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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet

Japanese food chain releases ad featuring naked Ronald McDonald with fries as pubic hair – ...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
The Japanese have a weird but wonderful sense of humour, I watch a lot of Japanese comedy when I can, they are perhaps the only culture who find lavatory humour as funny as we do in the UK.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@Rob48, @altschmerz That's one for my too watch list thanks
Got to share this funniest thing I have seen in years [agnostic.
Heraclitus comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Hmm, I wonder it this means that bugs hold up a boot to ward off vampires? :)
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 11, 2019:
Now there's a thought
Law School Applications Increase Upon Realization That Any Fucking Idiot Can Be Lawyer
Marionville comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I’m in the dark about the guy in the middle!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
I was thinking the one in the middles was James Robertson Justice
As a follow up to my earlier post here is my Analysis of the film Joker WARNING MAJOR MAJOR ...
GuyKeith comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I would love to reprint this at Ruthless. Of course, with full credit given and only with your permission.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@GuyKeith That's fine thanks
As a follow up to my earlier post here is my Analysis of the film Joker WARNING MAJOR MAJOR ...
GuyKeith comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I would love to reprint this at Ruthless. Of course, with full credit given and only with your permission.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Yes of course thank you.
[] Why Trump, facing impeachment,warns of civil war?
racocn8 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
We are already in the midst of Civil War 2.0. The GOP Evangelicals have been fighting it for a several decades in the form of the "Culture War". Progressives, being the mental giants that they are, only now start to catch on that the GOP Evangelicals are more than a political problem to be overtaken...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Sad but true
There is not such thing as reality
Charlene comments on Oct 9, 2019:
So, is your green color the same as my green?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
It does not matter if you both perceive the same things as being green.
There is not such thing as reality
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
So if I punch you on the nose it won't matter then?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@ToolGuy they still experience a shade of gray that they identify as probably green, this why we need tests to identify those who are colour blind, my brother was not diagnosed until his mid twenties. Physical reality is not subjective, things are real (matter and energy), unreal (imaginary), conceptual (in potentia) or abstract (symbolic)
There is not such thing as reality
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Please elaborate. What is this that we are experiencing?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts which means nothing if the common frame of reference exists, how we perceive reality neither confirms or denies it's existence but simply confirms we are all having experiences that are common to all and are able to be discussed using language.
There is not such thing as reality
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
So if I punch you on the nose it won't matter then?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@ToolGuy Perception on a personal basis is irelevent if there is a common frame of reference regarding a data packet or set of data packets existing with a common effect when unpacked or collapsed regardless of how it is perceived by individuals. For example we all call the colour of grass green, regardless of how your brain interprets the information obtained by your eyes for you as compared to how my brain interprets it for me.
There is not such thing as reality
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
So if I punch you on the nose it won't matter then?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@DonaldHRoberts Thereby proving that your contention of there not being any such thing as reality is not one that you believe in, since you are not willing to risk either your nose or the approaching fist being actual for fear of real pain and real damage.
Can this witless wonder get anymore stupid Donald Trump has said that he will not help the Kurds...
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Oh look Trump Towers are seen in Sisli district in Istanbul, Turkey on Dec. 11, 2015.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 10, 2019:
JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS! Don't you just love it when Christians spout, "Jesus died for your ...
skado comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Of *course* it's crap if you interpret it literally. But it wasn't "intended" that way. It's intended (consciously or otherwise) to be symbolic of certain very real psychological processes. Theists who are literalists (most) miss the perennial (universal) relationships in those stories. Atheists...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@Rob48 sorry yes my bad I was talking with Skado
JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS! Don't you just love it when Christians spout, "Jesus died for your ...
skado comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Of *course* it's crap if you interpret it literally. But it wasn't "intended" that way. It's intended (consciously or otherwise) to be symbolic of certain very real psychological processes. Theists who are literalists (most) miss the perennial (universal) relationships in those stories. Atheists...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@skado, @Fernapple "The writers of all world religions were illustrating the same psychological relationships and archetypes without conferring with each other on the matter." The writers were Bronze age ignorami who were simply passing on their own versions of much older pagan myths the idea that they were genius psychoanalytic teachers of doctrines that would not be formulated for hundreds of years after their time is frankly ridiculous. These people thought that demons lived in dirty water and that this was how they got in you body and caused sickness. Now people have insisted this showed a fore knowledge of germ theory, it did not otherwise they would have figured out boiling or filtering the water made it safe, rather than deciding praying over it would make the demons run away and then drinking it anyway and saying lack of faith was now causing the same sickness.
JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS! Don't you just love it when Christians spout, "Jesus died for your ...
skado comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Of *course* it's crap if you interpret it literally. But it wasn't "intended" that way. It's intended (consciously or otherwise) to be symbolic of certain very real psychological processes. Theists who are literalists (most) miss the perennial (universal) relationships in those stories. Atheists...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@skado JUst for the sake of clarity, when I say "take hold" in this context I mean that it did not start to be accepted and taught in theological circles, in children's Religious education and was not adopted by the mainstream churches ie. The Roman Catholic and Anglican churches until the 19th C. I am not saying the idea was not purported by others, just that it was not purported for long but was silenced by the removal of a tongue of the crackle of the flames. It is still taught that the creation stories are literal in Jewish educational establishments and Islamic ones as well as the more fundamentalist Xtain ones, where in all three an interpretive version is considered blasphemy, because in their teaching it was not the intent of "God" that be ever read as anything but divine truth. Spinoza was a Jew and even today is reviled by his fundamentalist fellows for his idea the the scriptures may be allegorical, in his own life time he was condemned as an atheist by both church and synagogue (the pope tried to excommunicated him in advance in case he ever recanted and accepted christ, so great was his sin)
JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS! Don't you just love it when Christians spout, "Jesus died for your ...
skado comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Of *course* it's crap if you interpret it literally. But it wasn't "intended" that way. It's intended (consciously or otherwise) to be symbolic of certain very real psychological processes. Theists who are literalists (most) miss the perennial (universal) relationships in those stories. Atheists...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@Rob48 Sorry but no, the whole, "it's a metaphor, it's symbolic" thing did not take hold till the 19th century. The Books of the bible were written to be taken seriously and literally and were for 18 hundred years. Even suggesting that the words of the bible could be reinterpreted could get you burned alive for heresy.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Joseph Smith was a true prophet of gawd, and definitely not a child marrying, perverted, polygamous, thief liar and conman
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@Rob48 No he pissed off an angel and the golden plates were taken back up to heaven, so Holy Jo had to finish of translating the Book of Mormon by putting a magic stone in his hat and reading the glowing letters off it. (I'm not making this shit up Mormons take this VERY seriously)
Ending ones own life is an Inalienable right, true or false?
bobwjr comments on Oct 8, 2019:
In case of terminal illness and not depression
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
As a lifelong sufferer of manic depression (or bi polar disorder as I am now informed I should refer to my condition) I feel I have the right to say fuck you and your opinions on what a person suffering depression should or should not be allowed to do, "No offense"
What is your favorite WTF holy bible passage?
CapriKious comments on Oct 7, 2019:
"Luke 19:27"
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
yes that whole story is F'ed up
The ramblings of a bumbling Prime Minister live to the people of London.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Second article on the above page is Arron (I spell my name wrong deliberately) Banks saying "I would rather put a gun against my Temple" Oh you tease Aaron, getting us all wound up with more false promises and you call channel 4 fake news
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 Billionaire lobbyist, businessman and co founder of the Brexit movement, who probably stands to make a fortune from the chaos that will ensue from a no deal Brexit
The Center of the Milky Way Exploded 3.
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Quite a few galaxies can be seen to be emitting these gigantic jets of radiation, presumed to be the reaction of the accretion disk to entering the event horizon or simply being spun up to relativistic velocities. As galaxies eat each other, on rare occasions, super-massive black holes collide, but ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
"From chaos, comes order" Friedrich Nietzsche (quoting the Latin Proverb *Ordo Ab Chao*)
My wife and I have been married 40+ years.
Heraclitus comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Not unusual for someone who fears for their health to want a blessing...just in case. Catholics who never go to church will sometimes want to have the Last Rites...just in case.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Were I a "lapsed" Catholic, the last thing I would want would be the last rites, because even if a was wrong, such an act condemn me to an eternity of a heaven filled with other catholics an alternate prospect that renders eternal perdition somewhat more attractive.
Leviticus 20:13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of ...
Allamanda comments on Oct 6, 2019:
I'd hope you've come across this different interpretation?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 6, 2019:
"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
@Admin, I wanted to share this post on Facebook but I don't have that option. Why not?
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Probably the word Holocaust, facebook's algorithms are worse than You Tubes.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@altschmerz Oh right, sorry I have not been on facebook in years.
My son took me to see Joker today as a birthday treat.
GuyKeith comments on Oct 5, 2019:
I have not seen this movie yet, but one of my writers reviewed it. Spoiler Alerts are marked. He loved it. I've read a little and this appears to be a very controversial movie. The comment section at Maryann Johanson's review is a war zone. She did ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
I think you may like it, the film is comparable to various classics such as King of comedy, Psycho and the original Halloween. As Stephen King is fond of saying there is a hair's breadth between comedy and horror, Phoenix dances on that line like a satanic clown in ballet pumps.
My son took me to see Joker today as a birthday treat.
273kelvin comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Not my type of thing but I noticed in the trailer a joke stolen from the late great UK comic Bob Monkhouse. "They all laughed when I said that I was going to be a comedian Well they`re not laughing now"
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
Yes the writers actually do pay a few tributes to Monkhouse in the film, such as the lead character studying and making notes on other comics and carrying a book around with him to jot down and record jokes as he thinks of them.
My son took me to see Joker today as a birthday treat.
sassygirl3869 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Is it a DC Comics film or independent? Jack Nicholson was the perfectly cast Joker.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
It is DC yes, but is not you typical comic book film at all.
My dad (whose an Atheist) grew up Catholic for 13 years and hated confession day as a child.
Rob48 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I loved the sin of "self-abuse", which is catholic speak for masturbation. Confession was an ordeal that no kid should have to endure. It would have been fun if once a year you got to hear the priest's confession. Oh what real sins would have been revealed!!!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@Triphid Yes I have heard stuff like this before and tragically suffering loving mormon couples who went to their wedding night completely ill prepared and in almost total ignorance. The Mormon attitude to women is despicable
It's Jesus that deserves the credit.
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 4, 2019:
76% of medical doctors report a belief in God.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
You do know that survey comes from 2005 and that most of the doctors interviewed worked for church sponsored or owned hospitals?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Given that he is running the most corrupt government in modern history, this is laughable. But then many people thought Hitler was just a funny guy in his early years.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
The odd thing is he seems to genuinely think he is not corrupt and that his behaviour is well within the bound of propriety. He even boasts about wrong doing and commits more during press interviews next to his helicopter.
It seems odd to me that so many of the presumably agnostic people who write posts on Agnostic.
JackPedigo comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I totally agree. There is ample evidence of his existence. The thing that is missing is his influence and many of the myths about him.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@JackPedigo "Agree to disagree," the last resort of the losing interlocutor 😊
It seems odd to me that so many of the presumably agnostic people who write posts on Agnostic.
silverotter11 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Personally I never thought Jesus never existed. I think there was an extraordinary person named Jesus Christ that probably engendered many of the stories of his exploits and like all tales passed down things can get exaggerated. Like being the son of God and a savior. Not unlike the hope placed ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@JackPedigo @silverotter11 Odd that you know that Christ is title but do not know that Jesus is also a title, the Latinisation of Yehoshu'a a common epithet for the promised Messiah, which in itself is the Hebrew version of Christ both meaning the "An anointed One" and that No one knows who the supposed Jesus of Nazareth was or what his real name was. So you contention that Jesus Christ should be actually Jesus The Christ is completely wrong , the correct term is Christ Jesus "An anointed one the anointed Messiah" Also why use the spanish plural of ignorado ignoradi and claim it as your own word when the word you actually want exists in English and is the **ignorati**
It seems odd to me that so many of the presumably agnostic people who write posts on Agnostic.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
No one has ever said "a certain first century itinerant rabbi from Nazareth did not exist" in fact we know at least nine of them did one of which was John The Baptist (lots of proof of his life and deeds but none for Jesus of Nazareth, probably because Nazareth was not built till 33 A.D.). What is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@JackPedigo Luke 4:23
It seems odd to me that so many of the presumably agnostic people who write posts on Agnostic.
JackPedigo comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I totally agree. There is ample evidence of his existence. The thing that is missing is his influence and many of the myths about him.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@JackPedigo OH come on you know you are being intellectually dishonest, the engravings you refer to and their associated writings are of several of the "Christs" or messiahs who abounded at the time and for whom we do have historical evidence for their existence John the baptist called Christ by his followers Simon Magus the samarian also known as the messiah or Christ Menander, for who Mandaeism is named the Ebionites Dositheus Nathanael the Samaritan If you are as qualified in history as you say YOU know this, or else are ill informed and are making a fool of yourself Also you know the one "Jesus" Paragraph in Josephus is a forgery added later and the other Jesus paragraphs refer to a completely different Jesus a contemporary of Josephus.
My father was excommunicated from the catholic church for having a vasectomy in defiance of the ...
larsatrg comments on Oct 4, 2019:
can you petition the catholic church to be excommunicated? i wish i would have thought of this as a kid. would've been fun.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
Dear Holy Father I was at birth, without my knowledge and against my later wishes baptised a member of the Roman Catholic Church. I have been informed it is impossible to resign from said church but that can be excommunicated, this being so, please forward to me under plain brown paper cover a list of appropriate sins that would enable such an excommunication to take place without rendering me liable for prosecution. Yours no longer faithfully A. Catholic esq.
My dad (whose an Atheist) grew up Catholic for 13 years and hated confession day as a child.
UUNJ comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Be sure to read the very last line.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
My dad (whose an Atheist) grew up Catholic for 13 years and hated confession day as a child.
Rob48 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I loved the sin of "self-abuse", which is catholic speak for masturbation. Confession was an ordeal that no kid should have to endure. It would have been fun if once a year you got to hear the priest's confession. Oh what real sins would have been revealed!!!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
High ranking Mormon like to refer to it by the charming epithet "Self Rape!"
When you have to self-label, do you describe yourself as an agnostic, skeptic, non-believer--or ...
ToakReon comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Mainly 'atheist'. Sometimes 'anti-theist'. Sometimes 'agnostic atheist'.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 4, 2019:
I am the same, in casual conversation an atheist, in religious discussion an anti-theist. Unless the conversation calls for it, most people have no idea what an anti-theist is, though it is how I label myself in my own mind.
One of my favorite historical (and mythical) figures: 🍷😎
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Vladislav Țepeș, AKA Vlad the Impaler, historical basis for Bram Stoker's character Count Dracula.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 3, 2019:
@bigpawbullets He certain knew how to stick to the point.
I have a confession, you can judge me for it (I do).
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Oh they love that one, most of them don't even know about the unforgivable sin and discovering it go in to a kind theological hard disc crash. I am reminded of that Nomand robot in star trek blowing self up because it can't cope with having made a mistake. ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 3, 2019:
@PadraicM Star Trek five is worth enduring the other 90 minutes for that one line.
Poor Bernie 2020 White House hopeful Bernie Sanders hospitalized after suffering chest pains ...
Rob48 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
The timing couldn't have been worse. :(
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 3, 2019:
@AnneWimsey fair enough, I in no way meant to say this was made up, I know it is not and I have had my share of family tragedy too. My "too convenient" snark was basically a dig at the conspiracy theorist who have all ready started seeing "murder most foul" around every corner. Sorry I was insensitive.
Poor Bernie 2020 White House hopeful Bernie Sanders hospitalized after suffering chest pains ...
Rob48 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
The timing couldn't have been worse. :(
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 3, 2019:
@AnneWimsey What is your problem Ann? Twice on this thread you have had a go at me for no reason, if you don't like my posts please feel free to block me, I hope you don't because I read a lot of your posts and comments and enjoy them, but I don't need such negativity sorry
Considered one of the top 10 movie ending lines.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 2, 2019:
"Convincing the world he doesn't exist"????? With televangelists Screaming about the devil 247/365, not to mention every ugly thing humans do to each other being "excused" because "the devil made me do it", aaannnnd, etc.....either the devil is incompetent at hiding, (damned incompeten!), or this ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I can't speak for "the usual suspects" I only saw it once years ago, but my mother often used a variation on this sentiment to try and convince me that the devil DID exist but wanted us to think he did not so he could tempt us unawares and "snare us in his web" without us even knowing he did it. It is the typical bullshit mental gymnastic of Christian apologists. Basically the idea is if you stop believing in the devil you will stop believing in god and then you will go to hell, so don't let the devil trick you in to thinking he does not exist. These days I prefer the later maxim Being an adult with an imaginary friend is stupid Being an adult with an imaginary enemy is insane.
In Christianity, we are told have to need God first and then we are told that God will fill the ...
Geoffrey51 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Who said that, then? Sure wasn’t Jeez!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 The poster maybe paraphrasing Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these. things shall be added unto you.
Some weird stuff I remember about being raised a Catholic: seeing my first statue of St.
DZhukovin comments on Sep 20, 2019:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your priest was a freaking fool. Who even says that shit?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@DZhukovin I was being a bit facetious I know, you are right, the main reason of course most professional religious people do this is money, when your living depends on the gullibility of others it must be a strong motivation to play the fool and perpetuate the myth
Poor Bernie 2020 White House hopeful Bernie Sanders hospitalized after suffering chest pains ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Poor Bernie your ass! Thinly disguised hostility is s Sooooo nasty......
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I am great admirer of Senator Sanders if my post came over in any way as sarcastic or disingenuous I apologize, I am genuinely concerned about one of the few politicians who I consider to be truly good people.
Poor Bernie 2020 White House hopeful Bernie Sanders hospitalized after suffering chest pains ...
Rob48 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
The timing couldn't have been worse. :(
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I thought that too, a little too convenient perhaps?
Robert Jeffress Goes All In on “Civil War” The evangelical pastor and Trump loyalist has had ...
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Jeffress didn’t actually call for or predict civil war. What he said was that impeachment would cause “a Civil War–like fracture in this nation from which this country will never heal.” Under normal, sane social conditions such a statement by an insignificant individual would go unnoticed, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Of course he does, self publicity has always been his stock in trade, if everyone had ignored his bluster from the start he might have had to get a proper job and learned to be a decent human being.
So I don't have any problem believing that there is no Santa Clause . . .
EdEarl comments on Oct 2, 2019:
It's not possible to either prove or disprove the existence of a god. It's reasonable to be a skeptic; it's agnosticism. Disbelief is atheism. Belief is religion. You are OK!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
when one can neither prove nor disprove the existence of something the default position is to assume until evidence shows otherwise that the thing in question in all probability does not exist or that if it does it is irrelevant. This stance has worked pretty well for "false" gods, faeries, pixies, unicorns, demons, evil spirits, the boogieman, Captain Kirk, Sherlock Holmes, the loch Ness monster and Mr. Burns.
Robert Jeffress Goes All In on “Civil War” The evangelical pastor and Trump loyalist has had ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 2, 2019:
"Can't read or either too stupid to understand" and yet he thinks we worship Moloch. What a dumbass.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
I have heard so many Christians misquote Mammon as Moloch it is ridiculous and yet they call us dumb No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, ... You cannot serve both God and Mammon. ‎Matthew 6:24 Mammon is the Canaanite devil the tempter with wealth and yes does demand human sacrifice but Moloch or rather Molech the Canaanite god of the dessert is mentioned only once in the bible “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Moloch” (2 Kings 23:10). A god who sacrifices his own son? Hmmm where I have I heard that before?
Robert Jeffress Goes All In on “Civil War” The evangelical pastor and Trump loyalist has had ...
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Jeffress didn’t actually call for or predict civil war. What he said was that impeachment would cause “a Civil War–like fracture in this nation from which this country will never heal.” Under normal, sane social conditions such a statement by an insignificant individual would go unnoticed, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
"If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, Sounds pretty much like a prophesy and a threat to me Bill
In Christianity, we are told have to need God first and then we are told that God will fill the ...
Geoffrey51 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Who said that, then? Sure wasn’t Jeez!
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
In Christianity, we are told have to need God first and then we are told that God will fill the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 2, 2019:
It is something we don't need. I just saw a sign - god is with you at all times. My first thought was he must really be bored, then, that fucker doesn't do shit, then there is no fucker to not to shit or to be bored.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
we are god's soap opera?
Charlene comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Drump welters in self pity..
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
More so at the moment than ever before, you know when he is sulking, because he claims he isn't and starts wanting to arrest and execute people. Thank goodness he is not as all powerful as he thought he would be or the USA would be existing like something out of John Carpenter movie.
LenHazell53 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
To welt as a verb means to beat (severely) hence the noun a welt a swelling, an abrasion or a lesion and a welter being a warrior as in welterweight. This is definitely a word worth researching more deeply.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@Marionville Certainly the violent movement and blood soaked definition maybe connected, the other definition may be a coincidental homonym, it will be interesting to research.
I think we are just another piece of the universe our energy never fades the shell holding it ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I always wonder where the energy went when the light bulb gets turned off. It just stops. Many of us need to think on that one.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@DenoPenno I agree totally, the idea of eternal life is a total nightmare, and to me always has been even when I was a believer. The idea, for me, that life ends is the only thing that makes it bearable.
I think we are just another piece of the universe our energy never fades the shell holding it ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I always wonder where the energy went when the light bulb gets turned off. It just stops. Many of us need to think on that one.
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 1, 2019:
No it doesn't it just bipasses the curciut and moves on elsewhere, the energy retained it the bulb is disbursed as heat and some small amount of sound.
1 Corinthians 7:29 (NRSV) - I mean, brothers and sisters, the appointed time has grown short; from ...
Heraclitus comments on Sep 30, 2019:
...and you are supposed to abandon your wife?
LenHazell53 replies on Oct 1, 2019:
No he was advocating being a swinger 😉
One of the most annoying things about Christians is their insistence that god takes care of ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Why would god change any of his plan just for her?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
Well according to the Mormons god keeps a tally of how much tithing you pay and if you are "honest" in your tithing you are entitled to "expect" miracles, but if you are dishonest god will have hurt feelings is less likely to help out when you need him, "after all would you want to help someone who stole off you." I'm not making this shit up, we had lessons on this and printed textbooks to read it out of.
Watching the "Life of Brian and the Quest for the Holy Grail" so I am learning the roots of ...
Remi comments on Sep 30, 2019:
She turned me into a newt!!
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
You got better though
26 famous artworks re-imagined with smiles and old age filters
AnonySchmoose comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Strange how in many portraits throughout the ages, the posers look extremely serious.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Smiling in pictures is actually a very recent phenomenon, it is why the Mona Lisa was for so long considered a unique piece.
26 famous artworks re-imagined with smiles and old age filters
AnonySchmoose comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Strange how in many portraits throughout the ages, the posers look extremely serious.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 30, 2019:
It was to hide the rotten teeth
Shared from fbuk:
silverotter11 comments on Sep 29, 2019:
I do try and keep that in mind sadly the political situation here in the U.S. causes me great unrest.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
Same in the UK. Historically the 1930's is remembered as the age of the dictators and people wonder how it happened. I am certain the 2010s will be recalled by future historian as the age of the idiot leaders and will wonder how he people could have been so foolish.
The Misogyny of Climate Deniers Why do right-wing men hate Greta Thunberg and Alexandria ...
WilliamFleming comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Could it just be that many people, both women and men, don’t agree with the fear-based screeching about climate? Instead of psychoanalyzing those with whom you disagree and attempting to demonize and stereotype them by the use of ominous labels, I would think that some calm and rational ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
Tell what Bill when your up to your neck in raw sewage and sea water and are still insisting it is all "fear-based screeching about climate" I pass you a towel. okay?
Billionaire Bishop Edir Macedo made daughters skip college so they wouldn’t be smarter than ...
Jolanta comments on Sep 29, 2019:
It is not going to help there as education doesn't equate with being smart, he has a lot to learn the tosser.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
BrianFinn comments on Sep 27, 2019:
The reaction from the girl in the aftermath, as published in the Washington Post: “I felt hurt and angry, but I also felt compassion for them because something must have happened to them and that’s why they bully,” the girl said.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
I am glad this is being taken seriously and as an assault. When my own incident (related above) was brought to the school authorities my father took me to see the head teacher , who basically said bullying was part of school life, I needed to toughen up and fight back and that my father risked raising a milksop if I went running to the authorities every time something *trivial* happened. Nothing ever came of it after that other than my Mother telling me I had embarrassed them and that if next time I did not fight back she would beat me. Things have changed for the better, but I would have found it difficult have been so forgiving as this fine young lady.
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Such good little christian boys....little fucks need their asses kicked!
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
@Fred_Snerd as the maxim has it "easier to pray for forgiveness after stealing a bike, than praying for a new bike and risking god saying no."
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
demifeministgal comments on Sep 27, 2019:
ughhh so because they didn't like how she looked... they thought it was acceptable to assault her?! who taught them that kind of shit was okay or acceptable?? Oh yea, probably their christian racist daddies... fckers ... this is racialized violence imo cuz I bet they wouldn't cut the hair of a ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
Quite possibly or even probably, but it is my experience that school children with a predisposition for bullying don't need to be encouraged to hate, they will bully anyone they see as weak, inferior, different or lesser and find it hilarious. The fat kid, the ginger, the short kid, the foreign kid, the one with natural curly hair, the one with glasses or a big nose, or sticky out ears etc etc
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
Benthoven comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I was just listening to an interview with Frank Schaeffer, son of Francis Schaeffer, one of the creators of the Evangelical movement, and he said that "Christian schools" were created as a result of integration. They were created because they didn't want to integrate. So what we're seeing now is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 29, 2019:
So still this "God made man in his own image" nonsense being interpreted as God a redneck caucasian man who likes dressing up in white bed sheets of a weekend, by redneck caucasian men who like dressing up in white bed sheets of a weekend.
This happened at the private "Christian" school where Mike Pence's wife teaches.
Dougl35534 comments on Sep 27, 2019:
But then Karen Pence also
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
Pence is a horrible man, who sees his own faults as moral virtues. One almost expects to see him dressed thus :
Bad things will find you, if you are not looking for good things!
Fernapple comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Very true if you do not go out seeking truth earnestly, with an open and sceptical mind, then religion for example waits lurking round every corner to grab you.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
I had not thought to look at it that way, in that specific circumstance you are quite right.
Did you know that almighty God is just as strong as a unicorn?
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I thought the unicorns missed the boarding of the ark!
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty was very popular in the early sixties
Did you know that almighty God is just as strong as a unicorn?
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 28, 2019:
I thought the unicorns missed the boarding of the ark!
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 28, 2019:
The Unicorn song Shel Silverstein A long time ago when the earth was green, and there was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen, They'd run around free while the earth was being born, But the loveliest of them all was the Unicorn. Chorus There were green alligators and long necked geese, Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees, Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, The loveliest of all was the Unicorn. Now God seen some sinning and it gave Him pain, And He says "Stand back, I'm going to make it rain." He says "Hey brother Noah, I'll tell you what to do, Build me a floating zoo. And take some of them... Chorus 2 Green alligators and long necked geese, Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees, Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, Don't you forget My Unicorn." Old Noah was there to answer the call, He finished up making the ark just as the rain started fallin. He marched in the animals two by two, And he called out as they went through, "Hey Lord, I got your..." Chorus 3 Green alligators and long necked geese, Some humpy-back camels and some chimpanzees, Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord I'm so forlorn, I just can't see no Unicorn." Then Noah looked out through the driving rain, Them Unicorns were hiding, playing silly games. Kicking and splashing while the rain was pouring, Oh them silly Unicorns. Chorus 4 There were green alligators and long necked geese, Some humpy-back camels and some chimpanzees, Noah cried "Close the door, cause the rain is pouring, And we just can't wait for no Unicorn." The ark started movin, it drifted with the tide. Them Unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried, And the waters came down and sort of floated them away, And that's why you'll never seen a Unicorn... to this very day. Chorus 5 You'll see green alligators and long necked geese, Some humpy-back camels and some chimpanzees, Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, You're never gonna see no Unicorn.
An exmo lawyer is suing the church for damages due to their lying in a class action suit.
Heraclitus comments on Sep 27, 2019:
Interesting, but it will hard to prove it was all intentional let alone collect damages. If so what other church will be next? The Catholic Church over the fraudulent Donation of Constantine...which most probably was intentional?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 27, 2019:
It might not be that hard to prove, the LDS are fanatical record keepers, the whole "stone in the hat" fiasco had been common knowledge for over a century, with the SCC excommunicating people for talking about it, insisting it was a lie and then five years ago admitting it was true all along in the gospel study essays when threatened with just such a lawsuit as the one mentioned above. From personal experience talking to a somalian missionary the church is suppressing the truth about the pre1978 attitude to black people by simply not teaching them about it, this is easy to prove as are many other of the LDS practices past and present.
The latest from Pindex []
altschmerz comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Good analysis! But I wonder, if they’re incompetent, how do CEOs get to be CEOs in the first place?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Inheritance, bribery, luck, chance, networking , family connections, freemasonry and the old doctrine of if you can't fire someone for incompetence, promote them out of harm's way. In my experience in business the people who start a business and take all the risks are rarely the ones who run it once it shows the potential for success, they either hire competent managers, or are bought out by them and given a fancy office, pretty secretary, well stocked drinks cabinet and high salary to keep their gob shut. Then are wheeled out occasionally as a prime example of the local guy or girl made good for publicity.
How do you get over the anger you feel at religion when you’re a new atheist?
Heraclitus comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@Heraclitus exactly, but perhaps there time is coming to a close
How do you get over the anger you feel at religion when you’re a new atheist?
Fernapple comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Take a holiday somewhere secular. UK is nice.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 26, 2019:
The UK is a partial theocracy, we appoint bishops to sit in the house of Lord to act as a Moral compass, if you think the UK is secular you are dreaming.
How do you get over the anger you feel at religion when you’re a new atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Being angry with the Tooth Fairy is pretty silly.......
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 26, 2019:
@AnneWimsey @thegabster I cannot ignore it when religion tries to legislate filth, is prejudice to the point of throwing people off buildings, makes half the human race subhuman, teaches bullcrap in schools and wants to go back to burning witches and heretics. IGNORE such evil at your peril, and wait for the midnight knock on your door, because if you ignore them long enough they WILL come for you and having been tacitly complicit you will deserve everything you get.
How do you get over the anger you feel at religion when you’re a new atheist?
Heraclitus comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 26, 2019:
only the sheep know not and even then it is because they have chosen not to notice, the rest of them know all too bloody well what they're doing and the bullshit they are pedaling and are willing to fleece the morons to the bone
oxymoron--figure of speech that juxtaposes things that are contradictory--such as "a good death"
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 26, 2019:
A good death is a paradox not an Oxymoron, this is because good can only be presupposed to be positive by definition and death is not normally presumed a positive outcome, therefore a good death is paradoxical but perfectly possible, but good is not necessarily in conflict with or opposite to death ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 26, 2019:
@altschmerz Yeah I liked that one too
A strange drawing found in Sinai could undermine our entire idea of Judaism - Israel News - ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 25, 2019:
That Yahweh originally has a wife has been know for quite some time! The Jews might forget it, but I don't think others will.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
Mormons reintroduced the idea of "Heavenly Mother" an idea that has helped propagate the cult among women.
Christian Preacher: I Might Treat My Haters to Dinner If They Didn’t Avoid Me | Hemant Mehta | ...
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Progressives make fun but this message resonates in the Southern states of the U.S.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@St-Sinner Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Filths savor but themselves. KING LEAR Act 4 Scene 2
Boy Scouts
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Hmm. I know that the Mormons were in control and gave it up after some upheaval. I don't know enough about who runs it now, but religion, as far as I know (my one son tried for a year) never seemed to be a factor. My experience was quite a while ago. But, to your question - I did let my son try, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
The Mormons never ran the scouts in the USA they had a working relationship with the scouts allowing them to use LDS facilities and in return the LDS Young men's and Young women's organisation had access to scout camps etc. When the Scouts conformed to the Law of the USA and refused to ban gays scouts and scout leaders the Mormons withdrew from the agreement on grounds that they wanted the religious freedom to hate and persecute gay people .
All hypocrites they are.
BDGriffith comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Funny because gay marriage or gay relationships are rarely mentioned in the bible almost like it wasn't one of their gods to priorities.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
I believe there are more verses about not shagging bulls and sheep than there are about homosexuality, a far more worrying proclivity.
The Prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful.
webspider555 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Perhaps he will appeal to the European Court of prime ministers rights
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@webspider555 Boris: Bluh, huh, yes, yes the is I founded it only this morning, blublubluh perfectly legitimate parliamentary practice, yes, now get to the back of the bus, ding ding, of we go, stuff and nonsense, wot wot, other generic eccentric English upper class platitudes, Jolly good were's my swan sandwich?"
The Prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Why then is this not Treason?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@Marionville in the words of Good Queen Victoria (quoting her predecessor Charles the I) , who the Johnson boy is distantly related to "Never apologise, Never explain"
The Prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 24, 2019:
So, this has opened the way for the Queen to demand his resignation from Parliament. He has lied to the Crown and got caught by the highest court in the land. As a PM, he cannot and should not stand. At best, he must resign with immediate effect - no waiting to come home from New York. At worse, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
Boris like Trumpty dumpty cares not a jot for rules or traditions, he sees himself as a populist dictator and entitled to make up his own ethics as he goes along. We live in the age of the entitles spoiled brat and BJ is the purest personification of exactly that.
The Prorogation of Parliament by Boris Johnson was unlawful.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Why then is this not Treason?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@Marionville Well judging from the fiasco this morning Bojo is trying to make the attorney General a Patsy, but Darth Cox is having none of it, and every other solicitor and barrister who hold a seat in the House of commons is rallying behind him. However despite the fact that it is generally agreed that any prime minister or even MINISTER would be honour bound to resign not only from cabinet but as an MP under such circumstances Blowhole Jo is hanging in there, and though currently skulking golem like in No10 he is expected to bluster his way in the house this afternoon.
Heroes!!!! On Monday, Greta Thunberg and 15 other young people filed a potentially world-changing ...
St-Sinner comments on Sep 23, 2019:
**STOP THIS FREAK SHOW** Where are these immediate challenges on the priority list? Are they even urgent? 1. High infant mortality 2. Common diseases in the 3rd world - like malaria 3. Starvation 4. Child slavery 5. Extreme poverty 6. Violence against children and women Do we even know...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 23, 2019:
If climate change is not dealt with urgently, the other crisis you mention will be irelevent because we will all be dead in short you are an idiot.
Is everything material?
Grecio comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Sam Harris explains that our brains play our lives before us (kinda like a movie on a screen), giving us the impression that we are alive. Perhaps this is because of some inherited gene or adaptation such as the mistical "mirror gene". Apparently mankind is the only animal that is aware that it is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 23, 2019:
@Grecio Having studied and practiced meditation since the age of 13 I can do that and for far longer than a minute. Personally having read a number of his books I find Sam Harris to be a sensationalist and very derivative, the so called "Mirror Gene" you speak of is only an expansion on Lacan's Mirror stage theory, without the part where it can be applied to animals too, since both they and children can become self aware when a familiar figure appears in the mirror too, allowing them to deduce what a reflection is. It has been proven many times that many species other than man are aware of their own existence and of mortality, orca's, dolphins, Bonobo chimps, elephants, dogs and cats for example, most prominently however in rats who have been proven not only to be sentient, but to have a sense of humour and be one of the few other species apart from ourselves who laugh.
Can you not foresee the onslaught of discrimination against Agnostics and Atheists that will occur ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Funny enough the last time I looked Race, Sex, Age, and Disability were not a choice Belief in a holy book and and an invisible deity IS a choice and so should not be subject to the same protections as natural states of affairs such as Race, Sex, Age, and Disability? If it is so what is to stop...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 23, 2019:
@FrayedBear Yup several times over
Is everything material?
Grecio comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Sam Harris explains that our brains play our lives before us (kinda like a movie on a screen), giving us the impression that we are alive. Perhaps this is because of some inherited gene or adaptation such as the mistical "mirror gene". Apparently mankind is the only animal that is aware that it is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 22, 2019:
Which horse told you that?
I can relate to this word.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 22, 2019:
It is a made up word of indeterminate origin the first recorded use of which in Novemeber 2014 on a tweet linked to a reddit post saved by "Lisa Miller" via "Laura Frantz, Author" It is made up of the phonetic European pronunciation of the Latin Veri meaning Truth, Feste mean a feast or ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 22, 2019:
the best I can come up with for a word that would actually mean to wander the woods seeking mystery would in old english be silviaquaeroambulation
My partner says that my labeling religious people "delusional" (which has mental health ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I think it's called being human. The evolution of religion is that it rewards believers and nature rewards adaptive behavior for a reason. A good read on this subject is *"A Mind of its Own: How Your Mind Distorts and Deceives"* by psychologist Cordelia Fine. Her term for this behavior is our ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
@VictoriaNotes I have been an admirer of James Randy for more years than I can recall, since I saw him publicly debunk Uri Geller back in the 70's, a great and truly good man.
My partner says that my labeling religious people "delusional" (which has mental health ...
callmedubious comments on Sep 20, 2019:
how about--just plain fcking dumb.
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
@HarrySlick In some ways yes, the bulk of his work was in alchemy and Hermetic magic, the physics stuff was only a side line and comprised only a little over 5% of his legacy. Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom are not synonymous, few people have all three some have two if they are lucky. However it has often been wise for the intelligent person to play the game of religion and escape the ministrations of the church rather than declare their truth and burn for it in this world rather than in a Hell they know not to exist.
My partner says that my labeling religious people "delusional" (which has mental health ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I think it's called being human. The evolution of religion is that it rewards believers and nature rewards adaptive behavior for a reason. A good read on this subject is *"A Mind of its Own: How Your Mind Distorts and Deceives"* by psychologist Cordelia Fine. Her term for this behavior is our ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
People will always cling to the comforting lie if the choice is an unpalatable truth
Some weird stuff I remember about being raised a Catholic: seeing my first statue of St.
Redheadedgammy comments on Sep 20, 2019:
This isn't a best Catholic recollection but after reading about your experiences with the church it made me think, mostly because some of the things you were exposed to were so weird, about something that happened to my mother. My parents were not religious. My mother was raised in a Catholic ...
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
It is like that Bastard Cardinal Pell claiming he was unaware that sex with a twelve year old was illegal, and that's because in the Vatican the age of consent IS 12, it is the lowest in the civilised world.
Some weird stuff I remember about being raised a Catholic: seeing my first statue of St.
DZhukovin comments on Sep 20, 2019:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your priest was a freaking fool. Who even says that shit?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
Priests, Pastors, Ministers, Vicars, curates, cannons, deacons and Bishops, to name but a few.
If you met Yahweh, what is the most important question you would ask him?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Did you think that was funny you fucking cunt!?
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 21, 2019:
@Castlepaloma That's the question I would ask and it would probably be yelled in the fat fuck's face while a platoon of angels held me back.
Tinhorn “Tinhorn” referred to an unscrupulous, unskilled, self-important or low-class ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 20, 2019:
So a variation on "Tinpot"
LenHazell53 replies on Sep 20, 2019:
@Marionville Ever read this, Raymond Briggs take on the Falklands war


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