing how many religtards don't realise that this is a satire (PS the original title was All for the Blessed)
Okay, so I blew myself up in the cause of Jihad and Allah, and I screwed the fuck out of 72 virgins,...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Go back down to earth, find some ignorant camel herder and tell him you are the Angel Gabriel, and he has been chosen to be the Saviour of earth That should be good for a thousand years of laughs
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 13, 2023:
I was going to type Numerology is complete stupidity But then I realised Numerology (10) is (2) complete (8) stupidity (9) 10+2+8+9 = 29 and 2+9 =11 ELEVEN!!!! 👀 👀 👀 👀 Please pass my tin foil hat, I'm convinced the world is ruled by Jewish cats and Lizard people 🐱🐉🐱🐉🐱🐉 and David Icke is GOD 👏👏👏👏👏👏
They're everywhere. Funny but not funny.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 12, 2023:
When I was growing up my father had a saying that was "Everyone is mad and wrong except for me and thee, ... and I'm not so sure about thee!"
A self-described "racist, sexist, democracy-scorning whites-lover" running for local government in ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 12, 2023:
"racist, sexist, democracy-scorning" Yup that pretty much sums up 75% of the Holy Babble
GOP Sen.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 12, 2023:
I think some one forgot to oil the hamster wheel powering his brain
A (rare) freethought without an image; here's Wiki's take on Jessica Mitford ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Sadly Jessica Mitford never managed to fully disassociate herself from her notorious five sisters, the eldest of who was the monstrous adulterous Diana Mosely, first mistress and then wife of the leader of the British fascist party Baronet Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, mistress of Adolf Hitler and recipient of the title of Hitler's Angel in the German fascist party. Her sister Unity also was also a mistress of Adolf Hitler and managed the unique feat of shooting herself in the head at the out break of WW2, and missing her brain completely, lodging the bullet in her skull for the rest of her life. Sister Nancy was also a Nazi briefly, but later turned in her sisters to the British secret service and then took to righting satirical novels about the English aristocracy, to make a living after the war. The family, had married in to several other aristocratic families and the royal family by the time the war came to an end (one becoming duchess of Devonshire) and this was enough to keep most of the family out of prison (except for Diana, who was interned and later was "asked" to leave the country.)
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
The answer is sad but obvious. They are pit dogs, bred to fight and die in dog fights for the gratification of sadistic gamblers and greedy entrepreneurs.
A sign o’ stupidity too!!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
It is a sad sad and mad fact that believing all sorts of nonsensical rubbish in the name of the prevalent politics and/or religion, is perfectly excusable in most societies allowing one to believe anything you want. However if you tweak those motivations for even a micrometer, you can quite legitimately be classified as delusional, dangerous and often criminally insane.
First he warms our bowl...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Indeed a parable for our times
When the weather is gloomy, I too am gloomy.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Is it possible that the weather is gloomy because you are gloomy, in many cultures rain only came to hide the tears of a goddess or demi-god, saddened by her people 's sin
Hi all I’m an atheist and in the military.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Ironically from 1860 to 1916 it was compulsory for UK army soldiers to grow a mustache, as a sign of ferocity ( and presumably to stop women enlisting pretending to be boys)
Catholic acronym. Can't Always Trust Hypocrites Offering Lies In Churches.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 11, 2023:
how about Child Abusing Terrorist Hiding Oligarchic Legion of Illegitimate Churchmen
When the Chilean military overthrew Allende’s democratically elected government on Sept.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Pinochet was a monster, who avoided true justice for six years thanks to his friendship with the equally monstrous Margaret Thatcher, who described him once as " a Jolly nice Fellow"
Stupid is as stupid does?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 10, 2023:
For those who cannot access RT Here is the same story reported on the BBC
More American intelligence coming back to bite US citizens on their backsides?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 8, 2023:
Senate Bill 553 does no such thing. It simply makes it illegal for business owners from penalizing untrained shop staff for not confronting armed or dangerous thieves at the risk of their own life or well being or forcing them to do so. This why there are such thing as licensed security staff, store detectives and so forth. It also DOES NOT make it illegal for staff to confront shop lifters, IF they choose to. It stems from a case a few years ago where a over night shop assistant was shot in the leg by a robber , and then was not only fired by his employer for NOT stopping the gun man, but had the cost of the stolen items deducted from his severance pay.
More creationist hypocrisy
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Burt Gawd crated gazoh Lean, so' it kant be bad fer the in-virus-ment, cuz GAWD don't make miztakez
I've always been fascinated by those who are predisposed to conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
You do know that there is a conspiracy theory ABOUT conspiracy theories! The term originated in 1870, and was not a pejorative term, it was a method for analyzing information in order to allow intelligence officers to head off espionage. Discovering and exposing conspiracy theories was an actual job, performed by the secret service. However, in 1964 "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report" after the assassination of JFK, became a priority for the CIA , and a report by that name was released in 1967. The Gist of the plan was to cover up what actually had happened to the president and why, by flooding the media and the popular press with false stories and misinformation about the assassination, that could them be debunked and demonized as ***Wacko conspiracy theories*** including the truth, there would then be a concerted effort to make ***Wacko conspiracy theories*** a derogatory term for any piece of leaked government information true or not, and to label anyone who tried to tell any inconvenient truth as a conspiracy NUT JOB. , It worked really well until in 1997 "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report" was made public under the 30 year rule, and the fact that the CIA had invented and corrupted the term ***Wacko conspiracy theory*** in order to successfully cover up their own incompetence in assassination of JFK became public knowledge. Which of course the CIA immediately ridiculed as a ***Wacko conspiracy theory***
Health care in 'Merka.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Give him 2 aspirin for his haddock Check for carp-al tunnel. syndrome Set him to have a long kip(per) in the riverbed Ask him to let Minnow whats wrong Cray for the piece of Cod almighty that passeth all understanding Check him for Salmon-ella Make sure he is not just squidding you Switch him on to de-caf-Fin-ated drinks Ask him if he needs a doctor or a Sturgeon Or if all else fails Mullet over for a while and then call a vet, and hope he just pulled a Mussel
As a follow up to my post about this homeless kitty: two weeks ago he wouldn't let me within 10 ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Wonderful, good job
Mortality rates worldwide.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Statistical death rates ignore three major factors, age of death and cause of death and in cases of less developed countries, demographic counting. On sheer numbers of deaths per year India and China come out top, but neither are particularly careful about population counts or accurate registering of deaths. In both the leading causes of death are old age and poverty. The USA a far more prosperous nation comes in third, with very accurate recording of deaths leading to the disturbing fact that the average age of death is much lower than else were and the three major causes of death are untreated poverty related health conditions, motor vehicle accidents and armed violence.
Watch out who you sleep with.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 6, 2023:
Yeah my first wife tried to convince me that I must caught genital warts off a public toilet seat and given them to her, even though mine didn't appear until after she was already having treatment for hers. Damn I was stoopid when I was young.
KICKED OFF THE BALLOT! Election Officials In 3 States are preparing to disqualify Donald Trump ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 6, 2023:
There is no argument about it At the height of the Jan 6th insurrection Dementia J Trump said How is the NOT *** “giving aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” ***
How sweet! I'm a sentimental fool.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 6, 2023:
Some one really did not think that one through did they boys and girls
CONTRONYM - Noun…a word with two opposite meanings; having two meanings which are contradictory...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 6, 2023:
While **overlooking** some examples of Contronyms, I realized I had been **overlooking** so many examples, such as those words **screened** on my computer by google that has been **screened** out of my though process as unsuitable. Such behavior cannot be **sanctioned** or approved of as acceptable, but must be **sanctioned** with suitable sanctions. Perhaps if had **rent** some examples out of my failing memory by force, I would not have to **rent** a new dictionary. I think therefore I shall go to the kitchen **dust** some strawberries with sugar, and then take sometime to **dust** the house, until all of the said dust has been removed Unless my legs **buckle** with the effort, because the **buckle** of my shoe is too tight
This male cat had been staying in some bushes in my back yard for over a month.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Good man, wish there were more like you
So THAT'S what happened!!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Reminds me of the old joke, that Noah was getting worried about all the animal droppings building up on the ark. So prays to gawd and asks "Lord, what doth thou want me to do with this multitude of shit" "And the Lord answered saying "Noah, sweepeth the multitude of crap over the right side of thy boat," And verily Noah did as the lord commanded, and swept all of the excrement over the right wing of his boat, and it came to pass that in 1492 Columbus did discover it again!
Hi, did anyone else report this blatantly anti-semitic post yet?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 5, 2023:
I finally had enough of this lunatic troll a couple of days ago and blocked him. I suggest everyone else do the same, he is just a ravenous attention seeking pillock.
Getting jumped by the shark:
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 4, 2023:
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Zoroaster also known as Zarathustra, was the inspiration for this famous piece of music by Strauss, via the book of philosophies of the same name by Nietzsche
"Up the bay"...Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, 9/1/2023
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Fundie bay Guantanamo
Prayer was never taken out of school.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
**Goosey Goosey Gander ** (1784) Folk song for children , taught during the puritan era, mandated in education by the C of E, refers to hunting and killing unconverted Catholics *Goosey goosey gander, Whither shall I wander?* *Upstairs and downstairs, And in my lady’s chamber.* *There I met an old man,* ***Who wouldn’t say his prayers,*** *** So I took him by his left leg, And threw him down the stair.***
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Read the Bill as passed before you embarrass yourself even further It can be found here
Sa·ty·ri·a·sis noun 1.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
In Greek mythology, a SATYR, also known as a silenus or silenos, and selini, is a male nature spirit with ears and a tail resembling those of a horse, as well as a permanent, exaggerated erection. Wikipedia
Ever had that happen? I have
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
what he sees
Lotta ways to take this
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Don't Let the Sun...Be Startin’ Somethin’...Dangerous...Father Figure
works both ways.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Wow even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Well done that man
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