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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet

You couldn’t make this up.
Xanadutoo comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Ten MP's have held sixty million people to ransom we had no chance of a good deal,we had to go in weak.If we had another referendum and there was even more brexiteers we would be in an even worse negotiating position.All the MP's need to vote for a deal or we leave with no deal and perhaps a ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@Marionville Cameron was idiot enough to think a referendum would be a resounding remain victory, when it wasn't it scared the fucking shit out of him and he headed for the hills. That was the moment to say that the government would take the result under consideration, suddenly "Discover" the lies, criminality and dishonesty and postpone acting on the result while investigations went on, two years later they declare the referendum null and void and promise another referendum at some unspecified point in the future when it could be policed properly, and then let it fizzle out.
You couldn’t make this up.
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2019:
It;s not all bad. She also hinted at calling a general election.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@Marionville The one good thing that might come out of the fiasco is the end of the old two party system, we might end up with two new parties, but the amount of people I have spoken to who claim either they will never vote again, or will never vote for the two main parties again is enormous.
You couldn’t make this up.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 30, 2019:
They all know it is finished, they know the only way out of the mess is to cancel Brexit. BUT they cry that denies the will of the 17 million who voted to leave, stupidly forgetting that the country actually has 70 million people living in it 53 million of who did not vote at all or voted against ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 30, 2019:
@Marionville We won't, unless the government really is suicidal, industry and commerce will not let us do that, come the deadline May and co will say we have to cancel brexit indefinitely until we have a workable plan to go back to the EU with at some appropriate juncture, in the fullness of time, when circumstance permit. We are NOT cancelling Brexit, simply making a strategic delay FORCED on us by Brussels, but we WILL leave, when the time is right. And the whole mess will fester their for 20 years and then be forgotten about when all the old farts who thought Brexit meant England for the English, have died.
Ever wonder what happened to this society?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 29, 2019:
It is a commentary that today even if you want to help, you dare not. 1 The "victim" may be playing possum, jump up attack you and rob you. 2 You may be blamed for the state of the victim 3 The victim may sue you for anything from malpractice, negligence and pain and suffering to rape, groping...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@ToolGuy Can you legislate for a duty of care on unconnected individuals?
Hi I`m a new member to the group but have watched this show from the very beginning.
slydr68 comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I picked up in 2005...I had a hard time getting into the older ones, and then when I wanted to watch, I couldn't find them to stream. What do you mean about the "grandfather" part???
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 29, 2019:
@Doraz When was that? EDIT just checked, it was an unconsummated engagement not a marriage
Hi I`m a new member to the group but have watched this show from the very beginning.
slydr68 comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I picked up in 2005...I had a hard time getting into the older ones, and then when I wanted to watch, I couldn't find them to stream. What do you mean about the "grandfather" part???
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 29, 2019:
In the earliest episode the Doctor was accompanied by his granddaughter Susan and two of her school teachers from the Cole Hill School where later the Capaldi Doctor worked as a caretaker and Clara was a teacher. It is now Cannon that the Doctor has been married three time, River Song, Elizabeth the First and One of Susan's parent's mother (Unless of course Susan is Rory and Amy's daughter rescued at some future point.)
Thought we all needed something funny to cheer us up during this tense Brexit.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 28, 2019:
She is wonderful, few people are so genuine living their lives rather than just existing.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 28, 2019:
@Marionville She claims her proudest achievement was winning the british Porn award for sexiest voice ever for the voice over she did for the sexy rabbit on the Cadburys Caramel adverts back in the 1980s
Thought we all needed something funny to cheer us up during this tense Brexit.
Flettie comments on Mar 28, 2019:
She's fabulous. Like a female Brian Blessed ?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 28, 2019:
"a female Brian Blessed " Wonderful and spot on.
A man can have many qualities but the truth is in this present time of complex living, if he does ...
Savage comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Fucking rubbish. If you're looking for a golddigger then money is a concern, but if you're looking for love, it means nothing.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 28, 2019:
This dick has already posted else where that he does not believe in love. sad, sad little man.
Damn Catholics.
Pedrohbds comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I used to be catholic and I never had or heard about this tradition, It is probably a local tradition than a general religious one.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 28, 2019:
Are you kidding? Since Vatican 2 it has no longer been a Hell worthy sin, but is still a world wide tradition and observed all over the world. My late writing partner was a long lapsed RC, but even he made sure to eat fish on a Friday at least once.
The Mueller reprise
Fancy1001 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Mueller concluded there was no collusion, why is that so hard for people to accept?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 27, 2019:
why is that so hard for people to accept? Trump tower meetings with russians, trump tower moscow lies, Trump junior admitting to undeclared russian loans, trump taking russians in to the oval office privately, secret meetings with putin, suppression of translations of secret meetings with putin, members of trump campaign arrested and sentenced for lying about connections and collusion with Russia. That;s just a fraction of it, have you actually paid any attention at all?
The Mueller reprise
Fancy1001 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Mueller concluded there was no collusion, why is that so hard for people to accept?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 27, 2019:
We don't know that we only have Barrs word for it, and Trump has already been shouting exonerated, when one of the few things we do know is that the report does say he HAS NOT been exonerated.
True words of wisdom
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Mar 27, 2019:
No religion should be telling anyone what they can eat or drink.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@Lilac-Jade Me neither really, went along with it for my wife's sake, when I left they tried to get her to divorce me, she followed me out instead
Paula White: the pastor who helps Trump hear 'what God has to say' | US news | The Guardian
JackPedigo comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Why is it that the evangelicals of today have forgotten the 7 deadly sins. Greed is definitely one of them. Maybe they are in doubt about immortality and want to grab as much as they can while still here.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 27, 2019:
@jerry99 hey they are more like guide lines, it is not as if they are written in stone... oh right yeah, forget I spoke
True words of wisdom
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Mar 27, 2019:
No religion should be telling anyone what they can eat or drink.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 27, 2019:
Thing is of course in the D&C it still says “not by way of commandment.” , it was just advice until 1921 when Heber J Grant made it a requirement for baptism, ordination and temple recommend.
Here is a joke told to me by an Irish LDS missionary in front of his Utah based "companion" who I ...
FloydA comments on Mar 26, 2019:
One problem that Noah faced after the ark landed was that all of the animals traveled away to their new homes and started reproducing, except the snakes. They just sat there and slithered around. Noah poured out wine, hoping that the snakes would get drunk and "frisky" from the alcohol. No ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
good one
We have all heard people say there's evil in the world.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Evil is an odd abstract concept, often misinterpreted by association with false synonyms. It is not the opposite of good as that would be bad It is not the absence of good that would be self negating, without good for comparison there is no frame of reference to judge. Evil as an abstract concept...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
@Tomm Good and bad are very subjective terms, something can be good under one set of circumstance and bad under another, something can be both good and bad at the same time, such as killing in defence of an innocent, it depends on the morality of the observer. True evil as a binary, rather than direct opposite or absence of good, must have all the same qualities as good, but with different intent. An evil act must be without any redeeming quality, be performed with the intent of being evil for the sake of being evil Be without hope of reward Must not be enjoyed or have any positive outcome or repercussion whatsoever But must actively and negatively impact on the environment in which it is performed and facilitate further evil by example. Given this set of circumstances it would be very hard to actually be truly evil, rather than bad, sadistic, cruel or wicked.
Here is a joke told to me by an Irish LDS missionary in front of his Utah based "companion" who I ...
Cast1es comments on Mar 26, 2019:
That would make this very fertile land .
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
That reminds me of the joke about the redneck and his wife, walking through Beverly hills with a trolly full of horse dung, "M'Nooor, fresh M'noor" he yelled out. "Dollar a bucket!" One well to do lady rushed out and confronted the wife, "Please," she cried, could ask your husband to not use that word, perhaps he might call out 'Fertilizer' instead?" The redneck wife looked her in the eye and said "Listen dearie, it's taken me ten years to tone him down to shouting Manure!"
Here is a joke told to me by an Irish LDS missionary in front of his Utah based "companion" who I ...
EricJones comments on Mar 26, 2019:
That is GOOD. But Columbus can go suck eggs, the vikings found it first.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Hey never let facts get in the way of a good story lol
Just a movie quote that seems appropriate at the moment from Network 1973 Howard Beale: Am I ...
towkneed comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Love Network
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
One of the best films ever made, Peter Finch was never better
We read a lot of commentary about how hard it is to be an atheist in the Bible Belt but being a ...
Renickulous comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Yeah China is actually fascist, they openly oppress the religious.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
they openly oppress everyone, they just especially se the danger of religion and its power to organise idiots in to an army willing to die pointlessly.
Ridiculous parts of the bible
Marionville comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Presumably he created it in the first place!
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
If we are supposed to be made in the image of God, doesn't that mean god craps too? Or is that just something he dumped on us for shits and giggles?
My all time most puzzling aspect of Christianity.
Biosteelman comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Heaven isn't about your wants and desires. Since we are all gods children we are all family. Maybe they are there in your heaven but at the same time they are in their hell. Stop caring about murders, rapists, and the fat guy. Make Heaven Great Again?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Here is a joke told to me by an Irish LDS missionary in front of his Utah based "companion" who I ...
Kynlei comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I'm American and that's hilarious.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Utah Mormons genuine think they are god's chosen people and the the USA is where the garden of eden was. Insulting America to them is like pissing on a portrait of Mohammed to a muslim.
I ran out in February..
confidentrealm comments on Mar 25, 2019:
What's a fuck?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Well if it looks like a fuck and walks like a fuck... it is fucking probably a fucking fuck
Todays GOP..
Bungaloebob comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I'm HALF Gay...does THAT make me LOVED??? HM...then again O'BAMA is half Black...and they don't like HIM.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 26, 2019:
Probably no comfort but amusing, my father often referred to bi people including my wife, as *"part time poofters"* In time she brought him around to the point he says if she (my wife who he adores) is one (a bi person) they can't be all that bad after all.
Just joined the ex-Mormon agnostic group on the new social media platform mewe.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I hate mewe but I'm there.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
looks funny with a cat being your avatar to say you hate to mew What is your user name there?
Usernames.... How did you choose your username for agnostic and what's the story behind it.... ?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 25, 2019:
There was a Japanese superhero in the 1960's and 70s called Cutie Honey by Manga Legenend Go Nagai, she had a short lived side kick called Cutiebaby, I was obviously over thinking and over geeking your name. Mine is just my name
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@Merseyman1 My late writing partner lived there for the last years of his life and worked in Hiroshima, he introduced me to the culture and I was hooked.
‘Duck Dynasty’ star fantasizes about the rape and murder of an atheist family | Michael Stone
LimitedLight comments on Mar 25, 2019:
This is from 3 years and 1 day ago.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
He was on TV less than a month ago claiming Universal Health care is an insult to god, and takes people away from faith so should be banned.
I've been watching American Gods on Showtime.
Pedrohbds comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I have to watch the new season, but the first one was amazing! The book is really awesome but the adaptation was very good. Substituting the media by the tech guy as the most powerful new god was right on spot. Also translating the images on the book to the screen was no easy job. Also there is ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
Good Omens is a collaboration between Gaimam and Terry Pratchett (more so the latter) great novel
Is it time Yet?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2019:
The big irony right now is that so many on social media are discussing how the NZ shooting is all fake and did not happen. I think they all went to Trump University and believe Alex Jones.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@DenoPenno An endless source of amusement
Once when I was going through a hard time, I told a friend (we were in an adult Sunday School class)...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Jesus had a bad weekend then went to paradise. STFU!
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
Unless you are Mormon, in which case he went to America for a three day long weekend
Once when I was going through a hard time, I told a friend (we were in an adult Sunday School class)...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
What a silly bitch.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@freeofgod Very true
Intumescent ADJECTIVE (of a coating or sealant) swelling up when heated, thus protecting the ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Sounds like something that might be used on an engine block.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
ONly if you wanted to completely knacker your engine
Once when I was going through a hard time, I told a friend (we were in an adult Sunday School class)...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
What a silly bitch.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@Closeted Perhaps the reason you could not get to the closet was that she was so deeply in the closet she was talking to Mr. Tumnus?
I've been hearing this word with regard to the Mueller Investigation.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
You're fine, certain words become "Trendy" for a time, since fulsome is being used in regard to Trump is an ideal word since it can have three or more meanings both positive and negative all of which apply to the PG in chief. Fulsome= Fat Blustering or given to being overly Verbacious Obsequious...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 25, 2019:
@FrayedBear None of them it is called Folsom prison "a Palaeo-Indian culture of Central and North America"
A Father's love Biblical style Genesis 19:8 "Look, I have two daughters, virgins both of them.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
That same story turns up twice in the OT, in one he hands over his daughters in the other other it is his concubine who is literally raped to death and cut in to twelve pieces. And we give this book to children to give them a good moral basis.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
The other story is in Judges 19 22-30
Apatheist one who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not ...
SiouxcitySue comments on Mar 24, 2019:
New word: plumbeous - resembling or containing lead adjective. (as in what passes for Trump's brain). In a sentence: The clouds were the same plumbeous color as the eyes of her love.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@SiouxcitySue Sorry, if you go back to the main page of the group "uncommon words ", by clicking at the top of this page, you may start a new thread to discuss the word plumbeous, rather than do it in this thread which is preliminarily for the word Apatheist . You'll get more answers that way.
Apatheist one who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not ...
SiouxcitySue comments on Mar 24, 2019:
New word: plumbeous - resembling or containing lead adjective. (as in what passes for Trump's brain). In a sentence: The clouds were the same plumbeous color as the eyes of her love.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
Good word, better put up in the main uncommon words room to start a new thread
Apatheist one who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not ...
SiouxcitySue comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Just one question, is it pronounced ah-pay-thiest or ah-pah-thiest or app-atheist. Where is the accent?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@SiouxcitySue yes I think so at the same level as in Atheist
Apatheist one who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not ...
SiouxcitySue comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Just one question, is it pronounced ah-pay-thiest or ah-pah-thiest or app-atheist. Where is the accent?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
I presume apa-theist as in apathetic
Night Witches: The Soviets' All-Female World War II Flying Squadron
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Why is this not a film?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
Thanks guys
Is it time Yet?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2019:
The big irony right now is that so many on social media are discussing how the NZ shooting is all fake and did not happen. I think they all went to Trump University and believe Alex Jones.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@DenoPenno Of course, Alex Jone is a clone of Trump meant to prepare his path as the antichrist of the Lizard people, who want to re terraform the earth to fit with their physiology by using "real" global warming as opposed to the mythical one propagated by the muslim terrorist, left wing nazi fake new news media conglomerate run by the Rockerfella banking corporation in conjusction with the Nazi's on the moon and the world wide network of moloch worshiping elders of Neo-Zionist transexual agendered extradimentional grey aagathan people who want nothing more than to take away your guns and turn you all in to queerosexual genderfluid tree hugging liberal vegans. The truth is simple if you just wake up, open your eyes and LOOK. Oh and by the way beware of the gay frogs!
Is it time Yet?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 23, 2019:
The big irony right now is that so many on social media are discussing how the NZ shooting is all fake and did not happen. I think they all went to Trump University and believe Alex Jones.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@Charlene Well of course THEY would have you say that ?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I spent a good portion of my working life managing a firm that sold and installed intumescent fire retardent paint.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@Marionville not really pretty, boring actually
I am far from an t-shirt so I bought this one!
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Thank goodness Scientology is real. It's even got "science" right there in the name. /s
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
Xenu be with you, and also with you
I am far from an t-shirt so I bought this one!
EllieUnique comments on Mar 24, 2019:
It should have also Stop Racism and Stop Wars
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 24, 2019:
Since racism and war usually stem from religion, I think rooting out the cause might imply destroying visible symptoms. ✌✌✌
Aside from the obvious similarities between organized crime and organized religion, and the churches...
Looking4-Others comments on Mar 23, 2019:
It always made me wonder about why all of those old gangster movies included religion as their other aspect of their lives.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 23, 2019:
Religion makes a gangster human and not a monster, because you whack a guy and go to church and pray for forgiveness, but look after your old mom and dad like it says in the bible and you're all right by god capish?. God's a wise guy, he done his fair share of whacking too just read the bible, sometimes you got to save a soul by puttin' a bullet in its head. An eye for an eye, unless it's Chicargo then its a corpse for an eye and a burned down joint with everyone nailed up inside for a corpse, you get me sweetheart?!
Reunion By Len Hazell "What am, I doing here?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 23, 2019:
why was my comment deleted exactly? The first guy is abusive, so I was just stating a fact. :s
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 23, 2019:
Just checked, you never commented on this story, it was on the other one and it is still there
Reunion By Len Hazell "What am, I doing here?
Mermaidfantasy comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Fun story, nice twist.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 23, 2019:
Who was that masked man By Len Hazell “You are cordially invited?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 22, 2019:
this guy comes across as an abuser... perhaps a TW for domestic violence themes next time around? >.>
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 23, 2019:
# FOR OTHER READERS THIS REPLY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE ABOVE Sorry @defeminist but that is storytelling. I do understand where you are coming from, I was a victim of domestic abuse for five years, my first wife was physically, mentally and emotionally abusive, and since there is little to no support for male victims of spousal violence I had to get out of it by my own wits. However I do not feel, nor ever could feel that that gives me the right to dictate to others, what can and cannot be written about, fictionalised or used creatively without being obliged to put up warning posters in advance. The husband in this tale was an asshole she flattened him for being so, it was a minor plot point to take the protagonist out of the abusive situation by her own strength and to assert her independence, to place trigger warnings on a dramatic story would involve misleading the reader as to the main theme and giving spoilers. Everything from Snow White to Barbara Cartland contains something that will trigger someone in this day and age Conflict and drama are what make a story, always have, if you want "safe" i suggest you don't read fiction, or documentary non fiction.
Another nice red head for those collectors out there
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I love mature women.?????
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 22, 2019:
Me to ?
Another nice red head for those collectors out there
freedom41 comments on Mar 22, 2019:
She's a very brave woman to get vagina pierced. I guess she plans not to have any children.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 22, 2019:
To be honest I had not noticed the ring until @nogod pointed it out
The blind leading the deaf
Charlene comments on Mar 21, 2019:
The Rethuglicans have become the party of fear and loathing.They are the antithesis of what makes this country inspiring.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 21, 2019:
Every politician learns very early on that democracy cannot be controlled and made to work for governmental good without a huge dose of public fear, moral outrage and panic. Left to itself democracy breeds only indifference.
In response to the suggestion that the local state parliament cease to say the Lord's Prayer each ...
tipi comments on Mar 21, 2019:
In my humble opinion, Pantheism and Panarchy could best pacify all the human Tribes. With Reason, not illusion, let's support a Pantheism humanist and terraprotectivist, reconciling and moderate. Humans can be in the same time Gods and Servants, Emperors and Proletarians, and They have to protect ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 21, 2019:
Well yes but what about the sausage?
A touch of body paint.
MojoDave comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Another one!
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 20, 2019:
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Pyrrhic does not mean foot, it means fiery or flame ridden as in Pyramid (fire within the center). The Greek for for foot is Podi or pusi as Oedipus (swollen foot) Pyrrhus actually means flame coloured indicating flame red hair, his reckless way of fighting wars is the root of the English term Hot...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 20, 2019:
@Marionville thanks for bringing up this remarkable word and the lesser known secondary meaning ?
And i hate math tho???
Cutiebeauty comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Huh? But one plus one DOES equal five!
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 20, 2019:
A guy is sitting quietly reading his paper when his dog bounds into the living room and plonks a ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 20, 2019:
As a kid, living in farm country, we had a big tom cat who would visit in the evenings, have a meal and accept attention, then walk to the door await being let out. Then off he would go on his nightly romps (just for a side note, when grown i never had outdoor animals, nor my kids). Often the cat ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 20, 2019:
I would not have buried it, I would have given it a partial cremation and then eaten the evidence.
Do you have free will?
Amisja comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I show my students a video where an individual pricks their finger on a pin. Neurotransmitters have already activated and started to move muscles before the brain sends out pain transmitters. No free will is an illusion
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@Diagoras because a physical or mental reaction that is involuntary is defined as being instinctive, you know an action or reaction is a result of freewill because it is NOT instinctive. The very fact that we can recognise one as not being the other marks them as different.
Do you have free will?
Amisja comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I show my students a video where an individual pricks their finger on a pin. Neurotransmitters have already activated and started to move muscles before the brain sends out pain transmitters. No free will is an illusion
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
You are confusing free will with instinctive behaviour perhaps?
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 19, 2019:
@Marionville The sound and meaning of oxter bring to mind a weird image. Could the armpits be used for hanging on to ox horns? As transportation?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@Marionville Comes from Axel, meaning a rotation or free turning joint, the latin was also commonly applied to a wing of a bird and from there to all shoulder of hip joints.
Cat women three
Merseyman1 comments on Mar 18, 2019:
The good old days! All natural: you got what you saw.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
and it was worth having
?? Serving up whatever you desire... Anybody want a drink?
mischl comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Here's a photo from a bar I've been trying to find...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@Bungaloebob I can't see her ass, must be looking from the wrong angle
Enjoying the view with her morning coffee.
FlippantLlama comments on Mar 19, 2019:
She's lovely - all that pale skin and red hair. I like the body suit too - reminds me of the blond form Crocodile Dundee. You know, the one with the thong in the back?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 19, 2019:
She was Paul Hogan's then wife, after they got divorced she stopped making films and not considers herself retired.
Career / vocational training wise - what would you do differently today than what you did?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I'd have taken my degree at 18 instead of at thirty five, and I would followed my dreams earlier instead of listening to my parents and wasting years of my life in the civil service.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@travelerx2 I wanted to make a career in performing arts, I got there in the end, part time but wasted a lot of time before hand. Thanks for asking.
When guys shave their beards.. This is how I react...
bobwjr comments on Mar 18, 2019:
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@bobwjr ME TOO
He's one of it's all good!
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 18, 2019:
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@Charlene what do you mean "anymore" if they had ever had any morals or ethics they would not be where they are
Christian Host Bryan Fischer Defends New Zealand Terror Attack As ‘Vigilante Justice’ ...
brentan comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Some Christians have seriously lost their way. They don't understand their own scriptures anymore, such as 'my (Christ's) kingdom is no part of this world', 'be in the world but no part of it' and 'be in subjection to the secular authorities'. They have a gospel that frees them from political ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 18, 2019:
@brentan You have completely missed my point Just to clarify teaching a person to think critically and objectively leads to a freedom of thought and the ability to judge based on facts and evidence. Teaching someone that they Should or Must think in a certain way or be wrong in the eyes of their peers regardless of evidence or reality is brainwashing. Yes I do have a black and white outlook where facts and evidence are concerned, that which is knowingly propagated as fact or reality that is **not** is a lie, no ifs or buts. Black is black, white is white, and a lie is a lie. This is why we have hypothesis and theories, not shades of grey. By the way cannot respect the sweeping generalisation that the entire French Philosophical movement is made up of "very ignorant, albeit it very intellectual conclusions" Such an opinion will I am sure allow readers of this thread to make up their own mind about the worth of your own intellectual capacity for reaching valid conclusions.
Christian Host Bryan Fischer Defends New Zealand Terror Attack As ‘Vigilante Justice’ ...
brentan comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Some Christians have seriously lost their way. They don't understand their own scriptures anymore, such as 'my (Christ's) kingdom is no part of this world', 'be in the world but no part of it' and 'be in subjection to the secular authorities'. They have a gospel that frees them from political ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
@brentan Any institution that tells you how you should think, rather than simply encourages you to think, is dispicable in my opinion.
When your girl is mad and doesn't want to be kissed, but you kiss her anyway. ?
Rustee comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Holey crap, why would anyone want to kiss that nasty beastie?? (Or allow that nastiness?)
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
and why would the dog want to be kissed BY it.
When you don't speak Dutch... ????
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 17, 2019:
It is reminisant of the maxim that if a German offers you a gift don't take it, gift is the German word for poison
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
@Marcel3405 Geschenk is the german word for a gift Gift is the german word for poison, toxin or venom
Make or Break
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 17, 2019:
"Sometimes a cigar is just s cigar." ~ Sigmund Freud While your 13 year old is correct, it seems an innocent enough activity. My motto is, "All things in moderation, including excess." I find it one of the many delightful things about you. I'm sure you were "good" when you were with ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
@WilliamCharles “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
? I just like her shirt... Carry on...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 17, 2019:
"Cute AF?" Air Force?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
@Storm1752 Cute as fornication
Atheist Experience....
thinkr comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Who said it?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 17, 2019:
Matt Dillahunty
Caroline Munro, Imogen Hassall and Valerie Leon British B Movie sex bombs of the 1970s
nogod comments on Mar 16, 2019:
wonderful, but lmogen Hassall is breathtaking.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
Caroline Munro is still working today, her lambs Navy rum advertising rum posters still sell for a lot of money, especially when signed. Interestingly Both Imogen and Valerie made mostly comedy films, Caroline was snapped up by Hammer and made her name in fantasy and horror.
The sexiest women...100 years ago!
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
There were nudes back then...I have some on my other computer...they just weren't common....
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
They were, the second person ever photographed was a barmaid persuaded to pose topless (the first was a man having his shoes shined.
Ha! Every damn time...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Been there done that
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
@Petter Very true, I played William Corder in "Murder in the red Barn" in my twenties, a real chewing up the scenery role, mostly acted like James Finlayson on crack.
Caroline Munro, Imogen Hassall and Valerie Leon British B Movie sex bombs of the 1970s
JustRyanAgain comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Really like the 1st pic.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
Imogen Hassall "The countess of cleavage" as she was affectionately known, she died tragically young in 1980, from an overdose of pain killers after losing a second child to cot death.
Here's a simple question: Can an atheist consider himself or herself spiritually based?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Depends totally on your definition of spirituality.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
@Tomm You're welcome and welcome to use anything I have said that may be of use to you. Words like spiritual and soul do carry a lot of baggage and connotation, sometimes you can redefine the word but it takes a lot of time and the godbotherers will always lay claim to "their" words even though often they stole them in the first place and have already redefined by them from elsewhere. I find it easier as a rule to find an alternate word, what you call soul, as you define it, I recognise as what Aristotle called the essential essence of a person; to him the soul was the life essence or power source of life, spirit was the the cumulative outcome of all your experience and essential essences is what today we would call your genetic predisposition that lays the foundation for your personality and physicality.
Ha! Every damn time...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Been there done that
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 16, 2019:
@Donotbelieve No I'm a retired actor who in time has had to deal with overacting understudies determined to make their mark in their rare chance to shine. When you've been opposite an understudy who stretches the the word "bleed" to sixteen syllables while playing Shylock in what he believes to the eponymous role in the merchant of Venice it is enough to make you cringe and swear off Shakespeare for life
Konga was a huge Orang-utan who had been in a Welsh Zoo for much of he life, well fed and exercised ...
Rustee comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Oh, I love this!! (but I have to protest that not all 'gingers' look like orangutans! my matched set of 6'3" gingers DO look like Vikings, however, lol!)
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 15, 2019:
Very true, but walk around Glasgow city centre on a Friday night and you'll see where I'm coming from ?
Atheist school days..
Bungaloebob comments on Mar 15, 2019:
i'm curious...WHY are they drawing the pentacle...UPSIDEDOWN?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 15, 2019:
It was a silly myth put about by the Hermetic order of the golden dawn in the late 19th century that an inverted pentacle ceases to be the sign of the sacred feminine and instead becomes the emblem of the Goat of Mendes or the Sigil of Baphomet. It is bollocks if for no other reason than the portrait of Baphomet drawn by archmage Eliphas Levi in 1854 that is even today taken as the symbol of the church of Satan has the Pentagram (not pentacle) on it's forehead the other way up.
Another in comments ⬇️
FIREmedic comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Needs more light
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 15, 2019:
Now here, that is a good pic ?
Here's a simple question: Can an atheist consider himself or herself spiritually based?
LiterateHiker comments on Mar 14, 2019:
This question is asked often on Again: Yes. Hiking is an uplifting, transcendent experience for me. Mountains are my sanctuary. A few Christians argued with my use of the word, "transcendent." They claimed "transcendent" refer to their god. I can use any words I want to ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 15, 2019:
"transcendent" has no actual religious meaning at all, it is one of those words hijacked by the church and claimed for their own, to be transcendent is just to have climbed over or surmounted, past participle of the verb to transcend, which no one associates with religion at all.
Charlene comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Kinda like a shalaile?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 15, 2019:
you beat me to it, that was my first thought too.
Do we know if Socrates was a historical character or a literary device used by Plato?
jerry99 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Was Plato a historical character or just a literary device used by Socrates?
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
No, we do know for certain Plato/Aristocles existed from the accounts of the life of Philip of Macedonia and Alexander (or more correctly al-Iskandar) the great.
? would you put a ring on it? It's an oldie but one of my favorites.. How do you like her?
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Hate nudes with no faces, utterly dehumanises the model, the most seductive part of a person is their smile
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty I understand that, it just seems to me that people who do crop faces out of picture are not interested in people, only in "usable" genitals or don't want others seeing how uncomfortable the model is in being asked or persuaded to pose nude. Reducing people to commodities is the ultimate in disrespect. The other alternative is that they are showing off a picture of someone without their permission, another despicable act.
This is going to be how I manage the store today
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
You know since it was proven by Capaldi's doctor that he can choose his own face, why did they not simply cast Alex Kingston as the doctor? I think she would have been brilliant.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Closeted Years ago the BBC had a staff writer named Chris Boucher, he was nicknamed "The Hitman" because if you saw his name on an episode of a BBC series a main character was going to die, if you saw his name on a series finale EVERYONE WAS GOING TO DIE and the show runner was going to be sacked. He is long since retired but I keep praying to see his name announced for the last episode of series 12
“Old Yeller” - 1957. ??
TeddyBear2311 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I loved this book and it's sequel, "Savage Sam".
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
There is a second sequel too, can't remember the title off hand
This is going to be how I manage the store today
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
You know since it was proven by Capaldi's doctor that he can choose his own face, why did they not simply cast Alex Kingston as the doctor? I think she would have been brilliant.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Closeted He had better than Whittaker, I think Chibs just stuck his head out of the window and shouted at anyone with boobs and / or a sun tan "Hey wanna write me a script?"'s disgusting..
Infoguy211 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I'm beginning to think "freedom" to a large percentage of Caucasians is really "White Supremacy"
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
Sad but true, and not just in the USA, every country in the world has a problem with racism, or religious prejudice, or other hatred of the divergent from the local norm. This fear based hate is how priest and tyrants have held on to power throughout history. At this time in human history it is pathetic that so many of us are still monkeys sitting trees throwing rocks at the moon and telling the cheesy bastard to fuck off.
Domnic Nicky Ikhille said it best in the comments of the BBC News article about the Facebook outage,...
JustRyanAgain comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I didn't even know that Facebook was down, because I refuse to use it.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
Same here it made the BBC news this morning, that was the first I heard of it.
This must be the time of the greatest number of political agnostics throughout history.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I'll be interested to see if the vote tonight makes illegal a no deal brexit. If it does, that basically ties the hands of the government, they are faced with asking/pleading for a March 29th extension from the EU, if they refuse then the ONLY choice is to withdraw the application to leave. Exit ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
Apparently now that Parliament HAS voted against the no deal scenario, the wicked witch of westminster has decided the vote has no legally binding effect and she will do what she likes anyway.
This is going to be how I manage the store today
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
You know since it was proven by Capaldi's doctor that he can choose his own face, why did they not simply cast Alex Kingston as the doctor? I think she would have been brilliant.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Closeted, @slydr68 Maybe, but they could have said it was to remind him of the lessons she taught, or to honour her or something. Or like when Colin Baker took over as the Doctor they never even mentioned he had the same face as Time Lord officer Commander Maxil
This is going to be how I manage the store today
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
You know since it was proven by Capaldi's doctor that he can choose his own face, why did they not simply cast Alex Kingston as the doctor? I think she would have been brilliant.
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Closeted Sue Perkins was my second choice to replace Stephen Fry as host of QI, she is a truly remarkable person, fortunately I got my first choice for that so, yeah make Sue the doctor, she would be awesome.
This is logic everyone and it should be prevailing but chances are that someone will be offended by ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
What about Don't like your children being shot in their schools by lunatics with readily and legally available firearms? or Don't like being mugged, burgaled or otherwise robbed by drug addicted junkies desperate for cash for a fix? Sometimes the "rights" of others have to be withdrawn or ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@48thRonin Well since you refuse to answer the initial points raise earlier in the thread and prefere Blowhardery to honesty, I'll reserve my solutions for some one capable of rational discussion. Cheerio old fruit.
This is logic everyone and it should be prevailing but chances are that someone will be offended by ...
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
What about Don't like your children being shot in their schools by lunatics with readily and legally available firearms? or Don't like being mugged, burgaled or otherwise robbed by drug addicted junkies desperate for cash for a fix? Sometimes the "rights" of others have to be withdrawn or ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@48thRonin You DO have the right not to be in a car wreck, that is why we have book loads of laws and regulations relating to automobile safety and operator competence. You don't just have the right to buy and operate a car, you have to be tested first, trained and qualified. If you cause a car wreck, the first thing that is checked is do you have the competence to drive a car? Have you passed a test, are you intoxicated, were you being negligent, are you insured the list goes on and on. You will then be investigated and prosecuted and possibly be prevented from ever driving again. As far as false equivalencies go this one is a real pearl. The BIG difference however, is that a car's primary intent and raison d'etre is to transport people safely, it is not to kill things! Carry on you are getting funnier by the post.
Just looking for some opinions. At what point and for what reason does Erotica become Pornography?
mischl comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I like reading and writing erotica. I can't get my head to accurately differentiate between erotica and pornographic writing. In my simple-minded perspective, if it arouses me and/or I enjoy reading it, then it's okay. If it only uses human characters and their genitals for senseless or silly acts, ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 14, 2019:
Thanks that is helpful
Just looking for some opinions. At what point and for what reason does Erotica become Pornography?
resserts comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I don't see the two as mutually exclusive. I think a lot of people hear "pornography" and assume it's hardcore, and they hear "erotica" and assume it's romance with a hint of sexuality. From the American Oxford Dictionary: **erotica** literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire. ...
LenHazell53 replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@resserts Well, takes some comfort from the fact that few people ever read her books twice, that charity shopped are filled with so many copies that they can't pay people to take them away and that there will be no permanent damage to the literary canon. However perhaps those tempted in to reading for the first time by her twaddle, will in time keep up the habit and discover her for what she is, A Hack.


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